Sunday, October 08, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - Oct. 8

Smile while you can, Blue.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Squirrely Snakes:
  • As you know from my last post, Jag won the power of veto.
  • Now, Cameron is sure that is a good thing. Since he wasn't picked to play, a win by Jag just has to be the second best thing.
  • That is until it's not.
  • Cameron is sure he's working with Matt and Jag with the target being Cory.
  • He's also sure, since he's been telling her so since he returned after being evicted, Bowie Jane is his person.
  • Of course, if the nominations remain the same -- Cirie and Felicia -- that's no skin off his nose, so to speak.
  • But is that's what's happening?
  • Nope. Nosirreebob! Nuh-uh!
  • Y'see ... separately Bowie Jane was approached by Jag, Matt and Cory.
  • They all pushed gently for the renomination of Cameron.
  • Cirie and Felicia approached her together. Their pitch is that all three are the underdogs and that Cameron is wanted out by most/all of the house.
  • It worked.
  • Bowie Jane agreed and told Cirie and Felicia she will take one down when Jag uses the veto and put Cameron up.
  • With this cast this season, obviously nothing is written in stone until they vote at the live eviction.
  • But this is looking pretty solid.
  • Cameron's pitch to Bowie Jane to get Cory out didn't bode well because Bowie Jane knows that part of the house will be mad at her and, while Cameron is telling her to focus on a win, the big win just isn't that important to her.
  • They have toyed around with telling Cam at the veto meeting that he said he just wanted a week so he could make jury!
  • In other news, Felicia pronounces the silent L in salmon. That drives me bonkers. Also, when they were talking about movie stars and crushes, Felicia said "Denzel Washington" much to the laughter of others. When told about Cameron thinking she was Denzel's sister, she said she'd like to sit and talk to Denzel about that.
  • Also, the OTEV comp brought out a lot of comp stories.
  • One thing we were never shown on television is that when Felicia ended up outside the house with the Exorcist comp, she did go back in. She did have to climb through the chimney, "sewage" and all. However, she did seem to time out because she was convinced she was looking for more hair.
  • With OTEV, Cirie was apparently out on the first question and had the question itself wrong, too.
  • After Cirie was out, it was then Matt and America out of the comp.
  • Felicia was out next, then Bowie Jane threw the comp to Jag.
  • Laters
Admits to Matt that he has thrown comps.

Let your hair hang down.

Tells Cory he only threw the Nether comp.

Cam thinks he's safe.

What? We're both staying?

Saturday, October 07, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Power of Veto Spoilers - Oct. 7



Veto players were picked this morning. Apparently no one got Houseguest Choice and it was all random picks.

In addition to Bowie Jane, Felicia and Cirie, we had Jag, Matt and America.

From about the time just after the veto players pick, Cameron knew it may be all over for him. Despite his schmoozing, he knows that chances are if he doesn't win HOH or Veto, he will be backdoored. Although Bowie Jane will be resistant, she will listen when everyone BUT Cameron pushes for it.

The comp was OTEV. They're all wet and happy. It seems that Matt, America and Cirie did NOT win. I'm not seeing the veto necklace on anyone yet. It sounds like Bowie Jane might have won. I haven't seen her yet. Cirie apparently did horribly and feels bad about it.

Hmm. Felicia just told Cirie that Bowie Jane threw the comp and has been underplaying all along (which I've actually been saying as well). Still not sure who won. Jag maybe? 

Yes, confirmed. JAG won the veto.

Cameron is already up being a bug in Bowie Jane's ear about what she will do if the veto is used and how she is close with Jag, he should do what she wants and keep noms the same.

BB25: Live Feeds into Saturday Morning - Oct. 7


Feel free to caption this one!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Follow the Leader:

