Saturday, March 22, 2008

BB9 - Feed Me!

I have a more thorough post awaiting posting over on TV Squad, but I'm not sure when it will go up. So, I figured I'd touch base here in the meantime. Today was fairly quiet in the house with a bit of action picking up towards the evening.

Here be da skinny:
  • Natalie and James talked ... a lot. Supposedly they won't target each other.
  • Chelsia is still likely to be evicted this week, but she won $21,000 today, so it won't hurt as much.
  • How'd she win it? Well, the luxury comp movie was today -- it was 21 -- the card-counting gambling movie. Somehow, she won.
  • Ryan and Adam are very worried that Natalie and James talked for so long.
There's your big news for the moment!

BB9 - Live Feeds Through Friday Night Into Sat. Dawn

I made a comment that Sheila reminded me of Mrs. Gulch, the pre-witch from The Wizard of Oz. Sure enough, graphic artist Zoetawny got an idea! I dunno. I can hear Sheila in my mind saying "I'll get you and your little doggie, too" as her foes are evicted. Can't you?

Here's what's been going on inside that Big Brother House of Flying Monkeys:
  • Natalie and Sheila think they will be the final two women.
  • Sheila thinks she might beat Amber's crying reputation.
  • Sheila and Natalie spent an exorbitant amount of time talking about how horrible Chelsia is.
  • While they were doing that, Chelsia and Ryan were trashing Sheila elsewhere.
  • Sheila told Natalie that Evel Dick hinted that people "out there" really liked her. Say what?
  • Natalie is sure that Chelsia is jealous of the relationship she has with her Mattie. (Cough)
  • Sharon says that Ryan wants Sheila out, but Adam won't put her on the block.
  • It's very likely that Sharon will be put on the block in place of James, ensuring that Chelsia will be voted out.
  • Joshuah told Sharon that he needs James in the house because he's a bigger target, thus he (Joshuah) is more protected.
  • In talking about how different it is to be in the house than to just watch the show, Joshuah said the DR really drags out things from them -- "Just give me a teleprompter and tell me what you want me to say."
  • The DR told Ryan that his grandfather died. He's not planning to leave the house. The grandfather was 90 years old and Ryan only told Sheila because he thought she would be understanding. Sheila started telling her own grandparent stories.
  • Sheila asked Ryan if the rumor about Natalie giving oral sex to Matt was true. He said it is.
  • Adam told Natalie that James offered him three weeks of safety if he puts her on the block.
  • Natalie said James is stupid if he thinks Adam will put her on the block.
  • Natalie told Adam that she didn't play for POV this week because God wants her to win HOH this week. @@
  • Natalie thinks they should keep Chelsia this week and backdoor Joshuah. (Maybe Chelsia's threats to sleep with Matt are working?) She is on a new campaign streak about getting Joshuah out. There haven't been any new issues between her and Josh, so I can only think Chelsia going into sequester alone with her Mattie is behind the latest.
  • Ryan and James talked about Chelsia and Matt both gone (not yet!) and how they shouldn't stop the grudges.
  • Natalie, Ryan, and Adam think they have to keep Sheila around for her vote.
  • Adam told Joshuah that Natalie wants him on the block because she thinks he's working with James. (And Chelsia isn't closer? Hmmm ... Natalie, your insecurities are showing!)
  • Chelsia cried to James because she isn't ready to leave. She would need a miracle to stay.
  • Oh, my ... maybe God will help Natalie and Chelsia! Natalie is pushing Adam and Ryan hard for Joshuah to go on the block and be backdoored.
  • James wants to do The Amazing Race with Chelsia. She said she'd love that.
  • Ryan and Adam think they should go with Adam putting Sharon on the block and evicting Chelsia.
  • Joshuah is concerned that he might be put on the block.
  • Joshuah tried to convince Adam that putting Natalie on the block is definitely an option.
  • James told Joshuah that Sheila told him she wanted to go to the final two with him (James).
  • Sheila cried.
  • Adam is sure that he's a target of James. Joshuah told him that James is after Natalie.
  • Chelsia and Natalie had another brouhaha. Same old, same old. This time it was Chelsia yelling about abortions instead of Joshuah. That was inspired by Natalie telling her she couldn't pray to save herself.
  • Adam told Natalie she shouldn't be confronting Chelsia. Chelsia is upset enough that she'll probably be going home without Natalie giving her more problems.
  • The DR apparently spoke to Chelsia regarding talking about Natalie's abortions. (Maybe Natalie shouldn't have ever mentioned them in the first place? That was stupid on her part although I agree it's not something to be used as ammunition in a personal spat.)
  • Chelsia then went to Natalie and asked if she could pray with her. Natalie said not if she was just mocking her.
  • The fight goes on.
  • Natalie thinks Chelsia is not only jealous of her and Mattie, but because she has better breasts. @@
  • Bad words, fight, snarl, gnash, hiss, bible thump, abortions. It's a verbal cat fight! Meow.
  • Sheila is disgusted because Natalie is still lying about the oral sex with Matt.
  • Meow!
  • "God loves me," says Natalie.
  • Chelsia told Natalie that Matt fingered her in the storage room. "What?: says James. Meow. Hiss.
  • Sheila got mad at Adam for not protecting Natalie. @@
  • Chelsia hid a bunch of Natalie's things, then put them back after Joshuah told her he got into trouble for hiding other peoples' things.
  • Chelsia told Adam he's evicting the wrong person.
  • Chelsia told the others the camera will tell whether Natalie did the oral sex on Matt. (Yes, it did.)
  • Chelsia thinks that Natalie is very pretty, but starved for attention ... thus the way she acted about Matt.
  • Adam and Chelsia think that Natalie is the stereotype of what could be an abused woman.
  • Natalie said she'd rather leave now and be with Matt in sequester.
  • Sheila tried to convince her she needs to stay.
  • Natalie is mad at Adam for making her leave the HOH room earlier in the evening. (I don't blame him at all.)
  • Chelsia told Joshuah that the DR room told her she was being immature.
  • James and Chelsia smooched and made out under the covers.
  • The camera switched to Natalie sleeping just when the action started with James and Chelsia.
  • All are in bed now, Chelsia roamed the house a bit looking at the Memory Wall.

Friday, March 21, 2008

BB9 - Latest Live Feeds - POV

Rats, I had to miss it for work and the feeds didn't show the Evel Dick appearance anyway! My latest live feeds post is up over at TV Squad and I'll have more here a bit later tonight.

At the moment, they're sunning and James will live to see another week.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Friday

I think we have a most unpleasant week ahead. I predict that Sheila won't stay quiet a moment and Natalie will keep thanking God for helping her. No matter if you like the ones on the block or not, Sheila and Natalie are unbearable both upset and vindicated. Chelsia and James, when cornered, aren't fun either.

Here's what's happened through the overnight hours:
  • Chelsia claims she told the producers she'll do sexual favors to stay in the house.
  • Sheila and Natalie think Joshuah will save James if he wins POV.
  • Chelsia thinks Sheila must look like a hag on television.
  • Sheila and Natalie talked about how boring Sharon is.
  • In talking to God, Natalie said that Matt was "executed" out of the house because "he is the best looking and has the biggest muscles."
  • Natalie told the others her job as a cheerleader is to look pretty. (Mind you, she's not a cheerleader.)
  • Natalie told Sheila her period is late. (Uh-oh!)
  • They all thought the POV comp would be held at midnight. It wasn't.
  • They all gave up and went to bed.
Alas, if that wake-up from Dick happens early this morning their time, I'll be at work.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Since Nominations

Sharon, Ryan, and Joshuah discuss the upcoming POV comp.

