Sunday, July 15, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 7/15 Show - East Coast Update

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Keep returning to this post as I'll be updating it throughout the show now that it has started here on the East Coast.

We're still in recap mode as the HG react to Jen winning HOH. They're pondering who she might put up.

Now they're talking about Jen talking about herself.

It's to Jen's HOH room. This should be Jentastic! Upset with her pictures, of course.

Joe tries to get her to put Dustin on the block.

Ah, they're talking about the Magnus and Cragnus Strong Man. (After the show I'll post a YouTube video I took of part of that competition.) This is cute. Zach and Dustin are teasing Mike and Nick as they lift weights.

To the big showmance between Nick and Daniele. The key to his heart he gave her is actually the key to his suitcase. Hmmm... no mention of his flirting with boys!

Kail and Jen talk strategy. Jen doesn't want to take out more girls because the guys have the power. Kail doesn't want Nick put up, suggests Jessica.

Food comp time. Two teams, the guys against Joe and the girls. "Name that Pie" - name the two ingredients within a specified amount of bites. Jameka thought she could name hers in five. Bacon and banana on first try. Mmm... salmon and blueberry sounds good to me! This is fun. Right now they're tied. Whoops, Daniele misnamed the last pie -- said it was pickle and tofu, it was actually pickle and clam. Blue team, the guys, win. Red team -- girls plus Joe are on slop for the week.

Eric, America's Player, is to target Jessica. (He did and he's still trying now even with POV, but he's not being successful.)

Now Jen is telling Nick that she may put up the people with negative effects on the house.

Here comes the Dick/Jen blowup. She walked into sleeping guys and just started blabbing to them. Dick is right -- no consideration. Jen looked rather maniacal at the end of the segment.

America's Player will develop sleepwalking. Whose bed should he sleepwalk into?

Jen is ready to choose her nminees and they're showing how worried the others are. Dick thinks he'll go up, but doesn't seem too worried. Jen thinks others will be happy with noms. Jessica's not worried at all.

Jen thinks her nominees will be more pleasant and lead better lives (once they are told by her how negative they are). Time for the ceremony. The negative people should go bit.

Key order: Jameka, Kail, Mike, Zach, Nick, Jessica, Amber, Dustin, Eric, Joe.

Nominees are Dick and Daniele, surprise surprise!

Both of you together cause negative atmosphere. Awkward. Happier place without negative vibes.

Nick thinks Jen is jeaous of Daniele. Dick won't campaign against Daniele - his goal is both of them remaining in the house.

Eric apologized for not securing a Jessica nomination. He said he'd continue if the veto is used. (I have noted in reports that he's been campaigning against Jessica, so he's trying.)

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Graphics arteest Zoetawny has been at it again! But I have to admit... although the pitch of Jessica's voice drives me up the wall, she's a hoot to eavesdrop in on. Listening to her makes me feel oh-so-wise and intelligent.

Like Dick's wish to keep crazy people in the house, I prefer there be such shallow folks around in the world so that my own self esteem can go on a joyride.

What's been happening in that Big Brother House of Flying Monkey Boy and an Ambiguous Fellow?
  • The POV Ceremony has not been held. The target to place on the block with Dick (assuming that Daniele will save herself which is almost a given) seems to rotate chiefly between being Joe or being Nick.
  • Jen wants to put up Nick because that will affect Daniele more. It's always been Daniele she really wanted gone. And, she said before the POV comp that if someone uses it, she will target whomever the POV user was close to in the house.
  • She thinks that Joe leaving will benefit everyone but herself.
  • Eric campaigned Jen for a Nick gone if he goes up on the block with Dick.
  • Eric thinks Nick alienated himself from his old alliance.
  • Zach doesn't want Nick out. He'd prefer Jen put Joe on the block with Dick.
  • Mike thinks Nick is a mole, but trusts him more than he does Dick. He thinks if Dick wins HOH, he'll put him (Mike) up for eviction.
  • Nick told Mike that between Dick and Joe, he'd rather see Joe leave.
  • Zach told Nick that Jen was going to put him on the block.
  • Nick told Jen about what Zach said and told her if he went up against Dick, he (Nick) would end up going home. He also told her about the Mrs. Robinson alliance.
  • Jen told Nick that if Joe went up, he'd go home. She also said the whole house wants Zach gone next week. (I thought they all wanted Joe gone this week? Work on that first, Jenthetic!)
  • The boys played their Magnus Strong Man competition -- certainly not an official Big Brother comp!
  • Mike warned Zach to cool it because others in the house think he's playing the game too hard and it could backfire on him.
  • Mike and Zach came to the realization that others know about the Mrs. Robinson alliance. (Well, duh.)
  • They want to pour water in the backyard spinning teacup to see if it really holds only nine gallons of water.

