Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/26 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will constantly be updated as the show airs. Typos will happen as I'm paying more attention to the television than my typing, so please forgive me. Everyone is welcome to chime in with your thoughts and reactions as the show goes on! (Where did I last see that beverage cart?)

Recaps, going over the HOH deal again. Dan and Memphis discuss Memphis going on the block, then Dan in his nominations dilemma, noms cermeony. I like Dan, but his projecting in the DR is driving me mad. Hmmm ... new fodder -- Replacement Nominee Roulette, a game of Dan's. Whoops, back to the old noms ceremony.

Finally, back to color on Day 46. Ollie thinks he gets all the good things from HOH with no blood on his hands. Memphis thinks Dan's plan is crap. Jerry thinks he's in trouble ... but he's a fighter. Dan projects that it's a calculated risk that will make people think he and Memphis don't have an alliance.

Dan and Memphis talk some more. Memphis is pissed, but Dan in his mellow way tries to soothe him. Dan told Memphis the third part of the deal and that he'll put up Michelle if someone comes down.

Dan asked Keesha if he made a mistake. Keesha thinks it won't go the way he wants it to, it never does. Renny arrives. Duh, Keesha now knows that Michelle and Ollie have an alliance. Dan tells Renny and Keesha he won't put either of them up. "Oops." He'd have to put Michelle up.

Ollie is tells Jerry and Michelle about the secret third part of the deal. Of course, it was supposed to be a secret. Jerry isn't putting too much stock in the deal. (Judas memories.)

Dan wants everyone to gather in the living room. America's Vote. The phone call. Jerry's eyes lit up and Michelle looked like she was going to cry. Keesha does shed a tear or two in the DR. Michelle goes off crying because she's so lonely and would die to have a phone call from home. She sobs to us. I'm not as patient as Renny with her. Jerry goes and talks to her, too. Now Jerry is upset, 54 years, Parkinsons ... I have more sympathy for him.

The phone rings -- in the living room. Stupid Michelle doesn't know if she should answer it. Jerry's daughter asks for him, his grandson talks to him. Then his wife Jo. She tells him she's okay. They miss each other. Michelle cries, not sure if she's touched. Everyone else is smiling and seems happy for him. When he asks if she thinks they behave, she said, "Well ..." Sure enough, Michelle cried because she misses her family. "Thank you America" - he croak shouts.

Memphis goes to HOH with Dan and Keesha. They're wondering if Michelle will vote out Memphis and who Michelle would put up if she gets HOH. Best case scenario -- Michelle goes home this week. Dan tells us he's going to have to break the deal with Ollie. Very important POV, says Keesha.

Player picking time -- Dan picks Renny, Memphis selects Keesha, Jerry gets Houseguest Choice -- Michelle. Dan did not want Michelle to play. Jerry thinks if she wins the veto he'll get removed. He also thinks that then Ollie gets to pick the replacement nominee.

Ollie goes to Dan about the deal. 2/3 is done, the rest, the most important? Ollie tells him they need him on their side. Dan nods a lot and says okay a few times.

POV comp - All in space gear, Star Wars music playing, it looks like Mars. Ask not what theveto can do for you. Planet Veto, fly puzzle pieces on a zip line kind of thing, extra pieces in puzzles. Two heats..

Michelle Dan Keesha heat one, the others go inside. ONE GIANT LEAP is the name of it. Dan wants to throw the comp to Keesha so she'll use the veto. Michelle wants to win it. Keesha has a lot of rope problems. Michelle has the traveling down. "What Michelle has in strength, she lacks in brain power" -- Dan. Michelle thinks she's good at puzzles, but has problems. Keesha has the puzzle down. And Keesha wins the heat and advances to the finals.

Memhis, Renny, and Jerry are up. Both Memphis and Jerry really want the win. Renny loves being in the astronaut suit and is having fun. Jerry dropped a piece and took a long time picking it up. Like Michelle, Jerry claims to do puzzles all the time and is good at them. Memphis won the heat!

Keesha and Memphis in the final round with a new puzzle. Ollie tells us he's happy because he has the power. Dan is happy, couldn't have orchestrated the whole thing any better. Memphis WAY beat Keesha! Michelle grimaced. Ollie did fine.

Ollie is giggling because Renny or Keesha will go up. Dan thinks Ollie and Michelle are going to be shocked.

Memphis and Dan celebrate in the HOH room. Memphis thinks Michelle is a loose cannon, hostility in the house. Dan says they can beat Ollie. Dan tells Memphis to keep things mum. Dan tells Keesha and Renny about the third part of the deal. "Dan's not a very good negotiator," says Memphis. Dan wants Ollie to continue thinking the deal is on. "You're going to need some protection," Renny says.

Ollie wants to talk to Dan now. Dan says he's going to try to talk Memphis out of using the veto. Ollie tells him he wants to put Keesha up. Dan tells him his hands are tied. Ollie tells him three people in the house won't come after him next week -- Ollie, Jerry, Michelle. Of course, Dan already has Keesha, Renny, and Memphis.

Dan wants to cause drama and fights amongst others so the attention is off of him. Dan tells us at the veto meeting, he will get each HG to pick a replacement nominee so they all get mad at each other. Michelle says Keesha, Dan tells Ollie that he needs him to say Renny. Ollie agrees to do it. Keesha has no problem saying Michelle. Renny gets questioning and thinks it's a cop-out. Wait, Ollie's going to say mine? Renny is peeved but says she'll say it. Dan says Michelle is going up, but he needs the fireworks.

Ollie is so proud of himself and hopes it follows through. Veto meeting time! Memphis speaks as POV winner. Jerry speech -- COngrats, awesome job, don't expect him to use it on him, nice speech. Memphis saves himself. Dan gets up, worst case scenario, wants to have fun, play games -- Replacement Nominee Roulette. Who do you wish, be truthful, if you don't say a name, you go on the block.

Michelle: Keesha -- Ollie: Renny --- Keesha: Michelle --- Renny: Ollie

Gamble is a risk, Ollie you lost a bet, Michelle you go on the block. They stare. Daggers! Michelle thinks it doesn't make sense she got backdoored for someone else's deal. She threatens in the DR. He's a plant, y'know.

Ohh , the lollipop throwing and a bit of outdoor. They edited a cringe on Dan as he was in the HOH for the lollipop throw and the backyard rampage.

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

As Jerry continues to watch the washing machine (his form of television, I guess), my latest live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. Remember to stop back later as the show airs here on the East Coast. At about 9 PM ET, I'll get the live-blogging post up and then my full review/recap of the episode will go up on TVS sometime much later.

