Sunday, March 16, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Feeds Since the POV Meeting

It's getting a bit chilly in the house for Matt now that he's on the block, huh? He stays warm in a blanket as he and Ryan rehash all of their triumphs in the time of their defeat. And, we all know about the agony of defeat!

I wrote up the show review for JJ over at TV Squad once again. If you want to take a peek, here's the link to the review.

Here's what's gone down in that Big Brother House of Turned Tables since the POV meeting:
  • Matt keeps fussing about how he'll spend Easter and his birthday in sequester. It turns out (if you believe him) that he's not interested in the big win -- he just thought he'd have his birthday on TV! Yeah, right.
  • Matt cried. Real tears, even.
  • Matt tried to wheel and deal with James for favor of his group. He promised to throw HOH comps, betray Natalie, anything!
  • James told Matt that he'd have to work for the votes. In their discussion Matt convinced himself that all the evils done were done by Ryan, not by himself. (He doesn't take into consideration that a lot of what Ryan did was in conjunction with Matt but Matt wasn't in the position of power.)
  • Matt thinks Ryan comes across to others as Mr. Nice.
  • Natalie wants to win HOH and convince Adam to swing to their side.
  • Matt campaigned to Joshuah and Sheila telling them how much worse Ryan was to others than he was. (How quickly the bros come apart, eh?)
  • Joshuah told Ryan that he should be safe. Joshuah is thinking the vote will be 5-1 for Matt to go.
  • Sheila asked Matt to sleep in her bedroom. No, not in a sexual way.
  • Matt and Sheila talked forever with Matt trying to play her Mom side and the "I never betrayed you" bit. She doesn't seem to be buying what he's selling. If she is, she's making him sweat it.
  • Natalie is running around saying she will win HOH next week and put James on the block. Sharon (and others) reported it back to James.
  • Adam told Ryan he'd vote for him to stay.
  • Shades of Jen, Matt claimed he wouldn't stay in sequester. We know how that worked out with Jen -- contracts, loss of stipend, lawsuit. People don't skip out on sequester.
  • Matt cried some more.
  • Sharon and Sheila agreed that if they take Matt out, Natalie will fall apart.
  • Sheila said that Natalie is blaming her for her predicament. (It's always all about her, y'know!)
  • Natalie told James she's going to backdoor him next week.
  • James is shaking in his sneakers. (Okay, I made that up. He's not all that concerned.)
  • Matt again worked on James, telling him how much he wanted his birthday on TV. @@
  • Matt cried again.
  • Ryan hasn't shed a tear.
  • Matt begged.
  • Matt worked on Sheila once again.
  • Natalie ranted about James breaking his word to them.
  • Matt worked on Adam who wouldn't tell him which way he plans to vote.
  • Matt worked on Sharon who told him she wants to think about it for a day before she decides.
  • Matt pleaded.
  • Adam told Matt he has to work Sharon and Chelsia and if he can swing them over, he'll think about it. Matt told him they were leaning towards him. (Really? Perhaps towards him leaving!)
  • Matt lamented losing his girlfriend to go on the show. (And not being able to spend his birthday on TV.)
  • Matt was kind of funny whining about how he'd spend Easter alone in sequester hiding eggs and finding them himself.
  • Sheila says she needs to win HOH. She's been manipulated in the game and that has to stop! @@
  • Sheila thinks the Boys Club and Natalie were all playing her.
  • Adam is just happy that Ryan and Matt are on the block instead of himself and Joshuah.
  • Sheila told Adam he never gives anyone a straight answer. Well, duh. It keeps him in the game and off the block. I don't like Adam at all, but his game play is low-key and he skates along week to week never being the target. If he doesn't give a straight answer, he doesn't break his word either.
  • James, Joshuah, and Sharon got yelled at by the BB voice for using hand signals instead of speaking.
  • Sheila and Adam once again said they had each other's back. That's good because I don't think anyone else gives a darn about them except for their vote.
  • Matt once again tried to work Joshuah. When Josh asked him what votes he has, Matt told him Sharon was "looking" like she was going to vote for him. Does Matt think that Sharon and Joshuah don't talk?
  • Sheila and Natalie got into a minor catfight. Sheila said Matt is going to go home and Natalie says it's Sheila's fault.
  • Then Sheila and Natalie turned their vitriol into a Joshuah bash ... not to his face, of course.
  • Sharon thinks only she or Joshuah will do good things with the money. (Matt earlier said he wants to buy his mother a home as she lives in a small apartment.)
  • Natalie said she thinks the editing of Sheila will portray her as crazy and mental. (Or was she talking about herself?)
  • Natalie thinks Sharon has a crush on Matt. I think she's still thinking about that kiss.
  • Natalie thinks they can change Joshuah's mind about the vote because he'll only have Sharon and Chelsia to protect him next week.
  • Natalie is delusional.
  • Matt stopped crying, but didn't stop campaigning.
  • Natalie worked Adam to work Joshuah to work for Matt to stay. Adam hasn't committed -- why does she think he'll help her and her Mattie?
  • Sheila told Sharon and Joshuah how hard Natalie was working on her to save Matt.
  • Sharon said that Natalie offered her safety if she would be the 4th vote for Matt to stay.
  • Sheila said she told Matt and Natalie they didn't have her vote. (Not quite true ... she just came across as reluctant from what I saw, never blatantly said no. I might have missed it, though.)
  • Sheila asked Joshuah what his vote would be. He sidestepped the issue and said he would vote for what's best for the house (Matt out, I'm sure.)
That's about where we stand right now. BB gave them alcohol and they've gotten into a lot of small talk. Despite severely campaigning to stay, Matt has been talking cordially with Ryan. Ryan is just kind of mellow over the whole thing.

'Big Brother 9' - 3/16 Show Live Blogged From the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated, so please refresh the page for the latest. As I'm typing it while watching TV, there will most likely be a typoo or two. Please forgive me!

As always, your comments make it all worthwhile!

Recap time ... James got evicted. Gee, I wonder if he'll come back?

"the last one remaining above their disco ball will win this competition," says ChenBot.

As they go for HOH, James is bitter about all the ones who voted him out. So, he really has only Chelsia on his side. Joshuah and Adam feel bad about voting him out, Matt and Ryan are happy. Chelsia is really shook. Again with the recapping, Julie tells James three voted the mystery guest, five voted for him.

Back to the comp, maybe we'll see the bits left out on the feeds. Matt implies that he voted James back in, but didn't outright say he voted for him.

Adam is out of the comp first blaming his "fat ass." Eep, Joshuah just went down. He tells us the comp isn't meant for him. Matt's ankles hurt and he says he might jump down. But then it looked to me like he more lost it than a deliberate jump although he would have jumped before long I'm sure. Sheila's arms are getting tired. "Can't we all get along?" Natalie asks.

Sheila tells James that she wanted Alex to come back and voted in hopes he would. He thanks her for being honest. Now Sheila feels sick ... she's down! She said she hadn't eaten. Matt says Natalie must win because the remaining three would put him on the block. That would be James, Sharon, and Chelsia.

Matt told Sheila to pray Natalie stays up there and snaps at Natalie to stay up. Natalie feels the pressure. Joshuah asked her what kind of deal it would take for her to drop. Matt yells at her to stay up. Ryan told Matt he should come over and cheer her on. Natalie won't shut up! Matt said he can't stand her voice. He tells her he MIGHT give her a massage.

Sharon's down, thanks to Chatty Natty Matt says. Nat tells us in a DR session she knew she had to win to make sure she and Matt were safe. Natalie tells Chelsia and James that they're not her target. She says she knows James wants his dignity back. Matt asked how it felt to be backdoored. "Wonderful, I'll have to do it to some of you guys," says James.

