Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance Discussion Post

Although I'm personally in the "So You Think You Can Walk" stage right now, this is a show I really enjoy.

I won't be blogging about it each episode, but I think it warrants a discussion post. I know I'm sure to add some thoughts in the comments section.

The link to this post will be added to the sidebar and I hope everyone who watches the show jumps in with their opinions!

Monday, June 09, 2008

The Mole Blog Meet Up Discussion Post

I don't watch The Mole (not sure why, just never got into it), but I know many of you do!

Here's your place to discuss the show with friends on the blog. Feel free to link articles, talk about the show or anything Mole!

Okay, that didn't quite rhyme, did it?

This post will be linked in the sidebar under the blog discussion post and may it be a great season!

The Bachelorette Meet Up

On the Bachelorette website on there is a little screen and under it you can click on shorts to view. There is one called Diary of the Departed and is of some interest. It's the last words of the guys who leave each week. This week you can get one last glimpse of the Bitter Barber and Paul, the sweet, pillow lipped guy she let go last Monday night. I know, you can probably live without ever seeing the barber again, but you will chuckle to hear him still harping on Jeremy (Methinks he has a man crush and it's man-ifester-ing this way).

Tonight the boys get to race fast cars, wearing one piece jumpsuits. I think we liked the Ellen boxers better. And it looks like we may finally get to see the overplayed scene where she bawls out the guys while crying about how serious she is.

She rejects the kiss of one guy --ouch --and she goes on a solo date with Jesse, the long haired snowboard guy, so we can finally get more than a glimpse of what his appeal may be. It says a date may end with the most shocking outcome yet! Doesn't that make you want to tune in to see?

UPDATE - Image added, category label added, and I'll be linking this post to the sidebar momentarily! (Jackie)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Through the Boob Tube Darkly - A Post-Surgical Perspective

I wrote this post over a few days last weekend from notes I took in the hospital and during my first week or so at home. During that time, I was still taking pain meds on a very regular basis. Yes, the photo is my hospital room and IV.

I'm feeling much better today and no longer take the pain meds except when going to physical therapy. We're in a heat wave here, but I've had no reason to leave my apartment at all and I have the air conditioner on low. I'm feeling so good today that I came up with my own physical therapy! I put on a CD I have with old hits like "Wooly Bully" and "Louie Louie," cranked the volume, and danced or dance/walked my way around the apartment. I twisted a bit; I made a point of bending my knee and putting weight on it -- no walker (been folded all week), no crutch ... on my feet! Although the knee got very warm, it didn't hurt and still doesn't now a half-hour after I stopped acting like a lunatic. My cat wasn't thrilled, though.

Without further ado, here's the rather drug-induced post --

Before I get into my list of what my drug-induced mind has been either entertained or irked by, I have to spend a moment talking about hospital televisions. One day, you too could end up in the hospital and you'll remember my words of wisdom here.

First, it was a great 42 inch flat screen, better than my televisions here at home. Thank you. Oh, and I had a DVD player, too! Woohoo! But it's all downhill from there. What? No remotes? What's up with that? There I was, strictly bed-bound for four days before they let me get up and I don't have a darned remote at all for the DVD player? Not only that, but the DVD player was across the room from me! How about the remote for the television? It's not a real one! Hooked into the "call nurse," more pain meds thingee, and change bed positions doohickey, I had an on/off for the television and up/down controls for channel changing. No numerics, mind you. I was stuck going through the realm of channels to get at anything I wanted to watch.

So, hospitals, listen up. I was not there for comedy relief accidentally shooting myself up with more pain meds when I just wanted to watch The Late Show with David Letterman. I wasn't there to make a spectacle of myself contorting my bed into odd positions when I merely wanted to find anything other than an infomercial at 4:00 in the morning. And if you're thoughtful enough to have a DVD player there, put it where the patient can actually operate it. Real remotes are desperately needed. Feel free to search my belongings. Body search me on the way out since you've already shred any dignity and privacy I ever had. I won't steal the remote; I have plenty of my own. I won't mention that the on/off switch for the lights on the doohickey did nothing. Oops, I mentioned it.

Then, after nearly a week in the hospital, I went home sweet home. Home, where I know my cable stations, home where I have real remotes. Home, where I had set up everything convenient for limited mobility. Now, since I've been home, I've still been pretty heavily medicated. It's made for a long strange trip of television watching between the zombie state and the insomnia. Here are some of my observations from that state of mind, not in any particular order:

1. The Late Show with David Letterman - Reruns last week on my first almost full week home? Yeah, I know it was the end of May Sweeps, but sheesh, Dave ... it's bad enough you had Jack Hanna on for the same night as my surgery and I missed my favorite guest on the show. Oh, and the Stupid Pet Tricks were on the pathetic side this time around. Dave, you let me down.

