Wednesday, August 06, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds, Screen Caps, Ferguson, and Tomorrow

First, let's check out the happy crowd on Libra's birthday ...

Reminder -- The houseguests and Julie Chen are once again on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight!

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'm kind of irked at my feeds tonight. I'm not sure what's happening, but they keep freezing and "communicating." Grr.

And, then there's tomorrow's "live" show. Unfortunately, it won't start here until past two in the morning due to football. Kristin over at TVS and I swapped -- she'll post tomorrow's TVS show review and I'll do her Sunday review. (I usually do Tuesday and Thursday.) Now, I won't be live-blogging the show at past 2 AM although I'll probably stay up to watch it. If it's on at a normal ET anywhere where you are, I can set up a post so you can talk about it. So, please check the schedules in your area and let me know.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

Sure, they're all asleep now with their little hamster dreams in their little hamster heads. But here's what happened before they went for the sleep of the innocent. Okay, not so innocent:
  • Jerry, April, and Ollie think there will be a war if the One Mind Alliance doesn't vote April's way this week.
  • In a moment alone with a camera, Dan looked up and asked if America has ever been the swing vote on the show. He's assuming since he had to target Jessie for nominations, the next move by America would be to vote Jessie out.
  • In the camera talk, Dan vowed to Steven that he will get Libra out of the house -- she's running wild.
  • Memphis thinks that (if he stays), Dan will team up with him and Keesha. Memphis wants either Ollie or April out, but prefers April out first.
  • April told Ollie that if Dan votes Jessie out, she will get in his face and tell him he shouldn't be a teacher since he went back on his word.
  • Whoa, son of a preacher man! Ollie, while talking to April, used a derogatory term for homosexuals to describe Dan.
  • April is worried about the votes this week. She thinks she's on Jessie's alliance now.
  • Dan continued to work with Michelle -- pronouncing her "r's" that is.
  • They sang Happy Birthday to Libra. Despite threats to vandalize her cake by Michelle, that didn't happen.
  • iLibra got all weepy about her kids and cried.
  • Ollie and April had sex again. @@

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/05 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area.

Can you say recap? I knew you could. The HOH is on again, Memphis and Keesha have a friendship. Cat fights ahead. Now we have the nominations again. It should go to color momentarily. Day 25 color. Memphis isn't surprised, but doesn't like that he's nominated with Jessie as Jessie is his ally. Jessie is the pawn, but Michelle thinks the pawn usually goes home. April doesn't care that some of her alliance wants Jessie out. She promised to keep him safe.

Jessie is a bit worried as he talks to April and Ollie.

Dan's America's Player -- he has to hug Jessie for ten seconds. He's cracking up over it. He plans on telling Jessie a sob story about his girlfriend Monica. He says Jessie's actually a softy. He cries and wonders if she'll still be there for him. Jessie is actually being very nice. The hug clocked at 17 seconds. Task completed.

Time to pick players for PoV -- April gets Michelle. Jessie is happy about that. Jessie got Libra. Memphis got Jerry. Renny is the host. April is a bit worried about Jerry and Libra. HOH room meeting -- all aboard. April is worried that Memphis will get PoV. If Jerry gets a pick your nose comp, he'd do well -- April re: Jerry. Libra is getting upset because people seem to be doubting her. She's upset and leaves. She says it hurts.

April said to Ollie that Libra has an excuse for every comp she's lost. Now Keesha is upset about people telling her who she can talk to or not in the house. Jessie runs to April and Ollie about Keesha saying people are talking about her. Jessie is so proud of his stirring the pot. "It'll get ugly. Out comes the temper now," says April.

Ollie gives April some encouragement as she heads back out of HOH. Libra is saying her feelings are hurt. April claims she didn't yell at her or raise her voice. Libra said she didn't say anyone yelled at her, she just didn't deserve to be spoken to that way. Keesha is mad when April mentioned Steven. Keesha asks Michelle if she said anything to April about Mempphis.

Keesha is steaming in the kitchen. It's her birthday. Keesha can't stand April's [bleepin] guts. She confronts April. Cat fight. MEOW! April does look ganged up upon. MEOW! Libra realizes that someone (Jessie) listened through the wall and reported. April admits it was Jessie who told her. Now they're mad at Jessie.

