Yes, we're getting down to the wire and it really can't come too soon! Tonight we will have the final four live veto meeting and Cody, as the PoV holder, will make the decision who will be going out the door -- Nicole or Christmas.
For those who may have forgotten who they have in the blog pool, SueGee's latest update can be found at this here link.
I will be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!
As per usual, I'm sitting out Previously On.
Hmm ... the narrator says that Cody's decision is not set in stone? Hmm. I guess they need to fill out the show. At least we'll have a jury house segment.
Day 79 so Julie says. Oh, great ... we'll find out before the hour is up. Thanks!
Enzo tells Christmas that he wants to keep her in the house. He thinks he stands a better chance of getting to the final two with her and the win, although he doesn't come out and say the win.
They both know that Cody and Nicole would most likely take each other if they're in position to do so. It turns out that now Nicole holds the record for the most amount of time spent in the house.
Cody is teasing her that she needs to go with that record. At least he's acting like he's teasing. Enzo and Cody talk about how Christmas and Nicole are now best friends. Enzo wants to convince Cody that Christmas would be easier to beat in the final HoH. Cody tells us he isn't all that worried because he knows Nicole would take him to the final two.
Christmas is solitary right now, talking to herself. She thinks that even Enzo has betrayed her and doesn't think she'll take him to the final two if she can get that far. So, now she thinks she needs to work on gaining Cody's favor.
So, she works on Cody, throwing Enzo under the bus and telling him that Enzo said he would bring her to the final two. She continues to throw him under the bus with the old Nicole vote. She promises to take him to the final two if she stays and wins. Cody admires what she's doing. But he does have final two deals with both Enzo and Nicole ... so, I ask you ... why would he even want to keep Christmas? Oh. To add minutes to the show. I got it!
Nicole talks to him. She tells him she thinks it would be easier to beat Enzo in the final comp. He tells her about Christmas's proposed final two deal. She's getting antsy and might be blowing it with Cody. She gets emotional while he giggles.
To the jury house. All are surprised about Memphis arriving. They watch the video. David thinks Nicole could win it all while the others don't think so. They think Enzo and Nicole are going to go after each other. Da'Vonne points out that Nicole laid low in her season then won comps at the end.
Time for the final veto meeting and live eviction. Cody cannot use the veto as there is no one else to evict.
Christmas -- Shout outs. She compliments Nicole. Enzo - congrats on third place. Cody -- jury will see previous winner
Nicole -- Talks of friendship with Cody. Hopes to be kitchen friends with Christmas, nice to Enzo, shout outs to family at end.
Cody has to vote live ...
He evicts Christmas. Nicely, but surely, the holiday season ends a few months early. She's polite but full of herself as usual during her Julie interview. I want to know why she has some sort of rag in her hand flopping it around as she talks.
Julie announces the AFP voting is opening. As usual you can vote up to ten times a day on the CBS BB website.
The final three get encouraging words from home with videos.
There is a special episode tomorrow night.
Monday is Part One of the Hoh and other things.
Wednesday is the finale.