Sunday, September 10, 2017

BB19: HoH, Nominations, Comicbook Show Blog Party - Sept. 10

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

As expected, we're starting off with a recap. 

We get to see the aftermath of Jason going. Paul is putting on an act. Alex and Josh are both totally shaken. Paul comes up with a plan to fake fight with Josh to prove they're not working together. Josh is reluctant because it only puts Paul in a good light. Josh cries some more.

We find out that Josh voted to evict Kevin because that's what Alex wanted. He's tired of all the "blood on his hands" and none on Paul's. 

Josh cries some more after Raven leaves. Alex tries to console him and get him to get himself together.

Paul's latest scheme is to have Kevin throw the next HoH comp because they're giving it to Christmas. Of course, they want Josh to win it but Christmas is easier for Kevin to stomach. Josh doesn't want to win and take another shot at Alex. He just can't do it, he says. 

Josh notices that Christmas won't listen to him about Paul. But will he react? Christmas thinks Josh is going rogue and she's scared. 

BB Comics Week starts! The Revengers trailer. It stars previous hamsters from other seasons. The HoH comp is based on questions about the trailer.

Josh wins and both Kevin and Alex are confused. Paul gloats. 

Josh hints that he'd like to go after Paul. But will he have the nerve?

Time for the nominations ceremony. Josh nominates Kevin, then Alex. Says Kevin floated. Alex, beast and bad-ass competitor.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 10, 2017

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, this is my weekly off television topic post taking a look at the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This weekly post is done year in, year out. Big Brother, the main draw for so many of you, only lasts about three months -- although sometimes it seems to be a lifetime. If you're here solely for the BB posts, please feel free to skip this post. You can find my latest BB19 posts by using this link.

My apologies for not posting last Sunday. I've been under the weather and under severe stress at my workplace. Between that and all of the turmoil of having to filter hate on the BB19 blog posts, I'm wiped. I never understand it when people get so hung up on that show that they have to either love or hate cast members with little leeway for just realizing that the actions of the cast have no effect on their own lives. I see Dingo at Hamsterwatch is pretty much in the same state of mind as I am. But she pretty much does the site for a living. If I had to live off the pennies from my blogging the past few seasons I wouldn't be living. I remember when it used to cover the rent all summer when I got actually paid to write.


At least I'm on my latest staycation this week. I really need it. I wasted most of yesterday napping. Well, I wouldn't call it wasted. It felt good! I'm actually a bit refreshed today!

My thoughts and prayers go out to those being affected by Hurricane Irma. I have relatives and friends living there. Please be safe and update us when you can!

It doesn't seem right, but our weather here is glorious -- dry, beautiful blue skies and daytime temperatures in the 70s. That's my favorite kind of weather. It's been dipping down a bit low during the overnights, but I can cope with that.

Onto this week's photos (with a few from the week before) --

A marvelous marigold blossom

As seen in Bridgewater, NJ.

The I See Dead People saga continues

This past week a silly college girl made social media and news reports because she ended up waking up in the Raritan train yard on a parked train. The Raritan Valley Line isn't a tremendously long trip end to end. People, especially those unfamiliar with the train system, either need to stay awake or set their phone alarm to wake up before their expected stop. Or, even ASK the conductor questions -- let them know you're not familiar with train travel. Every conductor I know on the line would be glad to help you out if you ASK. But don't expect them to just babysit you. I do know from knowing the conductors that suspension is probable for the conductor who's responsible if a passenger is left on the train at the train yard. Yes, they are indeed responsible to make sure no one remains on the train. They screwed up. But, so did the girl. She's lucky the lights were still on.

Kousa Dogwood last week

The Kousa Dogwood tree at the Plainfield Train Station has started bearing fruit. This is actually a shot that I didn't post last week. The fruits are all red now and getting bigger.


BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday - Sept. 10

Kevin is smiling a bit ... for now

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Not So Lovable Lemmings:
  • As you know from my last brief post, Paul won the comic book veto. 
  • To be honest, when you consider the skill sets involved in that comp, I think Alex might have been the only other one who could have won. If not for Christmas's foot, she could have been a real contender for the win.
  • But, if not for Christmas's foot, I think we might have seen an entirely different game from her this summer.
  • Everyone thinks they will have a final two with Paul.
  • Hmm.
  • It's highly unlikely, impractical and possibly impossible that Paul will use the veto to save either Kevin or Alex.
  • Since Alex is next on the hit list for Josh, Christmas and Paul, Paul's winning keeps her on the block.
  • If Paul were to use the veto to save either of them, Christmas would be the only one who could be put up as the renom.
  • No, no, no ... Paul doesn't want that. He knows he for sure can beat Christmas in the comps going into the final two. He's not so sure about beating Alex.
  • Josh continues to worry that he's made grave errors by leaving Paul in the house.
  • But it's too little, too late.
  • Alex feels on solid ground thinking Paul's the only one she can trust.
  • Of course, when Paul doesn't use the veto to save her Monday, he'll try to turn the blame on the others, thus keeping his hands "blood-free."
  • Since Josh can't do the blindside of Paul, right now he just wants to talk to Alex and let her in on Paul's ways so she can go into jury with that knowledge.
  • I think that will backfire as she totally trusts Paul.
  • I guess we'll see how things go after the veto meeting.
  • But, since she sat around telling us she believes in friendship, she believes in Paul ...
  • ... she might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.
  • (Sorry, I did label this post as SPOILERS and that would include news of Santa and the Tooth Fairy, too!)
  • Kevin and Josh sat around talking friendly, smiling and all ... just like old times in the early days.
  • Josh made nicey-nice with Alex.
  • Christmas and Paul are a bit suspicious about the niceness with Josh and Alex.
  • Oh, well. It will all be over soon.
  • Perhaps not soon enough. 

Hamsters loving their yard

I used to be able to hula hoop

I believe in friendship. I trust Paul.

Saturday, September 09, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds PoV Bulletin - Sept. 9

'nuff said

The Power of Veto comics comp is over. 

I think I prefer to remain quiet at the moment and avoid all the fan brouhaha for a bit. It's draining me this season.

Friday, September 08, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday Night, Nominations - Sept. 8

Girl talk

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Miserable Mice:
  • I wonder how long Alex will wear her superhero host outfit. Or, for that matter, how long will Paul wear his suspenders from the comp more than a week ago? He wore that silly fur thing from a comp for a few weeks straight.
  • It seems some of them latch onto any new item of clothing they get in a comp. I recall a few saying they have more sneakers than they own at home in real life.
  • That said, at least Alex's superhero garb doesn't leave her chest hanging out!
  • The big news of the day would be the nominations.
  • As expected, Josh nominated Alex and Kevin.
  • Now, the plan with this and Josh, Paul and Christmas is that Alex will be voted out. If Alex happens to win veto, then Kevin would be voted out despite who else is on the block. 
  • The eviction order would just shift to Kevin then Alex rather than its present Alex then Kevin.
  • If Kevin wins veto .... BWAHAHAHA! 
  • Ahem.
  • I'm sorry. I really enjoy the dude, more than any of the rest of them in the house when he's himself. However, I've lost faith that he could be some sort of comp beast just waiting for the moment.
  • There is a slight glimmer of hope.
  • I doubt it will come to fruition, though.
  • Y'see, Josh had one of his long talks with the camera. While these nominations are indeed what Paul (and thus Christmas) want ... Josh seriously wants to make the move ... try to get Alex to win the veto, save herself, put Paul up in her place and blindside Paul.
  • Paul out this week! And, out at the hands of Josh!
  • Can you imagine it?
  • Sorry, I can't. IF he gets the nerve to put Paul on the block (and that's a big IF), I think Alex and Christmas (the only two who can vote) won't go with his plan. 
  • They both trust Paul, foolish hamsters that they are.
  • Alex doesn't like Kevin, not at all. She would vote him out.
  • Christmas was once attached to Kevin at the hip. Paul is her more recent attachment figure.
  • Josh thinks that if he saves Alex or, more preferably, she saves herself -- he just needs to tip her vote to Paul so it would be a tie. He'd be the tiebreaker and blindside Paul.
  • True, it would be the power move of the game. And, it just might tip the scales in Josh's favor with the jury if he can get it done and makes it to the final two.
  • Unless it happens, I don't think it's going to go down that way.
  • I think both Christmas and Alex are too blinded by Paul to understand that would put the rest of them -- Josh, Alex, Christmas and even Kevin -- on more solid ground going into the finals.
  • I guess we'll see.
  • As for the nominations staying as they are -- Alex is in tears tonight. She thinks it will be a split vote and, because she doesn't get along well with Josh, he will vote her out.
  • Not to be outdone, Josh also cried. He told Paul and Christmas that he feels horrible about Jason and Alex. He claims that he likes them the most after Paul and Christmas.
  • Hmm.
  • He also told Paul and Christmas that he wants to see Kevin go next.
  • I remember when he and Kevin were a loving fun heterosexual couple!
  • Can Josh really pull the big move off?
  • We know, that if he does indeed do the deed, we can expect a lot of tears. 

