Showing posts with label Big Brother 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Brother 10. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds into Wednesday Evening

How's this for excitement? For the longest time, Dan and Memphis played chess barely speaking on two feeds and Jerry napped on the other two. The big news of the evening is that they did another Craig Ferguson spot tonight. Craig's probably going to be confused where everyone went during his two weeks of vacation. Here are some other noteworthy (or not) happenings in the house this evening:
  • Both Keesha and Memphis are creeped out by the way Jerry stares at them. I think I would be, too.
  • Jerry spied on them some more with the spycam in the HOH room. I wonder if they could feel his eyes watching them.
  • Renny read the bible, Jerry napped, and the guys played chess. I think Keesha was napping off camera at the time. It all made me want to nap!
  • Renny gave Dan a few cooking tips.
  • Jerry droned on about investing money and his own investments.
  • Renny packed.
  • Memphis picked. His nose, that is.
  • They did the Ferguson spot and apparently all just wanted it over with and were irritable by the end of it.
  • Yawn.
  • Ferguson wil be a bit delayed here because the Republican National Convention ran over. I love it -- Palin's speech ended a few minutes ago and now they're replaying it on the local news. Well, duh ... do they think they're Big Brother with the recaps or something?

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0
Yep, graphic artist Zoetawny wants Renny to keep on trucking. Unfortunately, I think we'll see her get the truck right out of there this week. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of the Final Five:
  • Renny gave Jerry a haircut. Maybe now she'll remember that bald top!
  • They're bored. I'm bored.
  • Keesha told Renny and Memphis that Jerry was staring at her creepy-like.
  • Memphis said he never used to say "dude" and he has to stop saying it.
  • Yes, he does. The "dude" drove me crazy when they were feeding moths to the spider the other night. It's better than Michelle using the f word every other word, but ...!
  • Memphis told Dan that Keesha isn't his type for dating.
  • Jerry talked to himself in the HOH room. He did his Muttley laugh to himself, too.
  • He was kind of sad.
  • And boring.
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • Dan and Memphis hung Keesha's bras on a lamp and giggled a lot. Sort of like a panty raid operation.
  • Dan and Memphis named the spider "Ted" and spent time feeding him again.
  • Dan (again) jumped out at Keesha to scare her. It worked.
  • Then Memphis scared her.
  • Renny told Keesha that if she (Keesha) hadn't been close to Memphis in the game, he would have been gone long ago.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Big Brother 10 - 9/02 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos! Everyone is welcome to chime in with your thoughts in comments!

Recaps and pushing Jerry as the 75-year-old ex-Marine. Into the Renegades. Jerry and Memphis agree on the final two, Memphis and Keesha agree to be the final two. Nominations ... again.

Good, into color and it's Day 53. Dan is projecting in the DR again -- happy that both Renegades aren't on the block. Jerry tells us Keesha is just the pawn. She doesn't feel safe although Memphis is pretty confident. He wants to get rid of Renny this week.

Both Dan and Keesha are taking being on the block okay. Dan tells her that they can both stay there if a certain person wins veto. Keesha thinks that Renny and Memphis will fight hard for the veto to keep themselves safe.

Dan talks to Jerry, says he has no hard feelings. Jerry tells him, "It would be naive to believe you all love me for me." Jerry tells us that he was covering the fact that he has an agreement with Memphis.

Renny and Jerry talk. He tells her it all depends on POV -- they could pull Dan and decide to send Keesha or her home. Renny tells Keesha that she'd (Renny) would go home if the veto is used to save Dan. Renny doesn't think it's looking too good for her right now.

Snicker ... Jerry fell in the pool while trying to read skywriting from a plane. Jerry and Memphis confirm their deal for the final two, as does he also confirm with Keesha. Now he's onto Dan for the final two, too!

While Memphis gets cocky, Dan likes to aggravate Renny. He mimics her. She tells us Dan has a few quirks I don't understand and a few behaviors that are questionable. She then tries to strangle him.

Dan is getting on Renny's nerves. She tells us she wants him to go home. Memphis isn't sure why Dan keeps pushing Renny's buttons, but one of them need to win POV to send her home.

Time for the veto comp -- individual rooms, called one at a time. Dan is first Rockabye Veto. Baby pictures, two HG make up the baby's face. Parents of all six babies shortest amount of time wins. Those are some ugly babies! Jerry was up next. He's wearing a Texas A&M shirt.