Oh .. and welcome aboard all the new faces in comments! Make yourselves at home. I'll send someone around with the beverage cart soon.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Now, you know that yesterday's rather explosive (or, in Ollie's case, implosive, too!) events would be prime fodder for graphic arteest Zoetawny! Ollie may implode, but Zoetawny rocks. The huge problem with a day like yesterday is that after all the excitement, it all turns into boredom as they contemplate their navels or something. Or they just repeat the same conspiracy theories over and over again from their grassy knolls. Here's the latest:
  • Ollie and Michelle discussed their "Dan is a plant" theory too many times. BB started cutting the feeds when they brought it up. It's all based on Ollie being sure that he saw Monica at a production meeting when Dan said he was there alone and had lied to Monica, telling her he was going to Miami on vacation.
  • From what I can gather, Dan has applied to be on the show before and it's very possible that Monica has, too. However, I don't think Monica has anything to do with this season.
  • Renny laughed as she examined the football picture of Coach Dan which Ollie has deemed fake because "the neck is too big."
  • Michelle worked on Memphis. Why would Dan put him (Memphis) on the block when he was breaking the deal anyway? He could have just put Ollie and her up there in the first place. Also, why would Dan ask him not to use the veto to save himself? She promised not to put him up if she stays and wins HOH this week.
  • She wants him to vote to evict Jerry.
  • Memphis played along nodding and occasionally acting surprised, but Michelle embellished it all in her report back to Ollie.
  • Renny told Dan that Michelle asked for her vote (to stay). She said she was too flustered to even think (to Michelle) and didn't commit to anything.
  • Renny and Dan had an extended bonding session. No, not like Ollie and April! Just talking, Dan telling sad childhood stories appealing to her motherly ways.
  • Michelle worked on Keesha. She told her it was Dan leading the call for her (Keesha) to go when she and Libra were on the block.
  • Keesha doesn't buy the goods and just nodded a lot.
  • Keesha told Renny that she has to control her emotions.
  • BB fixed the lamppost broken in Ollie's rampage.
  • The HOH room finally figured out that the Ollie crew told Jerry about the third part of the deal before the PoV Meeting.
  • Renny asked Dan if he ever saw the movie Harold and Maude. Nope, so she told him it was about an older woman and a younger man. He said she was flirting with him. These two are fun to watch when they get going.
  • Memphis and Keesha talked about setting up fake puzzles to promote conspiracy theories.
  • No more violent outbursts and, although he hasn't said it, I would imagine BB read Ollie the Riot Act.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 25, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. A lot of it is already covered here and in comments, but go ahead and check it out!

Ollie is still in the house, but I bet he got quite a warning!

BB10: Ollie Talks to Dan

Since this was uploaded, Ollie has torn apart and broken things in the kitchen and backyard. He ripped all the keys off the wall and told the BB voice to suck his (anatomy part again) when they called him to the DR.

BB10: After Veto Meeting, Ollie Explodes

Crude language warning alert.

BB10: PoV Meeting Over

The veto was used and Michelle is on the block. Ollie is trying to convince Renny that Dan wanted him (Ollie) to put her (Renny) on the block. He also thinks that Monica is fake. He promises hell will be released. Renny is playing dumb. Again, Ollie used a derogatory slur on homosexuals in referring to Dan. If those words even come to his mind, he's not someone I like at all.

Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn

Oh my gosh, they keep repeating the same things over and over ... on both sides! Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Deluded Dingalings:
  • Renny thinks Jerry makes things up.
  • Keesha and Jerry both claim to have not lied in the game.
  • Jerry told Michelle that Keesha called him a liar.
  • You can see where this is going.
  • Keesha and Renny agree that Jerry is a jerk.
  • Keesha doesn't want to eat dinner at the same table with Jerry.
  • Memphis thinks that Michelle will be after him for his vote once she goes on the block.
  • Jerry went on and on (and on and on) about Keesha's laugh. Hey, I agree with him but listening to him is almost as torturous. I also noticed yesterday that he doesn't laugh -- he cackles.
  • Although they were separate almost all day, the Ollie Camp had no problem eating the dinner Renny prepared.
  • Dan told them he would be meeting with everyone one at a time.
  • Michelle went first -- Dan told her the deal was more elaborate than she thought and that she should ask Ollie for details.
  • Dan basically talked in circles to Michelle.
  • Michelle then started talking about how Jerry knew she wanted the phone call. She wonders how America perceives them. (She might want not to know.)
  • Michelle went to Ollie to ask him. She told him that Dan said to talk to him when she asked if she's safe this week. She said that Dan told her whatever the deal was, it's going down.
  • Dan is getting antsy -- he's worried about the power shifting next week.
  • In his talk with Jerry, Jerry (obviously not hiding the fact he knows there's a secret deal) went on and on trashtalking Keesha to Dan.
  • Jerry also mentioned how he (Jerry) doesn't ever badmouth people in the house. (After spending all day badmouthing Renny, Memphis, Dan, and Keesha to Ollie and Michelle.)
  • Jerry also tried to convince Dan what a good ally he'd be if he stays and how he's never lied. They want to make Dan think he's safer with their alliance.
  • Michelle and Ollie laughed about how stupid Dan is to be following the deal.
  • Ollie asked Dan if he told the others about the deal -- Dan told him he didn't.
  • Dan reported back every bit of his conversations with Ollie, Jerry, and Michelle to his alliance.
  • Dan, antsy himself, tried to tell Keesha she needs to calm down. He said he's on their side (Renny, Keesha, Memphis) no matter what the others say.
  • Jerry told Michelle that college is a good place to meet a husband. Gee, I thought it was a good place to find an education!
  • In the end, it looks like the plan is still on -- Dan will nominate Michelle when Memphis comes off the block.
  • I expect fireworks later today.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/24 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

I do have a live feeds post up over on TV Squad, but it's been a bit of same-old same-old today with the exception of Jerry getting the phone call. BTW - It was three years ago today I had the first surgery on my now new knee. It was supposed to buy me a year.

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs and everyone is welcome aboard in comments! Beware, typos will exist. :-)

Recaps, recaps - Dan and Memphis secret alliance, Renny's noms, Ollie and April's relationship took a step forward? They should know the feeds watchers know where it was since week one. Recap, offer cash, April voted out.

Into the HOH comp now. Ollie has his gloves, Dan his jacket. Memphis feels he needs the win or, if he doesn't, Dan or Keesha. Ollie and Michelle want to avenge April's exit. Ollie thinks he's all alone although he knows Michelle is in his corner. Dan tells us he's not here for April's 5,000 -- he's here for 500,000.

Keesha doesn't know how Ollie will do without April. Ollie tells us he's taking the game to the next level. Dan likens the HOH to the Carnival Ride from Hell. Ew,a groin shot of Jerry.

Jerry out at 41 minutes. He can't feel his legs. Michelle fusses that she was the innocent bystander of a balloon toss. She picks off a balloon for revenge and it opens on her -- green ick in it. Good. Keesha out 1 hour, five minutes. Memphis is disappointed in her. He wanted her to make a decent effort.

Michelle out at one hour 59 minutes. She says her sneaker got caught and ripped her from the seat on the vine. Memphis out at 3 hours, 19 minutes, so it's between Dan and Ollie.

Ollie tells Dan "I won't go home." Both are shivering. Dan tells Ollie that he is only up there for Monica and needs to see her photo. Ollie tells him he loves his "peeps" too. Ollie promises Dan if he wins, he won't put him up. Dan promises Ollie he won't go up. Swore on his girlfriend. Supposedly then Dan's gears start spinning. What else can I give you? Who do you want protected? Myself - Ollie's answer.

