Showing posts with label Julie Chen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julie Chen. Show all posts

Thursday, August 01, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - August 1

Tonight we should see either Kat or Sam go home. Sigh. We should also find out more about that field trip that fans will be voting on. And, thankfully, we won't have an extra two and a half hours on top of the live eviction show like I did last week blogging the endurance comp. As far as I know, the comp will conclude within the show.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find your hamster right at this link.

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments. I hope to see you there!

Julie tells us that the past hour (blocked to live feeds) has been wild in the house with all kinds of accusations. She said she's not sure how anything is going. Hmm. Then we're into the Previously On.

Uh-oh. He said the battle for power begins again. I certainly hope it ends by the end of the show!

Back to Julie, she says the Six Shooters haven't turned on each other … until tonight. The early clips now focus on Sam being likely to go home. Sam thinks Analyse is a vote for him to stay. She tells us if there's any way to save Sam, she would.

Poor Tommy and Christie's poison ivy. Oh, now the calamine has cured them and they can finally go outside!

Kat has been working with Holly and decides it's time to get Holly to split with the Six. Kat tells on Christie's plan not to go to the final four with couples. Now Holly is concerned that Christie is getting into alliances with others. So Holly goes to Analyse with Christie suspicions. Deals with CLiff and such are the fodder, along with Christie making all the decisions for everyone.

Cliff is working on Christie to get her going on splitting up the couples. (Thusly proving Holly's concerns.) 

Julie tells us Sam takes a last ditch effort to break up the couples because he has nothing to lose. He runs to Jackson/Holly about the conversation regarding Cliff and Christie going after them and Jack. Sam says it would be beneficial if he stayed. Jackson asks him if he'd be willing to work with him and Holly if he stays. So, now the editing is turning towards Sam staying.

Of course, Holly is reluctant because she's working with Kat, unknown to all. Now, she doesn't have a vote tonight, but Jack/Jackson do. The Jacks meet and Jackson tells Jack about the Christie/Cliff news.

To the living room live. Julie congratulates them on making it to 44 days. She asks Cliff about being away from his wife. He gets a bit teary saying he misses her. Nicole, dealing with being locked away. Tough, but new different family. Now to Tommy with his little dance routine he taught them all. We get clips and this is just filler fluff. It's not like the show has been getting bad press not addressed or anything.

To the living room again for the live vote:
Kat - Confident about being a woman, sometimes in BB it can't be, hope her parents see she's the strong woman, can be nice and win.
Sam - Shout out to wife and kids, Daddy's coming home. Didn't come in to babysit, I came in drama free nothing to do with me, love ya all.

The votes to evict:

Christie - Sam
Nicole - Sam
Jackson - Sam
To commercial …
Jack - Sam
Nick - Sam
Analyse - Sam
Jess - Sam
Cliff - Sam
Tommy - Sam

Sheeple! Although I know Sam told Nicole to vote with the house.

Julie tells Sam that he was actually safe and they planned to keep him at 3pm their time today but then all heck broke loose. He says that Kat cried more than he did and maybe he should have played pity party. He gets nice goodbye messages from Nick, Nicole, Cliff and Holly -- she tells him she has a final two with Kat. 

The field trip eight days of voting, special competition. Winner safe that week, second place a punishment, third person on the block as a third nominee. It would all go down for the eviction the week after next. Voting live at the CBS BB website.

HoH comp begins. It will obviously run over after the show as it's five minutes to go. Camp Expo. Kiosks with ads for many camps, head to booths, series of true or false questions. Wrong, eliminated. Their study time begins now.

Good luck and goodnight from Julie. Sunday the HoH will be announced plus what happened before the show tonight with the chaos.

I don't think they're going to air this on the live feeds, but when I find out that or who won HoH, I'll post. I think it's going to blocked, though.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 25

So, here we are … going into the first real eviction of the season. Will it be Jack or Bella? Will it be a landslide or a blindside? These questions and more will be answered during the show.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. You can find the latest standings at THIS HERE POST.

I'll be live blogging the major events and updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. A separate post is waiting in the wings to cover the expected HOH endurance comp which is promised on the live feeds after the aired show ends. That post should appear, as if by magic. a few minutes before 10pm ET. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Julie, once again looking like a breath of fresh air in the summer. welcomes us and we're into the "previously on" segment. I will twiddle my thumbs until the real action starts.

We're promised an epic battle of endurance beginning in the show. And, it's back to Julie. Can Bella talk her way out of the trouble she's in? We pick up after the veto meeting ends. Cliff tells us he's thinking weeks ahead. We'll see how that works out. Jack thinks his odds are good. Nick thinks Cliff made a stupid move as the ones he's helping just voted him out last week.

Bella is crying. Jackson tells us how the entire house has been burned by Bella. Cliff tells Nick why he did what he did. Cliff tells us Nick and Bella aren't his path to victory.

Nick is sure that Bella will be voted out. He seems to really care about her. That's a bit unlike some of the other hanky-panky going around in the house! She tells us she loves him and will fight to stay in the house. 