  • Poor Bowie Jane's HOH throw wasn't thrown enough to meet her goal.
  • She even confided on camera that she did NOT want to be HOH.
  • She told Matt she never wanted the responsibility to have to make the decisions.
  • She would have been satisfied with just making it to jury.
  • Oh, woe is Bowie Jane!
  • With the "sides" of the house both spinning their tales to her, she went the easiest route to avoid losing allies she had on all sides.
  • She put Felicia and Cirie on the block.
  • Now she has Cameron at her to take one down if the veto is used and renom with Cory.
  • After all, Cory is the most dangerous player in the game, right?
  • Well, maybe to Cameron he is.
  • If Cory were to go, America would turn to Cameron, for sure.
  • On the other hand, Cory is pushing for Bowie to renom Cameron if the veto is used.
  • Although she thinks she knows the games, when America is by herself, she shows how little she actually knows about the others and game strategy.
  • The boys -- Cameron, Jag and Matt -- seem to think it's all about winning comps. Now, that doesn't jibe with Cameron's fear of Cory remaining in the house, does it?
  • We know ZingBot is going to be there for the POV, but they don't.
  • Last week they were all thinking the comp would be slip and slide.
  • It wasn't.
  • This week they think it will be OTEV.
  • What happened to slip and slide?
  • The veto comp will be later today. Of course, ZingBot and/or veto comp play will be blocked to the live feeds.
  • I will make a note right now -- I am not a ZingBot fan. I find it mean and I often have trouble understanding what is being said due to the silly "robot" voice.
  • There, I said what I said.
  • Laters!

And Bowie Jane smiled.

Nominee chat

No napping!

Not a pick!

Matt the Strategist talks with Bowie Jane.

Friday, October 06, 2023

BB25: Live Feeds Nomination Bulletin - Oct. 6

And Bowie Janes keeps on smiling

Well, Bowie Jane made her nominations. In her talks with others she said she wants to nominate Cirie and Felicia on the block. Oh, but she doesn't want either of them to go home. If the veto is used, Blue or cam will probably be on the block. Chances are if Blue or Matt win veto, Cirie would be saved.

Cirie, before nominations, said the only noms that would make sense would be her and Felicia as Bowie Jane works with America and Cory.

Sure enough, Cirie and Felicia are on the block.

First time on the block

Turban time.

BB25: Live Feeds into Friday - Oct. 6


Bowie Jane reads her HOH letter.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Vegemite Sandwiches:
  • Okay, not sure if Bowie Jane did get any vegemite.
  • Also, not sure who she will nominate.
  • I honestly think by low-balling the tiebreaker, she thought she was throwing this comp ... like all the other comps I think she's thrown.
  • I know who OTHERS are telling her she should target or not.
  • But Bowie herself is a bit of a wild card.
  • It's hard to tell who she is aligned with other than herself.
  • Jag went off on one of his too-long schpiels about how the two sides of the house can target each other and they will be safe.
  • He talked to her as if he, Matt and Bowie Jane are a thing.
  • He said Felicia and Cirie will target mostly Cory, but also America, or Cam. He proposed a Blue target.
  • Bowie Jane told Jag and Matt that Cirie never talks game with her.
  • Matt commented she hasn't talked game with hardly anyone at all since Jared left. Gee, I wonder why?
  • America and Cory also think they are working with Bowie Jane.
  • And, we know that, after all -- Bowie Jane is Cameron's person (as he says).
  • The feeds came back on late and the HOH room opened up even later.
  • Nominations will be later today.
  • Maybe we will know more then!

Is what Jag wants what Bowie Jane wants?

And Bowie Jane keeps smiling.

Everybody's target for another week.

Does America have a game without Cory? 

Thursday, October 05, 2023

BB25: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Oct. 5


Good evening! Tonight, either Mecole or Felicia will get the boot! And yeah ... back to the 9PM ET/PT time slot, apparently CBS had their own waffling going on.

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. As I will constantly be updating, refreshing this page will give you the latest happenings. As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

But first ... let's get that blog pool posted. Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Cory - Sharon N, Nickelpeed, Indiana Jane, deaflady
Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
America - Andi, Joanne Victoria, Willie J, Caela
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U, Joyce Johnson
Mecole - cctru, Lili, Marthalight, MikesGirl, quixoticelf
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC, Skyriverblue
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Cameron- Cheryl in NC, JonMD 1267, CherylNY, Tilde
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Blue - monty924, Judi Sweeney, Jennifer, Don

Hamster watchers ready? 

Skipping the Previously On and here's what Julie looks like tonight --

Will Cory be backdoored? And confirmation that the HOH comp is live on the show tonight.

Julie tells us it's Day 65 and talks about Cameron's conquests of the week. But first, we see Felicia throwing Cory under the bus at the veto meeting. Well, AFTER the veto meeting. Felicia thinks that if she stays she can go after Cory because Cory/America are the biggest threats.