Jerry arrives. Memphis is making fun of it and Jerry tells the girls that. Now Renny is snapping at Jerry. She doesn't like the Colonel's finger in her face. She tells Memphis that Jerry ratted him out for making fun of the cat fight.

Birthday cake. Tears, crying for the birthday girl. They try to make Keesha feel good about it. Libra is still with April. Uh-oh. Jessie realizes that they know he can hear them through the wall.

Now Libra is confronting Jessie. Conversation endeed -- you don't run me, you don't own me -- Libra to Jessie. Jessie can't get a word in. His cheeks turn red when he gets flustered. As they scream at each other, the focus to the cake and Keesha's teary face is priceless. April is just sitting there. Some birthday. They all gather in the kitchen. It's the most pathetic singing of Happy Borthday I've ever heard. They all look like they want to kill.

Libra apologizes. Jessie apologizes for "being honest." Michelle doesn't think they know what the fight is about. Keesha throws Jessie under the bus for reporting to them. The fight starts all over again. Blurred gestures galore. Arrogant and a troublemaker. He claims he was "woke up." Libra just claps. "Hey, Memphis ... every day is a new day!" Libra says. Jessie ain't sitting too pretty with the house on the whole.

PoV comp time -- They have sports jerseys and hockey sticks. Jessie is sure he'll win. The Slapshot Comp is about to begin. Shoot for center section of net. Person eliminated at the end of each round wins a prize, one is a veto. The eliminated person can keep the prize or exchange it. Player triumphant after five rounds has choice of any of the prizes including veto.

Michelle is three away from Veto. Libra two away. April 2 away. Jessie four away. Jerry three away. (Veto is in center.) Memphis didn't even hit the net. He's eliminated. He wins the PoV ... but someone will take it.

Round two -- Libra five, April one, Jessie four, Jerry three, Michelle misses the net. She gets a Hawiian holiday. She's thrilled. She keeps the vacation for herself thinking Jessie could get PoV.

April one way, Jerry three away, Jessie eight away. Libra seven away. Jessie is eliminated. He gets a Slop Surprise. He takes the veto from Memphis.

Round four -- Jerry and Libra both two away, April with seven away out. She gets $10,000 in BB gold bars -- she can transfer money to others or keep it. It's real money upon eviction. She decides to keep it. Final round -- Libra perfect score. Jerry three away. He's out. He gets a letter from home. They're going to split the ten grand three ways and takes the PoV from Jessie. Jessie gets the letter from home and looks unhappy. Libra is the slapshot champion and wins the red unitard -- used. She trades it and takes Michelle's Hawaii trip and Michelle gets the unitard. Michelle glares and cries and swears in the DR. Onto Memphis slop surprise -- he gets a one week slop pass redeemable at any time, but must choose one person to eat slop for the week. He chose Jerry for the slop. Jerry isn't surprised.

Michelle goes to Jessie ... "I'm done, I'm done." She's really uspet. "What kind of mother doesn't take the letter from home." "Her kids should be taken away, Whore, slut skank" She's been nothing but made a fool out of ... DR gets her back from now on. Jessie even tells her he'll buy her a trip to Hawaii. He is being sweet to her.

April is a bit concerned even though the deal was that Jerry won't use the POV. Time for the meeting -- Jessie: I know why I'm here and respect what you do (roughly). Memphis -- I don't expect you to take me off. We've had problems from day one. Whatever you do best for your game. Jerry doesn't use the POV. Man, Michelle looks sullen.

Memphis isn't surprised that Jerry didn't use it -- he has time to secure votes. Jessie is sure he won't be voted out. April wants Memphis out even though her alliance wants Jessie out. After all, she's there to win the money, not her alliance win it.

Next AP assignment -- Dan vote to evict.