Jack thinks it says something about Cliff that he kept his word to Christie. Cliff proposes working with them. He knows he won't be at the head of the totem pole. He would like to make sure he's not a target while they turn on each other -- sort of like they turned on Sam and Bella. They're receptive to Cliff's proposal.

Kat and Holly both come from the pageant world. They recognize each other but don't know each other (like Tommy and Christie know each other). So, some of these secrets are coming out. They go for a final two deal together.

Cliff explains to Bella why he put her up and that if he hadn't, Christie would have used the power and she would go up anyway. She tells him she will campaign for the votes. He tells her more power to her. Cliff tells her that if it's a tiebreaker, he will do what he has to do. Hmm. 

She is working it. Kat tells us she knows Jack will have to go, but it might be too early. She goes to Jess and Nicole. Jess is still mad at her but says Bella makes a compelling argument. Nicole tells us she can actually work with this Bella and it's a huge opportunity to get rid of Jack.

Just before commercial, Julie tells us it's time to meet the Cliffomaniacs; On a side not, I'm getting a kick out of his daughter Kelly on Twitter. She's a hoot!

We meet his family. His wife speaks highly of him. His two adult kids are there, too. We get a clip of his moon tribute from the feeds. He has a patent. Hmm. Then we get a clip of him twerking in the fashion contest yesterday. His kids are very proud, as is his wife. The live vote is next and we go into commercial.

To the living room.
Bella - Shout outs, consider the bigger threat, haven't won anything, large group, will take out the others one by one, respect Jack and your decision.
Jack - Hates speeches, team player, hold myself with integrity, hope you vote what's best for your game.

The votes to evict:
Christie - Bella
Analyse - Bella
Jackson - Bella
Nick - Jack
To commercial …
Sam - Jack
Nicole - Bella
Kat - Bella
Jess - Bella
Holly - Bella
Tommy - Bella

Eight to two, Bella is evicted. They had their chance to get rid of a real threat and didn't do it. I love that Kat said first she wanted to evict Michie! So, we go through the fake hugs. Bella is handling it well. Nick is crying.

Now, if the Bella talking to Julie was the Bella in the house, she'd still be there. She does indeed care about Nick. We get goodbye messages. Sam, Nicole leave nice messages. Nasty from Jack. Nick sweet. Bella is in tears by the end. But she did come off as very poised for most the interview, there will be an extended interview online.

To the backyard. Pose in Ivy. Hold onto vines for dear life, fall off, you're eliminated. Pull chip from punishment box. Two will receive poison ivy punishment. They're swinging, two hands on vines, feet also on vine-like moving piece.

Julie tells us next Thursday we get to send three HG on a trip that will put one HG game on the line.

Back to the comp -- Jess is down. Pick up the action on the comp post I made. Nicole is out.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction Camp ComeBack Show Blog Party - 7/18

Hamster watchers and blog readers ready? This is the one we've been waiting for! At this time, no matter who comes back, it's going to be someone we like better than most in the house! While I'm hoping it's David because I feel he's the strongest gamer in Camp ComeBack, I'd welcome any of them back in.

I think, though I might be wrong, that we'll see the eviction and whatever they do with the return of the campers, but we might not see the HoH comp on the show tonight. There's been no blurb about it being on the live feeds, so the feeds might be blocked for it.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find the standings right at this here link.

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

You'd think they'd have too much show ahead to do "previously on." but we must suffer through it. :::tapping foot:::

"Mob of nine" and "pitchforks" -- we're seeing a change in the editing. But I'd prefer they get on with the new show, please.

Julie, dressed in a summer look, tells us that the person voted out will go to compete. She tells the house about the ComeBack Comp. Winner will come back in house, the other three will be sent home.

With a hint of a blindside from Julie, we pick up the clips action to after the veto ceremony. Cliff thinks it's every man for himself. Nicole doesn't really want to campaign against Cliff. 

She turns to Kemi, her buddy in the house. She thinks she only has Ovi, Kemi and Cliff in the game. Nick tells Cliff he's safe. Christie is apologizing about her behavior to Nick when she was thinking he was going to put her on the block. Now she thinks she needs to prove she's more trustworthy to Nick and Bella. She tells them that she has the Diamond Power of Veto.

Jackson and Tommy talk about not trusting Nick. Or Bella. He tells us that they would have taken a shot at them if Nick hadn't won HoH. They decide to call themselves the Six Shooters -- Christie, Jack, Jackson, Tommy, Analyse and Holly. Christie tells the girls she doesn't want to vote out Nicole. She pushes the idea that Nicole would go after Nick and Bella.

Christie seems to be getting the six on her side in her quest to keep Nicole and blindside Nick and Bella. Meanwhile, Nick is smug in thinking Cliff will stay and the other six have their backs.

Julie visits the Campers -- she says all three want vengeance. David says he wants to build relationships while he's in limbo. He's being as charming as he can be. He tells us Jackson in number one on his list. But he wants him to trust him. Ovi sticks up for fair treatment. He tells us he wants to make a difference. Then they show others treating him badly. His cookies are always a hit, though. He thinks Cliff is his number one ally. Cliff tells him that Nicole is going this week. 

