Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Wednesday 7/22

Boring day in the house, yet it was. And still is. Ronnie is still in exile hiding out from the world at large. It's sad, yet deserved.
  • Casey thinks Russell has gone too far in terrorizing Ronnie.
  • Jeff has picked up on Jessie pretty much staying out of the Ronnie brouhaha.
  • Jeff would also like to see Jessie go on the block, not so much to be sent packing but to freak him out.
  • I like Jeff's thinking.
  • Michele is worried that if she goes up on the block, Jeff will vote her out.
  • He said he wouldn't and that he doesn't like "what if" scenarios.
  • Kevin told Jordan he doesn't think she'll be going home unless people aren't telling him things.
  • Russell talked to Ronnie. And no ... not yelled at. He told Ronnie that he has no intention of nominating him and that the HOH comp should be thrown to him (Russell) to ensure he isn't put on the block.
  • What Russell didn't tell Ronnie is that everyone has pretty much agreed the best way to get rid of Ronnie would be to backdoor him.
  • Russell told Ronnie he wants Casey gone. I really haven't seen much mentioned about that prior to this. I feel it's for the benefit of Ronnie.
  • Russell told Ronnie that he and Jessie can't say anything in his (Ronnie's) favor right now in front of others.
  • Lydia wants Ronnie out, then Russell.
  • Something has been being built in the yard while they've been on indoor lockdown.
  • They were just let into the yard. The feed I had on only showed them going out the door.
  • "What's this?" "Is this just for fun?" "No, it's the HOH comp for tomorrow!"
  • It's kind of like skeeball with a catapult. Now the feeds are cutting in and out as they practice. Every time one of the production people talk, we get blocked.
  • They roll a ball down a plank and jerk the plank up to pitch the ball into buckets.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn 7/22

It's yet another late night for the BB bunch. They were given alcohol, but they're not drunk. Jessie is talking about body building and weight lifting. It's obviously a fascinating discussion ... not.

Here's the goods from the Big Brother House of Nerds and Ne'er-do-wells:
  • Russell told Lydia and Chima that the only way to get rid of Ronnie would be a backdoor. He would only play for POV if chosen and would have no way to save himself.
  • Jeff thinks Jessie uses his harem as personal servants.
  • Casey thinks Jordan will stay. He advised Jordan to keep being nice and maybe plant a seed that Laura wants Jessie and Lydia out.
  • Russell wonders how Ronnie couldn't feel he had quarters up the butt.
  • The big group (sans exiled Ronnie) talked about having two people throw HOH.
  • Chima, who imbibed the most alcohol in the group, doesn't want to be a pawn again.
  • Ronnie made the mistake of going into the kitchen for a bottle opener. Russell yelled at him. Ronnie hightailed it back to the HOH room.
  • Laura supported Casey's and Russell's thoughts to put two pawns on the block, then backdoor Ronnie.
  • The problem is that no one wants to be a pawn. Laura pointed out that due to the cliques, the nominees are limited and chances are they'd have to go up anyway.
  • Lydia, Kevin, and Chima think Jordan is definitely the lesser threat when compared to Laura. They also don't really trust the athletes.
  • Jessie, Natalie, and Russell plan to vote Laura out.
  • Natalie told Kevin she has no romantic interest in Jessie.
  • BB reminded the hamsters that they're turning the lights out at 2 AM.
  • So they all sat in the yard.
  • Natalie told Russell she's heard he's made deals with everyone. Russell told her he did it for information, but the only ones he's loyal to are her and Jessie.
  • Russell told Jessie that he's only being nice to Chima to use her.
  • Lydia, Natalie, and Kevin think Laura isn't even trying to stay and wonder why.
  • I think first, Laura likes Jordan. And, second ... she realizes that she's perceived as more of a threat than Jordan. I think she is pretty sure campaigning won't change the inevitable.
  • Now it's just Casey and Jessie in the backyard.

Jordan and Laura headed for their cell long ago.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Evening 7/21

I wouldn't mind being able to wear black spandex like Lydia. I wouldn't mind so much having a Hello Kitty tattoo. But ... um ... no.

Here's what's been going on in that Big Brother House of Geeks, Freaks, and Those Who Deserve to be Mocked:
  • Jessie told Natalie that they'd just have to ride the Ronnie thing out and see what happens. He won't bring up a possible eviction, but he won't fight it either.
  • They think they'd still have the numbers as they have Lydia. Kevin seems to come with her.
  • I'm actually a bit disappointed that Kevin tends to stay under the radar a lot.
  • Jeff thinks it's all making sense now. He couldn't get why everyone hated him so and now he knows it was Ronnie's lies.
  • Lydia told him that she needs to tell him something about Russell later.
  • If I were Jeff, I think I'd be as leery about Lydia as I am now about Ronnie.
  • Casey and Jeff talked about how Ronnie said that Jeff called Kevin a derogatory slur for homosexual. (Like how I scooted around that one?)
  • Everyone in the house wishes Ronnie could go home this week and both Jordan and Laura stay.
  • It ain't gonna happen.
  • They hashed and rehashed all of Ronnie's lies and how he pitted them against each other for fun and profit.
  • Ronnie hid out.
  • BB gave 'em wine tonight.
  • Cooking was a mutual effort on the part of Michele and Natalie.
  • "Let him starve," said Jeff about Ronnie.
  • As all of the others had a pleasant time, Ronnie came out of the HOH and laid down on the couch in the upstairs hallway.
  • He eventually went back to his lair.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone's gameplay blow up so badly in all the years of the show. Ronnie was right. He's going to make BB history ... most hated by almost everybody.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Big Brother 11 7/21 Show Blog Party Post

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The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages!