Memphis up next. He's racing! He thinks he did well, but could have done better. Renny thinks she has to win because she believes Memphis and Dan have a deal to go to the end. Heh. She liked her own baby pic with Jessie. ACK! How can she get Jerry wrong with the bald head? Too much time wasted!

Keesha looks almost frightened of the images. She wants the POV so bad ... Steven and me look like a gorilla! We should never have kids together.

Comp over ... they all want to win. Renny 23:32, Jerry 8:01, Dan 2:58, Memphis 2:50, Keesha 5:16. Memphis wins! Jerry should try to emote while reading cue cards.

Memphis says he has to think of his next step. Jerry hopes Memphis keeps his word and lets the nominations remain the same. Keesj is upset because she didn't win -- she thinks she's going home.

Memphis tells Dan if he pulls him off the block, he has to stop all the crazy antics. Memphis tells us that he's not sure that he can trust Dan. He makes Dan promise that if he (Dan) wins HOH, he can't put him on the block. Dan promises. Memphis tells us he doesn't want to piss anyone off.

Keesah and Renny talk. Keesha thinks he's a little snake and will throw them under the bus. Renny doesn't think Memphis wants to get rid of Keesha. So, Keesha approaches Memphis directely. He tells heer she will be with them next week. He tells her that Dan has to come off the block and that's the only way they can secure final three. Keesha doesn't trust Dan. Memphis tells her he won't vote her out.

Renny told Memphis that she knows people are talking about her. He avoids the issue and says no one is talking about her. Memphis assured Jerry that he will take him to the final two. He tells Jerry that he has another issue in the house. Jerry tells him that they can take care of Renny next week. He thinks Dan is a more dangerous player.

Time for the veto meeting. Memphis is worried about all of his deals, hopes he picks the right fork in the road. Renny thinks Dan needs to go. Jerry says if Memphis pulls Dan off the block, he no longer has an alliance with him.

Dan: Don't have a lot to say, 25th birthdsay, great gift, no hard feelings.
Keesha: Knows it's hard, all four have had each other's back, no hard feelings, won't ask you to choose.

Memphis: I made a decision to ... use the power of veto. Looking out for what's best for me, no hard feelings, use it on Dan. Jerry has no choice but to put Renny on the block.

Renny tells us that she still has fight in her. Jerry is hurt by Memphis and will do something in retribution. Memphis tells us that he has to keep assuring Jerry that they're the final two. Next ep - Jury house!

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest Big Brother 10 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

And, of course, I'll be posting the live-blogging post here for tonight's episode at 9:00 PM ET. You're all welcome to the party!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Morning

Yes, I'm showing you some of the excitement of the evening right in the screen caps! Here's what's been happening in the Big Brother House of I Don't Like Spiders and Snakes:
  • Renny and Keesha think it's obvious that Jerry wants to take Memphis into the final two.
  • BB called an indoor lockdown -- Keesha and Renny started playing cards in the kitchen and the others were napping.
  • Surprise! BB gave them a grill. They also got a new hose, a flag, and while they were outside looking at the stuff, BB gave them all kinds of food for the grill.
  • At one point, Jerry screamed something about his body was shutting down and he couldn't take it anymore. It was in context to nothing.
  • A bit later, Jerry was saying how much they needed wine and beer.
  • Keesha and Memphis think that if Jerry wons POV, he'd do what he can to get Dan out over them..
  • Memphis, Keesha, and Renny talked about how mold is growing on Dan's bathing suit. Renny wants to steal it and wash it.
  • Jerry wondered if his reputation will remain intact when he leaves the house. Renny scoffed at him.
  • They spread the big cards out on the coffee table and played a game turning them over and matching the numbers.
  • Then the excitement started -- Memphis and Dan saw a huge spider in the backyard. They ran around catching moths and throwing them into the spider's web. Sure enough, the spider went after the prey every time.
  • Memphis, Renny, and Keesha talked about how Jerry picks his nose and they think he rubs his finds on the bean bag chair.
  • Dan came in and sat in the bean bag chair. The other three cracked up.
  • All are in bed as I post this.

Monday, September 01, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

Right now Keesha and Renny are talking about how bored they are. I think the others may be sleeping.

8:30 PM ET UPDATE -- Big excitement. BB gave them a grill, goodies to cook, and a flag for Labor Day.

