Showing posts with label season premiere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label season premiere. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

BB21: Season Premiere Part One Blog Party

Okay, hamster watchers! Are you ready for summer camp? Well, not really camp for us … more like a guilty pleasure.

I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings live-blogging tonight's show the best I can. It's often a bit hard when I'm not all that familiar with the cast. So, please bear with me. Refresh this page to get the latest updates! As always. the real party is in the comments area -- feel free to join in on the fun!

If you want to know more about how this blog does BB and what's expected in the community, click this link HERE.

For the program/live feeds scheduling, click this link HERE.

The Lovable Lifeguard SueGee has made the random match-ups for the blog pool. We did notice two stragglers scratching at the pool gate and allowed them in. So, if you asked late, check to see if you're in it! Instead of the pool being listed on an already to be long show post, I have it on its own page. I will update it and link it in the show blog party post weekly on eviction nights. This is the link -- Who's YOUR Hamster?

So, let's get this going …! Tonight's show isn't live and they've actually been in the house for about a week. Rumors are one might already be gone. Yikes!

Camp BB -- Julie's wearing a rather unusual for her loose fitting dress that for some reason reminds me of the old duster housecoats. She promises us twists and turns never seen before. I note that she didn't say we'd like them.

And, now we're into meeting the first eight -- Jackson, Nicole, Tommy, Kathryn (Kat), Ovi, Kemi, Holly and Jack. After the intros, they're on stage with Julie and the first group to move in. Tommy, Jack, Kat and Nicole go in first. The rest head in. Screams of delight. Tommy is admiring Jack. Kat admires Jackson. Ovi and Jackson went to the same school. 

Julie hints that some may already know each other and, before the night is out, one might receive something that could change the game.

Time to meet the rest of the hamsters. Christie, Sam, Isabella (calls herself Bella on all the interviews), Nick, Jessica, Cliff, Analyse and David. First in are Cliff, Bella, Dacid and Analyse. Jack/Jackson are already bromance buddies. Ovi seems cast aside. Sam, Nick, Jessica and Christie head in. Tommy knows Christie -- she dated his (aunt) mentioned older woman for seven years. Neither knew the other would be there. Both pretend not to know each other.

Then we're into the group drinks/ meet and greet among them. Girls are already agog at Jack and his resemblance to the Aquaman actor.

Julie calls them all into the living room and tells them Camp BB. Expect the unexpected starts now. They must name a camp director who will have unprecedented powers. Safe for a week, direct first comp, could put your game in jeopardy. It's an election, can't vote for themselves. 

Darn it! Vincent the cat just caught a mouse. I have Wild Kingdom going on here!. 

It looks like David and Jackson are interested in being Camp Director. I missed a bit disposing a dead body. Vincent broke his play toy. 

Kemi would like Jessica to win, but wants to vote with the house. Jackson goes to Jack for both his vote and a pact. Jackson seems to have impressed Nicole in his quest for Director. Bella seems like she's going to turn for the girls voting for Jessica and vote Jackson instead. 

Time to vote director --
Analyse -- Jessica
Jack -- Jackson
Not all votes are being shown.

Results, all must put on goggles. Least number of votes -- paint explodes on several of them. Zero vote people. That's just about everybody. Jack, Jackson, Jessica and Nick. One vote each for Jack and Nick. Jessica is out with four votes and Jackson is the new Camp Director with ten votes. Jessica is upset that so many lied to her.

Julie congratulates Jackson. He's safe at the first live eviction. He must banish four houseguests. The four will be out of the game and must battle for their BB lives. Three will be back in, the fourth will be out before the first eviction takes place.

And, that's where it ends tonight. 

The banished go to the BB Wilderness and will need to find their way back. Julie says tomorrow will be a live eviction and an endurance HoH comp. Hmm.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Survivor 38: Edge of Extinction Season Premiere Blog Party

Let's see how this extinction thing is going to work! It looks like a good cast this year and they're all huge fans of the show. Unfortunately, unlike seasons which have the Survivor premiere and the Big Brother finale on the same night, we don't get an hour and a half. I even recall some seasons with a two hour long premiere. Nope. It's an hour tonight.

Although I'm sure to have some trouble matching names and faces tonight, I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the party is in the comments area -- feel free to join in on the fun!

If you want cheat sheets with names and faces, I have the tribes in separate posts -- Manu and Kama. You can also see who your pool castaway is! 

Lifeguard Laurie has graciously offered to do the blog pool again this season. How great is she, I ask! Here's the breakdown from Laurie:

As per tradition, nobody goes home tonight. They get put with someone who only has 2 people. I do thank everyone for signing up on the Pool Sign up Page!

Manu Tribe
Chris Underwood - Glenn Allen, Laurie
Dan DaSilva "Wardog" - Jackie, Nana in the NW
David Wright * - Dr_Celine, PDX Granny, Renee Buck
Keith Sowell - Donna in Alabama, meb, Skyriverblue
Kelley Wentworth * - Donna in NY, Jenna G.
Lauren O'Connell - Brian, Krysta Gibson, Sharon N.
Reem Daly - David, Terry is a Texan, Sharon C.
Rick Devens - Auntie Leigh, Merrilee
Wendy Diaz - Janice, Jennasmom, tbz

Kama Tribe
Aubry Bracco * - Cheryl in NC, Margo, Petals
Aurora McCreary - Ed in Ohio, marthalight
Eric Hafemann - Bizaro22, Pinky, Shannon
Gavin Whitson - Brenda, KelseyNY
Joe Anglim * - Carol C., Kismet
Julia Carter - Donna in FL, Monty924, Jennifer
Julie Rosenberg - Delee, MikesGirl
Ron Clark - CherryPie, Judi Sweeney, Rochelle
Victoria Baamonde - Indiana Jane, Karen in VS, SueGee

Survivor fans ready? Let's get this show going!