Russell blew up at Lydia and made her cry. This happens just after he decided he needed to be friends with everyone. Natalie thinks Russell should be backdoored.

They chose the veto players from the bag. Ron chose Russ, Laura chose Natalie, Jeff chose Casey.

Jeff wins the veto!

To backdoor Russell or to not backdoor Russell, that is the question.

In the veto meeting, Jeff saved himself. Ronnie put Jordan on the block without any of the background from the feeds. Ronnie tells us Jessie was right, didn't have the numbers. Laura is the target.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Daytime Tuesday 7/21

Russell takes some time off from his day of being Ronnie's worst nightmare.

As I mentioned in my previous report, the entire house has Ronnie's number ... even his bestest friend Jessie. True, in this game you have to occasionally lie. But you don't needlessly lie to everyone in the house. You know, they kind of talk to each other. The smug shall fall. Here's the latest skinny:
  • Jessie thinks that the show production must be involved in the Ronnie fiasco because one person couldn't have done that much to the house!
  • Maybe he's a PLANT ... like Dan last year. (Yeah, right.)
  • Jordan and Jeff are getting closer.
  • Is Ronnie's conscience bothering him? He had a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Maybe he was just repeating to himself ... "what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive."
  • Russell kicked in his Pick On Ronnie (Who Deserves It) campaign first thing this morning by greeting Ronnie with, "Good morning, rat."
  • Russell started following Ronnie around telling him he must suck as a gamer.
  • Michele said she felt weird being happy about other people's pain -- Russell picking on Ronnie. I do, too. But Ronnie is so a little weasly slime-bucket.
  • After Ronnie retreated to the HOH room, Russell set himself up right outside the HOH door.
  • When the others got up, they wondered if Russell was in cahoots with Ronnie as both were missing.
  • I like the expression "in cahoots." I have so few opportunities to use it in a sentence.
  • Jessie told Ronnie even though he (Ronnie) can't compete for HOH next, he could still win POV.
  • When Ronnie left the HOH room, Russell Pit Bull Terrier was right on his heels.
  • They made a slip and slide out of garbage bags. Lydia managed to cut the tops of her feet and shins.
  • Russ continued to follow and mock Ronnie wherever he went.
  • Then Ronnie cried. In the HOH room where no one could see him, of course. Now, it's sad. But he wanted to put on those big boy pants and be King.
  • Jessie told Natalie that someone else would have to go to bat to save Ronnie -- he won't do it.
  • And that's pretty much it.
Please remember to stop by the show's blog party post tonight. It will be up at 9 PM ET and beware west coast ... there will be spoilers. But you knew that.

Lydia looks at her slip and slide wounds.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Dawn Tuesday 7/21

This is the latest staying up yet being sober group I've ever seen in the Big Brother house. Jessie, Casey, and Laura are still up in the kitchen talking the evils of Ronnie. Casey and Laura have seen through Ronnie for some time. Whether Jessie is actually realizing that Ronnie will play him as quickly as he's played others, I just don't know.

Here's what's been happening in the late night hours:
  • Laura told Ronnie that she would have been a better ally for him than Jordan.
  • Ronnie told others that Laura's spreading lies.
  • Jordan thinks they want her and Laura against each other.
  • The HOH bunch is adamant about voting Laura out.
  • Lydia wants the NBK (Natural Born Killers) to be only herself, Chima, and Kevin because the others talk too much.
  • The HOH group is falling apart trust-wise.
  • That one segment really wanted Russell backdoored.
  • Natalie says Russell wants Jordan out.
  • Despite personal differences, everyone is agreeing that Ronnie is a liar.
  • Russell confronted Ronnie about his lies and called for witnesses.
  • Ronnie got shouted at a lot as he stood on the balcony.
  • Ronnie retreated to his HOH room.
  • Every hamster in the house wants Ronnie out next week.
  • Since the confrontation, Ronnie's been hiding out while everyone talks about him and his lies.
  • It's all good, eh?

Maybe if she showered more than every three days, she wouldn't have to pop pimples on the live feeds.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds: Into the Evening Monday 7/20

I know I've mentioned this during previous years, but I'm going to say it again. The house has too much down time. As it stands right now since the POV ceremony is done and over with, there's nothing other than the HOH camera between tonight and the live eviction show on Thursday.

Throw in nominees like Laura and Jordan and we've got ourselves a snoozefest. Laura knows she's the target. She likes Jordan. She's not going to campaign against Jordan. Laura has accepted her fate and is more about trying to give Jordan game advice than trying to flip the vote.