Paul is committing the house to memory

Real men wash dishes

Nap time! I could use a nap myself.

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday, New HoH - Sept. 8

Aw, he doesn't want to be alone

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Jerky McJerkfaces:
  • Dang, Josh really has it out for Kevin. I can't recall exactly when it started -- they were friends and confidants for the first half of the season. 
  • Now Josh would have preferred Kevin go over Raven in the second eviction last night.
  • And I know he doesn't like Raven!
  • So, what might be the worst that can happen as far as Kevin goes?
  • What if ...? What if ...?
  • What if Josh won HoH?
  • That's exactly what happened.
  • It was the BB comic book comp (as we all knew it would be).
  • You know that, despite his realization that Paul is playing only for himself, he's not going to have the nerve to try to blindside Paul.
  • Not that anyone other than perhaps Kevin would vote to evict Paul, mind you.
  • Paul has worked it so that Alex thinks he's the only one in the house she can trust.
  • Christmas seems to have an inking about Paul, but I don't think she'll challenge him at all. She's too busy caressing him.
  • Ew.
  • We know that the eviction order was Jason, Alex, Raven, then Kevin until it's down to Josh, Christmas and Paul.
  • So, it will surely be Kevin and Alex on the block.
  • Alex and Josh both want Kevin out. In this scenario, neither could vote.
  • Only Christmas and Paul will vote in that scenario. Both should follow the plan and vote out Alex.
  • What if Alex wins veto?
  • No harm, no foul for Paul -- he would vote Kevin out as per her wishes.
  • But, meanwhile, Paul thinks it would be great if Kevin won the veto. Of course, then either he or Christmas would go up, Alex would still be voted out and there would be no "blood on his hands."
  • Josh was telling people they're welcome to come up and sleep in his HoH room.
  • He doesn't like being up there alone.
  • Oh, poor baby.
  • He got his Justin Bieber music to console him. (Why am I not surprised?)
  • Oh, well ... this train wreck will be ending soon.
  • Yay. 

Bound to be on the block

Didn't want to win

Alex got her basket o' cat ears and stuff

Her cool HoH comp hosting costume

Thursday, September 07, 2017

BB19: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 7

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

For those who, like I am, are in the NYC viewing area -- WCBS 2 out of Manhattan has football, sister station WLNY 10/55 is airing BB at its normal time.

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Cody Nickson
Elena Davies
Mark Jansen
Matthew Clines 

Hamster watchers ready?  Let's have a recap! Julie warns that there may be a blindside but the entire house will be blindsided by a double eviction. Recap ensues.

Julie tells us that some of the others have noticed Paul is running all. And, emotions are running high as they have to turn on each other. Alex really thinks Kevin is leaving. Kevin thinks Kevin is leaving. 

