Monday, March 10, 2008

Latest BB9 Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It's a bit on the quiet side in the house now that noms, POV, and the food challenge are over.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Dawn Monday

The houseguests are asleep as I write this up, so this screen cap is from earlier in the evening.

Here's what's been going on from within that Big Brother House of Silly Hamsters:
  • James and Chelsia talked about sex. No, that's not oral, it's just talking about it.
  • Sheila talked about fried pickles, not to be confused with sex talk.
  • James wants to try to weasel out of eviction and Josh supposedly will support him (instead of his partner Sharon with whom he's still working ... I don't think so).
  • Sheila still upset because she thinks Chelsia blames her for being on slop.
  • Chelsia studied the bible for ammunition to use against Natalie.
  • Showing what a huge show fan he is, Ryan asked if Julie Chen is married. (Yes, to the head of CBS!)
  • Sharon continues to act as a double agent, reporting everything Matt has said to her to Joshuah.
  • Joshuah thinks James is leaving, so he's done with him. He thinks Chelsia has a target on him, so she's next.
  • Joshuah is so proud that he "broke" Allison. He believes he's mastered the art of verbal attack. (I say he's just evil and takes low blows that go over the line.)
  • James told others he'd have no problem burning Chelsia if he had to.
  • Natalie told Matt, Ryan, and Sheila that she'll be working both sides to get information.
  • Sheila once again told James she didn't know he was going on the block. (She should stop telling him that -- it's like she doth protest too much.)
  • James told Sheila that he'll do whatever she wants for her vote to stay in the house.
  • Sheila says she's in the middle, not on either side.
  • James told Sheila he knows he doesn't have Matt or Natalie, then Sheila told him he has her and Adam if she can drag him away from them.
  • Adam siad he's not telling anyone how he's voting. (But I bet he's voting with Ryan and Matt's wishes, don't you?)
  • Joshuah hopes for an America's Choice award ... like his behavior would have show fans voting for him. AS IF!
  • They're all asleep. I'm awake.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds After the Aftermath of POV Use

Joshuah is actually being quiet listening to Sheila ramble on (and on and on) about how she respects gay people, people shouldn't be mean, Allison was highly intelligent and probably didn't fit in with the house, etc.

Once again I was asked to review/recap tonight's episode for TV Squad -- you can check that out at this link.

Have there been fisticuffs? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Very Weird Folk:
  • Ryan told James that throwing pickle juice on Natalie probably won't bode well for him to stay in the house.
  • James thinks Adam threw him under the bus.
  • James told Chelsia he heard Matt and Adam saying today would be tragic, then laughing. He thinks they set him up.
  • James just wants to go home if evicted, not to sequester. (He should stay for the $750 a week more than he usually earns!)
  • Matt says he wanted Joshuah on the block, not James. (True -- he's been campaigning against Joshuah.)
  • Chelsia thinks America loves her and James as a couple and won't want him voted out.
  • James and Chelsia smooched. He comforted her as she cried.
  • Sheila is mad that the other slop eaters blame her for losing. Well, we saw on the show tonight -- she did horribly!
  • Now Chelsia whines about the couples being split apart. "You're put with someone, have to trust them, then they rip you apart."
  • Matt again told Josh he wasn't raised right. I don't think anyone in this house was raised right!
  • Matt told Sharon she shouldn't bother to pack, she's not leaving this week.
  • Matt now claims in his new "raised better than Josh" persona that he didn't realize how rough Natalie's life has been and he doesn't want to make it any tougher for her.
  • Matt told Sharon that if they wanted Josh gone, he'd be on the block now. (But MATT did want him gone, RYAN made a deal with him.)
  • Sharon thinks however the house goes with the vote, Adam will go. (She's right. He won't make waves.)
  • Chelsia and Joshuah both told Sharon they think she's safe. (it would probably be in their best interest to follow the Ryan crowd this vote.)
  • Joshuah apologized to Matt for his actions earlier after the POV ceremony. He said he just went off.
  • Sharon told James, Chelsia, and Joshuah that Sheila is scared Joshuah will go off on her.
  • James, pretty sure he's going home, told Sharon and Chelsia that they should stick together.
  • Sheila told James she knew nothing about what was going to happen at the POV ceremony.
  • Sheila told Joshuah that Sharon has her vote. She doesn't like Chelsia.
  • Chelsia says that she and Joshuah have more to offer Sheila than Sharon does.
  • James thinks that Sheila hasn't made up her mind, but Chelsia thinks she has and will vote to evict him.
  • Joshuah told James that he thinks he can get a 4-2 vote for him to stay, but Sheila might flip.
  • James now thinks he didn't think about the game enough. If he stays, he will "retool" his whole game.
  • James asked Joshuah not to go off on Sheila (as a bargaining tip) if he can get her to vote for him to stay.
  • Remember, Sharon is Joshuah's partner. James is still not thinking.
  • The HG planned a boxing match for next Saturday's ShoToo.
Tonight's BBAD will probably be quiet. It was the early evening (ET) which had the brouhaha. And, you know how I love that word. I just couldn't bring myself to write about the sniffing crotches business earlier. Low class, that's all I can say. Maybe no class. What's wrong with these people?

