Monday, July 14, 2008

The Closer - 4th Season Premiere Tonight

If you're like me, not into The Mole, there's the season premiere of The Closer tonight at 9 PM ET/PT on TNT. I was lucky enough to receive the first episode in a promotional package from the network. No, I won't divulge the plot, but I was indeed entertained. And now I have something that I enjoy watching on Monday nights. Woohoo for that!

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

I took this screen cap a few minutes ago as they gathered in a bedroom. My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It includes a gallery with screen caps I took in the wee hours and some from this afternoon. They're a talkative house. In a way, I'll be glad when the numbers get down a little.

I'll be posting another report here later tonight after the hamsters do a bit more!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Report First Night

After a rough start with volume issues, the feeds kicked off around midnight ET. They've already been in the house for six days, so we've missed quite a bit. Right now I'm still matching names to faces, the voices can still get confusing, and there's way too many people talking at once. But, hey ... it's a new season.

Here's the skinny:
  • They've already played the POV comp and had the POV meeting. They haven't talked about the comp itself so I have no clue.
  • The POV necklace is on Jerry's picture on the Memory Wall, so he won.
  • Aha ... he put BRIAN on the block in place of Jessie from what I can tell in conversations.
  • So it's Renny (most likely) and Brian nominated for eviction this week.
  • Lots and lots of small talk when they're in larger groups.
  • Brian and Dan are still scheming together. Brian seems worried that someone whose vote they thought they had might be flopping -- Keesha.
  • Libra only drinks wine, no beer. BB will be giving them wine and beer tonight.
  • Brian and Dan think Jerry is easily manipulated by the girls.
  • Renny is still the laughing stock of the house. (She does it to herself, odd duck she is.)
  • BB is giving them a feast and all are off slop for it.
  • Jerry told Dan that Brian betrayed him by not telling him that he had an alliance with Ollie and Dan. He thinks Brian was using him. (Yes, he was!)
  • Steven in particular, and others are getting irked at Libra's controlling ways.
  • Jerry's CD was a Glenn Miller one.
  • Michelle told Angie that Jessie told her he thinks she's (Michelle) a threat.
  • Renny keeps changing into new costumes. (She's probably worried about eviction and wants to show all her wigs and costumes!)
  • Jerry told a group in the kitchen about how Brian used his military experience to gain his trust then betrayed him. Meanwhile, Brian could overhear the conversation from the bathroom. The plot thickens.
  • The HG know Steven is gay. Steven was a bit irked that he had told Libra in confidence and she went on to tell Keesha.
  • Their big dinner at midnight ET was chaos -- everyone talking at once.
  • Afterwards Steven complained about Libra telling people they shouldn't have both beer and wine. Control, control.
  • Memphis bragged that when he was a model, the girls were all over him. @@
  • Dan, Brian, and Steven think Libra has gone for power and she must go.
  • Libra cried and Jerry and Angie comforted her. She's missing her children and her aging grandmother.
That's it for now. They're still up but nothing major going on.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Big Brother 10 Season Premiere Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Zoetawny has made yet another new BB10 blog logo for us ... yay! The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs and invite everyone to jump in down in the comments section. There may be some typos -- I'm typing as I watch TV. Plus, I'm not too familiar with the houseguests yet. But I'm ready!

Julie Chen is in summer mode with a coral strapless dress ... no winter biker boots for her this time of year! We're in an intro with bits of a house tour and the rules of the game. The outside of the house has been redone with all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. It seems that Julie's bits will be right outside the door. Again, we're told that the game began before they entered the house.

Now they're getting their keys.

They're gathered on the entryway to the house getting the first good look at their competition. Julie tells them they must choose the HOH before anyone moves into the house. They must go on appearance and gut instinct. They cannot vote for themselves. Julie says it will remain a mystery ... for now.

Five enter the house -- April, Dan, Renny, (April tells us she voted Renny HOH). Four more enter the house. The final four enter. April now tells us she's having second thoughts about Renny. Angie also thinks Renny is rude. Keesha tells us she voted Jerry HOH. Now they're all introducing themselves.

Jessie thinks Renny is annoying, too. Dan tells us he'll erase any sins he commits in the house by going to Confession later. Angie is already telling everyone her boobs are real and inviting them to feel them. @@ Renny, who seems to have rubbed many wrong already in the house, thought it was totally inappropriate that Jerry felt Angie's boobs.

Julie's back. She tells us there is more up for grabs in addition to the HOH tonight. They're about to compete in their first competition. "The prize will be a classic." Jessie volunteered to sit out as they need an even number. They have to go to the storage room, get their gear on and meet Julie in the yard. Two upside-down VW bugs, two right side up classic cars. Up for grabs, one of the classic (muscle) cars. Now Jessie is unhappy.

"Bugging Out" - A car race in the sky. The teams must get in one of the VWs, transport gas can to the end. Each time they do it, a team member must leave and not get a chance to win. The teams are also playing for food. Jessie will eat no matter what.

Red team - Renny, Angie, Memphis, Steven, Dan, Michelle, Memphis wins the car and the red team wins food for the week. He chooses the 1969 Camaro.

Julie is ready to reveal the HOH ... 3 votes and second was Renny. With four votes, the first HOH is Jerry. In les than 24 hours he has to nominate two HG for eviction.

Dan thinks he can trust Brian and apporaches him. Now he's working on Ollie. He looked in Ollie's eyes and "saw the blacks of his eyes" and knew he was in with him. The BLACKS of his eyes? @@

Jerry's HOH room -- more happy than most because they voted for him. Photos of his wife. Jerry thinks he has a good chance of staying in the game and playing hard.

In the dark, Renny further annoys people screaming that the door is locked. Her laugh is worse than her voice. In the morning, Jessie complains to her and she tells him to lighten up. She tells us he's a baby. Brian laughs.

They have special music for Renny. The guys are laughing about her. Memphis, Brian, and Dan. Brian and Dan want Jessie and Renny nominated. Brian tries to work on him. Jerry is looking for a committment from Brian in an alliance. Brian tells us he's not all that loyal. Heh. Jerry thinks Dan is a loose cannon. Brian asks that he come in with them. Jerry likes Jessie, but seems to go with Brian's plan to nominate Renny and Jessie.

Noiminations are tough for Jerry. Key order -- Michelle, Angie, Memphis, Libra, April, Brian, Steven, Keesha, Ollie, Dan. Rennie and Jessie are indeed up. Jerry says it was due to the conflict the night before.

Jerry tells us he thinks Jessie and Renny will self-destruct.

