Friday, August 25, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Friday 8/25

A house without James and a floater in the HOH room. This week, we'll see how loyal Erika is to Danielle as Chill Town puts the pressure on for a Danielle eviction.

Here are the events of the overnight hours in the Big Brother House of Silly Boys, Distrusting Women and a Chicken Man:
  • Erika tried begging Big Brother for alcohol. BB won't give them any on Thursday nights as a rule. She offered more sexy hot tub scenes and more. BB held its ground, no alcohol.
  • Will tried to get Janelle to play up to Erika and she refused. She "hates being fake." Will told her the name of the game is Big Liar, not Big Brother.
  • Mike told George that he had been the one with the "secret power." [Editor's note: As if no one knew, eh?]
  • Erika told George that he would be the only one safe to go on the block with Janelle. He told her he understands, he's used to being nominated.
  • Will mentioned he's the only one in the house who hasn't won either a HOH or POV. [Editor's note: He never won any in his season, yet won the show.]
  • Mike Boogie said that BB assigned people to watch him with the Coup d'Etat because he was giving hints and that he "almost lost the power."
  • There will be a food comp today (Friday).
  • Mike and Erika smooched in the HOH room. He's working, y'know. She's Yoko, of course.
  • A Will quote: "My future depends on Mike's ability to showmance Erika. That's scary because he farts on her on a regular basis."
  • Erika told Mike that Danielle would take her to the final two, while Janelle is a danger to her. He kept working the subtle save Janelle angle, to no avail at this time.
  • Erika told Mike that if one of her nominees (at this time proposed, not actually nominated) George or Janelle is saved by the POV, Will will go on the block.
  • Mike proposed splitting the winnings. Money talks, we'll see how loud.
  • Will kept singing to Janelle, so flame/clouds with bad loud theme music kept happening. [Editor's note: Argh! This show is NOT Big Brother The Musical - why do they all keep breaking out into spontaneous singing?]
  • George is asleep, all the others are still awake as I post this.

Today should be food comp and the nominations. How quickly and effectively can Mike showmance Erika to keep Janelle safe while putting a target on Danielle? I don't think it's going to happen. We'll see!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Since the Live Show 8/24

<--- Danielle decided to have a glass or two or three of wine tonight for a change.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

Before I dive into the house happenings since the eviction, I'll address a few recent comments...

Some folks think that the second evictee may be an America's Choice thing. I don't think so. From the way Julie Chen worded it (an action-packed hour), it sounds like there will either be multiple comps or one really super comp on next week's live show. I don't know how they'll do it and since the houseguests know nothing about what's to come - I won't know anything outside of my own speculation. I do know that Arnold Shapiro, one of the executive producers, is really against the idea of America voting out houseguests.

Others asked if I knew exactly what Janelle asked Mike Boogie prior to the HOH. I couldn't really make it out, but I got the impression she was asking him one of the questions they had been studying for HOH. Mike, Will and Janelle had all been studying together and she had been bouncing off questions and checking answers with Mike about 15 minutes before the show. I think she just asked him about another question which came to mind.

Onto the evening's happenings since the live show in that Big Brother House of a Dead Legion of Doom:
  • Shortly after I posted my last report, but just prior to the live show, James was practically begging Woogie for reassurance. Mike tried to tell him that he was going home, but James kept at him. Will ended up telling him he was safe. We know how that turned out.
  • After the feeds returned following the live show, Will took the blame for the last three evictions. I'm not sure of his strategy with that one - perhaps to get Janelle out of the spotlight, perhaps because it means he's also responsible for three others remaining in the house.
  • Woogie talked about making sure Janelle wins the veto, either on her own or with their help. They seem pretty sure she will be one of Erika's nominees.
  • Erika told Chicken George not to worry because she had his back. Again, I'm not sure of the meaning. He's either not going to be nominated or he's not her target. [Editor's note: Danielle wants him out, though. Did you know she can't figure out his strategy?]
  • Danielle is concerned because she knows Janelle voted to evict James.
  • Danielle laid a guilt trip on Mike and he ended up telling her he trusts her more than he does Will. [Editor's note: If you're going to lie and shmooze, at least do it well. Sheesh. As if she can't see right through that one. As if!]
  • Will, Mike and Janelle once again (earlier tonight, too) said something about competing with George for HOH next week. That's why Will said he was going to throw tonight's. Looking at who's there, it shows they expect/want Danielle out this week.
  • Danielle kept at Mike telling him she wasn't happy and he's a target.
  • Alone, she muttered, "Will's ass is MINE."
  • Erika told Danielle she plans to nominate Janelle and George, with George as the pawn.
  • Will told Danielle that they have the votes to get Janelle out unless she wins POV. [Editor's note: I watched really closely. Yes, his nose grew just a wee bit, but I saw it!]
  • Janelle thinks she's going on the block with Will.
  • Will told Janelle that if he, her and Mike are still around next week, it's to the Final Three for them.
  • Poor Erika. The last time she was HOH, it was a re-do. This time BB gave her the key and she went to the living room and shouted the typical, "Who wants to see my HOH room?" Dead quiet. Everyone was outside. Erika then said, "Well, that was anti-climatic." It cracked me up, maybe you had to be there.
  • Her room is flower-themed.
  • Danielle and Erika can't figure out why Will took the blame for James' leaving. It bothers Danielle. [Editor's note: A lot bothers Danielle.]
  • Will and Mike tried to get a plane to flash its lights by waving pool cues at it. The plane ignored them. Will said it had to be a pilot who was just a company-man.]
  • Will and Mike went over several scenarios trying to figure their best approach to strategy. They want Janelle to stay in the game. Now Erika is Yoko and Janelle is Paul's new ex-Heather. Listening to these two brainstorm ideas makes me thankful they're not ruling the world. I could see a takeover. Every angle, every move... they're planning it.
  • Their food arrived (every live show night, they get food delivered). Will doesn't like it. He complained about pizza and wanted sushi. They got Mexican.
  • George was hoping they'd let him eat, but no go. Will told him that if another slop pass is a prize for anything, he try to win it for him.
  • The HG all think it was very awkward when Julie mentioned Howie's exit and Mike being called a punk by him.
  • Erika thought BB would give her a picture of Jack for her HOH room. Nope, she did a shout-out. "Jack, I miss you!"
  • Janelle told Will that the comp was hard and there's no way she could have won.
  • Will and Janelle said they did a phone call bit for the Diary Room last night, apparently like the Chill Town ones.
  • Will is explaing to Janelle that the game is about deceit and lying, not love and honor.