BB10: POV Meeting News

As expected, Memphis saved Dan with the veto. It's now Renny and Keesha on the block.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn

Keesha and Memphis were hanging out last night as I took these screen caps. Later today will be the big veto meeting. They should do it before Renny wastes her time cooking her friends a yummy dinner! Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Biting Betrayals:
  • Renny again asked Keesha if she thought Memphis would use the veto. Keesha again (lied) said she didn't know.
  • When Renny finally asked Memphis himself if he was going to use the veto, he told her he hasn't decided yet (lie).
  • They played with the arts and crafts, making things out of Play-Doh while Renny baked a birthday cake for Dan.
  • Jerry wanted everyone to play cards.
  • The PoV comp had morphs of their baby pictures.
  • Keesha and Memphis talked about going into the final three with Jerry. Gee, it was a lot like when Dan and Memphis talked about going into the final three with Jerry.
  • Renny accused Jerry of talking about everyone in the house. He said she has, too! Ohhh ... excitement.
  • That put Renny on a Jerry trashtalk streak.
  • Dan still hides and leaps out at people. It still works.
  • Renny, Memphis, Dan, and Keesha ran all around the house chasing each other, tickling each other, and generally rough-housing.
  • Jerry, alone again naturally, went to bed.
  • Eventually the others headed to bed as well. They're all asleep as I post this.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/31 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated -- please forgive the inevitable typos! Everyone is welcome to join in with their thoughts in the comments section. Let's have us some fun!

Recap, recap ... more recap. Michelle has now been evicted twice tonight. Jerry is obviously down and feeling vulnerable. Keesha and Renny feel bad about her eviction. Ollie will avenge her leaving. Ha. Memphis sheds no tears, time for another HOH comp and we're still in Recap City. Hey, Keesha won HOH1 WHAT A SURPRISE! As are the noms. Now we get to see the veto and Ollie run away again. A bit of unseen before footage, but we're talking ten minutes solid of recaps. Horrible!

Renny is bugged by the Colonel, nothing in common. They have cute background music for Jerry's lonely journey through the house. The four are celebrating.

Renny and Dan have a talk about the time zones. Renny is so wrong. Heehee. Heh ... she's insisting the wrong time for New Orleans. Finally it dawns on her that she's wrong. Now they're laughing about Keesha's laugh. Memphis actually imitates it pretty well. Dan shouts to us in the DR about Keesha's laugh. Renny thinks dogs can here her.

HOH carnival -- skeeball. Dan tells us if they can't win three against one (against Jerry), then one of them probably deserves to go home. Each round they will be asked the day number of the event, they have to aim the ball towards the day for the answer. Day Jerry called Dan Judas at the veto meeting -- Memphis broke it down into weeks, a smart answer. Dan knew the rough day. Correct day was 35. They get penalty points for whatever amount they're off. Renny did the worst on this round, Dan best.

Aliens in the windows of the BB house - 14. Dan is doing the best so far with Jerry and Memphis running neck and neck together. The next one was Brian being put up on the block -- 6. Dan still has a big lead. In the news is next -- 32. Renny is still doing the worst. Memphis is NOT doing well. Dan remains in the lead. The earthquake -- 22. Jerry got it spot on. Dan only leads by two points now.

Jessie eviction day -- 31. Oops ... Dan's ball bounced off his rather correct answer goal. He blew it. Jerry is in the lead by 6 points. America give the lollipops -- 39. Dan got it right, but too late for the points to win. Jerry wins HOH. He gave an odd cough-hiccup.

The crew of four is dismayed. Dan is pretty sure he'll be on the block. Memphis says he won't make a deal with Jerry.

Jerry's room -- they're all puckering up to kiss his ass according to Memphis. New pictures. Jerry knows they're being nice to him because he's HOH. He doesn't trust them. He starts telling stories. Sigh. I hear too many stories from him on the feeds. But the way this is edited is perfect!

Memphis and Keesha talk. They know one has to leave. Memphis wants to be taken with either Keesha or Dan if they win. He wants Keesha to think he will choose her for the final two, but doesn't want to come out and say it.

Renny is sleepwalking. Sooky-sooky. Memphis tells us Renny is more than wacky -- she's completely off the reservation. Keesha thinks Renny is hilarious even in her sleep. Cute segment.

But it's morning. Renny says she woke up with candy bars in her bed. Keesha and Renny talk. Keesha is worried. She's thinks that she and Renny might be put up together because they're so close. Dan and Memphis talk. Memphis thinks Jerry wants to be promised safety. Memphis thinks making a deal with Jerry is their only hope. They just can't be on the block together.

Memphis goes to talk to Jerry. Memphis tells him that he wants to stay off the block. Jerry tells him he'd like to go to the final two with him -- safest for them both. Memphis tells Jerry he wants to battle the best in the game and it's him. Jerry wants to put Dan on the block. Memphis tells Jerry he doesn't trust Dan because he put him on the block. He's playing Jerry very nicely. Jerry tells us he trusts Memphis more than the others.