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

I like the BB10 toaster! My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Please stop back later for tonight's show live-blogging!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn

Here are the latest doings from that Big Brother House of Society's Ills:
  • When Dan was coaching the Swim Club (Ollie and Renny), Michelle got irked that they made a secret of it when she asked about it.
  • Memphis agreed he wouldn't put up Keesha and Libra if he stays and wins HOH.
  • Ollie told April she wears too much make-up. Heh.
  • Ollie and April were laughing because they've been having sex and no one knows it. Yeah, right. The silly hamsters might not know, but we do. And, their parents know, too!
  • Libra, April, and Ollie once again talked about Dan. They thinks he's odd and possibly something like America's Player.
  • They know he's throwing comps. And he asks too many questions.
  • So they confronted him. He hemmed and hawed, got nervous, talked about his mother raising him, never having met a gay person before, and ended up going to the Diary Room.
  • Libra thinks that they made him very nervous asking him about himself. April and Ollie think he won't ask as many questions as he has been.
  • Olie told April he didn't want to be in the house with loud annoying people. April translated that into Libra. April knows that Libra wants Memphis to stay and is playing mind games with them about it.
  • April and Ollie had sex again. But, shhh ... no one knows.
  • It seems likely that Keesha, Libra, Dan, and Renny will vote for Jessie to leave this week.
  • Jessie doesn't know that.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 04, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds Report

My latest live feeds report is now live over on TV Squad. I can't promise real excitement. They're dolts, y'know!

BB10 Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV Meeting Over

It sounds like Jerry let the nominations stand as expected. Libra still wants Jessie out and it looks like the One Mind Alliance might break this week.

OFF TOPIC: The Park, the Ducks, the Health

If you're looking for Big Brother content, please check back later. Right now as I post this, the HG are all still asleep. This post is off topic as far as BB or television goes. Read on at your own risk. ;-)

I can always tell when a delivery truck from Brooklyn is in the Jersey 'hood.

Last week when I went for my weekly blood draw (see below), I went for a visit to Mindowaskin Park in Westfield. It was only a few blocks out of my way to my planned Trader Joe's visit. I had a bottle of water with me, but alas ... no food for the water fowl. It turned out the lack of food didn't matter.

Fake Dog Island

This is apparently an effort to keep the geese off one of the islands in the pond. There are fake dog cut-outs and chicken wire. Um, okay. I'm not sure why it's so bad the geese gather there -- no people can get on the island anyway. They don't allow swimming or boating although I see traces of fishermen.

Look! Ducks! I sat long enough on a park bench that they thought it was safe to emerge from under the bushes. Of course, they thought I might have food for them. But little did they know I just intended on shooting them ... with my Canon PowerShot A560, that is.

This sparrow wants to be a duck when he grows up.

Silhouetted by the water's edge.

Please give me food.

Ducks don't sit down gracefully. They sort of thunk to the ground. It reminds me a bit of fainting goats, but they don't fall over.

Are you happy to see me or is that a duck on your foot?

Yes, this is my operative leg. And, yeah. Ducks kept sitting on my foot. Thunk.

Are you sure you have no food? I'm so adorable, you know.

This is the photo of the day which I think came out best. I know ... I already posted it on a BB entry.

Uh-oh. They're following me!

As the guy on the bench laughs at the ducks following me, I just wonder how my cat would react to a half dozen ducks hanging out in my apartment.

The Health Report
My knee is coming along. The bend is very good -- up to 125 with 0 degrees extension (that means I can straighten it entirely). There remain some pain, instability, strength, and balance issues. Alas, my Blue Cross Blue Shield only covers for 20 physical therapy visits per calendar year no matter if it's a major surgery needing lots of PT to rehab or a minor one or more than one surgery per year. The doctor and PT have sent in medical documentation and information on my case attempting to appeal for more PT. My PT has offered to give me sessions at cost, but I can't afford more than one per week even at that low rate. Hopefully the appeal will result in more visits covered by insurance and a co-payment from me.

My other knee (originally my bad knee, operated on in 1998) has been causing issues. As soon as my orthopedic surgeon thinks the left knee is strong enough, he's going to try to help with the right. No, not another knee replacement -- hopefully something a bit more conservative! However, surgery isn't totally off the list.