Jeff introduces some of the castaways and tells us players will be faced with a decision upon being voted out -- go home or go to the edge of extinction with a chance to return to the game. He talks to the newbies and tells them there are four returning players. All of them now are together on a boat. Jeff goes over the track record of the returnees.

The boat is loaded with supplies -- each tribe has two minutes to get stuff on their respective boats. Newbie Keith can't swim. Why don't people make sure they can swim before coming on the show?

As they work building the shelter, Kelley works to bond with others to decrease the target on her back and build a good alliance. David is still insecure but is willing to try to help others so they can trust him. Interesting, a newbie (Wendy? Lauren?) has Tourettes with the tics and such. That wasn't mentioned in her bio.

Over on Kama, Joe doesn't want to show off but he does end up being asked questions and making fire. Whoa! One of the newbies picked up a secret advantage clue on the boat. Ron Clark (I think)  digs up an advantage menu. It's good through the third tribal. He has choices like immunity after the vote, etc.

Joe tells Aubry he's happy with the tribe -- everyone's working and seem like a good bunch. The firefighter and Gavin seem to be bonding. But there are already rumblings about getting Aubry out. 

Reem seems to be alienating people by trying to help them. She did things like put one guy's shirt on the beach to dry without telling him. Reem and Wendy teach Keith to swim. He really should have learned before. The others back at the camp are now suspicious of the three.

Immunity challenge time. Maneuver through obstacles, one person climb, rinse and repeat sort of, then a puzzle. Reward is fire in the form of a flint. 

KAMA wins Immunity! (And should give Joe a big thanks.)

Reem brings up that Kelley and Lauren need to be separated. Keith isn't too keen on that but just feels he doesn't want to be in their sights! Wendy's name is brought up. Wendy would like to have Reem stay -- Reem's targeted mainly due to the motherly aspect. With Wendy speaking up for Reem, all of a sudden Wendy is a target. Reem is ready to fight.

Tribal Council time! I'm ready for Jeff's Probsting questions! Did you realize Jeff is now 57 years old? He starts off asking about tribal unity or off in little groups. Reem is already on the defensive because her name was out there. She's calling age discrimination. I don't think she's helping her cause. Jeff asks her if she's confrontational at home. She's still defensive. Wardog gets just as defensive back at her. 

Time to vote.

The tally --
Reem, Kelley, Wendy, Lauren, Reem, Wendy, Reem, Wendy, Reem

Well, she is voted out … but, wait …!

She mumbles a lot walking away and comes into the Edge of Extinction fire/ sign. She takes the torch and gets on the boat. She won't give up! 

She finds that absolutely nothing is there where the boat leaves her. And then we end ...

Monday, January 21, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Season Premiere Blog Party

Yipes! It sneaked up on me! I don't think we will have enough regulars to run a pool. If the outcome is larger than I expect, I can throw one together.

There are only thirteen episodes for the entire season. Tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm ET for this week. I'll post the remaining ones in a separate post. It's sort of a whacked-out schedule. Once the live feeds are up and running after the Tuesday episode airs, I will be posting live feeds reports. According to ET, they've already been in the house for five days. So, we've already missed a lot. (Grr.)

Hmm … not sure if I like what Julie's done with her hair. She is keeping the Moonves in her introduction. We get to meet the HG via video clips. The swimmer is totally clueless about BB while the woman WWF person is a fan. Kato still thinks OJ did it. Hmm. Tamar's prized possession is her son Lucas? He's a possession? She's a show fan. 

Six are let in first -- the ones mentioned above plus Tom Greene, the woman Olympian. The Olympian woman (eventually I'll get the names straight) thinks that she has an immediate target because people will think the Olympians know each other. Up next is the next six.

Joey Lawrence from Blossom. The Lohan mother. Jonathan Bennett. I do not know him. Apparently he hosts cooking shows. He is a show fan. Kandi Burress (sp?). She's opinionated. That will go over well. Ricky Williams, NFL. Anthony Scaramucci is introduced next. They come to the stage and run into the house.

Tom Greene brings up that he was fired by Trump on Celebrity Apprentice. I forgot about that. So Trump has two firees in the house.

Julie via video tells them that two of them will become the first Power Pair. In the HoH comp, they will compete in pairs. One of the Power Pair is to be the HoH. 

Comp time! It's a bar kind of set-up. Only five pairs will compete. One pair must sit out.

Ryan chooses Jonathan
Tamar … Kandi. Tom and Lolo.
GAH I can't keep up with them!
Kato and Eva Marie are the ones sitting out. Julie announces that they will be safe from eviction.

Drinks on Us is the comp. They're in swings. They must fill a large champagne glass from smaller ones as they swing.

Most of them can't get their swings to swing to fill up their small glasses. They all seem to be bouncing rather than swinging. Ryan (Swimmer) was the first one to figure it out.

It looks like more champagne is spilling or being thrown at each other than any serious efforts.

Ryan and Jonathan win Power Pair. One will be HoH. Hmm.

Julie tells us the one not HoH will be in for a game changing surprise. 

She tells them they must break up. They have to battle against each other and the winner is HoH. Loser will be the first nominee of the season. 