I think I'm already liking this better than I liked the start of BB9. But I hope someone knocks Dan down soon.

Big Brother 10 Cast Interview Videos

I have a post in pending over at TV Squad with six of the video interviews by Diane Henry (BB5, BB7) and Jen Johnson. I'm not sure when that will publish. But I think all 13 interviews anywhere at one time will be a bit overwhelming. Without further ado, here are the other seven --

Saturday, July 12, 2008

This Week's TV Briefs and Bits o' Life

Waiting to board the Hot Tamale Train on So You Think You Can Fly.

Television has been a bit stagnant for me this week. But here's a few things which made an impression on me one way or another:
  • Although I was a bit irked that The Late Show with David Letterman is in repeats again this week, one show made it all worth while. Y'see, Jack Hanna is my all time favorite Letterman guest. Back on May 14, the day I was having my surgery, he was scheduled on the show. I forgot to tape it and was in no shape to watch anything that night in the hospital. Lo and behold, Monday's show was a repeat of that show! Woohoo! I found it very interesting that Jack Hanna had mentioned surgery on his knee and a blood clot. I feel akin to the guy.
  • America's Got Talent - Eh, another week. Once I'm a bit more in action I'm going to have to film some of the street acts in Manhattan for uploading on YouTube.
  • The First 48 - Since I don't have to rise early for work these days, I'm loving how A&E schedules the episodes late into the night for repeats after their primetime debut. I've definitely gotten myself hooked on the show and find myself watching consecutive hours almost into the dawn as long as I haven't previously seen the episodes.
  • So You Think You Can Dance - Yes! About time Comfort got the boot! And, of the three guys in the bottom three it had to be Thayne's time to go. I really think if he didn't have that huge smile on his face so much I would have liked him more. But Will is easily the most talented dancer on the show and, well, Twitch is Twitch. I loved his solo, but as I have said before -- he's my sentimental favorite on the show. It'll be interesting when they switch the partners up.
  • I'm still digging (heh) Mad About You when I find it on TV Land at all kinds of odd hours. Thankfully the baby hasn't arrived yet in any of the episodes I've caught.
  • America's Greatest Dog - Cute mindless fluff of a show. I like the dogs, but some of those owners are whacked. My cat liked swatting the dogs on the TV screen.
  • Hopkins - This reminds me of the ER Trauma shows on the Discovery Health channel. Hey, maybe they'll show a knee replacement!
In Bits o' Life

On Thursday I actually walked to the train station, accompanied by my cane of course. It's about a six block walk, perhaps a bit short of a half-mile. I stopped in at the shops I used to frequent on my work commute, saw friends I haven't seen in a while, and enjoyed the gorgeous summer day. It was in the high 80s, sunny, but no humidity at all and breezes galore.

Once at the train station I didn't see Roofus, but he might have other cat things to do. I looked for him, though.

I did all of this because I was en route to have my blood drawn (for my INR levels for the Coumadin) at LabCorp in the next town over. I've been using the county para-transit, but they were so undependable the week before that I decided to give the walk a try. It was a very pleasant time indeed. Well, except for the needle part, of course. Sigh ... I'm actually getting used to needles. That can't be a good thing.

After the blood draw I hopped the train further east one stop, getting out in Westfield where I could catch the NYC/Dunellen bus which would let me off directly across the street from my apartment. Ah, but I had time to stop in Starbucks for an icy beverage between the train and the bus! Thanks to a blog reader, I have a Starbucks card and it hit the spot.

As for my health -- the knee itself seems to be doing fine. Unfortunately, I've developed a severe pain in my calf where the blood clot is/was. According to the doctor's office, the clot won't move but it's adhered itself on the wall of the vein and the pain I'm feeling could very well happen on and off the rest of my life. Here I thought it dissolved, but it's only resolved -- a big difference. As long as my Coumadin levels are monitored and my INR is in line, I shouldn't develop any new clots. On a side note, that woman who died in the waiting room at a psychiatric hospital in the city died from blood clots. Scary stuff. But mine is under control and I just have pain and tired issues remaining at this time.

Today is the big "free" Bon Jovi concert in Central Park. No, I'm not going. But in honor of New Jersey's native son, I'm playing my Slippery When Wet CD as I write this. It's the only Bon Jovi I own.

Whoops! The bird will never catch the Hot Tamale Train on this track!

Today's musical non-sequitur:
You're a loaded gun
There's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done

Shot through the heart
and you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name.
-- "You Give Love a Bad Name" - Bon Jovi

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Big Brother 10 Cast in Depth Part 3

Here it is ... my final in depth post introducing the new hamsters we'll be spending a few months ridiculing ... er, watching. I've been doing this alphabetically by first name. If you haven't checked out Part 1 and Part 2, then you're missing most of the house. ;-)

Gee, according to her bio on the CBS website, Michelle is an "East Coast firecracker." Hey, I thought I was one of those! (But then I grew up.) She's currently single and had the nerve to object at her brother's wedding. Now, I can imagine that made her very popular with her brother. Mine would disown me! I get the feeling that Portuguese culture and cooking is important to her as well as sports and running.

Her chances of winning? I just don't know. I'm not getting great vibes from the bio information. If she's the type to actually object when the priest asks if anyone objects, I think we might see fireWORKS in the house, not just a fireCRACKER.

Ollie, Ollie oxen free! (Sorry, had to do that.) Ollie is originally from Des Moines, IA. From his bio, he's the son of a Pentecostal minister and seems to have led quite the straight and decent kind of life. I'm not quite sure he understands the concept of The Brady Bunch as he refers to his family as "the black Brady Bunch." He must be going for squeaky clean rather than the idea of two families coming together as one. On the AOL picture doohickey of the cast, he says he's never had a girlfriend.

All I can think is that this guy is going to find himself a kitten fed to pit bulls. I think he's probably very likable, but he's going to be out of his league with the deception, sneakiness, nastiness and all that other fun stuff going on in the house.

Renny is our other person over 35 on the show. You know, such diversity in ages and all. @@ Her bio on the CBS website makes it sound like she's going to be quite a character. She's a New Orleans socialite into wigs, being the life of the party, hanging out in the French Quarter, and having a ball. She does Elvis, Judy Garland, and Marilyn Monroe impressions. Well, that could be interesting on the feeds.

I have a feeling I'm either going to get a kick out of her or she'll be annoying as all get out. One thing I will say -- I don't think she's going to be a Sheila. I think she might end up being a strong player.