The show begins in about an hour here. I'll be posting an East Coast Update entry although we know from the feeds who won POV. Maybe they'll surprise us! Or not. ;-)

Pants Mania - This Week on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' - July 16-20, 2007

Late Show with David Letterman Even I need a respite from the Big Brother house, right?

Make mine pants!

Here are the guests we can expect to see this week on The Late Show with David Letterman:

  • Monday, July 16: Michelle Pfeiffer promoting Hairspray, Jonah Hill talking about Superbad, Michele Lauziere (Master of the Unusual)
  • Tuesday, July 17: Adam Sandler pimping I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry and musical guest Mute Math (CD is Mute Math).
  • Wednesday, July 18: John Travolta (Hairspray), Paula Abdul promoting her new reality series (which I've managed to not see yet) Hey Paula, musical guest Teddy Thompson whose CD is Upfront and Down Low.
  • Thursday, July 19: Kevin James (I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry), musical guest White Rabbits - CD is Fort Nightly.
  • Friday, July 20: Julia Stiles of The Bourne Ultimatum and comedian Nick Griffith.
Yes, all fresh shows this week! Hairspray is getting a lot of hype. I think I'll have to go see it when it arrives at the theaters. I always like quirky John Waters things. I don't know how keen I am on a chubby female John Travolta, though. Vinnie Barbarino would take a bruising from the sweathogs on that!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Video Bit - Late Night 7/14

In this video clip from the feeds that I uploaded to YouTube, Dick talks to a captive (chained) Amber and Kail. He discusses Jen and how she needs to change drastically to stay in the house. He tells them that Daniele and he won't be able to entirely solve their issues in the house, but he feels they've taken small steps.

Watching him, it's good strategy at work. It's a shame he decided to pitch the speech to the only player in the game who saw right through it. After he left the room, Kail told Amber how manipulative and intimidating Dick is. "He has to go."

This was late last night in the Big Brother House -- beware, the language gets a bit crude.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds From Saturday, July 14

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Graphics artist Zoetawny makes her seasonal animated image debut with HOH HO Jen. Gee, there should be earrings which say Jen, too! Great job and she (Zoetawny, not Jen) rocks!

Here's the rundown of today's events in that Big Brother House of Jenitards and Plasma Slop, something like that. Remember, there is more information in my TV Squad article linked in my previous post. (Somewhat akin to following the yellow brick road, eh?)
  • Before the veto comp, Jen told the others she wanted the comp to be between Dick, Daniele, and herself. She didn't want them to play for the win. She told them that if someone removed either of them from the block, she'd put up someone close to them.
  • The POV comp was Christmas-themed with rewards and punishments. (Naughty and nice?)
  • As mentioned earlier, Daniele won POV. Dick won a plasma TV. Jen has to wear a red unitard. Joe has a slop pass for the week. Kail and Amber are chained together for 24 hours. (Amber chose Kail.) There was also a money prize.
  • Jameka got a group step-dancing.
  • Nick and Daniele cuddled and sweet-talked a lot. Too much. At times all four feeds were on them. @@
  • Zach, the flying monkey boy for Jen, is pushing for Joe to be put in Daniele's place on the block.
  • Jen thinks whoever she puts up would end up going home and Dick will stay. She told Zach she'd never put up Kail or Mike.
  • according to a story he told the others, Dick has a marijuana arrest in his background. I haven't seen it on, though.
  • When Dick and Jen talked, she told him he wouldn't be going home. She also said it would have been stupid to not put him on the block. He told her she'd probably go home within a few weeks. She replied that if he had won HOH, he would have nominated her. She called him simplistic and one-dimensional. Oh, big words!
  • Dick told Jen that her goofy shirts down't help her any. Heh.
  • Jen said she's a WoW addict and doesn't go out at night. That's World of Warcraft, a game.
  • Joe was Dustin's first boyfriend.
  • There's a movement afoot to convince Jen to nominate Zach, her flying monkey boy. I personally don't think she will, but who knows? Maybe she realizes he's just clinging to her for life. Maybe she knows he's using her. But, then again, maybe he could be a vote for her to stay down the road.
  • Dick told Nick that the threats he made to Jen weren't serious. They were just to rattle her. Then he said, "Even the voices in my head told me to tone it down." (See, he needs to stay!)