Tomorrow we find out what happens with the Power Pair and nominations. On Wednesday, Power of Veto, no show Thursday, Friday eviction. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Survivor: David vs. Goliath -- Season Premiere Blog Party

What a night we have ahead of us! It's the 90-minute season premiere for Survivor followed by the 90-minute season finale of Big Brother 20! And, that will be followed by live backyard interviews by Ross and Marissa on Facebook Live. I hope y'all napped some.

There are 20 castaways, so tonight's live blogging might be a bit rough as I get used to who's whom in the cast. I put up a cheat sheet with names and images at this link. But I won't really be able to access it while blogging and watching the show.

Here's the blog pool news from Lifeguard Laurie herself (she rocks!) --

Here's the pool. Same rules as before, nobody goes home the first night. They each get added to other teams (randomly).

Team David
Bi - Auntie Leigh, Janice, nana in the nw
Carl - DonnaNY, MikesGirl, tbc
Christian - ChicMc, Judi Sweeney, Sharon C
Davie - CherryPie, KelseyNY, Robin Allard
Elizabeth - Dennis Comfort, marthalight, Skyriverblue
Gabby - Cheryl in NC, Krysta Gibson, Rochelle
Jessica - Dr_Celine, ML, Terry is a Texan
Lyrsa - Buzzmaam, jennifer, Petals
Nick - Brian, Jennasmom, Paula Bell
Pat - Delee, Marlo Lee, Silk

Team Goliath
Alec - Carol C, Jean, Rbennie
Alison - Cher C, Jenna G, Renee
Angelina - Donna in FL, Margo, Vicki Volk
Dan - Donna in Alabama, Laurie Miles, SueGee
Jeremy - Andi l, Jackie, monty924, PDX Granny
John - Bizaro22, Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed
Kara - David, Karen in CA, Sharon N
Mike - Ed in Ohio, meb, Tammy
Natalia - Glenn Allen, Merrilee, TS14Fan
Natalie - Brenda, ITCHY, Nora
Thank you!

Survivor watchers ready? Let's GO! 

We're going through introductions and the theme itself. They're in Fiji, 39 days, 20 people, one Survivor. 

It's not who has the advantage, it's what is the advantage. 

Christian and Lyrsa (David) were chosen as the weakest on the David tribe by the Goliath Tribe.

Goliath has to choose their strongest -- Alison and John. 

They have a challenge ahead -- three stages, David gets to pick which one Goliath will take. They're obstacle course type things. They also chose their own course. The Davids won! Christian did the slide puzzle in about five seconds. It turns out that he wrote algorithms for slide puzzles in college. The Goliaths had a cube puzzle. The physical parts were pretty even. But he chose the right puzzle!

Ah, Mike White. I was a fan when he was on The Amazing Race. It turns out that Dan, the SWAT cop, lost over 100 pounds. He's already agog at Kara and even has a dog named Kara, albeit pronounced differently. She likes him, too. After all, they're both beautiful people! 

Over on the David tribe -- Pat says he can build the shelter as he swings a hammer every day. Others are gathering palm fronds. Christian seems to be taken a bit aback by Pat's direction as are some of the others. Uh-oh!

Goliath is having issues in building a shelter. (Maybe they would like a Pat!) Natalie is giving the orders there and now has a fresh target on her back. 

On David, the shelter is going well and at least Pat is working hard. Jessica and Carl (I think) build an early alliance. Already people are starting to want to work together. Elizabeth and Lyrsa? Oh my. Christian and Gabby have an early nerd alliance. 

Back to Goliath -- The wrestler of many names is playing as himself, John. Continued animosity towards Natalie for sitting there and barking out orders. Mike wants to go look for an idol. They all wonder where he is and they think he's out there looking for a hidden idol. So, now he also has a target on his back. They know he's wealthy, successful and was on TAR. Natalie, of all people, tells Mike he put a target on his back by looking for the idol. He feels foolish. 

Their first night was rough, heavy rain. The Kentucky lawyer wants to scheme while Elizabeth and others were commenting how much they care about people. Nick, the lawyer, is already getting on the sites of others because he isn't working. They're grateful that Pat's expertise did make them a good shelter. 

Angelina on Goliath is looking for an idol along with another gal. Oh noes! Now they're all looking for idols! The SWAT cop Dan found it and shared the news with Kara and Natalia. 

On David, Davie caught an octopus! Then it rains again. And then Jessica cries. Bits on domestic abuse from Bi after Jessica mentioned her mother's problems. Nick tells the others he lost his mother to a drug overdose three years ago. He says he has always been quiet about it. 

Okay, an hour into things and we have the first Immunity Challenge. Obstacle course, sandpit, machete, ladder second tribe has to untie knots to release flag, ends in a puzzle. Also playing for Reward -- flint. 

Whoa! Pat slows down John from Goliath! Goliath got the machete advantage. It's raining as they all work on the puzzles. The Goliaths narrowly win the first Immunity Challenge. 

Stormy, stormy. Oh geez! Pat is down! Medics are helping him. The boat they took back to the camp slammed on a rock, injuring Pat's back. He's gasping through an oxygen mask telling Jeff they can't pull him. The medics are concerned about spinal damage/fracture.

The medics, rightfully, decide to pull him from the game to get him to a hospital. Poor Pat. He was the impetus for the show theme this season. Plus, he's from my childhood stomping grounds. Horrible. I hope it wasn't fractured. I know back issues! 

No tribal council tonight as they lost a member. They get a flint anyway. 