BB9 Live Feeds Report

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll surely have more to say tonight. :-)

'Big Brother 9' - March 9 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this entry. As it's written a bit off the cuff as I watch the show, please forgive any typos. I'm usually halfway decent as long as my fingers are on the right keys! ;-)

So far, we're just recapping and recapping. Joshua and Matt are both happy Allison is out of the house. Ryan thought the door not unlocking could be his saving grace. Natalie thought "oh snap, something's crazy." Now, after they already showed Ryan winning HOH, they're back to Allison and Ryan and the announcement that they're playing a singles game. Who does the sequencing on these recaps?

Now Allison is evicted for the second time in five minutes. Sheila cries.

Day 28 -- Joshuah is so happy he saw Allison evicted twice. Oh, gee ... now Ryan is winning HOH again ... for the second time in five minutes! Sheesh! MAtt justifies his vote. Joshuah is sure he's going to be a target this week. Sharon also thinks she'll be on the block with Joshuah.

Matt is telling Natalie she's out of the bed. She is acting stupid about him again. Matt is relieved, but feels he might have to play dead to get her away from him. She's sure he loves her.

James and Chelsia don't look too happy. They're upset that they're not a couple in the game anymore. James looks like a lost puppydog while Chelsia is already playing up to Ryan. Matt is snuggling at her as James looks more distressed. He looks like he's in shock or something. He tells us he really likes her, but doesn't know if she likes him or if it was gameplay.

Natalie looked into Joshuah in the bible -- "what goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out does." She tells Adam. Joshuah is apologizing to God in the hot tub. Evil surrounds him, please please help me on my diet. Let me win the game, I will tithe 10% of my winnings to the church.

HOH room time -- Ryan misses Jen and wants a picture of her. Joshuah thinks nothing stands out about the family and Ryan's just a boring straight guy. Matt thinks his sister is hot. No mention of the pit bull pic!

Sheila's crying to Adam again. Allison was the one person she trusted and she won't be able to talk to anyone else. The game has gotten really scary for her. She feels lost. She's worried that everyone will turn on her. He tells us that it might bite her in the butt and he's played a sharp game.

James tells Chelsia he wants to stay with her. She doesn't know if the sleeping together is a good idea. She seems to be of mixed feelings, but trusts him. She says if she doesn't win, she wants him to win.

"We can only come out of this stronger," says James.

Sheila is thrilled to have her own bed -- Adam does not make for a peaceful sleep.

Matt apologized to Ryan for the vote and Ryan accepted it. Now Matt wants the fellows to join up and includes all of the guys except Joshuah in the plan. The Four Bros will weed out all the garbage out. James tells us the house changes every fifteen minutes and he probably won't join in with the bros.

It's to the guinea pigs, four colors and blocks in the cage. I like how Natalie's clothing is so short, they're blurring her butt. She thinks there are 27 letters in the alphabet -- "AND Z."

