Wednesday, August 09, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into The Evening Wednesday 8/09

<---- Erika listening to Danielle drone on and on (and on) about her trials, tribulations, achievements and so-cool moves in her Big Brother gameplaying. Is she interested or just faking it? I think the latter. Now, I admire Danielle's game skillz (as the kids say), but sometimes she should just be quiet and stop tooting her own horn! Poor Erika has been her captive for more than an hour now as Marcellas escaped sometime ago.

Blog reader Taytaa17 pointed me to an article which has plenty of news regarding both the returning ghostly houseguests and even a bit on the Coup d'etat. An excerpt from the article:

The first group of former HouseGuests will return for a surprise cameo appearance to air Thursday, Aug. 10 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) during the live eviction show. The former HouseGuests will be incorporated into the HOH competition, which will require this season's All Stars to recall specific clues they have received from the former Houseguests throughout the week in order to be crowned this week's HOH.
Another group of former Houseguests will return to serve as judges during this week's Food Competition to air on Sunday, Aug. 13 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Former Houseguests are also playing a role in the Veto Competition to air on Tuesday, Aug. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

Head on over to the CANOE-JAM! site linked above to read the whole article. Thanks, Taytaa17! While I'm giving a shoutout, I may as well give one to Sandy at AOL TV, too. Woohoo! Thanks so much for everything!

Okay, to the evening's happenings in that Big Brother House of Frat Boys and the Women Who Mock Them:
  • After last night's ghost-spotting, tonight's very tame in the house.
  • The houseguests talked about their favorite BB moments from their own season or others that didn't involve themselves.
  • Will said the show didn't need 50 year-old fat women in the house and they can't bring their cats. [Editor's note: My cats don't want to be in the house any more than I do.]
  • They kept singing or talking about things which irked the production staff; we kept getting flames. I think Will has issues with his avid interest in The Facts of Life.
  • Danielle callled all the guys (except perhaps Kaysar) "frat boys." It fits.
  • Erika is pretty sure that no houseguests are returning for the season.
  • Will whined once again that BB has forbidden him to speak on the live show because he called Julie Chen "sweetheart." [Editor's note: I'll guess we'll see how true this is or whether it's something he's concocted for entertainment or amusement. I'll watch to see if his lips are sealed to Julie on the live show!]
  • James and Boogie lifted weights. Yawn. I don't like the grunting. Make them stop.
  • George and Howie think it would be way cool if the Jedi Alliance made it to the Final Two. [Editor's note: Now, THAT would freak Marcellas and Danielle out!]
  • Erika and Danielle both say they feel bad about Kaysar's nom. But both agree that a S6 must go.
  • Marcellas had a hissy fit because in the Past Houseguests Spirits bit earlier, Josh was wearing his robe.
  • Mike Boogie insulted the state of North Carolina, calling it "Patheticville." [Editor's note: Uh-oh!]
  • Danielle seems to be getting increasingly frustrated with her choice of Kaysar to go. Whether she'll go with her newly-grown heart or her plan, I don't know. Knowing Danielle and how she goes with her first instinct, I still think she'll probably vote for Kaysar to leave. Then she'll cry about it to us and the houseguests.
  • Danielle and Erika plan to backdoor Janelle when they nominate James and Howie next time they get HOH. [Editor's note: I love these, "when I get HOH" things - it almost always changes.]

That's the latest.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Later Wed. Afternoon (PDT) 8/09

Hi! I want to thank everyone for all the great comments! It's fantastic to see the discussions, questions, ideas, varying takes on both the show and the houseguests, and the positive response to this blog. You guys all rock! (Even the James fans!) You're what keeps me at this and I appreciate all the kind words.

So... what happened after the big lockdown? Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Things That Go Bump In The Afternoon:
  • What did we get when BB let them in the house? Lotsa flame/clouds with blaring theme music! I bet you could've guessed that, huh? But we pick up what happened by the conversations afterwards so it's just like being there. Kind of. Sort of.
  • Will said, "Remember, if there's a spontaneous eviction, I predicted it." [Editor's note: Okay, I entered it here for prosterity.]
  • Mike Boogie said Bunky's acting was good.
  • Chicken George said Alison looked mean. [Editor's note: I've always thought that, even when she's not a ghostly presence! Okay... I jest. She doesn't look mean. I just don't like her.]
  • Aha! The missing devil duck I mentioned yesterday - Holly was holding it. Poor duck. She's probably ducknapped it and will lead it into a life of has-been duckdom.
  • Josh Souza from Season 1 - George's season and Erika's ex-boyfriend - was one of the spirits.
  • The scheming resumed rather quickly. I myself would have tried to memorize the house happenings. They had a time limit to be in the house before they were kicked out to the backyard once again.
  • James campaigned, Danielle snapped at BB that they're adults not children when BB told them to put on their mics. The mics were on, but...!
  • Someone (Will?) told Janelle that Danielle wants James out. Now she feels sorry for him. [Editor's note: Do NOT tell me she's that gullible! She can't be! Argh!]
  • Will and Danielle, with occasional input from Marcellas, talked about Internet message board and Housecalls common questions asked. That was a HOOT! And they were so spot on that I laughed out loud listening to them! "How come there aren't more over 50 people on the show?" "How come they all want to be actors and have agents?" "How come only two black people?" "How come someone is always gay?"
  • Alas, now it's all back to card-playing. Oh... that was one of their fake questions they posed. "How come Big Brother gave them playing cards and all they do is sit around playing cards?"