And, finally, the last houseguest for BB10 is Steven, a gay bull rider. Somehow, that seems very appropriate -- a bull rider in the house! According to his bio, graduating from college is what he considers his major accomplishment. (Much better than being proud of leaving home to become a waitress at Hooters, methinks.)

I think I'm going to like this kid. He thinks he'll get along well with the women in the house and has plenty to discuss with the guys, too.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Big Brother 10 Cast in Depth Part 2

Continuing on from my previous cast post, here are the next four houseguests and my take on them!

I don't know. Maybe it's my "not as fit as I should be" persona screaming from within, but I think Jessie may be a turn off for me. As with my impression of Dan, I fear Jessie might want to be a controlling so-an-so. Although I have never been a bodybuilder, it's far easier to be in shape when you're 22. This kid is wet behind his ears -- I hope he's not pushy about the health regime.

Alas, his bio on the CBS site makes it sound like he might be a health guru know-it-all. Uh-oh. Hopefully he just wants to be inspirational. I guess. He does like Hamburger Helper so he might not be a total bodybuilding nut. I'm still a bit concerned that he seems to be so impressed with how much he helps others. Heck, I'd rather see someone who's been to the other side be inspirational rather than some kid who's lifted weights a lot. Geez, Richard Simmons comes to mind. Love him or hate him, he's a fat man gone in shape. What was this kid before bodybuilding? A high school student?

Onto the Daniele Donato doppelganger ... Keesha. Blond, annoying voice, Hooters waitress. According to her bio, she doesn't eat red meat and is a PETA enthusiast. She has all of her career ideals thrown into her Hooters. Ah. but I'm sure if this "blond bombshell" can get her foot in the door to Hollywood, she'd give up those Hooters dreams in a moment.

Her proudest accomplishment is leaving home, moving to California, and making her way with her Hooters job. Yep, that's a truly worthy accomplishment as you face your thirties. @@

According to her bio, Libra isn't a Libra. She was born August 6. What she seems to be is a very politically active Obama supporter and possibly very vocal in her beliefs. I've already mentioned that pushy people aren't my cuppa. If she is indeed of the school of "I'm right and you're wrong and everyone should think my way" -- then she will lose me.

I think she's going to be a bit too political for my liking. Oh, not that I'm totally apathetic when it comes to politics -- I just find it all the same old rhetoric on all sides with folks who are so passionate about the subject. Your mileage may vary.

Memphis the mixologist, eh? I don't think a houseguest can ever get more stereotypical of a reality show contestant than the fake "cool" name and the fancy-schmancy title for "bartender." According to his bio, he is from Tennessee, but not from Memphis. I guess being called "Collierville" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

I'm not overly impressed. Something screams shallow or mimbo (Seinfeldese for male bimbo) about him.

BB10 Gossip and House Tour Video

I didn't bother reporting the pre-announcement cast spoilers this season because they've always been false past seasons. Sure, this season it turned out that one person was spot on before the initial official announcements. So now I'm wondering if his skinny on the first day in the house is good. If you want the probable spoiler, it's right here. I kind of like the fact that Jerry is "one of the cool kids." If it's true, of course.

Well, the decor is definitely better than that funky Alice in Wonderland stuff two seasons back!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Big Brother 10: Cast in Depth Part 1

I apologize for getting to the more in depth looks at the cast later than I had planned. I had several errands I had to run this afternoon and for some odd reason, I get wiped out more easily these days. Oh, yeah ... recuperating from major surgery. Yep, that will wipe a person out!

But I'm here now with the first five BB10 cast members -- alphabetically by first name. Pictures, a bit of bio, links to the official skinny, and my initial impressions. The remainder of the cast members will be completed by tomorrow. And, of course, I want to know your impressions of the new hamsters, too!

Shades of April (BB6) and other hamsters from the past, Angie is yet another pharmaceutical sales rep. I think it must be a BB goal to eventually cast every pharmaceutical rep in the country, don't you? According to her bio on the official CBS website, she's a recently divorced Korean-American tomboy.

She has her Bachelor's degree in advertising and originally hails from Virginia Beach, VA. I kind of like the fact that she's very devoted to her mentally disabled brother. She seems to be bright enough and athletic. I want to like her, but we'll see.

Speaking of April ... here's April version 2.0. Although she's living in Arizona, she's originally from Arlington, Nebraska. According to her bio page, she earned her Bachelor's degree in sports and fitness management from Doane College in Crete, NE. So she now works for a car dealer, go figure. She's the infamous OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) person. I have to admit that might make the feeds a bit interesting at times. Knowing how sloppy the BB houses tend to get, this could be fun!

She likes Froot Loops although CBS spelled it wrong, so she can't be all that bad! She seems to have unrealistically high expectations for a romantic partner so I think she's going to be single for years to come. My personal jury of the mind is out on her. I think she could very well add some real entertainment to the feeds but I'm not too sure I'm going to like her all that much.

Brian believes he's a "guy's guy." His chosen city to live in could run another direction with that claim. Heh. According to his bio, he's originally from Elk Grove, CA. I have no clue where that is! Air Force through and through, he earned his Associate degree from them and served for six years. Kudos to him for that! But will I like him?

It makes me smile to note that in his list of jobs, he's worked as a snowboarder amongst other more lofty positions. He seems very nice guy next door kind of dude. I'm not sure how well he'll do, but I definitely like him better than the extremely conservative guy on the cast, Dan. He seems to respect women.

Oh my. You see, I'm the kind of person with little tolerance for those who judge people rashly for aesthetic reasons or those who are extremely pushy with their religious or political beliefs. I'm the kind of person who thinks everyone has a right to do anything which is legal and while I might not want tattoos or piercing, that's me. You can do what you want with your own self, ain't no skin off my nose. (I always wanted to use that expression in a sentence, woohoo!)

According to his bio, Dan is the exact opposite. He's very conservative with little tolerance for liberals. (I hate the big conservative/liberal brouhaha.) He would have moved out of the country if Hilary Clinton won the presidential race. He thinks vegans are weird tree-huggers. He thinks tattoos are trashy and piercings are for freaks.

About the only good things I see about this guy are: he likes Cheez-Its crackers and Frank Sinatra. I think he's going to be way obnoxious.

Then there's Jerry. Heck, just the fact that he is 75 gives me all kinds of warm fuzzies. On The Early Show today he showed he's pretty darn fit, probably in better shape than I am! I worry that if he lasts a long time, he's going to be a target at the end because anyone up against him in the final two will consider him a huge threat for the vote.