Here's what's been going in inside that Big Brother House of Vengeful Vixens and the Men Who Do Their Bidding:
  • As I previously mentioned, Adam nominated James and Chelsia.
  • Both Sheila and Natalie are thrilled. Natalie has been going around taunting James.
  • Sheila has been talking nonstop. Nothing new there.
  • Chelsia thinks Adam just caved into Sheila and Natalie.
  • Natalie told Joshuah it's James this week, Chelsia next.
  • James and Chelsia decided to create a stir this week while both are on the block.
  • Chelsia said (jokingly) that if she goes to the sequester house, she'll have sex with Matt.
  • Ryan told James that Natalie will vote for Chelsia to go.
  • Chelsia offered oral sex to Sharon for a vote. I believe she was kidding, but Sharon said no anyway.
  • Ryan and Adam plan to get rid of people in this order: James, Chelsia,Joshuah, Sharon, and Sheila in there if needed. (Um, guys! Natalie ... she needs to be on this list!)
  • The HG were they would be picking POV players tonight.
  • Sheila told Natalie that she has to tell Adam that Joshuah is the target if one is removed from the block. (This is her latest tactic -- she has Natalie tell him, then she spends hours telling him it over and over again.)
  • Sheila told Ryan that James said one of them would get off the block.
  • Sheila told Sharon that she doesn't have to worry about going up on the block if the veto is used. (Aren't you happy Sheila has usurped the HOH?)
  • Joshuah told Chelsia that if Sharon went on the block against James, he would vote her out.
  • Lots of talk too raunchy for here, use your imagination.

'Celebrity Apprentice' - 3/20 Episode - East Coast Updates

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome! The final four go down to the final two tonight. Each candidate will be interviewed by financial publication bigwigs to explain why they should be the winner.

Lennox is fired. He was too laidback for the interviewers. Carol is fired only because Trump wants to see Piers and Trace battle it out.

Piers and Trace each have to put on an event. Both have issues -- Trace with the Backstreet Boys, Piers with Stephen Baldwin.

The finale is next week.

OFF TOPIC: Roofus the Cat

Despite heavy winds, Roofus returned this morning. I took this quick series of shots as the wind gusted near 50 MPH. He's sheltered from the wind there, I wasn't. You can click on the images to see them larger.

BB9 - Nominations In

My latest feeds post is up on TV Squad, but the nominations are in. Adam put Chelsia and James on the block.

Natalie and Sheila are being incredibly annoying ... more so than usual.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning

Hmmm ... not sure I'd want him to be MY head of house. One thing about Adam, though, he has his friends on both sides of the fence. It will be an interesting reign.

Here's what's been happening in the Big Brother House of Baller Rules:
  • The crew agreed that Alex had been voted back because America wanted to see how he would do without Amanda.
  • Ryan and Natalie worked on Adam in the HOH room while everyone else was downstairs. Natalie is on an anti-James mission.
  • Natalie thinks if Adam puts up both Sharon and Chelsia, James will win POV and take one down. She wants him to put up one girl (Chelsia preferably) and Joshuah. Or, better yet, put up both Joshuah and James and one would definitely go home even if POV was used.
  • Joshuah told James and Sharon that it was his time to go on the block -- he'd rather go up than them. (But he didn't say he wants to go home!)
  • Sheila wanted some of Adam's HOH beer. He wouldn't share.
  • Joshuah and Ryan talked privately. Joshuah wants Sheila on the block. Ryan told him he has to try to make a deal with Adam.
  • Ryan told Adam that Sheila lied to his face all week.
  • Natalie kept telling Adam they have the numbers to get one of "them" out this week.
  • Joshuah told Ryan that he thinks Adam will backdoor him.
  • Joshuah talked to Adam who told him he's thinking of putting James and Chelsia up, but asked him not to tell them.
  • Joshuah made a secret alliance deal with Adam similar to the one he has with Ryan.
  • After campaigning for him to put James and Chelsia up, Joshuah told James that Adam never mentioned him.
  • Natalie smugly told James that she has an idea of how this week will go. He'll need her vote and won't have it.
  • The HG were told a mystery event was ahead.
  • It's a midnight (3 AM here) luxury comp!
  • Joshuah and Sheila won a movie night.
  • They talked about the original "dirty little secrets" theme for the show. Apparently they were told that in the interview process. Chelsia's mother was upset with the theme. (Probably ain't too happy now either.)
  • They tried to figure out each other's secrets.
  • They're now all settled in for the night as I get this posted.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Since the Live Eviction 3/19

James, Chelsia, Sheila, and Joshuah talk amicably in the house. I'm sure that won't last long.

My Survivor review post is up over at TV Squad.

But I'm sure you're wondering how things are in the Big Brother House of In My Pants HOH!
  • They were all surprised that Parker almost returned to the house. Many were grateful that Allison didn't come back.
  • James was very quiet. He said what he had to do tonight was very hard.
  • James told Adam to have fun with the HOH, lots of it is fun like the room, the gifts, the talk with Julie Chen.
  • Adam asked for James' help with handling the HOH. (Remember, they've made a pact to never vote each other out.)
  • Adam is still in shock about winning the HOH comp. He told Joshuah he didn't expect nor want to win.
  • Adam and Ryan talked about still sticking to the plan. Hmmm...
  • Natalie thinks she helped Adam win by putting Sharon and Chelsia against each other in the HOH comp.
  • Sheila told Natalie "those people are evil, all of them."
  • Natalie told Chelsia that she and James lied. "Our side knows who to target." But does she have a real side anymore?
  • Natalie is sure that Adam is on board with her. But I think Adam also is on with James and Chelsia ... and Ryan.
  • Ryan thinks that Adam will have Sheila's back.
  • Chelsia told Natalie that she really did want to save Matt.
  • Joshuah called a truce with Sheila. I give that perhaps through the evening.
  • Joshuah said Adam plans to interview everyone in the house asking them why they should not be nominated, not who should be nominated.
  • In his goodies for the HOH room Adam got a letter from home (normal) and baby food. Okay. I used to have an urge for strained bananas, but then I grew up.
  • Joshuah thinks it will be himself and Chelsia on the block. He says he's fine with that.
We've had trivia for a while now blocking the feeds. I know the HG were expecting food delivered. Maybe BB is giving them a mini-vacation from the cameras as they eat.

American Idol Boot Update

Amanda Overmyer leaves the show tonight. Kristy Lee Cook and Carly were in the bottom three with her.

'Big Brother 9' 3/19 Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!

Recap, recap and now Julie Chen is here wearing a simple black dress and high boots again. She's taking advantage of boot season this year! It must be all the snow in southern CA.

She tells us Matt is reduced to tears and is at the mercy of the house. Once again (second time in five minutes) we see Matt put on the block. Now back to James' promise. Matt is just sulking after the POV meeting. James once again says it's becasue Matt lied about being the third mystery vote. Natalie is crying. She thinks she did all that hanging on the disco ball for nothing.