Time for the found comp -- Funtastics are red, Foodtastics are blue. Chocolate, slides, etc. Is everyone ready to get suaced. Slide into pool of chocolate, your fonduety is to retrieve letters to spell out foods. Losing team gets slop. Blue is James, Natalie, Matt, and Adam. Red is Sheila, Joshuah, Sharon, and Chelsia. Natalie was first on the board with sushi, Joshuah got meet, Matt got beef. Sheila is slow and Chelsia is yelling at her. Adam spelled yogurt. Natalie spelled fish. Joshuah spelled chicken. Blue team misplaced their chalk and got held back. Josh spelled beer. Adam got cheese. BUZZER.

Fontastics spelled 11 food items correctly. Wonderfuls have spelled 12 so they win -- Matt, Natalie, Adam, and James get their foods while the others go on slop.

Joshuah promises Ryan that if he gets HOH he'll never put him up. Ryan tells him he won't put him up.

Now we get a Ryan dancing scene. Matt got into it a bit as he passed through. That was cute.

James visits Ryan and Matt in the HOH room. James thinks Ryan should put up Sharon and Sheila. Now Adam shows up. What about Josh? James thinks if he doesn't go, he'll come back at him. Who else? James mentions Chelsia and Sharon, thinking it would throw them off that he's aligned with her.

Ryan is thinking two women would be the best way to go. The voting is still on for the return of a HG. The return will be on Wednesday.

Ryan is about to do the nominations. Sharon and Joshuah are worried. Josh is worried his deal won't last. Chelsia is worried even though she thinks James is with her. Sheila never feels safe.

Time for the ceremony. He loves everyone, but this is a game and his decision is based on strategy. The key order is Adam, Natalie, James, Matt, Sheila, Joshuah.

Sharon and Chelsia, nothing personal, hard decision, epic battle of the females for POV. Chelsia thinks James will have her back, James is worried that he might lose Chelsia. Sharon is ready to fight to win.

BB9 - Live Feeds - Veto Aftermath

I'll be live-blogging the show in a bit, have a live feeds post in pending over at TVS, but I have to talk a moment here!

I've had trouble with my BBReloader and filming videos this season. I filmed James throwing pickle juice on Natalie followed by Joshuah throwing water on her, but my codex was bad and it came out all stripey.

I fixed the codex and managed to get Matt lecturing Joshuah on how to treat a woman. @@ Crude language warning!

BB9 Live Feeds Update

The POV ceremony has been held. As expected, Chelsia removed herself from the block.

And ... up went James. Uh-oh, dissension in the house!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds and Other Stuff

The Big Apple Circus is doing its annual visit to Bridgewater, NJ. No, I didn't take this shot today as it's horribly rainy and windy here. There are flood warnings for all of the major rivers and the ground was already saturated from heavy rains during the week. Yesterday I saw ducks (real ducks, like mallards) in puddles in parking lots because the river waters were rushing too much for them. I don't think I've ever seen ducks in large puddles before. And that was before today's torrential rains. There are a lot of trees coming down and a lot of power outages here in NJ. My power has flickered a few times, but hopefully will stay on. We NEED underground wires!

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It hasn't been a thrill a minute in the house today, but no major blow-outs either.

In comments MEB mentioned Randy Jackson's Best Dance Crew (MTV) and I second that it's very entertaining. You know me, I'm not into DWTS, but I enjoy So You Think You Can Dance. As I slept very oddly yesterday/last night, I was up at around 4 in the morning and happened upon two repeats of Dance Crew -- a hip-hop kind of episode and the Michael Jackson Thriller one. Wow! I love the group on skates because I used to skate dance! And, the other two groups I found the most entertaining were Kaba Modern and JabbaWockies. You can watch full episodes online although MTV does repeat them, too.

That's about all from here as I listen to the wind howl outside, fuss with my ear (the only remaining problem from the bout with the flu), and give my cat a treat or two ... or three. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour tonight! Spring forward, fall back.

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Overnight Into Saturday

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Oh, my. Graphic arteest Zoetawny gave Matt a bigger head than he already had. Who woulda thought it possible?

Remember, he thinks he's the new Evel Dick, the new PuppetMaster.