Here are a few interesting tidbits from the Big Brother House of Restless Rodents:
  • Jessie and Casey talked about Ronnie's deals. Casey reminded Jessie that his own deal with Ronnie went sour.
  • Russell wants Ronnie out next.
  • I might have to like Russell a wee little bit even though it makes me feel cheap.
  • Russell told Casey that he doesn't like how everyone is acting a bit starstruck when it comes to Jessie.
  • Lydia told Jessie that Russell said Natalie and Jessie need to be split up. If I'm not mistaken, that was something she said to Russell first and he basically agreed.
  • Laura cried. She's on slop, she's tired, she knows she's going home and she wants to go home.
  • Jeff tried to tell her that she doesn't know for sure that she's going home, but that didn't console her. She knows she's going home.
  • A new but bound to be short-lived odd couple has come into being -- Russell and Laura. They both mocked Jessie (not to his face, of course), talked about Ronnie being the next to go.
  • Ronnie and Jessie talked. Jessie told Ronnie that Russell is using their conversations to get in with the other side.
Yawn. Laters!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Monday Daytime 7/20

Well, the PoV meeting went down. Ronnie is rationalizing putting Jordan on the block when Jeff saved himself as they don't have the numbers to get Russell out against Laura. He thinks that if he put Casey or any of the athletes up, there would be lesser of a chance of getting Laura out. And, despite what he told us on the show, he must want Laura out not Russell. Um. Okay. I just wish he'd shut up with his lecturing other houseguests on why he did what he did and how great a move it is.
  • He claims he strategically gave his side (Jeff, Casey, Michele, Jordan) back the numbers in the long run.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Laura doesn't understand why "all those girls" love Jessie.
  • Neither do I.
  • After saying she enjoyed the movie last night, Chima groused about it this morning.
  • Chima, in an effort to keep up with her starring role of Drama Queen, also has been complaining about how the diary room treats her and that she isn't getting her iron pills on time. She says that if Julie Chen asks her how she is on the live show, she's going to mention that she's not getting enough iron.
  • After the POV ceremony, Laura asked that she not go out unanimously. One vote, please.
That's where we stand. I'm certain we'll be seeing a Laura exit on Thursday. Ronnie does have some logic about the votes not being enough to send Russell home. However, had he put Russell and Jessie (or Natalie) on the block originally, they might have been able to swing votes.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds - POV Meeting 7/20

This is a late but quick bulletin -- Jeff saved himself and Jordan is now up in his place on the block with Laura.

More soon.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn 7/20

Ronnie idolizing his false god in the wee hours.

Gee, I wish that PoV ceremony was done and over with. I'm tired of trying to figure out what Ronnie's going to do. He lies with each and every breath he breathes. Is he telling anyone the truth?
  • The HOH bunch -- Ronnie, Natalie, Jessie, Lydia, Russell, and Kevin decided to call themselves the Natural Born Killers (NBK) and use a majority rules approach to comps.
  • Ronnie mentioned that if they're in one of the majority rules questions comp, you can hear a click if a card is turned from A to B. They hear two clicks and they all turn to B.
  • Russell said he hasn't cried since he was a child. His father used to hit him whenever he cried.
  • Jordan told Laura that Ronnie said he wasn't going to put her on the block. Laura told her she should have said, "Check. That's ten lies."
  • Jessie is pushing for a Laura leave.
  • Jordan says the diary room told her she doesn't talk game enough.
  • I think she does.
  • Casey dubbed the body buddy bunch "The Dumb Five."
  • Well, I begrudgingly admit that they aren't that dumb if they keep up the gameplay.
  • Jessie taught his puppy dog Ronnie a new trick -- how to lift weights.
  • Kevin and Russell pointed out that Natalie only takes a shower every three days or so.
  • Kevin is starting to feel a bit outcast in his body buddy group. I think we might want to see if he turns. Remember, he has his secret alliance with Casey.
  • Ronnie told Casey he has to put Jordan on the block to make sure Laura goes home.
  • If up against Laura, it would be a toss-up whether Russell or Laura would go. Against Jordan, it would definitely be Laura leaving.
  • The newly dubbed NBK think they'll get rid of the four and keep Jordan for last as she has no chance to win anything.
  • You don't know how much I want Jordan to win it all as I listen to them.
So, as it stands now ... with Jessie and Ronnie still up and talking, but saying nothing new ... the backdoor Russell plan is off. It will probably be Jordan replacing Jeff on the block with Laura being the target.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds into Sunday Evening 7/19

Laura eavesdrops on Ronnie and Jordan.

So, what is Ronnie going to do when Jeff takes himself off the block? I really don't know. He seems to be lying to the one side (Jeff, Casey, Jordan, and Laura) and seems closer to the other side (Lydia, Jessie, Russell, Natalie, and Kevin). But is he telling the truth to anyone? I don't think so.
  • Jordan told Ronnie straight up that he's been playing them and she can't trust him.
  • Ronnie ran back to the body buddies and told them Jordan is dead to him in the game ... and all bets are off, he might even put her on the block.
  • But he told Michele he didn't want Jordan to go home. He asked Michele to vote the way he wants her to. She agreed.
  • Michele told Ronnie that she's committed to the brains and the athletes. Argh.
  • Chima and Casey enjoyed the movie.
  • Ronnie told Casey he's not putting him on the block.
  • Kevin approached Casey for a "secret alliance." Shh ... no one knows.
  • Ronnie told Casey he's likely to put Jordan on the block.
  • Is he lying?
More in a few hours. I'm as confused about what he's going to do as anyone.

Big Brother 11 July 19 Nominations Show Blog Party

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show is actually starting on time here in the NYC viewing area. As it airs, I will update this post with the major events. But the real fun is down in the comments area -- take the zipline right on down to the pool and the beverage cart should be shortly. Everyone is welcome, just play nice with each other is all I ask. Since they chose to go under our brutal scrutiny, the hamsters are fair game.