Matt and James talk. James tells him that he's up because he's playing with Natalie. Bugs flying around them, Matt cries real tears. Ryan is Mr. Nice Guy according to Matt. Matt cries that he wants to give his mother a gift, then goes to cry to Natalie.

He wnts to be by himself and rues his crying in the Diary Room. Joshuah tells Ryan that he has his vote and probably Adam's too. Sheila tells Ryan she will keep him here -- "When I make a decision, it's a decision." We'll see.

Matt moans to Adam it will go 5-1 or 4-2 if he votes for him. Adam pep talked him to campaign for himself pointing out that he did nothing wrong. Should he play the sympathy card?

He works on Chelsia ... doesn't want to spend his birthday in sequester, never spent a birthday alone. He pulls the same on Sharon. No one falls for it as they tell us in DR segments, but they don't commit anything to him. He tells Sheila he has Adam's vote, pulls the birthday card. He's not understanding why no one will commit. (Maybe because they don't want to vote for him to stay.)

I think they all want him out because of the stupid clamdigger rolled-up pants he always wears. Matt keeps campaigning -- Ryan has crossed them, put James on the block, took money from Sheila, put Sheila and Chelsia on the block. Now Sheila might cahnge her mind. Matt begs while saying he doesn't want to beg.

Sheila goes to work on James. She pressures him to vote to keep Matt in the case of a tie. She points out that Matt has done nothing to any of them while Ryan has. James is nodding and agreeing, but isn't committing to save Matt. He knows that Sheila is manipulative. He just looks like he wants her to go far away.

James told us he wants them both gone and doesn't know. Evel dick will appear.

In DR sessions, Joshuah talks about trusting Ryan and how he should stay. Adam trusts Matt but Ryan's been his friend. Natalie trusts Matt and says he has to stay.

Julie checks in with everyone, mentions that James siad his word is all he has in the house. James said that Matt and Ryan earned it while Sheila didn't. Natalie said his word is nothing and he's a backstabbing hypocrite. She talks to them about the Bible Buddies and they're delighted.

Now she will show them who's in the Mystery Box and they find out it would have been Alex. four would have voted knowing it was Alex. Natalie and the previous three.

Dick and Daniele segment, six months on. They're still friendly. Dick is going to go meet Barry Manilow, a fan of BB. Who woulda thunk it? He took Daniele to Europe and she says their relationship is good right now. He also bought her a car. He thinks they wouldn't be talking if not for BB. Nick and Daniele are no longer dating, just not compatible. They both like that James is actually playing the game this season. They talk about Sheila and Natalie talking too much. Dick will return to the house next week to host a comp.

In DR, Chelsia wants Matt out. Sharon wants Ryan to stay in the house. Sheila doesn't want to vote for either one. She wants James to decide.

Talking to the nominees. Ryan says he's in a familiar position and running out of fresh material, wants to right what he's done wrong in the house, continue to play. Matt humbled and in on a crime last week, rectify what he's done, Ryan's a great man, tough choice.

Voting will begin, James will break a tie if needed.

The voting goes:
Chelsia votes to evict Mattie.
Joshuah is glad to evict Matt.
Sharon votes to evict Matt.
Natalie votes to Ryan.
Adam votes to evict Ryan.
Sheila votes to evict Ryan.

We have a tie. And, we're into commercial.

Julie tells the HG the votes are in, sound is cutting here. It's up to James to reveal his choice. He's putting on a worried look. He casts his vote to evict Matt. Matt tears up. Hugs, hugs. James gets a brief handshake instead of a hug. Natalie is crying, Ryan comforts her.

Matt is just about Julie Chen's height! Everyone is consoling Natalie. She rebuffs Chelsia's hug.

Matt admits being devastated and restates his position that he was wrongly confused. James is his "axe"nemesis in the house. True feelings toward Natalie, great friend rest of life, not the girl for him. Goodbye messages -- James talks about his attitude coming off crappy, Sheila said relationship with Nat ruined him, Ryan tightest bond, Natalie still thinks he might be her soulmate, (matt looks embarrassed). First member of the jury Julie tells him. "The dream's over."

Not too much time left for the HOH. Julie didn't even talk to James in HOH tonight -- probably because she thought he was offensive the last time and he put "crap" in his googby messge to Matt again this time.

HOH -- They have to answer questions about what others have said in the DR. No secrets will be given away. Joshuah and Chelsia will face off first. Evicted HG are the only answers. Chelsia wins the round. She chooses Natalie and Sheila to face off. Sheila is out. Natalie chooses Chelsia and Sharon to face off. Sharon eliminated. She chooses Adam and Natalie to face off. Natalie is eliminated. Adam chooses Ryan and Chelsia to face off. Ryan eliminated. It's between Adam and Chelsia.

ADAM is the new HOH. Amazing.

I was wrong -- Dick won't be hosting a comp, he'll be doing a wake-up call.

'Survivor Micronesia' - 3/19 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Malakal won reward, sending Jason to Exile Island. Tracy goes for Malakal, sacrificing a product laden spa day.

Krazy Kathy just quit the game -- too much stress on her.

Airai wins immunity. Gack.

Phew ... Ozzy didn't play the idol, but is safe again. Tracy was voted out. Only Tracy voted for Ozzy. For all her talk, Cirie targeted a fan.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds and Tonight's Blogging

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

At 8 PM ET tonight, I'll put up an East Coast Updates post for Survivor. My full review of that show will be posted to TV Squad tonight -- most likely late because ...

... I'll be live blogging the live eviction show of Big Brother 9 as it airs here on the East Coast starting at 9 PM ET/PT.

Oh ... and I'll be recording American Idol and will get the boot up there somehow, too.

I will NOT be live blogging March Madness tomorrow night.

'Dancing With the Stars' - 2008 - Blog Discussion Post

Dancing With the Stars has returned! It airs on ABC affiliates every Monday at 8 PM ET/PT with the results shows on Tuesdays at 9 PM ET/PT.

The official website for the show is located here.

I'm still not watching (forgive me!), but this post is a friendly place for all of the blog readers who do love the show to discuss it in the comment area. The previous discussion post for the show was here and will remain listed in the sidebar.

May it be a good season!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Wednesday Morning 3/19

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Graphic artist Zoetawny has it right -- they're ALL a bunch of clowns in the Big Brother 9 house!

Tonight's show will be delayed by an hour following Survivor. Don't forget! At least they didn't delay Survivor to some obscure hour in the middle of the night for March Madness.

It's a rainy day here and it's my day off, as well. I'm thinking, if y'all want, of putting up new DWTS and Bachelor discussion posts for the new seasons. Both shows sneaked up on me. Let me know!