In his bio at the CBS website, it states that he's originally from Wilkes Barre, PA. He's been a diehard BB fan since the show's inception, watching the feeds and even After Dark on ShoToo. He's been married to the same woman for 54 years and keeps himself fit so he can be her caretaker as she has Parkinson's Disease.

I just plain like this guy at a quick take. I hope he does well and that I actually enjoy him when I see him in action.

All images used here are ©CBS.

Big Brother 10 Cast Reveal and Early Show Video

Yep, they're here! I have to say right off the bat that I'm not too impressed with the diversity in casting promised by executive producer Allison Grodner. I have a cast post in pending over at TV Squad (expected to go up before noon ET). I will delve more into the cast here a bit later after I get their photos edited better. The official website is live.

The Early Show segment today was much shorter than in past seasons. Hmm, interesting. But I did find it online and here it is for you!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Holiday Weekend, TV Briefs and Da Knee

Every year I have a front row seat to the 4th of July parade which passes by my apartment. Sure, the street is closed off for hours, cars parked overnight start getting towed at 5 AM, no one can enter or leave my block by car from about 10 AM until noon. But, hey ... it's a parade. This year it didn't feature the marching band from Washington, DC which has been a part of the parade for more than a few years, but the local high school marching band, several floats, clowns, stepping groups, all of the local youth sport groups, rap groups, salsa, fire companies, reggae groups, police departments, Ronald McDonald and his NYMetro Ronald McDonald showmobile, church groups, scouts, and more joined in. My personal favorite each year is the black cowboys on dancing horses.

My knee wasn't quite up to standing through the entire parade this year and due to the elevator being out of commission because of an electrical storm the night before, I couldn't manage getting a chair down to the front lawn. I watched most of the parade from my recliner chair looking out the window. But I did go down long enough to snap some shots of the black cowboys and a clown or two. I live in a rather rough town in NJ, but this annual parade is always a celebration of family, children, and the diversity of folks who live here. To me, that's a big part of what being an American is all about.

TV Briefly
  • Groomer Has It - I actually missed having this show on my Saturday night schedule last night. When it was down to the final two last week (Jonathan and Artist), I was rooting for an Artist win even though I think Jonathan is technically a better dog groomer. I didn't think Artist had any chance to win but I adore his personality and how he seriously worked to improve each week. He has a good heart and sometimes chose the hard route intead of the easy win. On the other hand, I found Jonathan a bit too smug and arrogant. I was thrilled for Artist when he won the big prize. Yay!
  • America's Got Talent - So far, i'm not overly thrilled with the talent. Sure, the sword swallowing guy was cool -- you don't see that every day anymore. I think my favorite so far was the guy who sang "Walking in Memphis" last week or the week before. One thing I enjoy about this show is seeing Jerry Springer out of his typical element. I don't watch his show, but I have to give the man kudos -- he's a very intelligent guy, ex-mayor of Cincinnati (I believe that was his city), and has turned trash TV into a personal fortune.
  • A rerun of Crossing Jordan - On Thursdays I have to go for my blood draw for my weekly dosage levels of my warfarin (Coumadin). I've found that Crossing Jordan is on A&E at 8 AM weekdays and tend to watch it as I missed many of the episodes when they aired. This past Thursday, they had a mysterious case. Uh-oh, the guy was poisoned by (as they said it on the show), "Warfarin, rat poison!" Eep, I needed that reminder on my blood draw day, right?
  • So You Think You Can Dance - I haven't been surprised by the people who have left each week, not yet anyway. I still favor Twitch as my sentimental favorite, but I'm enjoying Joshua more and more each week even though I think he's a bit chunky for a dancer. I find Thayne's smile increasingly annoying and wish he'd stop it. Gev's solo this week was amazing! As for the girls, I think Katee is my favorite. I'm not sure how Comfort slides by each week -- I don't think she put much effort in her solo at all this week.
  • The Late Show with David Letterman - Grr, reruns all this week. Grr.
  • Mad About You on TV Land - Argh, just when I discovered they show it, it seems the scheduling has been cut. It's now on in the middle of the night. Maybe the fact that I'm haunted by insomnia is a good thing. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this show before they ruined it by bringing in a baby.
  • Third Watch - I never watched the show faithfully, but I have found it at 7 AM on A&E. I'm now remembering why I wasn't faithful. Oh my gosh, this show is just way too busy! I recall some years ago I was in Little Italy (Manhattan) and watched them filming the show. To this date, I've never seen that episode and still wonder if I might be in the background of some of the shots.
Da Knee and Da Health
I still have eight visits left of my physical therapy to complete the twenty visits allowed by my insurance company. That translates to four weeks as I'm now going twice a week. I'm going to try to appeal for more but I'm not too optimistic about them allowing it. The extension (leg out straight) is perfect and that's actually more of an obstacle than the bend in this surgery. Many folks have problems with straightening the leg and that results in a limp. I have no problems with that.

My bend unaided is usually still around 115 with 120 being the goal and more bend possible. Technically, anything 90 degrees or more is considered successful. But the more bend, the more you can do. Despite the horrible condition before the surgery, my bend (range of motion) was good. So, it's expected that I should achieve higher than 120 degrees. That Baker's Cyst on the back of the knee seems to be what's holding back the bend -- I get to a certain point and it's agony. On the other hand, I'm doing well with the exercise bike and my strength is improving.

Although I'm walking most of the time unaided, I still bring along either one crutch or a cane when I expect to be on my feet a lot. When I walk, the knee isn't painful, per se. It's a bit unstable, wobbly, stiff, and weird. It's after I do a lot on it that it's painful. It's still bigger than my other knee, but it's not all that swollen anymore. I still have odd pains coming out of nowhere at times and the huge numb spot on the lateral side of the knee, The scar itself loves to change colors -- in the morning it's white and really looking good, by evening (or after exercise), it's reddish-purple and angry-looking.

Then there's the blood clot and rat poison er, ... Coumadin/warfarin issues. I still have pain in my left calf (the knee replacement is on the left, too) from the clot. They tell me that might last for my lifetime. I've had some adverse reactions to my dosage of warfarin and they're still jockeying it about each week. Although my return to work isn't expected anytime soon, I will have to be cleared by the vascular surgeon as well as the orthopedic surgeon. In the meantime, all I can do is watch the dietary restrictions, have my blood drawn weekly, follow the dosage, carry my medical alert card, try to avoid cuts, and let the doctor's office know if I exhibit odd symptoms. This is just about as much fun as a knee replacement!