That's the scoop. The newest BB ad for Sunday's show has a bit of Will's Internet Lovefest so that should be fun to rewatch!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Live Show Update 8/24 - "Surprises"

Julie offered George fried chicken and beer to leave. He declined.

"Next Thursday two people will be walking out the door and the houseguests won't know what hit them." - Julie Chen

It's supposed to be an "action-packed" hour.

And, just to note - The Marcellas/Howie encounter in sequester is very worthwhile the watch. Don't miss it!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Live Show Update 8/24

The game is called But, First..

It's a time sequence contest about events. HG on a three tier stepladder, step up or down for true or false.

All right first round.
George and Janelle eliminated.

Erika is the new HOH.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Live Show Update 8/24 - Votes/Eviction

Votes are to evict...

Erika - James
Will - James
Danielle - George
Janelle - James

By a vote of 3 to 1, James is evicted from the Big Brother house.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday 8/24 Daytime

As tonight's the live eviction, let me take a moment to remind folks that I'll be posting updates on the big events as they air here on the East Coast. So, if you're a West Coast show night spoilers lover, this is the place to be! The eviction usually happens a bit after the half hour, HOH at the end of the show. If you're not seeing a new post, it may help to refresh the page or click on the August 2006 archive hyperlink on the right sidebar of the main blog page (not an individual post).

Onto the events of the day in that Big Brother House of Jumpy James and Curious George:
  • Big Brother woke up the houseguests at the crack of about 10:20 AM their time.
  • The HG were in the mood for Big Brother the Musical, so the feeds were blocked on and off for over an hour because of their singing. Grr.
  • James told Danielle that he realized that BB is a game, not a job... and now he's ready to stay, play and win. He also mentioned that he didn't have someone like her on his side last year. [Editor's note: I believe it may be a bit late for this epiphany.]
  • The now sober crew teased Mike about not letting them into the HOH room last night. [Editor's note: I wouldn't have let them in, either!]
  • BB told Mike he had to be out of the HOH room by noon.
  • Woogie talked about their questions asked during Diary Room sessions. Houseguests, do NOT discuss your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests.) Will said he keeps getting asked if people are playing him or he's playing people. Mike keeps getting asked if something is real or fake.
  • Will told Mike that over the past few days he's 100% sure Janelle isn't playing him. [Editor's note: Dr. Gullible, paging Dr. Gullible... that's the way to a Code Blue.]
  • Mike said he's not as sure of Erika.
  • Both want Janelle to win HOH this week. They think they're safe if she does.
  • Will said that he has the potential to win HOH this week. If he does, he'll put up Erika and Danielle telling them the plan is to backdoor Janelle. Then either they or Janelle win POV and won't use it.
  • Woogie talked to Danielle confirming they're evicting James tonight. Danielle told them to do what they want to do, but she's not happy about it.
  • Hmm... the BB voice warned the HG that it's against the rules to discuss their votes with other houseguests. That usually happens during taped votes. Hmmm.
  • Will told Boogie that he now intends on throwing the HOH.
  • Chicken George packed his bags... including a trash bag. He's so not like the others!
  • Erika and Danielle drilled each other on HOH-type questions.
  • Danielle told Erika that she told Marcellas to take the prizes (that Mike Boogie is lying and said he took) in the graveyard comp. [Editor's note: Don't ask my why she's saying that. I don't know. We all know that she didn't want Janelle to win the comp.]
  • Danielle wants Erika to do her dirty work... er, to tell George why she (Danielle) has to vote for James to stay -- that she just can't cast a vote to evict him even though she knows he's going. She wants George to understand it's not a vote against him.
  • Danielle and Erika think that the Coup d'Etat can still be used, or another power. They just referred to it as a "power."
  • Danielle cried some more because she doesn't want James to go.
  • James told her she needs to take out Chill Town, but she feels she needs to be up with one of them in the end -- it would be her only chance to win. He thinks she shoudl get rid of Will first because Janelle will try to protect him.
  • She then muttered that Chill Town would lose three jury votes if they kicked out James.
  • Meanwhile, James told her that he accepts that he isn't in the same league as Chill Town.

And there's where we stand. They're primping and cleaning for tonight's live show and it still looks like a James eviction.

One more note: Folks, please don't call other commenters names or harass me for removing posts in which other commenters were called names. Do I have to send a few to the Diary Room or what? Also, if the posts are getting nasty, trust me... I'll get to them. I thank the folks who are keeping things to show talk, no matter who you're cheering on. The majority of the comments are great and it's the comments that make this blog as much as my own entries. So, be cool, kick your feet up and watch the show! Then come back here to celebrate or to drown your sorrows in the written words.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Evening and Overnight Into Thursday 8/24

Another live show eviction tonight? Will it be James leaving the house? I really think so, but until the votes are cast, it's hard to say with this bunch.

Here are the evening and overnight events from that Big Brother House of Slop Waffles and Wine:
  • Danielle claimed she wants to keep James because he'll go after Chill Town. [Editor's note: Can't she do that? Wait, didn't she say she's working with them?]
  • Will told Janelle that Mike knows he can't win against anyone if he makes the final two.
  • Erika told Danielle that she needs George to stay as he won't put her on the block but James would.
  • George told Erika and Danielle that he had lost focus for a while, but wanted the person who needed it the most to win. [Editor's note: I hope he means himself.]
  • He then told them about his family and how the money could change their lives. [Editor's note: Good.]
  • Erika said her gut says that George just may win the game.
  • Will made sure that Mike told Erika to throw HOH so she's not a target, as he told him to say. Mike affirmed that he did.
  • Erika said that George is after Janelle and Will because she (Janelle) lied to him about wanting Will out.
  • Mike thinks that Danielle has been crying all day just to get jury votes.
  • Danielle is concerned because George won't actually say he wants Janelle out. [Editor's note: Because maybe he doesn't, Danielle!]
  • Erika remained firm that she wants James out, better for her game.
  • Mike asked George if the girls had been pressuring him or promised him anything for their vote. He said they did in a roundabout way, but he didn't commit to anything. [Editor's note: I prefer to watch Will work people rather than Mike. Mike tries to use Will's style, but doesn't have the timing, nor the charisma.]
  • Mike told Erika he wants Danielle to be the only vote to keep James.
  • Big Brother gave the houseguests plenty of wine - just what they needed.
  • George asked BB if he could have a glass of wine and a cheeseburger since he's nominated anyway. He reported back that they said they'd put the request in, but he didn't expect anything. [Editor's note: That would have to be something coming from one of the producers, not the staff on hand.]
  • BB got back to George with a 'no cheeburger for you.' Well, maybe not in those words.
  • They played cards. Yawn. They played pool. Yawn.
  • James imbibed quite a bit.
  • Will and Janelle talked about flirting.
  • Will claimed he was drunk (Janelle had been telling him to drink for her). I don't think he was all that drunk at all, though. He jumped up on the pool table. [Editor's note: He's already said the BB has charged him for breaking things - he better be careful of the pool table!]
  • Big Brother yelled at him to stop.
  • Then it was hot tub time. Erika, Janelle, Will and James. They got to horseplay, not foreplay. Will and James did cannonballs into the tub. While they frolicked, George and Mike had already turned in for the night.
  • So... they all ran up to the HOH room wet and loud, banging on the door for Mike.
  • Big Brother yelled at them. Again.
  • Back to the hot tub and a game of Spin the Bottle.
  • Will moved Howie's Jack Shack box over to the edge of the hot tub so they could jump from it into the hot tub. Big Brother yelled at them.
  • The pool cover fell, striking both Danielle and James. Both said it hurt. [Editor's note: It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt!]
  • Will claimed he was Janelle's "boy toy" to Erika.
  • But, once alone in the pool both Will and Janelle told each other they're scared of each other. Oh, pshaw! They are not!
  • Then they decided they're friends and nothing more. They continued to tussle, joke around and just be friends in the hot tub. No Boogie action here.
  • Will once again told (lied to) Danielle that Janelle is going after Chill Town next week.
  • James thinks he will win HOH if he stays. He said he'd put up Mike and Erika and backdoor Janelle.
  • James asked Danielle what Will's been saying. Danielle told him that Will said he (James) really had to compete for HOH because they (LOD?) needed it. [Editor's note: We KNOW that's not what Will has been saying!]
  • Will and Janelle were in the Diary Room for yet another really long session, don't know what's going on there!
  • All headed to bed while Janelle stayed up reading the Bible (the only book in the house).