Nominations today -- Memphis feels safer after the talk. Dan is sure he'll be going up. Both Keesha and Renny are worried. Jerry tells us his decisions aren't personal and will only get him further in the game. Dan and Memphis are wearing their matching shorts. How odd.

Key order -- Renny, Memphis. It's Dan and Keesha on the block. Jerry says both have nominated him, trust issues with Dan, Keesha is a good player. The PoV will determine who goes home. Jerry tells us Keesha is a pawn and he wants Dan out.

Memphis tells us Renny is the only one in the house he doesn't have a deal with. His goal is to get her out this week.

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

At 8 PM ET, I'll be posting a live-blogging entry for the show. I hope to see you there!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning

The top screen cap is Keesha's hands working on making a ... um ... an ... um, well, I never figured it out. It's some sort of head. Dan is painting his frog in the lower photo. I know. Painting your frog does sound like an euphemism, doesn't it? Yes, BB gave them arts, crafts, and alcohol in an activity bucket. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Paint Your Frog Solo:
  • Heh. Before they got yelled at for talking about their Diary Room sessions, Dan said his mobile question was about why he yells in the DR. That drives me crazy and I've mentioned it more than a few times in my show posts.
  • Renny is rightfully worried that she'll be leaving this week. Keesha told her she didn't know.
  • Memphis read the instructions from one of the crafts -- Safe for use by five year-old and up. He deemed they could play.
  • Jerry kept saying the show always ends on a Sunday, but he also says he's pretty sure the show is ending on September 25 (which is a Thursday). He's wrong on both counts. It has been ending on Tuesdays recent years and Survivor jumps into the Thursday slot immediately following the Tuesday finale. For some reason, the latter season premiere has been changed from 9/18 to 9/25. But the season finale of BB is set for 9/16, a Tuesday. It's Survivor which always ends on a Sunday, not BB. Jerry should know that.
  • Because BB gave the kids activities, they spent a lot of time playing games and making things instead of talking game.
  • Keesha tried to work Memphis a bit for a shot at her and Renny staying in the game.
  • Renny told Keesha that Jerry can be a "peckerhead." Heehee, so fitting!
  • Keesha told Renny that Jerry has been saying "Renny is only out for Renny." Renny wasn't surprised. She told Keesha that Jerry has been saying a lot of nasty things about her (Keesha), too.
  • Keesha and Renny think that Jerry wants a final three with the guys. They're wrong. From watching, I think Jerry wants Memphis, Keesha, and himself in the F3.
  • Except for Keesha, all want Renny out because they know if she makes the F2, she's sure to have the jury votes for the win. Keesha still has the friendship/loyalty thing going but she would definitely lose against Renny, too.
  • Jerry was monotonous, full of stories about himself and the wisdom of the ages. Now, I normally respect older folks and I sometimes enjoy tales they can tell. But Jerry's stories all seem the same old, same old, over and over again.
  • Renny thinks Dan is sucking up to Jerry in hopes that he won't vote him out.
  • Renny put a scarf around her neck and fake strangled herself for the camera. It looked like when Archie Bunker used to do the same sort of thing between strangling himself or shooting himself.
  • Renny told Keesha she thinks Jerry is boring because he tells the same stories over and over again. Phew, it's not in my mind! Keesha thinks Jerry is arrogant. Yeah, that too!
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

BB10: POV Update and My Apologies

My apologies for leading everyone astray early this morning. I could have sworn it was the veto necklace on Jerry in a quick flash after the feeds returned. But it's not Jerry who won it -- Memphis won the POV.

I've been out most of the day (yay, long time since I've done that), but here's what I've gathered upon my return:
  • Memphis won the POV.
  • Memphis promised Jerry he wouldn't use it.
  • Memphis promised Dan he will save him and made him promise not to pull any odd stunts.
  • Renny will go on the block.
  • Memphis and Dan aren't telling anyone and Memphis plans to act like it's his decision after a lot of thought just decided upon before the POV meeting on Monday.
  • Renny is the one they will vote out this week. Only Dan and Memphis will vote.

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Comp

The feeds were blocked for hours. When they came back about 10 minutes ago, a brief shot of Jerry had the POV necklace on and no one else seems happy at all. No one is talking about it.