What's been happening in the Big Brother House of Spies, Snakes, and Two Innocent Guinea Pigs?
  • Sheila told Ryan he shouldn't trust Adam. (With all her wanting Adam to have her back, why does she bring him up at all?)
  • Natalie told Chelsia that if they keep Matt, they (C&J) will be double-protected next week -- she and her Mattie. (I'm sure Matt would protect James as well as James protected Matt leading into this.)
  • Matt told Sheila he hopes she will keep her (earlier) promise to him. She told him she'll do what she thinks is right for her.
  • Sheila grilled Chelsia on why she'd vote Ryan out and what's up between her and James (the spy stuff with the fake breakup).
  • Chelsia told Sheila she now thinks voting James back in wasn't her best move for her own game in the house.
  • Sheila says Joshuah never attacked her because he's scared of her. @@
  • Sheila told Chelsia that Joshuah is out of control. (Of course, Joshuah is totally in with Chelsia and James, as is Sharon.)
  • At this point Chelsia can say anything about her three partners for the good of the espionage game. So, anything said by her has to be taken with that in consideration.
  • Sheila complained about James calling her a shebot. She says his word is poo in the house.
  • As Sheila bashed Josh to Chelsia then Natalie, another bash was going on. Adam, Joshuah, and James were bashing Sheila. Oh, the love in the house!
  • Adam told them that he hasn't promised his vote to either.
  • Adam also told them that Sheila thinks one of them made fun of her son. They said no one has made any comments about him. (They surely have enough ammunition just with Sheila!)
  • James said that he mentioned in his HOH blog that he feels sorry for him, that's all.
  • Adam told them that he's a free player, not a partner of Sheila.
  • James pointed out that the best buds (Ryan and Matt) have been throwing each other under the bus for votes.
  • Chelsia told Sheila that if she (Sheila) is on the block next week and hooks up with Adam, she'll vote for her to stay. EWWW and @@
  • James and Adam guaranteed each other that to the end, they will be automatic votes for each other to stay (or win).
  • Sheila kept going on her anti-Joshuah rant. He hasn't been HOH (neither has she), never been on the block, and how proud his mother must be of him, etc., etc.
  • Joshuah claims he will make two girls cry Wednesday and his mom will be proud of him.
  • Natalie thinks America hates Joshuah, but Adam thinks he's liked because Josh is always so long in the Diary Room.
  • Natalie and Sheila think the show shrink should come to calm Joshuah down. (Heck, the shrink would have his hands full with Natalie and Sheila, too!)
  • Matt told Joshuah he wanted a peaceful night because it could be his last night in the house. Joshuah said he was joking, only working the girls up.
  • Natalie now trusts Chelsia, thinks she doesn't lie to her. Heh.
  • Natalie thinks Joshuah is mad because he caught wind of Matt staying this week.
  • Joshuah says that he's going to tell Sheila and Natalie to decide which is more important -- winning the HOH or him ripping apart their son/mother on live television. (I doubt he would do the latter -- I believe he's just talk, but we'll see tonight.)
  • Matt thinks he's the King of Insults and that's why he was put on the show.
  • Matt told Natalie and Sheila that he's sure Joshuah won't go off on them during the live show.
  • Joshuah deliberately got Sheila going again (well, still going) by telling her to say hello to her son and leaving.
  • Sharon told Joshuah to calm down and stop instigating Sheila and Natalie. It's too much.
  • James thinks if he goes on the block with Joshuah next week, he (James) would be voted out.
  • Sheila thanked James for taking her off the block. He told her it was gameplay, she shouldn't read too much into it.
  • Joshuah thinks that Evel Dick wore down the competition before the final HOH and he will wear them down too.
  • Sharon, Ryan, and Joshuah think Matt believes he's staying because he stopped moping around.
  • Joshuah went from talking and taunting to staring down Sheila. She, of course, doesn't notice. If he speaks, she reacts.
  • Joshuah claims he's not like this outside of the house -- he's actually quite nice to people. (Sure, blame the house!)
  • Natalie told Adam that the votes for Matt to stay will be either 6-0 or 5-1. Suuure.
  • Shades of Amber revisited, Natalie prayed to God for the good people to stay. @@
  • Sheila thinks that BB won't air the really nasty things Joshuah says about her on TV. (BB is not airing a lot this season. I think this is the biggest chop job I've ever seen on a season after watching the feeds all the years.)
  • Ryan thinks he's going to get more air time because he keeps picking his nose. (Now, there's good TV, right?)
  • Matt is worried because James hasn't committed to him about breaking a tie in his favor.
  • In case he goes, Matt gave Natalie the advice to work with James, target Joshuah, and Adam is always on the fence.
  • James shaved his pubic hair and made it into a mustache. Eww.
They're all still asleep as I get this posted.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - 3/18 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated, so please refresh the page for the latest. As I'm typing it while watching TV, there will most likely be a typoo or two. Please forgive me!

As always, your comments make it all worthwhile!

Recaps, of course. In black and white as she gets nominated, Sheila is reminding me of Mrs. Gulch -- the Wicked Withc of the West. Boy these hugs they give each other look SO fake! Matt is appreciative and tells us that he can't ever evict her and if it's down to him and her, he hopes she wins. Yikes, I may have to rethink my Mattie Boy!

Sheila is upset that she was put on the block for lying to James. Lying surely is a part of teh game, but getting caught bites your butt.

Ack, the Bible Buddies are back. This is the stuff I turn to a different feed when it's on the feeds. "What's the Holy Grial?" asks Matt. Go watch some Monty Python, Matt!

Sheila apologizes to Adam for her early game behavior ... sucking up in case she's needing a vote. He's actually nice to her, but he still creeps me out. Thankfully she doesn't call him normal. He's not.

They look so cold wrapped up and shivering in the yard. How cold is it in outhern CA lately? Joshuah is still concerned about the third mystery vote not to return him to the house. He thinks it's Matt or Ryan. Natalie is trying to convince people that Adam was the third vote and we know he wasn't. Sharon can tell she's lying. Good.

In the guinea pig cage, there are blocks which say POV. Sheila is thinking she might not have the votes she thought she had because people are telling her to win POV. She cries while wearing her red unitard. (Which has been off since Friday in real life.)

Now they're all talking about Sheila's ranting. Looped, Looney Toons, and more. It's time to prank Sheila, wake her up and tell her the POV is on! This was funny on the feeds! She's dazed, she's confused, she takes it well with them but was so ticked later.

Time to pick players for the veto comp -- James picks Matt, Sheila picks Chelsia, Ryan picks Joshuah. Matt thinks it's no big deal. James makes Natalie a happy person by making her host. She always whines that she never is in POV. Sheila is determined to win.

The yard looks like a huge guinea pig cage, blocks and tube. At least the guinea pigs (the ones I'm rooting for to win) are getting camera time tonight. They have to transfer blocks over a balance beam into a tube and cap it.

James wants to win to prove a point and to be completely in charge. Ryan and Sheila both want to win to save themselves. Matt is already down. Balance beam is usually a better game for women. Matt tells us he didn't throw the comp, he just didn't have his heart in it. Ryan's out -- he hopes Joshuah win it because he might save him. They have to put A LOT of blocks in those tubes!

Sheila dropped a block, she's out. If you fall or drop a block, poof. She cries to us. Chelsia was winning, got going to fast, and fell. James is now in the lead blockswise and Joshuah is in it still. James filled his tube and won POV. Rah rah! He's thrilled with all the power and all the options. Ryan is crushed. I won't say more about Sheila.

Sheila tells people she's not good at campaigning as she campaigns. She's ticked that Natalie said she would have to think about it. After all, she is solely responisible for saving Natalie. She tells Natalie she owes her nothing and keeps going on about all she's done for her. @@

She goes after Adam and tells him she's upset that people have to think about it. He tells her the decision doesn't need to be made right now -- it's all theory until the meeting. Now Natalie is looking like Gary Sinise (sp) to me. She's further upset that Adam won't back her up.