Meow. Cat fight between Chima and Michele over the vote. Laura is totally onto Ronnie's plan. Ronnie tries to blame Michele for the vote.

Luxury comp time -- two will see The Ugly Truth.

Casey won for the guys. Chima wins for the gals.

Chima and Casey get to decide what clique is have not. They argue, she fusses. She chooses Popular and that's that.

Nominations -- key order --
Jordan, Casey, Lydia, Natalie, Jessie, Kevin, Russell (brain clique already safe)

Laura and Jeff nominated

Ronnie tells us in a DR session his intent is to get Russell out of the house on Thursday. We'll see.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Sunday Afternoon 7/19

There isn't really a heck of a lot to report so far today because they tend to sleep so late. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of High School Hamsters:
  • Casey was up first, but then took a nap. I wonder why the older people (yeah, 41!) tend to get up earlier in the house. I have come to the conclusion that they're ingrained for an earlier wake-up due to having to work for a living.
  • Russell wears contacts. He said something once about wearing his eyeglasses at work to look less scary.
  • Casey thinks Ronnie changes his mind a lot. He thinks Jordan might go up (when Jeff saves himself with the PoV), but it will be Laura going home.
  • Russell told Jeff and Casey that Ronnie is star-struck with Jessie and Jessie is calling his HOH shots.
  • Ronnie said that he'll be locked out of the HOH for a lot of the day due to the movie later on. I believe it's Jeff and Casey who won the movie in yesterday's PoV, but don't quote me on it.
  • Ronnie says the PoV ceremony is tomorrow night. Laura thought it was tonight. I think it used to be on Sunday nights, but if they're doing the movie ... maybe not.
  • The plan still seems (sort of kind of) to be a backdoor Russell mission.
  • But with Ronnie, who knows for sure? He has a different story with each group. He might think it's smart gameplaying, but he should really hold his cards a bit closer to his chest and shut his mouth for just a while. I can see this backfiring on him in a major way.
  • There have been lots of blocked feeds as I get this written up. It could be the prep for the movie.
  • I'll be putting up the show blog party post at 8 PM ET. Everyone is welcome to come on by!
UPDATE: Now he's going to put up Casey. Sheesh. Make up your mind, Ronnie ... you supposedly have one.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was

Although this is the time of year that Big Brother (especially the live feeds) tends to take over the blog, I'm not all about the show. You can check out the latest live feeds report at this link, but this post is more about my week. Clicking on any of the images will open them larger in a new window.

Later today, I'll be writing my Reality Clack column for CliqueClack TV and my episode review of tonight's Big Brother for TV Squad. Of course, I'll be piping in here with BB live feed reports and the show post. Hopefully it will air on time this week.

I found a beautiful blue car that I wouldn't be caught dead in. Plainfield, NJ

I used layers to make the background black and white on this shot I took by the Plainfield (NJ) Train Station. It seems almost ominous -- like if you enter, you will never leave ... or something.

I met a bee. Or a wasp. Or something I'm allergic to.

In the center of this photo is rear of the old condemned theater on North Street in Plainfield. If you stand here at dusk, you can watch the bats emerge. White nose syndrome seems to have escaped them, yay!

But something is all over the poison ivy in Bridgewater, NJ. I'm not sure what it is. I've been photographing the poison ivy for years now and I've never seen this before this year. No, I'm not allergic to poison ivy.

I found a woodpecker on a dead tree. I heard it first.

The woodpecker takes flight. I wish I had a better camera!

I put up this photo earlier in the week, but I liked the dismal Wall Street Journal American dream diary so much that I had to do a repeat. Plainfield, NJ Train Station.

Then there's the loss of my cat. I guess I should be happy that it's Big Brother season and I have a diversion. But my home isn't the same. When you live alone, coming home to an empty apartment without a happy greeting and a forever companion just isn't the same. Seventeen years. Sigh.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Sunday 7/19

Aw, isn't this so darn special?