A blurb at the end of the show says he's recovered fully.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Big Brother 20: Season Premiere Blog Party

Welp, it's HERE! As the show airs on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging it the best I can (considering I might confuse the new hamsters at times). Refresh this page to get the latest! As usual, the real party is in the comments area -- come join in on the fun!

For more information about what you can expect from me, as well as what I expect from you, check out the BB20 blog info post linked here. That also contains a link to the blog pool sign up post. Since the deadline for that is Friday, you have time to sign up! I don't have links which allow me proceeds from CBS All Access live feeds, so ... if you wish to donate via the link on the sidebar, it would be great! This might seem like fun, but it's really a good deal of work. 

Remember ... play nice! Let the show begin. 

Julie Chen is on the BB stage although most we'll see will be taped. We already have a "but first" as she starts the introduction segment. Previous hamsters are in the audience. I won't go blow by blow with the introductions. I've already posted about them. 

The first eight were introduced in clips and are now on stage with Julie. It includes: Tyler, Baleigh, Sam and Winston enter first. The house is done up very differently this season. Steve, Angela, JC and Kaitlyn enter next. Angela already puts a nail in Tyler's (and her own) coffin by going on and on about both being from Hilton Head, SC. (No, I don't believe they know each other.)

Julie tells us that one will win a game-changing power while the others may have their game threatened. 

Time for the introductions for the second group of eight. They too go in four by four. Swag wants to align with Fessy already and JC notices. They discover a third bedroom.

I know I've been quiet a bit. They've just been introducing themselves to each other with their champagne toasts. Already the editing wants to go for the sexual appeal factor. The aura reading hamster thinks Rachel has a red aura which indicates trouble. We'll see.  

They found out Scottie has never been kissed. Called to the living room, Julie promises high-tech twists, etc. She promises BB tech will dominate their summer. They have to get in their gear and head to the backyard.

BB Super Computer -- four men, four girls on each platform. They're battling for the power to reprogram the game. Winner can save him/herself and seven others. The computer crashes, they all pixelate and fall into pools of eight. Then we go to commercial. 

Julie goes to the first eight, tells them they are in the trash holder. They must find the folders marked Escape -- one folder will be marked Escape Play, one person will be without a folder and will face a game changing punishment. Tyler finds a folder and is out first - Escape. He can go to the house or go back to look for the Play folder. He goes to the house. Bayleigh next, goes to house. Brett next, house. Dark hair gal (oops) house. Escape and Play went to Angela. JC found his, house. Winston finds the last one. Kaycee (sp) is without a folder.

Julie promises a twist that will let us impact the game.

The other eight are in the cyber security game. They have to each prove they're not robots. They're hanging suspended and have to spell out houseguest in a puzzle. Last one is like the folder-less one of the first eight. Swag is the first one done and will go against Angela. Scottie was a close second. Steve next. Fessy is safe from punishment. Kaitlyn safe, Rockstar Angie safe. It's down to Hayleigh and Sam. Hayleigh is safe. Sam is figuratively without a folder and will face punishment. 

Bayleigh tries to give Swag advice to not be so cocky about his win. Oops, now they're tight. Weird. He's talking to the feeds that aren't live. Heh. He wants to strike a deal with Angela that they keep each other safe no matter who wins the reprogram. She tells him they need to keep the eight from their platforms safe. That inspires him more for the win.

There are two surfboards in the air and bouncy filmy stuff underneath. Angela and Swag have to "surf the BB web." Last one standing wins. Backdoor webpages, then chopping block pages keep hitting them from behind. Whoa! Swaggy wins!

Reprogram -- He can pick two of the four individual groups that moved into the house. So, they can't go by the eight on the platforms anyway! Can we say Friendship Bracelets Redux?

His own group is safe because he obviously wants to keep himself safe. Brett, Rockstar and someone else. Hmm. 

Meanwhile Kaycee comes back in some kind of rainbow peacock outfits. Pinwheel of Doom.
A robot enters. It's SAM. Well, her voice.

All called to the living room by Julie on the monitor screen. Kaycee has to wear her outfit until the first live eviction. If her pinwheel spins, she has to stay in that room until it stops. With Sam, if she hears Robot Offline, she goes to DR and comes back as human. Robot Online, she makes the trip and comes back as a robot. 

Swaggy saves: Rockstar, Brett and Rachel - his group, including himself. Gruop three Scottie, Hayleigh, Kaycee and Fessy. He says it's because they were all in the second bunch of eight entering the house.

There is a vote to give a special power to a hamster going on at the CBS BB website.

Remember ... tomorrow's show is 9pm ET!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Survivor: Ghost Island - Blog Pool & Season Premiere Blog Party

It's here! A season made up purely of Survivor superfans and delving into the ghosts of the mistakes made by previous castaways! As tonight's two hour long season premiere airs, I'll keep up with things the best I can live blogging. It's hard in the beginning until I get to know the cast, so please bear with me. Refresh this page to get the latest news!