Jason and Kevin are buddies. Between the two, they both think Kevin is going home. Josh is still commiserating about how this is being done with Paul being the one with squeaky clean hands. Paul is planning a tie, with Christmas being the tiebreaker. That way he keeps Alex in his favor. Josh is SO not happy with it.

Jason is talking to Josh. Josh isn't saying anything about the plan, but it's tearing him apart. 

Julie tells them of the double eviction tonight. 
Jason -- Loves wife and son. Please don't vote me off.
Kevin -- Hi to family. Proud of all, had a great time.

The votes to evict:
Alex - Kevin
Raven - Jason
Paul - Kevin
Josh - Jason 

The plan is a go. Christmas casts the tiebreaker -- Jason

Jason slams out without saying goodbye to anyone. Josh is crying. Paul is putting on a show saying if he (Paul) was on the block, he would get evicted. Paul is snapping at him. 

Aha! In the goodbye messages, Josh told the truth about Paul and Christmas. Paul lied and sucked up for the jury vote from Jason. Oopsie! 

HoH Comp -- Fake News, true or false answers. (BB News, not nation!)
1. All right
2. Paul, Josh wrong
3. All right
4. Kevin wrong
5. Josh and Alex only right
6. All right

Nomination time! Kevin and Raven. 

Power of Veto comp -- It's one of those "clown shoe" comps -- race down to lemon truck, search for limes, one at a time into a tube. First to four limes and push button wins. 


Living room for veto meeting.

He does not use it. 
Statements --
Kevin - Long summer, do what you feel right
Raven - Awesome summer, gastro-whatever again.

The votes to evict:
Paul - Raven
Christmas - Raven
Josh - Kevin

Hmm. Why'd he do that? The plan was Raven!

Raven goes anyway. She goes into hysterics. But she does cartwheels out on the stage.

In the house, Alex looks shellshocked. Josh breaks down alone in one room. 

Aha! Julie mentions that Raven didn't play the game. Ha! 

Unexpected announcement expected after the commercial. Hmm... 

BB Comics - The Revengers on Sunday.

Wednesday and Thursday both eviction nights next week.

Big announcement. Will have a Celebrity BB this winter. 

In a last bit of the house, Josh admits to Paul, Alex and Christmas that he voted for Kevin to go.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

BB19: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 6

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

I'm hoping this NYC Mayoral debate ends in time to let the show air on time! We'll see. Albanese versus DiBlasio. At least it's better controlled than the Presidential debates were. And, it has indeed ended on time. Phew!

The recap has started. And, as is the story this season, Paul is calling all the shots the others are taking.

We start out after nominations. Alex offered to be a pawn, but isn't happy that Jason is on the block with her. Jason is just confused. Of course, we'll have to listen to them each saying how important it is that they each win the veto. Paul is trying to do damage control. Jason feels like he might be being duped by Paul. Hey, they have all been duped by Paul all season. Kevin tells Jason that he thinks either Jason or Alex are indeed the targets. 

Jason goes to Josh who plays dumb. Then Paul tells Jason he thinks he himself is getting backdoored. Josh isn't as dumb as he plays on TV -- he realizes that Paul is trying to absolve himself of all guilt when either Jason or Alex goes. 

Christmas tries to convince both Jason and Alex that it's a backdoor plan for Kevin. Hmm.

Christmas, Paul and Josh decide that Paul needs to win veto and Alex will be saved. But Jason will go home. 

Paul is trying to convince both of the nominees on the block to throw the veto comp off. Josh is increasingly suspicious of Paul. Paul keeps working on them. Hmm.

Oops. Word gets back to Christmas that Josh has been throwing a bit of shade on Paul with the others. She's mad even though he's totally on spot. Christmas tells us that SHE still needs both Paul and Josh right now as she cannot compete in a lot of comps. 

Veto player pick time. Christmas randomly draws Kevin. Alex gets Raven. Jason gets Houseguest's Choice and goes for Paul. He tells us he trusts Paul more than he trusts Josh. That's a big mistake.

