Thursday, April 24, 2008

Survivor Micronesia 4/24 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

In the Survivor auction, Jason is off to Exile Island again -- there is a new idol hidden there.

Sure enough, Jason found the new idol. But the women have a plan to blindside him.

Erik won immunity.

The blindside plan worked. Jason didn't use the idol and was voted out.

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning

So, it's the bromance alone in the house. Now, if it were a true bromance, not just two immature dudes full of themselves, it might be more interesting. Here are the highlights of last night's happenings after the end of the live show:
  • They sat around and walked around stunned.
  • They had champagne.
  • Ryan repeated his "never trust a stripper, let alone a Penthouse Pet" line like he thought it should be trademarked to him.
  • Ryan mimicked Sheila's plea to stay in the house. Adam joined in mocking Sheila.
  • Adam thanked BB while looking in the camera. The camera nodded.
  • Ryan told Adam that he couldn't figure him out the whole game.
  • Adam told Ryan he wanted him around to be a smoking buddy. Then he said keeping Ryan was due to Sheila.
  • They congratulated themselves for playing so well.
  • They talked about how Sheila was campaigning all the time but had no gameplay in her.
  • Then they got into trashing Sheila hardcore.
  • Ryan thinks Julie Chen has a crush on him. @@
  • Adam is mad that Sharon threw the Glass Houses comp.
  • There was a Diary Room audio leak in which Ryan angrily just about demanded the show give them cigarettes.
  • They continued bashing the others from the house.
Oh, this is gonna be such fun until Sunday!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol 4/23 Results Show East Coast Update

David Archuleta is safe.
David Cook is safe.
Brooke White is SAFE? How could that be?
Syesha Mercado is bottom two. How could that be?
Jason Castro is safe.
Carly Smithson is bottom two. (She was good last night, too!)

Carly Smithson is going home tonight.

Big Brother 9 4/23 Live Eviction, Final HOH Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive typos and feel free to join in on the comments!

Julie is wearing a yellow sweater and black slacks. The three remaining HG are working at the HOH. Sheila won't drop out willingly. She says it's cold. Now she's crying about Adam saving her, hated him and now best friend. Ryan says by Adam doing his dirty work there's no blood on his hands. Julie mentioned that Ryan and Adam dealed to save Sharon.

An hour before the last eviction, it's Adam going to Ryan for a deal to keep Sheila. He knows keeping Sheila is best for him. Ryan wants to stay with evicting Sheila. Adam convinces him that Sheila will choke and it will be easier for them to win. Ryan and Adam shake on keeping Sheila. Sheila cries. and cries some more. She wants it to be Adam and her at the end.

Back to Up the Creek. Adam is sure the guys have it all over Sheila in the comp. Ryan and Adam taunt her, Ryan says that was the plan. Sheila thinks about her son and won't give up. She thinks she has hypothermia and is losing it, there she goes into the pond. She doesn't want to be sick for the next comp, she says.

Ryan tells Adam to throw it and he has Adam's back. Adam lets go. Ryan wins the first part. Adam says Sheila thinks he's with her, Ryan thinks he's with him ... and he doesn't care as long as he's in the final two!

Time for round two -- Adam against Sheila. Adam wants to win. They will play separately, called to the backyard one at a time. Human guinea pig wheel, maze, ten balls representing HOH. The mzae is on the wheel and, as Adam says, "it has to be done in a speedy manner." Sheila says it's a fricken nightmare. She's not having an easy time of it while Adam is doing his stint with a plan.

Sheila is getting dizzy, falling all over the place. Adam is done. Sheila is done. But, of course, they're done separately. Sheila took 33 minutes, 26 seconds. Adam took 14 minutes and 55 seconds. Adam moves onto the next round facing Ryan.

Sheila tells Adam she has to accept her "fates." Adam apologizes to her and tells her he'll do the best he can to win. She tells him she trusts him. Then Ryan shows up. They start their secret handshake. Ryan says Adam proved his loyalty to him yesterday and now won today. Adam said he will win the hlf-million. Now Ryan is thinking he might stand a better chance with Sheila at the end.