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Through The Afternoon Wednesday 8/23

<--- The houseguests (well, some of them) at the smaller table playing cards. If memory serves, the small table hasn't been shown yet on the show. Of course, at this point, the show and feeds are playing tricks on my mind. Sometimes I forget what the show has shown and what it hasn't!

Here are the events of the afternoon (their time, not mine - it's well into the evening here) from that Big Brother House of Sullied Reputations:
  • Chicken George mentioned that another thing he didn't get in his short reign as HOH was the camera. Aw, he's right. I didn't think about that. He really got the short end of the stick, didn't he?
  • James told Danielle to go after Chill Town if he leaves tomorrow. She told him she will, but she goes about things in a roundabout way.
  • Mike Boogie and Will actually studied for comps. [Editor's note: As if they intend to win? Well, I think Will wasn't pleased with Mike's rather premature HOH win and it may have kicked them into action where they feel they have to win every week from now on to be safe.]
  • Chicken George and James talked today. James told George that they all have choices and he chose to put Howie up. George said the decision was rushed and both agreed that Howie is probably angrier with Chill Town than at George.
  • James told George that he (James) and Marcellas were friends prior to the show this season - Marcellas went to Chicago and they hung out together. George was surprised to hear the information. He said he knew no one prior to the show.
  • Danielle is still upset - she told Erika she didn't think she belonged in the game anymore. She said that prior to going on the show she thought she wouldn't because she knew she'd be an emotional mess... and now she is indeed one. [Editor's note: I do think she's having a rough time as of late, but I also think she could snap back. She's a shrewd BB player at heart.]
  • When Janelle asked Will if he thought James would vote with them if he stayed, Will told her that he (James) would be coming after both her and Chill Town. When she asked why, the feeds were cut (doubt that's why - someone may have been singing on another feed or something).
  • Erika wouldn't commit either way when asked by Danielle about who she's voting to evict this week. She said it was a tough decision and both are dangerous players. [Editor's note: Her vote should go with Woogie for James to leave, as of this time anyway.]
  • Some of the HG slept a lot through the afternoon. Perhaps if they slept at night, they wouldn't sleep half the day. That's just me being snarky about it.
  • When talking with James, Mike Boogie made it sound like he wants George out.
  • James has decided that if he leaves 3-1, Janelle has betrayed him. If he leaves 2-2 with Mike casting the tiebreaker against him, Janelle just might be willing to work with Danielle.
  • Even Danielle and Erika are at odds about tomorrow's eviction. Danielle told Erika that she knows that James is going home, but she's not happy about it. When Erika commiserated and said no one would be happy, Danielle pointed at her and said, "Some will be happy." [Editor's note: Well, Erika... she nailed ya.]
  • Woogie is worried that Danielle will work on Erika to change the vote. [Editor's note: That would only make it 2-2 with Mike as the tiebreaker. Janelle and Will seem (note I said SEEM as anything can change anytime before the live vote) to be going for James' eviction, Erika for James and Danielle for George to go. That's how it stands right now.]
  • Woogie (alone together) talked about how they'll have to change strategies in a game without James. They weighed the pros and cons of how long Danielle, Erika, Janelle and George should last and who would work best with them. Will pushed the Janelle issue with Mike (again).

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday 8/23 Morning in the House

<--- The esteemed graphics artist Zoetawny noticed that on Will's site, he's even selling "Chill Town" doggie t-shirts, so she just had to express herself! Heehee! Someone asked about the earlier cat graphic and no, it's not really Will's cat. I don't think he has a cat, but Will and Erin have been photographed with a dog. Whether it's hers or theirs, I don't know.

Someone also asked in comments if I think the show is rigged. Now, every season we see that talk, and until this year I had an inside contact with one of the producers. I don't believe it's rigged at all. I think we're seeing a lot more pressure on BB from the houseguests this season which we really didn't see in the past. I think that perhaps the staff wasn't quite prepared for the ongoing and blatant challenging of rules, etc. Folks also tend to see Will and Mike say they're running the show, so it's often mistaken as fact. It's more that they personally think they're running the show, not that they actually are. It's a hard distinction, but it is what it is. ;-)