Then we're to Kemi. She's upset -- Nicole is the only person she trusts in the game. They play a game of describing relationships with the others in the game. She talks about Jack's obsession with hating her. Her goal if she comes back is to get rid of Jack. 

To the living room for the live vote --
Cliff - Howdy, shout-outs to family, loves the game, bonds and friendships with y'all, want to stay, but no hard feelings.
Nicole - Shout-outs, wise and strong woman told her to grab life by the boobs, not mine, follow your heart, vote for me to stay. Crowd and Julie all giggle.

The votes to evict:
Analyse - Cliff
Bella - Nicole
Jack - Cliff
Sam - Nicole
To commercial …
Jessica - Nicole
Kat - Nicole, but knows what's going on
Christie - Cliff
Holly - Cliff
Jackson - Cliff
Tommy - Cliff

By a vote of 6 to 4. Cliff is the final member of the camp. Nick/Bella seem shocked. Hugs all around. 

The four have to head outside right NOW according to Julie. But first … we have a commercial. 

To the ComeBack Comp. Cliff has a uniform now, too. Path to Redemption. Roll balls down a table maze raised highway extended kind of thing. First one with six balls in, wins. Cliff scores first, then second. Two minutes left, Cliff gets three. Four! Ovi got his first. Cliff five. Cliff six.

Beating the clock by 48 seconds, CLIFF returns to the house! Not what I would have predicted. David and Kemi didn't even sink one ball, Ovi got his one in.

Julie will talk to all three leaving the game.

David has tears (real, I believe). He's proud of Cliff, though. He's very upset. To Ovi -- ostracized? Why? They were playing a game, didn't want to tell the campers info. Kemi and Ovi both were surprised Nicole stayed. Julie tells David he was right with the couples and power. Ovi and David rooting for Cliff. Kemi is for Sam. They all wish Nicole well.

The extended interview will be online at The HoH will be shown on Sunday.Next week is endurance.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 11

So, here we are … the second actual live eviction show but a third hamster will be sent to Camp ComeBack tonight. After next week, this Extinction Island stuff will end. Now, if only we could get rid of the Love Island mess as well!

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can see the latest standings at THIS LINKED POST.

I'll be live-blogging the major events of tonight's show as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun! 

Previously on tries cover the alliances, among other things. Oh my. Julie is wearing a black sleeveless gown.

Loose lips sink ships and alliances … Cliff is talking with Ovi and Nicole joins them. The Fellowship of the Ding? Bella and Nick. Jack and Analyse. "Oh, he's so cute!" And, it's Jack's birthday.

Then it comes to what I call Cliff Notes on the live feeds -- every morning Cliff talks about the game in the boat room before anyone else is up. He calls them Cliff Notes, too. I should have copyrighted it. Ohh … Christie is listening outside the door! He talked about the Fellowship Alliance and all. Of course, she runs to tell Jack, Analyse, Tommy …

Kemi is talking to Jackson, exposing Bella as the one who started Black Widow and the fact that Bella is saying she had a final three with him and Jack. Kemi is really working hard to stay in. Jackson, er, Michie goes to Jack and Analyse with the info. With the Christie eavesdropping, they also found out Cliff wants to go after the couples and thinks Christie/Tommy is part of it.

Bella can't keep her mouth shut and tells Sam there's an eight person alliance and he's number nine (not really) in it. That makes him want to keep Kemi just to work with her. Sam goes to Jack and proposes targeting Jess this week. Jack spills the alliance name by mistake. 

To the living room live …

Jess -- Thanks God and everybody, shout-outs galore, crazy hard, 23 days, proud of self, diversity, diversity, play hard, love hard, not an emotional player, loyal … cut off by Julie
Kemi - Thanks people, loves all, all know what's going on, Nick and Bella playing all sides, vote in your best interest for your game.

The votes to evict:
Cliff -- Kemi
Kat -- Kemi
Nicole -- Kemi
Bella -- Kemi
Nick -- Kemi
Sam -- Kemi
Analyse -- Kemi
Michie -- Jess
Holly -- Kemi
Christie -- Kemi
Tommy -- Kemi

It's sheeple once again except for Michie. Kemi goes to Camp ComeBack.

The campers have to head upstairs while the rest get ready for the HoH comp.

HoH time the backyard -- Power Shot -- throw arrow at target, one shot, highest score wins. Don't want HoH? Hit red at top left for five grand or top right for safety. If you miss, score is zero.

Analyse -- 50
Jess -- 5
Christie -- 65
Nick -- 90
Sam -- 70
Michie -- 70
Tommy -- 35
Cliff -- 15
Bella -- 75
Kat -- 0
Nicole -- 15
Tommy -- 0

NICK is the new HOH!

The last Whacktivity is supposed to be a classic power returning. Hmm.

They had filler time at the end, so Julie asked a few what they missed the most. The common answer was family. Kemi said she expected to be voted out.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

BB21: First Live Eviction (?) Show Blog Party - July 3

Did you catch that question mark in my post title? It's there because the show promos are saying, "The first live eviction … or not." Hmm. Supposedly another big twist is to be announced tonight. It's not the Whacktivity as that has already been announced and seems to be Sunday night show fodder. Hmm. I just don't know.