2. Dexter - I don't have Showtime and was trying to catch the first season when they aired it on CBS. Due to writing up the Sunday night Big Brother review, I missed enough to make me buy the first season on DVD. Great show, can watch while medicated and I sometimes identify with Dexter. But I don't go around killing people for either good cause or bad. I have been known to kill bugs on the "he needed to die" basis, but I don't think that's a crime.

3. The Meerkats movie on Animal Planet - Whoa, too much background into the filming of the series. I fell asleep both times I tried to watch it. Hey, maybe that's the cure for my insomnia! I enjoyed the series and I'm looking forward to the new season, but this didn't do anything for me.

4. Raw Nature on Animal Planet - Oh, animals eating each other, always a diversion from life at home! This kept my interest, but I think my cat got too much into watching it. You know, I've heard tell of cats eating their deceased owners. Eep.

5. Old original series Law and Order on TNT - My interest in this show has waned over the past few years, but I like the older episodes with Benjamin Bratt. Whether it's poor memory or the drugs I've been on, I didn't even remember a few of these I watched. So it was like new entertainment for me.

6. The Andromeda Strain on A&E - Speaking of Benjamin Bratt ... he's still adorable these days! I know I have the book and I saw the original movie, but it's been decades. It didn't wow me, but I stayed awake through it.

7. Judge David Young - This is a judge show I haven't watched too often, so he's pretty fresh for me. I think some of his rulings seem to come from his heart and not the law, but that's what people get for wanting to go on TV instead of a real court with their foolishness.

8. Homicide: Life on the Street - As many times as I see this show, I still want to watch it again. I was ticked at the hospital for not having a cable company which included WGN. Now that I'm home, Kellerman killed Luther Mahoney. Cool.

9. Criminal Minds - This show has always been up against something else I watch and I never had the time to watch many recorded shows due to life constraints. Perfect, A&E is carrying it now. Fresh fodder for me.

10. The latest Optimum Online Triple Play commercial - This is so overplayed! I didn't like the rap one last year and this one is even more annoying. It sometimes plays three times within a half-hour on some stations. Gack. I just see that Optimum flour bag and start to cringe. I only enjoy the lawn guy winking. Make it stop. (And they're the company which doesn't carry WGN!)

11. The First 48 on A&E - Played at all hours in the middle of the night, nothing like a good murder or two to keep the TV zombie staring at the set.

12. So You Think You Can Dance - I don't watch Dancing With the Stars, but this show is a constant hit for me. But just wait until some of these dancers get some good years on those knees. They'll end up in a hospital without real remotes for the TV!

13. American Idol winner David Cook on The Early Show - Darn it. A crane fell and we only had one song while I'm sure there was to be two. Not that I'm cold-hearted, but here in the NYC area, all programming on all local stations carried the news until well past noon. Five hours of pretty much the same news shots with little or no real new news during that time. I was thankful noon came around and WGN with its Homicide comes out of Chicago.

14. Reruns of Home Improvement and Rosanne on either TVLand or Nick - I never really watched the former when it originally aired. So it's like mindless light fluff entertainment for me, grunt. As for Rosanne, watching it after so many years made me remember why I enjoyed the series in the first place.

15. Groomer Has It on Animal Planet - Although I'm getting tired of the same old formula for reality shows, I still got hooked on this one. They should groom more cats, though. And, as entertaining as Artist is, he's a weak groomer.

16. Forensic Files and The Investigators on truTV - More real murders. I think perhaps I have a twisted mind. I still think truTV is a dumb brand for the station, but they didn't ask me.

17. The Wire on DVD - Ah, now I have the time to go through the four seasons I own without much real life interference (day job) cutting into my viewing time. Come August, I'll have season five. Life is good. Well, maybe not for the corner boys, but I'm more of a stoop kind of gal.

18. Hell's Kitchen - Matt has to go. I think his presence makes my knee hurt more. Thus I have to take more pain meds. It's Matt's fault! (Update - he's gone and my knee feels better!)

19. The Smoking Gun Presents on truTV - Now, any reality TV blogger knows The Smoking Gun website. For years it was the source for dirt on reality contestants. So when I found this in my channel surfing, I watched. Leif Garret, Tonya Harding, Danny Bonaduce and other Z List celebs known for their stupidity judge the stupidity of others on video. Hmm ... if Darwin's Theory of natural selection were indeed correct, all of these people should be gone, right? That said, it made me laugh. Of course, it could be my medication.

20. Saturday Night Fever movie repeat this past Saturday - A blast from the past and I was surprised I watched it all the way through. "You hit my hair. I worked hours on it and you hit my hair." Oh, I should be dancing. But I don't think my orthopedic surgeon would approve.