With the huge feeds block for the PoV, the big news yesterday was once we finally found out who won. (Jeff.) But what happened into the evening and onto the dawn in that Big Brother House of Misguided Misanthropes?
  • As I get this typed up, Jessie and Lydia are the only ones up still talking. This is SO a relationship which could only happen in the BB house and will surely not be a tale of love, marriage, and happily ever after.
  • Natalie won a slop pass in yesterday's POV comp. She feels it should be good for any of the Have Not components (cold showers, bed). BB disagrees. Natalie is ticked off.
  • As I mentioned before, the comp had something to do with money, especially coins. Lots of quarters were involved.
  • Chima now says that Russell is a misogynist and dirty player. Me? I just think he likes to be a bully. I have seen a smarter more pleasant side of him on the feeds at times. But overall, he plays the smart-butt bully card whenever he can.
  • Chima tried telling people Russell probably threw the comp because he deals with money every day.
  • Ronnie knows that if Laura stays this week, she will target him.
  • Lydia told Ronnie, Jeff, Laura, and Casey that she wants Russell gone. (Later, as she and Jessie talked, she said she didn't want him gone due to the power block if he stays.)
  • Kevin and Chima want to be the ones responsible for sending Jeff home. (I'd love for Jeff to win HOH and get drama mama Chima out.)
  • Jordan, whom I was liking, fell for Ronnie's influence and went to Jeff, telling him that if he takes himself off the block with the veto, Ronnie was going to put her up.
  • ARGH! Jordan! Quit that!
  • In the HOH room, both Lydia and Ronnie ended up telling Jeff that Jordan won't go on the block -- instead, Russell will be backdoored.
  • They don't want Jeff to tell anyone. (Only half the house knows already anyway!)
  • Jeff agreed not to nominate either Ronnie or Lydia if he gets HOH.
  • The one they say they don't want knowing the plan is Natalie. I'd suggest (if I were a fly on the wall) that they make Natalie think SHE is going on the block. I want to see her totally freak out.
  • There's a rat in the backyard. They saw him in the pool. They named him Gus. He looks a bit like Ronnie with his little pointed features.
  • Ronnie told Chima and Natalie about the plan to backdoor Russell.
  • Now, this is where Ronnie screws up. Loose lips sink ships, y'know. He did it with the Braden bit and now with Russell. I don't think he understands the concept that a secret plan isn't one that everyone knows about.
  • Jessie wants to keep his ally Russell in the house for obvious reasons. But I think he's secretly happy that it's not himself that's the target.
  • He thinks if it's Russell and Laura on the block, Laura would still be the one to go.
  • Jessie and others worked the case for Casey going on the block in lieu of Russell.
  • Jessie told Ronnie that if Laura stays, she's going after him (Ronnie). He wants a pawn up so Laura definitely goes. But I don't see HIM volunteering to go on the block to ensure Laura leaves!
  • Ronnie, Lydia, and Kevin had a meeting with Laura during which they felt out who she'd target if she stayed.
  • That doesn't sound like Ronnie plans to put popular Casey up, does it?
  • So, things are still up in the air as the hamsters snore.
  • It's pretty much a given that Jeff is NOT Marcellas -- he will save himself at the POV ceremony.
  • It's extremely likely that Russell will go up on the block in his place.
  • Oh ... and Michele is almost a non-entity in the house except when fighting with Chima. I expected more out of her.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Bulletin POV Winner 7/18

After over four hours, the feeds returned. The POV was done in rounds and had something to do with counting money. I'm still waiting for someone to blatantly mention the winner.

Natalie, Casey, and Russell were the chosen players, Lydia hosted.

It's sounding like Jeff won. I will return here to give you firm confirmation.


Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Saturday Dawn 7/18

Jessie and Lydia whisper sweet nothings at each other in the wee hours of the morn. Ew. I'm just not getting that showmance at all. With the exception of "favors" from her, I can't get why they're even friends at all. Talk about people just using people!

In other late night house news:
  • The producers won't let Ronnie get his hair done in a Mohawk due to continuity reasons. When has that ever stopped them before? When you watch the show, season after season, you can always catch them using old clips for filler.
  • If Ronnie did get a Mohawk, he'd look even more like PeeWee Herman. Or, at the very least, a bad SNL characterization of PeeWee Herman.
  • Jeff, although reassured he's safe this week, is intent on winning the PoV to save himself.
  • Laura knows she's the target and her only hope to stay is to win the PoV.
  • During late night hanging out, the guys all decided to speak with an Irish (?) accent. Bad Irish (?) accents, too.
  • As Have Nots, Laura and Jordan can't have any booze. They think Russell shouldn't have any booze.
  • Russell, perhaps fueled by booze when he raged at Lydia, seems to be the only one who's really acted up with the alcohol.
  • Ronnie told Jordan (who's very worried) that he won't put her on the block.
  • They all think Dan (BB10) looks different in person. Lydia said he was a weinie.
  • Jordan really has issues with thinking she's dumb. As I watch her on the feeds, she might be lacking some formal educational background, but she can be so spot on when reading people.
  • As it stands now, Laura is the main target of the entire house if the noms remain the same. Jeff should be way safe ... almost to the point of a unanimous vote.
  • If one gets saved, it's likely Russell will be put on the block.
  • Jessie says he won't vote Russell out. Well, duh. That would be like losing his evil clone brother.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Friday Evening 7/17

Well, the nominations are in. Did Ronnie put up one of the Power Tools? Nope. He put Laura and Jeff on the block. He claims Jeff isn't going home. Jordan's key was pulled first, Russell's last. Here's how things went down:
  • Interesting -- before the noms, Chima told Ronnie she wanted him to put Jeff and Laura on the block.
  • There was another blow-up between Drama Chima and Michele, this time over a bed. Chima had said that a bed was hers, later Michele came along and said that she didn't see her name on it. Meow.
  • In the Have/Have Not comp Natalie won a bathing suit, at least Natalie and Chima won a movie night.
  • Chima thinks that she's going to be portrayed as the troublemaker in the house.
  • Russell asked Jessie if Ronnie made any deal with him for the final two. Jessie told him no.
  • Jordan is concerned with her own safety because Laura is her closest friend in the house. She thinks she's next.
  • Laura claims she's going to remain calm. Yeah, right.
  • Jordan is really irked with the show's twist this season. She doesn't like the high school clique stuff and thinks it would be a different game had Jessie not come in the house with power.
  • She's right.
  • Natalie wants to backdoor Russell this week but Jessie isn't too keen on the idea.
  • Russell claims that Ronnie has played everyone.
  • Russell yelled at Lydia for talking game.
  • He is really scary when he screams.
  • Lydia is upset. She thinks that Russell is abusive. Natalie, Chima, Kevin, and Lydia have been talking about Russell. They're all a bit scared of him and he's too cocky.
  • They all know that Russell has been making deals with everyone for final two.
  • Ronnie said that Laura is dangerous to their alliance, emotions can't be trusted.
  • There are rumblings with Ronnie and others that Russell might be backdoored if Laura comes off the block with the PoV.
  • He thinks that Jeff might be upset with him, but Jeff will not be going home this week.
So, that's where we stand -- Jeff and Laura on the block. Laura is the target. If Laura comes off the block with the PoV, I think Russell might want to watch his back. His backdoor, that is.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Extended Julie Chen/Braden Interview

We're talking fifteen minutes of Braden ramblings ... enjoy!