James looks tired, then Chelsia FELL. Now James is more worried. He says in a DR session he'd have to be struck by lightning to fall. Down to James and Natalie, he's definitely looking in worse shape. He wants to play Let's Make a Deal ... he wants Ryan on the block for what he did to him. Ryan is thumping that stupide star which annoyed me in the feeds. Ryan is mad, Matt doesn't want her to take it although she seemed like she might be willing.

Here comes the end ... Matt is telling her no deals. She says she's feeling sick. James promises she and Matt won't go on the block. Chelsia tells Matt he should be thankful. James says again he won't put Matt up, she says deal and goes down. James is the new HOH!

"I'll stick to my word just like everyone else in this house," says James to Matt. AHA. I didn't hear that on the feeds!

Matt is proud of Natalie and impressed. She tells him she's sorry. How pathetic is that?

Matt tells Natalie again she'll get her massage. Matt says she was like Jesus up there dying for him. Chelsia and James are still a happy couple. Sharon and Joshuah talk -- he doesn't think that James will put him up, but he worries. Sharon is a bit uneasy, too.

Ryan asked Nat why she voted him back, she said she was worried Allison would come back. She said she didn't know what to do. Ryan says now that they're in power, they'll throw one of them (Boys Club) out.

Bible Buddies? Matt, Adam, and Ryan discussing the Bible. Adam's hand is going in his pants until he rolls over. It's an interpretation of the Bible unlike any I've heard before. "Jacob is a big ass dude."

Time for the HOH room! They all go. Photos of his friends. Chelsia is happy for him. Short HOH segment.

Time for the massage -- I love you, but not like that ... in a different way. "I'm not touching any boobies, though. Flip them in because they're haning out." She tells Matt he has to convince James he voted to keep him so he wouldn't gun for him. Joshuah thinks the thrid vote was either Matt or Adam. He's going to solve the mystery. Adam tells Joshuah he voted to take him back. Matt is acting confused when Adam says he voted for him to come back. He's not a good actor. Adam thinks James needs to know he voted to have him come back in, so tells him. Adam is worried he might be a target and he is telling the truth.

Joshuah is housekeeping with a feather duster and says he's like a gay French maid. It gives him a chance to throw dust on the beds of people he doesn't like. He reads his letter from home and we're more in the past again. This is week old fodder! He cries. His family loves and supports him. Aw, they clap for him after he read it aloud. He cries in the DR.

Ryan goes to talk to James. He knows he's after him and reminds him that he too was evicted. James called him on the lies and asked him why he put him up. Ryan starts to say it's the house, then changes his tune. He says he's not responsible for Matt's mouth. James tells us that Ryan is getting nominated because he was screwed by everyone else in the house except Chelsia. "Get ready for an intense week," he tells Ryan.

Nominations are in the air. Ryan is sure he'll put him on the block. Adam is ansty and hopes James believes he voted him back in. Matt feels safe, but doesn't really trust a kid with pink hair. James still only trusts Chelsia, mistakenly they brought me back in the game he says.

Time for noms -- James false prestenses and lies are the reasons behind his vote. Key order -- Natalie, Matt, Sharon, Chelsia, Joshuah, Adam.

Sheial and Ryan are on the block, both look not surprised. He tells Sheila that he nominated her because she gave him her word and didn't keep it. Ryan is on the block because he backdoored him.

Ryan says he's the king of the block, third time up. Matt says he owes Natalie big time. Sheila is all big talk, not gonna cry boohoohoo -- but she surely cries enough all the time over other things!

BB9 - POV Meeting Over!

James did it. He put Matt on the block. Natalie is in tears. Joshuah is telling her it's a house divided, last week her side had power, now the power has changed. James did NOT take Ryan off the block, it's Sheila who got the reprieve.

Ryan and Matt are on the block. One will go home.

I have more on the after-POV meeting up over on TV Squad!

BB9 - Live Feeds Report Into Sunday Morning 3/16

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Thanks to commenter Joy for the suggestion, graphic artist Zoetawny created a Gnatalie graphic just for us! She is sort of like a gnat or a mosquito constantly buzzing about, isn't she? Thanks, Zoetawny! I love it!

It's a quiet Sunday morning here. I've watched Sunday Morning on CBS and now I'm listening to the Sinatra station on AOL Radio while the houseguests sleep out there in California. It's just a peaceful mellow kind of morning, but I'm sure those silly hamsters will do something to liven things up, right? When they played "That's Why the Lady is a Tramp," I thought of Natalie. I know. I'm a bad person. ;-)

Here's what has happened in the Big Brother House of Flipflopping Floozies and Fickle Minds:
  • Natalie plucked Ryan's eyebrows. Never a dull moment in the house, huh?
  • James really wants to get rid of Matt but says it will take "balls" and shake up the house. (I do want Matt out of there, but for integrity's sake I hope he doesn't backdoor him this week. I know it's a game, but he did give his word to Natalie.)
  • James thinks that if Matt were to leave, Natalie would just go nuts. (How does that differ from how she is now?)
  • James talked to Sharon about getting Matt out of the house this week. She told him she would be on board with the plan.
  • James told Adam he wouldn't be going on the block. The plan to get rid of Matt is in motion it seems.
  • Sharon told Joshuah of the Mattviction plan. Joshuah thinks it would be better to take Sheila off the block and pit Matt against Ryan. Otherwise, he seems to like the idea.
  • Adam told James he's on his side and feels very bad about voting him out, was thrilled he could help vote him back in. (Yes, he was in the DR vote. If James could see his reaction, he'd be tickled pinker than that pink shirt he wears so much!)
  • James told Adam that he'll have to break the news to Natalie if he decides that's what he has to do.
  • James, now seeming to trust Adam, told him that Matt and Natalie were behind him not trusting him in the first place.
  • Matt wants to hook up with Jen from BB8. @@ A match made in hell, I say!
  • Adam continues to put his hand down his pants. I've never seen an adult man do that so much. At least Michael Jackson, ball players, and gangsta rappers go for the outside of their pants!
  • When Natalie asked Adam if he knows if James will keep the noms the same, he said he didn't know.
  • Ryan asked James if he still intends to take him off the block. James told him it should be a go.
  • Sheila thinks Adam should be on the block instead of her.
  • Sheila wants America to decide the winner this season. (AS IF she would have a shot!) Natalie wants a jury.
  • Natalie told Joshuah that Matt is nervous about the possibility James will put him on the block, but she thinks James will stick to his word. (I guess he probably won't!)
  • Natalie is sure Sheila will be going home this week.
  • Natalie feels perfectly safe this week. (And, she should. She is. She's pretty much nothing without her Mattie.)
  • They played hide 'n seek. Natalie hid and they didn't go looking for her. Heehee!
  • Joshuah called the boys heartless and got the search on for her again. Grr.
That's it for now. The POV meeting should be later today. It promises to be interesting!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds

I've been waiting for a few hours for my latest feeds post to go up on TV Squad.


The biggest news is that now James intends to use the POV to remove Ryan from the block, replacing him with Adam.

'Big Brother 9' - Live Feeds Through Friday Evening 3/14

Sheila rants at Ryan and the "Boys Club."

Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Mad White Women:
  • James told Sheila that she's not the person he's after. He said if the vote is a tie, he'll vote Ryan out. (Hmm ... his grudge against Ryan must be stronger than I thought.)
  • He also said he won't be changing the nominations with his power of veto.
  • James asked Sheila why everyone protects Matt. Sheila said she didn't know it was as bad as it is until Natalie stayed in the HOH comp so long for him.
  • Sheila told James that she protected Matt because he saved her. She can't depend on Adam to protect her because he flip-flops. James said he saved her from something started by his boy Ryan.
  • Sheila told James how much her son is like him. (Um, yeah. Sure.)
  • James told her that he wouldn't have put up Adam if Ryan won POV. She said Matt knew she wouldn't be protecting him anymore. @@
  • Natalie worked on Sharon to vote out Sheila instead of Ryan.
  • Sheila told Adam he had to vote for her to stay.
  • Matt was the first one out in the POV comp.
  • Matt asked James if Ryan stays, will he still be gunning for him. James told him that it would be over, he wouldn't. (That's along the lines of what he said to Ryan just before nominations.)
  • Sheila told Sharon that she (Sheila) "loves Allison to death." (I think that's murder!)
  • Sheila also told Sharon that she needed a bit of separation from her teenage son right now, that's why she went into the house. (I could think of other things -- send him to summer camp and not make a fool of yourself to the world on Big Brother which will embarrass him!)
  • Heh. The HG got a list of bad words they cannot say on the live show. Other seasons have had plenty of foul mouths but they behaved when they knew they were on live television. This is the first time they've ever received bribes and warnings to watch their mouths.
  • Natalie thinks she will be THE celebrity of Oregon when she gets out of the house. Did you know Oregon is the Beaver State? ;-)
  • Ryan told Sheila that he doesn't like that she's using the "Ryan won ten grand" card against him. Sheila claimed it just popped out to Natalie. @@
  • Sheila went into a rant at Ryan like a woman possessed.
  • Ryan told Sheila she's not the only one getting to know people in defense against her telling him how much time she's spent getting to know and befriend everyone in the house.
  • Chelsia and Natalie talked about how manipulative Sheila is. They didn't say that to Sheila, of course.
  • Chelsia is working on being nicer. She told Natalie that she was only mad at Matt because he kept treating her (Natalie) like crap.
  • BB gave them wine and beer.
  • Sheila kept saying to Ryan she wasn't going around talking about how she's a single mom and he took her ten grand. "Fine, let's squash it then," said Ryan.
  • Ryan told Sheila and everyone that he isn't running around talking about her behind her back.
  • Sheila railed at Adam and demanded to know why he isn't protecting her.
  • Adam told her not to bring him into it and stop stereotyping him as one of the boys.
  • Matt played the role of diplomat (no, really, he did) and squashed the verbal sparring, bringing up new topics less volatile.
  • And it worked.
  • They hope that big mallets in the yard mean that they'll have a luxury comp.
  • Now Ryan, Joshuah, and Natalie are talking about Sheila behind her back.
  • On another camera feed, Sheila is going on about how awful Adam is.
  • Now the group is talking about pranking Sheila again tonight telling her the luxury comp is starting.
And the beat goes on ...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Latest BB9 Feeds Report

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be posting tonight's happenings here later tonight (after they happen, naturally!).

And, I'd just like to say ... Sydney, if you eat that chicken, just eat a bit. If you live, finish it up. :-)

BB9 - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Winner

James did it. He won POV, so the nominations will remain the same. More a bit later!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Friday Morning

Mattie has it made in the shade this week as James seems to be true to his word. Although his main bro Ryan is on the block, James doesn't want the veto used and it would seem Sheila most likely will go home next week. James is very against backdooring anyone as was done to him.

Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Cards:
  • Sharon and Chelsia talked about Matt. Chelsia wants him out of the game while Sharon thinks she can manipulate him.
  • James said he doesn't know who he'd put up if the POV is used.
  • Sheila turned to the Memory wall and decided everyone is still being evicted as couples -- Ryan will follow Allison.
  • Natalie declared, "Sheila is not with the program." She is indeed the outsider, but will that mean she'll leave this week?
  • The ShoToo crowd got a Chelsia skin show. Amazing how these things happen when they know BBAD is on. @@
  • Sheila cried.
  • Sheila wants to go home, says no one in the house understands her.
  • Natalie helped Ryan study in the case it's a cerebral POV.
  • Sheila was just going to bed when called into the DR. She didn't want to go.
  • Joshuah came up with the idea to prank Sheila and tell her POV is starting soon.
  • She's not happy, back to the DR.
  • They think she was in the DR crying and felt bad. (She's always crying!)
  • Sheila took off the unitard.
  • James and Chelsia sex-played. Blech. No, I don't want to smell anyone's finger.
  • James had trouble getting to sleep, still all hyped from his eviction, return, and the HOH.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

'Big Brother 9' Live Feeds Since the Nominations

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Zoetawny made this for the blog yesterday, but I didn't read the email before all the show wonkiness started. But it definitely fits even though at the moment, we know James is running the house! I love this one!

So, what's been happening in the Big Brother House of Arrogant Strutting?

Here's what's gone down since James nominated Ryan and Sheila:
  • Although the nominations ceremony was blocked to the feeds, we found out from talk that Natalie's key was the first one pulled from the box. That was nice of James.
  • Ryan and Sheila talked about being on the block (and how it sucks) and the fact they know James wants the nominations to remain the same, no one backdoored.
  • They both think they got screwed. (Just victims of circumstance? I think not!)
  • Chelsia thinks America didn't like Alex because he was quiet and they wouldn't have voted him back in. (But they did!)
  • Ryan told Matt and Adam that James said that Sheila is the strongest person in the house (influence, game-wise, not physically).
  • Sharon and Natalie don't think anyone will ever vote for Ryan to win because of Jen. No one wants her to have the money.
  • James had joked that Jen was in the mystery box, but then admitted he didn't know who America chose.
  • It's kind of quiet after last night's big endurance comp. The nominees knew they'd be going on the block -- James told Ryan and worked things out for the future (he thinks). I didn't see him really talk to Sheila, but she knew it.

Tonight's 'Survivor' Review

My review of tonight's Survivor is up over on TV Squad! :-)

'Celebrity Apprentice' - 3/13 Episode East Coast Updates

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!

Omarosa is gone and Piers is beside himself with glee. Trace is still worried about the kiss.

Trace is PM over Steven Baldwin. Cowboy club is his Quiznos sandwich.

Lennox is PM over Piers and Carol. Piers wants Champ sandwich.

Lennox's Hydra won 313 sandwiches to 253. Trump gave money to Trace's charity, but one is about to be fired.

Steven Baldwin is fired, Trace lives on.

Uh-oh -- before the night is over, two will be fired next week!

BB9 - Nominations Are In

As expected, James nominated Sheila and Ryan.

'Survivor Micronesia' - 3/13 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Airai won reward -- two natives to show them the ropes. They sent Chet and their own Jason to Exile Island.

A doc came over Penner's leg. Hospital or die. He left crying over leaving the game, not about his leg.

Jason found the fake hidden idol and thinks it's real.

Airai won immunity.

Phew. Chet wanted to go home and was voted out. There was a plan to blindside Ozzy and he didn't use the idol. He lucked out!

Tonight, Tonight - 3/13 BB9 Live Feeds

My latest BB9 live feeds post is over at TV Squad -- lots of images of last night's HOH comp and today's update.

I'll be putting up an East Coast Updates post for tonight's Survivor as soon as possible -- Blogger has a scheduled outage (ten minutes) at 8 PM ET. As soon as I can get it to work, the post will be up. My full review of that will be over on TVS.

I'll also be posting an East Coast Updates post for Celebrity Apprentice (now Omarosa-less) when that comes on.

BB9 Live Feeds Brief

I'll post more later, but it looks like James will keep his promise. He won't be putting Matt or Natalie on the block. His likely targets are Ryan and Sheila.

We Have a New HOH at 1:15 AM ET

Natalie got sick, made a deal with James in which he promised to not put her or Matt on the block. She dropped.

James is the new HOH!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BB9 - HOH Comp Update

Just a note -- the most current info is at the top of this post and it gets older as you scroll down.

1:15 AM ET -- Natalie got sick, made a deal with James in which he wouldn't nominate either her or Matt. She dropped, is vomiting. But the big news is JAMES IS THE NEW HOH!