Lifeguard Laurie is once again in charge of the blog pool and here are the random picks --

         Angela Perkins - monty924, Karen JC
         Bradley Kleihege - SueGee, Nana in the NW
         Chelsea Townsend - David, Merrilee
         Chris Noble - Petals, Ed in Ohio, ChicMc
         Desiree Afuye - Bizarro22, Karen in California
         Domenick Abbate - Donna in Alabama, Janice
         Kellyn Bechtold - Glenn Allen, Margo, Delee
         Morgan Ricke - Nickelpeed, Cheryl in NC
         Sebastian Noel - Indiana Jane, Shannon
         Wendell Holland - Skyriverblue, Jennasmom


         Brendan Shapiro - Martha Light, Rochelle
         Donathan Hurley - Becky, Terry is a Texan!
         Jacob Durwin - Auntie Leigh, Jackie
         James Lim - TS14Fan, Krysta Gibson
         Jenna Bowman - Brian, Judi Sweeney
         Laurel Johnson - Judi Sweeney, PDX Granny
         Libby Vincek - tbc, jennifer, Laurie
         Michael Yerger - Sharon N., Tammy
         Stephanie Gonzalez - Donna in FL, Kristen from Ohio
         Stephanie Johnson - Brenda, Rbennie

Survivor fans ready?

The graveyard for bad decisions. The new bunch have to find the idols and other things to survive the mistakes of the past. Jeff tells them that one bad decision can haunt them forever. They will have the chance to reverse the curse of a previous bad decision. Right decision at the right time.

They must select one person to represent their tribe. Malolo -- chose Brendan. Naviti chose Chris.

Must pick the person best to do the physical part -- Michael and Lairel for Malolo. Sebastion and Desiree for Naviti.

Dig up keys, solve puzzle.

Less rice than any previous season, will have fishing kit. Winning tribe gets a shelter building kit, loser has fishing gear taken away. If the leader thinks the puzzle person isn't going to make it they can forfeit giving up eggs and flint. 

Naviti forfeited. They keep their fishing gear. Malolo gets the shelter. Did Chris blow his game by calling the forfeit? 

I realize I'm being quiet. They're all introducing themselves to each other as they get shelters together. Chris and Sebastian have bonded early as have Dohnathan and Laurel on the other tribe. Domenick, I think it is, has already rubbed people the wrong way with his construction direction -- Sebastian and Chris have him in their sights.

Jacob, worried that he'll be a target, makes himself a target by going off to search for an idol. 

When Dom hears that Sebastian mentioned his name as a possible target, he automatically assumed it had something to do with Chris. Y'see, when Jeff asked the tribe at the challenge if Chris made a mistake by forfeiting it, Dom was the only one who said he did. 

Time for the first Immunity Challenge -- racing over a net bridge, loosen ropes, pull sled, puzzle. Ghost Island is in play. Someone from the losing tribe will be sent there.

NAVITI wins Immunity! Plus they get a flint. Naviti gets to choose who from Malolo to Ghost Island -- they choose Jacob. He is also immune from being voted out at the first Tribal. 

Jacob is at Ghost Island. Many original Survivor relics. He gets a clue to follow the fire. Game of Chance - a secret advantage or lose your vote. He gets a secret advantage -- Legacy Advamtage. Sierra made an error with it. Jacob can restore the power by willing it to a person on the other side. He tells us he will will it to Morgan and reverse the curse. 

Dhonathan wants Gonzalez out and vice versa.

First Tribal Council. Time for Jeff and his Probsting questions to get them riled up. Hmm. Gonzalez gets up and whispers to one guy and whispers all around. Dhonathan isn't whispering and seems sure he's the target.

The tally:
Dhon, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Gonzalez ...

Gonzalez is the first person voted out! Good. She was pushy and arrogant. She might be physically stronger than Dhonathan, but I like their decision. 

Meanwhile, Dom goes looking for an idol in the dark. And ... he finds one! It's the idol Andrea was voted out with in her pocket. Can he reverse the curse? 

Morgan received the Legacy Idol. She knows Sierra blew it by talking. Jacob makes a fake idol and hopes it can pass it off as found on Ghost Island.

Jacob returns to his tribe. He's surprised that Gonzalez is gone. He shows them his fake idol. He tells them he will play it at the next Tribal no matter what because he doesn't want to be "Idol Guy." He thinks they believe him. They don't -- they think they'll play along with him and vote him out. They aren't really sure, though.  

Dom tried to make amends with Chris, but is leery. Dom decides to make a fake idol and put it with the note to get Chris's trust. He even promises to give him the (fake) idol if he needs it. Now Chris is leery and doesn't trust him. 

Ohh .. no Reward Challenges. It's the Immunity Challenge. Water and shooting baskets. Reward is chairs, pillows, blankets and sending a loser tribe person to Ghost Island. Angela sits out.

James can't go under enough to release buoys. Dhonathan just sat there. Now he's trying. He got them!

NAVITI wins their second Immunity. They send Dhonathan to Ghost Island. 

Dhonathan is on the island. He got a dud message smashing his urn. Back at camp, James tells them the loss is on him. But, of course, they still want Jacob out. Stephanie works on Jacob. What a fool! He trusts her and tells her the idol isn't real, plus he tells her the Legacy Advantage went to Morgan. Fool. He deserves to go home. Now she wants to work with him. Hmm. Jacob told her that he wants to target Michael. Hmm. Now they're talking flipping the vote. But Michael and Brendan are worried there might be a flip.

Tribal Council Number Two for the night. More whispering.

The tally:
Michael, James, Jacob, James, Jacob, Jacob, Jacob.

Jacob is gone. 

Whoa -- drop your buffs next week?!?!