I fixed up my old exercise bike and my goal is to do five miles a day on it. I don't do it every day, but I usually get 2 or 3 miles in on off days. I've been trying to do without any pain meds, but fear I'm going to break down and ask the doctor for more. There are other issues besides the new knee itself. For example, I managed to drop a 2 liter bottle of Diet Ginger Ale (it's not any less heavy due to it being diet!) and the cap part struck my ankle as it landed. Due to the Coumadin/Warfarin, I bruise easily and tend to bleed under the skin. As a result, now my ankle is swollen, bruised, and tender. Tylenol doesn't touch the pain. So, it's probably best I get more meds. I hadn't been using them except for PT and occasionally at night.

Although I'm walking with less pain than pre-surgery, I still can't sit or stand for extended periods without going stiff and painful. That's been a problem live-blogging the BB reports and writing the two long show reviews for TVS each week. My knee also gets real hot when it gets mad. I guess it's a bit like its owner, eh? My other big problem is that I've somehow taken to sleeping on my side with my knee bent. When I awaken, I have to slowly and painfully extend my leg before I can get out of bed. With that experience, I know a trip to the movies or long car ride or air flight aren't a good idea.

As for the Coumadin, actually Warfarin as I'm using the generic, bleh. The other week my INR levels were out of whack and my health certainly suffered. They lowered the dosage and I'm feeling a lot better. It still seems to make me tired (although that could be a residual from the surgery, too) and food doesn't seem to taste as good as it should. I've lost 15 pounds, which is good. I'll be happy to get off of this in December. My arms now have track marks and bruises all the time. I'm awaiting the police to stop me thinking I'm a chunky junkie.

On the other hand, sometimes I can just enjoy a walk in the park again. Although I can't recommend knee replacement surgery and a DVT as a way to escape the office ... those times are nice indeed. My stress levels are SO much better!

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Monday Morning 8/4

I wrote up a feeds report posted last night over on TV Squad. For the most part, things have been uneventful. Apparently, with the schedule change to Thursdays for the live eviction show, the PoV meeting is no longer on Sundays. I expect it sometime today or tonight. That said, I doubt Jerry will use the PoV.

Since that report, here are the happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Dubious IQs:
  • Ollie is big on everyone abiding by the HOH's wishes for voting. It's no surprise as he basically seems to have a good rapport with Jessie. I haven't seen any deals between the two, but he's always defending him.
  • Ollie also thinks that Libra's way of coping with disagreement is to shout over people when she's called out. He's spot on.
  • Libra, Renny, and Keesha have been having private anti-April meetings. They invited Dan into their circle and asked him to swear on the bible that he'll be honest.
  • Jessie pressured Dan telling him he's the deciding vote.
  • Dan started crying saying he was missing his girlfriend Monica. Jessie consoled him.
  • Dan and Jessie hugged. (Aha! The AP task completed, I assume.)
  • After Jessie left the room, Dan looked up at the camera with a big wide grin.
  • Ollie told April he thinks he's now matured enough for a serious relationship. @@ I don't know. Call me a prude, but I think a serious relationship might be best started before sex.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/03 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area.

Recaps, earthquakes, previous brouhahas, Dan accepting AP. Jessie got cocky (what else is new). The HOH comp starts ...

Back to Julie and the HOH comp in B&W, then color. Ollie was terrified. Jessie asks Renny who she'd put up if she wins. She tells him not him ... but told us she just wanted to see him fall. Jessie is cocky once again. Whoa, Angie is voted out once again.

I hate this out of sequence messing about. Now Angie's just been evicted again. Good, back to the wall. Jerry drops out 26 minutes in. Libra's out at 33 minutes. Stuff is blown at them and the wall shakes. Dan orates. Michelle is looking uncomfortable. Dan threw it at 45 minutes -- he feels he's safe. Libra is suspicious about him, though.

Ollie is out at 55 minutes. Jessie is stressing, almost crying. Good. He's out at 1 hour and six minutes. He tells us it was a bogus comp. I wonder why all of that was blocked by the feeds? He jumped, wasn't disqualified as thought due to the feeds blockage. Memphis is out at 1 hour 16 minutes leaving Renny, Michelle, and April in the comp.

Dan gives Renny here speech ... on the feeds he had already given Michelle and April similar speeches. Renny's was actually the last speech he gave. Okay, they're giving them, just out of order. He did Michelle's.