1:00 AM ET -- Second verse, same as the first. Natalie and James still on, Natalie still looking the stronger of the two.

12:45 AM ET -- Same old, same old. If Ryan doesn't stop thumping that star, I'm going to thump him.

12:30 AM ET -- James and Natalie agreed to go seven hours, then figure out something from there. Natalie is looking stronger than James. His fingers are blistering, hers aren't. I think he's more determined, but it's an easier comp for her. All she's complaining about is that she's thirsty. BB is speeding up the action a bit.

12:15 AM ET -- James and Natalie hang in there as seen in the screen cap below.

12:03 AM ET -- Chelsia down, she slipped.

Midnight ET -- Chelsia is looking like she's weakening. Natalie is still doing her stripper pole dancing moves. James was crouching in (apparently allowed in the big feeds block right after the live show). They can't crouch anymore. He's hanging in.

Natalie says it's one of her old stripper moves. @@ At 11:45 PM ET it's still Chelsia, James, and Natalie. BB has stocked the fridge and storage room. They don't seem to realize there usually isn't a food comp after endurance. They think it might be taken away.

11:35 PM ET -- Still the three -- Chelsia, James, and Natalie. Natalie says she has no beefs with either of them, just Joshuah. Pizza has arrived even though I noticed bleeps on the show.

Sharon and Joshuah mended fences. He told her that he thought he was the only one voting to save her. They say they only have each other. She says James will stay up there all night.

11:16 PM ET -- Sharon is out.

Screen cap below taken at 11:07 PM ET. Chelsia, James, Natalie, and Sharon still in it.

11:00 PM ET -- Still no change. I tried to post a video I uploaded to YouTube, but it must not be available yet. James said the others just want to win HOH, he wants to win his dignity back. (Can someone with a pink mohawk have dignity?)

10:47 PM ET -- Natalie tells James she has never won HOH before and won't drop. She says she helped bring him back in, but she wants this. Sharon, Chelsia, Natalie, and James still in it.

10:30 PM ET -- Still the four, still not exciting. Matt told Natalie she'll get her massage if she wins.

James, Natalie, Chelsia, and Sharon still in. Natalie has the biggest mouth and might be the strongest. Matt told James he voted for the mystery box. I'm going to get some video uploaded to YouTube. It's kind of boring right now. BB really isn't doing much to them -- a gentle raising and lowering, quietly circling, foam bubbles.

Natalie told James she voted for him to return to the house. He knows Sheila didn't vote for him.

Sharon is using her sweatshirt sleeves. Natalie is all giggling and saying she could do this all night. James, Natalie, Sharon, Chelsia all hanging in.

Sheila is out.

Sheila says she feels sick. I think she will be the next out. James, Chelsia, Sharon, and Natalie remain strong.

James says he must win as it's the only way he'll stay in the house. Natalie keeps giggling. Sheila says her arms hurt some.

Matt, Adam, Ryan, and Joshuah are out. The only guy still in is James. The girls including Sheila seem stronger than James.

Feeds just came back. Ryan and Adam are sitting smoking. Joshuah is with them

'American Idol' - East Coast Updates 3/12 East Coast Updates

Jackie's TV Blog, American Idol
Since the results show isn't conflicting with Survivor, I'll be updating this post throughout the show with the results and action.

Of course, I will also keep one eye on the Big Brother feeds and get you updates in separate posts, too.

They're doing a Beatles medley now. Into a recap of last night's performances, judges reactions, and Simon/Ryan lovefest stuff.

Into going for the bottom three -- Carly is safe. Michael Johns is safe. Jason is safe. Syesha is in the bottom three. Randy and Paula said she didn't deserve to be in the bottom three. Simon thinks she deserves to be there. She sings her song from last night again. I like her, but I don't like her singing this song!

(BB live feeds still blocked.) Feeds up, separate post.

Chikezie is safe, Amanda is safe, David Cook is safe. Kristy Lee Cook is in the bottom three.

Cat McPhee is singing now. One more to go in the bottom three.

David Archuleta is safe. Brook is safe. Ramiele is safe. David Hernandez is in the bottom three.

Syesha is safe, sent back to the seats. Kristy is safe.

David Hernandez is out.

'Big Brother 9' - 3/12 Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I've had a live feeds report in pending for a while over at TV Squad, but I'm not sure when it's going to go live. There really wasn't much new news from the house today, but it's still worth a read.

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll continually update this post, so refresh the page to get the latest. Since I'm typing this while watching television, not the monitor or keyboard, I ask forgiveness for any typos I might make. As always, your comments are what really make the post!

Recap, recap. At least I don't think we'll have to see Allison evicted again. I hope not ... don't see how they'll work it in.

Okay, why does Julie Chen have that sweater on ... two buttons at the top with a pendant necklace dangling under them? It looks fuzzy-ratsy up close. One will come back, but first ... all hell broke loose in the house.

More recaps. Matt is strutting, Natalie is working on her Mattie, James is upset, and Joshuah is frozen in place. Chelsia confronts Ryan, then Joshuah joins in. But it's Chelsia who's really riled. Matt comes in, Ryan kicks out Matt and Chelsia. He tells Joshuah he still trusts him, couldn't put his boy Matt up.

Sharon is worried. Natalie tells her they all want James gone. Matt feels betrayed that James tried to overthrow the king -- himself. Sheila tells Ryan he did the right thing and she plans to vote out James.

Joshuah and Sharon join the backyard -- hey, this is the video I snagged and posted here from the feeds! :D Mine didn't have subtitles, though. If they show the pickle juice, it's been edited out of sequence.

Sharon tells Sheila about Matt kissing her and she's been working Matt all along. Why do people tell Sharon things? Sheila runs and tells Natalie. Natalie has a glzed look of obsession in her eyes. Now Natalie wants Sharon out. Natalie wants to flip it and keep James ... Sheila's in on the flip. They give James their word.

Matt tries to confirm that James will go and Natalie said she'll vote the way she wants. She confronts him and he tells her he doesn't like any girl in the house. Gee, they're like an old married couple who should have divorced decades ago. "If you're not with me, you're against me," Matt says.

Julie said votes have already been cast (as I mention in the feeds report awaiting over at TVS) and they run Diary Room segments, but not the actual votes. Chelsia tells us Sharon should leave. Adam thinks James should go and Sharon should go for different reasons. Matt says James is a stronger player than Sharon and you can't trust a kid with a pink mohawk.

Julie talks to the houseguests. Matt admits he had doubts over the veto ceremony. He's sitting next to Joshuah. Natalie says her relationship with Matt hasn't changed, they still share the same bed. Matt says they're BFFL. Sheila sees herself strutting in the red leotard. The HG think Sheila wore it better than Jen. (At least Sheila wasn't obsessed with it.)

Visting the previous HG in sequester -- Jacob loves Sharon and said he'd spice things up. Jen and Parker are together in sequester. She would go back in with a vengeance. Parker would love to go back in.

Alex and Amanda are together. They don't get along. Allison is alone. She wants another shot and wants revenge.

All of the previous HG are together. Jen is surprised Ryan isn't there with Allison. Julie told Allison that Ryan got HOH -- weird overplay of the actual house, missed her response. Yipes ... the HG will vote to keep the HG they evict or the one we chose. Parker was second, ALEX is chosen! Yo, Staten Island!

More DR segments -- Natalie wants Sharon out. Joshuah trusts Sharon, Sheila trusts her. Joshuah thinks Sharon is easily manipulated.

Julie is ready to announce the vote, all sounds like normal. By a vote of 5-1, James is out. He expected it the moment he heard 5-1. He's smiling. Only Chelsia hugged him. Sheila looks like she's about to cry. Sharon is crying.