Dan says to us he has to give all the HOH power this week to Ollie so the blood will be on his hands. Protect someone, one nomination, and choose the veto. Ollie calls all the shots except for one nomination. Ollie drops and is smug about the deal.

Dan tells us he made one of the worst deals in BB history, but thinks it will all work out in the end and he's proud. Keesha tells Memphis that Dan made a funky-ass deal. That's a good descriptor! Ollie tells Michelle that Dan said he could save one more person and there is more to the deal. He tells her there's a third part of the deal which he isn't supposed to tell her. He tells her the third part. "I got a steal."

Dan told Memphis he made a deal that he'll tell him about later. Memphis isn't happy when Dan tells him it might get sticky this week. Renny hasn't a clue, Memphis is mad.

HOH room -- a Taken shirt from Monica, photos, she is pretty. Coaching photos, letter from home. He tells us he will turn on fake tears for his advantage. It works on Renny.

Renny asks Dan about how many women he's dated. He keeps asking definitions. He tells us he loves to pick on her.

Ollie goes to HOH room, Dan gives him a beer to bribe him. Ollie assumes that Dan will nominate Jerry. Ollie wants to nominate Memphis. He thinks that Memphis is more threatening. Dan tells us it would be a huge risk which could backfire if he puts his ally Memphis on the block.

Memphis goes to Dan in the yard. Dan tells him that he made a deal with him that he could put one nominee up. Dan wants him to trust him. Memphis is more worried about others. Dan wants to guarantee two votes for Memphis to stay ... Keesha and Renny are his target votes. He talks to Keesha first, she says she doesn't know if Renny will keep Memphis.

Renny arrives in the HOH room. Renny outright says she doesn't trust Memphis. She thinks he would cut your throat. Dan is trying to convince her that they should use him to a certain point and cut him. Dan tells us his entire game depends on a woman who wears wigs and boas. He calls her "wrecklous." They agree on final three together, Renny isn't too cool with Memphis, but seems like she will go along with it.

Memphis is still not happy, as he has a right to be.

Is Memphis wearing one of Dustin's grey v-necked shirts? Ew.

Dan talks to Monica's photo. He seems torn.

Nominations today -- Jerry hopes Dan has the same "no sour grapes" approach he does. Say what? Michelle is leery. Memphis knows of the deal and expects to be nominated but says he will go after him. Ollie is sure his deal has to be followed.

Dan mentions the deal that was struck and that he's honoring the deal. Key order: Ollie, Renny, Keesha, Michelle. So it's Memphis and Jerry on the block as we know.

Dan says he nominated Memphis because people don't know where he stands, vagabond, renegade. Dan tells Jerry that it's not about the Judas bit. He makes a football analogy, then tells them they have the power to save themselves with the veto.

Ollie tells us he controls what happens from here on out. Dan thinks the nom will hide his alliance with Memphis. Memphis says it doesn't make sense.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning

Well, Memphis winning the PoV has put some excitement in the house. Here's what's been going on since the big win:
  • Ollie and Michelle are not happy campers. Ollie wants Dan to convince Memphis not to use the veto. Memphis ain't that stupid!
  • Michelle slammed around.
  • Ollie made all kinds of threats towards Dan while speaking to Michelle including punching Dan in the jaw, etc. Then he went to bed and put a pillow over his head.
  • Jerry just seemed dazed and confused for a while.
  • Dan spilled the beans on the third part of the Ollie HOH deal to Renny, Memphis, and Keesha. He told them he has no intention of keeping the third part although he had kept the first two parts. He wanted to let them know first.
  • Ollie, meanwhile, told Michelle he wanted to expose Dan's deal to all and call him out in front of them.
  • Memphis wants Dan to put up Ollie, but Dan will hold to that part of the deal -- Ollie is safe this week.
  • Ollie was like a petulant child with a really bad temper as he blew off steam to Michelle about the situation.
  • Michelle wants Ollie to tell Dan he must put Keesha on the block.
  • Renny suggested a scheme in which they'd take Jerry's money in return for his safety this week.
  • Memphis isn't keen on any idea his alliance has in which he doesn't remove himself from the block even though they assure his safety. They want him to take Jerry off and Dan to put Michelle up.
  • Renny, Dan, and Keesha have made pretty solid plans to be the final three, with Memphis as the fourth.
  • Renny cooked up a nice dinner (no food comp this week, they can all eat) and everyone but Ollie took part in the meal.
  • Memphis, Dan, Keesha, and Renny think Ollie has to go next week. (They don't know it's a live double eviction week this week.)
  • Jerry tried to get Keesha to give him her vote to stay this week. (Which she will if Michelle goes on the block.)
  • Ollie finally talked to Dan. He said Keesha has to go on the block -- she's been badmouthing him, blah-blah, deal, blah, your alliance will turn on you, blah-blah.
  • Dan told Ollie he's still trying to get Memphis to not use the veto. (They wanted it to stay mum about breaking the third part of the deal until the veto meeting on Monday.)
  • Ollie told Dan that Renny deserves to be on the block and if it's a tie between Renny and Jerry, he wants Dan to vote out Renny.
  • Dan just kept saying he had to think about things, talk to Memphis, etc. Thankfully, he made no new promises to Ollie.
  • BB told them that one of them will be chosen by America to get a phone call from home. Jerry cried thinking about his wife upon hearing the news.
  • Ollie tried to reassure Michelle that he holds the cards even if Memphis uses the veto.
  • BB gave them alcohol, but not in abundance. One bottle of wine and a six-pack of beer.
  • Ollie and Michelle talked about what great game players they are. Ollie says his HOH deal is the best in the history of the game.
  • Michelle, on her own, isn't quite as smug. She had a few bouts of crying during the evening, at least one had to do with the phone call from home (which it seems she didn't receive). She thinks Jerry got it, but he denied it.
  • Most seemed to sleep rather fitfully through the night as did I. My apologies for a late report today. I was a fitful sleeper, then got watching The Sopranos on A&E when I should have been writing.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

BB10 - POV Over

The feeds are back. I'm still trying to figure out who won. Michelle didn't seem to according to a conversation with Ollie -- she doesn't feel safe. Hmm ...

It sounds like Memphis won. It also sounds like Keesha let him win it. I could be wrong, but if I am, Dan and Memphis are doing a special handshake for production for nothing.

The latest update -- Memphis will save himself. Dan will renege on the last part of his HOH deal with Ollie. Michelle will go on the block and be the target of Renny, Dan, Keesha, and Memphis. Renny came up with a scheme to tell Jerry he can buy his safety this week even though he's already safe. Memphis will approach him about that. Dan told his side about the last part of the deal and how he wasn't going to keep it. They will keep mum until the veto meeting.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Briefs

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB!0

Thanks to Zoetawny, we see how Dan prayed over his nominations. It's too bad he sold his soul to get HOH, though! Not all that much has happened since they woke up this morning. But since I expect a lengthy feeds outage for the POV comp, I figured I'd bring the news up to snuff.
  • They chose veto players. Ollie is the only one not playing. Jerry apparently got Houseguest's Choice and chose Michelle. That's because they all know Ollie is safe.
  • Ollie and Michelle have a new conspiracy theory -- Keesha and Memphis are boyfriend/girlfriend. Why else would she not get a photo of her boyfriend when she was HOH?
  • They've been on indoor lockdown since last night as BB builds something in the backyard.
  • They think it will have something to do with them flying about as the wake up songs were David Bowie's "Space Oddity" (you know the one ... ground control to Major Tom, etc.), Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon," and the theme from Star Wars.
  • Ollie is trying to make sure his buddies (Michelle and Jerry) don't spill the beans that he's supposed to put up the replacement nom if veto is used.
  • Dan has been telling his buddies he will put up his own replacement nominee if veto is used and it's likely to be Michelle.
  • Jerry has been to almost threatening when talking about Dan and even to him -- he's stupid if he votes him out, won't win the big money, etc.
  • Memphis still doesn't trust that Renny will vote for him to stay.
  • Bring on the comp already, BB.

Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds Friday Night Into Saturday Morning

Well, Dan nominated Jerry and Memphis, the latter due to his deal with Ollie for HOH. Memphis knows why he's nominated and was expecting it. But that doesn't mean he's happy about it, not at all. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Let's Make a Deal:
  • Dan is insisting to Memphis that Renny will vote the way he wants (to keep Memphis) while Memphis knows Renny doesn't care for him much. He thinks Dan is depending too much on Renny and it's his game at stake.
  • Memphis also told Dan that he shouldn't trust Renny -- she's in it for herself. (Isn't that what she says about him? And shouldn't they all be in it for themselves?)
  • Dan said that he won't fulfill the second part of the deal -- Ollie will not be the one to pick the replacement nominee if POV is used. Of course, he didn't tell Ollie or Michelle that. He now plans to put Michelle on the block if the POV is used.
  • Keesha told Dan that she doesn't think Jerry would be the one to go if it remains Jerry/Memphis on the block.
  • Renny pointed out that he didn't put Michelle on the block because Ollie wants to protect her.
  • Keesha said if Memphis won POV, Dan would have to put Michelle up. Renny told him if he puts her (Renny) up, she'll make his life miserable.
  • Renny said that you have to lie and be a snake in the game. Dan said that you could be the snake charmer.
  • Ollie and Michelle agreed to each other that if either of them won the POV, they would save Jerry.
  • They told Jerry of their decision. Ollie claims they "[bleeped] the wrong person."
  • Keesha avoided answering Memphis when he asked if she know who would go on the block if Jerry was saved by POV.
  • They sat around waiting for the POV comp, but it didn't happen in the late night hours.
  • It bothers Keesha that Ollie and Michelle are strutting around all smug since nominations.
  • Michelle, Jerry, and Ollie were laughing because Dan's alliance doesn't know the part of the deal that Ollie chooses the replacement nom if the veto is used. Um ...
  • Memphis broke Dan's bed (not on purpose) when Dan was called to the Diary Room. It didn't take long for Dan to discover it was broken. Heehee!
  • They're just starting to get up as I post this.

Friday, August 22, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds and Nominations Bulletin

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

And, finally after a long feeds block, they're back ... Memphis and Jerry are on the block.

Big Brother 10: Live feeds into Friday Dawn

Yes, Dan won the HOH comp late last night, but has he sold his soul? My special report on the comp is up over on TV Squad. However, let me catch you up with more here.

  • Not really a recent development, but since I've seen grumbling about Dan wearing his hooded jacket. I think Ollie's gloves even that advantage out. Both had an idea from the wake-up song that they'd be in an endurance comp. Rain is a standard BB ploy in those and gloves often are a great help, too. It seems both Ollie and Dan tried to think ahead.
  • From the talk after the comp (BB had the feeds blocked for the real deal while they were still dangling), it seems that Dan did indeed tell Ollie that he wouldn't nominate him and one other person. That person, of course, will be Michelle.
  • Ollie thinks the deal covers naming the nominees, but Dan said he could name the replacement nominee if the veto is used.
  • Dan already seemed to be regretting his deal when he talked to Memphis. He seemed to hint that Memphis might be in danger and that he had to work with "her." Hmm ... Michelle? Renny? I just don't know.
  • Keesha told Renny that she heard Dan tell Ollie he could pick the second person to keep safe.
  • Memphis thinks Dan should just give Ollie the HOH.
  • Michelle played dumb with Memphis. Deal? What deal?
  • They're all a bit worried about someone coming back because Julie asked Memphis about it on the show.
  • Dan told Keesha he wouldn't put her on the block.
  • HOH room, blah-blah, pictures, letter from home. His girlfriend Monica sent him a shirt with "Taken" on it. (He's been very well-behaved in that aspect of house doings, but look at his choices.)
  • There were audio problems galore as the night wore on.
  • Ollie told Michelle he gets to pick one of the nominees, neither he or Michelle get nominated, and he gets to pick the replacement if the veto is used.
  • Ollie also told Michelle that he thinks Dan is a plant -- he's sure he saw him in the hall with Monica at CBS.
  • He's also suspicious that Dan had a raincoat type jacket in California.
  • Ollie thinks that Monica might be the one coming into the house. @@
  • Ollie and Michelle are thinking it might be a double eviction week coming.
  • Michelle fussed that Dan got more goodies for the HOH refrigerator than she did.
  • Michelle and Ollie are all into conspiracy theories. Now they think the show planned for April to go and that's the reasoning she won the five designer outfits in that comp. @@
  • Finally all fell asleep.
  • Jerry is up looking like the Undead as I post this.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/21 HOH Endurance Comp Update Post

12:39 AM ET: The feeds came back and Ollie went down. Dan is the new HOH!

12:35 AM ET: In a long feeds block, last up was Ollie and Dan. If they come back and one has won it, we won't know if any deals were made for the win.

12:06 AM ET: Memphis is out.

11:50 PM ET: Memphis, Ollie, and Dan still in. It's raining.

11:35 PM ET: Same old, same old. Ollie, Memphis, and Dan still hanging.

11:20 PM ET: Same as 11:00 PM. BORING!

11:00 PM ET: Memphis, Dan, and Ollie still in comp.

10:47 PM ET: Michelle out.

10:45 PM ET: Ollie, Michelle, Memphis, and Dan hanging in. BB is slamming them harder.

10:32 PM ET: Jerry and Keesha still the only ones out of the comp.

10:15 PM ET: Still just Jerry and Keesha out of the comp.

10:00 PM ET: Michelle, Ollie, Dan, and Memphis all still hanging in.

9:54 PM ET: Keesha is out.

9:45 PM ET: Jerry is still the only one out.

9:30 PM ET : Jerry falls. He says he can't feel anything.

9:22 PM ET - Feeds returned, all still in.

As I get this up, the feeds are still blocked. I'll be updating this as the comp goes on.

9:20 PM ET -- Not ignoring you, feeds still blocked.

Big Brother 10: 8/21 Live Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Zoetawny made us a nifty graphic (and oh-so-true, too) for the show. The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will constantly be updated as it airs. Be advised -- since I'm paying more attention to the TV than anything else, there will be typos. Everyone is invited to join in down in the comment section!