Renny out at 1 hour 58 minutes -- an accidental out as she tried to regrab the bar ... supposedly. On the feeds she turned around and that was it. Now Dan is giving April her speech. Wow, did they do an editing job on this comp!

Just Michelle and April, the yard is full of trash. They both tell each other they have a lot left in them. They both want to see pictures of their families. April says she won't put her up. She won't put her up if veto is used. April tells her she'll keep Jessie in the game. She says she won't put Jessie and Michelle up (Which she doesn't). Heh. Michelle is out at 2 hours, 40 minutes. April wins. Michelle cries more.

Keesha asks about the deals. April said she told Michelle she wouldn't put her up. She wants Memphis out. HOH room time -- family pics, nephew, Michelle cries some more. All leave as April reads her letter and cries.

Keesha talks to Memphis. She thinks she can be friends with him. She also thinks he could help her out in the future. He thinks Keesha could help him down the line if he isn't evicted. April is mad because Keesha's hanging out with Memphis. Renny is listening to all of this as April talks to Libra. Renny clues Keesha in. Keesha thinks she should have voted her out when she had the chance. Now, more than ever, she wants Memphis to stay this week.

Dan in action with the AP -- Try to get nominated. He wants Libra, best case scenario is Memphis ... opens the envelope -- Jessie! He's thrilled. He talks to April. She's accepting of the thought. But she goes to Keesha and Libra about it -- she thinks he's acting weird. They think he's America's Player ir a twist.

Michelle is wearing a Renny wig. Dan is trying to teach her not to talk with a Boston kind of accent. Keesha and Memphis talk more. He's sure that he'll be put up against Jerry or Dan. She says that she doesn't know there was a promise made to Michelle or Jessie. Keesha knows she said she wouldn't put Michelle up. Now they're both confused.

April tells Ollie that Keesha is being disrespectful to her. Ollie is yes-sirring her.
Which HG should Dan hug for ten seconds? (America's Player) Voting ends tonight.

Nominations today -- She tells us she's putting up two who she cannot trust. Ceremony time -- Very difficult, not personal, a game ... Key order: Michelle, Ollie, Renny, Libra, Keesha, Jerry, Dan.

Jessie and Memphis on the block. Jessie primarily strong player, people are intimidated. Memphis -- the car.

April and Michelle both say that Jessie isn't the target and he's safe as she promised.

Hopefully, he'll blow it.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Sunday Afternoon 8/03

Well, Michelle looks better in red spandex than I would. She's over her pouting about it ... for now. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Snores and Bores:
  • Ollie and April got over their brouhaha last night and he's still sleeping in the HOH room with her.
  • Libra wondered how her children are doing.
  • Michelle rigged up the unitard as a bathing suit.
  • She wasn't happy with the results then whined to Jessie that she tried to do what the Diary Room wanted.
  • She decided she'd just stay in bed all day.
  • Renny and Keesha are still BFF -- they talked about April having too much power.
  • Renny thinks April would take Libra to the end because she could win against her.
  • Keesha thinks Michelle and Jessie see April and Libra as bigger threats than they see her as a threat.
  • Everyone except Jessie and Michelle hung out in the yard or in the pool.
  • Jessie and Michelle confined themselves to a room.
  • Because they've been so boring, I'll fill the rest of the report with screen caps I took.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Through Saturday 8/2