Hmm ... I thought it was the POV necklace on Jerry, but it was a really brief shot. Then the necklace was up in its place on the Memory Wall once again. Hmm ... I think I'm going to say I think that Jerry won, but I'm not 100% sure. I know Keesha didn't win. If either Dan or Memphis won, they would be scheming. Memphis went right to bed after the feeds returned and Dan looked glum. If Renny won, she'd be talking to Keesha about saving her. It had to be Jerry and he didn't mix with any of them before heading to bed. All are in bed now as I update this.

1:30 PM ET UPDATE: They're still asleep. I'm still uncertain on the winner (although I think it was Jerry). And I'm heading out for the afternoon with a friend. When I come back, they just better have spilled the beans!

Friday, August 29, 2008

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin

The feeds were blocked for a little over an hour and I'm now (not so) patiently awaiting for someone to spill the beans. All five hamsters are in the kitchen and no one is talking about the noms. What they're talking about is Memphis makes sandwiches without bread by rolling up the other foodstuffs. And Renny told Keesha she needs to learn to cook. BTW - Memphis and Dan can actually cook, at least to an extent.

Waiting ... waiting ... as soon as they talk, I can nap again ... waiting ... Dan seems very subdued and has gone off to lay down by himself. I think with this reaction and Jerry's pre-nom talks with people, it's pretty safe to say he is one of the nominations. But still no clue who's up there with him or confirmation that he's on the block.

Confirmed -- Keesha and Dan are on the block.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Friday Noon

Well, I already gave you the biggest news of the period -- Jerry won HOH. But, here are the details and what's been happening since that time:
  • After the show last night, Jerry was appreciative and kind to everyone. Each person was nice back to him ... which turned out to be a good thing in light of what was to happen.
  • The HOH comp dealt with balls and points won. (The feeds were blocked for it.)
  • Jerry repeated that everyone one should be proud to have made it this far.
  • The hamsters had been locked out of the storage room because BB made it Keesha's little HOH storage room with her HOH basket of goodies. At least she got those.
  • As Jerry got his HOH room, I had bubbles (in lieu of fish cam or trivia), but I had audio. He seemed very proud of his pictures and everyone seemed to take part in the "tour."
  • Jerry told Dan if they were in the final two together, he (Jerry) couldn't win. He thinks his only votes would come from Ollie, Michelle, and April.
  • Keesha doesn't think she can win the jury vote against anyone.
  • Renny told Jerry that Memphis and Dan had an alliance within their alliance.
  • Renny wants both the guys to go up while Jerry is leaning towards a guy and a girl.
  • BB gave this group (sans Michelle) beer and wine last night. They also gave Dan a birthday cake -- his birthday isn't until Monday.
  • Memphis worked his in with Jerry despite their spats in the past. He told Jerry the only person he trusts in the house is Keesha.
  • In the Memphis/Jerry talk, it sounds like Jerry would like the final three to be Keesha, Memphis, and himself.
  • Jerry wants to test Keesha to check out how loyal she is to Dan and Renny.
  • Come morning, he hinted to Keesha that he wants to put her on the block, but he's sure she won't go home.
  • Jerry seems to have a backdoor plan in mind -- put up a guy and a girl, if POV is won, backdoor. Dan is who he wants out right now.
  • As I post this, Dan is talking to Jerry. There isn't any violence or nastiness. Jerry isn't telling him he's going on the block. Dan is pointing out that if they make it to the final three, Jerry has friends on the jury. Jerry says he's not in the final five with his own team, but they all saved him.
  • Nominations should be later today.

BB10: Special Bulletin - New HOH

Another HOH comp was held. Jerry is the new HOH. Keesha didn't even get the room for the night.

No, I'm not kidding. More details later.

As an added note: My full review/recap of last night's show is up over on TV Squad. I took 'em to task for the "red-headed cabbage patch kid" edit! Now I really have to nap. I want to thank everybody who kept the show post updated last night. Y'all rock!

Second added note: No brouhahas in comments please! I will end up removing any nastiness and right now I'm too tired to do it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/28 Double Eviction Show

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Dan is a plant, so Zoetawny made him one! (She rocks, you know!) Unfortunately, I can't live blog tonight's show because it won't air here until 1:37 AM ET. Of all nights! Argh.

So, here's where you come in -- if you're getting the show at a normal hour, I ask that you please fill everyone in down in the comments section. You will have my eternal gratitude as well as the gratitude of many blog readers in the preempt boat with me. Spelling, grammar and punctuation need not be perfect and don't worry about posting something someone else might have already posted -- it's neat to read the different takes on the events.

I thank everyone in advance!