So, there you go. I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend! The weather has been stormy here, but it held off for the parade on Friday.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! Zoetawny made this 4th of July logo for us!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Do Wishes Come True?

I posted a new article over on TV Squad with a video interview featuring executive producer Allison Grodner. (No, she didn't talk to me. Sigh.) Oh, my! Could she be listening to the fan base? A more diverse cast? Older, middle, and younger? I may just faint!

Also, I was contacted (via TVS) by the AOL staffer who will be sitting in on the press conference this week for Big Brother 10. I was asked for questions to ask the houseguests and I hope some will come through!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

My Amazing Race Spoiler Post is up on TVS

The Amazing Race makes its debut on September 28, but I've tracked down the timeline, the countries, and a bit on the teams. Beware -- definite country spoilers, team spoilers to an extent, some task spoilers.

But if you want to peek, it's over on TV Squad.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Big Brother 10 is Just Around the Corner

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Yep, a new season is almost upon us! Graphic arteest Zoetawny has made a cool new season logo for the blog and we're just about ready to rock and roll. (Zoetawny rocks already and that's how I roll.)

You've all been fantastic hanging in while I've been tied up with the healing process. You have no idea how thrilled I am with the community which has developed here. I love it! I also enjoy the fact that new folks come along and are welcomed as they make the leap to posting comments. You all rock! A huge thank you is in order for Sydney who has been such a tremendous help as I went through the surgery and to this date as I go through rehab.

Ah, but this post is about Big Brother 10, right? I have a new article up over on TV Squad which delves into scheduling, some facts, and plenty of rumors. Of course, I'll have the feeds once again this season. Technically, I never don't have them as I've had the Real SuperPass for a number of years now. I generally take advantage of the $10 monthly music download credit from them and it evens out the cost of the subscription payments. Or, at least I tell myself it does.

I plan to cover the feeds both here and on TVS (different content for each just as I did last season), plus I'll live blog all of the shows here and write the Tuesday and Wednesday show review/recaps for TVS. At this time I plan to purchase the BBReloader once again. That enables me to record video to post to YouTube as well as to enlarge the actual screens more, watch all four feeds in separate windows at once, and lots more. As I will be off from work for most or all of the season, this is going to be a good diversion for me as it was the first summer I did this. Plus, I'll have the time to really get into it without suffering total exhaustion! Cool. :-)

That's the skinny and I have to head off to physical therapy to have my knee treated by my favorite physical terrorist soon.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

George Carlin and Last Night's 1975 SNL Debut

When George Carlin died last week, I was saddened. In my high school, college, and young adult days Carlin was almost an obsession of mine. I still have all of the vinyl albums from those days and regard him as one of the most cerebral and innovative comedians ever. I was aware of his heart problems in the past, but he was only 71 years old. That's too young. Sigh.

When I saw a promo for Saturday Night Live during the week, I got all excited. They were going to show the first ever episode of the show from September 1975 and its first guest host -- George Carlin. Woohoo! Vintage Carlin and something I've never seen! I was in college in Albany back in those days and the local network refused to carry the first two SNL shows as it was all so controversial. They buckled under pressure and I was a huge fan of the show into the '80s, but I never did get to see the first two shows ... until last night when I saw the debut.

Whoa! Not one, but two musical guests -- Billy Preston and Janis Ian. Each sang two songs. I would have preferred that Billy do "Will it Go Round in Circles" and "Nothing from Nothing" (which he did do) and that Janis Ian had sang "At Seventeen" (which she did) and "Society's Child." But, still ... I had forgotten that they didn't limit it to one artist early on in the show.

I had forgotten how good Chevy Chase was in the early days. Oh, this was before the "I'm Chevy Chase and you're not" bit, but good nonetheless. John Belushi wasn't hugely featured, but would become one of my favorites in the early years. Dan Ackroyd looked like a child. I guess we all pretty much were back then.

In the Carlin bits, there wasn't that much I don't have on the albums, but he did do a bit about religion and secularism towards the end of the show which was specifically for the show. At the end of the show he was smoking on stage, but back then people did. I remember Johnny Carson and the ashtray; Tom Snyder was a regular chimney. One bit which got me was when he mentioned watching old movies and wondering if people in the crowd scenes were dead. Here I was watching this show thinking he's gone, Belushi is gone, Gilda Radner is gone ... all way too soon.

I think Saturday Night Live did a fine thing by honoring George Carlin in this manner. It was great to see him in his heyday and a spiffy trip back in time for me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TV and Stuff

This is a photo I took of a tiger lily which I edited to create the black and white background.

In television doings --
  • Big Brother 10 -- Since the start date is a week later than past seasons, I don't think there will be any official cast news for another week or ten days minimum. I found this article which states that the casting has indeed been completed.
  • I think the only prime time shows I've been really, really following have been So You Think You Can Dance and America's Got Talent. I'm running behind on Hell's Kitchen due to the latter.
  • Call me silly or even simple, but I'm looking forward to the upcoming show on CBS about America's Greatest Dog. Of course, cats wouldn't fall for such a ploy. I could do my cat's trick, but if she were surrounded by strangers and cameras she would freak. I hold my hand out to her and say, "Show me the love" -- she licks my hand. Now if I could just get her to do a fist bump.
  • Oh! I'm also still watching Groomer Has It on Animal Planet. Now that it's between Artist and Jonathan, I want Artist to win because Jonathan is so arrogant.
As for me --
It's weird how this knee is consuming my life. I had my five week check up with the doctor last week. He's very pleased and claims I'm ahead of the game. My physical therapy is down to two times a week to spread out the visits as my health insurance only covers twenty visits. My range of motion is up around 113 with a forced 120. My muscles are strengthening every day. Unless I plan to be on my feet a lot, I don't use any aids in walking. I'm still at the point where I have to remind myself to walk heel to toe and bend my knee with each step. It can get a bit unstable if I stop thinking about walking, but that should improve.

I still do my home exercises three times daily followed by ice. There is still some pain and I ended up asking the doctor to give me the heavier stuff back (after requesting lighter meds) especially for my PT sessions and nights. I have yet to get a full night's sleep.

I'm also going out to have blood drawn weekly for the Coumadin levels. Now, instead of being on the Coumadin regiment until August, I'm on it until December. Sigh. I'm going to look like a chunky junkie by the time December rolls around.

But the recovery hasn't been as horribly painful as in my imagination pre-surgery. It's not really easy and I have had the complications of the blood clot and the Baker's Cyst behind my knee. (Did I mention that?) That's behind my operated knee causing pain and limiting my range of motion to an extent. But it's not the stuff of my worst nightmares I had envisioned. It's just tiring, somewhat painful, and weird.