James told Julie he told the others to sit since they broke their word to him. He thinks Sheila is playing the best, low-key but playing Matt and all. He really likes Chelsia. He thinks she's a great girl. Chelsia taped a special goodbye message ... crying, she thinks he's beautiful inside and out and she surprised herself by caring about him. Aww.

Julie warns James to keep it clean after he said he might crap his pants if it's not over for him.

The SIREN goes off in the house ... to the living room! Chelsia looks cautiously optimistic. To commercial.

Back ... something is up. Julie tells them a former housemate is moving back in tonight. They're shown a box -- in it is someone from their past. She lists the evicted except James, tells them America voted one to return. She tells them they can bring back whoever is in the mystery box or James. They keep talking and Julie has to warn them.

The live votes are:
Ryan -- Mystery HG
Chelsia -- James
Matt -- Mystery HG
Sheila -- Mystery HG
Joshuah -- James
Natalie -- James
Adam -- James
Sharon -- James

James will go back in, we go to commercial. I don't see how they're going to fit a HOH comp in ... endurance?

Time for the reveal -- the mystery box is in the living room. They all act happy to see James. Language alert! (They were told they would have a pizza party if they watched their mouths.)

HOH comp -- hanging disco balls, stand on gold disc, must stand upright. It looks more like glittery tether ball than disco. It's called Big Brother disco ... they go up in the air hanging on their chains standing on the disc. Last one standing wins. I'm glad I took a nap today.

They're raising and lowering. No one thought to bring Daniele gloves. Julie told us they'd get a champagne toast when it returns from commercial.

All still in, brief guinea pig shot. Julie told James to keep it clean. She tells him five voted him in, three didn't. Natalie guessed champagne. Already someone is arguing (bleeped) with Joshuah ... Matt, I think. "Don't talk to me like that."

Not to fear, folks. I'll do my best to keep you updated on the comp as it goes on. Since they have to grip their chains with bare hads and there are soap bubbles and champagne making it all slippery, I don't think it will be an all night affair. I could be wrong, though. Stay tuned!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn Wednesday 3/12

Have you gotten used to Daylight Saving Time yet? The hamsters know it's here, but since they don't really work for a living, it's not affecting them.

Here are the evening and overnight happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Mixed Variables:
  • Sheila talked to Matt about his relationship (or lack thereof) with Natalie. Her goal is to get Natalie out of the house next week.
  • Natalie and Matt argued on and on about said relationship. He told her to stop chasing him and she was insistent that she doesn't, etc. She kept demanding to know if he was with her or against her.
  • Natalie asked God to guide her. @@
  • Sheila told Matt that Natalie was out of control with him and it was disgusting.
  • Matt told Sheila that Natalie has to go and she told him that Sharon cannot know.
  • Natalie cried.
  • Natalie wants Sharon to go this week, mainly because she kissed Matt. She wants to flip Matt over to voting out Sharon.
  • Sheila wants Matt to stick with voting out James.
  • James went to Matt wanting to know why he was scared of him (in the game) and Matt said it had nothing to do with him -- Natalie is a nutcase.
  • James thinks that the larger group will now vote to evict him despite all of his efforts.
  • Matt told Joshuah that the latest has nothing to do with him -- he's rooming with a looney (Natalie).
  • Joshuah said that Sharon's planning to throw the HOH comp.
  • Joshuah and James told each other that they'd have their backs before they would their previous partners, Sharon and Chelsia.
  • Sheila told Sharon everyone wants her in the house and that they're just trying to break her down. (If they all want her in the house, why would they break her down? Some don't want her is the answer!)
  • Sheila told Sharon she has her vote no matter what. (After earlier telling James he had her vote?)
  • Sheila told Sharon that Matt will tell her what's going on, that she had promised not to say anything.
  • James kept working on Matt for the vote.
  • Sheila went on to tell Sharon that no one has her back in the game, no one. (Doesn't that contradict everyone wanting her to stay in the house? I swear Sheila talks in circles and says too much.)
  • Matt told James that Chelsia wouldn't have left had the noms remained the same. (Yes, she would! The target was Chelsia in the original noms! Sharon was their pawn!) James doesn't believe him.
  • James told Matt that Adam promised to vote to keep him.
  • James told Matt that he (Matt) and Natalie work well together -- he works the guys and she works the girls. Matt said he knows.
  • Sheila, now apparently completely flip-flopping once again, told Sharon she needs to speak to Matt.
  • Natalie wants them to keep convincing Joshuah that they're voting out Sharon.
  • Matt told Sharon that if she ever puts him on the block, he won't talk to her again.
  • Sheila wants protection from Joshuah's verbal assaults when James is voted out on Wednesday.
  • In the HOH room, Ryan, Adam, Sheila, Natalie agree to vote out James. If it's a tie vote, Ryan will save James as Sharon would put him on the block.
  • Adam, possibly the one sane one in the bunch (EEK! I can't believe I said that!), said he was tired of all of the campaigning and false promises. He thinks everyone should just vote on their own.
  • They were told that there would be an indoor lockdown from 7 PM until tomorrow (today). (I can't help but wonder if it's a set-up for an endurance comp? That's about due, I'd think. The couples bit threw off my sense of timing with this season.)
  • They talked about their big boxing match set for Saturday night. Yes, BB gave them boxing gloves this season, but it doesn't seem to be getting frustrations under control.
  • James told Joshuah he's pretty sure he's staying. Joshuah is worried that if Sharon stays, she'll know he voted against her.
  • Joshuah told Chelsia that James will stay, but he probably will vote for Sharon so it won't be a unanimous vote for her to go. (Delusional?)
  • Josh said the lockdown must be because Allison is trying to break back in. Heh. It could be!
  • James and Chelsia snuggled and made out a bit.
  • Sheila told Sharon that the main reason Natalie is upset with her (Sharon) is because of the Matt/Sharon kiss. She says that Natalie is jealous. (You don't say!)
  • Natalie prayed to God to decide how she will vote. She doesn't trust Sheila and Sheila's been doing a lot of talking.
  • James told Chelsia to be happy no matter how the vote goes down. She said she doesn't think she can.
  • Sheila told Sharon that Natalie told her all the fights between her and Matt have been fake so they can work others. But she said Natalie is mad about the Sharon/Matt kiss -- that's real.
  • Sheila told Sharon to trust her and tell her everything, but to remember she (Sheila) has to play both sides.
  • Natalie still thinks they go on Letterman after the show. They don't. Survivor castaways did and even they don't anymore.
  • Matt and Ryan talked to each other about how they would be backdooring James this week.
  • Matt and Ryan think Daniele rode Dick's coattails until the end last year. (Well, she did win a lot comps, if memory serves.)
  • James is now thinking he might be backdoored. (Really?)
  • Natalie made more nail polish portraits. She's actually not half-bad with those.
  • Whatever BB is doing in the backyard has a diesel motor running.
  • Joshuah and Ryan talked. They know something is up for tomorrow because the time frame is different. They said the vote will be 5-1 or worst case scenario 4-2 for James to go home.
  • Ryan again warned Joshuah that Sheila tells everyone everything.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - 3/11 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this entry. As it's written a bit off the cuff as I watch the show, please forgive any typos.

Okay, they didn't recap enough the other night -- we had to see Allison get evicted once again. Matt/Natalie woes, the four bros ... we've seen this all before. James doesn't want people to think he's aligned with Chelsia and Chelsia and Sharon are up on the block ... again. Gosh, I hate the recaps, but this one isn't as long as Sunday night was.

I spoke too soon, the nominations once again. The second time with the "epic battle of the females" bit. @@

Joshuah tells us he's only in for himself. James siad his move to get Chelsia on the block was strategically the only thing he could do. He is still with her.

Sharon tells Shila and Joshuah that the guys want to gang up on the women and get them out. Joshuah is a part of the girls group. Ryan is still working with Joshuah, but Josh will hang with the girls. Josh is worried that Ryan will tell Matt things. Josh, of course, wants Matt out. They be cool.