Veto comp time -- Josh is hosting. Winner gets once in a lifetime on the scene experience new TV show -- Me, Myself and I.  It will happen once BB is over. 

The doorbell rings and it's Bobby Moynihan and he has pots and pans. He's there to host the PoV comp. He's a fan of the show and goes through a bit of mimicking/mocking them all. He tells us that they're all idiots for not getting Paul out. He's right.

Veto comp time. All kinds of crates fill the yard. The crates reveal machines that Punt, Slap, Kick machine. They go by rounds answering questions while the machines do their thing. The questions are regarding how many times an action happened.

Jason is the only one getting the first round question wrong. All the others got a point. Alex, Paul and Raven get points in the second round. Ohh ... Raven is now in the lead! She loses that lead. Alex, Paul and Raven still leading by one point. Now Alex and Paul are tied for the lead. Uh-oh, Alex is NOT throwing it to Paul! They're in a tie and they will have to do a tiebreaker. She thinks Jason gives her a thumbs up to go for the veto.

After several tiebreaker bouts, Paul finally wins. Alex did NOT throw it. 

Josh goes to Paul to ask if he could leave the noms the same. He's worried that saving Alex and voting out Josh will get "blood on his and Christmas's hands." Of course, Paul is only concerned with Paul. 

Josh again tries to open Christmas's eyes about Paul to no avail. He walks away from her during the talk. She's ticked at him.

He tries once more with both Christmas and Josh. No avail there either. 

Veto meeting time. Paul saves Alex (no speeches made by nominees). Christmas puts Kevin up on the block, saying everyone else has already been on the block before. 

Kevin vows to us that he will not throw another comp. Jason thinks that Kevin will go home. Josh wonders if it's time for him to win HoH and shake things up. Remember -- it's a double eviction tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Tuesday Dawn - Sept. 5

Ew, just EW

Here's the latest from inside this Big Brother House of Changes Need to Be Made:
  • The plan is still to take out Jason, not Kevin.
  • It's hard to imagine, but Raven is craving even more attention -- shrieking, talking, one-upping every story told by others, going on about her illnesses, now clinging on Paul, pining for Matt and on.
  • And on.
  • And on.
  • BB, in the guise of POP TV, gave the hamsters a big barbecue and lawn games.
  • They believe it's because of Labor Day.
  • I think it's because they're so darn boring to watch.
  • Hmm. Corn on the cob is one of those foods that many people (even those without gastro-whatever) find hard to digest.
  • That didn't stop Raven. She also chowed down the burgers. I guess they're not the red meat she absolutely cannot eat.
  • They are starting to go with Josh's thinking that it will be a double eviction this week.
  • Paul wants to take Alex into his care so she won't try hard to win the HoH.
  • Well, he probably wouldn't mind if she won this coming one because he will be catering to her and not have "blood on his hands."
  • In reality -- unless the power shifts -- Alex is the next target. Then Raven, then Kevin.
  • Ho-hum.
  • And on it goes. Make it end, please. 

Playing games

Corn is hard to digest for many

Croquet, badminton, hula hoops

A temporary grill even ...

Monday, September 04, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Monday Evening, PoV Meeting - Sept. 4

Enjoy the yard while you have it

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Societal Misfits:
  • As expected, when the veto meeting went down, Paul saved Alex.
  • Christmas put Kevin on the block with Jason.
  • The plan remains that Jason will be voted out.
  • Paul keeps telling Kevin not to worry.
  • But Kevin is thinking it's likely he will go home.
  • When Kevin mentioned Alex won't vote against Jason, everybody else will? -- Paul nodded and told him to stop asking questions.
  • That also puts Kevin in a bit of a predicament. He seems to think with the family and new baby on the way, Jason needs the win more than he does.
  • Paul is working on his plan of getting close to Raven to throw the others off the idea he might be working with Christmas.
  • Josh too is trying to convince people he's not working with Christmas.
  • Kevin and Jason have both agreed not to campaign against each other and just enjoy the time they have left together in the house.
  • I was thinking ... as deathly ill as she is, isn't Raven taking chances on her life going without a doctor's visit all summer? It's a wonder she hasn't passed right in the house!
  • At times, her make-up job looks like she might have.
  • Raven talked most of the day. Apparently she doesn't have any laryngitis issues.
  • Christmas and Josh spent some time studying dates while Alex, for some reason (perhaps boredom) pored through the BB Rules book.
  • And on it goes.  