James is till going on the mystery third vote to not have him back in the house. But Sheila snags him first. She is whacked. She throws Adam under the bus suggesting James put him up ... while saying she won't throw him under the bus. James tells her he's waiting for either Adam or Matt to come clean about the vote.

He grabs Adam and brings him to the HOH telling him that Sheila is throwing him under the bus. Adam tells him he was the vote to bring him back. He's being honest. James questions Adams attitude about the mystery vote to us in the DR. He tells Joshuah he might use the veto and takes Chelsia outside to tell her that he might put Adam up.

She tells him that he as to do what's best for him.

OFF TOPIC SIDENOTE: Ack, the new governor of NY to replace Sleaze Spitzer has confessed to multiple affairs. That's all we need -- I can see days of news now.

Back to the show -- James is weighing his options with Chelsia. He's thinking he has to put Adam up. He wants to talk to Sharon as she would be the third vote needed to backdoor Adam. She's in the HOH room. He tells her that they can knock out anyone -- he wants them to think one thing and do another. She tells him that Matt was definitely the third mystery vote. He's infuriated that Matt is still lying to him about the vote. He wants to take Sheila down and replace her with Matt.

He tells us that even though he made a promise to Natalie not to put Matt up, he's been lying to him, so screw him. (Remember when you couldn't say that even on late night TV?)

James examines the Memory Wall -- he has the ability to stab his competition in the back. Woohoo. Ryan is very worried. (They don't mention that he told Ryan he was going to remove him -- too busy with Bible Buddies, I guess). At the POV meeting Sheila says that she's made some mistakes and protected people and she needs to be in the game for herself, wants to stay. Ryan says he tries to be as honest as he can be, wants to stay. He looks defeated. James says he will us it to save Sheila. She's thrilled. She cries. Ryan looks disappointed.

James said she wasn't the main catalyst for last week. He's leaving Ryan on the block as he did last week. When he says Matt, Natalie looks dumbfounded. He tells Natalie they were not playing as couples anymore and she was playing for two. Ryan is a bit relieved -- he thinks the house wants Matt out more than him. Natalie said James is not a man of God and God will strike him down.

James is giddy, sweet sweet revenge and either of them going is a plus for him.

Remember, tomorrow night will have Survivor on at 8 PM ET/PT and BB9 at 9 PM ET/Pt due to March Madness on Thursday. I guess they decided Survivor is more family friendly and shifted BB back an hour.

Also, it's confirmed there will be a summer Big Brother 10 starting in the beginning of July.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds

My latest BB9 live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. I just watched David Archuleta sing "The Long and Winding Road" on American Idol. Wow.

In about a half hour, I'll be live blogging Big Brother 9 as it airs here on the east coast. Stop on back!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Monday Night

At least when Amber talked about the bible, she didn't read passages aloud and apply them to her situation. Natalie is looking for anything which gives her reassurance that God will help her win HOH.

One constant about this season is the idea of flip-flopping. You wouldn't think that could be considered a constant. But with this crew, it's a way of life. But is it a flip-flop this time? That said, here is the latest news from inside that Big Brother House of Mind Games:
  • Matt continued to plead his case -- "Everyone I've ever crossed is already gone! I've never done anything to any of you!" (And he would have to spend his birthday in sequester.)
  • Ryan told Matt to tell Natalie to stop campaigning for votes for him (Matt) to stay.
  • Natalie thinks the siren will go off again. (I bet it won't.)
  • Chelsia popped James' back pimples. Ew. Someone does that each season. Blech.
  • Joshuah thinks that Sheila is hanging out with Natalie only because she thinks Natalie will win HOH.
  • Matt and Natalie worked on Sheila more for her vote.
  • Although he told Ryan he wouldn't use it as ammunition just yesterday, Matt reminded Sheila that Ryan wouldn't walk out empty-handed -- he has the ten grand from the POV comp.
  • Matt and Natalie literally begged for Sheila's vote. They told her they had three already.
  • Sheila told them to get Sharon and she will think of voting for him. She told them if they get her vote, they aren't to tell anyone.
  • Sheila told Matt he has to work on getting James' favor (because he's the one who would break a 3-3 tie).
  • Natalie thinks James feels threatened by her. (Maybe because she keeps threatening him?)
  • When Sharon and Joshuah asked why Sheila is promising Matt her vote, Ryan got upset because she told him she would vote for him to stay.
  • James said Chelsia will tell Natalie she's mad at him and will vote for Matt to stay. But the real plan is still to vote out Matt.
  • Chelsia is going to infiltrate the other side. Oh, spy stuff!
  • Joshuah is in on the plan with Chelsia and James. (But is he still telling Ryan things? Hmmm... ) Sharon is aboard, too.
  • James said if their espionage plan works, Matt will get cockier once again.
  • Today is the halfway mark of the season, BB gave them a little party -- a cake with all their pictures on it and beer. They go so good together, cake and beer.
  • Matt, Ryan, and Adam talked about what drugs they plan to take once they get out of the house. Oh, authorities? What the heck is going through their minds?
  • Matt worked on James, telling him he treated him horrible last week.
  • James told Joshuah he needs to work on Ryan, tell him he's in trouble, and try to get a super deal for this week's safety out of him.
  • Matt went to the angle of just staying long enough to win a prize now.
  • James refused to tell Matt how he'd vote in a tie.
  • Chelsia worked on Matt -- told him that she thinks Ryan is just playing Jen's game and if he won, it would be a win for Jen (whom she hates).
  • She told Matt that James is not her usual type and she thinks he might think it makes sense to vote her out later.
  • She also told him she never told Sharon or Joshuah she was voting him (Matt) out -- they just assumed she would go along with the plan.
  • Matt is buying all of this.
  • Matt said he'd love to work with Chelsia's crew, they're better. He doesn't mind James, just doesn't think he should be backdoored for something Ryan did.
  • James told Ryan he got into a fight with Chelsia and doesn't know what's going on or how she'll vote.
  • That put Ryan into worrying mode.
  • Chelsia briefly whispered to Joshuah and Sharon that the plan was in effect.
  • Sheila and James talked -- she talked in circles on and on again. He told her about the difficulties with Chelsia and how he doesn't know what will happen in the vote anymore.
  • Sheila told James that it's actually NATALIE who needs to go, but both Matt and Ryan are evil.
  • After she left the HOH room, James did a happy dance.
So, there you go. Double agents and all.

Monday, March 17, 2008

BB9 - Latest Live Feeds

Jackie's TV Blog

It's time to settle in with a nice hot cup of Irish coffee courtesy of graphic artist Zoetawny!

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad and I'll be posting more later here.

I hope everyone had a good St. Patrick's Day.