Lots of small talk, no explosions tonight.

'Big Brother 8' STUFF

A post is in the works which includes some cool new Zoetawny (she rocks) graphics, but I'd like to point you to my latest TV Squad article.

I also came across this interview with Carol posted over at

An excerpt:

So how were you both cast? I'm guessing that two enemies didn't happen to both randomly decide to apply for Big Brother.
[She pauses, then quietly confers with a CBS publicist for a moment.] We all went through the whole casting process, but she was cast first and mentioned me, and that's how I kind of got pulled into it.

I think I'll be very concerned if the show ever contacts me. She said she had never seen an episode before she was being cast.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Quickie Update - POV

I apologize for getting this to you a bit late, but Daniele won the Veto again. Since she's Jen's target, this will upset a few plans to the Jenth degree. In addition to Jen, Daniele and Dick, it was Amber, Joe and Mike playing for the veto. Dick won a plasma television.

A full report will be filed later tonight!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Overnight Into 7/14, Video, and Stuff!

"Good morning, houseguests. Stop singing, please."

My latest TV Squad article can be found right here. Eventually I'll put a link in my sidebar which will get you there easily. Of course, I already have the main site listed on the sidebar... I have for many months now.

This is video I took shortly after the feeds returned post nominations last night. Dick, Joe, and Jameka react to the nominations and Jameka gets a hairdryer. No, the incidents aren't really connected. BB apparently gave all of the houseguests items they had requested. Be warned - language is a bit rough. We're talking BB houseguests here, y'know.

In other late night dealings from that Big Brother House of Ne'er-do-wells:
  • Daniele admitted to Nick that she's only 20 years old. They pinky-sweared that he wouldn't tell anyone.
  • Dick gave shout-outs to his son, Vincent. It's his birthday.
  • Jen claimed she nominated Dick and Daniele because "their vibe is bringing the house down." (I say she wants to get rid of Daniele because she's jealous... or, just as Dick says in the video above -- she wants to be the "hott girl" in the house. Alas, I think of the two, Daniele would have the votes to stay. I like Daniele, but I like watching Dick more. He's more interesting on the feeds.)
  • Nick said he's kissed guys before. (Slowly emerging from that closet, eh?)
  • Jen said Jameka's key was pulled first because she planned on using most of the money won to help others.
  • Dick vows a week of revenge against Jen. He also said he'll give Joe the rest of his cigarettes if he leaves. He also flipped off Jen during the Nominations Ceremony. Jen is very upset about that. We'll probably see a blurred hand on the show.
  • Nick said if he got POV, he wouldn't use it to save either Daniele or Dick. He told Dick his vote would have to be to save Daniele. Dick understands.
  • Joe tried to defend Dick to Jen mentioning his constant cooking and cleaning for the house. She said it didn't matter. He was negative and bad vibes.
  • The HG were told there would be a 7 AM wake-up call on Saturday. No one knows why. They're speculating luxury comp. They still think POV will be held on Sunday.
  • Zach thinks "a ton of hot chicks" will want him after the show. @@ (Who wants a flying monkey boy?)
  • Amber is torn over how she'll vote. She said her heart is with Daniele, but her head says Dick because she honestly likes him. She thinks he likes and cares about her.
  • Zach and Mike want Daniele gone. They'd rather have Dick on the jury because they think he'll be more fair.
  • Nick told Daniele about the Mrs. Robinson alliance. He thinks Kail, Mike or Zach need to be put on the block next week to break up the alliance. He was very truthful in telling her all about it. (Heh, so much for that alliance, eh?)
  • In Kail scheming, she wants to make a deal with Dick and is calling him Mr. Robertson as a code name. Wha...?
  • Mike eavesdropped as Eric and Jessica were talking about how nasty Zach is and a bit of strategy. Mike is sneaking around spying on a lot of the others. Uh-oh! But he's noticed, too. That won't bode so well.
  • As I write this, all are sleeping. But the expected 7 AM wake-up call didn't keep most from staying up half the night.