I think he's more like a mere Matt. His ego is what's going to cost him the game in the long run. It's one thing to lie so much, but making so many promises to everyone in a house in which they all talk about each other. Yeah, lying and backstabbing is a big part of the game. But you have to be sneaky. Matt isn't a good sneak, just a snake.

Here's what's happened in the Big Brother House of Changing Minds:
  • When I last reported, Ryan had agreed that it would be a good time to backdoor Matt. But, like all decisions (except the Allison ouster) this season, that is subject to change on whim.
  • Ryan kept trying to avoid Matt's questioning and Matt told him not to backdoor him.
  • Matt also sucked up to Ryan going on about how happy he was that he (Ryan) won the $10,000.
  • Sheila told Matt that she was worried she'd be put on the block when Chelsia used the veto to save herself.
  • Sheila also voiced her worries to Adam, telling him Ryan is a flip-flopper.
  • When she had been in the HOH room earlier, she had said she'd try to convince Adam that Matt must go.
  • Then she pretty much repeated herself when talking to Sharon (who can't vote because she's on the block).
  • Matt tried to get information out of Matt whether a deal has been made or not.
  • Adam told Matt that Josh is a bigger threat in the house than he (Matt) is.
  • Sheila told Natalie that the plan is to backdoor Matt. (Argh, Sheila ... we all know Natalie tells her Mattie everything!)
  • Natalie told her she thinks Ryan isn't going to put up Matt -- that he's just playing them and plans to put Joshuah on the block.
  • Next thing you know, Sheila is telling Ryan he should put Josh on the block and not Matt. @@
  • Sheila told Ryan that she thinks if he puts Joshuah on the block, Sharon will ally with them (Adam, Sheila, Natalie, Matt, Ryan) and it will be James and Chelsia as outsiders.
  • Joshuah got his letter from home. He's thrilled. He said he cried in the DR while reading it and "pulled an Amber."
  • Joshuah had a major Matt bashing session.
  • Sharon, like Adam, intends to read the whole bible before leaving the house.
  • After declaring no more operations, Ryan asked Adam if he should do Operation Bummer -- nominated James because he bums cigarettes.
  • Or, as they said, they could call it Operation Tighty for his "tighty whities."
  • Matt apologized to Natalie for being mean to her. Again.
  • Plans change once again (surprised?) -- Matt, Adam, and Ryan decide in the HOH room that they will be the final three.
  • Sheila, not in the new loop, tells Joshuah that Ryan still intends to put Matt on the block and backdoor him.
  • BB gave them beer. Woohoo.
  • Joshuah is worried that he will look fat on television.
  • Adam apparently doesn't worry at all as he still picks at his butt and nose, with the other hand down his crotch.
  • Ryan treated the guinea pigs to a strawberry. They're still my favorites in the house and really don't get enough air time.
So, as they sleep, it now seems that Matt will not be going on the block and most likely Joshuah will. If Joshuah is up against Sharon, I think the house will vote him out.

But, then again, they might change their minds again today. This group is the most fickle and easily persuaded group I've ever seen in the house. If they had a Cirie in there, they'd be talked into volunteering to go on the block and get voted out.

Friday, March 07, 2008

BB9 - Feed Me!

My most recent feeds report has been posted at TV Squad.

But no one gave me a new motorcycle.

Quick BB9 Feeds Update - Power of Veto

The Power of Veto comp is done and over with. Chelsia (who's on the block as a pawn against Sharon) won, so it's likely she will remove herself. At least, if she's smart, she will.

Here are other POV comp doings:
  • Sheila has to wear a red unitard (like Jen last season?). I'm not sure of the time duration.
  • Adam won a motorcycle.
  • Sharon won a BB Slop pass.
  • Supposedly, Ryan plans to put Matt up against Sharon.
  • Joshuah got a letter from home.
  • Chelsia turned down the motorcycle to win the POV.
  • Ryan won $10,000.
I'm in the midst of witing a more thorough report for TVS, but wanted to get this up here!