Onto this morning's happenings from that Big Brother House of Can You Feel The Love:
  • Before heading to bed, Will talked to Janelle about teaming up and going for The Amazing Race. I think Janelle would be good at that show as she's good in comps, but I'm not so sure about Will. He'd be good at Survivor as he's great with alliances and manipulating folks, but I don't know how he'd be at comps as his strategy has always been to avoid winning them. Can he win them? I don't even know after watching him for two seasons! But, The Amazing Race isn't a sneaky kind of show for the most part.
  • Big Brother woke up the houseguests early (for them) - around 9 AM their time.
  • Mike even wondered if they might be voting today instead of live because they had to get up so early. [Editor's note: It's a good thing he runs an evening-based business in real life. By 9 AM, I've usually been up at least a couple of hours, more on workdays.]
  • Whoa... Will and Janelle's Diary Room visit together last night went on for two hours according to Will. [Editor's note: Dang it! We see none of that on the feeds and I'm sure the show will air a teensy bit of it, but I'd love to have been a fly on the wall, wouldn't you?]
  • Woogie uses Banana Bread code for splitting the winnings on the show. Will says they're not committed to banana bread until next week.
  • Will told Mike he trusts Janelle.
  • The plans SEEM to be voting out James, then either Danielle or Erika not in any particular order, then George... leaving Will, Mike and Janelle as the final three. I think this might be an actual plan, not just a lie. Of course, Will and Mike want to be the final two, so we know when they want Janelle gone.
  • James told Will that it was obvious that he didn't want to talk to him. Will pretty much ignored him.
  • Although I missed part of it, it looks like Will told Danielle the intent is to vote out James this week. He had said he was going to hold off telling her until near time to vote. She's upset and doesn't want to vote him out. Will told her he'll continue to flip from alliance to alliance and can't be trusted.
  • Will "willed" her - "When you're upset, I'm upset." [Editor's note: Will this change the vote? I don't think so. I think Woogie is intent on James going home no matter what Danielle may want. But, as usual, Will knows to say just the right things at the right time to shmooze her.]
  • Will wants her to talk to Mike before she speaks to James.
  • Danielle sobbed while in the backyard. She said she wants to speak to Dr. Zachary (show shrink) and is ready to quit the show.
  • Will asked Erika if she was totally committed to the plan and she said she was. (Vote out James or, if a tie, Mike votes out James.)
  • They got the HOH digital camera, but with Danielle and James lost in their own funks, it's up to Chicken George to have fun with photos.

And that's where we stand as I get this posted. I have no answers why the producers are allowing the money splitting talk to go on, but they're obviously aware of it. After all, Big Brother is watching the houseguests...! (And so are we!)

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' Casting/Twist Bulletin

Well, it should be interesting, and it's sure to be controversial.

The tribes are split into ethnicities or race - Asian, African-American, Hispanic and White.

There are 20 castaways this season, the tribes have 5 each.

In looking at them on The Early Show, I predict JP will be the teen hearthrob. I'll post a write up on the cast when the CBS website updates.


'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Tuesday Evening Into The Night - 8/22

So, what did you think of the Dolly War on last night's show? To me, it looked like James never touched the right doll at all, say nothing about Janelle taking it out of his hand. It also looked like both tussled, not just Janelle. That comp was the best they've had in a while on the show - I loved when Will dived right over Mike at the kneeling stone. And, poor Danielle! She couldn't even find dolls, let alone the right ones. Oh... Mike kept his word to Janelle and helped her. I looked out of the window. I didn't see pigs flying here, but they must be flying somewhere.

Onto the happenings from the evening hours of Tuesday in that Big Brother House of Loquacious Loons:

  • Will said that one of the producers in the Diary Room confirmed the houseguests are bound by their contract for the period of one year.
  • George is acting pretty much as he said on the show - if he gets evicted, it's fine. If he stays - cool! He said he's looking forward to Thursday just to see what happens.
  • Aww, George said his wife is a hard-working woman and he'd love to give her a helicopter ride as a gift.
  • Will again talked to Danielle about James' double-dipping alliances. [Editor's note: Plant those seeds and see what may grow.]
  • Will told Mike that he had been up working until 5 AM. [Editor's notes: Referring to staying up with Danielle, then Janelle. Will usually isn't a part of the Up All Night Crew. I should have figured he was working, not just being sociable.]
  • Will told Mike that he'd be riding Seabiscuit all the way to the end, but that he (Mike) must feed the horse. Janelle and Erika, I presume.
  • In their talk, it's clear that Will and Mike have their eyes on the final two for themselves.
  • They think that James should go this week, Erika or Danielle next week.
  • Will told Janelle (with Mike present) that they'll get rid of James this week, then he fears Danielle more. So, she would be next, followed by Erika. [Editor's note: Leaving the final four as Chicken George, Janelle, Will and Mike. An interesting group.]
  • Janelle thinks Danielle is an alcoholic as she either drinks or wants to drink every night. [Editor's note: She does drink too much in the house. Hopefully it's just due to the environment.]
  • They tie-dyed shirts. Woohoo! Clay and tie-dyed shirts... activities!
  • Mike Boogie reminded Janelle that James said he only voted for Howie so it looked good to the jury. [Editor's note: Now, that always seems odd at this point - the actual jury only consists of Marcellas and Howie.]
  • Janelle dyed Mike's hair and they think it turned out well.
  • Janelle said she was embarrassed that she had to wrestle a 30-year old man over a doll in a competition.
  • Will and Janelle did their exercise walk and built a fantasy romance, marriage, and more. Like the Montagues and Capulets, Will said. An impossible romance.
  • Will, George, Danielle, Erika and Janelle were in the kitchen talking about James' saying that he thought Janelle stole wine. He had left a glass in the refrigerator and someone drank it. Danielle said she was offended by him saying Janelle drank it. [Editor's note: Should he have said Danielle drank it? Or has she fallen in with the turn Janelle's vote to James out bit? I'm not sure. It was odd.]
  • Erika and Mike Boogie kissed and snuggled in the HOH tub. Earlier, Will had told Mike he should have sex with Erika tonight. We'll see!
  • James told Danielle that Janelle took out all of his allies - she took out Kaysar, Howie and Marcellas. I don't think he meant Marcellas was one of his allies.
  • Erika (who is definitely tipsy) and Mike turned off the lights in the HOH bathroom. The feeds continued for a bit with audio, then to flames. When they came back on, the HOH bathroom lights were back on. Um... we'll leave things at foreplay. They talked about dating before entering the house.
  • In the midst of Erika's hands in his shorts, Mike yelled out, "Oh God, Kelly Clarkson!" [Editor's note: Get that restraining order NOW, Kelly. Before it's too late!]
  • Their tryst was interrupted by Janelle, Will and Danielle.
  • So, Erika and Mike headed to the bed. After more fooling around, they fell asleep.
  • Apparently Will and Janelle did a Diary Room session together.
  • All went to sleep except Janelle and Will up playing cards. Oh, wait, he's not playing cards - he's working.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Addressing Some Comments...

Several people have mentioned that Mike and Will wear shirts with Boogie's restaurant named on them and wonder if it's allowed. I can only guess it must be. The show knows his businesses.

Sue had a few questions. She wanted to know about George's snoring - yes, he still snores. It reminds me of my father who had sleep apnea. They should try giving him those nasal strip doohickies. Oh, he still has flatulence, too. But I think the latter has a lot to do with his diet. And, Sue... Will was not drunk for his Internet lovefest last night. I don't think I've ever seen him get really drunk. From what I see, he's more of a sipper than a guzzler.