Whoops, America starts it telling others that Felicia approached her and Cory about a final four. Yes, America tells us she's lying and Felicia KNOWS they're lying. Felicia tells America that Cory is carrying her. Ohh ... she's going outright mad. Cory leaves and America feels deserted by him in her moment of need. Cam likes the idea that she's putting a big target on Cory and America -- hey, it's not him.

Cirie says she's just going to mind her own business this eviction. Meanwhile, Cameron tells Cory that Blue wanted him to backdoor him. Of course, Cory tells America about Blue. Then he goes to Matt. Matt wants him to think that he and Jag didn't think it was much. Matt tells us that Cory/America and Blue taking shots at each other is good for his and Jag's game.

Felicia asks Cam and Matt how bad she blew up her game. Cam responds, "What game?"

Felicia and Mecole look very nice tonight.

A segment about Mecole flying under the radar and Felicia wanting to stay and take the shot at Cory. She talks to Jag. He tells us it could be tricky to get people to keep her but it would be good for his and Matt's game. Jag talks to Matt and Bowie about keeping Felicia. Jag tells us they don't want to draw lines in the sand and should try to convince America/Cory to keep Felicia.

Cory thinks it would be funny to save Felicia and Felicia doesn't know it. He thinks Mecole is a bigger threat to their game. He lists all of Mecole's almost wins. Jag tells us it's Minuteman time. Cory thinks only Cirie and Blue would vote for Felicia to go.

To the living room. 
Felicia - First shoutouts. It's been 65 days, hope not end of the journey. 
Mecole - Shoutout to her family. I play the game with intention and integrity, you can trust me.

The votes to evict:
Cory - Mecole (Meme)
Cirie - Meme
Blue - Meme
To commercial ...
Matt - Mecole
Jag - Meme
America - Meme
Bowie Jane - Meme

Yep, another house unanimous vote. They must have told Blue. She passes hugging Cory/America but hugs everyone else. Blue looks like she's going to cry. She tells all that Cory, America and Bowie Jane have an alliance and points out who they are after - Cirie, Blue, Matt.

She's handling the interview with Julie well. The Cirie/Jared reveal ... she guesses Cameron/America. She is shocked over the truth! Goodbye messages - Matt nice, America truthful, Cirie told her she should have kept Jared. Next week's evicted will be the first jury member.

HOH time! HumiliVerse sent down its newest app. HumiliGram. It appears on the nomination screens with previous houseguests' images and captions. They see this before the show, obviously going to be a memory test.

They are in booths in the backyard. Cameron can't compete. Julie will ask True/False questions about the images. Seven questions, most points win HOH.

1. Points given to All but Cirie
2. Points given to All but Blue and Jag
3. All right, points
4. All right, points
5. All right, points
6. Points to Blue, Bowie Jane, Felicia and Cory
7. Bowie Jane and Felicia both up to seven points each.

Bowie Jane and Felicia perfect scores to a tie breaker. How many minutes was Jared a zombie from the time he reentered the house until booted.

Bowie Jane throws it with 27, adds in a six to make it 627. Felicia said something like 40,000 (didn't quite catch)

Bowie Jane is the new HOH!

Julie tells them that they have made jury. The ZingBot will be there for veto.

BB25: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - Oct. 5


Has Waffle Wednesday decided her fate?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fractured Follies:

  • Okay. Yesterday was Waffle Wednesday.
  • Although there was a hint of it on Tuesday, things waffled a lot yesterday.
  • Will it stick?
  • After all, we've seen this happen just about every week this season.
  • Have a set target and decide the day before eviction to change it ... then change back on Thursday.
  • As the dawn is on the horizon, it looks like this week the change of target just might stick.
  • Mecole may possibly, could very well be, going home instead of Felicia.
  • I personally wanted to like her. But I think she waited too long to play the game if she had game in her to play.
  • How did this happen? 
  • Well, it's not due to Cameron. He personally wants/wanted Felicia out before jury. He has no power and no vote tonight as HOH.
  • Felicia talked to Jag who talked to Matt and then they talked to Cameron.
  • Felicia would target Cory and America if she stays, not Matt, Jag and Cameron.
  • That got the ball rolling.
  • Talks went on all over the house for most of the day about it.
  • Blue vehemently wanted to keep Mecole. Perhaps a bit too much.
  • By bedtime for them, it looks like the flip is in and partially due to Blue pushing Mecole enough to raise suspicion of Jag, Matt and Cameron.
  • Cameron gave Bowie Jane a heads up about it. He has to keep her in the loop as she is his person, of course.
  • In other news, it was Bowie Jane's 46th 35th birthday in the house. 
  • Funny hats were worn by most and many had multiple little hats.
  • Blocked by the live feeds, the hamsters were shown photos or clips of previously evicted hamsters.
  • I would think this was in prep for the HOH comp this week -- a memory one.
  • They all split into various study groups trying to group-remember what they saw.
  • If it is a memory comp, it just might play out on the show tonight.
  • If it does, what will happen on the Sunday show? Just nominations like the olden times?
  • If Mecole does go tonight, I want BB to focus on Felicia's face finale night when the Cirie/Jared connection is announced.
  • I will say she's done more in the house to deserve to make it to jury than Mecole.
  • I'm at the point where I consider Mecole wasted potential in the game.
  • Even though it seems Bowie Jane is doing little, she's getting around talking with people and I do think she will bring game out when she needs it.
  • Mecole hasn't strayed out of her own little group. Even Jag told her yesterday when she tried to campaign for herself with him ... you haven't talked game with me for 64 days!
  • They still will have much of the day to waffle back to Felicia going home. 
  • We'll have to see if the Mecole waffle sticks when thrown up at the ceiling.
  • Laters!
And Bowie Jane kept on smiling.

America straightened his hair YESTERDAY!

Hot diggety dog talk.

Matt's hair starting to look Bertha-ish.

Let's blame it all on Blue!

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

The Amazing Race 35: You Don't See That at Home, Ep. 2 Blog Party - Oct. 4


Hi, there! Although there will be no non-Philimination legs in the race this season, we're still in Thailand. Well, they are in Thailand. Chances are we are at home in our comfy chairs and not in Thailand.

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. I do ask for your patience as I am still getting used to the teams. Refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real blog party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

That wonderful Lifeguard SueGee has made the random picks for the blog pool. You can check out photos and names of the teams on this post I made a while back.

Ashlie & Todd -- Dr Celine, NanaintheNW, SueGee
Elizabeth & Iliana -- Donna in AL, DonnaNY, Nickelpeed
Greg & John -- Brent McKee, Jackie, Judi Sweeney
Jocelyn & Victor -- Cherry Pie, chrob61, Nora M
Joe & Ian -- Cookie Jar, Michelle, Pearl
Joel & Garrett -- ChicMc, Ethan, Willie J, Jasonuwp
Liam & Yeremi -- Andi, KathyB, monty924, Skyriverblue
Malaina & Andrea -- Cheryl in NC, CherylNY, Debbie
Morgan & Lena -- Bizaro22, Debbie in FL, Krysta
Robbin & Chelsea -- Indiana Jane, KelseyNY, MikesGirl
Rob & Corey -- marthalight, PDX Granny, Sharon N
Steve & Anna Leigh -- David, Donna in FL, Glenn Allen

Are you ready? Let's GO!

As usual, I'm sitting through the Previously On segment.

They have to travel by taxi to Nakhon Paton (sp) in the nearby countryside and find their next clue at a temple.

Jocelyn and Victor arrive first at the clue box. Roadblock. The lotus flower, grown in ponds. Who has a green thumb? Ten bulbs, leaves and wrapped together. Jocelyn does it. Rob does it for Corey and Rob. Jocelyn is familiar with the Buddhist flower bundling. Greg and John got a bit lost but are back on track.

The task is harder than it seems on the surface -- very precise. Jocelyn finally makes it through. Rob finishes! John (or was it Greg) finished and they are on their way.

Travel by taxi to an elephant statue, coin in slot, cross under it three times to the next clue.

Yeremi and Liam make the same wrong destination as Greg/John did.

Jocelyn/Victor - Detour- Stock up or Scoop up. 1st pick up ingredients, deliver to restaurant. Pomelo fruits load up on boat and fill five buckets of them. The ingredient list is phonetic but Victor plans to say it with a Thai accent. He actually recognizes the items on the list.

Steve finally made it through the Roadblock. Then finally ... Ashlie!

Jocelyn and Victor deliver the ingredients. Uh-oh ... missing an item! They are delivering again. They get the clue for the Pit Stop. Suan Sampran. Rob and Corey head to the Pit Stop.