Friday, July 13, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations

After a few hours of blocked feeds, it looks like Jameka might be on the block. She's crying. Not sure on the second one yet. I'll update this post when I glean the info. (I love saying stuff like "glean the info.") I believe the second is Dick. Joe's key was the last one pulled.

I may be wrong on Jameka. She's still crying, but Dick's talking like he and Daniele (the original plan) are on the block

I will clarify.

No, Jameka is just being emotional.

Dick and Daniele are on the block.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update - Friday, July 13

There's a lot of scheming going on, but the nominations haven't gone down as of the time I'm getting this posted.
The nominations SEEM like it will be Dick and Daniele right now. Jen honestly thinks that Daniele would go home. Zach is in the thick with Jen and operating as her flying monkey.

Nick had a talk with Jen in which he told her Zach was saying that she would be putting up him (Nick) and Daniele. In that case, he'd go home. He tried to get her to realize that Daniele would have votes to stay against many people. He suggested Joe on the block.

Earlier Zach had nixed Joe on the block because he can go anytime. He suggested Daniele and Amber.

After Nick finished his talk with Jen in which she practically confessed Daniele and Dick on the block as a sure thing, he (Nick) told Dick that Jen would be putting them (Daniele and Dick) up. They talked about how they couldn't trust Zach... something said often before.

Earlier today there was the food comp -- blocked from the cameras. Jen said she was the only girl who can eat (because she's HOH). It seems to be the girls and Joe on slop. There also was some sort of incident with Eric in the comp that upset folks. But I haven't heard details.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Late Night -Overnight Into 7/13

Although I really didn't want Jen to get HOH, this puts a bit of spice into the game. These folks, even those who don't get along, have been much too passive much too long.

Give me fireworks.

Here are the happenings from the late night/overnight hours in that Big Brother House of You're So Vain, I Bet You Thought This Show Is About You:

  • The HG are talking conspiracy -- Dick, Jameka, Amber, and Daniele all think Julie had two answers to the last question and chose the one which favored a Jen win. @@
  • Jen said she wouldn't do a nomination of both Dick and Joe. "No one likes Joe, but they may keep him over Evel."
  • No alcohol for the hamsters due to the scheduled food challenge Friday.
  • Jen told Mike she wasn't going to put up Dick, but after their fight, she should.
  • Jen is worried about girls leaving the house, although she'd rather Daniele leave than Dick. That's because it would break up the Nick connection. Dick's only real connection is Daniele. (She's actually thinking!)
  • Unlike last week with Kail, Jen is opening the HOH Room for meetings about deals.
  • Dick figured out the Kail, Mike, Zach alliance.
  • Nick and Jen talked about the kissing brouhaha. Jen told him, "It's hard to pretend you're a dumb girl when you're not." (Hmm... food for thought, eh?) She thinks she would have gone home if she didn't win HOH.
  • Jen thinks the house would be boring if Dick wasn't in it. (Hate to break the news, but it's boring even when he's there!)
  • Most of the HG have told stories about how they got cast... Eric notes that Jen didn't say much. (She said, and I reported, that a friend at CBS got her in. I say ChillTown!)
  • Lots of anti-Zach speak goin' on. That's new. It's Nick, Daniele, Amber, and Dick doin' the smack talk.
  • Dick was going to have a meeting with Jen, but it fell through. I don't know why.
  • Jen fussed about the HOH photos again and newly fussed about them not giving her a silk pillow.
  • Mike and Kail have doubts about Nick's loyalty in the Mrs. Robinson alliance.
  • In a Kail and Jen HOH Room talk, they discussed key order for the nomination. At the moment, it looks like Jen will nominate Dick and Daniele. Keep in mind, this may change. It could be something that Jen's saying because of Kail. She could do somethng entirely different during the actual noms. I have a feeling that we may be underestimating some of Jen's gameplaying skills in the house.
  • I hope I'm wrong and she's not a smart player.
  • Dick, Amber and Eric are still up talking in the backyard as I post this.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update - Since Live Show 7/12