Anon wants to know how I do the blog and don't I have any adult responsibilities. I work hard at both my real job and the blog. Come mid-September, I'll collapse. But then I get back up for Survivor, Amazing Race and Lost. I probably have more adult responsibilities than the person asking. I'll admit my housecleaning has suffered. A lot.

Penny has joined the Dark Side. Uh-oh. Will has her in his mesmerizing ways!

Anon wants to know if James has any chance of staying. It doesn't look that way, but you never know until the vote comes down. Then it is what it is.

Petals thinks Will likes to cause problems to get Big Brother to yell at him. I think so, too.

Brew - I think it will depend on who's in the final two with her (Janelle if she makes it) for the jury votes. If Mike or Erika are in there with her, I don't know. She may have the votes.

in IN - Yes, I blog Survivor, right here on this very same blog! I'd love to have folks stick around for it.

I know this may not be all the questions or comments, but I do indeed read them all - I get an email with a gmail alert for each comment posted. I appreciate all the kind words from so many folks, as well as the great show discussion. Thank you!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report w/Schedule Change Reminder Tuesday 8/22

I'll start this off with a reminder... tonight's show (Tuesday) will air at 9 PM ET/PT in most viewing areas, not the usual 8 PM ET/PT. There's a special on in its regular time slot. How dare they, huh?

Here are today's events from that Big Brother House Double-Dipping Deceitful Double-Crossers:

  • It was almost dawn at the BB House when Will and Janelle called it a night. A day? Whatever.
  • Will and Janelle plan to study for the next HOH comp together. By losing Howie, she lost her drill partner.
  • Will told her if they get HOH this week, they should vote out Danielle. [Editor's note: That's not what he tells Danielle!]
  • James was the only one up at the crack of 10:20 or so. He said he lives with a bunch of pigs while looking around. [Editor's note: He's right. This is the messiest BB house I've ever seen on the feeds and none of them have been really clean!]
  • Mike Boogie talked to Danielle about the vote, kind of sort of. She wanted to know if he wanted her to vote out James. He told her he can't really tell her how to vote. He said that he would like George to leave, but then he mentioned James' double-dipping with alliances and said he knows Will wants James out. He himself respects Will's opinion and gameplay, but he's not going to tell her how to vote.
  • Erika and Danielle discussed keeping George in the game. Erika said she doesn't trust James at all. Danielle told her she was torn, then added that she can't figure out George's strategy and that bothers her. [Editor's note: We know, Danielle, we know. You've only said it about 837 times now!]
  • Danielle told Erika that Janelle will put up the Woogie pair if she gets HOH. When Erika asked both or one, Danielle told her that Janelle told them both.
  • So, now Erika and Danielle decide they have to win HOH.
  • Mike is wondering if it will be a live vote - he wants to let Danielle know as close to the voting as possible that the target is James.
  • Erika does casting for Survivor which takes up about nine months a year. [Editor's note: I know she's mentioned it before, but I don't think I've mentioned it.]
  • James, Dead Man Walking, mingled with the living. But he's very subdued.
  • They played with clay. Woohoo. Well, it was cute for a bit - Erika made a Mr. Bill doll (Saturday Night Live long, long ago)... "Oh, no! Mr. Bill!"
  • James killed Mr. Bill with an airplane. Oh, no!
  • James claimed he really wants to go home and taught Danielle how he likes his towels folded. [Editor's note: May I have an eyeroll, please? @@]
  • Then James told Danielle that he needs to get HOH... if he's still there for it. Fickle!
  • Danielle and Erika think that James is like Sawyer on Lost. Um. I say no.
  • From what's being said, I'm still thinking a James eviction.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Late Night and Overnight Into Tuesday 8/22

It hasn't been a thrill a minute in the BB House, but it is what it is.

Fairly quiet.

Yep, that's what it is.

Here are the late night and overnight events (or lack thereof) from the Big Brother House of the Blues:
  • Will had an amusing talk with the Internet, declaring love for us (is he lying?) and so much more. It was a hoot to watch him, better than the season Marcellas sat and talked to himself for hours. Someone posted the YouTube clip of this in the comments of my previous entry. Check it out if you can - but the clip is just a bit of what went on!
  • Will claims he invented the mandana, not Jase. He wore one in Season 2; Jase didn't come along until Season 5.
  • Will and Mike said that if they were up for an America's Choice, no one would call. [Editor's note: I think Will would get some calls, but I don't see too many thrilled with Mike.]
  • James talked to the show's doctor Dr. Zachary for quite a while, but didn't tell us about the visit.
  • James wants to make a voodoo doll of George to scare him.
  • Danielle thinks she can only win against Erika. [Editor's note: I would think she'd be a shoe-in against Mike, too.]
  • The HG are bored. They had so much action for a few days in a row, now nothing for them until the live show Thursday.
  • Will bounced a ball around until BB shouted at him and then laid down the law - "There will be no ball-playing in the house!"
  • After Will got called out for ball playing by BB, he claimed he'd use this as evidence. [Editor's note: Mocking James' lawsuit claims over the POV, for sure!]
  • The target still seems to be James this week, not Chicken George.
  • Will told Janelle he's committed to her and Mike Boogie. [Editor's note: When he's with Danielle, he's committed to her and Mike Boogie.]
  • Danielle and James think the show won't show him calling Janelle a liar because she's "America's Choice." [Editor's note: @@ <-- have to roll those eyes!]
  • Will told Mike that the Diary Room told him that anything else broken in the house will be taken out of their stipends. [Editor's note: In other words, knock off the tomfoolery, boys!]
  • Mike gave James the nickname "YuckMouth" because he's talking so much trash. [Editor's note: Takes one to know one?]
  • Danielle told James that LOD is tight. [Editor's note: Is not! Is not! She's lying to her boy!]
  • Will spoke with Janelle about splitting the money once again. I'm surprised that BB isn't saying much to them, but BB is definitely aware of the talk. Maybe Will will get a surprise penalty nom, maybe not. But, BB must not be taking any of the talk seriously as they haven't acted.
  • They were talking about splitting the money legally, abiding by whatever the contract says, it seems.
  • Most of the HG played poker for a long time.
  • James is still choosing to be alone except for occasional talks with Danielle.
  • Will and Danielle spent most of the night up talking about past seasons, then were joined by Janelle and the talk continued.
  • Now they (Will, Danielle and Janelle) are playing cards as I post this. Oy. These folks are going to have trouble fixing their sleep patterns when the show is over.