Pit Stop order:
1. Jocelyn/Victor - Won $2,000 each
2. Rob/Corey
Many teams are still stuck on the lotus flower arrangements. Garrett and Joel have to turn around because they left the fanny pack back at the clue.
3. Greg/John
4. Lena/Morgan
5. Todd/Ashlie
6. Steve/Anna Leigh
7. Joe/Ian
8. Yeremi/Liam
9. Joel/Garrett
10. Andrea/Malaina
11. Robbin/Chelsea
12. Elizabeth/Iliana -- Philiminated

Survivor 45: Brought a Bazooka to a Tea Party, Ep. 2 Blog Party - Oct. 4


Good evening! Are you ready for our big three-hour reality extravaganza? Well, only 90 minutes of it are Survivor. A separate post for The Amazing Race will post at about 9:25PM ET. Be there or be square! Yeah, that's the hipster in me talking.

I will be live blogging the show the best I can. Keep in mind that these castaways are still very new to me, and I may have issues with the names! Refresh this page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Lifeguard SueGee has made the random picks for the blog pool. You can refer to my cheat sheet casting post that has photos to check on your pick!

Belo – Blue Tribe – Fijian word for Heron

Brando --- Jasonuwp, Marthalight, MikesGirl
Bruce --- Krysta, Skyriverblue
Jake --- Donna in FL, TS14Fan
Katurah --- Donna NY, April W
Kellie --- Michelle, Bizaro22
Kendra --- Cherry Pie, EthanC

Lulu – Yellow Tribe – Fijian word for Owl

Brandon --- Indiana Jane, SueGee
Emily --- ChicMc, Donna in AL, Jackie
Kaleb --- CherylNY, Cookie Jar
Sabiyah --- Cheryl in NC, cctru
Sean --- Auntie Leigh, David

Reba – Red Tribe – Fijian word for Goshawk

Austin --- Pearl, Nora M, Sharon N
Dee --- Judi Sweeney, Brent McKee
Drew --- Dr Celine, monty924
Maya --- Petals, Glenn Allen, Nickelpeed
Julie --- Andi, PDX Granny
Nicholas “Sifu” --- KelseyNY, Debbie in FL

Survivor fans ready?

We start off with Previously On. My blog pool pick is highlighted, of course.

Lulu - Night 3 - The tribe feels bad that Hannah is gone, quit the game. Sean laments missing flint and Hannah. Emily apologizes to both Kaleb and Sabiyah, as well as Sean. She claims to feel like they gaslighted her and her game blew up. She tries to explain to Sabiyah that she felt it as do or die. Her tribemates have issues with her behavior. Emily is the blog pool pick I received. This is going to be a tough one.

Reba -Day 4 - Sifu is out there doing tai chi or something. Now he's punching trees and machete chopping branches. Okay. Maya thinks there is a clue hidden in the tribe flag. Drew and Austin are also looking. Austin has the advantage clue and tries it with the flag. He thinks it says "dig in the fallen palm tree x." He has no vote due to the advantage.

Belo - Day 4 - Bruce is working hard and they're calling him Uncle Bruce. They say he's hilarious as well as helpful. Of course, Bruce calls it Crazy Uncle Bruce. He feels his tribe is working way too slow. Katurah thinks he's acting like a Dad. She sees right through him. She says he is a threat and she thinks she's the only one who sees it.

Lulu - Day 4 - Emily is out there looking for an idol or advantage. The rest of the tribe decides to follow her. Brandon says she is now Public Enemy #1. He thinks he himself should search for it. He approaches her and says he will search with her. Kaleb also offers to search with her. Brandon finds something along with Sabiyah. Brandon thinks it is the Beware advantage and he didn't want to lose his vote. He gives it to Sabiyah. She loses her vote and it's a clue to lie the clue over the map to their camp. It lines up with a tree. Brandon and her can't find it. She tells Sean and Kaleb. They can't find it.

Reba - Dee's toes segment. Um. Okay. The tribe is bonding. Julie's knees are all scraped up. She decides to work with Dee and Drew ... also Austin. Drew's knees are also rough.

Lulu - Day 4 - Emily tries to talk to Kaleb. He thinks he understands her. He is trying to help her. They bond. Quite surprising. She seems to really respond. Now she's making up with Sabiyah. And Brandon. And Sean. She's really upset with her own attitude. Her knees are a wreck, too. A boat is arriving.