We have Ovi and Kat on the block tonight going into the live eviction … or not.

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find it  on THIS POST LINKED HERE. We still don't know what's going on with David. It's likely he's sequestered somewhere.

I'll be live-blogging the major events of the show tonight as it airs here on the East Coast. As I'll be constantly updating this entry, you'll need to refresh this post to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Julie, looking svelte for the first time this season, promises us a live twist that will send our heads spinning. Then we're into the previously on …

Kat or Ovi will be leaving tonight … or will they?

Day 15. first time ever, evicted houseguest will not be going home. They'll continue living in the house. Um. Okay.

But first … we get to hear from Christie why Ovi and not Kat should go. Kat herself feels she has a better chance to stay than if against Cliff. Christie is telling both Ovi and Kat they're pawns. She isn't sure how things will work out.

Ovi is really upset. We know how much he wants to be in the house even if Christie doesn't. Jack would rather Kemi go home, but Ovi was on "our" hit list, too … so he can go home. (That's Jack speaking, not me.) Cliff tells Ovi that he's on his side. Ovi needs more votes and feels he needs to campaign. The Jacks lie to him. Kemi lies to him (she wants girl power). Then to Nicole. She tells him she's on her side but looks upset when saying it.

Kat is getting paranoid. They play clips of her saying people are conspiring against her. Many clips. The clips turn to Christie and Jack discussing Kat's paranoia. Into a teaser about a secret being revealed.

Cut to commercial but first … Julie asks who will be voted out? They'll be out of the game but not out of the house.

Julie tells us it's too late for Ovi's Nightmare Power to save him … or is it. He sees the votes are going to be iffy. Then … he proposes to Jack/Jackson because he thinks they have sway in the game and he tells them of the Power. He says how long it lasts and what it does. If they keep him safe this week, he will keep them safe next week if they go on the block. 

Jack is all excited. Michie/Jackson not as much. They realize that it's very possible that they will both be nominated. Jack really wants to go for it. Even Jackson is leaning that way. It's definitely not an automatic no to the deal.

To the living room and live vote:
Ovi: Love all, not ready to leave, not done learning, loyalty, cookies, will represent all that you love in the house
Kat: You know where I stand, loyal to those who are loyal to me, will find out if the bitches were really conspiring against me.

The votes to evict:
Analyse - Ovi
Nick - Ovi
Tommy - Ovi
Jessica - Ovi
Holly - Ovi
Jack - Ovi
Michie - Ovi
Nicole - Ovi
Bella - Ovi
Cliff - Ovi
Sam - Ovi
Kemi - Ovi

SHEEP!!! Unanimous. And, into commercial. Julie tells us Camp Comeback will officially open next.

Unleash next big twist. Speech is normal. Goodbyes are normal. BUGLE! Camp ComeBaxk is NOW OPEN! Ovi has to put his mic back on. Julie tells them that the evicted will be living with them, no comps, no vote. An uncomfortable cabin upstairs. Must play social game. One of the first four evicted will get the chance to come back. Ovi can listen to the comp.

DAVID is BACK, too! He's been in sequester. He will be in camp with Ovi.


The HoH comp has the backyard all in red, white and blue. They're in booths. BB Fireworks Quiztacular. Watch fireworks answer red, white or blue. Seven questions.

1. Most fireworks were … blue. All right.
2. Last house-shape firework … white. Nick out.
3. Most of key shaped … red. Tommy, Holly, Kat out.
4. Second to last firework … blue. Analyse, Isabella, Kemi, Cliff and Sam out.
5. Most of the star fireworks … white. Nicole, Michie out.
6. Most emoji faced … red. Both Jess/Jack right
7. Fewest fireworks color … blue.

JACK is the new HOH. 

Sigh. Not who I wanted at all.

To a talk with Ovi and David. Ovi is not bitter. I like the kid. David is curious to see how Jackson will handle his return.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

BB21: Season Premiere Part Two Blog Party


It sounds like it's going to be a pretty jammed with action hour for us tonight. We'll have the Camp Director banished hamsters comp and, since this is a taped show followed by the two-hour season finale of The Amazing Race, it looks like we'll have an edited or really shortly endured endurance HoH comp. Either that or they'll leave things hanging to air on the next show. If that's the case, although rumor are out and about, we'll know the HoH for sure after the live feeds come on at midnight ET.

Just a TAR note -- the blog party post for that show is waiting in the wings and will appear as BB ends tonight. Come cheer on hamsters Victor and Nicole!

BB21 blog pool match-ups are on THIS HERE LINKED POST in case you missed it.

BB21 schedule is on THIS POST. And, last but not least, what to expect from this blog is on THIS POST.

I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest update! As always. the rea; party is in the comments area. Please stop in and visit us! Bring adult beverages and snacks.

Previously on and blah-blah-blah …

Julie has on a summery dress. We get clips of begging and pleading. Jessica is worried about being banished. Jackson, not happy that he has to make the decision to banish four and cost one his/her game, listens to each of them. Kemi doesn't think she herself needs to go talk to him. Bella falls into favor with Jack and Jackson because she voted for him. Jack mentions that David probably wouldn't hold it against Jackson and is sure to come back.