Monday, August 21, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Daytime Monday 8/21

When James sulked through Sunday, he kept saying how America (and the show's producers) hated him and loved Janelle. Now, hate is a very strong word. I don't really like to use it without reason and neither does graphic artist Zoetawny.

Do you think Will will want to sell them on his website?

Here are the events of the day in that Big Brother House of Devious Dolts:
  • Shortly before 10 AM, Big Brother woke the houseguests up and told them the Power of Veto Ceremony would begin in two hours. [Editor's note: So, we can count on three hours.]
  • George weighed himself and came in at under 200 pounds. He's thrilled. That's so cool! He's lost over 20 pounds. BB Slop is good for something.
  • James was singing to himself that he gets to see the show's shrink and see his contract today.
  • James told Will that when he finished the show last year, a lot of people compared him to Will. [Editor's note: Gag me with a spoon, please.]
  • Will told James to be nice to Janelle the next few days. He also told him that Janelle plans on coming after CT for the Howie and Marcellas evictions. [Editor's note: That's one of the schemes/rumors he and Janelle were talking about planting. Y'see, you plant the seeds and watch them grow, you're going to end up reaping what you sow.]
  • Alone with Danielle, Will told her he had concerns about James stacking the jury, double-dipping in alliances and more. James had told Janelle he was sorry and supporting her while telling Will he hates her and wants her out -- and Will knows both sides. [Editor's note: Well, just about everyone is double-dipping alliances, but James' lies strikingly similar to the present scenario is what did him in last year. The morale of the story? Lie wise, I guess.]
  • Danielle asked Janelle if she has talked to James and Janelle claimed "just in passing." Danielle told her she wants to patch their relationship. [Editor's note: Suuure...!]
  • Will went to Mike and told him that he planted the seed of distrust of James to Danielle.
  • The veto ceremony was held... late, of course. Janelle apologized to George because he'sl on the block when she saved herself with the veto.
  • Mike and Janelle talked about the truce Danielle offered Janelle. She told him it wasn't for just a week - it was a team-up.
  • Janelle told him that Danielle and Erika are going to target Chill Town (as James, Danielle and Erika told her). Both Mike and Janelle talked about how James must leave.
  • Danielle indeed brought the James double-dipping alliances conversation to Erika, just as Will knew she would.
  • Erika told Danielle that Janelle will vote out James because she has a new alliance. [Editor's note: Not sure if she meant the truce or George here.]
  • James told Erika and Danielle that this would be his only game talk this week - "If you want to keep me, keep me. If not, send me on to sequester."
  • James has been talking about seeing the show's shrink since he got up. He grabbed a doll (leftover from the comp) and yelled, "If I don't see a shrink soon, this doll will get it!"
  • Danielle told details from Season three, for the 47th time.
  • After a backyard lockdown, they went inside to find the smaller table in the kitchen. About time.
  • Will asked Mike why Danielle wants George to leave so much. Mike said it was because she had alliances with everyone but him and she couldn't control him. [Editor's note: Yep, that's just about right!]
  • Will asked when they would tell Danielle about James leaving this week - Mike said they should before the eviction. He also said that Janelle cannot stay until the final three because she's so good in comps.
  • James told Danielle that Woogie wants Janelle out and they're lying about it.
  • Erika thinks America hates her.
  • Danielle told James doesn't believe the "Janelle is going after Chill Town" story.
  • When James asked Danielle if Woogie will keep him, she told him Erika would vote him out because he keeps switching sides.
  • When James said he wanted to talk to Erika, Danielle said she wanted to talk to her first.
  • James asked Janelle who she was voting for and she told him she would vote to keep him. [Editor's note: According to Will's scheme or really? Hmmm...]
  • James said that Mike has already lost jury votes, but if he goes to sequester he will vote for Will.

And, there you go. A few issues brought up in comments:

Vivian asked me to clarify the Janelle/deal to split money with Woogie bit. I addressed that in my last entry. What I saw didn't constitute what I'd consider a contract of any sort. Woogie has been offering money, jobs and more. She didn't agree to anything. If anything, Woogie should be reprimanded for these offers they give everyone.

Kitty wondered what was on the tapes they see in sequester. If it's like recent years, only the HOH comp and perhaps if something really fun or silly happens. I know they've shown silliness like dancing and stuff. No game play, no Diary Room, no strategy.

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Veto Ceremony 8/21

As expected, Janelle used the Veot to save herself. Mike nominated Chicken George to join James in the nominee chairs.

A full report of the day's events will be posted soon. Please stop back!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Monday 8/21

The house has changed so much since last Friday that it almost doesn't seem like the same folks living there. Between Howie's departure, Janelle's crisis followed by victory and James giving all the way in to his anger... it's not a happy place. Not at all.

Here are the events from the overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Taunting and Tantrums:
  • Janelle taught Will how to play chess, but cheated while she did it. He may be leading her on about not knowing the game as he knew she cheated.
  • Woogie offered George a deal to go in with them - they'd put him on the block with James, but James would be the target and no one would know they're working together.
  • Will wants to sell the house on the idea that George is going home while it will actually be James.
  • Mike wants to work with George mainly because he's about his only choice to go up with James.
  • George ended up agreeing to a one week limited deal. He goes on the block with James. James goes home. If George wins HOH next week, he won't put Woogie (Will and Mike) on the block.
  • Janelle told Woogie she didn't think she could vote out James because she promised him long ago that she wouldn't. She wants them to put Danielle on the block with him because she put Marcellas on the block for them.
  • Woogie told Janelle that it's certain that James is leaving.
  • Janelle wanted some kind of promise for her own safety if she votes out James.
  • Woogie talked about splitting money with Janelle (like they have with practically everyone in the house) and she doesn't know if they can be trusted. After all, according to her, she trusted them for four weeks and so much went wrong.
  • She told them she still feels bad about what they did to Howie.
  • Janelle finally agreed to vote James out after Will sweet-talked her some more. [Editor's note: He hinted that they're more than friends!]
  • Will told her he was playing the game coldly without emotion until she came along. [Editor's note: @@ Eyeroll alert! Don't trust his puppy eyes!]
  • Danielle told Erika that no matter what she promised George, she will vote for him to go because she doesn't know his plans and doesn't want him messing up her game. [Editor's note: It's also a good reason to vote for her boy James to stay.]
  • Danielle said that George is the most dangerous player in the game. [Editor's note: @@]
  • Will told Janelle he wants to be friends with her after September 24th (they haven't been told of the finale change to 9/12) and she feels the same.
  • George decided that if he was going to go on the block anyway, he might eat real food for four days and take the penalty nomination. [Editor's note: Hmmm... would that work? Or would someone else have to be nominated by Mike?]
  • Will once again offered to split winnings with Janelle. She didn't commit to anything.
  • Janelle told George that Danielle and James have been a team for a long time. [Editor's note: Duh! She should have noticed that a few weeks back!]
  • Shades of olden days, when Will and Janelle ran back and forth across the lawn to exercise, Big Brother informed them how many yard laps make a mile.
  • George told James that the game has changed since his season and it's ruthless now. He asked James why he's doing it again. James told him he thought it was fun last season.
  • Will complained that Big Brother wouldn't give him a sharp kitchen knife and he had to chop onions with a butter knife. "I promise I won't hurt anyone, Big Brother!"
  • James told George and Danielle he had planned to get really mean today and explode. He's still talking about wanting to read over his contract to find out his rights. Once he mentions contract - BOOM - blocked feeds! Earlier he had been talking lawyer once again.
  • Danielle told James he has to mend fences with Janelle before he leaves. She asked him if Janelle knew all the bad things Marcellas had said about her. Perhaps he could use that information to mend said fences.
  • Then James started talking as if he's staying and he discussed who he would nominate if he got HOH. Both he and Danielle (once again) say they'd backdoor Janelle.
  • While alone, Danielle addressed the Internet and Sarah, in particular. She said she loves James (not in a romantic way) and still wants to go to the final two with him.