21. Sunday Morning on CBS - Always a part of my Sunday morning routine, this brings a sense of normality to my bizarre life of late.

22. NYCTV25 from - This is a local cable station, but always interesting. From Cool in Your Code to the music to the events to Secrets of New York, it makes me want to get back to photo stomping around town. Yep, an incentive to recover!

23. Trauma: Life in the E.R. on Discovery/Health - Like I haven't had enough of hospitals, eh? Maybe this caught my attention because I'm grateful this was a planned surgery. I don't know.

24. Living Lohan - That's a half hour of my life I'll never get back. Even on medication, this is a waste of my valuable time. I could be dancing, y'know!

So there you go. I feel a bit like the guy in A Clockwork Orange with his eyes forced open, a true TV zombie. Pardon me, it's 2 AM and I found Without a Trace.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Nope, I didn't post that TV post last night. It will go up sometime over the weekend. When I posted yesterday, Sydney had posted an extensive look at June television which I think warrants some more attention as my post a bit usurped it.

Her post is here.

I also want to throw out kudos and huge thank yous to both Sydney and Zoetawny for all of their work in keeping the blog going! They both rock, as do all of you hanging in the comments!

In my physical therapy yesterday, I was up to 102 degrees bend. There is an issue with pain and swelling in the back of the knee. That's holding my bend back more than the actual knee or other issues at this time. My physical therapist has a few theories -- it could be blood clot related, or a Baker's cyst, or something wrong with the Popleitius (sp) muscle. Although I can feel the swelling and the back of the knee was hugely bruised post-op, the only time I have pain from it is when I push the bend of the knee. If it's still an issue when I next see my surgeon a week from Thursday, I'll have him check it out.

Friday, June 06, 2008

I'm Alive and ... Free, Free, Free at Last (sort of)

Look, look! I've been outside! Later tonight I plan to post a longer TV-related post I worked on for a few days, Unfortunately, my computer corner isn't as comfortable for my knee as I thought it would be. Stints of over ten or fifteen minutes get very uncomfortable. I find it hard to keep shifting positions and try to think at the same time. Of course, right now I'm not sure if I can walk and chew gum at the same time either!

That said, since the beginning of last weekend, I've deliberately been cutting down on the heavy duty pain meds. All this week, I've only taken them about an hour before my physical therapy appointments. Since I do have some pain outside of the appointments, I have to ask my doctor for some kind of lighter duty pain relief. I don't like the zombie feeling I get from the heavy stuff (though it's definitely needed for the physical therapy -- PAIN!).

But the big news is ... I'm walking with no walker, no crutches, no cane around my apartment! When I go out in the real world, I'm walking with a pretty even gait using one crutch. It's tiring, but not painful. Until I rebuild my quad and calf muscles, I'm going to rely on the one crutch for stability.

I've had out patient physical therapy twice so far this week and will head off my the third time after I get this posted. To get there, I've walked a block to the bus stop near my apartment and have taken a city bus two towns over to Scotch Plains and the therapist. Once in town there, it's a half block walk. I got there early yesterday and took some photos in the park and of the cannon in the street. Don't ask me why there's a cannon in the street, I do not know. In the cannon photo, I used layers to make only the flowers have color.

I know someone mentioned Roofus in comments, but I won't get that way for a while. That's about seven blocks in the opposite direction of anywhere I have to go right now. And, though I know I'm improving and feel stronger every day, my jaunts are still pretty limited and I'm only really going where I have to go.

But it is nice to actually get out of the apartment, feel my mind clearing a bit from the medication and the surgery itself. I'm starting to have more of an appetite, but think I may have lost nearly 20 pounds -- my clothes are all loose. That's a good thing, mind you. My range of motion is at a 92 degree bend now, up from 60 leaving the hospital. I can actually stand on just the operated leg, but not for long.

So that's the latest. Later on tonight I'll get that long written while a zombie TV-related post up.

Today's musical non-sequitur:
"I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain."
"Horse With No Name" - America

Proof SOMETHING is on in June....

OK folks -- we should be hearing from Jackie soon. I spoke to her today and the lilt was back in her voice... now the question is, when will the spring return to her step?

She has something written up that she will post. But it seems the way her desk is configured, it's hard to be comfortable while using the computer for long, so she has just not been on it... and frankly, after a double year of Big Brother, I think that is not such a bad forced rest. Glad to hear things are going well and we look forward to hearing from you Jackie!!!

Entertainment Weekly has devoted a whole issue to Summer TV and since we've been grappling with what that is exactly, I made up a nice little list for y'all to look over.

Weeds:  June 16 on Showtime at 10 PM (13 eps) Emmy winning, title speaks for self!