BB9: Live Feeds Overnight Into Friday 3/07

Here are the happenings through the overnight from inside the Big Brother House:
  • Sheila told Chelsia that James adores her and she's sure that he'd take her off the block if he wins POV.
  • James told Chelsia he won't let her go home.
  • Ryan told Chelsia that there's a 99% chance she won't go home. He's sure it will be like the 6-0 which sent out Allison -- everyone will vote to send Sharon home. I don't think Sharon is the slam dunk Allison was, do you?
  • Natalie is ticked off at bad treatment by Matt. She said if she wins HOH she will put him on the block. (Give her a minute and I'm sure she'll be in love with him again.)
  • Joshuah suggested to Natalie that he could approach Ryan with a two weeks safety deal to backdoor Matt. Natalie told him Ryan and Matt are close and it wouldn't work.
  • They had a huge pool table for POV practice.
  • As they all practiced, it looked like Adam and Chelsia were best at the huge pool.
  • Shela and Joshuah think Adam had to be cast because he's crazy.
  • A large contingent has been saying how Matt needs to go because he plays everyone.
  • Sheila went to bed, barely practicing at all. She must love being alone in the Boat Room now.
  • But she couldn't resist and eventually practices.
  • Is Natalie that mad at Matt? Nope, she tells him everything everyone has been saying about him.
  • Matt thinks he's the new Evel Dick. @@
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Into the Evening, Thursday 3/06

James and Chelsia snuggle.

If you missed my really brief post in the middle of other things happening earlier -- Ryan nominated Chelsia and Sharon for eviction. He had earlier told Chelsia (without out saying who her fellow nom would be) that she was the pawn. That can be the kiss of death as we all know.

A bit off topic, but my Survivor review is up over on TV Squad.

Here are the happenings since the nominations went down in that Big Brother House of Vote Early, Vote Often:
  • Natalie told Joshuah she won't vote against Sharon. She said that Chelsia personally attacked her, so she'll vote to evict her.
  • She also told Joshuah that Sheila wants Chelsia out, too. (Actually I think Sheila wants Adam out, but she doesn't have a choice.)
  • Natalie and Joshuah think that Chelsia must be the target because "everyone likes Sharon."
  • Joshuah is worried that it might be a plot to backdoor him if the POV is used.
  • Adam wanted beer and the BB rules book from the storage room to figure out how many compete for POV, but the camera nodded "no" and he wasn't allowed in.
  • Don't you love it when cameras not only watch you, but they interact?
  • As Natalie and Joshuah were trashing Chelsia elsewhere, Chelsia worried -- "How do I know they're not out to get me?"
  • Chelsia asked James if he won the POV, would he save her. He told her no because she has the votes to stay.
  • Then he told her he would if she wanted him to use it on her.
  • James said it would really bite if they voted her out.
  • James and Chelsia snuggled. (See screen cap above.)
  • Adam thinks Joshuah will vote however Ryan wants him to. I'm not so sure about that. Joshuah has more of a connection with Sharon in the house than he does with Ryan.
  • James told Joshuah that Ryan wants Sharon gone. Joshuah is shocked.
That's where we stand in Hamster Land.

'Celebrity Apprentice' East Coast Updates 3/06 Show

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!

It should be interesting -- Piers and Omarosa are the project managers.

The task is selling artwork in art galleries.

Piers and his team brought off the biggest beating in history. They tromped Omarosa's team. Uh-oh! Poor Omarosa. Heehee!

Omarosa is GONE! $7,000 vs over $150,000 in sales, third loss as a PM. It's an overdue firing I say.

I loved the Piers kissing Trace. I didn't expect that.

The "Omarosa Free" blinking sign on the promo for next week is a hoot! I guess even Trump knows that no one wanted her back on the show.

BB9 - Nominations are in

I'm watching two other shows, but I've picked up that Sharon is on the block. I'll update when I find out the other.

Chelsia and Sharon are the two nominated for eviction.

American Idol Boots

Kady Malloy is gone.
Luke Menard is gone.
A'siah is gone.
Danny Noriega is gone.

'Survivor Micronesia' - East Coast Updates - 3/06 Show

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight,

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Tribes split schoolyard alternating. Ozzy and Natalie captains.