Josh talking about being alone in the game

Paul's blow-up doll sprang a leak

Christmas and Josh not working together

Lost in a BB daze

Poor pitiful Raven has lost her accent

BB19: Live Feeds Sunday into Monday Dawn - Sept. 3-4

At least he can still smile a bit

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Catastrophic Casting:
  • The Have Nots have ended. Thankfully Kevin won't get yet another week of it for throwing the HoH comp first.
  • A friend of mine, a fan of BB in the early years, tuned into the show for a few minutes last night. She couldn't believe how stupid this cast is. As she says, "I try to never show my stupid in public and they're on national television showing their stupid."
  • Raven told of more (fake) illnesses she has. She told Paul that she is hypothyroid -- but gives him the facts about hyperthyroid.
  • Later on in the day, Alex listened to Raven go on ad nauseam about both her mother's and her own health woes.
  • I have to give Alex some credit there. I would have burst into a case of the giggles.
  • Oh. Raven's mother also has epilepsy. Raven has had to work since the age of 14 to support her because disability doesn't cover the bills. 
  • Well, disability when you've hardly or never worked doesn't pay much. I'm beginning to doubt that her mother ever had a real job at all or for very long if she did. 
  • But how can poor deathly ill Raven work so much to pay all those bills?
  • It's a mystery.
  • Oh. There are always Go Fund Me sites!
  • Ha.
  • Oh. And Raven apparently had to doctor shop to find one who would say she had the gastro-whatever.
  • Gee, I wonder why?
  • Raven's grandmother had to have surgery just when she was leaving to go into the BB house. A "full knee replacement." Um, that could very well be true. Many many folks have that done. I have two of those.
  • Oh my. Raven also has acid reflux. The horrors just never end.
  • Josh is upset because the latest plan, still to vote out Jason, is to save Alex with the veto. Kevin would be put up in her place but not voted out.
  • Paul thinks that will gain Alex's trust and she won't try to win HoH -- she'd be willing to throw it to Paul.
  • Josh thinks that the plan gives Paul more favor than them. Of course, he's the ONLY one thinking Paul needs to go. That almost redeems his circus music and pots and pans from the early weeks.
  • Well, not quite. But ...!
  • Josh stated his thoughts to Christmas, but she remains Paul-blinded.
  • They don't seem to be thinking about double eviction ... except for Josh. He thinks it's coming this week.
  • Josh even tried to tell Paul that the plan would expose himself (Josh) and Christmas.
  • Christmas, Paul and Josh had a heated conversation about Josh's thoughts. The two dismiss Josh as "freaking out" and they know what they're doing.
  • Josh even pulled his "superfan" card about double eviction coming this week and they pooh-poohed him.
  • A bit later Josh alone talked to the camera. Hey, bud ... we all agree with you. The plan will only aid Paul -- he gets "no blood on his hands" and you and Christmas do. We see it. We've seen it since Day One and y'all let it get to this point.
  • Josh is amazed that he's the only one who sees through Paul.
  • So are we.
  • Paul snapped at Josh telling him to never question his loyalty again.
  • Oh my. Keep questioning it Josh, win something and put up Paul. The show fans will rejoice. You will go from zero to hero. Just do it!
  • In other news, Christmas and Paul think that Raven is a mean girl and wonder if they should confront her about her behavior.
  • I think all of the women in the house this season fit the mean girl description. If Paul weren't a guy, he'd be a mean girl in so many ways. Oh, not to your face, but ...
  • Paul and Christmas stayed up until the wee hours. They still want the save Alex, put Kevin up with Jason, vote out Jason, Paul befriend Alex plan.
  • Paul will now attach himself more to Raven because Josh might have hinted to her that Christmas/Paul are working together.
  • Is this all going to end soon?
  • Please?