No, I didn't have any green beer.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Monday Morning

Jackie's TV Blog,Jackie's TV Blog, holidays

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all! No, I'm not Irish, but does that matter today? Zoetawny is Irish today too because she made this cute graphic for the day! I posted a lengthy report late last night, but here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Woeful Lasses and Laddies:
  • Natalie fussed because "all I wanted was pizza and no one saved any for me."
  • Sheila told Sharon and Joshuah that some people say she's mental. She claims that's good because people said that about Allison, too. She still goes on about how much she liked Allison.
  • Sheila told Joshuah he's scary.
  • Sheila talks too too much. Please make her stop. Maybe she'll lose her voice? Please?
  • Again Matt repeated that Ryan is the nice guy and he's the [bleep]hole.
  • Natalie worked more on Joshuah to get him to help save Matt, promising him three weeks of safety if he votes their way.
  • Joshuah told Natalie that the three confirmed votes would have to go to James before he'd say anything.
  • Natalie thinks that she has Adam, Sheila, and Sharon to save Matt.
  • Natalie is wrong.
  • Adam told Matt to stop whining about spending his birthday in sequester.
  • Sheila told Ryan they have to flip the house again next week and James, Joshuah or Chelsia have to go.
  • Matt told Natalie her campaigning is working against him.
  • Sheila told Matt that whoever keeps him will be targeted with a vengeance.
  • Joshuah has really jumped on the Chelsia/James train. He'll ride that one as long as he can.
  • James and Chelsia talked about flipping the vote and keeping Matt, but decided he would come after them if they did. So, they're still on an evict Matt plan.
All are asleep as I get this posted.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Feeds Since the POV Meeting

It's getting a bit chilly in the house for Matt now that he's on the block, huh? He stays warm in a blanket as he and Ryan rehash all of their triumphs in the time of their defeat. And, we all know about the agony of defeat!

I wrote up the show review for JJ over at TV Squad once again. If you want to take a peek, here's the link to the review.

Here's what's gone down in that Big Brother House of Turned Tables since the POV meeting:
  • Matt keeps fussing about how he'll spend Easter and his birthday in sequester. It turns out (if you believe him) that he's not interested in the big win -- he just thought he'd have his birthday on TV! Yeah, right.
  • Matt cried. Real tears, even.
  • Matt tried to wheel and deal with James for favor of his group. He promised to throw HOH comps, betray Natalie, anything!
  • James told Matt that he'd have to work for the votes. In their discussion Matt convinced himself that all the evils done were done by Ryan, not by himself. (He doesn't take into consideration that a lot of what Ryan did was in conjunction with Matt but Matt wasn't in the position of power.)
  • Matt thinks Ryan comes across to others as Mr. Nice.
  • Natalie wants to win HOH and convince Adam to swing to their side.
  • Matt campaigned to Joshuah and Sheila telling them how much worse Ryan was to others than he was. (How quickly the bros come apart, eh?)
  • Joshuah told Ryan that he should be safe. Joshuah is thinking the vote will be 5-1 for Matt to go.
  • Sheila asked Matt to sleep in her bedroom. No, not in a sexual way.
  • Matt and Sheila talked forever with Matt trying to play her Mom side and the "I never betrayed you" bit. She doesn't seem to be buying what he's selling. If she is, she's making him sweat it.
  • Natalie is running around saying she will win HOH next week and put James on the block. Sharon (and others) reported it back to James.
  • Adam told Ryan he'd vote for him to stay.
  • Shades of Jen, Matt claimed he wouldn't stay in sequester. We know how that worked out with Jen -- contracts, loss of stipend, lawsuit. People don't skip out on sequester.
  • Matt cried some more.
  • Sharon and Sheila agreed that if they take Matt out, Natalie will fall apart.
  • Sheila said that Natalie is blaming her for her predicament. (It's always all about her, y'know!)
  • Natalie told James she's going to backdoor him next week.
  • James is shaking in his sneakers. (Okay, I made that up. He's not all that concerned.)
  • Matt again worked on James, telling him how much he wanted his birthday on TV. @@
  • Matt cried again.
  • Ryan hasn't shed a tear.
  • Matt begged.
  • Matt worked on Sheila once again.
  • Natalie ranted about James breaking his word to them.
  • Matt worked on Adam who wouldn't tell him which way he plans to vote.
  • Matt worked on Sharon who told him she wants to think about it for a day before she decides.
  • Matt pleaded.
  • Adam told Matt he has to work Sharon and Chelsia and if he can swing them over, he'll think about it. Matt told him they were leaning towards him. (Really? Perhaps towards him leaving!)
  • Matt lamented losing his girlfriend to go on the show. (And not being able to spend his birthday on TV.)
  • Matt was kind of funny whining about how he'd spend Easter alone in sequester hiding eggs and finding them himself.
  • Sheila says she needs to win HOH. She's been manipulated in the game and that has to stop! @@
  • Sheila thinks the Boys Club and Natalie were all playing her.
  • Adam is just happy that Ryan and Matt are on the block instead of himself and Joshuah.
  • Sheila told Adam he never gives anyone a straight answer. Well, duh. It keeps him in the game and off the block. I don't like Adam at all, but his game play is low-key and he skates along week to week never being the target. If he doesn't give a straight answer, he doesn't break his word either.
  • James, Joshuah, and Sharon got yelled at by the BB voice for using hand signals instead of speaking.
  • Sheila and Adam once again said they had each other's back. That's good because I don't think anyone else gives a darn about them except for their vote.
  • Matt once again tried to work Joshuah. When Josh asked him what votes he has, Matt told him Sharon was "looking" like she was going to vote for him. Does Matt think that Sharon and Joshuah don't talk?
  • Sheila and Natalie got into a minor catfight. Sheila said Matt is going to go home and Natalie says it's Sheila's fault.
  • Then Sheila and Natalie turned their vitriol into a Joshuah bash ... not to his face, of course.
  • Sharon thinks only she or Joshuah will do good things with the money. (Matt earlier said he wants to buy his mother a home as she lives in a small apartment.)
  • Natalie said she thinks the editing of Sheila will portray her as crazy and mental. (Or was she talking about herself?)
  • Natalie thinks Sharon has a crush on Matt. I think she's still thinking about that kiss.
  • Natalie thinks they can change Joshuah's mind about the vote because he'll only have Sharon and Chelsia to protect him next week.
  • Natalie is delusional.
  • Matt stopped crying, but didn't stop campaigning.
  • Natalie worked Adam to work Joshuah to work for Matt to stay. Adam hasn't committed -- why does she think he'll help her and her Mattie?
  • Sheila told Sharon and Joshuah how hard Natalie was working on her to save Matt.
  • Sharon said that Natalie offered her safety if she would be the 4th vote for Matt to stay.
  • Sheila said she told Matt and Natalie they didn't have her vote. (Not quite true ... she just came across as reluctant from what I saw, never blatantly said no. I might have missed it, though.)
  • Sheila asked Joshuah what his vote would be. He sidestepped the issue and said he would vote for what's best for the house (Matt out, I'm sure.)
That's about where we stand right now. BB gave them alcohol and they've gotten into a lot of small talk. Despite severely campaigning to stay, Matt has been talking cordially with Ryan. Ryan is just kind of mellow over the whole thing.

'Big Brother 9' - 3/16 Show Live Blogged From the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated, so please refresh the page for the latest. As I'm typing it while watching TV, there will most likely be a typoo or two. Please forgive me!

As always, your comments make it all worthwhile!

Recap time ... James got evicted. Gee, I wonder if he'll come back?

"the last one remaining above their disco ball will win this competition," says ChenBot.

As they go for HOH, James is bitter about all the ones who voted him out. So, he really has only Chelsia on his side. Joshuah and Adam feel bad about voting him out, Matt and Ryan are happy. Chelsia is really shook. Again with the recapping, Julie tells James three voted the mystery guest, five voted for him.

Back to the comp, maybe we'll see the bits left out on the feeds. Matt implies that he voted James back in, but didn't outright say he voted for him.