New Airai - Natalie, James, Alexis, Jonathan, Jason, Parvati, Kathy, Eliza
New Malakal - Ozzy, Joel, Amanda, Eric, Ami, Tracy, Cirie, Chet

Airai won reward -- BBQ dinner. No Exile Island so they can get to know each other. IMO -- Joel should be removed from the game. What he did to Chet in the challenge was horrible -- slamming him, dragging him.

Airai won Immunity.

Joel was blindsided. Good.

BB9 and Tonight's Blogging Plans

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. The nominations aren't in yet.

It's Thursday night again ... at 8 PM ET I'll put up an East Coast Updates post for Survivor and in that I'll cover major show events, but it's actually more for folks to comment on as they watch. Later tonight, my full review of the show will be posted at TV Squad and I'll be sure to link it for you.

While Survivor is on, I'll try to catch the boots from American Idol and always welcome folks to let me know as I'll have that show muted in the background. I will put up a separate AI East Coast boot post.

At 9 PM ET, I'll put up a Celebrity Apprentice East Coast Update post with the major events as they air ... again, discussion is very welcome on any of these! I'd write a full review, but I'll be in the midst of writing the Survivor review.

Once again, I'll be taping Lost. I hate to say this, but I haven't watched my last tape of the show! I'm definitely doing a two-hour Lost sit-in on Sunday! When I finally get them watched, I'll put up a post about both episodes. Perhaps a bit shorter than my usual Lost post, but ...!

BB9: Live Feeds Through the Night Into Thursday

Why, it's Adam with his hand down his pants again! What a shock!

Here's the skinny on last night in that Big Brother House of Single Again:
  • Chelsia said that Allison had tried to buy her vote with a dress.
  • James and Chelsia told each other they would have their backs even though they're not a "soulmate" couple any longer.
  • They smooched ... so maybe they are still a couple.
  • Sheila cried to Adam over Allison's leaving. She said she talked to her a lot and she thought it was a horrible and sad exit for her -- she was so thrilled then so let down.
  • Sheila thinks the people in the house are horrible, mean, and will do anything to win. (Hey, that's Big Brother!)
  • James told Joshuah he's a bisexual bicyclist.
  • They spoke about Sheial, how she tried too hard at the game, and her gambling past.
  • Ryan drank all four of his beers.
  • They're asleep as I get this posted.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds After the Live Eviction Show

Ryan checks out his Bone Thugs CD in his HOH room reveal.

So, how have the hamsters adjusted to being singletons? Here's what's happened since the show ended:
  • Matt, Ryan, and Adam decide it's going to be the Four Bros. (Why am I not surprised?) They think James is still in shock.
  • Matt kicked Natalie out of the room and called it a bachelor pad.
  • Matt and company think that Joshua and Sharon will be nominated this week.
  • Natalie is sure Matt will miss her. @@ (What is with her?)
  • Chelsia thinks that she, James, Sharon, and Joshuah have huge targets on their backs.
  • They now think no one is coming back due to the time frame and that no one has been sequestered at this point.
  • Chelsia told Joshuah that James shared many secrets with her and she's not happy being separated. (It's not like they're divorced, is it?)
  • They claim all "operations" are now over. Gardener successfully completed.
  • James thinks that Chelsia will become a social butterfly now, ignoring him now that they aren't a couple.
  • Chelsia thinks James is already ignoring her.
  • It dawned on them that the half-million prize won't have to be split. Smart hamsters.
  • Sheila complained about Adam's sleeping habits and Adam complained about Sheila complaining about him. He says he can finally play the game his way.
  • Ryan told Adam he has no idea who to nominate.
  • Matt told Natalie that maybe her soulmate is in the house, maybe it's ADAM! Heh.
  • Matt flirted with Chelsia. Hey, he's a free man now.
  • They toured the HOH room, saw pictures of Ryan's pit bull and others. Natalie asked for one of his beers and he told her no. Sheila and Sharon didn't ask, but made comments about how they'd share after they left the room.
  • Joshuah is worried.
  • Adam thinks the winner will make the interview circuit including Letterman. How wrong is he?
Speaking of Adam ... if I have to suffer, you do too. Here he is in the kitchen in between cooking some hot dogs, reaching in his pants way down deep in the middle of a room of people. EWWW.