Jackson talks to David and lets him know he wants to put him as a pawn in the comp against people he's sure to beat. David tells him he'd rather not.

Julie has them gather in the living room. A camp mascot helps the banished be removed. Jackson goes away from the rest and makes his first selection. The mascot is a creepy squirrel. The squirrel puts a wrap over Cliff's head and leads him out. Second banished is Kemi. Then Jessica. Then David.

The four are in the dark in the wilderness. First three back to Camp BB stay in the game. Other camps are put there as decoys. The decoy camps are all booby-trapped. Gooey honey, balls chucked at them, etc. 

CLIFF makes it back first!

Kemi experiences scary clowns, but makes in back second to Camp BB 

Jessica and David are struggling but Jessica makes it back first.

DAVID is last and out of the game. Julie interrupts his search and tells him he's out of the Big Brother house … for now. Hmm.

Christie wants to make sure that Tommy is okay with her. They both want to keep things under the radar about knowing each other.

Jack says they're calling Jackson "Mickey" as it's his last name -- Michie I believe. They're trying to get a six person alliance together. Holly, Christie, Bella, Nick, Jack and Jackson … er, Mickey.

Julie tells us an epic battle of endurance BEGUNS next. Now, this show was taped and that comp is NOT live. So, I won't be covering it. I will confirm the winner once the live feeds verify it later tonight.

Jackson has one last duty to perform. He won't be competing. Played in pairs. Climb onto a log, last person on log is HoH. Jackson chooses who gets paired with whom. The logs are vertical and swaying a bit. 

Whoa! Jessica is out first! 

They get sprayed with various colors of paint (or paint-like substance). 

Jack down, Kathryn, Nick down. More stuff coming at them and the logs are spinning a bit. Ovi out -- he threw it. Sam down. Kemi down. Cliff down. Bella down. Maybe this will end with the show end. Nicole down. 

Christie wants to win for her new alliance. Analyse is down, then Holly. It's only Tommy and Christie still in it. She tells us he would be safe from a DR bit. Tommy down.


I was definitely right about Sam being Most Likely to Shout In the DR, 

A new power will be revealed next week. And, Julie tells us David might be back. The live eviction next week is on Wednesday night.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

BB21: Season Premiere Part One Blog Party

Okay, hamster watchers! Are you ready for summer camp? Well, not really camp for us … more like a guilty pleasure.

I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings live-blogging tonight's show the best I can. It's often a bit hard when I'm not all that familiar with the cast. So, please bear with me. Refresh this page to get the latest updates! As always. the real party is in the comments area -- feel free to join in on the fun!

If you want to know more about how this blog does BB and what's expected in the community, click this link HERE.

For the program/live feeds scheduling, click this link HERE.

The Lovable Lifeguard SueGee has made the random match-ups for the blog pool. We did notice two stragglers scratching at the pool gate and allowed them in. So, if you asked late, check to see if you're in it! Instead of the pool being listed on an already to be long show post, I have it on its own page. I will update it and link it in the show blog party post weekly on eviction nights. This is the link -- Who's YOUR Hamster?

So, let's get this going …! Tonight's show isn't live and they've actually been in the house for about a week. Rumors are one might already be gone. Yikes!

Camp BB -- Julie's wearing a rather unusual for her loose fitting dress that for some reason reminds me of the old duster housecoats. She promises us twists and turns never seen before. I note that she didn't say we'd like them.

And, now we're into meeting the first eight -- Jackson, Nicole, Tommy, Kathryn (Kat), Ovi, Kemi, Holly and Jack. After the intros, they're on stage with Julie and the first group to move in. Tommy, Jack, Kat and Nicole go in first. The rest head in. Screams of delight. Tommy is admiring Jack. Kat admires Jackson. Ovi and Jackson went to the same school. 

Julie hints that some may already know each other and, before the night is out, one might receive something that could change the game.

Time to meet the rest of the hamsters. Christie, Sam, Isabella (calls herself Bella on all the interviews), Nick, Jessica, Cliff, Analyse and David. First in are Cliff, Bella, Dacid and Analyse. Jack/Jackson are already bromance buddies. Ovi seems cast aside. Sam, Nick, Jessica and Christie head in. Tommy knows Christie -- she dated his (aunt) mentioned older woman for seven years. Neither knew the other would be there. Both pretend not to know each other.

Then we're into the group drinks/ meet and greet among them. Girls are already agog at Jack and his resemblance to the Aquaman actor.

Julie calls them all into the living room and tells them Camp BB. Expect the unexpected starts now. They must name a camp director who will have unprecedented powers. Safe for a week, direct first comp, could put your game in jeopardy. It's an election, can't vote for themselves. 

Darn it! Vincent the cat just caught a mouse. I have Wild Kingdom going on here!. 

It looks like David and Jackson are interested in being Camp Director. I missed a bit disposing a dead body. Vincent broke his play toy. 

Kemi would like Jessica to win, but wants to vote with the house. Jackson goes to Jack for both his vote and a pact. Jackson seems to have impressed Nicole in his quest for Director. Bella seems like she's going to turn for the girls voting for Jessica and vote Jackson instead. 