Okay, I downloaded a different driver for my audio recording and managed to record with the BBReloader not in a silent movie fashion. This live feeds clip I uploaded to YouTube is my first Big Brother feeds recording experiment. Jameka, Dick, and Eric are reliving their surprise that Jen won the HOH competition. I should get better at this as I go along, so bear with me! Caution - language is a bit rough, but thankfully no nudity!

So... Eric thinks Jen is the focus player, eh? I actually understand his reasoning and he's right. She's the one the Internet has glommed onto with Jessica's "dumbisms" running a close second.

Here are the other recent shenanigans in a nutshell:
  • Daniele, Joe, and Dick all think the comp was geared to a Jen win.
  • Daniele asked Joe if he would keep her in the event that she and her father were both on the block.
  • Joe doesn't think he's America's "favorite" anymore because of his comment about Dustin's "surface smile." (What he doesn't understand is that he hasn't been America's favorite since the first time America met him!)
  • Dick didn't want to see the new JenHOH Room.
  • Jen hates the pictures in her JenHOH.
  • The room itself didn't change like in the past -- just the goodies. She received snacks, leggings, photos, ear plugs and more. But "all I wanted was silk sheets!" No silk sheets for you!
  • Joe wants her to nominate Dustin, but she told him she's leaning towards Daniele and Nick.

The nominations should be tomorrow (Friday) and the food competition is expected, too. Half of the house will be on BB Slop again by this time tomorrow night.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

'So You Think You Can Dance' 7/12 Results Show - East Coast Updates

The show is starting here on the East Coast. As important events occur, I'll update this entry. Please refresh or return for the latest on what couples make the bottom three and who leaves tonight.

Sabra and Dominic are safe. Danny and Anya are Bottom Three once again.

Kameron and Lacey are safe. Sara and Pasha are safe. Cedric and Shauna are Bottom Three. (Let's see if Cedric gets by again!)

Hok and Jaimie are Bottom Three. Lauren and Neil are safe. (Although I adore Hok, the performance of Lauren and Neil was superb.)

The bottom three couples are now dancing for their lives, Anya has a neat outfit on, not my favorite performance of hers -- too busy! Danny was gorgeous -- such control! Shauna gave it her all -- I think she beat Anya. Cedric is back to his same old same old. Jaimie's dance was similar to Shauna's. Hok did his thing.

Hillary Duff is singing "stranger" while the judges make their decision.

The votes are unanimous, taking everything into account, not just the solo. Shauna is the girl going home... growth and personality issues. Cedric is gone. Too bad other dancers were booted in past weeks to keep him.

'Big Brother 8' - 7/12 Live Show East Coast Update

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Recap, recap...

Check in with this post as I'll update it throughout the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Julie said it's been an "emotional rollercoaster ride" already. Yeah, right.

Into the back and forth over who should stay and who should go. Jen is wearing sunglasses which make her look like The Fly.

Julie is talking to the houseguests now. No voting yet.

Dick's mother and his son will tell the story of Dick and Daniele's estrangement later in the show.

Now the first talks in the DR about the nominees, but not the voting.

Vincent, Dick's son, is talking. He said Daniele borrowed money from him, didn't pay it back, and he didn't handle it well. She left. His mother thinks Dick (Richard) wants to be close with Daniele. Vincent is so much better looking than the pictures I saw of him. He obviously would like to see Daniele and Dick mend fences. Dick says he's there to win the half-million and his daughter back.

Julie is talking to Kail in the HOH Room. Why all men in the alliance? Basically she thinks it just happened that way.

But, first... more DR commentary on the nominees!