That's pretty much where things stand. Despite a brouhaha in the comments of my previous entry, Janelle did not agree to a "contract" to split the money with Will and Mike. Woogie has been approaching people all season (not just Janelle) with that proposition. I don't know why Big Brother hasn't clamped down on the talk, but Janelle made no monetary deals with them whatsoever that I saw, despite the boys offering.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report And Show Talk - Sunday 8/20

<--- Graphics artist Zoetawny picked up on Will's comment (on feeds and in a report here) about James - "James is like an angry four-year-old pumped up on PEZ." Heh. Gotta love it!

Before I go into what's been happening on the feeds, I want to touch on a few things from tonight's show as the feeds were blocked for the competitions and such.

The POV comp that James won reminded me of one of the ones from another season - using items from past comps to retrieve a key. Instead of shackles, the were in cages for the one I'm thinking about. While he complained about how Howie and Janelle reacted to wins, James did the same exact thing. Oh, I would, too. You can't win something without gloating just a bit, can you?

In a way, I can't blame George for his decision, although I think it would have been nice if he had informed Howie so that he wasn't blindsided. We didn't see that meeting awaiting the POV in the Red Room, but heard a few mentions of it later on the feeds.

Howie did go out very badly. Sigh. I'm not one for any sort of physical violence, but I couldn't help but notice how tough-guy-talk Mike is when he's surrounded by folks while being filmed. He knew Howie wouldn't hit him and he egged it all on. Too much testosterone goin' on, boys! At least Danielle just jumps up and down and punches air. Sheesh. James and Janelle were the only votes for Howie to stay. Janelle's vote was the only sincere one - James had said on the feeds that he was going to vote thinking of the jury.

The talk on the feeds was right about the HOH being humiliating to the houseguests. As a matter of fact, I didn't care so much for either of the comps themselves tonight. It looks like they were slapped up without much creativity or thought process behind them. I hope that's not an indicator of the remaining comps this season. Oh... and Mike acted way too weird after winning, but did you notice Erika jumping up and straddling him? Or Danielle running to hug him? So much for those folks claiming that S6 showing off their alliances, eh? @@ Yeah, that eyeroll's for them!

One more note: I don't like Mike. I didn't like him in his season; I don't like him now. But James annoys me, too. Both are overbearing so-and-so's!

Oh, well. Onto the afternoon's happenings in that Big Brother House of Misplaced Distrust:
  • James slept. James hid under blankets. James sulked. James ranted about producers and Janelle. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.
  • Will begged BB to give them something to do. [Editor's note: That's lacking this season. They have cards and checkers, both of which are boring to watch on the feeds. But, dang... give them a crafts project or something.]
  • James refused to wear his microphone because he's "not a part of the show." [Editor's note: @@ ]
  • Will started kicking a ball around the house for something to do and managed to kick himself in the leg. Drama!
  • Danielle once again told James he has to move on when he started complaining to her about the POV again.
  • James said he wants to see a copy of his contract to see if/how much money he'd lose if he just turns in his DOR and leaves the house. [Editor's note: A DOR is a voluntary exit from the game. Technically, as Mike told James during one of his fussings, you can turn the handle on the panic door and leave at any time. They can't go out the front door, but there is an emergency exit.]
  • James thinks he'll be destroyed in the editing and Janelle will be the Princess.
  • Erika slept most of the day.
  • James doesn't think Erika's website has as many hits as his website does. [Editor's note: @@ Erika was last on the show two seasons ago!]
  • Woogie, for reasons only known by themselves, lied to Erika and Danielle claiming that Marcellas got the money and plasma TV in that graveyard comp.
  • James has talked to Janelle yet. He's yelled to her and about her, but no talk.
  • They have the chess game, so Will decided to learn how to play.

In other words, lotsa words for nothing really new happening in the house.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Sunday 8/20

<--- Janelle listening to Chicken George. When George laughs quietly, he's reminding me of some dog cartoon character. Not Scooby Do, perhaps Precious Pup? Is there even a Precious Pup? Or have I lost my mind?

Here's the events from the daytime hours in that Big Brother House of Woe-Is-Me Whiners and Wacky Winners:

  • First, let me say that today is a bit of a replay from the overnight hours for the most part. Although I may be showing my age, I'm reminded of the old Herman's Hermits song with the line, "Second verse, same as the first!"
  • The producers have apparently told the houseguests that they will NOT be re-doing the POV competition and the results stand.
  • James is bitter about it all and the game itself. He's a broken record going on about Janelle cheating and how the producers like her better than they like him. [Editor's note: Another age clue - I'm reminded of Tom and Dickie Smothers with their "Mom always liked you best!" routine.]
  • Danielle asked James who he thinks Janelle will go after. He told her Chill Town and Erika. Then he added that she (Janelle) has lost four votes in this fiasco. [Editor's note: But she's still in the house. She would have NO votes if she gets evicted... duh, James!]
  • When Danielle asked him who Mike Boogie is putting in Janelle's place, he thinks it will be George and hopes it's not Erika.
  • James is pretty sure that Janelle's vote will be to evict him no matter who goes on the block with him. "She's been gunning for me since the first week."
  • BB had to remind the houseguests dozens of times not to talk about their Diary Room sesssions. Between that talk and the fussing about the producers, we're getting blocked a lot.
  • Shades of Will, Danielle's been doing her own shmoozing of the other houseguests. She's good at it, but I think Will has the edge. It comes across looking like damage control since she's likely to lose her ally James.
  • Danielle and James both want George to go up on the block with James. Both (yes, James, too) think that it's probably a given that James will be voted out. Except for fussing about producers, James is doing no campaigning to stay at this time and his behavior seems to have many houseguests either walking on eggshells around him or avoiding him altogether.
  • Mike Boogie and Will aren't committing to putting any specific person up on the block at this time.
  • Janelle said James is a whiner and Will agreed and added, "It's pathetic."
  • Even Danielle has told James and others that they have to move on - "It is what it is."
  • Danielle told George that she thinks "America's favorite is Janelle." (George asked her the question, she didn't just bring it up this time.) She also told him that she thought he's probably very popular, too. She doesn't think she herself is popular.