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: Pre-Season Premiere STUFF

I'm still not sure who some of these celebrities are! For convenience, I'm listing them and their supposed claim to fame:
  • Shannon Elizabeth, age 44 - actress. (Who is she?)
  • Ross Mathews, age 38 - talk show host/Ross the Intern from Jay Leno.
  • Keshia Knight Pulliam, age 38 - actress - "Rudy" on The Cosby Show  
  • Brandi Glanville, age 45 - one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills women (I never watched the show)
  • Metta World Peace (Ron Artest), age 38 - basketball coach. Have seen him on talk shows and such.
  • Ariadna Guiterrez, age 24 - Miss Universe Runner-Up, the Steve Harvey faux pas. Um, okay. 
  • James Maslow, age 27 - Nickelodeon actor. I have no clue.
  • Marissa Janet Winokur, age 44 - Broadway actress
  • Mark McGrath, age 49 - singer/front man for the band Sugar Ray
  • Omarosa Manigault, age 43 - The Apprentice, recently quit Trump White House position.
  • Chuck Liddell. age 48 - "UFC Legend", mixed martial arts dude.
The show schedule is as follows:
Thursday, Feb. 8, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Friday, Feb. 9, from 8 – 10 p.m. ET/PT
Sunday, Feb. 11, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Monday, Feb. 12, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Wednesday, Feb. 14, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Friday, Feb. 16, from 8 – 10 p.m. ET/PT
Sunday, Feb. 18, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Monday, Feb. 19, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Friday, Feb. 23, from 8 – 10 p.m. ET/PT
Saturday, Feb. 24, from 8 – 9 p.m. ET/PT
Sunday, Feb. 25, from 8 – 10 p.m. ET/PT (the finale) 

My show coverage:
I plan on live blogging the episodes as they air on the East Coast.

What about the live feeds?
Yes, I will be posting live feeds reports. Right now the plan is twice daily.

Additional stuff --
For those on you on mobile devices, a fellow BB blogger -- Dan Murrell Jr -- has his Mutant Soup Big Brother Soup app available for Apple download at this link.  His Android app is at this link.

And, as always, I like That Dingo on Hamsterwatch. She and I have been through a lot with our BB coverage!

Over the years, the number of us covering the show has diminished. There was a time when the fan sites could make decent money with not all that much controversy. Lately it seems the show fans are taking the show as badly as the state of politics these days. 

I myself used to earn good money freelancing for AOL Television, Weblogs, TV Squad (now Huffington Post) covering the show recaps and live feeds. While Dan hopefully will make money with his app (something I have no clue how to do, kudos to him!) and That Dingo will make money on CBS All Access sign-ups, I'm dependent on donations and very meager ad revenue. While I do enjoy doing this and I really enjoy this blog community, it is work to do this show. I'd appreciate any and all donations if you can make one. The donation link is on the sidebar ...


Wednesday, January 03, 2018

The Amazing Race 30: Season Premiere Blog Party

Wow. It's the 30th season of this show? It's hard to believe, isn't it? It looks like we have a very strong cast this season -- almost all of the teams seem to be very competitive. I guess we'll see what happens!

Will there be a blog pool this season? Why, yes! I'm glad you asked! SueGee has offered to run it. We're going to skip the first team out. After all, we hardly get to know them. I will be posting a separate blog pool sign up post later tonight after the show airs here. Please do not ask to join here on this blog party post! Your request might be missed! Watch for the actual blog pool sign up post.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging the events to the best of my ability. It's often rough at the beginning as I'm try to get used to the new teams. So, bear with me. 

Amazing Race fans ready? Let's GO! 

Phil promises us the most competitive teams ever as the teams head to the starting point at Washington Square Park in NYC. (Had I known, I would have headed there for photos!) We're getting team intros now. 

They have to all go in the fountain to get the clue to where they're going. It's Iceland! 

It's gorgeous in Iceland. The teams have to pick up an Icelandic flag from a zip line. So far, all the teams seem to be likable. That, of course, may change. Some of the teams are having problems finding where they need to go.  

Uh-oh, the Goat Yoga Girls are bickering a bit. More than a bit. Not good, even if they are lost. Other teams had problems finding the zip line place, but no quarreling!  

Roadblock! The teams have to traverse in a dune buggy looking for letters and the correct order to spell the location of their next clue. 

Whoa! Cody and Jess are now in the lead! The Yale Debaters are in second place.

At the location, Jody are serenaded and asked questions to which they must find an answer. They each have to drink a shot of "The Black Death" -- a potent drink indeed.

Jess and Cody are now headed to the Pit Stop. The Skiing Women are right on their tails. Now Jess and Cody are lost. Cody won't stop to ask for directions. The Ski Women asked before they headed out.


Pit Stop:
1. The Ski Women -- won a trip to Greece. 
2. Cody and Jessica
3. Yalies
4. Trevor and Chris (Daytona Dudes)

Uh-oh. The Goat Yoga Girls were inadvertently assisted by the NBA Guys at the Roadblock. Now the NBA Guys are in last place. 

5. Joey Chestnut and partner
6. Who are they??? 
7. ?
8. NBA but not allowed to help -- one called out to the other. Penalty.
8. Twins
9. NBA
10. Goat Yoga Girls
11. Ring Girls

It all came down to the last few seconds as the NBA waited out their penalty and both women teams raced in.  The Ring Girls have been Philiminated.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Survivor 35: Heroes-Healers-Hustlers - Season Premiere Blog Party

What? Only an hour show for the season premiere? What's up with that?

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging the action the best I can as I'm not familiar with this group of castaways yet. Everyone is welcome to join in on the party in the comments area!

