Monday, August 29, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Bulletin - August 29


Resting easy ,,, sort of, kind of.

The feeds were blocked for the veto meeting as per the custom. I guess they don't want us to know how many retakes it takes to shoot it.

Based on conversations, it's expected that Michael will save Brittany and Turner will put up Kyle as the renom (and new house target). However, I am waiting for confirmation that he's on the block before I post this.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh my. Yes, Kyle was the renom against Taylor. BUT Terrence is suggesting to Monte that they might be best keeping Kyle to "let him grow." Argh. Monte isn't overly receptive to the idea.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Monday Dawn - August 29


Violent teeth brushing can't erase
the words once said.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Karma Kats:

  • Once again, the feeds were blocked more than they were not blocked.
  • And, I swear, every time things got juicy, cameras switched or the feeds got cut!
  • The lowdown is Kyle is exposed.
  • But that's not all that happened.
  • First, there was Michael's movies prize from the veto. 
  • Shown in the HOH, he could invite three people.
  • He chose Taylor, Turner and Alyssa.
  • No, not his best bud, Brittany.
  • I'm not sure if that's what later set off her emotions or just all the Kyle happenings of the day.
  • But, after the movie when everyone (except Kyle) was chowing down on all the excess movie snacks, she suddenly was in tears and walked away from the kitchen.
  • And we got yet another extended blocked feeds time.
  • They had the feeds blocked during the movie time, as they usually do.
  • I don't know what movie it was. Taylor was saying how good it was. But they ALWAYS say the movie is good when they are shown one!
  • Okay, to Kyle ...
  • Now he might now how alienated Taylor felt in the beginning when so few people even would talk to her.
  • The "form a white alliance to take down the POC who are sure to gang up against the white people even though they are targeting each other and several can't get along at all" story has been told to everyone.
  • Terrance has turned his back on him.
  • Alyssa has dumped him.
  • Turner is in shock and has said he feels he has to nominate Kyle when Michael takes a nominee down with the veto.
  • At one point Kyle tried frantically to get into the Diary Room and got an intercom message that it wasn't available right now.
  • Just after he got the message, Taylor came strolling out of the adjacent storage room nonchalantly munching on a bag of Lay's chips.
  • The timing was perfect!
  • Everybody except Kyle hung out in the yard, snacking, enjoying the hot tub, playing pool and talking.
  • Kyle violently brushed his teeth for a long time, then went to bed.
  • The veto meeting is later today.
  • Anyone paying attention to the live feeds should expect no surprises.
  • No matter which person comes down, Kyle will be the renom and should end up going to jury on Thursday. 

How can she smile and talk at the same time?

No more lovey-dovey with Kyle

When you come at the king, you best not miss.

Not the HOH he expected!

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp and Nominations Show Blog Party - August 28


Tonight's show is scheduled a half-hour late here on the East Coast due to sports. Grr. I'm preparing this post ahead of time. Football ran over, but I'm not sure how much over. So, the show will probably be starting later than 8:30PM EDT. This post will go up at 8:25PM EDT anyway and we'll wait!

The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Finally ... at 8:40PM EDT, the show starts. Previously On. You know the drill.

Okay, the final eight were reunited. Will there be war? Who will be HOH? Who will be nominated? Inside they were expecting Alyssa to be gone and she's still there. Turner is happy Jasmine is gone. Kyle is wondering what will happen because he betrayed the Leftovers. Taylor is in tears because Joseph is gone. She really cared about him.

Dyre Fest tells the others the horrors they went through outside. Yes, it was like a punishment. Alyssa tells us that the After Party (yard alliance) decided to blame Joseph for his own demise in the game. Turner likes everybody and feels aligned with all, but will go with the blame Joseph game.

Terrance is planning on not revealing that he knows anything about the Kyle lies to Michael and Brittany. Michael is skeptical. 

Time for the HOH comp! Smallest music fest in the world. Stacking micro-energy drinks into a pyramid of color rows with tweezers. We've seen this comp before. It seems to be taking forever as everybody's stacks are falling. Kyle is coming real close and POOF. Monte and Turner are doing well.


Monte is still concerned about what might have happened at Dyre Fest and what Turner will do.

Turner doesn't know what he'll do. But Terrance is thrilled. Kyle is glad the winner was someone from the After Party.

Michael is thinking Terrance and Alyssa have to go on the block as they are the only non-Leftovers. Turner tells us he will lie to Michael and Brittany and tell them they were safe. And, he does. Taylor tells Turner that Joseph was the first one to come to her when she was so alone in the beginning of the game.

Alyssa feels safe. Kyle feels safe. Terrance feels safe. Turner tells us he needs to prioritize what's best for his own game. He thinks he needs a final two deal with Kyle. Turner suggests to Kyle that he could take out Alyssa so he won't have to. Nonono! Kyle does not want that! Turner has little faith in either Terrance or Alyssa going up against the biggest competitors (Michael, Monte?) in the house.