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Daytime 8/09

There are a lot of questions about the proposed Coup D'etat (which is a French term meaning to overthrow a leader or government) and the return of ghost houseguests from the past. From what I see, one has nothing to do with the other. The houseguests from the past will play into tomorrow night's live show HOH comp while the Coup D'etat will be introduced, but not necessarily affecting tomorrow night's eviction. While the HG know something is up with past houseguests due to ghostly appearances of Bunky, Jase, Alison and Eric (Cappy, not the Other Eric), they know nothing of the Coup D'etat. They'll presumably find out when we do... tomorrow night. Celebrity Spider has a little press release write-up about things.

Here are the day's events so far in that Big Brother House of Misdirection and Possible Production Posings:
  • BB tried to arouse the HG before 9 AM their time. I fainted.
  • Will kept talking about his DR sessions, so we kept getting flame/clouds and way too loud show theme music. Okay! Okay! I'm awake! Knock it off! Apparently he was told he won't be asked any more questions on the live show due to his condescending "sweetheart" remark to Julie Chen. Or, he could be lying about it all. I don't know. He's calling her ChenBot, though. He must peek at all the sites!
  • Marcellas and Danielle trashtalked Janelle to start their day. How sweet, huh?
  • Danielle eavesdropped by the door as Mike and Kaysar discussed "what if" strategical moves and Will's brouhaha over the Diary Room sessions.
  • Kaysar told Mike that James can be used by Danielle more than he (Kaysar) can. He also mentioned that James said the next target was Chill Town. Mike seemed very interested, though it could be a ploy.
  • Janelle went and told Will (who's sure to tell Mike) that she can't play for Veto next week. [Editor's note: So, now her secret is known by Kaysar, Howie and Will. She may as well tell James and Marcellas next. Or, better yet, ask BB to put it up on their plasma screen.]
  • Will told her that everyone already knew she couldn't. [Editor's note: They might have, but I don't recall hearing anyone outside of Janelle actually talking about it. I'm sure folks know now or will soon.]
  • Will kept insulting CBS, producers and their minions, and more. We kept getting flames.
  • James is the latest to see a face in a mirror - he thinks it was Eric. He thinks it's a real person, not a hologram and not just a face.
  • Danielle told Marcellas that Will asked her how to vote and she told him it didn't matter - as long as one of those [bleepers!] leaves.
  • Will reported his discussions back to Danielle. All of them. Janelle has no Veto playing for this week, Erika is running around telling people that Danielle wants James to stay. He also told Danielle that James needs to act more nervous. [Editor's note: James' acting sucks. The S6 crowd are onto him and Danielle.]
  • Danielle decided that James has to go into high-campaign gear for cover. [Editor's note: @@ - a bit too late!]
  • James tried to talk Howie into voting for him... again. Will it work? I doubt it. Howie isn't too bright, but knows he's in better straits with Kaysar than with James.
  • Howie SO wants to see a ghost. Poor Big Boy!
  • Marcellas said he thinks the ghosts mean nothing. I'm assuming he means as far as a HG returning. Obviously, there's some reason behind them, right? We know, but the HG don't! Nyah, nyah!
  • They've been on an outdoor lockdown for hours now. They have the HOH digital camera to play with, but nothing else is really happening. Lockdowns where they're all basically in one place limit strategy talks.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Hours Into Wednesday 8/09

I have to start off with a small alert -- as I go to post this Blogger has a notice of a planned outage (for maintenance, I presume) at 4 PM PT (7 PM for me). The notice doesn't give any time estimate, but please be aware that you might have some difficulty accessing the blog around that time. Or, perhaps you can access it, but I won't be able to post a new entry. Or... maybe comments won't work! I don't really know, but thought I'd give a heads up for the readers. They usually don't keep it down too long. I'm still very pleased with the Blogger product. There are very few glitches or bugs in the long run, so I can certainly forgive them for a planned maintenance period.

