Monday, September 25, 2023

BB25: Zombie Feeds into Monday Morning - Sept. 25


Selective shaving

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boredom:
  • Boredom.
  • Same old conversations over and over again.
  • And again.
  • Blue/Jared and Cory/America still showmancing and creeping me out.
  • Cirie has heard much of the bad Jared has done but still has that motherly love going on.
  • Cameron is still set on doing the final puzzle to be resurrected on Thursday's show.
  • That's it.
  • Have some screen caps ...

Scarier than the "zombies."

Party hats are out again.

Bowie Jane still smiles.

Cameron is sure he will be resurrected.

Doesn't know how bad Jared really is.

Blue puts on Cam's piggie suit.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

BB25: Undead Zombie Whatever Show Blog Party - Sept. 24


Okay, I am not happy with this twist. I can only guess it's to spread out the show to its 100 days. Please, do NOT post comments that it's favoring one contestant or another. They will be removed. I've had it to here with them.

I'm guessing that tonight's show will be the zombie challenges that they blocked on the live feeds. If I have it right, the winner of each challenge decides whether to compete in the next challenge or hope to let the other one fail. The winner of the two challenges can decide to complete a puzzle on Thursday's live show or take the chance the other undead will fail.

I will be live-blogging the show as it airs at this horrible 10PM ET slot. Refresh the page to get the latest updates. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

Previously on segment is first. I will hum until it's done. Yay! Jared and Cameron are evicted. Boo. They are back ... as BB Zombies.

We pick up the action after Jared is evicted. Cirie wasn't expecting Jared to go so soon. Cory tells Blue he has to have Jared go and he needs to put her up so she can't save him. Cory nominates Jared and Blue. Jared chose Matt as Houseguest Choice for veto. Matt wins the veto, but does not want to use it. Cory tells Matt to not use it. Blue wants Cirie on the block with Jared. Jared keeps calling Blue BRO. Grr. Jared feels Blue has betrayed him about knowing he was a target.

Matt keeps the noms the same. Jared thinks he has four votes. Yeah, right. He begs. Mecole and Bowie Jane tell Cirie they are all voting Jared to go. Cirie is feeling alone.

They are in the living room when the ScaryVerse globe lights. Cirie gets it and laughs. Reset previous transmission. BB Zombies are coming. One will have their game resurrected.

The doorbell rings. Cameron and Jared walk in without Zombie makeup but in tattery clothes. New transmission -- no HOH, no nominations, no veto. Instead both zombies will battle.

Jared tells Felicia and Blue they did him wrong and is surly about it. Felicia speaks up about him wanting her out last week instead of Izzy. They Felicia and Cirie have angry words. The others are outside the room listening. Now Jared is exaggerating. Mecole is just looking lost. She tells us she's annoyed with everybody.

Matt tells us he loves Cirie. He tells her that had he used the veto she would have gone home. Cirie really likes him. Cory tells Matt, Jag and America he would prefer Cameron come back over Jared. Meanwhile, Jared is still fussing at Blue. Meanwhile, Cameron wants to be peaceful and calm, choosing who he would like to work with if he returns to the house.

They have to gather in the living room. The ScaryVerse says Cam and Jared can put fate in their own hands. Live on Thursday the winner of the Resurrection Rumble will decide to win or see if loser loses in the final comp.

They go to the backyard. 3 rounds over 24 hours. They have to dig graves for skulls and eyeballs, teeter-totter, 30 objects in shovel at the end of teeter-totter. First round ten minutes, most wins. They tie 7-7 in the first round.

Jag gives Cam game advice to not watch the balls to save a few seconds.

Round Two time. Ten minutes. Jared lost a ball and had to start over. Now Cam resets, too. End of the round Jared 9, Cameron 13.

Round Three is announced. They start and leave us in suspense until Thursday.

The Amazing Race 35: Blog Pool OPENS!


Come one, come all! The Amazing Race 35 Blog Pool is now OPEN! The season premiere is Wednesday at 9:30PM ET/PT, following the season premiere of Survivor 45.

Okay, here's how the blog pool works:

*Names are matched up randomly with the teams.

*You get to cheer on your chosen team until they're Philiminated or win it all.

*If your chosen team is creepy, fights, fusses or cries a lot, we won't hold that against you personally.

*Not much, anyway.


*There is no wagering of monies.

*The winner(s) of the blog pool retain bragging rights until the premiere of the next season while we all bow to them and lament on what could have been.

How do I get involved? 

Sign up right here on this post! If you're posting anonymously, you need a sign off name on your comments. We don't care if you're a boy named Sue, we have to know something other than anonymous. The cut-off for entering is Friday, September 29, 5PM EDT, or 8PM PDT. 

REMEMBER - YOU NEED TO SIGN UP ON THIS VERY POST YOU'RE READING! If you sign up on another post or Twitter or the Facebook page, your request might be missed. The Stupendous SueGee (affectionately known as SqueeGee at times) will be the lifeguard here this season. Please don't test her patience by running with scissors around the pool!