Taylor is getting red flags over the Dyre Fest people. She knows Joseph wouldn't do what they're saying and their stories seem too pat. The inside Leftovers are all worried about what happened in the yard. Turner tells Monte that Joseph told him that Brittany, Michael and Taylor had an alliance within their alliance. Now Turner realizes that Monte is someone he can work with and that he and Kyle are at the bottom of the Leftovers anyway.

Neither Kyle nor Alyssa know anything about European countries. That doesn't surprise me. Kyle thinks it's geometry, not geography. @@

Because of what Turner told him, Monte is now aboard the Kyle train. Argh. I don't like that. He suggests voting Michael out in a backdoor with Brittany and Taylor on the block. He thinks chances are that neither woman will win the veto.

Now Turner is against the Leftovers once again.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Turner first nominates Taylor, then Brittany. Love as people but Joseph said they were in a final three and he wasn't included.

He's drawn the line in the sand. Taylor cries. She couldn't believe Joseph would hurt her. Michael is sure it's a backdoor plan for him. The narrator tells us the POV comp will be slip and slide.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Sunday Noontime - August 28


Fruity delicious!

Here's a brief report on the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Topsy Turvy:

  • Before he won the veto, Michael had a big talk with the cameras (us) in anger.
  • Anger at Turner? Not so much.
  • It was more aimed at Kyle.
  • He swore that Kyle doesn't know who he was messing with and, if he (Michael) goes down, he will take Kyle with him.
  • Now, I'm not sure WHO he will be saving with the veto. He told Taylor he would save her. But he also told Brittany he was telling Taylor he would save her.
  • So, I don't really know for sure. I would think he would save Brittany as she has been his main ally all along.
  • But he has started the warpath on Kyle.
  • He told Monte and Taylor about Kyle's white alliance plans. However, that was not on the live feeds.
  • But telling Alyssa about it was on the feeds with Brittany there, too.
  • He says it goes "beyond the game.
  • He put it much more gently than I would.

  • Now, I'm far from an Alyssa fan.
  • BUT ... she said she would never want to be a part of Kyle's plan.
  • Will it be enough for her to vote him out if Michael can convince Turner to renom Kyle?
  • Michael still has to go to Turner about it.
  • I don't think Turner would take too well to Kyle's thinking.
  • I guess we'll see.
  • It would be nice if Kyle could go up and out.
  • Just a reminder -- tonight's show is scheduled a half-hour later on the East Coast.

Telling Alyssa about Kyle's "white alliance" plans

I want no part of that!

Needs to do what's best for his game

Allies, but you must think of your own game, too

Getting some exposure, eh?

Should he be considered a threat?

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, POV - August 27


I'm happy not to be her mother

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wayward Warthogs:

  • As you know from my last update, Turner nominated Brittany and Taylor with a backdoor plan of Michael.
  • Yes, as a show fan, that kind of sucks.
  • But I can see it being the right move for Turner's game.
  • He was on the bottom rung as a Leftover.
  • I don't think he's all that much higher as an After Party. But he doesn't have as much real comp competition.
  • I realized that Turner snores. Not as loudly as Terrance, but I wouldn't want him staying on my couch!
  • Nothing much happened until they blocked the live feeds for the veto players picks.
  • Kyle is not playing. Good. I don't like him. Maybe things will change and he would truly be backdoored -- put up as a renom with no chance to play for veto.
  • Terrance is also not playing. He will be hosting the comp.
  • Michael is certain that a backdoor is in the works for him. He's studying the days and comps.
  • They chose the veto players late and I think it will be a late comp.
  • I'm writing the bulk of this non-bulky report early-ish. But it's past 7:30PM EDT here and the feeds aren't blocked for the comp yet. It's often over by this time.
  • Brittany is discussing places to Hide a Veto with Michael in case that's the veto comp.
  • At 8:30PM EDT, the BB voice announced: "Wakey wakey, time to get up for the day." 
  • Um. Okay.
  • It's been reprimanding them for napping.
  • Still no comp start at 8:45PM EDT.
  • At 8:49PM EDT, the feeds cut away to the theme music and "We'll be right back" screen.
  • Until it goes to adoptable animals, I can't say the comp has started.
  • 8:56PM EDT the feeds return. Comp has not started.
  • Eventually they will have the comp and eventually I'll update this and hit send.
  • Finally to adoptable animals at 10:32PM EDT. BB called Terrance to the Diary Room about ten minutes before, probably for costume and host speech prep.
  • Now I can watch a movie, then return to see if the feeds have come back.
  • I do this all for you, you know.
  • 12:20AM EDT ... feeds still blocked.
  • 1:30AM EDT -- the feeds return.
  • It was a slip/slide fill the container type comp.
  • Michael won the Power of Veto.
  • I really think he needed to win it, too.
  • The veto meeting will be Monday.
  • Until then, it's Taylor and Brittany on the block although Michael did tell Taylor if he won veto, he would save her.
  • I guess we'll see ... 

Exciting stuff like chowing down happened today

And shaving! A thrill a minute!

Michael going over the days and comps to himself

Looking glum

He looked happier harassing Jasmine.