Chelsia tells James she doesn't trust people. James has her back ... he has her this week, she protects him next. Hug, snuggle.

Matt, Adam, Natalie, Ryan, James, and Sharon are grouped in the HOH thinking they're the winning alliance. Meanwhile girl talk has them all mad at Matt. Josh has an epiphany. He wants to get everyone to make a deal with her -- if she gets Matt out, she's safe for two weeks.

Matt has on his silly rolled-up clamdigger style pants, yet Joshuah is the gay guy! Natalie whines that he needs to treat her better. So, she spills the two weeks beans. Joshuah, Sharon, Sheila, and James she rats out to him. She tells him he can't say anything. He said he'll only tell Ryan.

Talking to Ryan, they will use Natalie to spy on the others. Matt says when he wins HOH, it will be a reign of terror.

Joshuah goes to Ryan with the two week deak for backdooring Matt. Ryan is playing along, but tells Josh that there was a leak of the plan -- Natalie told Matt. Ryan warns him he can't say anything in front of Natalie, especially about Matt. Sheila, Chelsia and Josh are lived.

Ryan lies to Matt, says that Joshuah is paranoid himself that he will be backdoored. Ryan is telling us he might have to think about backdooring Matt.

Time to choose partners for the veto cop. Three players will be chosen in addition to nominees and HOH. Ryan got houseguest choic, chooses Adam. Matt looks upset, but tells us that he wasn't too concerned. Josh tells us Adam is not on board with the plan to backdoor Matt. Sheila was chosen by Chelsia, Joshuah chosen by Sharon. Poor Nat never gets to play anything.

Major meeting with everyone but Adam, Natalie, Matt, and Sharon. The two week safety plan for backdooring Matt is in effect -- Ryan agrees to it.

Veto time -- everyone on board with the backdoor Matt planexcept Adam. A huge pool table, Matt is the host. The loser of each round is offered a prize, they pull the prize blindly, but can keep it or trade it for one already given. The Color of Veto is the name. Chelsia still wants to win because she doesn't trust anyone.

Sheila was out first and draws the veto, but someone can take it away from her. Sharon is out next, wins a motorcycle (which Chelsia really wants). Sharon trades the POV for the motorcycle which Sheila doesn't want. Joshuah is out, gets letter from home and keeps it. Adam is out and gets $10,000. He wants the motorcycle and tells us he gave it to Sheila because she's a single mother and she needs it more. She cries. Chelsia is out, wins a slop pass. She takes the veto from Sharon. Ryan is the last place finsiher, draws Jen's red unitard. He takes Sheila's ten grand and she gets the unitard. That wasn't too cool for Sheila.

So Chelsia wins the veto. Joshuah is sure the Backdoor Matt plan is still on. Matt tells us it just ain't gonna happen.

Sheila is very upset that Ryan took the cash. So she cries more to us. (It was a bit low of him especially when Adam said how much she needed it when he gave it to her.)

Chelsia and James are thrilled, snuggling. Sharon is worried, tells Joshuah, James and Chelsia. She goes in on the backdoor Matt plan. Ryan assures them he's going on with it.

Sheila has on the leotard. I think Jen looked better in it. She wears black bikini bottoms over it. She puts on a good face to all. Sharon even mentions how great it was of Adam to give her the money. Chelsia says no one in the game was selfish. Sheila mentions she could have used the money and she's a single mom. Chelsia ticked her off by telling her not to play the single mother card. Now Sheila has an enemy ... or Chelsia has an enemy, that is.

Sheila tells Adam that Joshuah, Chelsia, and James will send either her or him home. The seed is in her mind. She runs to Natalie and convinces her that after they get rid of Matt, they'll go after them -- Natalie, Sheila, Adam ... and Ryan.

She goes to Ryan who briefly apologizes after she said she wasn't mad. She warns him. She tells him Matt and Adam are the only ones who will stick with him. She convinces him that he can't backdoor Matt and she has his back.

Chelsia looks mad as she looks at the Memory Wall. She thinks matt is going to be nominated. Time for the veto meeting. Joshuah is so thrilled, thinks he's pulled off the biggest coup ever. Sharon tells her she deserved to win -- save herself. Chelsia does.

Ryan nominates ... very difficult decision, house diveided, he feels powerless, house wants one of his bros out, so ... JAMES. Matt smiles, Sharon looks stunned, Josh doesn't know what to think. Meeting adjourned. Matt rubs it all in to them and says it's on now, aims it at Joshuah. He's all struttin' and big and bad. Ryan thinks he's made a good decision. Josh thinks they won the battle, but he'll win the war. Sheila thinks that she's the mastermind and Chelsia will win her little buddy.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds Skinny

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be live blogging tonight's show as it airs here on the east coast, so please join me!

BB9 - Live Feeds Late Night and Overnight Into Tuesday

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Graphic artist Zoetawny has Ryan biting his nails over the nominations. Did he do the right thing? Will it come back to bite him? Will his alliance remain loyal to him?

Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Strangers in the Night:
  • Sheila warned Ryan that Sharon is still with Joshuah. He said they won't really have her until Josh is gone.
  • Big Brother gave them a new basketball hoop.
  • Chelsia told Joshuah that James told her he liked her and is she cared about him, she'd vote for him to stay.
  • James says he's okay with going home, but he keeps trying to stay.
  • Joshuah dyed a pink patch in his hair to honor James.
  • Chelsia and Joshuah eavesdropped on Matt, Adam, and Ryan in the yard. Joshuah sarcastically said they had to be the "greatest thinkers of all time."
  • James told Sharon he's given up.
  • They wondered once again if someone is coming back. Matt laughingly suggested it should be Allison.
  • James told Josh, Chelsia, and Sharon that Sheila told him his eviction is personal.
  • Natalie asked Sheila if they'll get gid of James this week. Sheila said yes.
  • In discussions of who they'd put on the block if they got HOH, Sharon wisely declined to say. She said she isn't going to say when she's on the block and it's two days before eviction.
  • Sharon told Joshuah that she has to win HOH if she stays because they don't trust her.
  • Adam, James, Joshuah, and Sharon talked about sex. Blech.
  • When Matt asked why Carol last season got booted, Adam said it was because she was retarded.
  • James continued to wheel and deal for his survival this week. He told Ryan he'd throw the HOH for two weeks.
  • Matt has decided that Sharon is the most boring girl in America. Why? Because she won't Monica him?
  • James told Matt and Ryan that Sheila is a shark in the waters.
  • Matt has decided that Sharon is a quiet weasel. Actually, aren't weasels kind of quiet animals anyway? Isn't that redundant?
  • James got up to offering to throw three HOH comps.
  • Chelsia thinks that Matt and Natalie had a relationship outside of the house. I think she's wrong.
  • James told Chelsia that he thinks Joshuah is in with at least one person on the other side and working with them. (He's right -- Joshuah is working with Ryan.)
  • Matt lied to Natalie and told her he never kissed Sharon. He's kissed every girl still in the house but Sheila!
  • Matt got upset because word got out that he kissed Sharon. He blames Sharon and Sheila.
  • Matt told Natalie he has a girl on the outside and he wouldn't risk that relationship, plus Sharon isn't his type. @@
  • All are in bed as I post this.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Latest BB9 Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It's a bit on the quiet side in the house now that noms, POV, and the food challenge are over.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into Dawn Monday

The houseguests are asleep as I write this up, so this screen cap is from earlier in the evening.