And that's about it. James has been hiding under covers sulking as of late and things are basically small-talk chitchat.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Sunday 8/20

For what many considered a slow start this season, it sure has been a rollicking past few days, huh? I'm talking more specifically for the folks who watch the live feeds or those who follow them here and on other sites. It's hard to believe so much has happened in just three days - and we're talking only two full days! It's enough to make your head spin! Before I get into the full report of the overnight events, I just want to set a timeline of sorts because, if you blinked, you may have missed an important event.

Thursday night in the live show: George won HOH, had to immediately make nominations, chose James and Erika.

Thursday after the live show: James won POV and George put Howie on the block in his place.

Friday: Howie was evicted from the house and a new HOH Competition was won by Mike Boogie.

Saturday: Mike Boogie nominated Janelle and James. Janelle won POV.

Phew! Even if I don't like the turn of events or the houseguests winning or losing, I have to say it... it's interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Here are the events of the late night and overnight period after Janelle won the POV in that Big Brother House of Wayward Boys and Girls:
  • Danielle and Erika were in awe of Janelle's ability in competitions. Erika says she's not good with strategy, but her strength is in comps.
  • James was screaming, yelling, fussing, moaning. He said that Janelle cheated in the POV competition. According to him, they were told "no physical contact" and he claims Janelle stole the Marcellas doll out of his hand and yelled "Give me that!" [Editor's note: I don't know if snatching the doll would constitute physical contact or not. It's contact with the doll, but not necessarily with James. It sounds like he should have had a better grip on it to me. Or, it's also possible that in the heat of the competition, things might not be as he thinks. Could they both have been reaching for the doll at the same time? He says he was reaching under her. Could she have seen him going for it and took it first? I don't know. The producers told him there is nothing on video that shows any rules broken.]
  • Danielle and Erika talked about approaching Janelle to team up against Chill Town.
  • Mike Boogie and Will seem to be absolutely fine with the Janelle win. They plan to vote out James.
  • Janelle said to Mike: "Did you see me take that doll right out of his hands?" So, she must have. But would it constitute any sort of violation? [Editor's note: Again, my feeling is that it wouldn't be considered physical contact with James. He should have hung onto the doll if it was that important. If you're playing basketball, stealing the ball is part of the game. You have to be on guard and control the ball (doll). Physical contact is also disallowed in basketball, much like this BB comp.]
  • George thinks he did the right thing by making sure Janelle stayed in the house.
  • Danielle and Erika think George will go on the block and the vote will be to send James packing. They both think that George has teamed up with Janelle. (They're right.)
  • Danielle thinks if the vote could be 2-2, Mike would have to do the dirty work and be the one to alienate jury votes. She thinks he'd vote out James.
  • Will told Janelle he's just trying to make "Good TV." But he's very happy with her win.
  • Will told Janelle that George will go up and they'll tell the "others" that he's leaving, but it's James who will go home - implying that Mike would break a tie and vote out James.
  • James is still fusssing and throwing himself around on the bed, bending everyone's ear with how he's been wronged. Danielle, George and Erika took turns listening to him and letting him vent. He's repeating the same stuff again and again - complaining that Janelle wins everything, fussing about the Prom Queen vote, saying the game is rigged and Janelle is more important to them than he is, on and on. And on.
  • At times James' voice breaks and it's evident that he's doing all he can to keep from crying. [Editor's note: As much as I think that whatever Janelle did in the POV will be considered within rules, I'd probably pout like James myself if it were me. I think he knows that the POV was something he had to win to stay in, so it was important he do so... and he didn't. Is his fate sealed?]
  • Up in the HOH bathroom, Will and Mike were talking about voting James out this week... until James came to the door. Then they were agreeing with him what a "[bleepin'] ho" Janelle was and how James got screwed. When James went away, they both talked again about how he must go.
  • George told Janelle that people (James?) were mad at him because he didn't backdoor her, but he's glad she's still in the house.
  • Erika and Danielle push for a meeting with the producers to clear up the POV comp issues. Meanwhile, BB called the houseguests into the Diary Room one by one to discuss it. James wasn't in there even two minutes. [Editor's note: I can't help but think that his behavior over this might make him his own worst enemy in getting his point (if he has one) across.]
  • Danielle is frazzled. She told George she's spent and just wishes she could go home. [Editor's note: Danielle's a toughie. She'll get her second wind, I'm sure. It's been a rough few days for all the houseguests... except maybe Woogie.]
  • Janelle is a bit afraid to be near James - she knows he's viciously angry at her. Meanwhile, James claims he doesn't want to sleep in the same room with Janelle - probably a wise decision.
  • Will regarding James: "When he doesn't get his way, he's like an angry four-year-old boy pumped up on PEZ."
  • Will and Janelle talked about being friends after the show. He said he talked to Kaysar pre-season, but Janelle said it must have been a "loose agreement" to work with him. Will admitted it was.
  • Will also said the Erika made a lot of pre-season agreements with people and has a hard time covering "everyone's back."
  • Will and Janelle talked about how obvious the James/Danielle alliance is as well as James' bad acting abilities. [Editor's note: But... but... James said in the DR what a great acting job he was doing!]

That's where we stand as I post this report. It seems unlikely that the POV will be re-done. It doesn't seem that James has any case in his gripe or something would have been done about it by now. Janelle won the POV and James will just have to carry on and get working on securing votes to stay if he can.

Graphic by Zoetawny. Oh... and folks... once again - please be a bit gentle with each other in the comments. I love to read the opinions of others, but the topic should be the houseguests, nor the commenters! Also, this blog (right now) is about Big Brother, not about what we should be doing instead of watching the show, nor about various charities we could be supporting. I prefer all comments to remain, but I've had to remove trolling attempts and some squabbles. As for the trolling... if you don't like what's going on here on the blog, why are you spending so much time and attention here? Folks are here to discuss the show.