I will update this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!
So, we have to sit through all the alliances and the triple eviction once again during the Previously On segment.
Okay, it's to the pumpkin teeter-totter HoH comp in the back yard. Cody has to sit this one out and is worried that if Christmas wins, he'll go on the block. They have to transport one pumpkin at a time over the teeter-totter, 25 of them, if they drop one they have to start all over again.
None of them seem to be having an easy time with it. Nicole seems to have developed a strategy. Enzo is horrible at it. Now both Christmas and Memphis are doing better than Nicole. Christmas only has two pumpkins to go and we go into commercial.
Christmas has to reset as a pumpkin fell from her basket. She cries to us. Too bad, so sad. Whoops! Memphis loses a pumpkin. This leaves Nicole in the lead. Enzo is just a joke at this point.
Christmas cries more to us from the Diary Room and plays the son card. Wah, wah.
Christmas cries to Nicole that it's been an emotional week. It makes Nicole feel so sad ...not. Although, she is polite to Christmas who cries and cries in the Diary Room to us. And to Memphis. Now, he's not happy with a Nicole win either. He figures he will be on the block. Meanwhile, Enzo is in a happy place because he thinks Nicole will take out either Memphis or Christmas and the blood won't be on his hands.
Nicole talks Memphis and Christmas as nominees to Enzo and Cody. Enzo is pushing a Memphis target. Nicole tells us her target is Memphis.
A funny bit about Christmas walking into Enzo in the toilet stall. Oh ... and we're going to see an HoH room, huh? Not much of that this season either on the feeds or the show. Maybe because of her Victor, also from BB. Change that to definitely because of Victor.
Christmas goes in the HoH to suck up to Nicole. Nicole is looking for intel and tells her that she doesn't think she has any reason to put either Enzo or Cody up and she doesn't want her (Christmas) to go home. Christmas obviously wants to target Cody. We know Nicole is tight with Cody.
Cody interrupts them. Naturally, Nicole tells all from Christmas to him. Now Cody wants Christmas out rather than Memphis. Nicole isn't happy with that as she wants to keep Christmas over Memphis, thinking that would be better for her own game.
A segment on Enzo's foot stalker looking at his ugly feet.
Now it's Memphis's turn to try to convince Nicole he needs to be safe. He tells her he has no other alliances other than the Committee. He tells her Enzo and Cody have alliances. He promises her safety and promises to take her to the final two. She tells him she's the odd one out. She plays along with him but tells us no way.
We have Christmas music, so I assume it's time for a Christmas clip. Yep. She air horns Enzo in the toilet stall.
Time for the nominations ceremony. Nicole first nominates Christmas, then Memphis, saying that because she has to make a move that may help her game. Christmas voted to evict her, Memphis put her on the block.