Here's what's been going on from within that Big Brother House of Silly Hamsters:
  • James and Chelsia talked about sex. No, that's not oral, it's just talking about it.
  • Sheila talked about fried pickles, not to be confused with sex talk.
  • James wants to try to weasel out of eviction and Josh supposedly will support him (instead of his partner Sharon with whom he's still working ... I don't think so).
  • Sheila still upset because she thinks Chelsia blames her for being on slop.
  • Chelsia studied the bible for ammunition to use against Natalie.
  • Showing what a huge show fan he is, Ryan asked if Julie Chen is married. (Yes, to the head of CBS!)
  • Sharon continues to act as a double agent, reporting everything Matt has said to her to Joshuah.
  • Joshuah thinks James is leaving, so he's done with him. He thinks Chelsia has a target on him, so she's next.
  • Joshuah is so proud that he "broke" Allison. He believes he's mastered the art of verbal attack. (I say he's just evil and takes low blows that go over the line.)
  • James told others he'd have no problem burning Chelsia if he had to.
  • Natalie told Matt, Ryan, and Sheila that she'll be working both sides to get information.
  • Sheila once again told James she didn't know he was going on the block. (She should stop telling him that -- it's like she doth protest too much.)
  • James told Sheila that he'll do whatever she wants for her vote to stay in the house.
  • Sheila says she's in the middle, not on either side.
  • James told Sheila he knows he doesn't have Matt or Natalie, then Sheila told him he has her and Adam if she can drag him away from them.
  • Adam siad he's not telling anyone how he's voting. (But I bet he's voting with Ryan and Matt's wishes, don't you?)
  • Joshuah hopes for an America's Choice award ... like his behavior would have show fans voting for him. AS IF!
  • They're all asleep. I'm awake.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds After the Aftermath of POV Use

Joshuah is actually being quiet listening to Sheila ramble on (and on and on) about how she respects gay people, people shouldn't be mean, Allison was highly intelligent and probably didn't fit in with the house, etc.

Once again I was asked to review/recap tonight's episode for TV Squad -- you can check that out at this link.

Have there been fisticuffs? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Very Weird Folk:
  • Ryan told James that throwing pickle juice on Natalie probably won't bode well for him to stay in the house.
  • James thinks Adam threw him under the bus.
  • James told Chelsia he heard Matt and Adam saying today would be tragic, then laughing. He thinks they set him up.
  • James just wants to go home if evicted, not to sequester. (He should stay for the $750 a week more than he usually earns!)
  • Matt says he wanted Joshuah on the block, not James. (True -- he's been campaigning against Joshuah.)
  • Chelsia thinks America loves her and James as a couple and won't want him voted out.
  • James and Chelsia smooched. He comforted her as she cried.
  • Sheila is mad that the other slop eaters blame her for losing. Well, we saw on the show tonight -- she did horribly!
  • Now Chelsia whines about the couples being split apart. "You're put with someone, have to trust them, then they rip you apart."
  • Matt again told Josh he wasn't raised right. I don't think anyone in this house was raised right!
  • Matt told Sharon she shouldn't bother to pack, she's not leaving this week.
  • Matt now claims in his new "raised better than Josh" persona that he didn't realize how rough Natalie's life has been and he doesn't want to make it any tougher for her.
  • Matt told Sharon that if they wanted Josh gone, he'd be on the block now. (But MATT did want him gone, RYAN made a deal with him.)
  • Sharon thinks however the house goes with the vote, Adam will go. (She's right. He won't make waves.)
  • Chelsia and Joshuah both told Sharon they think she's safe. (it would probably be in their best interest to follow the Ryan crowd this vote.)
  • Joshuah apologized to Matt for his actions earlier after the POV ceremony. He said he just went off.
  • Sharon told James, Chelsia, and Joshuah that Sheila is scared Joshuah will go off on her.
  • James, pretty sure he's going home, told Sharon and Chelsia that they should stick together.
  • Sheila told James she knew nothing about what was going to happen at the POV ceremony.
  • Sheila told Joshuah that Sharon has her vote. She doesn't like Chelsia.
  • Chelsia says that she and Joshuah have more to offer Sheila than Sharon does.
  • James thinks that Sheila hasn't made up her mind, but Chelsia thinks she has and will vote to evict him.
  • Joshuah told James that he thinks he can get a 4-2 vote for him to stay, but Sheila might flip.
  • James now thinks he didn't think about the game enough. If he stays, he will "retool" his whole game.
  • James asked Joshuah not to go off on Sheila (as a bargaining tip) if he can get her to vote for him to stay.
  • Remember, Sharon is Joshuah's partner. James is still not thinking.
  • The HG planned a boxing match for next Saturday's ShoToo.
Tonight's BBAD will probably be quiet. It was the early evening (ET) which had the brouhaha. And, you know how I love that word. I just couldn't bring myself to write about the sniffing crotches business earlier. Low class, that's all I can say. Maybe no class. What's wrong with these people?

BB9 Live Feeds Report

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll surely have more to say tonight. :-)

'Big Brother 9' - March 9 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this entry. As it's written a bit off the cuff as I watch the show, please forgive any typos. I'm usually halfway decent as long as my fingers are on the right keys! ;-)

So far, we're just recapping and recapping. Joshua and Matt are both happy Allison is out of the house. Ryan thought the door not unlocking could be his saving grace. Natalie thought "oh snap, something's crazy." Now, after they already showed Ryan winning HOH, they're back to Allison and Ryan and the announcement that they're playing a singles game. Who does the sequencing on these recaps?

Now Allison is evicted for the second time in five minutes. Sheila cries.

Day 28 -- Joshuah is so happy he saw Allison evicted twice. Oh, gee ... now Ryan is winning HOH again ... for the second time in five minutes! Sheesh! MAtt justifies his vote. Joshuah is sure he's going to be a target this week. Sharon also thinks she'll be on the block with Joshuah.

Matt is telling Natalie she's out of the bed. She is acting stupid about him again. Matt is relieved, but feels he might have to play dead to get her away from him. She's sure he loves her.

James and Chelsia don't look too happy. They're upset that they're not a couple in the game anymore. James looks like a lost puppydog while Chelsia is already playing up to Ryan. Matt is snuggling at her as James looks more distressed. He looks like he's in shock or something. He tells us he really likes her, but doesn't know if she likes him or if it was gameplay.

Natalie looked into Joshuah in the bible -- "what goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out does." She tells Adam. Joshuah is apologizing to God in the hot tub. Evil surrounds him, please please help me on my diet. Let me win the game, I will tithe 10% of my winnings to the church.

HOH room time -- Ryan misses Jen and wants a picture of her. Joshuah thinks nothing stands out about the family and Ryan's just a boring straight guy. Matt thinks his sister is hot. No mention of the pit bull pic!

Sheila's crying to Adam again. Allison was the one person she trusted and she won't be able to talk to anyone else. The game has gotten really scary for her. She feels lost. She's worried that everyone will turn on her. He tells us that it might bite her in the butt and he's played a sharp game.

James tells Chelsia he wants to stay with her. She doesn't know if the sleeping together is a good idea. She seems to be of mixed feelings, but trusts him. She says if she doesn't win, she wants him to win.

"We can only come out of this stronger," says James.

Sheila is thrilled to have her own bed -- Adam does not make for a peaceful sleep.

Matt apologized to Ryan for the vote and Ryan accepted it. Now Matt wants the fellows to join up and includes all of the guys except Joshuah in the plan. The Four Bros will weed out all the garbage out. James tells us the house changes every fifteen minutes and he probably won't join in with the bros.

It's to the guinea pigs, four colors and blocks in the cage. I like how Natalie's clothing is so short, they're blurring her butt. She thinks there are 27 letters in the alphabet -- "AND Z."