Paul and Christmas into Monday dawn

Is he the only one with smarts?

Yeah, put the nasty feet by your drink

Will his fate be sealed today?

Close the refrigerator doors! Sheesh!

Suffering through Raven disease tales

Sunday, September 03, 2017

BB19: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 3

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

Because of the rain delay on Thursday night, we'll see the HoH comp tonight.

But first ... the recap. 

Okay, finally the rain-delayed HoH comp. Paul has schemed to have Christmas and Josh to go for the win. He wants Alex to feel safe, so Kevin is once again the ruse. He talks to Alex about throwing the comp. Jason can't play as outgoing HoH. Kevin is reluctant to throw the comp. Paul tells him to trust him. He squares the throwing with Alex who agrees to do it if Kevin does it. Now it's onto convincing Raven. 

It's obviously a repeat of the Ready, Set, Whoa comp we've seen in the past. Christmas tells us she wants to target Alex and Jason. Alex tells us she won't drop out until she sees Kevin go. False starts seem to be the only way to throw this to Christmas on crutches. 

It all hinges on Kevin going out first. He's reluctant. But he does it. Alex tells us Kevin will get evicted this week because he trusted Paul. Then she throws it. She trusts Paul, too. Raven throws it. Kevin is all confused now. Paul throws it. Kevin thinks he has a plan. Y'think?

It's down to Christmas and Josh. Josh wants her to win. But she wants it to be realistic-looking. She doesn't like it looking so set-up. Josh throws it. Christmas wins by default. She's the new HoH.

Alex is a true believer in Christmas. Her childhood fantasies are going to fall hard this week. 

Raven realizes they're doing the same thing to Alex and Jason that was just done last week to her and Matt. Kevin is worried, though. Paul has to calm his nerves. Kevin trusts Paul. Or, at least feels he has little choice than to trust him. Paul doesn't want Kevin cluing in Jason. 

Now that Matt is gone, Raven thinks Paul is her new knight in shining armor. Gag.

Alex actually volunteers to go on the block. She thinks that if she goes up as a pawn with Kevin, no one will vote for her to go.

In their lap and yap, Jason tries to warn Kevin that he (Kev) and Raven will go on the block. Hmm. Kevin tells us he thinks he has to trust Paul on this one.

Now Raven is saying she's had surgery for "rough knee cap syndrome" and no cartilage. I'm a knee surgery of all kinds person myself. I have/had chrondromalacia patella which would sort of fit that description. She's lying. Now I have knee replacements, so the lack of cartilage isn't an issue!

A few fluff segments. Josh loved Elena. Alex hides to scare Jason. 

The Tree of Temptation shows for its final time. Christmas doesn't want anyone to go for it. They've edited it like Jason was going for an apple. But he can't take the chance of not playing in the next HoH and he knows it.  

More fluff -- Alex scaring Josh and Christmas workouts. 

Alex tells Jason that there should really be two pawns and a real backdoor of Kevin. She proposes it to Paul. She thinks Josh would be a great pawn. Alex goes to Christmas about it. 

Christmas and Paul talk about it. She doesn't want to take the heat. Paul suggests keeping the plan the same -- Alex and Jason -- but no backdoor on Kevin. I guess she'll have to face the music when the backdoor doesn't open! But it will be on Christmas, not Paul. Unless of course, Paul wins the veto ... 

Nominations ceremony time.
Christmas nominates Alex, then Jason. Jason pretends to faint. She says that Alex is a pawn. Jason, you are a triple threat, I must take out a strong male figure. 

Alex still trusts Christmas. Jason is suspicious.

BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday, Power of Veto - Sept. 2-3

Dead Man walking?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of So Fascinating I Fell Asleep:
  • I worked late yesterday. I napped before the veto comp feeds block opened the house up to us again.
  • Then I scouted out the day's feeds.
  • I gathered some screen shots and noticed it was 4am. 
  • I went back to sleep.
  • Oops. Now it's very late!
  • My real life work has been incredibly stressful and hectic as of late and I was quite ill about a week ago. I think it's all catching up to me.
  • Enough about me.
  • Onto the happenings ...
  • Before the veto comp, it was all the figuring out scenarios with the what ifs -- what if Jason wins, what if Kevin wins (haha), what if Raven wins.
  • Everyone played for the veto except for Josh.
  • When the feeds returned, all of the guys (including Josh) had colorful suspenders and bowties, with short-shorts. 
  • Kevin changed clothes almost immediately.
  • Only Jason left his bowtie on for a while.
  • Paul eventually took off his shirt but left the suspenders on and reminded me of Leather Boy from the old Craig Ferguson shows.
  • As for the women -- Raven looked a heck of a lot better in her outfit than in the horrible nasty orange rag from Matt. Christmas was okay in her duds. Alex, like she is more often than not, had her chest hanging out all over the place. Sure, she can flaunt her chest ... but does she have to?
  • Maybe I'm just a bit prudish. But low-cut versus all but exposed just ain't the same thing!
  • Oh. Paul won the veto.
  • He's wracking up the veto wins.
  • And, I do suspect that if he weren't throwing so many HoH comps, he could be winning them, too.
  • He could be the ultimate BB game player except for one thing ...
  • ... he's so ruthless in his scheming and manipulating people that he's brought an overall state of cruelty to the game unlike we've ever seen before.
  • And, mind you, I've watched and covered BB since the first season. I've seen much cruelty over the years.
  • I've actually liked some of the hamsters who were known for some cruelty. I liked Evel Dick. But I don't think he was AS cruel in the long run as Paul. Perhaps he was just more open about it. He didn't pretend to be oh-so-caring to those he disliked or wanted out. He didn't manipulate others into doing his cruelty. For example, Jen knew Dick didn't care for her. He made the dislike blatant. But Paul acts like he's a friend and confidant, then uses other people for the meanness. Now, the other people used are almost as much to blame as is Paul. Why aren't they playing their own game?
  • Of course, with Paul winning veto, even if Christmas had a thought of her own in her head about backdooring him (which doesn't seem likely anyway), she can't do it.
  • The biggest component of the after veto talks was Jason or Alex, the pros and cons of each.
  • It sounds like Paul indeed will not be using the veto. They all seem to think that both Alex and Jason could be much more dangerous as they can win comps.
  • So, it looks like the only player who hasn't fallen into the spider's web (Kevin) will be safe for at least this week.
  • They've written him off as a possible comp winner even though Raven keeps harping on how much Kevin knows about the show and he's playing dumb.
  • If Paul doesn't use the veto, he's going to have to shift the blame for not using it to someone else.
  • He doesn't want to alienate jury votes.
  • In other news, the hamsters had a preview of the new CBS show Me, Myself and I along with a guest appearance by its star.
  • Now they're all starstruck.
  • While Kevin sat around trying to figure out the premiere date versus the finale of BB, others went on about how nice the guest was compared to how Derrick treated them.
  • Ahem. Bobby Moynihan is touting his new show. Derrick is a BB person. One needs to put on a positive front. The other sees the poison of this season on BB.
  • In scuttlebutt that might not change anything -- Josh (of all people) is totally onto Paul. He's trying to convince Christmas but she isn't hearing any of it.
  • Paul is still working his anti-Kevin agenda. But he's also talking a lot with Alex -- telling her she's going to be safe no matter what.
  • Hmm.  

Mickey Mouse ear hairstyle is NOT cute

EBK -- Everybody But Kevin

So innocent ... looking, at least

The lack of clothing is annoying (to me)

Another veto notch for Paul