Adam is out of the comp first blaming his "fat ass." Eep, Joshuah just went down. He tells us the comp isn't meant for him. Matt's ankles hurt and he says he might jump down. But then it looked to me like he more lost it than a deliberate jump although he would have jumped before long I'm sure. Sheila's arms are getting tired. "Can't we all get along?" Natalie asks.

Sheila tells James that she wanted Alex to come back and voted in hopes he would. He thanks her for being honest. Now Sheila feels sick ... she's down! She said she hadn't eaten. Matt says Natalie must win because the remaining three would put him on the block. That would be James, Sharon, and Chelsia.

Matt told Sheila to pray Natalie stays up there and snaps at Natalie to stay up. Natalie feels the pressure. Joshuah asked her what kind of deal it would take for her to drop. Matt yells at her to stay up. Ryan told Matt he should come over and cheer her on. Natalie won't shut up! Matt said he can't stand her voice. He tells her he MIGHT give her a massage.

Sharon's down, thanks to Chatty Natty Matt says. Nat tells us in a DR session she knew she had to win to make sure she and Matt were safe. Natalie tells Chelsia and James that they're not her target. She says she knows James wants his dignity back. Matt asked how it felt to be backdoored. "Wonderful, I'll have to do it to some of you guys," says James.

James looks tired, then Chelsia FELL. Now James is more worried. He says in a DR session he'd have to be struck by lightning to fall. Down to James and Natalie, he's definitely looking in worse shape. He wants to play Let's Make a Deal ... he wants Ryan on the block for what he did to him. Ryan is thumping that stupide star which annoyed me in the feeds. Ryan is mad, Matt doesn't want her to take it although she seemed like she might be willing.

Here comes the end ... Matt is telling her no deals. She says she's feeling sick. James promises she and Matt won't go on the block. Chelsia tells Matt he should be thankful. James says again he won't put Matt up, she says deal and goes down. James is the new HOH!

"I'll stick to my word just like everyone else in this house," says James to Matt. AHA. I didn't hear that on the feeds!

Matt is proud of Natalie and impressed. She tells him she's sorry. How pathetic is that?

Matt tells Natalie again she'll get her massage. Matt says she was like Jesus up there dying for him. Chelsia and James are still a happy couple. Sharon and Joshuah talk -- he doesn't think that James will put him up, but he worries. Sharon is a bit uneasy, too.

Ryan asked Nat why she voted him back, she said she was worried Allison would come back. She said she didn't know what to do. Ryan says now that they're in power, they'll throw one of them (Boys Club) out.

Bible Buddies? Matt, Adam, and Ryan discussing the Bible. Adam's hand is going in his pants until he rolls over. It's an interpretation of the Bible unlike any I've heard before. "Jacob is a big ass dude."

Time for the HOH room! They all go. Photos of his friends. Chelsia is happy for him. Short HOH segment.

Time for the massage -- I love you, but not like that ... in a different way. "I'm not touching any boobies, though. Flip them in because they're haning out." She tells Matt he has to convince James he voted to keep him so he wouldn't gun for him. Joshuah thinks the thrid vote was either Matt or Adam. He's going to solve the mystery. Adam tells Joshuah he voted to take him back. Matt is acting confused when Adam says he voted for him to come back. He's not a good actor. Adam thinks James needs to know he voted to have him come back in, so tells him. Adam is worried he might be a target and he is telling the truth.

Joshuah is housekeeping with a feather duster and says he's like a gay French maid. It gives him a chance to throw dust on the beds of people he doesn't like. He reads his letter from home and we're more in the past again. This is week old fodder! He cries. His family loves and supports him. Aw, they clap for him after he read it aloud. He cries in the DR.

Ryan goes to talk to James. He knows he's after him and reminds him that he too was evicted. James called him on the lies and asked him why he put him up. Ryan starts to say it's the house, then changes his tune. He says he's not responsible for Matt's mouth. James tells us that Ryan is getting nominated because he was screwed by everyone else in the house except Chelsia. "Get ready for an intense week," he tells Ryan.

Nominations are in the air. Ryan is sure he'll put him on the block. Adam is ansty and hopes James believes he voted him back in. Matt feels safe, but doesn't really trust a kid with pink hair. James still only trusts Chelsia, mistakenly they brought me back in the game he says.

Time for noms -- James false prestenses and lies are the reasons behind his vote. Key order -- Natalie, Matt, Sharon, Chelsia, Joshuah, Adam.

Sheial and Ryan are on the block, both look not surprised. He tells Sheila that he nominated her because she gave him her word and didn't keep it. Ryan is on the block because he backdoored him.

Ryan says he's the king of the block, third time up. Matt says he owes Natalie big time. Sheila is all big talk, not gonna cry boohoohoo -- but she surely cries enough all the time over other things!

BB9 - POV Meeting Over!

James did it. He put Matt on the block. Natalie is in tears. Joshuah is telling her it's a house divided, last week her side had power, now the power has changed. James did NOT take Ryan off the block, it's Sheila who got the reprieve.

Ryan and Matt are on the block. One will go home.

I have more on the after-POV meeting up over on TV Squad!

BB9 - Live Feeds Report Into Sunday Morning 3/16

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Thanks to commenter Joy for the suggestion, graphic artist Zoetawny created a Gnatalie graphic just for us! She is sort of like a gnat or a mosquito constantly buzzing about, isn't she? Thanks, Zoetawny! I love it!

It's a quiet Sunday morning here. I've watched Sunday Morning on CBS and now I'm listening to the Sinatra station on AOL Radio while the houseguests sleep out there in California. It's just a peaceful mellow kind of morning, but I'm sure those silly hamsters will do something to liven things up, right? When they played "That's Why the Lady is a Tramp," I thought of Natalie. I know. I'm a bad person. ;-)

Here's what has happened in the Big Brother House of Flipflopping Floozies and Fickle Minds:
  • Natalie plucked Ryan's eyebrows. Never a dull moment in the house, huh?
  • James really wants to get rid of Matt but says it will take "balls" and shake up the house. (I do want Matt out of there, but for integrity's sake I hope he doesn't backdoor him this week. I know it's a game, but he did give his word to Natalie.)
  • James thinks that if Matt were to leave, Natalie would just go nuts. (How does that differ from how she is now?)
  • James talked to Sharon about getting Matt out of the house this week. She told him she would be on board with the plan.
  • James told Adam he wouldn't be going on the block. The plan to get rid of Matt is in motion it seems.
  • Sharon told Joshuah of the Mattviction plan. Joshuah thinks it would be better to take Sheila off the block and pit Matt against Ryan. Otherwise, he seems to like the idea.
  • Adam told James he's on his side and feels very bad about voting him out, was thrilled he could help vote him back in. (Yes, he was in the DR vote. If James could see his reaction, he'd be tickled pinker than that pink shirt he wears so much!)
  • James told Adam that he'll have to break the news to Natalie if he decides that's what he has to do.
  • James, now seeming to trust Adam, told him that Matt and Natalie were behind him not trusting him in the first place.
  • Matt wants to hook up with Jen from BB8. @@ A match made in hell, I say!
  • Adam continues to put his hand down his pants. I've never seen an adult man do that so much. At least Michael Jackson, ball players, and gangsta rappers go for the outside of their pants!
  • When Natalie asked Adam if he knows if James will keep the noms the same, he said he didn't know.
  • Ryan asked James if he still intends to take him off the block. James told him it should be a go.
  • Sheila thinks Adam should be on the block instead of her.
  • Sheila wants America to decide the winner this season. (AS IF she would have a shot!) Natalie wants a jury.
  • Natalie told Joshuah that Matt is nervous about the possibility James will put him on the block, but she thinks James will stick to his word. (I guess he probably won't!)
  • Natalie is sure Sheila will be going home this week.
  • Natalie feels perfectly safe this week. (And, she should. She is. She's pretty much nothing without her Mattie.)
  • They played hide 'n seek. Natalie hid and they didn't go looking for her. Heehee!
  • Joshuah called the boys heartless and got the search on for her again. Grr.
That's it for now. The POV meeting should be later today. It promises to be interesting!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds

I've been waiting for a few hours for my latest feeds post to go up on TV Squad.