All tribes get a boat. One person from each camp, will return this afternoon. Brandon goes from Lulu. Bruce rock paper scissor to go as does Drew.

The three boats let the three castaways off on a beach. There is a table. Use the time to get to know each other, the game centers around relationships. They need to get to know each other, then they will go off on separate paths. Drew thinks Bruce kept too much to himself while Brandon was open.

They each come upon a puzzle box with a combination lock on a case to earn an advantage. They can choose to play or leave. Bruce doesn't do it, doesn't want to risk his vote. Brandon plays. Drew plays. 

Drew gets his. Brandon runs out of time. Drew gets safety without power, can last get played when there are ten players in the game. Leave before Tribal, come back after.

The three return to their tribes. Brandon arrives on Lulu. He tells them he didn't complete the challenge and lost his vote. Drew arrives at Reba. He tells them the truth. He suggests that if he can hang onto it until the merge, he might give it to someone. Austin tells Drew about his advantage. Drew thinks Austin is his ride or die.

On Belo, Brando is mixing in very well with the girls in the tribe. Bruce and Jake think the girls will work together. He tries to talk to Brando. Brando thinks he's good with Bruce. Bruce thinks he is good with Kelli, Brando and Jake.

Day 5. Immunity Challenge. One at a time climb tower, smash ball in the water, retrieve keys, balance beam,  all three keys a puzzle. Reward fishing gear, second tribe lesser fishing gear. Losing tribe will go to Tribal and lose flint. New sit out rule, must play in the next challenge.

REBA wins 1st! BELO wins 2nd. Lulu lu-looses again. Brandon did horribly on the puzzle.

Lulu - Brandon has no vote and his voice shaky as he tries to tell them he wants to stay. Emily and Brandon know it will be between them. Sabiyah doesn't have a vote either. They go looking for the idol again. Sabiyah spots the coconut in the tree with the idol. It's encased in wax and they must melt the candle to get it. They have no flint. Emily gives Sabiyah her shot in the dark to earn trust.

Night 5 Tribal Council. Jeff brings up the "heat" between Sabiyah and Emily. He asks Sean the tribe dynamics. Sean says Brandon and Emily are in trouble. Brandon says it's his first team. He says the puzzles are just bad days and he's Lulu Strong. Kaleb says Emily is trying as does Sean. Jeff tells Brandon he's likable. Emily says she has to tone down and show them trust. She mentions giving Sabiyah her Shot In The Dark.

Time to vote. Emily votes Brandon of course. Sabiyah can't vote, neither can Brandon.

The tally -- Brandon, Brandon. He's gone!

My pool pick Emily stays in the game.

BB25: Live Feeds into Wednesday - Oct. 4


New birthday hats for Bowie Jane's "35th."

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Miscreants:
  • The Cory/Felicia battle of words continues.
  • Felicia is determined to throw him under that bus on her way out the door.
  • She is going around telling tales on him, accusing him of eavesdropping on others.
  • Wait. Eavesdropping is one of the regular practices in the BB house every season! It's right up there with lying and backstabbing!
  • Cory told Cirie that Jared told him about the Brown Sugar Babes alliance, one thing Felicia is claiming he sneaked about to find out.
  • Okay.
  • Although Cory definitely has blabbed too much, especially to America, some of the things Felicia was accusing him of were totally off the wall.
  • Today is Waffle Wednesday. Some waffle attempts were made yesterday, but I guess they were only flapjacks.
  • A brief Evict Mecole thought wafted through the house. But I doubt it will stick.
  • Of course, Matt, Jag and Cameron had to think of the "who will cook for them" angle once Felicia is out.
  • They decided that Cirie and Blue both cook well.
  • However, I should note that no one brought up "who will clean once Felicia is out."
  • Mr. B (as Felicia calls him) will probably be happy not to receive daily grocery demands.
  • While BB didn't give them any booze except in HOH goodies baskets for most of the season, lately they have been getting wine and beer every three days or so.
  • Mind you, BB doesn't give them enough to get drunk on unless one hamster drinks most of it.
  • Oh. Today is Bowie Jane's birthday. She is sure to smile about it.
  • Laters!

And Bowie Jane keeps smiling.

Well, something needs to be done with it!

"I guess maybe it's time for me to go."