I want to thank everyone for hanging in.

Monday, June 16, 2008

OFF TOPIC: Knee/Me Update and TVS Post

Vampires beware! For some odd reason, I have no desire to use the phone in this photo I took before my surgery!

I finally got a new post published over on TV Squad -- it's about the first season of Big Brother and includes some YouTube videos.

Recovery is going along okay, I guess. I still get tired very easily and yet can't sleep well. I have good days and bad days. This past Friday I had the best day ever in physical therapy (range of motion up to 120, consistently able to go backwards full revolutions on the bike, only my operative leg used in total body machine to lift my weight for three sets of ten times).

Then I blew all my progress by going out with a friend on Saturday. We went to lunch sitting two hours, then shopping and such. I pushed my knee way too hard being on it for more than a few hours. It let me know by getting all swollen, hot to the touch, and stiff. I couldn't do my exercises well yesterday and continue to have problems today. Thankfully I don't have PT today. I'm down to two times a week starting this week trying to spread out the whopping 20 visits allowed by my insurance company.

I go to PT tomorrow, go out to have blood drawn for the Coumadin levels on Wednesday, to the orthopedic surgeon for my five week follow up on Thursday, then PT on Friday again.

I won't be dancing soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Discussion Post

Although I'm personally in the "So You Think You Can Walk" stage right now, this is a show I really enjoy.

I won't be blogging about it each episode, but I think it warrants a discussion post. I know I'm sure to add some thoughts in the comments section.

The link to this post will be added to the sidebar and I hope everyone who watches the show jumps in with their opinions!

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Mole Blog Meet Up Discussion Post

I don't watch The Mole (not sure why, just never got into it), but I know many of you do!

Here's your place to discuss the show with friends on the blog. Feel free to link articles, talk about the show or anything Mole!

Okay, that didn't quite rhyme, did it?

This post will be linked in the sidebar under the blog discussion post and may it be a great season!

The Bachelorette Meet Up

On the Bachelorette website on there is a little screen and under it you can click on shorts to view. There is one called Diary of the Departed and is of some interest. It's the last words of the guys who leave each week. This week you can get one last glimpse of the Bitter Barber and Paul, the sweet, pillow lipped guy she let go last Monday night. I know, you can probably live without ever seeing the barber again, but you will chuckle to hear him still harping on Jeremy (Methinks he has a man crush and it's man-ifester-ing this way).

Tonight the boys get to race fast cars, wearing one piece jumpsuits. I think we liked the Ellen boxers better. And it looks like we may finally get to see the overplayed scene where she bawls out the guys while crying about how serious she is.

She rejects the kiss of one guy --ouch --and she goes on a solo date with Jesse, the long haired snowboard guy, so we can finally get more than a glimpse of what his appeal may be. It says a date may end with the most shocking outcome yet! Doesn't that make you want to tune in to see?

UPDATE - Image added, category label added, and I'll be linking this post to the sidebar momentarily! (Jackie)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Through the Boob Tube Darkly - A Post-Surgical Perspective

I wrote this post over a few days last weekend from notes I took in the hospital and during my first week or so at home. During that time, I was still taking pain meds on a very regular basis. Yes, the photo is my hospital room and IV.

I'm feeling much better today and no longer take the pain meds except when going to physical therapy. We're in a heat wave here, but I've had no reason to leave my apartment at all and I have the air conditioner on low. I'm feeling so good today that I came up with my own physical therapy! I put on a CD I have with old hits like "Wooly Bully" and "Louie Louie," cranked the volume, and danced or dance/walked my way around the apartment. I twisted a bit; I made a point of bending my knee and putting weight on it -- no walker (been folded all week), no crutch ... on my feet! Although the knee got very warm, it didn't hurt and still doesn't now a half-hour after I stopped acting like a lunatic. My cat wasn't thrilled, though.

Without further ado, here's the rather drug-induced post --

Before I get into my list of what my drug-induced mind has been either entertained or irked by, I have to spend a moment talking about hospital televisions. One day, you too could end up in the hospital and you'll remember my words of wisdom here.

First, it was a great 42 inch flat screen, better than my televisions here at home. Thank you. Oh, and I had a DVD player, too! Woohoo! But it's all downhill from there. What? No remotes? What's up with that? There I was, strictly bed-bound for four days before they let me get up and I don't have a darned remote at all for the DVD player? Not only that, but the DVD player was across the room from me! How about the remote for the television? It's not a real one! Hooked into the "call nurse," more pain meds thingee, and change bed positions doohickey, I had an on/off for the television and up/down controls for channel changing. No numerics, mind you. I was stuck going through the realm of channels to get at anything I wanted to watch.

So, hospitals, listen up. I was not there for comedy relief accidentally shooting myself up with more pain meds when I just wanted to watch The Late Show with David Letterman. I wasn't there to make a spectacle of myself contorting my bed into odd positions when I merely wanted to find anything other than an infomercial at 4:00 in the morning. And if you're thoughtful enough to have a DVD player there, put it where the patient can actually operate it. Real remotes are desperately needed. Feel free to search my belongings. Body search me on the way out since you've already shred any dignity and privacy I ever had. I won't steal the remote; I have plenty of my own. I won't mention that the on/off switch for the lights on the doohickey did nothing. Oops, I mentioned it.

Then, after nearly a week in the hospital, I went home sweet home. Home, where I know my cable stations, home where I have real remotes. Home, where I had set up everything convenient for limited mobility. Now, since I've been home, I've still been pretty heavily medicated. It's made for a long strange trip of television watching between the zombie state and the insomnia. Here are some of my observations from that state of mind, not in any particular order:

1. The Late Show with David Letterman - Reruns last week on my first almost full week home? Yeah, I know it was the end of May Sweeps, but sheesh, Dave ... it's bad enough you had Jack Hanna on for the same night as my surgery and I missed my favorite guest on the show. Oh, and the Stupid Pet Tricks were on the pathetic side this time around. Dave, you let me down.

2. Dexter - I don't have Showtime and was trying to catch the first season when they aired it on CBS. Due to writing up the Sunday night Big Brother review, I missed enough to make me buy the first season on DVD. Great show, can watch while medicated and I sometimes identify with Dexter. But I don't go around killing people for either good cause or bad. I have been known to kill bugs on the "he needed to die" basis, but I don't think that's a crime.