A segment about Eric being America's Player. He knew ahead of time, but his family didn't. His friends and family say he's been wanting to be on the show for eight years. His family booed when they viewed him chosen as he had a strategy all laid out and this might ruin his game.

America's Player was told to vote out CAROL. Eric seems like he's going to do it... "America, we vote to evict Carol."

Julie is talking to the nominees now... Amber is crying againas she talks. @@ Carol did well.

The vote... huh, going to reveal the vote without showing who voted for whom? 10 to 1, Carol is gone.

Julie showed Carol the five dollar video clip. Carol looks amazed... she didn't remember what the fight was all about. It's to the goodbye messages. Joe's is nice. All nice so far. Jessica actually said nice things. Julie said they'll reveal the lone vote to keep Carol tomorrow on The Early Show. I'd say offhand it must be Joe.

HOH Comp is Majority Rules, question booths, answer with the majority questions about their housemates. Zach is out. Dick, Daniele, Nick are out. Jameka gone. Amber gone. Jessica and Mike out. Tiebreaker - closest to correct number w/o going over... how many gallons of water held in spinning teacup?

OMG -- JEN won HOH.

The America's Player question is who to target for eviction. Who should Eric target for eviction for us? Alas, he can't target Jen. ARGH.

'Big Brother 8' - Feeds Update - Daytime - 7/12

<---- All dressed up and nowhere to go.

The houseguests are very excited and nervous about the live show tonight. They're like teenaged girls waiting on their first dates.

The live show will start here on the East Coast at 8 PM (5 PM PT). I will have an East Coast Update post going with the important events as they air, so please stop back to discuss the events or sneak a peek from the West Coast!

What happened today in that Big Brother House of Please Stop Singing?

  • BB got the houseguests out of bed early at 8:15 with a wake-up song. Of course, the feeds went to Blue Liquid.
  • Daniele joked that Internet feed watchers are probably canceling their feeds because they're so boring. (Ha!)
  • Early in the morning Kail said she was waiting for Carol to wake up so she could move her stuff in. (Talk about being sure Carol's leaving, eh?) She tried to correct the situation by saying it was her initial room, but...!
  • Dick was a vacuuming machine. And, he used one, too!
  • The girls and most of the guys primped a lot throughout the day.
  • Dick got on a Bash Jen kick. Among the less crude remarks were ones about her talking all about herself (and how great she is) all the time, walking loud when others are trying to sleep.
  • He confronted her and said, "Stop being such an inconsiderate b____ or I will make you the most miserable b____ in the house. There isn't a single word that comes out of your mouth that doesn't involve you."
  • She told him that BB said the HG had to wake up. He told her it wasn't her responsibility.
  • He left the room, she kept combing her hair as if nothing had happened. Um... okay.
  • There was a feeds block of about an hour while the HG apparently practiced for the HOH comp. It must not be a house/memory kind of comp as no one is studying or asking questions.
  • They're just passing time awaiting the show at this time.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Overnight Into Thursday 7/12

Last night was an uneventful night. About the only interesting tidbit is the revelation that Dick talks to himself for our benefit because he's watched the live feeds in the past. He told us this. I believe him.
The HG were still operating on the idea that Carol will be leaving tonight, but nothing is known for sure.
Today should be quiet as they prepare for the live show. You think they forget they're on camera outside of the live show and now the BB: After Dark show.
Hey, what about US, houseguests?

'Big Brother 8' Bulletin - Julie Chen on Late, Late NOW

Julie Chen is on The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson right now here on the East Coast. They're talking vacation. @@

He introduced her with the clip of Dustin, Dick, and Jessica getting the news they weren't alone in the house.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into the Evening - 7/11

Maybe Jen would prefer this screen capture I took of the feeds to be her official Big Brother Memory Wall picture. See, Jen, it could be worse... much worse!

The feeds have really been just a bunch of nothing this evening. About the only thing I feel is really worth noting is that Jen now thinks she's the one who will leave tomorrow... again.

They've talked about what to expect on tomorrow's live show as far as when the person leaves -- one minute to take bags, etc. They've played shuffleboard. They've giggled a lot. But, on the whole, there hasn't been a heck of a lot of game or strategy talk.