Time for the found comp -- Funtastics are red, Foodtastics are blue. Chocolate, slides, etc. Is everyone ready to get suaced. Slide into pool of chocolate, your fonduety is to retrieve letters to spell out foods. Losing team gets slop. Blue is James, Natalie, Matt, and Adam. Red is Sheila, Joshuah, Sharon, and Chelsia. Natalie was first on the board with sushi, Joshuah got meet, Matt got beef. Sheila is slow and Chelsia is yelling at her. Adam spelled yogurt. Natalie spelled fish. Joshuah spelled chicken. Blue team misplaced their chalk and got held back. Josh spelled beer. Adam got cheese. BUZZER.

Fontastics spelled 11 food items correctly. Wonderfuls have spelled 12 so they win -- Matt, Natalie, Adam, and James get their foods while the others go on slop.

Joshuah promises Ryan that if he gets HOH he'll never put him up. Ryan tells him he won't put him up.

Now we get a Ryan dancing scene. Matt got into it a bit as he passed through. That was cute.

James visits Ryan and Matt in the HOH room. James thinks Ryan should put up Sharon and Sheila. Now Adam shows up. What about Josh? James thinks if he doesn't go, he'll come back at him. Who else? James mentions Chelsia and Sharon, thinking it would throw them off that he's aligned with her.

Ryan is thinking two women would be the best way to go. The voting is still on for the return of a HG. The return will be on Wednesday.

Ryan is about to do the nominations. Sharon and Joshuah are worried. Josh is worried his deal won't last. Chelsia is worried even though she thinks James is with her. Sheila never feels safe.

Time for the ceremony. He loves everyone, but this is a game and his decision is based on strategy. The key order is Adam, Natalie, James, Matt, Sheila, Joshuah.

Sharon and Chelsia, nothing personal, hard decision, epic battle of the females for POV. Chelsia thinks James will have her back, James is worried that he might lose Chelsia. Sharon is ready to fight to win.

BB9 - Live Feeds - Veto Aftermath

I'll be live-blogging the show in a bit, have a live feeds post in pending over at TVS, but I have to talk a moment here!

I've had trouble with my BBReloader and filming videos this season. I filmed James throwing pickle juice on Natalie followed by Joshuah throwing water on her, but my codex was bad and it came out all stripey.

I fixed the codex and managed to get Matt lecturing Joshuah on how to treat a woman. @@ Crude language warning!

BB9 Live Feeds Update

The POV ceremony has been held. As expected, Chelsia removed herself from the block.

And ... up went James. Uh-oh, dissension in the house!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds and Other Stuff

The Big Apple Circus is doing its annual visit to Bridgewater, NJ. No, I didn't take this shot today as it's horribly rainy and windy here. There are flood warnings for all of the major rivers and the ground was already saturated from heavy rains during the week. Yesterday I saw ducks (real ducks, like mallards) in puddles in parking lots because the river waters were rushing too much for them. I don't think I've ever seen ducks in large puddles before. And that was before today's torrential rains. There are a lot of trees coming down and a lot of power outages here in NJ. My power has flickered a few times, but hopefully will stay on. We NEED underground wires!

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It hasn't been a thrill a minute in the house today, but no major blow-outs either.

In comments MEB mentioned Randy Jackson's Best Dance Crew (MTV) and I second that it's very entertaining. You know me, I'm not into DWTS, but I enjoy So You Think You Can Dance. As I slept very oddly yesterday/last night, I was up at around 4 in the morning and happened upon two repeats of Dance Crew -- a hip-hop kind of episode and the Michael Jackson Thriller one. Wow! I love the group on skates because I used to skate dance! And, the other two groups I found the most entertaining were Kaba Modern and JabbaWockies. You can watch full episodes online although MTV does repeat them, too.

That's about all from here as I listen to the wind howl outside, fuss with my ear (the only remaining problem from the bout with the flu), and give my cat a treat or two ... or three. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour tonight! Spring forward, fall back.

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Overnight Into Saturday

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Oh, my. Graphic arteest Zoetawny gave Matt a bigger head than he already had. Who woulda thought it possible?

Remember, he thinks he's the new Evel Dick, the new PuppetMaster.

I think he's more like a mere Matt. His ego is what's going to cost him the game in the long run. It's one thing to lie so much, but making so many promises to everyone in a house in which they all talk about each other. Yeah, lying and backstabbing is a big part of the game. But you have to be sneaky. Matt isn't a good sneak, just a snake.

Here's what's happened in the Big Brother House of Changing Minds:
  • When I last reported, Ryan had agreed that it would be a good time to backdoor Matt. But, like all decisions (except the Allison ouster) this season, that is subject to change on whim.
  • Ryan kept trying to avoid Matt's questioning and Matt told him not to backdoor him.
  • Matt also sucked up to Ryan going on about how happy he was that he (Ryan) won the $10,000.
  • Sheila told Matt that she was worried she'd be put on the block when Chelsia used the veto to save herself.
  • Sheila also voiced her worries to Adam, telling him Ryan is a flip-flopper.
  • When she had been in the HOH room earlier, she had said she'd try to convince Adam that Matt must go.
  • Then she pretty much repeated herself when talking to Sharon (who can't vote because she's on the block).
  • Matt tried to get information out of Matt whether a deal has been made or not.
  • Adam told Matt that Josh is a bigger threat in the house than he (Matt) is.
  • Sheila told Natalie that the plan is to backdoor Matt. (Argh, Sheila ... we all know Natalie tells her Mattie everything!)
  • Natalie told her she thinks Ryan isn't going to put up Matt -- that he's just playing them and plans to put Joshuah on the block.
  • Next thing you know, Sheila is telling Ryan he should put Josh on the block and not Matt. @@
  • Sheila told Ryan that she thinks if he puts Joshuah on the block, Sharon will ally with them (Adam, Sheila, Natalie, Matt, Ryan) and it will be James and Chelsia as outsiders.
  • Joshuah got his letter from home. He's thrilled. He said he cried in the DR while reading it and "pulled an Amber."
  • Joshuah had a major Matt bashing session.
  • Sharon, like Adam, intends to read the whole bible before leaving the house.
  • After declaring no more operations, Ryan asked Adam if he should do Operation Bummer -- nominated James because he bums cigarettes.
  • Or, as they said, they could call it Operation Tighty for his "tighty whities."
  • Matt apologized to Natalie for being mean to her. Again.
  • Plans change once again (surprised?) -- Matt, Adam, and Ryan decide in the HOH room that they will be the final three.
  • Sheila, not in the new loop, tells Joshuah that Ryan still intends to put Matt on the block and backdoor him.
  • BB gave them beer. Woohoo.
  • Joshuah is worried that he will look fat on television.
  • Adam apparently doesn't worry at all as he still picks at his butt and nose, with the other hand down his crotch.
  • Ryan treated the guinea pigs to a strawberry. They're still my favorites in the house and really don't get enough air time.
So, as they sleep, it now seems that Matt will not be going on the block and most likely Joshuah will. If Joshuah is up against Sharon, I think the house will vote him out.

But, then again, they might change their minds again today. This group is the most fickle and easily persuaded group I've ever seen in the house. If they had a Cirie in there, they'd be talked into volunteering to go on the block and get voted out.

Friday, March 07, 2008

BB9 - Feed Me!

My most recent feeds report has been posted at TV Squad.

But no one gave me a new motorcycle.

Quick BB9 Feeds Update - Power of Veto

The Power of Veto comp is done and over with. Chelsia (who's on the block as a pawn against Sharon) won, so it's likely she will remove herself. At least, if she's smart, she will.

Here are other POV comp doings:
  • Sheila has to wear a red unitard (like Jen last season?). I'm not sure of the time duration.
  • Adam won a motorcycle.
  • Sharon won a BB Slop pass.
  • Supposedly, Ryan plans to put Matt up against Sharon.
  • Joshuah got a letter from home.
  • Chelsia turned down the motorcycle to win the POV.
  • Ryan won $10,000.
I'm in the midst of witing a more thorough report for TVS, but wanted to get this up here!