Oh? You want to know more about the Haunting and the events from the wee hours into the dawn in that Big Brother House of Screaming Mimis? Here's the scoop:
  • The Haunting started with Erika seeing Alison's image and screaming. Now, keep in mind, she's not feeling too well to begin with due to her Slop Week and not even eating much of that.
  • Howie tried to be the Hero Jedi, searching out the demon to protect the Fair Maiden. Or something like that. A few houseguests think she hallucinated it and it didn't happen, until...
  • Will said it wouldn't be an isolated incident. If it was BB doing it, they would have more sightings. Sure enough.
  • Erika, saying she doesn't even like scary movies, packed up for the night and moved to another room. She refuses to be alone.
  • Meanwhile, Chicken George and Kaysar had an extended friendly talk in the backyard, oblivious to any ghosts haunting the BB House. It had started out with Kaysar campaigning, but turned into a chat covering just about anything and everything. Will George vote to keep Kaysar? He didn't commit.
  • Then Mike Boogie saw the Ghost of Jase-Face and freaked out even more than Erika - screaming like a small child scared by the Boogeyman. Oh, that's an appropriate expression to a point, isn't it? Mike Boogie, Boogeyman. Um... hmmm, not quite. I'll move along here.
  • James tried (again and still) to turn Howie (of all people) against Janelle.
  • As this was happening, ghostly faces (images) were popping up here and there throughout the house -- most went unnoticed by the houseguests.
  • Howie told Marcellas that in the scary movies, the gay guy always gets killed first.
  • So far, only Erika, Mike and Janelle have seen the image(s). The rest are hovering between believing them and thinking they made it all up.
  • For a while, no one could find Will. They went looking everywhere and he wasn't in the Diary Room. That mystery is still unsolved.
  • Marcellas thinks they've gone bonkers.
  • Howie said Jase is after Mike and Alison is after Erika and Janelle. He's just waiting for Diane and Nakomis faces to show up.
  • James and Will complained that the Haunting is boring and so set-up by Big Brother. Sheesh, guys...!
  • Will again (or still) is upset that the Diary Room "yelled at" him for calling Julie Chen "sweetheart" on the live show.
  • Mike went to the HOH to be with Erika, Marcellas and Danielle. He doesn't want his screaming hysterical reaction to the Jase Face shown on television.
  • A group gathered in the kitchen to cook slop and food and George spoofed on them. He came running into the room screaming, "You'll never guess who I saw in the mirror!" And, they fell for it, getting all excited until he said, "Chicken George!"
  • Janelle told Danielle that she's pregnant. I don't think Danielle believes her, nor do I. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind that strategy at all.
  • Danielle, but of course, had to leave the HOH to see what's going on in the kitchen. If she's this into things all the time at home... her poor kids can't get away with anything!
  • Erika told Kaysar that Danielle hasn't told her what result she wants this week in the eviction. [Editor's note: She knows darn well that Danielle wants them to vote Kaysar out! However, I personally think that Danielle wouldn't be crushed if it were James... her goal of one S6 out would be achieved either way. I think that James spending points in the POV, especially for the phone call, made her realize that he'll do what he wants to do, not what she wants him to do and that perhaps he feels too secure for his own good.]
  • Kaysar told Eirka that he feels bad about what happened to James last year and he's not going to judge him. He also told her that he thinks Danielle wants to keep James, break up S6, then James will float. He thinks James and Danielle are probably working together, but isn't sure.
  • Kaysar also thinks that Danielle has little use for him (Kaysar) as she really can't use him... she knows he figures things out for himself.
  • Erika again got all emotional about the stress, Alison face, lack of food and so on and so forth. She wants a DOR - Demand of Release - a voluntary exit from the show. She said she must have food.
  • Janelle and Kaysar know that Danielle is campaigning to keep James and that James has turned on the S6 Players. Alas, what they don't know is that their alliances with Mike/Will aren't the only alliances with Mike/Will and that no one knows what Mike/Will will really do until it's done.
  • Janelle is deliberately trying to get under Danielle's skin and make her angry.
  • Kaysar thinks George may be voting for him to stay after their bonding session, but he's totally unaware that George has a deal with Danielle. George didn't commit to Kaysar.
  • It's finally dawning on Kaysar and Janelle that they are being used by James, he's been acting since the nominations and is in the thick with Danielle. [Editor's note: DUH, guys! You should have known from the get go not to trust him! A snake never changes its rattles. Or something like that!]

And the saga will continue... once they're up and about for the day.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin Screen Cap - EEK!

EEK!  An Other Worldly ALISON

<--- This is the image frightening the houseguests as folks have started posting about in my previous entry. (Check the play-by-play there!)

The brand new show promos talk about ghosts from previous seasons and it's started.

Now the houseguests are sure someone is coming back.