Julie talks to them. How does Sheila feel to be at the mercy of the guys? Scary, nervous, helpless, hopes someone wants to take her to the end. Now she's feeling the love for Adam.

Jury votes? Ryan is about a 3 on the win scale, Jen, won money, won luxury. Sheila feels a 4 after rambling. Adam goes with a five. He mentions that Sheila buttered everyone up before they left the house.

Jury house -- Joshuah is Matt's boy (and girl) in the house. Natalie says Matt usually gets up and leaves. Natalie thinks he's mean. She doesn't know what she feels for him. Natalie thinks she wants to get out where people like her. Joshuah speaks up for her. Everyone else is nice and she voted against them. She does NOT look happy. Now Sharon is in. James looks sick. Team Matty is notorious according to Matt. Sheila is a one trick pony cry says Matt.Chelsia ntocie that Adam and Ryan worked together on getting Sharon out.

The winner of the third part will evict someone on the spot. Ryan and Adam are ready. How well did you get to know the jury members? HowMost points at end of six questions wins.

Matt said "The hg I wish I was nicer to was Natalie or James. Both Right, Nat.

Chelsia sais the moment she most expects to read about, Gave up a half million for a shomance or told everyone out the door. Both got it wrong (half mill)

Joshuah says He or Sharon is most deserving to win. Myself, he says. Ryan got it right.

James said "I think what will happen between me and Chelsia, bike around world or sink. Sink, both right.

Natalie said best showmance me//Mattie, JHames/Chelsia ... James/Chelsia. Both wrong.

Sharon said biggest lie I told back cause me to fall in glass house, never told a lie. Her back. Both wrong. RYAN wins final HOH.

Ryan said, "I knew it" when he heard Sharon threw that comp.

Julie gives Adam and Sheila a chance to plead their case. Adam, part of the plan, bro to the end, do the right thing. Sheila cries, trusted me, carried through, will change her life, almost hysterical. So grateful and happy if he picks her.

Ryan chooses to evict.. both are deserving for different, Adam's gamelplay mor deserving, votes to evict Sheila. She cries even more.

Adam thinks Ry had a great speech. Ryan says he did it by gameplay. They do the handshake.

Sheila looks devastated. She thought Adam would win and take her to the end. She had his back, thought she played a really good game. Julie mentions she's a single mom walking out with no money, any lessons learned? Toughest thing she ever did in her life. She cries a lot more. I'm not seeing tears, though. Are you?

Julie tells her she should be proud. She was older. Sheila says it was a blessing, being in the final three, just wanted to win for her son, his birthday is coming, in shock. Julie keeps prying her, going to make her cry more. NO TEARS.

Goodbye messages, Ryan nice. Adam thinks he'll miss her, sorry if he made the wrong decision. Sheila says she will keep in touch with Adam.

Julie calls it a bromance and they agree. Adam said it's huge that Ryan did it all for him. Season finale is Sunday at 8 PM.

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Into Tuesday Evening

Well, this is it. It's the final three and, gosh, they're boring. I wrote a full review of the show for TV Squad, but I'm not sure when it will go live.

Here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of The Excitement's All Gone:
  • Sheila told Adam she'd campaign for him in the jury house. She doesn't seem to know that the last evicted usually doesn't make it to the jury house.
  • They sat around rehashing and trashing all of the other houseguests.
  • Sheila said she never was a part of Team Christ. Ryan and Adam think she was. Didn't they even know their own team?
  • Whatever they did in Part 2 -- Sheila took 14 minutes and Adam took 3, so it wasn't even close.
  • Adam thinks Sheila will go to a local hotel, not sequester.
  • Adam told Sheila that he can't even let Ryan have a thought that he'd take her with him to the final two or Ryan would smoke him. Hmmm ... will he or won't he?
  • Adam assured Ryan once again that he'll take him to the final two if he wins. Will he or won't he? Hmmm...
  • Adam kept doing things to make the BB voice yell at him.
  • Sheila says it's the most stress she's had in her life being in the house.
  • She also said the DR wanted her to campaign, but she doesn't see what good it would do.
  • She seems resigned to third place.
  • But I think Adam may still be a wild card if he wins HOH.