Time to vote director --
Analyse -- Jessica
Jack -- Jackson
Not all votes are being shown.

Results, all must put on goggles. Least number of votes -- paint explodes on several of them. Zero vote people. That's just about everybody. Jack, Jackson, Jessica and Nick. One vote each for Jack and Nick. Jessica is out with four votes and Jackson is the new Camp Director with ten votes. Jessica is upset that so many lied to her.

Julie congratulates Jackson. He's safe at the first live eviction. He must banish four houseguests. The four will be out of the game and must battle for their BB lives. Three will be back in, the fourth will be out before the first eviction takes place.

And, that's where it ends tonight. 

The banished go to the BB Wilderness and will need to find their way back. Julie says tomorrow will be a live eviction and an endurance HoH comp. Hmm.

Friday, June 21, 2019

BB21: House Tour and Theme

I just don't know about this. I know someone earns big bucks coming up with this stuff. Others who earn big bucks have to approve these things. I obviously chose the wrong career path. 

The theme for this summer is Summer Camp. And, the house supposedly reflects that. I do believe we just might have the worst, tackiest and most unappealing BB house in the history of the show.

That said, it is looking more and more like there's a "secret" theme this season. It looks like it may be a pairs thing going on. Christie had a long time relationship with Tommy's aunt. Holly and Kathryn are Facebook friends. Many others (two by two) went to the same colleges and stuff. Hmm.

Oh, well. Here's the Julie Chen-Moonves house tour --

I think I'm speechless. What do you think of the house?

I'll be continuing my ET Canada Ika cast interviews with commentary tomorrow. Please don't forget to jump in the blog pool at this post!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Season Finale Blog Party

Well, here it is … the season finale! Due to them airing a clips filler show the last episode, much of tonight's live show will be taped. The HoH comp they'll be airing is almost a week old now! Grr. I'll be live blogging the major events as they air here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the party is in the comments … join in on the fun!

My personal favorites for the win aren't in the final five. I was a Kato/Tom fan. I also wish Jonathan had had a bit longer in the house. His Diary Room segments were entertaining. Most of all, I think I would have liked Anthony in the house. It's too bad he was out before the live feeds even got going!

Anyway, we're down to Dina, Tamar, Kandi, Lolo and Ricky for the start of the finale show. Here's the updated Lifeguard Glenn's blog pool standings:

Donna NY - Dina
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

Okay, let's get this show wrapped up and set aside -- Survivor is coming! By the way, if you want in on the blog pool for Survivor Edge of Extinction -- sign up at THIS LINK. Please don't sign up on this CBB post.

Previously on ends and we continue with the zipline flying puzzle HoH comp taped last week. Not surprisingly, Dina didn't understand that they have a 20 second time limit to push the buttons or the puzzle boards demagnetize. She got disqualified first. Kandi is struggling.

RICKY wins HoH! Tamar and Lolo are excited. Kandi and Dina not so much.

Right into the Nominations Ceremony -- Ricky nominates Dina, then Kandi. He says "everyone knew the deal." Um. Okay. He tells us it's because they don't speak with him. Ricky tells Tamar he wants to be with her in the final two. He tells her if Kandi or Dina win veto, Lolo would have to go up. Tamar is fine with that!

PoV Comp -- they have to steal four artifacts from the BB Museum ducking around laser beams. Veto Heist. Quickest (and right artifacts stolen) chamster wins. Dina is setting off the alarms left and right. Each time they trip an alarm (laser beam), they have to stop and run to the security desk to reset. Tamar just screams. 

Dina 17.34
Tamar 13.22
Kandi 9.53
Ricky 9.21
Lolo 9.08

LOLO wins the Power of Veto!

Lolo tells Ricky she doesn't want to leave Kandi in the game -- if she saves Dina, Tamar would go up and Kandi would go home. She also proposes it to Tamar. Of course, Tamar says no, not a good idea. Then Tamar tries to work it so that Dina is more of a threat than Kandi. Hmm. Ricky is just sitting there.

Veto Meeting -- Lolo does NOT use the veto. Dina and Kandi remain on the block.

With only Tamar and Lolo voting, Ricky knows he might have to be the tiebreaker.

Anthony "Mooch" is live on the show with a Julie interview. He gives her his take on each remaining chamster. He has something nice to say about all. Then she asked him Trump things. I don't do politics here, so … next! He will not be voting for the winner of the season but will stick around to greet everybody.

First live eviction time. To the living room --
Kandi - Been a pleasure, says nice things to and about all, says Dina would beat anyone because she's amazing, survived the block the most times.
Dina - Winggirl with Kandi. Like Kandi, says nice things to and about all. Admits she and Kandi were floaters.

The votes to evict:
Lolo - Kandi
Tamar - Dina

It's a tie. Ricky will have to decide! He evicts KANDI. He obviously knows she's a bigger threat for the win than Dina.

Time for the final HoH comp --
All compete. Judges for Celebrity Look-a-Like Junior. Show seven videos, junior will make three statements, Julie will ask which is false statement. A, B or C answers. Seven questions.