The biggest news is that now James intends to use the POV to remove Ryan from the block, replacing him with Adam.

'Big Brother 9' - Live Feeds Through Friday Evening 3/14

Sheila rants at Ryan and the "Boys Club."

Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Mad White Women:
  • James told Sheila that she's not the person he's after. He said if the vote is a tie, he'll vote Ryan out. (Hmm ... his grudge against Ryan must be stronger than I thought.)
  • He also said he won't be changing the nominations with his power of veto.
  • James asked Sheila why everyone protects Matt. Sheila said she didn't know it was as bad as it is until Natalie stayed in the HOH comp so long for him.
  • Sheila told James that she protected Matt because he saved her. She can't depend on Adam to protect her because he flip-flops. James said he saved her from something started by his boy Ryan.
  • Sheila told James how much her son is like him. (Um, yeah. Sure.)
  • James told her that he wouldn't have put up Adam if Ryan won POV. She said Matt knew she wouldn't be protecting him anymore. @@
  • Natalie worked on Sharon to vote out Sheila instead of Ryan.
  • Sheila told Adam he had to vote for her to stay.
  • Matt was the first one out in the POV comp.
  • Matt asked James if Ryan stays, will he still be gunning for him. James told him that it would be over, he wouldn't. (That's along the lines of what he said to Ryan just before nominations.)
  • Sheila told Sharon that she (Sheila) "loves Allison to death." (I think that's murder!)
  • Sheila also told Sharon that she needed a bit of separation from her teenage son right now, that's why she went into the house. (I could think of other things -- send him to summer camp and not make a fool of yourself to the world on Big Brother which will embarrass him!)
  • Heh. The HG got a list of bad words they cannot say on the live show. Other seasons have had plenty of foul mouths but they behaved when they knew they were on live television. This is the first time they've ever received bribes and warnings to watch their mouths.
  • Natalie thinks she will be THE celebrity of Oregon when she gets out of the house. Did you know Oregon is the Beaver State? ;-)
  • Ryan told Sheila that he doesn't like that she's using the "Ryan won ten grand" card against him. Sheila claimed it just popped out to Natalie. @@
  • Sheila went into a rant at Ryan like a woman possessed.
  • Ryan told Sheila she's not the only one getting to know people in defense against her telling him how much time she's spent getting to know and befriend everyone in the house.
  • Chelsia and Natalie talked about how manipulative Sheila is. They didn't say that to Sheila, of course.
  • Chelsia is working on being nicer. She told Natalie that she was only mad at Matt because he kept treating her (Natalie) like crap.
  • BB gave them wine and beer.
  • Sheila kept saying to Ryan she wasn't going around talking about how she's a single mom and he took her ten grand. "Fine, let's squash it then," said Ryan.
  • Ryan told Sheila and everyone that he isn't running around talking about her behind her back.
  • Sheila railed at Adam and demanded to know why he isn't protecting her.
  • Adam told her not to bring him into it and stop stereotyping him as one of the boys.
  • Matt played the role of diplomat (no, really, he did) and squashed the verbal sparring, bringing up new topics less volatile.
  • And it worked.
  • They hope that big mallets in the yard mean that they'll have a luxury comp.
  • Now Ryan, Joshuah, and Natalie are talking about Sheila behind her back.
  • On another camera feed, Sheila is going on about how awful Adam is.
  • Now the group is talking about pranking Sheila again tonight telling her the luxury comp is starting.
And the beat goes on ...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Latest BB9 Feeds Report

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be posting tonight's happenings here later tonight (after they happen, naturally!).

And, I'd just like to say ... Sydney, if you eat that chicken, just eat a bit. If you live, finish it up. :-)

BB9 - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Winner

James did it. He won POV, so the nominations will remain the same. More a bit later!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Friday Morning

Mattie has it made in the shade this week as James seems to be true to his word. Although his main bro Ryan is on the block, James doesn't want the veto used and it would seem Sheila most likely will go home next week. James is very against backdooring anyone as was done to him.

Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Cards:
  • Sharon and Chelsia talked about Matt. Chelsia wants him out of the game while Sharon thinks she can manipulate him.
  • James said he doesn't know who he'd put up if the POV is used.
  • Sheila turned to the Memory wall and decided everyone is still being evicted as couples -- Ryan will follow Allison.
  • Natalie declared, "Sheila is not with the program." She is indeed the outsider, but will that mean she'll leave this week?
  • The ShoToo crowd got a Chelsia skin show. Amazing how these things happen when they know BBAD is on. @@
  • Sheila cried.
  • Sheila wants to go home, says no one in the house understands her.
  • Natalie helped Ryan study in the case it's a cerebral POV.
  • Sheila was just going to bed when called into the DR. She didn't want to go.
  • Joshuah came up with the idea to prank Sheila and tell her POV is starting soon.
  • She's not happy, back to the DR.
  • They think she was in the DR crying and felt bad. (She's always crying!)
  • Sheila took off the unitard.
  • James and Chelsia sex-played. Blech. No, I don't want to smell anyone's finger.
  • James had trouble getting to sleep, still all hyped from his eviction, return, and the HOH.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

'Big Brother 9' Live Feeds Since the Nominations

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Zoetawny made this for the blog yesterday, but I didn't read the email before all the show wonkiness started. But it definitely fits even though at the moment, we know James is running the house! I love this one!

So, what's been happening in the Big Brother House of Arrogant Strutting?

Here's what's gone down since James nominated Ryan and Sheila:
  • Although the nominations ceremony was blocked to the feeds, we found out from talk that Natalie's key was the first one pulled from the box. That was nice of James.
  • Ryan and Sheila talked about being on the block (and how it sucks) and the fact they know James wants the nominations to remain the same, no one backdoored.
  • They both think they got screwed. (Just victims of circumstance? I think not!)
  • Chelsia thinks America didn't like Alex because he was quiet and they wouldn't have voted him back in. (But they did!)
  • Ryan told Matt and Adam that James said that Sheila is the strongest person in the house (influence, game-wise, not physically).
  • Sharon and Natalie don't think anyone will ever vote for Ryan to win because of Jen. No one wants her to have the money.
  • James had joked that Jen was in the mystery box, but then admitted he didn't know who America chose.
  • It's kind of quiet after last night's big endurance comp. The nominees knew they'd be going on the block -- James told Ryan and worked things out for the future (he thinks). I didn't see him really talk to Sheila, but she knew it.