Blog reader sflewie was kind enough to send me some Alice in Big Brotherland graphics she made. We have Daniele in Wonderland and Zach and Mike -- Tweedledee and Tweedledum. It's said that they actually do look that much alike at a quick glance. I've gotten so I have no trouble telling them apart now, but it certainly took a while.

You can click on the images and see them a bit larger.

Returning to news from the feeds (or lack thereof) -- Joe and Amber are still bickering like kids. He thinks Dustin is poisoning her mind. @@ She told him she feels like his big sister. Um. Okay.

They talked about the book 1984 again. The only ones familiar with it are Dick, Daniele, Joe, and Eric. That's just sad. It's not required reading anymore, I guess. I still have my copy from high school somewhere here.

Jameka made the crowd chili and rice for dinner. I'm sure that will sit well with Dick's flatulence issues.

Earlier tonight, they each talked about what they'd do with the money if they won. Lots of going back to school, lots of personal belongings, some real estate, some charity... and a lot of that begins at home.

That's about it. They all feel it's Carol's last night, but they aren't allowed to actually discuss the votes they cast in the DR today. Joe mentioned to Eric (I think it was) that he voted for Amber. I guess we'll see tomorrow night, eh?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

TV Newsy Bits - Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jackie's TV Newsy Bits First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words regarding my TV Squad writing gig. I wouldn't have been hired if not for all the folks who have faithfully read this blog (and previous ones). You've made it into a community and it's you who kept me going!

I'll still be writing East Coast Updates here on the blog -- letting folks know who's going home on Thursday nights, so make sure you tune in tomorrow! I'll also be continuing coverage of the boot (East Coast time) on So You Think You Can Dance. Here, the feeds reports will continue in a bulleted list format while I'll delve deeper into things and cover more extensive material there. I'll probably not roll my eyes a lot there, but you know I want to! Eventually, when I can get my volume woes worked out on my BBReloader, I should be posting YouTube clips of feeds here.

Onto the TV Newsy Bits I found "out there" --

  • Can't get enough of Melissa and her soul-patch? Reality Check with Gina and Fans of Reality TV both have interviews with the most recent chef ousted from Hell's Kitchen.
  • Several sources including EOnline! and Zap2It have articles about the return of The Apprentice on NBC.
  • I received a press release from the CourtTV folks today. Remember, a while back I mentioned they have a brand name change and lots of other changes planned for early 2008. Um, the new name of the channel will be truTV. No, I would not lie. It's true. Or tru. Or truTV.
  • The OC Register has some tidbits on the upcoming Survivor: China. Interesting reading!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Daytime 7/11

Wednesdays in the Big Brother house are traditionally a bit boring. I forgot about that. The big events of the day are voting which we don't see and they aren't allowed to discuss and the HOH camera.

The one thing I'll really remember about today is the overuse of the word "whatever." I swear it's been said 482 times from everyone ranging from Carol to Dick to Kail. Stop it.


Here are the not-so-thrilling thrilling events from today in that Big Brotherly House of Brotherly Love (just check out the Mutual Admiration Society amongst the guys!):
  • Zach and Kail had a hushed conversation in the Storage Room about Dick. Kail thinks Dick is a loose cannon. Zach thinks it's wiser to get rid of Daniele first, then Dick won't be as dangerous.
  • Kail plans on collecting Dick's IOU for a favor if he becomes HOH - don't put her up will be her request.
  • Kail has no idea who "Mrs. Roberson" is because she never saw the movie. Zach at least knows the song and was singing a few bars. (Where do they get these houseguests? Under rocks? I can't believe a woman her age isn't at least a bit familiar with The Graduate or the song... one or the other! Roberson!)
  • The HOH camera came to life and fun was had by all. Yawn.
  • Nick and Daniele's showmance is hitting tough times. Too bad, so sad.
  • In talking with Daniele, Amber said that Zach is a floater and must go.

Mind you, folks... that's the big news since my last post. Whatever! At least we know tomorrow will be an interesting night. The daytime hours will be quiet, but this group is much tidier than past casts. They won't have as much housecleaning to do for the live show.