Recaps --nominations, veto, etc. Julie has on black slacks and a nice mathing slightly poufy-short-sleeved top. I don't know about that gangly chain around her neck, though. She brings up the fact that someone might try to buy Dan's vote (although they couldn't buy his veto). I really wish Dan would stop shouting in the DR. Jerry is surprised that April offered Dan money. Michelle wants the person who offered money gone. Jerry said Renny told him he'll stay.

Michelle goes to Dan looking for information about who offered the money. Much ado about nothing, I say. Michelle tells Keesha and Memphis that she doesn't think April offered the money and blames it on Jerry. Now she thinks Jerry needs to leave the game.

Keesha says she has to stay with her desire for April to go. Memphis thinks they should still vote out April. Dan is quiet. April says they have no reason to put her on the block - all she's done is be nice, give people stuff, make cakes. One person doesn't like her and it's jealousy. (Yay, Zoetawny graphic!) April wants to sway a vote her way.

Michelle tells April that no one has talked to her about the vote. Ollie told her that keeping April is best for her. Michelle says if the house wants April out, she'll vote with them rather than being a target. Ollie tries Dan ... Dan doesn't commit. Dan always looks so uncomfortable in these situations.

Now April is working on Dan. She asks him if Jerry offered him money. She asks him to take money into consideration, offers hims safety if she can. He tells her he'll think about it.

In DR sessions: Ollie wants to keep April because they connect so well (like dogs during sex?), Michelle is worried about going against the house. Memphis doesn't like either of them, mentions Jerry is a liar twice.

Ollie and April families. Ollie tells April his parents want him to be happy. It's to the family church of Ollie. He thinks Ollie's upbringing made him what he is, morals, principles. @@ April's family? Her twin sister says April is the dominant twin, she thinks Ollie is like herself -- laidback.

Ollie's father doesn't know what a showmance is. Ollie's father is totally clueless! His mother said it was unnerving at first, but Dad says he stands by his son's decision.

Marriage proposal -- her sister is upset. They want to live tgether. Gag.

Talk to HG: Talks to Ollie, scary week, crows. She asks him about the birds. He says they're dirty. To Dan -- congrats on winning first comp of the summer. Renny -- emotional when seeing parent pictures in HOH -- she wanted to see husband and children, but goes on about living memories of her parents. Very emotional. Jerry -- slop for half your stay -- He fries it. Audience question for Memphis -- Bring one HG back? He says Brian just for giggles.

More DR -- Keesha thinks April should stop bragging about herself. Dan thinks Jerry could be a liability, he's the swing vote again but doesn't really want to be in this position.

Julie talks to Renny: Kooky Renny, now serious player as HOH. She hopes the others underestimated her. She thinks she's very strategic, gives 110% and hopes America is crazy about her. Back to parents ... made her strong woman she is today. Wary of Memphis? She'd like to see him go, thinks he's shrewd, needs to learn respect, etc.

Nominees talk. April -- So grateful to get to know each and every one of you, will treasure every moment, play for yourself, if she leaves cereal boxes not in order. Jerry -- Besides slop, something special, memories, will take no sour grapes with him to jury house, tries to keep word.

Live voting starts -- votes are to evict:
Keesha - April
Memphis - April
Ollie - Jerry
Dan - J ... April
Michelle - April, sadly

April is evicted. She was expecting it. She hugs them all including Keesha, handling it well. Ollie looks like he wants to cry, but gives Jerry a quick hug.

The talk -- Keesha? Fiendemies? She says she has nothing bad to say about her, Keesha turned on her, not sure why the house turned. Ollie? Is that part of why evicted? She doesn't think so. If she acted in the house as she is in this interview, she'd still be there. Future with Ollie? Ollie wanted to move to Arizona anyway, he'll get his own place. Marriage was a joke. Goodbye messages: Dan - Ambitious hurt you, target with Ollie, prolong life in game. Renny -- Amazing, vivacious, competitive, love you. Keesha: Rocky relationship. Ollie" Found such an intellectual and beautiful, will you be my first girlfriend? She says yes.

HOH comp - They're in the yard on ropes, King of the Jungle. Be last person hanging on jungle vine, argh ... it's an endurance. It's raining. Ollie has gloves. Vines have life of their own, they rise.

America's vote: They miss loved ones. Phone call from home.

Next week is a double live eviction, fast forward. The check back has them all still hanging in. Jungle noises, Ollie looks scared. They're getting slammed against walls, going up and down.

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over at TV Squad. At 8 PM ET, I'll post a live-blogging post for tonight's show in East Coast time. Everyone is welcome to stop by in the comments there!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Thursday Dawn

The feeds have been so boring that I messed with a screen cap of Jerry last night as I watched the hamsters. Original screen cap above, tampered with below. Oh, I know I'm no Zoetawny. I can't make anything move.

Here's the latest news from the Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
  • Ollie thinks BB wants to bring out the ugly in people. Well, yeah ... if it didn't, the show would be a snooze!
  • Michelle decided she would refrain from cussing for the day. She made a valiant effort.
  • Keesha has been feeling sorry for Jerry -- she thinks the stress of the game is wearing on him. Uh-oh, will he be her next "cause"?
  • They went into an indoor lockdown expecting it to be for Craig Ferguson (which indeed was a repeat last night).
  • Ollie told April he was playing for himself and trusted no one after April asked him if he trusts Renny.
  • Ollie thinks the HOH comp will be endurance. I'm not so sure.
  • Ollie asked April to be his first girlfriend. Apparently all the others he's bragged about were just for sex, I guess. What an honorable man!
  • Dan told Keesha and Memphis that he finds it interesting that Ollie is suddenly complaining about Jerry. Well, duh.
  • The hamsters found out that Craig is on "hiatus" as they put it. I didn't catch April's reaction on the feeds. She had to be crestfallen ... it was her next big shot at making a fool of herself ... er, gaining Hollywood stardom.
  • Dan made everyone squeamish talking about slaughterhouses and how animals are killed for food. In its own way, BB is a bit of an abattoir.
  • Memphis said "they" (DR, I assume) ask him a lot of questions about Renny. Hmm ... the DR knows that Renny doesn't trust Memphis ... are they planting seeds for him?
  • Ollie zipped April in her suitcase and wheeled it around shocking Keesha and Jerry. Now, that was funny. I hope it makes the show!
  • Renny told Keesha the DR asked her about her (Keesha's) laugh. Heck, just ask ME, BB! Every time she starts laughing, I have to jump to turn down my speakers before the neighbors call the cops!
  • April said the DR told her that she's a "new revised Janelle." Blech! So not true from everything I've seen! I was never a huge Janelle fan, but April is nowhere near the player and more like ... um, I don't know. Just not Janelle.
  • BB told them they aren't allowed to talk about production.
  • Ollie told April he wants her to call him Brian when he leaves the house. I know that his real name isn't Ollie, but I forgot it's Brian.
  • Dan continues his antics -- scaring people and general goofiness -- making the others laugh and Renny to comment that she doesn't know what's wrong with that boy.
  • April and Ollie had sex ... again.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.