It's dinnertime at the Big Brother 10 house. Talk about dysfunctional families, eh? After all the excitement of the past few days, today was a bit more mellow. Here are the happenings from the Habitrail:
  • Libra, Ollie, and Keesha wonder if Ollie might have some connection or deal with Jessie as he seems so down on the possibility of voting him out instead of Memphis. Keesha thinks Ollie is worried about the three girls staying together at the end and he'd be out.
  • April said the Diary Room kept mentioning to her that she had given her word that Jessie was safe this week.
  • Dan told the girls that Jessie tried to pressure him to give his word he wouldn't vote him out. Dan said he didn't commit.
  • When the hamsters started talking about BB creating drama, we went to blocked feeds.
  • Speaking of drama, Libra wants Jessie to hit her so he'll get booted.
  • Ollie voiced his concerns about the girls not trusting him (Ollie) to Dan.
  • Memphis thinks that everything he says and does ends up being taken out of context.
  • Although he must know that the girls are suspicious of him, Dan was stupid enough to ask Libra if she thought America's Player was a twist this season. @@ Just when I thought we had a hamster with a brain.
  • Speaking of AP, Jessie must be America's target. Of course, that makes it easy for Dan.
  • Jessie thinks Jerry would be stupid not to use the veto on him. Say what?
  • Michelle has another idea on America's Player -- she thinks it's Libra.
  • Mind you, BB has not informed them that there's any America's Player.
  • Keesha told Memphis that Libra suspects Dan of being AP, but Memphis doesn't think it's so.
  • Jerry said he won't use the PoV and will go with April's nominations decision.
  • April and Ollie made their first entry on the brouhaha scene. Ollie is mad because April is suspicious because Jessie never bothered him as he has all of the others in their alliance.
  • She's mad because she thinks Ollie was rude to her when he interrupted her talk with Dan earlier.
  • Fight, fight, pout, pout.
  • They're still at odds.
  • But don't they have bigger fish to fry?

BB10 Live Feeds POV Over

After lots of brouhahas and a long feed block, POV is over and feeds have returned.

Michelle has to wear a leotard for a week.
Libra won a Hawaii trip which Michelle is fuming about saying she's a bad mother.
Apparently neither Jessie or Memphis won because they just said, "I can't believe we lost again."
Memphis put Jerry on slop for a week.
Jerry passed on taking $10,000. Some of them have !,000 and 4,000 and it's in the house -- they're worried about the others stealing it.

Jerry won POV. The boys (Jessie and Memphis) still want Libra on the block.

Now the HOH group is all one happy family again after screaming at each other for hours pre-veto. They want to group together against Memphis, Jessie, and Michelle. Apparently April, Jerry, and Libra were the top three in the comp. The veto players are wearing shirts with their names emblazoned across the back shoulders. Now even Keesha has changed her view on Memphis.

The boys and Michelle won a letter from home, a slop pass, and the leotard. It sounds like the other three have it made. It seems that April, Libra, and Jerry split the $10,000 and hid it. April has $5,000, Jerry $4,000, and Libra #1,000. April, Libra, Ollie, and Dan are talking about issues with Jerry.

Yay! They're seriously considering getting rid of Jessie this week! Ollie is the only one of the bunch defending Jessie -- he thinks Memphis is a bigger threat in the game.

Michelle is steaming. She wants to quit the game.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations

The feeds have been blocked way too long. When they came back, my feed with Memphis and Michelle was constantly pausing. Both seemed sad although I didn't get enough words for confirmation. Now Jessie is all alone laying down looking sad. I would think he's indeed on the block as April had said she would do.

Confirmed: Jessie and Memphis are on the block. Thank you, Libra!

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

Mikey, the Message Mallard, implores you to check out my latest live feeds report over on TV Squad! He also says those hamsters are all quackers.

Okay, I know. I'm being silly. It's been a long 40 hours or so for me.