3. The Meerkats movie on Animal Planet - Whoa, too much background into the filming of the series. I fell asleep both times I tried to watch it. Hey, maybe that's the cure for my insomnia! I enjoyed the series and I'm looking forward to the new season, but this didn't do anything for me.

4. Raw Nature on Animal Planet - Oh, animals eating each other, always a diversion from life at home! This kept my interest, but I think my cat got too much into watching it. You know, I've heard tell of cats eating their deceased owners. Eep.

5. Old original series Law and Order on TNT - My interest in this show has waned over the past few years, but I like the older episodes with Benjamin Bratt. Whether it's poor memory or the drugs I've been on, I didn't even remember a few of these I watched. So it was like new entertainment for me.

6. The Andromeda Strain on A&E - Speaking of Benjamin Bratt ... he's still adorable these days! I know I have the book and I saw the original movie, but it's been decades. It didn't wow me, but I stayed awake through it.

7. Judge David Young - This is a judge show I haven't watched too often, so he's pretty fresh for me. I think some of his rulings seem to come from his heart and not the law, but that's what people get for wanting to go on TV instead of a real court with their foolishness.

8. Homicide: Life on the Street - As many times as I see this show, I still want to watch it again. I was ticked at the hospital for not having a cable company which included WGN. Now that I'm home, Kellerman killed Luther Mahoney. Cool.

9. Criminal Minds - This show has always been up against something else I watch and I never had the time to watch many recorded shows due to life constraints. Perfect, A&E is carrying it now. Fresh fodder for me.

10. The latest Optimum Online Triple Play commercial - This is so overplayed! I didn't like the rap one last year and this one is even more annoying. It sometimes plays three times within a half-hour on some stations. Gack. I just see that Optimum flour bag and start to cringe. I only enjoy the lawn guy winking. Make it stop. (And they're the company which doesn't carry WGN!)

11. The First 48 on A&E - Played at all hours in the middle of the night, nothing like a good murder or two to keep the TV zombie staring at the set.

12. So You Think You Can Dance - I don't watch Dancing With the Stars, but this show is a constant hit for me. But just wait until some of these dancers get some good years on those knees. They'll end up in a hospital without real remotes for the TV!

13. American Idol winner David Cook on The Early Show - Darn it. A crane fell and we only had one song while I'm sure there was to be two. Not that I'm cold-hearted, but here in the NYC area, all programming on all local stations carried the news until well past noon. Five hours of pretty much the same news shots with little or no real new news during that time. I was thankful noon came around and WGN with its Homicide comes out of Chicago.

14. Reruns of Home Improvement and Rosanne on either TVLand or Nick - I never really watched the former when it originally aired. So it's like mindless light fluff entertainment for me, grunt. As for Rosanne, watching it after so many years made me remember why I enjoyed the series in the first place.

15. Groomer Has It on Animal Planet - Although I'm getting tired of the same old formula for reality shows, I still got hooked on this one. They should groom more cats, though. And, as entertaining as Artist is, he's a weak groomer.

16. Forensic Files and The Investigators on truTV - More real murders. I think perhaps I have a twisted mind. I still think truTV is a dumb brand for the station, but they didn't ask me.

17. The Wire on DVD - Ah, now I have the time to go through the four seasons I own without much real life interference (day job) cutting into my viewing time. Come August, I'll have season five. Life is good. Well, maybe not for the corner boys, but I'm more of a stoop kind of gal.

18. Hell's Kitchen - Matt has to go. I think his presence makes my knee hurt more. Thus I have to take more pain meds. It's Matt's fault! (Update - he's gone and my knee feels better!)

19. The Smoking Gun Presents on truTV - Now, any reality TV blogger knows The Smoking Gun website. For years it was the source for dirt on reality contestants. So when I found this in my channel surfing, I watched. Leif Garret, Tonya Harding, Danny Bonaduce and other Z List celebs known for their stupidity judge the stupidity of others on video. Hmm ... if Darwin's Theory of natural selection were indeed correct, all of these people should be gone, right? That said, it made me laugh. Of course, it could be my medication.

20. Saturday Night Fever movie repeat this past Saturday - A blast from the past and I was surprised I watched it all the way through. "You hit my hair. I worked hours on it and you hit my hair." Oh, I should be dancing. But I don't think my orthopedic surgeon would approve.

21. Sunday Morning on CBS - Always a part of my Sunday morning routine, this brings a sense of normality to my bizarre life of late.

22. NYCTV25 from - This is a local cable station, but always interesting. From Cool in Your Code to the music to the events to Secrets of New York, it makes me want to get back to photo stomping around town. Yep, an incentive to recover!

23. Trauma: Life in the E.R. on Discovery/Health - Like I haven't had enough of hospitals, eh? Maybe this caught my attention because I'm grateful this was a planned surgery. I don't know.

24. Living Lohan - That's a half hour of my life I'll never get back. Even on medication, this is a waste of my valuable time. I could be dancing, y'know!

So there you go. I feel a bit like the guy in A Clockwork Orange with his eyes forced open, a true TV zombie. Pardon me, it's 2 AM and I found Without a Trace.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Nope, I didn't post that TV post last night. It will go up sometime over the weekend. When I posted yesterday, Sydney had posted an extensive look at June television which I think warrants some more attention as my post a bit usurped it.

Her post is here.

I also want to throw out kudos and huge thank yous to both Sydney and Zoetawny for all of their work in keeping the blog going! They both rock, as do all of you hanging in the comments!

In my physical therapy yesterday, I was up to 102 degrees bend. There is an issue with pain and swelling in the back of the knee. That's holding my bend back more than the actual knee or other issues at this time. My physical therapist has a few theories -- it could be blood clot related, or a Baker's cyst, or something wrong with the Popleitius (sp) muscle. Although I can feel the swelling and the back of the knee was hugely bruised post-op, the only time I have pain from it is when I push the bend of the knee. If it's still an issue when I next see my surgeon a week from Thursday, I'll have him check it out.

Friday, June 06, 2008

I'm Alive and ... Free, Free, Free at Last (sort of)

Look, look! I've been outside! Later tonight I plan to post a longer TV-related post I worked on for a few days, Unfortunately, my computer corner isn't as comfortable for my knee as I thought it would be. Stints of over ten or fifteen minutes get very uncomfortable. I find it hard to keep shifting positions and try to think at the same time. Of course, right now I'm not sure if I can walk and chew gum at the same time either!