Due to the recent season of Big Brother, I'm laying down some ground rules for comments. Hopefully we won't see it happening here with this show and castaways with more success in life and labors. Some of these are rules we've had all along, but may need a reminder --
  • Keep comments to a PG rating. Do not quote from other sites that don't follow that rule. All asterisks if you feel you must.
  • Absolutely no hate speech which includes derogatory comments and slang.
  • While the castaways are fair game for commenting on as they are in the public eye, no comments on physical characteristics which they might not be able to control. 
  • No nicknames, please. When posting about a castaway, real name. It just makes things confusing. Thank you.
  • No comments directed at "fans" of castaways you might not like. Say why you don't care for said castaway, but leave the "fans" of him or her out of it. Commenters are free to like whomever they choose without feeling they themselves are the target of other comments.
  • If someone trolls the comments, please do NOT reply to them. I will remove the troll comments and replies give me more work to do!
  • Remember ... this is a TELEVISION SHOW. It's not your life!
For those who might have missed it -- the blog pool match-ups are in this post right here. Starting next week I'll be including the updated list each week in the blog party post. Lifeguard Laurie is in charge and she rocks!

Survivor fans ready? 

Now, you can bet Jeff Probst didn't climb up that peak! He's telling the new castaways about the Heroes, Healers and Hustlers breakdown. They do the old boat is loaded with supplies, get what you can. Each tribe has a burning urn on their beach. First tribe to raise one of their members to light a torch gets fire. Second gets a flint. 

Ohhh ... Jersey boy Ryan from Hustlers finds a secret advantage clue as they are getting the supplies. 

Healers got fire, Heroes flint. 

Healer Joe wants to manipulate people. There's also a bit of a rift on the Heroes tribe. Already! 

Whoa! Ryan's clue is actually a super idol! It can be used AFTER the voting. It has to be used in the first tribal council. If his tribe doesn't go to council, he must anonymously pass it on to someone on the losing tribe.

Healer Joe is already making more waves. While, yeah, Mike went looking for an idol. But who is Joe to call him out on it on the first day? 

Oh, geez. Ryan tells Devon that he found the clue and the super idol. An alliance is formed ... kind of early, methinks. 

Alan on Heroes is the Healer Joe of his tribe. He thinks two (JP and Ashley) are a power couple already and is accusing them of having an idol. 

First Immunity Challenge - pull a cart up a doohickey, ride it down, table mazes, another mazing challenge. First two tribes win Immunity. Hustlers are also playing for fire. Jeff tells them tie votes are back in this season.

Healers win first Immunity! Hustlers win Immunity! It will be the Heroes going to Tribal Council. Uh-oh. Chrissy from Heroes (my local castaway) almost collapses. That might hurt her chance to survive. But, then again, Ryan has to give his super idol to someone. Hmm.

Alan is paranoid. As he should be with his behavior so far. It looks like the consensus might be Ashley. Chrissy and Katrina have also been mentioned. Hmm. I guess Alan shouldn't be paranoid? Yay! Chrissy is the recipient of Ryan's idol!  

Tribal Council time! Chrissy tells Jeff she didn't feel like she belonged in the tribe. She thinks the Power Four -- everyone but Katrina and herself -- will run the show. They talk about Alan strip searching JP for an idol. Katrina and Chrissy are the two "older women" on the tribe. Ben seems to speak with logic, but Alan keeps piping in. 

Remember -- the super idol is played after the votes are read.

The tally:
Katrina, Ashley, Katrina, Katrina, ... Katrina out.

Chrissy does NOT save her. And, there goes the only chance to use that super idol. Ashley apparently would have gone out in Katrina's place had she used it, at least I think that's how it works. I might be wrong.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Big Brother 19: Season Premiere Blog Party

Okay, hamster watchers! It's HERE -- the two-hour season premiere of Big Brother 19! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! Tonight will be sort of a "the best I can" attempt as it takes me a bit to get the names down in the beginning of the season. The real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

The live feeds won't come on until 1am here on the East Coast after tomorrow's show and I have to get up early for work Friday. I'll try to have something for you, but I don't know what or how much right now! Once the feeds are constantly on, I' plan on posting two live feeds reports daily. That 1am tomorrow is a killer, though!

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight -- 

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Cameron Heard - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL)
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Jillian Parker - Sasha, Janice from GA/FL, DFT, jessica UNderwood
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Megan Lowder -Jenn G, chrob61, Marthalight
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Just a reminder -- please keep the comments PG-rated, please don't attack other commenters, please keep the comments towards things the hamsters can control (not looks and such). Any hate speech will be removed -- we don't need that here!

Hamster watchers ready? 

Julie promises us the most tempting season of Big Brother and lets us know there will be three tempting offers -- 25 grand, fan favorite back in game, one might go home. Oy. I don't want a returning hamster!

Then we're into the key receiving introductions. I will not be posting play by play with that. Christmas starts off.We meet half of them first. Julie hints at temptations. Alex, Mark, Ramses and Elena enter first. Alex is liking it to a Garden of Eden already and thinks Mark is a hottie.

Jason, Dominque, Kevin and Christmas enter next.

Now we're meeting the second half of the hamsters.Matt, Raven, Jillian and Cameron move in next. Finally, Cody ... Jessica, Josh and Megan enter.

Once all gathered, it's introductions and champagne to start things off. Dominique lies and tells them she's a motivational speaker, not an engineer.

The editing is definitely pushing showmance potential stuff. 

Julie tells us that before the night is up, the hamsters will be tempted by money, safety and power ... but each will come with a consequence. 

Julie calls them all to the living room. She tells them of the summer's big twist. Says it's the biggest, wildest, most tempting of the game. It starts right now. She tells them they'll be tempted by money, safety and power. 