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Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Friday into their Afternoon 7/17

A comp (or something like that) has been going on for hours as I get this typed up. We have BB trivia and a message that the houseguests are playing a "secret game." How special is that? We all know that once the feeds come back, someone will spill the beans. Maybe it's the Have/Have Not comp. Maybe it's nominations. I just don't know ... shh ... it's a secret.

BULLETIN: The feeds came back on at 7:07 PM ET. It was Have/Have Not. Laura is crying about getting railroaded. Dan was there for three hours. Jordan is crying, too. Jeff is trying to console them. Jeff is saying his answer was wrong. They had to make choices. He chose a cheerleader outfit. Laura and Jordan on slop, cold showers, and other Have Not stuff.

Jeff, "I already look like an idiot. I don't want to look like a superficial idiot."

Now the feeds are blocked again. Now up.

Lydia told Kevin that Jessie is still "hurt" over the way he was edited on the show last season. Poor baby. That set off a feeds block again.

Here's what went down in the house since the wee hours this morning:
  • Kevin was still trying to get everyone to believe that Casey was the one whose vote caused the tie last night.
  • He's also been planting seeds of suspicion regarding Jeff.
  • I think his game plan might be to get the house in so much of a tizzy that everyone hates each other while he sits and watches.
  • He thinks that show fans will forget about Dr. Will and put him up on the strategy pedestal instead.
  • Ronnie told Chima and Jessie that Braden told him that he knew that he (Ronnie) was the mastermind of the game.
  • Oh, give me a break.
  • I'm almost to the point of liking Jessie more than I like Ronnie.
  • I don't like Jessie.
  • Now, if so many people weren't onto Ronnie's lies, mastermind status.
  • But they all know.
This feeds block is much too long for a standard nominations ceremony even when they block for extra time hoping the hamsters won't mention it. I think this must have something to do with Dan's visit that Julie Chen mentioned last night.

When I find out, you'll know!

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Overnight Into Friday 7/17

For someone who's a bikini model and claimed she would be "living in a bikini" in the house, Laura tends to cover up a lot. That doesn't upset me in the least. Okay, my latest show review is up over on TV Squad and I'm here to report the doings of the hamsters in that Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters:
  • Despite the fact that everyone knows Ronnie is lying about the Chima vote, all went to his HOH room reveal.
  • He got photos of his wife and mother, PlayDough, Double Stuff Oreos, a letter from home, etc.
  • Jeff left first claiming it was a good room but some people were "sucking the life out of it."
  • Eventually, it was just the Body Buddies and their twerp Ronnie up there.
  • Ronnie seems pleased with himself that he's caused all the dissension in the house. But unless he's playing everyone, I don't like it that he's chosen to ally with the muscle. This could be the week to get either Jessie or Russell out.
  • Lydia is still all over Jessie. And here I thought I was going to like her. She has no taste or pride in herself (if she thinks she's doing it for game reasons).
  • Russell trashtalked Laura.
  • Chima trashtalked Jeff.
  • Jeff is trying to be philosophical and keeps saying, "It's just a game. Ronnie is playing a game."
  • Ronnie is STILL not taking the blame/credit for the Chima vote which went against his now estranged ally group.
  • Jessie told Natalie and Russell that Laura is the mastermind behind things from the other side.
  • Jordan now feels bad that they tried to save Braden (seeing how it all turned out). Earlier tonight she said, "We shouldn't be called popular. We should be called the idiots."
  • All of that group -- Jeff, Casey, Michele, and Laura -- are still stinging from the Ronnie bite 'em in the butt by voting to keep Chima bit.
  • Although Ronnie won't admit it, no he won't.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds - Since the Live Eviction 7/16

Interesting ... every time a hamster mentions Chima's speech from the show, we get loud theme music and the image of the control room. Well, duh ... we know what she said. We saw the whole brouhaha on the feeds which was NOT bleeped like the show was. And, no. Beaner isn't an accountant. I got a kick out of that comment from the show post!

The feeds returned to yet another brouhaha after the live show. Here's the skinny from the BB House of Hyper Hamsters:
  • Ronnie is refusing to admit to the group of five (Michele, Jeff, Casey, Jordan, and Laura) that he was the flip vote causing the tie.
  • Ronnie also refuses to admit it to Natalie, Russell, Lydia, and Jessie.
  • Everyone on the non-jock side for sure sees through him.
  • Russell, Jessie and company have adopted Ronnie as their pet gerbil for the week or something.
  • Ronnie is trying to play both sides of the house.
  • He's trying to get people to believe that Casey betrayed the group.
  • Laura can read Ronnie like a child's primer.
  • For a "mastermind," Ronnie isn't all that persuasive.
  • Even Jordan sees through him.
  • Right now I'd call the most solid group in the house Casey, Laura, Jordan, Michele, and sometimes Jeff. There still seems to be some mistrust about Jeff.
  • While the Power Tools are tight, the rest of their alliance will probably go whichever way the wind blows.