Big Brother 10 Into Friday (8/01) Dawn

Oh, I realize this isn't a live feeds screen cap. No. It's a duck. I took the shot at a local park yesterday and probably will make y'all suffer with an off topic duck shots entry later today or over the weekend. To relate this image with Big Brother -- I spoke to the duck and told him all about Jessie. The duck thinks Jessie is a tool and wants him out this week. Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Here's what's happened since April's big HOH win in that Big Brother House of Hos and Tools Who Pass as Hos. Er, I meant HOHs, of course:
  • Before I get to after the comp, I just wanted to touch on something I didn't mention in last night's crunch o' BB stuff I had to get done -- Dan was a hoot giving each remaining girl (Renny, April, and Michelle) pep talks as a football coach. I definitely didn't want to like the guy after reading his initial bio, but he's one of the most entertaining people in the house.
  • Everyone is very sore after the comp. Jessie has blisters and he's never had them before. I can't help but wonder what kind of temper tantrum he put on over the disqualification while they had the feeds blocked.
  • Michelle cried and cried some more. She's a tough gal, yeah. But whenever she starts crying, she loses all sense of the game. That's what happened in the comp. Once Michelle started crying, April knew she would win.
  • April told Keesha she won it for her -- a birthday gift.
  • Jessie whined that the comp wasn't fair, it was made for a girl to win.
  • I don't think he would be whining if HIS girl won.
  • Everyone is amazed at how long Renny stayed up. Even those who don't like her think she did a fantastic job.
  • Libra told Renny she takes back everything she ever said about having her on her team in comps.
  • Keesha still thinks the earthquake the other day was fake to lead into the HOH comp. @@
  • Jerry played up to April telling her he wasn't going to talk to Jessie, Memphis, or Michelle because they're liars and cheaters. April didn't seem too enthused about Jerry as they know he follows the power.
  • April told Keesha that Memphis tried to make a deal with her two hours before the eviction show started.
  • Jessie thinks that Keesha and Libra are mad that April gave her word not to nominate or backdoor Michelle. By the way, they're not mad. There are other fish to fry and their people have HOH.
  • April's HOH room had the usual family photos, goodies, and such. What's scary is that her CD was an Air Supply one.
  • Par for the course, she cried upon reading her letter from home.
  • The gals were talking about Dan's announcing and pep talks during the HOH comp. They jokingly referred to him as "America's Player." Kinda close to home, eh?
  • While Jessie is whining about the comp being set up for the girls to win, April thinks it was set up for either Jessie or Memphis or Michelle to win.
  • April is upset that Memphis is trying to latch onto Keesha.
  • Right now April plans to put up both Jessie and Memphis. She thinks if she just puts up Memphis against someone else, Jessie might win POV and save him. At least with both on the block, even if one wins POV, one is still on the block.
  • Keesha told Renny they should have put April up when they had the chance. Uh-oh!
  • Keesha doesn't want Memphis voted out. Sigh. And to think I once thought this girl might have game.
  • April bashed both Renny and Jerry. Not to their faces, of course.
  • Ollie moved into the HOH room. Are you surprised?
  • They're all sleeping as I post this.

BB10 Review and Brief Feeds Report

My full review/recap of the BB10 eviction show is up over on TV Squad, as well as a brief feeds report.

Thank you everyone for a record comment night!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Big Brother 10 - HOH Endurance Comp Updates

11:40 PM ET -- Michelle drops out after crying forever and April promising to neither nominate nor backdoor her.

Renny disqualified for turning around at 10:45 PM ET -- it's between Michelle and April for the win.

Memphis out 10:03 PM ET

WHOA! The feeds were blocked a long time, came back at 9:57 -- JESSIE IS OUT! He was disqualified for wrapping his arms around the bars -- they can only hang on with their hands.

Ollie out at 9:46 PM ET

Dan out 9:35 PM ET.

Libra out at 9:23 PM

Jerry is out at 9:16 PM.

Quad cam at 9:10 PM

Right now the feeds are still blocked as I get this up. I'll do my best to update it with events as I write up my TVS review/recap of the show. I'm on deadline for that, so it's going to be a challenge.

9:06 PM -- Feeds on. All still up there.

9:16 PM -- Jerry is out.

Big Brother 10 - 7/31 Live Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. Recap, recap ... and more recap.

Eek. The live audience frightened me. Julie has a beige dress on. I don't know It looks Star Trek-y to me. More recap material. Why is Jessie wearing a Notre Dame shirt? I'm sure he wouldn't make the grade there. Keesha is confident the house will follow her plan and Jessie is safe. Michelle cries to us. Aw, like family, aw-bawl. Angie remains cool talking to her. Aw, Michelle's two closest friends are on the block. Go cry some more.

Memphis is still going on about the womanizer. Recap of him going off at Jerry. Angie talks to Jerry -- tells him the people he's sucking up to may not have the power next week -- bigger fish to fry. Jerry tells her it's not his choice. Jerry tells her that Memphis, Jessie, and Michelle grew too cocky last week. He tells her we'll work it out. Memphis is suspicious.

Jessie is once again being nervous with Keesha in HOH. Memphis runs to tell them that Jerry told Angie there's a chance. Angie and Michelle talking about Jerry going where the power is at. Michelle ticked when Angie said Jerry said her name. Angie planned that!

Jerry goes to HOH group while Michelle runs to her boyz. She's going to do physical harm, so she must calm down. Jerry denies telling Angie she's still in the game.