First temptation -- 
Head outside. BB's Garden of Temptation. They must each pick a (huge) pod. Who could use 25 grand? First person to push their button when a light in front of them turns green wins. The first twist of the summer will release. It will be anonymous. Kevin did it. The first twist has two consequences, one personal and the other for the entire house. Kevin can't win the first HoH. The second will be revealed in "due time." 

Oh, geez. A former houseguest "fan favorite" will be entering as the 17th houseguest. I DID NOT WANT A RETURNING HAMSTER! 

Lots of speculation over who did it. And, ack, it's Paul from BB18 (as per the rumors). Kevin has no clue who he is. @@

Julie calls them again to the living room. Paul is not moving in simply to play the game -- he's taking the place of one of the hamsters. One will be evicted tonight.

Second temptation -- Safety. If one wants to stay in the game, one must tempt Paul. Paul retrieves a box. Inside are nine friendship bracelets. He is to have one, hand out eight to others. Those eight will be safe. 

They all get a few moments with him. Very odd.

Julie calls them to the living room once again. Paul tells us he wants to keep a mix in the house. Paul saves Kevin first. Then Raven, Dominque, Mark, Jason, Jessica, Ramses and Elena.

Josh thinks by not being selected, Paul likes him. 

The eight without bracelets will go to the backyard to compete for safety. 

The comp is called Tempted by the Fruit. Three will remain on the chopping block at the end of the comp, one will be voted out. They have to stand on a trapeze. If they fall off, they must eat an apple. Four are "good" apples giving safety, four are "poison." The longer they stay on the trapeze, the more clues they get for finding the good apples. 

Jillian(?) falls first, takes an apple from a red snake (more likely to be good). Megan goes out next, picks an apple. Josh jumps and thinks he picked a good apple. He thinks he's smarter than all. Cameron is down, forgets the clues and just goes for an apple. Christmas deliberately goes down, picks an apple.  

Three houseguests left, two apples. Cody, Matt and Alex remain. Matt goes down. Alex is down. Cody wins safety! 

Poison apples: Christmas, Cameron, Jillian 

Julie reveals the final temptation of the night. Power. Will only offer it to the three on the block. They get to choose how they want their fate determined. They can have the house vote or they can fight for safety in an eviction comp. They vote for it.

Jillian -- Vote, doesn't think she can beat Christmas
Cameron -- Compete
Christmas -- Vote (to see where she stands)

Eviction vote wins, 2 to 1. They get some time to campaign for safety.

Paul can only vote in the event of a tie since he'll be taking the evicted's place.

They're not showing the votes! Wah!

Julie tells them the votes are in. Christmas, 2 votes, safe. 8-3, Cameron is evicted.

There goes my pool boy! He was too cocky, methinks.

By the way, the blog pool people who had Cameron will now have Paul. I can't win for losing, eh? 

Tomorrow night is the first HoH comp, Sunday is the Den of Temptation -- the Pendant of Protection, protects holder through the next three evictions. We get to vote. Of course, there will be a consequence. 

Ah, the guys are the ones who voted to evict the girls. The girls went after Cameron.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Amazing Race - Season Premiere Blog Party - March 30

Are you ready for this? For the first time ever, TAR took on single racers and they will pair as strangers. Heck, some probably will get along better than some of those with previous relationships!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging it the best I can. The first few episodes are rough because it's so easy to confuse the names until I get them down. Of course, the real party will be in the comments area ... please join in on the fun!

The teams haven't been officially announced as yet. Tomorrow night, I'll list them in the blog pool opening post. We have a new lifeguard this season -- Sharon C -- I'd like everyone to give her a big welcome aboard! Please sign up ONLY on the pool opening post I'll post Friday night. Requests put in elsewhere may be missed!

Let's go! 

They're starting in Los Angeles, will travel nine countries.  Phil tells them they will pick their teammate. First they have to go to the luggage store -- gives them directions by number of blocks and terms like "northeast" and "southwest." They have to pick up a bag with a Panamanian (?) flag?

At least one has grabbed a bag with the wrong flag. We're getting intros to each as they go for them. It was Joey with the wrong bag. He thinks no one wants to be his partner now. He's a police sergeant.

They're standing in the order they arrived.

Seth chooses Olive.
Matt - Redmond
Shamir - Sara
Brooke and Scott

I'm not keeping up with these ... more on tomorrow's post.

The first clue is in the luggage, two flights, Phil will take Jessie and her partner to the airport because they didn't pick each other. The game's only Express Pass is in one of the pieces of luggage. Becca and Floyd have the Express Pass.

They're headed to Panama. And, after arrival, it's on to the canal. 

Seth and Olive get to the clue first.  They head to Zamboa Tower -- Detour. Shoot or Scoot. In a canoe-thing, they have to either shoot down two targets or scoot along the river in a "sprint."

There is no Roadblock. Seth and Olive are heading towards the Pit Stop first. Floyd and Becca did shoot and just finished. Whoa, Matt and Redmond got Scoot on the first shot!

Pit Stop --
1. Seth and Olive
2. Becca and Floyd
3. Matt and Redmond
4. Brooke and Scott

The other teams are still doing the Detour or not there yet.

5. Shamir and Sara
6. Joey and Tara
7. Vanck and Ashton  
8. Logan and London 
9. Jessie and Francesca
10. Kevin and Jenn -- 2 hour penalty for not completing the Detour (shut down due to dark)

10. Michael and Liz beat Kevin and Jenn!

Kevin and Jenn have been Philiminated.