Just a reminder this season there are 13 teams, not the usual 11. For a refresher on the teams, please revisit my cast post.

Survivor 45: Blog Pool OPENS! Tribe Breakdown


Come one, come all! The blog pool is OPEN for Survivor 45! Due to illness and BB25, I'm getting a late start on this. The season premiere is Wednesday, September 27 at 8PM ET/PT. The episodes will all be 90 minutes this season. We usually reassign the first castaway but chances are the castaway will be cast out before the blog pool is set up. If so, no reassignments will happen. The blog pool cut-off is Friday, September 29, 5PM ET/8PM PT. All entries must be submitted in comments on THIS post, nowhere else!

The Lovely Lifeguard SueGee has once again graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show. She, but of course, rocks!

I want in! What do I do?

If you want in on the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?

Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a pool pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?

Lifeguard SueGee makes random picks for the castaways and the blog folks. You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get their torch snuffed along the way.

When is the cut-off for entering?

As stated above, all pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by Friday, September 29, 5PM ET/8PM PT. Be there or be square.

Here's the tribe breakdown:

Belo - Blue tribe - Fijian word for heron:

–Brandon "Brando" Meyer, a 23-year-old software engineer from Seattle, WA

–Bruce Perreault, a 47-year-old insurance agent (and Survivor 44 returnee) from Warwick, RI

—Jake O'Kane, a 26-year-old attorney from Boston, MA

–Katurah Topps, a 35-year-old civil rights lawyer from Brooklyn, NY

–Kellie Nalbandian, a 29-year-old critical care nurse from New York, NY

–Kendra McQuarrie, a 31-year-old bartender from Steamboat Springs, CO

Lulu - Yellow tribe - Fijian word for owl:

–Brandon Donlon, a 26-year-old content producer from Sicklerville, NJ

–Emily Flippen, a 28-year-old investment analyst from Laurel, MD

–Hannah Rose, a 33-year-old therapist from Baltimore City, MD

–Kaleb Gebrewold, a 29-year-old software salesman from Vancouver, Canada

–Sabiyah Broderick, a 28-year-old truck driver from Jacksonville, NC

–Sean Edwards, a 35-year-old school principal from Provo-Orem, UT

Reba - Red tribe - Fijian word for goshawk:

–Austin Li Coon, a 26-year-old grad student from Chicago, IL

–Dee Valladares, a 26-year-old entrepreneur from Miami, FL

–Drew Basile, a 23-year-old grad student from Philadelphia, PA

–Janani "J. Maya" Krishnan-Ja, a 24-year-old singer from Los Angeles, CA

–Julie Alley, a 49-year-old estate attorney from Brentwood, TN

–Nicholas "Sifu" Alsup, a 30-year-old gym owner from O'Fallon, IL

Saturday, September 23, 2023

BB25: Undead (Live) Feeds into Saturday - Sept. 23

How the undead feeds will be this week.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of a Wasted Week:

  • Okay, Cameron has won two out of the three zombie challenges against Jared.
  • No, they didn't show them on the feeds. They're some kind of rolling balls games.
  • There are three tombstones in the backyard.
  • How scary is that?
  • We literally are doomed to boredom all this week.
  • As the winner of those challenges, it will be Cameron's decision to make whether or not to do the third challenge -- the puzzle on the Thursday live show.
  • Whomever completes the puzzle returns to the house.
  • I can see Jared lousing up a puzzle, but I also can't see Cameron NOT taking the opportunity to do the puzzle.
  • Unless something drastically changes, it should be Cameron returning to the game.
  • My personal opinion? Well, I didn't want either to return. But I'd rather Cameron back over Jared. Cameron is a better player and more entertaining on the live feeds.
  • In other news, Blue seems to be making an effort to get closer to Cirie.
  • Cirie has been doing her best to mend fences and rebuild the burnt bridges with others thanks mainly to the Jared/Cory yelling match.
  • While Jag is still dead-set against Cirie, Matt is drifting back into the trust bit with her. 
  • Jag goes on and on about how Jared and Cirie bullied him. How? By having fake alliances, or alliances in which he had no part. Oh. And, lying to him. Hey, that's Big Brother.
  • EVERYONE in the house is lying and has multiple alliances.
  • And, interestingly enough, Cam wants to work with Cirie.
  • But he is making rounds with everyone in the house. So, who knows what he will do?
  • While we have a waiting game to see who comes back in the house (although neither has really left at this point), all that's been happening and will keep happening is fusses over lies that have been told, alliances new and old, ad nauseum. 
  • This twist is the biggest bust ever.
  • Now, they could have done something zombie-themed around Halloween since the show will still be on. They could have them popping up in mirrors, rattling chains ... you know -- not acting like regular hamsters in the house with new clothes.

Zombie Cam and Jared are better in photos.

And Jared cries ...

It's stressful being in the middle.

And Bowie Jane carries on ...