Renny disqualified for turning around at 10:45 PM ET -- it's between Michelle and April for the win.
Memphis out 10:03 PM ET
WHOA! The feeds were blocked a long time, came back at 9:57 -- JESSIE IS OUT! He was disqualified for wrapping his arms around the bars -- they can only hang on with their hands.
Ollie out at 9:46 PM ET
Dan out 9:35 PM ET.
Libra out at 9:23 PM
Jerry is out at 9:16 PM.
Quad cam at 9:10 PM
Right now the feeds are still blocked as I get this up. I'll do my best to update it with events as I write up my TVS review/recap of the show. I'm on deadline for that, so it's going to be a challenge.
9:06 PM -- Feeds on. All still up there.
9:16 PM -- Jerry is out.