Random off topic note: I'm all hyped for a new show tonight! You know I'm a cop show buff kind of person. Tonight is the premiere of Jacked: Auto Theft Task Force on A&E. Normally, I wouldn't be all this psyched about the show, but it's my county's car theft task force featured for the entire season. I've been hearing of their work for years and saw them in action once. There's a write-up in the Star Ledger today about the show. Since Hopkins ended, my slot is open. Yay!

Great minds think alike added note: Heehee. I just opened my email and found this in it from Zoetawny!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest BB live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Also, if you click on my name in that post, you'll find my post on the new TAR teams. I must watch dogs now.

Big Brother 10 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

I took screen caps of Ollie and April in the hot tub, but I refused to take screen caps of them in bed later. Renny is playing Murder with everyone else in the house except for April and Ollie. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Wayward Street Fighters:
  • Jerry worried about the vote and Keesha told him he had nothing to worry about.
  • Renny, with her Michelle/Memphis conspiracy theory, voiced her suspicions to a new audience -- Jerry.
  • Of course he agreed with her.
  • Renny is even more ticked off about Memphis because he didn't talk to her when she wanted to talk to him.
  • Dan read out loud from the bible.
  • Keesha is developing a soft spot for Jerry. She told Dan she really felt sorry for him when he thanked her for taking the time to talk with him earlier.
  • Jerry and Dan talked about dogs, cars, politics, and Jerry's bypass.
  • BB gave them alcohol.
  • They wanted to play hide and seek, but April was irked that they even asked her to join in.
  • April and Ollie want couple time, y'see.
  • Jerry told April and Ollie that he didn't want to lose his two friends (them) in the house over this week. I'm sure they were touched. Jerry is surely working everyone.
  • April cried.
  • After hide and seek, it turned to Murder in the kitchen. The game, not actual murders, mind you.
  • Jerry told Keesha that Dan said she had a good heart.
  • Ollie is still trying to convince April that she has a shot to stay.
  • April and Ollie had sex ... again.
  • Eventually, all went to bed. Ollie got up early, exercised a bit and is now just sitting alone on the couch as I post this.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/19 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm typing on the fly here. Well, on the keyboard, but ...! Everyone is welcome to have fun in the comments area!

Recaps - Ollie works Renny to get Jerry on the block. And, sure enough, it happens! Nominations once again. Renny's nom speech again. In color for Day 39. Jerry tells us how tough he is with Marines at 17, kill or be killed. Renny tells us April is the target this week. April thinks the whole game is personal and she'd be a liar if this didn't work. Ollie is grateful he's not on the block.

Dan thinks that Renny has a secret deal with Ollie. Dan talks to Memphis and they're worried one of them will go up if the veto is used. Ollie comforts April. April tells Ollie she has to look vulnerable to those people right now. She wants his support.

Renny in HOH room, Keesha arrives. She asks if Jerry is okay. Renny says it's two from the trio and I did what I wanted to do. She likes Ollie and wanted to put Jerry up. Keesha tells us that she doesn't think Renny will put Ollie up if the veto is used. Renny says no one should feel safe. Renny tells her certain people are targeted and they must go.

Jerry in bed talking to himself. Ollie thinks the Colonel is losing his head. He is indeed talking to himself, no religion, no politics, but he misses his family.

POV players pick time -- Dan doesn't want Ollie to play because he would take April down if he won. Renny picks Dan's name, April chose Keesha's name, Jerry chose Ollie's name. Renny names Michelle as the host

Ollie and April are ecstatic that he's playing. Dan, Keesha and Memphis are not happy with the Ollie pick. Keesha tells the guys that Renny likes Ollie and won't put him on the block. Memphis thinks Renny is a loose cannon and has gone off the deep end. He's really upset that Renny would put one of them on the block and not Ollie.

Time for veto comp -- spooky backyard, mummies, graves, python, bones ..."freaky and outright evel" -- Ollie. There's a crow there. There are voodoo dolls representing the HG. They have five minutes to examine the items. Dan figures it's a memory. Five roaches, Keesha is squeamish as Dan is concentrating. Jerry tells us he's like a little streetfighter. Object is to earn three points. BB will ask a question, always an amount for the answer. They write the answer down, look at others and can stay or fold. Closest to actual answer gets point. If you stay and are furthest, out.

Length of serpent: Jerry stays w/216, Ollie folds, ERenny stays w/540, all others fold. 260 inches, Jerry won the point on the snake. Renny is out.

50 pins stuck in a voodoo doll example - pins in all 8 - Big range in answers. Jerry stays w/1200, April stay 705, Keesha stays w 900... Jerry gets a point for the item, needs one more to win POV. April eliminated.

How many cockroaches in tank -- Dan tells us he can't afford to throw the comp. Keesha stays w/20, etc. Dan's 68 is closest to the 195. Keesha is out.

Ounces of blood in containers on table - Ollie and Jerry fold, Dan gets the point.

Nails on bed of nails -- All stay. Dan is closest, wins POV with his third point.

Jerry is upset he was so close and lost. Ollie is upset he let April down. Dan tells us he might have to use the veto to get Ollie and April both on the block. April will do whatever she can to get Dan to take her off.

April and Ollie suggest using gold bars rto bribe Dan. Dan is upset and might use the veto on Jerry so Renny will put up Ollie. Jerry and Dan meet in the storage room. Jerry tells Dan he knows he took a nasty shot at him last week. He apologizes for the Judas comment. Jerry tells him that his loyalty will be to those who help him stay if he stays this week. Dan shakes hands and accepts the apology. Dan tells us he'd have zero enemies in the house if he takes Jerry off.

Dan and Memphis -- Dan thinks Ollie could put either of them up. He thinks Ollie will go after them. Memphis isn't so sure.

Dan gets a Renny haircut. He tells us he's putting his prize possession in her hands, then prays. She tells him she'll cut it the way she wants. He ends up liking it.

The table is smaller. Ollie thinks nothing easy will happen from now out.

April is talking to Dan. He asks if she feels safe, she says no. April says she always tries to be nice. April wonders if Jerry offered him anything, he says no. Dan said he doesn't know if he'll use it or not. April offers her word, Ollie's word and cash. Dan asks if Renny and Ollie made a deal -- she thinks Renny did it on her own because she has nothing against Ollie. Dan says he has to think about it.

Dan and Memphis -- Dan wants to talk to Renny. He wants Ollie going up. One thing I don't like is how loud he is in DR. He says he doesn't want to disrupt her plans, asks if she and Ollie made a deal. She says no, she likes Ollie. Dan throws out scenarios -- Jerry off, she gets stuck on that ... would look at him as a traitor. She tells him she trusts him and thinks he'll keep the noms the same.

Dan considers the veto -- use or not. He wants what's best for himself. April is worried that Dan will take Jerry off, Renny will put Ollie up and she goes home. Jerry doesn't think he'll use it on April and would like if he used it on him.

Speeches -- Jerry: I'm 75, grew up hard, set in ways, don't sugarcoat, stretfighter's mentality, Judas apology again, use as see fit.

April: Congrats, honor Renny's wishes, don't expect you to use it, but would love it.

Dan: Respect both for coming to talk to him. One brought interesting $ proposition for him, gave him a tough decision ... decided to ... pause ... not use the power of veto. Dan tells us he mentioned the money to put doubt in the game and stir things. Ollie says they have to get votes to keep April. April is going to be a total bitch (she says) if it looks like she's leaving this week.

