Greetings, Hamster Watchers!
Lifeguard SueGee, affectionately known as SqueeGee, certainly had her hands full coming up with the random matches for this BB23 blog pool. I believe we hit the record for entries this season -- 68! Thank you, SueGee! Lots of old and familiar faces and we welcome several newbies to the pool this season! It's great to have you all aboard and may the best hamster win!
Please check to make sure that, if you signed up on the sign up post before the cut-off today, you are listed and that your name is correctly spelled. If it isn't or you should be there and are not listed, please comment on THIS post and we'll get it corrected.
JOKERSBrandon Frenchie French: Cheryl in NC, cminnie, Janice from GA, Sally
Azah Awasum: Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Britini D'Angelo: CherryPie, Donna in Alabama, Jlaf, Sharon C
Derek Frazier: Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Whitney Williams: Caela, ChaCha, David, Mario Lee, Jennasmom
Brent Champagne: Bizaro22, Jennifer S, Nora M, Sharon N
Derek Xiao: Auntie Leigh, Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, SueGee,T town Chic
Hannah Chaddha: BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Christian Birkenberger: Jackie, Joanne Victoria, Shayne, Willie J
Alyssa Lopez: CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan
Xavier Prather: Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Sarah Beth Steagall: Andi, Brenda, ~~~Tilde, TS14Fan
Claire Rehfuss: KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924
Kyland Young: chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell: April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc
Travis Long: Donna in FL, Joyce Johnson, Mary F from PA, Rich in Buffalo, YoDave22