1. All right
2. Ricky and Tamar right.
3. Dina only one wrong
4. Dina only one wrong again.
5. Dina wrong again
6. Ricky only one right
7. Tie between Ricky and Tamar

To the tiebreaker … the kids are cute, BTW …
Tamar tried to vote real low for the win, but RICKY wins the final HoH!

He needs to decide who goes to the jury and who's in the final two with him.

Dina - Love you, learned so much from you. 
Tamar - One of my favorite people in the house, wish you the best of luck
Lolo - Thank, grateful to know you, would like to stay

Ricky chooses to evict Dina, then Lolo. (He did that right in my opinion.)

In the Julie interview, Lolo seems bitter, won't be friends with Ricky after. Dina, as always, is upbeat.

Jury questioning time …
Tom - Ricky - Biggest game move? Not freaking out when on the block. Tamar - gunning for the two Kato and Tom to go as biggest threats.

Natalie - Biggest regret, Ricky -- not winning Slaughterhouse, could have kept us together. Tamar - getting too emotional. (Y'think?) 

Ryan - Tamar, why you over Ricky? He is amazing, but I'm a huge fan of the show, limited amount of lying, played the best I could. Ricky - Played hard, tried to give good advice -- he's not answering the regret question at all, he's saying good stuff about himself.

Speeches --
Tamar -- Thanks, thanks to so many, it's turned into a spiritual journey, was meant to be, had lots of troubles but promised to never give up on herself and always be kind. Asking you all to be kind. 

Ricky -- I apologize for getting all upset. Wanted to go on the show to show who he really is not what people think he is. Keep it real, keep it moving, keep it alive. Being a role model, someone who can bounce back. 

Time to vote:
Jonathan first, voting for someone who had my back best they could
Ryan -- Good luck
Joey -- See what God has in store
Kato -- Congratulations
Natalie -- Difficult, love you both
Tom -- Tough choice for a lot of reasons, congratulations, the one who made me laugh the most
Kandi -- Glad one of us made it
Dina -- Love you both
Lolo -- Voting based on her heart

Julie talks to the jurors who watched the show. Tom loves the BB community online. Kato is glad not to be a sound bite. Ryan is glad to show himself, not the headline. Jonathan and Joey are grateful for new best buddies.

The votes --
Jonathan -- Tamar
Ryan -- Tamar
Joey -- Tamar
Kato -- Tamar
Natalie -- Tamar


Into commercial, will then reveal last four votes and winner of AFP.

Tom, Kandi, Dina and Lolo all voted for Tamar -- it was unanimous. 

America's Favorite is … TOM GREEN!

I feel this all went down as it should. Congratulations blog pool winners Monty924, Janice and Alicia in Tx -- bragging rights handed out!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Clips Show Blog Party - Feb. 11

This is what happens when they only have 13 episodes on television. Tonight they're jamming in the last HoH, Nominations, apparently a live Veto and Eviction. 

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please stop in and join the fun!

Here are Lifeguard Glenn's latest blog pool standings --

Donna NY - Dina
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

Buckle in … turbulence ahead!

Well, after the Previously On segment, that is.

Tamar is an excited gal. Who woulda thunk that? Lolo is lamenting the loss of Natalie, but says now she's playing for the both of them. Kandi is just thrilled to still be in the house. She kind of trusts Dina and Tamar, but will depend on herself.

They have a champagne breakfast when the doorbell rings. It's Mark McGrath from CBB1. Lots of small talk, talk of the Mooch and flashbacks. More small talk. (Have we got time for this?) More flashbacks.

More and more flashbacks. I might be wrong on all they SHOULD cover tonight. I guess it's a Whatever Show. I really prefer more organization in these things.

Kato trying to make Ricky laugh, Tamar and Lolo arguing over sea bass. Flashback after flashback.

Ack. My apologies … but I just can't live blog a clips show. I should have looked more into what was supposed to be on tonight. Now they'll really have to cram everything in two hours on the Wednesday night finale.

Finally to the start of the HoH comp which was days ago. Marissa is there and it's set up in a theater theme. It's her musical. Horn sounds hit button to operate music box, fly to get puzzle pieces, all timed. They're dressed as bats.

And, we just get the start of the comp.

Friday, February 08, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party

We're getting down to the final days of Celebrity Big Brother 2. Tonight is a two hour whirlwind live show with a double eviction. Unlike previous seasons of regular BB, this might catch the chamsters off guard a bit. What a shame!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry with the events. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

But first … let's get the updated Lifeguard Glenn's blog pool --

Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
SueGee - Natalie Eva Marie
Donna NY - Dina
Jennasmom - Tom
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Marthalight - Tom
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
Brian - Tom
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Judi Sweeney - Tom
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
Jenna G - Natalie Eva Marie

Chamster watchers ready?

Seven left in the house, five days left in the game … and that brings us to Previously On. Another Celebrity Breaking News twist will be announced. Have we even go time for that?

Julie tells us it's Day 24 and the men have been dropping like flies now with Tom nominating the only other man beside himself. She says they do not know the double eviction is looming ahead.