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

My latest BB10 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I also have a post pending there with the new cast for The Amazing Race, but I don't know when that's going up. CBS put up the official new TAR website today.

At 9 PM ET, I'll get the live-blogging post up for tonight's Big Brother here. I hope to see you there!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn

Yep, Zoetawny was kind enough to create a new graphic all about those lovable blond bimbos! Here are the happenings from the evening and overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Hollywood Wannabes:
  • Keesha and Memphis talked about April saying in her interview with Diane Henry that she wanted to meet Howie. For supposedly big show fans (at least Keesha), it must have been two seasons missed -- neither is sure who Howie is. Memphis thinks Howie was a gay guy on the show. @@
  • Renny told Michelle she thinks Dan has been using the HOH bathroom to masturbate. (Remember, she won't let him or others use it anymore.)
  • April told Ollie that she's accepted the fact she's going home this week. They both talked about their future together. (Maybe we should open the wagering for how long they'll last as a couple?)
  • April and Ollie would like to do The Amazing Race. Please, no.
  • April now regrets splitting up the $10,000 she won.
  • Renny and Michelle had a long talk about a possible boys alliance with Jerry, Dan, and Memphis. They think that even though both younger guys have reason not to like Jerry, they might have banded together because Jerry's been hanging out with them a lot.
  • Apparently Dan mentioned that he was offered money to use the POV, but he didn't say who made the offer. Renny and Michelle think it might have been Jerry (he has $4,000).
  • Jerry, Ollie, and April think Michelle is a "turncoat."
  • Memphis, Keesha, Michelle, and Renny bashed Jerry in the HOH room.
  • Ollie, April, and Jerry all denied to each other the money offer to Dan.
  • Dan and Memphis think their eating comp was weak compared to other seasons. (Yes, it was - crickets, slop, and pig ears are tasty compared to some of the stuff past seasons.)
  • April asked who people thought was the hottest ever BB contestant. She says Ollie. @@ Ollie says Holly (season five, not the stuffed dog), Jerry says Janelle (surprise, surprise), and Michelle says Dr. Will.
  • Michelle thought Evel Dick was hilarious, but hated Daniele. April and Jerry agreed with her.
  • Dan again wondered about the picture of BB10 on the Memory Wall with a key slot. Memphis thinks they'll bring someone back in.
  • April says she's going to go out with a bang. Last week she wore the afro wig, this week a bikini! (That was on Craig Ferguson.)
  • April got mad at Dan for "bringing her family into the game." I somehow missed that if it indeed happened.
  • Dan was the last one up and said goodnight to Monica before retiring. All are asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 18, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds

Memphis relaxes in the yard above while Dan has a praying mantis trapped under a plastic container below. And, my latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. With the exception of the veto meeting, today has been rather uneventful. Since my report was written, Renny had a long talk with Dan about Memphis. Dan said he could be trusted in a group, but he has concerns about him, too. Renny told Dan she trusts him more than she does Memphis. Good. I like Dan better than I do Memphis.

BB10: POV Bulletin

Dan did NOT use the POV. Both April and Jerry are still on the block. It's still looking like Dan, Keesha, and Memphis will vote for April to go while only Ollie and perhaps Michelle will vote to keep her. Michelle has gotten very close with Ollie and April as of late, but her vote still might go either way, especially if she realizes April will go no matter how she votes.

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Monday, etc.

No, this isn't a current screen cap. I took it yesterday, but I know how much some of the readers like Dan in his shorts. I also forgot to mention that I had a live feeds report posted on TV Squad just about show time last night, as well as a recap/review of the show.

Here's the recent happenings from inside the Big Brother House of Insane in the Membrane:
  • Ollie tried to convince Dan to use the veto to save April. He mentioned $1,000 pay off in the BB gold bars she has. When Dan asked if he'd be upset if he didn't use it, Ollie said he would.
  • Ollie claims he just wants to know if April is going so they can spend quality time together.
  • Michelle asked Dan if he made any deals with Jerry to use the POV to save him. (Although Jerry apologized, Dan didn't say he'd use the veto to save him.)
  • Michelle told Memphis that Jerry said he didn't want to be there any longer. (Yeah, right.)
  • Renny once again told Jerry he wouldn't be going home (sequester) this week.
  • Dan thinks Renny screwed up this week by not putting up April and Ollie. (I think so, too.)
  • Renny and Jerry agreed that Memphis is not really any friend of Keesha's. They both think he's using her.
  • Ollie tried to convince April she needed to offer Dan the $1,000. (Nice of him to try to give away her money, then tell her later!)
  • Michelle and April think a female producer (DR) is nicer to Jerry than to them.
  • Dan and Michelle talked about going into an alliance with Ollie and April, but no firm decision was made.
  • April was evasive when Dan asked her who she'd put on the block if she stayed and won HOH. She says she has nothing against anybody in the house. @@
  • Keesha worked on Dan not to use the veto. I think she's more convincing than Ollie, April, and Michelle.
  • Memphis doesn't want him to use it because it's likely he'd go on the block.
  • Renny and Dan talked. She said she can see it in April's and Memphis' eyes how much they want the win. She thinks they'd do anything to get it.
  • Dan told Renny he didn't commit to anything with April. (True.)
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/17 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this entry will be updated -- please forgive typos! Everyone is welcome to hang out in the comments section!

Recap, recap, Libra is evicted again, and Renny is HOH again. Libra is evicted yet again. Keesha feels good that everyone voted for her to stay (Libra to go). Michelle mentions Libra didn't hug her going out the door. It's color and Day 38. Renny is about to get HOH again.

Renny is emotional -- she misses her mother and wants to see her photo. Keesha is happy -- "I can unpack my bags for the week." April has a fake smile and tells us she knows she'll be on the block. Memphis wants to move in the room w/Keesha. Renny is leery of his game talk with her.

Ollie and April are sad, then Jerry walks in. April tells us he always shows up. They go to go lay down, leaving Jerry in the living room. Keesha tells Memphis she thinks Ollie and April are going up. Ollie and April would prefer that Jerry go on the block with one of them.

Renny looks subdued, asks Keesha what Memphis' story is. Keesha said they've made no promises. Renny is sure Memphis wouldn't take Keesha to the end. Keesha thinks Renny is the only one who would take her to the end. Renny thinks Memphis is a threat, very sly. "He's the male April."

Keesha doesn't want Renny to put Memphis up and she's worried.

HOH room time. Renny tells us if her parents were alive, they'd be thrilled she was on the show. A photo of her mother throws her into sobbing. All of the guys stay outside while the girls stay as she sobs. Then the guys come in. All look uncomfortable. Jerry sees a new side of Renny. Her letter is from husband and son. It's very nice and they're in her corner. Team Renny all the way! We've got your back.

Playing with Holly, the stuffed dog. Holly was on April's bed. They get caught playing soccer with Holly. Oops, tossing Holly, she ends up in trhe hot tub. They played keep-away. April tries to fix her.

Ollie and April cuddle. April thinks of him as a best friend. He mentions being sexually attracted to best friend. Ollie tells us he's interested in something out of the house with her. He jokingly asked if she would marry him.