Chima is smug as a bug in the rug ... with lips.

Ronnie is trying to deflect the Chima vote to Casey.

Big Brother 11 - First Live Eviction Show Blog Party

Jackie's TV Blog Big Brother, BB11

It's the first live eviction show of the season. As graphic arteest Zoetawny so gently put it ... the Jessie Show is CANCELED. Thankfully he can't play for HOH again this week. I don't think they've made it clear if it's just him sitting out or the whole jock clique. Hopefully, the Power Tools will lose their juice this week!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated. But the real fun is in the comments ... everyone's welcome! The hamsters are fair game, but I do ask posters to treat each other with respect. Thank you!

Just recap and house tension so far. They showed the argument with Braden's "beaner" comment to Kevin, but bleeped the word. However, WE know what he said!

Whoa! Chima called Braden out on his words!

The vote:
Russell --> Braden
Natalie --> Braden
Jeff --> Chima
Jordan --> Chima
Kevin --> Braden
Laura --> Chima
Lydia --> Braden
Michele --> Chima
Casey --> Chima's melodramatic behind
Ronnie --> Braden -- I'm going to hell (according to himself)

It's a tie. Jessie gets deciding vote. He votes to evict Braden, we keep Drama Lips.

Ronnie won HOh! Blech, traitor!

Julie said something about Dan coming into the house? Hmm ... not as a season hamster, I don't think.

Mostly Off Topic - The (TV) Show Will Go On ...

A rusted, neglected, and probably defunct Wall Street Journal honor box sitting at the Plainfield (NJ) Train Station poses a bleak outlook on the American dream. I'm basically a bit all-around bleak today, I'll admit. So the photo is fitting.

I want to thank everyone for their condolences on the loss of my cat Scherzo. I'm still reeling with the shock as she was perfectly fine just a few days ago. We sat on the couch with the curtains open watching nearby neighbors' (illegal) fireworks, we played, we cuddled, she purred, she groomed my hand (she was a real licker). And, wham. She's gone.

Since Teaser died in 2007, Scherzo had really blossomed personality-wise and seemed to love being an only cat. Her presence got me through the rough times of my knee replacement surgery last summer. I now have an empty apartment that I'll be coming home to each day.

It's likely that I'll eventually have another cat in my home. Not as a replacement, mind you. Each cat is special in his own way and no two I've ever known are alike. I'll probably go the next knee replacement in November alone. Even if I happen to have a cat at the time, it won't be like the 17 year bond I had with Scherzo.

I took today off from my day job as I look like a total wreck and I'm so emotionally shaky. I'll go in tomorrow. Today I'm throwing out the litter pan, cleaning and storing the food dishes, throwing away cat toys, the old cat condo, the cat bed, etc. I'll eventually transport all the cat food and treats I have on hand to the feral cat population (including Roofus) over by the train station.


Onto a bit more TV-related:
If I feel energetic later, I'll be setting up my Comcast digital adapters on both of my TVs (one by the computer, one in the living room). Since Comcast is basically forcing folks like me with the basic cable service to go digital or lose everything except local stations, I have to get it done. I like my A&E, Animal Planet, TNT, and more. So, they sent me two adapters and I have to eventually get them set up. Today might be the day. No, I still won't have premium channels. They're just not in my budget.

Speaking of cable TV, with yesterday's unexpected events, I totally didn't post my sneak peek on Dark Blue, the new TNT series with Dylan McDermott. I hope you caught it. I have the screener for next week's episode and I highly recommend the show. And ... it doesn't interfere with Big Brother! 10 PM on Wednesdays, TNT.

Tonight I'll be resuming my Big Brother 11 coverage, starting with the live show post at 8:00 PM. The feeds will probably be quiet today leading into the live show and, to be honest, I only peeked at them a few random times yesterday. If you want to catch up on the latest since yesterday, I suggest hamsterwatch or jokersupdates. My own feeds reports will start up with a late night post tonight and an early morning one tomorrow.

Again, thank you for all your love.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rest in Peace, Scherzo

I apologize for the lack of Big Brother updates. My 17-year old cat Scherzo, who had been fine two days ago, was lethargic when I got home from work yesterday. As the night went on, she took a turn for the worse. She died while I was waiting for a ride to get her to the emergency vet. I don't know what happened. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck right now.

She was such a good cat.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big Brother 11 7/14 Blog Party Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updates as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages!

Oh, Russell is way too cocky! The body buddies realize they've lost Jeff (not that they ever really had him) and have enlisted Laura ... who sees right through them.

Veto Players - Jessie/Russell, Chima/Natalie, Lydia/Jeff

Pop Goes the Veto ... popping pimples on a giant face, retrieving two-sided tiles with letters, ten minutes, biggest word speller wins. Russell won with "shotgun." He's even more cocky now.

Russell saved Lydia due to her working her mojo on the athletes. Jessie put Braden on the block, thanks to Lydia throwing Braden under the bus.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Through the Day Tuesday 7/14

They always look so darn excited in my screen caps.