Michelle, "You talking about me?" Scream! You were talking about me to Angie. "You're not worthy of my comments!" Her boyz come in and Jessie defends his dawg. Coming up, America's Player...

Will Jessie's ego be the straw which breaks the camel's back? The house is about to be shaken up -- EARTHQUAKE! I love that Libra has a mud mask on. Jerry thought a car or something hit the house. Memphis thinks Jerry's an idiot.

Jessie is waving bye to Libra from the lawn as she looks out the window. He gave kissy noises. Libra thinks he's trying to intimidate him. Jessie thinks she's the most "deviant" person in the house. Renny says Jessie is going down.

Jessie walked by Jerry and called him "Father Time." Keesha says she's close to switching it up -- her people will vote her way. She can't believe he's acting out. Ollie, April, and Libra are exercising as Libra clues them in on Jessie's latest immature antics. April thinks it's the perfect time to get rid of him. Will Keesha listen?

Libra is really anti-Jessie. "Some of the houseguests are definitely fed up with him." - Keesha about Jessie.

To the living room for the Julie talk --

Michelle - The banner - First thing came to mind? Excited. She's not saying what was on it.

Memphis -- Womanizer? Extreme reaction? Dedicated his life to treating women with respect. It hurts. Character attack.

Jerry -- Great bunch of kids? Still feel this way, tells us he apologized to Memphis. Yes, Memphis accepted it, but might not forget it. He doesn't recall his "words" with Michelle. He said four of them after him.

Renny -- Birthday, best thing in the house? Being with all the people she's become friends with, they made her feel special.

Tlak to Keesha in HOH -- Why is Angie more to blame for Steven? She wouldn't take the blame at all. Pressure to put Libra up how long? All the way to end. Renny or Libra loyalty? More Renny. Others underestimated her? They know they have to be a little more fearful. - not a ditzy blond.

Talk with nominees:
Angie -- Interesting 3 weeks, friends, enemies. Only one person will win, not an alliance, need to decide who is the biggest roadblock. Mistake you don't want to regret.

Jessie -- Came in with respect. Power, did what he thought would make people happy. (He's not making sense) I'm not going to sit down when I think I was disrespected.

Voting to begin -- votes are to evict:
Memphis votes for Angie
Michelle votes to evict Angie
Jerry votes Angie
Renny votes Angie
Libra votes Angie
April votes Angie
Ollie votes Angie
Dan votes She finally tells him she's not Mrs. Chen!-- Angie

Unanimous -- Angie is voted out, those fools.

Julie gives the HG the news. Angie looks like she knows she's going home. Julie said "Jessie ... you are safe." just to annoy him. His cheeks are all red. Everyone hugs her, but it's quiet. Until the audience cheers, that is. Inside, Michelle is crying. Jessie is looking stupid. Keesha doesn't look too happy. All seem to be almost moping.

Julie compliments Angie's speech. Does she buy the Steven eviction excuse from Keesha? Angie thinks it also had to do with girls competing. She's used to hanging with the guys and likes to be outside. She's crying a bit.

Goodbye messages -- Jessie - pushing 110% for you. (Not making sense again). Jerry -- Real neat young lady, cool cat. Memphis - Been fun, nice . Michelle - I'm going to get these people back, jealousy did it.

Brian's hat ... if it bothers them, I'll wear it more.

Next -- AP and "the battle for HOH begins." -- quick shot of the HG all lined up on a ledge over water. Yep, an endurance comp. Argh ... I have to write the TV Squad review on deadline. I'll cover it the best I can.

America's Player -- One week, $20,000. And, it's Dan. He's laughing as he reads it. Keep it a secret or lose it all. He's blown away, appreciative. Who am I to deny America? He accepts it.

HOH comp -- Living on the Edge. Last one standing on ledge is HOH. They do have a bar and a fake brick facade. The facade is moving, tilting sownward. Earthquake? Aftershocks. Shaking and dust. The ledge is just short of Jerry's foot length.

Dan's first assignment == who should he try to get nominated? If the person with the most votes is HOH, next highest gets it.

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'm afraid they haven't been too exciting.

Join me later for the live-blogging of tonight's eviction and HOH show!