Michelle and Renny talk. Renny likes her. What if she won HOH next week? Would not put Renny up, would swear on bible or parents that she wouldn't -- Renny isn't her target at all. Renny tells us she wants to reel Michelle in and get her to trust her.

Renny is leery of April and the guys. Michelle tells her she respects her, shots of Keesha, April, and Memphis looking scared. Hmm... Survivor premieres 9/18. Wonder if BB ends 9/16?

Food comp -- Red and blue teams, keesha is server. Fancy domed dishes. Interesting twist to game this year. Going for four points. Pigs ears silence crickets, crickets hop slop, slop drowns pig ears.

Red - Dan, Michelle, April, Keesha
Blue - Ollie, Memphis, Jerry,

Red - Dan eats crickets and says grace for them.
Then Michelle eats crickets for red. and they're ahead
Jerry eats slop for the blue. It's been in the sun. He did it, blue has a point in the game.
Memphis goes for pig ears against Dan and does it. Score is tied.
Michelle has to eat pig ears, not a problem.
April has to eat pig ears -- she's a vegetarian. But she does it.

Jerry, Memphis, Ollie are on slop.

Michelle, Dan, April, and Keesha (server) eat this week. Now come the lollipops. The table is full of lollipops. "Ollie loves his lollies." Jerry gets defensive saying they're only for the slop eaters.

Crow in yard with Ollie. He's scared of them, blames Hitchcock. He thinks they're former dinosaurs. (This is old footage). Ollie ran for his life when he saw a crow and cowers on the couch, easing himself out of the yard and into the house.

Renny talks to Dan. She says he's not in danger but she might need him to go up as a pawn. She says she's after the trio without making too many enemies. Dan reminds her that if he, Keesha, and Memphis vote, they'll do what she wants. Memphis arrives. "How about being a pawn, Memphis?" "Get the hell out of here." He tells her it's a mistake -- pawn always goes home.

Memphis and Dan tell her that Jerry would put them up if he won HOH. Keesha and Michelle arrive. "Do either of you want to be pawns?" They almost choke. Memphis thinks that all four would do what she wants.

Renny wants to know where Ollie is in the game. They all say he hardly ever talks game. Ollie tells her in front of the crowd, he's in to win. Then he stays with her. If April left, how would he be. He says he won't throw the towel in. Renny tells her she wants him to stay. He asks why April is target -- she says fierce competitor. Ollie tries to badmouth Memphis and the Colonel. He tells her to do what she wants to do.

Nominations today -- Renny is dressed up with a black one-shoulder dress. Dan is worried that one from their side will be put up as a pawn. April epects to be put up -- it's hard to swallow because I'm such a nice person. Ollie knows April is the number one target. Keesha thinks Renny's thinking is sometimes off the wall. Memphis doesn't want to be put up as a pawn -- he will be her enemy. Renny wants her noms to shake up the house.

Ceremony -- Key order: Dan, Keesha, Ollie, Memphis, Michelle. April and Jerry are on the block.

April -- most tough cookie woman ever met, big threat. Jerry -- day one put me on the block, have to do same to you.

Keesha thinks she should have put up Ollie and April. April hopes to reveal Jerry as a floater. Jerry says big boys don't cry.

TV Snippets

Off from the Big Brother topic, I want to talk about some of my TV observations, as well as a few TV pet peeves.

  1. Tying in with the photo I took above in North Plainfield, NJ -- I've been watching The Sopranos on A&E. The theme song caught my attention and I looked it up. It's not about the mob. It's actually about a woman who woke up one morning twenty years in an abusive relationship and shot her husband. Interesting how well if fits in with the mob scene although it stems from an actual news story. I can see why the series is a hit. They have a lot of clever bits. They're showing the last season now and I loved when The Theme from Peter Gunn kept playing as the feds tried to set up surveillance on Tony. Knowing Jersey as I do these days, I find it hard to believe folks from North Caldwell hang out so much in Elizabeth. BTW, Elizabeth is the county seat for my county.
  2. On another New Jersey note: Attention, weathermen (and women) -- STOP standing in front of NJ when doing the weather! Sheesh, please stand on the right side over the ocean or far end of Long Island! Why do you stand on the left blocking where half of your audience lives? Also, the weather usually travels west to east.
  3. I've noticed the Baskin Robbins ad has toned down. Originally, the adult woman kicked the soccer ball and screamed "In your face!" at a little girl. I personally thought that was in poor taste. Then, lo and behold, they're not showing that version anymore. Now she kicks the ball and high-fives a shocked coach.
  4. I received and have managed a first watch of The Wire: Season Five. I really should write up a few posts about what I think is the best drama series ever to air. You go, Slim Charles. Cheese needed to be got.
  5. Too many crime/autopsy-based shows are using Coumadin or Warfarin to poison or kill people. Stop that, please. Just have the victims drink mercury or something. You're making me worry about my dosages.
  6. Why do people confess on The First 48? Man, if I were a murderer, I would say "Lawyer, please." That said, when there was a huge embezzlement at my workplace years back and I was a suspect due to access, I voluntarily took a lie detector test with the State Police. I knew I was innocent and thought it would be an interesting life experience. Oh, I was indeed innocent.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Sunday Dawn

Without much scheduled drama until tomorrow's PoV meeting, things are a bit quiet in the house. Nonetheless, there are a few things worth mentioning:
  • Renny has clamped down on other people using the HOH bathroom. She says she doesn't even let her husband use her personal bathroom at home.
  • April got paranoid thinking everyone had been called into the Diary Room except for her.
  • They experimented with slop cooking.
  • Michelle and Ollie trashtalked the departed Libra.
  • April thinks Michelle will vote to keep her. Ollie also thinks Dan owes them the vote.
  • More got into trashtalking Libra. Keesha said that Libra was the one who told her "they" were coming after her. (Wasn't it Renny?)
  • Keesha told the others that production told Dan to wear the POV necklace when he went upstairs to talk to Renny.
  • They all think it's quieter and less drama with Libra gone.
  • April spent various periods of time throughout the day and evening crying by herself.
  • April thinks the reason she's on the block is because others are jealous that she's won prizes. @@
  • April is upset because people are saying bad things about her. (It must be because they're jealous, right?)
  • Ollie comforted her. When Michelle asked what was wrong, April told her everyone has forgotten that she has feelings, too.
  • Dan told Memphis that Renny wouldn't tell him who she plans to put on the block if he uses the veto. (They're worried it's Memphis.)
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

BB10: Checking In

Hey, folks ... just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you. Above are two screen caps I took a few minutes ago as Memphis, Dan, and Michelle chat in the backyard. Oops, I forgot to get a screen cap of Michelle! Heehee.

I've had a post in pending over at TV Squad for quite some time now. I have no clue when it will go live. Thankfully, nothing really exciting has happened since the POV comp results.

P.S. - That post is up on TV Squad. It's been uneventful for the most part all day and into the evening.

Big Brother 10 Bulletin - POV

The houseguests were right -- POV played out in the middle of the night. And, the winner? DAN

Yes, Dan has won the Power of Veto.