Here's what's been going on inside that Big Brother House of Riff and Raff:
  • Braden campaigned to Jessie trying to stay. He thinks he's more centered and that Chima can be scary.
  • I think Russell can be scary, but he's staying!
  • Jessie immediately reported Braden's campaigning to Russell and Casey.
  • After he was the topic of conversation the good part of last night, I can't see Braden swaying the vote.
  • Russell is telling people it's a bad idea to nominate him (Russell) as he will win comps and it will only put a target on their backs.
  • Lydia is hanging out a lot with Jessie. Eek.
  • In bed. Double eek.
  • Jordan is hanging out with Ronnie ... not in bed.
  • Yawn.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 7/14

It's going for 3 AM their time and the hamsters are still up. In the backyard, we have Jessie, Natalie, Kevin, Casey, and Lydia talking about Braden. Not good things, mind you. They're talking about him being a pathological liar. They say they're tired of his stories. Casey thinks he's been telling them so long that he believes them himself.

Here's what's been going on in the BB11 House of Restless Rodents:
  • They're calling Braden a "one-upper." Apparently whatever someone has done, he has a better story.
  • BB gave them alcohol, but this group doesn't seem to have the over-imbibers of past seasons.
  • They talked graphically about sex.
  • They're irked that Braden said "congratulations" instead of "thank you" when they offered him a place at the dinner earlier in the evening.
  • This season has no particular cook -- they all pitch in. Except for a selected few, that is.
  • Russell and Laura think that Captain LurksALot (Ronnie) talks game way too much.
  • The Brains could finally eat real food at midnight.
  • Ronnie claims he feels human once again.
  • No one is drunk. Most are awake and talking about whomever isn't in their little group. I don't mean clique ... except the Brains.
  • Neither Chima or Braden seem to really fit in with the majority of the house. But the overall feeling is that they want Braden out more.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 7/13

Lydia naps in the hammock.

Gee, since the brouhaha earlier today, nothing much is going on. As I post this, Braden and Jeff are playing pool, Lydia is in the hammock, and the rest of the hamsters are gathered in the kitchen all talking at once ... which makes conversation hard to follow! Here's the way skinny skinny on happenings in the house since my last update:
  • Chima likened the Have Not sleeping conditions to waterboarding. She said if she knew she'd be sleeping on metal, she wouldn't have come on the show.
  • I have no sympathy for her. I'd never go on the show because hamsters have to do such stupid things, eat slop, humiliate themselves in public, and be torn apart by snarky bloggers.
  • All of the girls except Natalie dressed up for dinner. She wore her standard sweats.
  • And, that's about it.
  • We need a bigger and better brouhaha!

Jeff seems to have a Jason Bateman thing going on in this screen cap.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Monday Into the Afternoon 7/13

Can't you see the excitement on Jordan's face? It's another exciting and fun day in the Big Brother 11 house. Or not. They really should do something to liven the place up a bit. Every year it's off to a slow start, so I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt ... for now.

Here's what's happened since my last report:
  • First, remember that Russell won the PoV, used it to save Lydia. It's now Chima and Braden on the block.
  • Braden gave up his job and apartment to go on the show. He has $1000 in the bank. (Well, if he gets the boot this week, I believe he'll receive a few weeks stipend at $750 a week for his time in sequester and in the house.)
  • Jessie continues to talk trash about Jeff.
  • Jeff continues to talk trash about Jessie.
  • Lydia is getting chummy with Jessie. I have lost any respect I had for her.
  • She told him that she feels she can't talk to anyone.
  • Russell likes to look at himself in mirrors. Surprise, surprise! Who woulda thunk it?
  • They exercised ... well, most of them did.
  • It's the last day for the Brainy Bunch to be Have Nots.
  • Jordan asked Ronnie and Casey if her chest looked like "big fake boobs." They said no. She proceeded to tell them she was a 32A before her surgery. Why do people feel compelled to tell these kind of details?
  • They think the next comp will be mental, probably a true or false game.
  • Jordan wishes the season wasn't high school cliques and that there was more diversity in ages.
  • Now I like Jordan again. I'll forgive her boob talk.
  • Braden and Jeff think that Lydia's been telling lies to the HOH crew and that's why she was taken off the block.
  • Jeff is a true outsider in his clique.
  • Braden accused Lydia of lying and it was brouhaha time! Yay!
  • Kevin got involved, Braden called him a "beaner." Then Lydia screamed that Braden is a racist.
  • Then there were fisticuffs. A shot rang out. The maid screamed!
  • Jeff tried to calm things down and told Braden his "beaner" comment was out of line.
  • But then Lydia and Jordan started screaming at each other. Lydia and Jordan had been close. But when Jordan cried at Braden going on the block when she hadn't cried about her (Lydia) going up ... well, that got under her skin.
  • Jordan said she didn't cry because she knew that Lydia would be safe.
  • Lydia is also upset that Jeff didn't defend her. Jordan told her to take that up with Jeff.
  • In cursing about Jeff, she referred to him as a "gringo." Um.
  • Kevin got in the brouhaha yelling at Jeff that he never talks to him.
  • Jeff said he thought they were cool.
  • Jeff yelled at Lydia, though. He yelled that she sold them all out.
  • Lydia stomped off to the HOH room claiming that "Lydia was closed for the day."
  • Braden tried to apologize to Kevin for the "beaner" comment.
  • Kevin refused to accept the apology.
  • Kevin told Jordan if she hangs out with Braden, they (Kevin and Jordan) are no longer cool.
  • Yes, I tell you ... it's high school all over again!
  • Jordan cried.
  • Kevin apologized to Jeff.
  • Jordan told Russell that everyone is scared of his group and no one wants to stand up against them.
  • Now they're all in either the yard or house hanging out in cliques within and without cliques.