BB10: Latest Live Feeds and Tonight's Blogging Plans

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Not only is Dan playing roulette (thanks, Zoetawny!), but CBS is, too. I will be putting up a live-blogging post for Big Brother at 8 PM ET. Alas, I won't be blogging it. It won't air here until 1:37 AM ET. So I'm putting out the plea -- anyone with it airing at a normal human time, please feel free to use the comments section to keep us up it it. Not of this post, of course. It will be a new one. Merci!

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad if you want to check it out. At least tonight will bring excitement back in the house.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn

Keesha makes the oddest faces, doesn't she? I can't recall why this face she made last night while I was getting screen caps, but it's not her most flattering pose.

Tonight's live show, probably the most exciting one of the season, won't be live here in the NYC area. I'll see it after Ferguson (which, by the way, is in reruns again this week -- no hamsters). But I'll get a post up when it should start so that folks can fill us in as it airs at the normal time in some areas.

Here's the big events from last night in the Big Brother House of Lost Loves:
  • Dan and Memphis cooked dinner. Jerry said he'll always eat if there's food. Ollie refused. Michelle ate the dinner and then thanked "whoever" cooked it even though she knew who cooked it, but perhaps not who did the separate dishes.
  • I hope Michelle eventually realizes how pathetic she sounds begging BB for alcohol. Maybe they should set up a 12 Step Program for her in sequester.
  • Ollie sat around in his sunglasses trying to look tough and cool, I guess. I don't know -- those sunglasses remind me of The Fly. help me! help me!
  • Michelle cried after talking with Keesha about Mom's dinners.
  • She wouldn't let Keesha console her.
  • Keesha told Renny she feels sorry for Michelle.
  • Ollie thinks Dan is a plant. Wait, we know that. The new why is because his plan was so carefully planned out and the morning songs were about guns.
  • Renny talked to Ollie and told him that she thinks she's been fed lies. She wanted to know if Ollie really was responsible for Memphis going on the block and the details of the HOH deal.
  • Neither Renny or Ollie know why Dan wanted them to say each other at the POV ceremony. Ollie thinks it was for show. When Ollie asked Renny if she trusts Dan, she told him she doesn't trust anyone.
  • Ollie and Keesha briefly talked religion. Now, here's something I can get behind Ollie on -- he said he doesn't debate religion because he thinks everyone should just read the bible and interpret it in their own way. I'd go a step further and include more than the bible, but I've always been one to hate religion debates.
  • Memphis told Keesha he's worried that Renny thinks he has an alliance with Jerry. Yeah, like that could happen!
  • They are buzzing about a double eviction, but it's really just speculation. They think it's due soon. Dan thinks someone comes back if they boot two. @@
  • Michelle cried some more.
  • Michelle tried again for Keesha's vote. Jerry doesn't seem to be campaigning at all and rather sure he's staying.
  • Ollie told Keesha that Jerry told him he isn't campaigning because the votes are the way they are and he can't change them.
  • Ollie told Keesha he didn't think that Renny would vote to keep Jerry. He also told her that if Michelle stays, they won't target either Renny or Keesha next week.
  • They're really working it, huh?
  • Jerry thinks Michelle keeps crying to gain sympathy votes to stay.
  • Dan used the peace signs from the Hippie Room to make a big veto.
  • Michelle told Ollie that she tried to make a deal with Memphis that if she stays and wins HOH, he can name a nominee and she won't put him up. Now, where have we heard that before? (As a sidenote: I don't recall her having that conversation with Memphis, but I could have missed it.)
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

BB10 Latest Live Feeds and Stuff

Today was one boring day in the BB10 house. My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I think I prefer when Ollie is freaking out.

In other news:
  • I was saddened to see Bill and his orange dog Star go tonight on The Greatest American Dog. Although I find him to be on the obnoxious side, I felt sorry for JD when Galaxy started to limp. I hope Galaxy is okay and that he'll withdraw the dog if there's an issue.
  • I finally caught the finale episode of Bones. I had already heard long ago about the ending, so it didn't surprise me. But I found the whole ending rather weak.
  • I overdid it with my knee today and I'm sitting here with ice on it. I really should refill my pain meds -- I've been out for a week and thought I was doing fine.
  • They actually stopped my rat poison ... er, Coumadin for a few days this week and put me on a lower dose. Last week I was very tired and felt blah. I feel better this week on the lower dose but have had real problems sleeping. Tomorrow I go for my weekly blood draw, so they'll probably change it again. I so love being poisoned slowly!