We get some of the fallout of his Ricky/Natalie nominations. Not so much from Ricky, but Natalie and Lolo are saying he lied to them. The Bedroom Bunch is hoping for Lolo to win the veto, save one of them and Tom would have to put someone else up. 

Tom gets Kandi worried that she might go on the block if the veto is used/

Veto player pick time --
Tamar, Kandi and Dina. Tom is thrilled because he didn't want Lolo to play and win. She will host the comp. She is NOT happy.

It's to the living room. She tells them it's double eviction. Tamar is loud about it in reaction. What a shock!

POV comp time! Old silent movies theme in black and white with them all in costume. They have to turn black and white film to color. It's the exploding color comp. Color Blast. Tom really wants Ricky out while Kandi would prefer Natalie to go. Tamar wants to throw the veto to keep in good with others. 

Ricky out in the first round.
Second round - Kandi out and Tamar out.
Third round - Natalie and Dina out.

Julie tells us that Tom wants to send Ricky home. Well, duh. Tom tells Kandi he wants to use the veto because he wants Natalie to stay and Ricky to go. Kandi doesn't like his idea of him taking Natalie down and putting Tamar up. She gets mad, saying it's threatening. She says it's a democracy not a dictatorship. She runs to Tamar and tells her. 

While Tamar took it calmly with Kandi, she goes and tells Natalie and Ricky., Then it becomes dramatic. Then she confronts Tom and yells that he's threatening her and is a bully. BTW - he's not bullying at all. Now he thinks Kandi is no longer with him. He tells us to expect the unexpected.

Time for the veto meeting. Tom talks to the cameras and tells us most of the house is against him. He's going to surprise some people. He's not telling any of the others. 

He actually lets the nominees talk.
Natalie loves the game and could be a great ally.
Ricky knows he's the main target and won't waste his breath.

Tom uses the veto to save the legendary Ricky Williams -- as he proudly put it. He puts Lolo in Ricky's place on the block. He tells Lolo he thinks she should be safe. He wishes both good luck.

Kandi and Tamar are shocked. Kandi, in particular, is thrilled Natalie remains on the block. Natalie and Lolo were ride or die peeps. Natalie tells Lolo she could walk out tomorrow and be pleased with her game. Tamar asks Natalie why she's dying on the sword. She tells Natalie she should ask Ricky if she has his vote. So, now, despite both saying they wouldn't campaign against each other Tamar has Natalie going. 

Time for the first eviction, to the living room --
Lolo - Trying to find the goodness of all and lists each 
Natalie - Thanks God and CBS, Tears. What an experience. Talks about her room, will remember it forever. On and on.

The votes to evict --
Kandi - Natalie
Tamar - Natalie
Ricky - Natalie
Dina - Natalie

Another unanimous vote and Natalie is out. She was expecting it and was halfway out of her chair as Julie announced the results. She hugged all, shunning Tom.

Breaking News alert before Julie can talk to her. Double eviction, new opportunity to keep yourself safe in the double eviction tonight. One will be safe, ALL compete in a safety comp, winner will be safe but will have to sit out of HoH comp.

Back to the Natalie interview …

Safety comp …
Living Art. In the house there are people dressed as living art. Lower part of the house. 90 seconds to look and count. They all go at once. 

Ricky, Lolo and Kandi locked in answers. All in with 34 seconds to spare.
22 is the correct answer. TAMAR wins safety!

HoH comp time. Tom is NOT eligible to compete, nor is Tamar.

Living Art again. Some is disappearing from the house. They have 90 seconds to determine how many are missing. 

LOLO wins HoH. (Gah!)

Lolo nominates Tom because he wins everything, just gameplay. She says she can't decide and Julie tells her she will lose the HoH if she doesn't make a decision. She decided Kandi. Live veto comp next.

There is an America's Favorite Houseguest vote online at the CBS website.

Time for the veto comp. All play for it. They're in a line of booths. Cousins is the name. New BB sitcom with past Celeb BB, seven questions, most right wins.

Ross Mathews and Meta World Peace are the stars. 
True or False
1. All right.
2. All right
3. All right
4. Ricky and Lolo got right
5. Lolo and Dina wrong. Ricky in lead.
6. Kandi and Tamar right. Three way tie - Kandi, Ricky and Tamar
7. Lolo and Kandi wrong.

Ricky and Tamar tie, to a tiebreaker. How many seconds in the sitcom Ross appearance.

TAMAR wins the PoV!

Veto meeting time. WHOA! She leaves the nominations the same! I did not expect that!

Second live eviction time --
Tom - Wow, lot of fun, loves the show, strange, exciting, etc. People are taking it so seriously, Ricky remember I took you off the block, says nice things to all.
Kandi - On the block more than anyone else, thanks, Tom is a good competitor.

The votes to evict --
Dina - Tom
Ricky - Tom
Tamar - Tom

Sigh. He's the best player in the house, in my opinion. He's gracious. Tamar dances a gloating dance. He holds the door open for a long time. He tells Julie he's rooting for Lolo when she asks. 

Julie tells them all but Lolo will compete for HoH. All battle it out for PoV. At finale one will be evicted. On live finale, final HoH and HOH eliminates two.