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

BB25: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Oct. 3


Good evening! Make sure you have your beverages and snacks nearby. I hope everyone remembers this Tuesday night change! We have Felicia and Mecole on the block. Will someone win the veto and actually use it to save one of the nominees?

I will be live blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. I'll be updating regularly -- please refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Sitting out the Previously On segment.

We pick up the action after the nominations. Cam tells us he really wants Felicia out and Mecole would be likely to take her off the block if she wins veto. Cam doesn't want Felicia in the jury house.

Felicia tells us that Cam can win comps but he's not good with people. She thinks she is the other way around. Mecole is worried about her own safety as a pawn. 

Eek. There are ghostly figures in the windows. We could have used them during the absolutely dead week. The apparitions are little girls. Oh, great. We're into America loving for Cory to be nerdy over history. Give me a break. They must really need the filler material.

Felicia talks to Cameron. He tells us he has nothing to hold back. Cam tells her he doesn't see them working together down the road and doesn't want her in the jury house. She throws intel that Cory approached her about a final four with America, Mecole and Felicia. She tells us Cory instigates a lot of the gossip.

Cam tells us that he knows Cory is a dangerous player. But he wants Felicia out. He tells her that her "conversating" is more dangerous than Cory's game.

Blue wants Cory targeted rather than Felicia but doesn't want to spoil her newfound working with Cam.

Time to pick veto players! Cam draws Houseguest's Choice -- Matt. Mecole also gets Houseguest's Choice and chooses Blue. Felicia draws America.

Whoa! Already time for veto. Jag says they will find out why they were visited by two possessed girls last night. They get a promo trailer for the new Exorcist movie. The veto winner will choose three people to join him/her for a private screening of the movie.

It's in the ScaryVerse. Only way to save girls are to find word clues on the walls, perform a ritual to complete the exorcism. Fastest time wins. Blue is up first, finds hair. Then has to look for candle. Then wind chime. Walking, crawling through dark, through a "sewer." Pendant is the next word. She saves the girls. Next up is Mecole.

Mecole completes the ritual.

America is up next. She is definitely having troubles. Then Matt. Felicia ... this should be interesting! Hmm ... better than I thought she would do. Uh-oh, she returned to the hair clue room by mistake. She went out the front door by mistake and is disqualified. Cameron is up next. Seems to be doing well.

Top three times. 3rd - 9:15 Blue. 2nd - 8:22 Mecole. 1st - 7:59 CAMERON (of course). Now he has all the power.

Blue is telling Cory it was fun. Cory tells her he wants to target Cameron when he actually wants to target Blue. She knows he's lying. She wants Cory out, so she runs to Cam to tell him. She thinks he should use the veto and put Cory on the block. He is thinking of it.

BTW - She calls all male and female "girl" just like Jared called all "bro." Maybe I'm old but, as the kids would say ... I find that hella annoying!

Cameron calls them to gather in the living room. He chooses Blue, Jag and Matt to join him at the screening of the movie. They have all kinds of snacks. Blue overdoes the screaming reactions a bit. They all have positive reactions to the scary movie.

Cam talks to Jag and Matt, telling them that Blue told him that Cory was coming after him next week. He has changed his mind, wants to put Cory up next to Mecole. Jag disagrees. After all he, Matt, Cory and America have an alliance. Cam thinks that Jag might be working with Cory.

Time for the veto meeting. Mecole says he won it, would accept his decision. Felicia says she's honest and throws Cory under the bus, saying he approached them about the final four, not the other way around.

Ohh ... and they leave a cliffhanger! Thursday at 9PM ET/PT.

The Amazing Race 35: Blog Pool Match-Ups!


Lifeguard SueGee has been putting in the overtime this week! Here are the blog pool random match-ups!

Ashlie & Todd -- Dr Celine, NanaintheNW, SueGee
Elizabeth & Iliana -- Donna in AL, DonnaNY, Nickelpeed
Greg & John -- Brent McKee, Jackie,
Jocelyn & Victor -- Cherry Pie, chrob61, Nora M
Joe & Ian -- Cookie Jar, Michelle, Pearl
Joel & Garrett -- ChicMc, Ethan, Willie J
Liam & Yeremi -- Andi, KathyB, monty924
Malaina & Andrea -- Cheryl in NC, CherylNY, Debbie
Morgan & Lena -- Bizaro22, Debbie in FL, Krysta
Robbin & Chelsea -- Indiana Jane, KelseyNY, MikesGirl
Rob & Corey -- marthalight, PDX Granny, Sharon N
Steve & Anna Leigh -- David, Donna in FL, Glen Allen