That said, since the beginning of last weekend, I've deliberately been cutting down on the heavy duty pain meds. All this week, I've only taken them about an hour before my physical therapy appointments. Since I do have some pain outside of the appointments, I have to ask my doctor for some kind of lighter duty pain relief. I don't like the zombie feeling I get from the heavy stuff (though it's definitely needed for the physical therapy -- PAIN!).

But the big news is ... I'm walking with no walker, no crutches, no cane around my apartment! When I go out in the real world, I'm walking with a pretty even gait using one crutch. It's tiring, but not painful. Until I rebuild my quad and calf muscles, I'm going to rely on the one crutch for stability.

I've had out patient physical therapy twice so far this week and will head off my the third time after I get this posted. To get there, I've walked a block to the bus stop near my apartment and have taken a city bus two towns over to Scotch Plains and the therapist. Once in town there, it's a half block walk. I got there early yesterday and took some photos in the park and of the cannon in the street. Don't ask me why there's a cannon in the street, I do not know. In the cannon photo, I used layers to make only the flowers have color.

I know someone mentioned Roofus in comments, but I won't get that way for a while. That's about seven blocks in the opposite direction of anywhere I have to go right now. And, though I know I'm improving and feel stronger every day, my jaunts are still pretty limited and I'm only really going where I have to go.

But it is nice to actually get out of the apartment, feel my mind clearing a bit from the medication and the surgery itself. I'm starting to have more of an appetite, but think I may have lost nearly 20 pounds -- my clothes are all loose. That's a good thing, mind you. My range of motion is at a 92 degree bend now, up from 60 leaving the hospital. I can actually stand on just the operated leg, but not for long.

So that's the latest. Later on tonight I'll get that long written while a zombie TV-related post up.

Today's musical non-sequitur:
"I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain."
"Horse With No Name" - America

Proof SOMETHING is on in June....

OK folks -- we should be hearing from Jackie soon. I spoke to her today and the lilt was back in her voice... now the question is, when will the spring return to her step?

She has something written up that she will post. But it seems the way her desk is configured, it's hard to be comfortable while using the computer for long, so she has just not been on it... and frankly, after a double year of Big Brother, I think that is not such a bad forced rest. Glad to hear things are going well and we look forward to hearing from you Jackie!!!

Entertainment Weekly has devoted a whole issue to Summer TV and since we've been grappling with what that is exactly, I made up a nice little list for y'all to look over.

Weeds:  June 16 on Showtime at 10 PM (13 eps) Emmy winning, title speaks for self!

30 Days:  June 3 on FX at 10 PM (6 eps)  This is a FAVORITE of mine!! From Morgan Spurlock, the guy who did the movie Supersize me. Takes people from one walk of life and makes them spend 30 days doing something or being with people that are polar opposites, to challenge their thinking and grow their compassion, doing the audience the same service. A+!!!

Nashville Star, hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus (Orkmommy do you hear that?) on NBC, starting June 9th at 9:30 PM (9 eps) NBC rescued this from USA channel, this show's 6th season gets good reviews.

Celebrity Circus: NBC June 112, 9:30 PM (6 eps) Joey Fatone hosts an 8 wk boot camp and circus training with c list stars.  I'll watch, lol. 

Hopkins: ABC, June 16, 10 PM (6 eps) Puts the doc in documentary re: life at Baltimore's John's Hopkins Hospital.  Rise in female surgerons makes this the real life Grey's Anantomy.

MVP: SOAPnet, June 19, 11PM (1o eps) set in the bedrooms of fictional pro hockey players , steamy nighttime sudser is from Canada)... for Tom 's and Lars (not that you watch soaps)

Camp Rock: Starts June 20 on Disney Channel, 8 PM  ( new movie, probably like High School whatever that thing is that's sweeping the nation)

Army Wives: Lifetime, June 10, 10PM (19 eps) Life on an army base in S. Carolina, part deux. Endorsed by both presidential candidates... um.

Wipeout: ABC, June 24, 8PM. Described as a cross between MXC (huh?), Fear Factor and American's Funniest Home Videos. 24 contestants try to complete a series of physical challenges. Try is the operative word. 

The Bill Engvall Show: TBS June 12, 9 PM (10 eps).  A family sitcom, season 2, with surprise guests.  Trying to bring back Dick Van Dyke kind of comedy says Engvall.  

The Singing Office: TLC June 29, 9 PM  (9 eps).  Joey Fatone is BUSY, as host, joined by DWTS and Spice Girls Mel B as colleges from 16 co's battle for $50,000 singings. Could be funny.

Kathy Griffin's D list:  Bravo, June 12, 9 PM (9 eps) 

The Mole: ABC, June 2, 10PM (10 eps) -- in case you didn't know.

In Plain Sight: USA, June 1, 10 PM ( 12 eps) Starring West Wing's Mary McCormack. She and her partner, Frederick Weller, relocate people in the witness protection program to New Mexico. Deals with what happens when you have to reinvent yourself. Sounds intriguing.

America's Got Talent: NBC, June 17, 9 PM (Eps TBD)

I Survived a Japanese Game Show: ABC, June 24, 9 PM Why should I try to explain with a title like that?  I'll tune in. Jackie, will you?

Ice Road Truckers: History Chanel, June 8, 9 PM (13 eps) Season 2 follows rigs hauling loads over frozen the Arctic Ocean.  Deadliest Catch meets Sue from Survivor?  Don't let me discourage you with my poor attempt at humor. This is the channels highest rated series (who knew?) 

Secret Diary of a Call Girl: Showtime, June 16, 10:30 PM (8 eps). Imported from the UK based on a real life call girl's blog. Billie Piper from Dt. Who stars.

My Boys: TBS, June 12, 9:30 PM (9 eps) This looked like a fun premise last year, but I only caught 1 half ep... if any of you watched it, would love to know what you thought!

Legally Blonde, the Musical: MTV, June 2, 10 PM (8 eps)  10 Broadway hopefuls vie for the starring role played by Reese Witherspoon. Hey, if I were dating Jake Gyllenhall, I'd be singing too.

Law and Order, Criminal Intent: USA, June 8, 9 PM (12 eps)

Tori and Dean, Home Sweet Hollywood: Oxygen, June 12, Time???

The A-List Awards, hosted by Kathy Griffin: Bravo, June 12 10 EST

Design Star: HGTV, June 8, 9PM EST

When We Left Earth - The Nasa Missions: Discovery, June 8, 9 EST The Nasa film vaults are opened, and with the intended quality of the Planet Earth series, we can live the epic adventures of the challenges and achievements of our space program... in HD.  

Will list what's on in July later in the week.