BB25: Live Feeds into Tuesday - Oct. 3


Pushed to NOT backdoor Cory.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Changing Time Slots:

  • As you know from my bulletin yesterday, Cameron did NOT use the veto and the Backdoor Cory plan lies sullied and abandoned in the BB gutter of time.
  • The nominations remain Felicia and Mecole.
  • How did that all come about when Cameron just the day before the veto meeting was gung-ho about Cory being such a threat in the game?
  • No, it wouldn't be to break up the showmance, something others would focus on.
  • He sincerely seems to think that Cory is a big threat to his own personal game.
  • Now, according to what was said on the live feeds, Cam came to the realization that it would be better to rein in Cory to work together with him towards the end goal.
  • Cam couldn't get both of his main allies -- Matt and Jag -- to go along with the Backdoor Cory. Matt was aboard.
  • But Jag kept pressing for Cory to stay. Now, of course, that was for his own game needs, not Cameron's, not the house in general.
  • Without the support of both, Cameron schmoozed with Cory and now they're working together. For now, that is.
  • Cameron is pushing the idea to Cory that Blue is targeting him and that Blue has lied to him about Cory himself targeting Cam.
  • Well, dang. EVERYONE has targeted Cam! He was voted out unanimously!
  • According to conspiracy theorists, production doesn't want the showmance to stop as they think people watch just for the showmances.
  • Huh. That theory didn't help Blue and Jared. (And, neither did the theory production wanted to have Jared/Cirie as the final two.)
  • Cory, but of course, went to America about his talk with Cameron, telling her that Blue seemed to be targeting him and he was mostly displeased that his buddies Jag and Matt didn't let him know.
  • Cameron also schmoozed with Bowie Jane, telling her she is his person. Lucky them, I guess.
  • Bowie Jane kept on smiling.
  • At the veto meeting, blocked to the live feeds, Felicia apparently blew up Cory's game and went on a diatribe about him.
  • Felicia is determined to keep pushing to stay despite the fact that it looks like everyone has already written her out of any plans.
  • She refuses to campaign against her best ally Mecole and will instead just concentrate on her strengths.
  • As the talks continued among hamsters already figuring Bye Felicia, it seems the next targets will be Blue, then Mecole.
  • What about Cirie? Oh, she can wait. After all, she's not dangerous and they all like her so much!
  • They think the next HOH will be the slip and slide. We will see.
  • Laters!

No shock and awe with noms this time.

More loyal to Jag than he is to Cameron.

Will campaign for herself but not against Meme.

And Bowie Jane keeps on smiling.

Monday, October 02, 2023

Survivor 45: Blog Pool Match-Ups!


The Industrious Lifeguard SueGee has made the random draws for this season's blog pool. Thank you, SueGee! 

Here we go --

Belo – Blue Tribe – Fijian word for Heron

Brando --- Jasonuwp, Marthalight, MikesGirl

Bruce --- Krysta, Skyriverblue

Jake --- Donna in FL, TS14Fan

Katurah --- Donna NY, April W

Kellie --- Michelle, Bizaro22

Kendra --- Cherry Pie, EthanC

Lulu – Yellow Tribe – Fijian word for Owl

Brandon --- Indiana Jane, SueGee

Emily --- ChicMc, Donna in AL, Jackie

Kaleb --- CherylNY, Cookie Jar

Sabiyah --- Cheryl in NC, cctru

Sean --- Auntie Leigh, David

Reba – Red Tribe – Fijian word for Goshawk

Austin --- Pearl, Nora M, Sharon N

Dee --- Judi Sweeney, Brent McKee

Drew --- Dr Celine, monty924

Maya --- Petals, Glenn Allen, Nickelpeed

Julie --- Andi, PDX Granny

Nicholas “Sifu” --- KelseyNY, Debbie in FL

BB25: Live Feeds POV Meeting Bulletin


Just a random shot to throw y'all off!

The live feeds were down for a few HOURS for the veto meeting ... which probably took five minutes. Of course, now they are all talking meatloaf and hamburger and not the veto meeting. Grr.

Apparently Cory got spoken to by Felicia ... quite harshly.

Ah, finally. Cameron did NOT use the veto. It's still Felicia and Mecole on the block.