30 Days:  June 3 on FX at 10 PM (6 eps)  This is a FAVORITE of mine!! From Morgan Spurlock, the guy who did the movie Supersize me. Takes people from one walk of life and makes them spend 30 days doing something or being with people that are polar opposites, to challenge their thinking and grow their compassion, doing the audience the same service. A+!!!

Nashville Star, hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus (Orkmommy do you hear that?) on NBC, starting June 9th at 9:30 PM (9 eps) NBC rescued this from USA channel, this show's 6th season gets good reviews.

Celebrity Circus: NBC June 112, 9:30 PM (6 eps) Joey Fatone hosts an 8 wk boot camp and circus training with c list stars.  I'll watch, lol. 

Hopkins: ABC, June 16, 10 PM (6 eps) Puts the doc in documentary re: life at Baltimore's John's Hopkins Hospital.  Rise in female surgerons makes this the real life Grey's Anantomy.

MVP: SOAPnet, June 19, 11PM (1o eps) set in the bedrooms of fictional pro hockey players , steamy nighttime sudser is from Canada)... for Tom 's and Lars (not that you watch soaps)

Camp Rock: Starts June 20 on Disney Channel, 8 PM  ( new movie, probably like High School whatever that thing is that's sweeping the nation)

Army Wives: Lifetime, June 10, 10PM (19 eps) Life on an army base in S. Carolina, part deux. Endorsed by both presidential candidates... um.

Wipeout: ABC, June 24, 8PM. Described as a cross between MXC (huh?), Fear Factor and American's Funniest Home Videos. 24 contestants try to complete a series of physical challenges. Try is the operative word. 

The Bill Engvall Show: TBS June 12, 9 PM (10 eps).  A family sitcom, season 2, with surprise guests.  Trying to bring back Dick Van Dyke kind of comedy says Engvall.  

The Singing Office: TLC June 29, 9 PM  (9 eps).  Joey Fatone is BUSY, as host, joined by DWTS and Spice Girls Mel B as colleges from 16 co's battle for $50,000 singings. Could be funny.

Kathy Griffin's D list:  Bravo, June 12, 9 PM (9 eps) 

The Mole: ABC, June 2, 10PM (10 eps) -- in case you didn't know.

In Plain Sight: USA, June 1, 10 PM ( 12 eps) Starring West Wing's Mary McCormack. She and her partner, Frederick Weller, relocate people in the witness protection program to New Mexico. Deals with what happens when you have to reinvent yourself. Sounds intriguing.

America's Got Talent: NBC, June 17, 9 PM (Eps TBD)

I Survived a Japanese Game Show: ABC, June 24, 9 PM Why should I try to explain with a title like that?  I'll tune in. Jackie, will you?

Ice Road Truckers: History Chanel, June 8, 9 PM (13 eps) Season 2 follows rigs hauling loads over frozen the Arctic Ocean.  Deadliest Catch meets Sue from Survivor?  Don't let me discourage you with my poor attempt at humor. This is the channels highest rated series (who knew?) 

Secret Diary of a Call Girl: Showtime, June 16, 10:30 PM (8 eps). Imported from the UK based on a real life call girl's blog. Billie Piper from Dt. Who stars.

My Boys: TBS, June 12, 9:30 PM (9 eps) This looked like a fun premise last year, but I only caught 1 half ep... if any of you watched it, would love to know what you thought!

Legally Blonde, the Musical: MTV, June 2, 10 PM (8 eps)  10 Broadway hopefuls vie for the starring role played by Reese Witherspoon. Hey, if I were dating Jake Gyllenhall, I'd be singing too.

Law and Order, Criminal Intent: USA, June 8, 9 PM (12 eps)

Tori and Dean, Home Sweet Hollywood: Oxygen, June 12, Time???

The A-List Awards, hosted by Kathy Griffin: Bravo, June 12 10 EST

Design Star: HGTV, June 8, 9PM EST

When We Left Earth - The Nasa Missions: Discovery, June 8, 9 EST The Nasa film vaults are opened, and with the intended quality of the Planet Earth series, we can live the epic adventures of the challenges and achievements of our space program... in HD.  

Will list what's on in July later in the week.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Another Week for Jackie's Knee

Today marks three weeks since Jackie went in to get her surgery. If it seems like it was much longer than that to me, how must it feel to her???  But three weeks is good.  REALLY good, because it's no longer one or two weeks, lol. Carnak says: Four will be much better, and by six weeks she should be just great.  Using that scale, today marks the the half-way point, and I believe that's something to celebrate!!!  Until then, Zoetawny came up with my favorite graphic so far, with the message of the moment.  ((((Thank you Z!))))

(I hope you can appreciate that I changed the color to match her frame. *cough*)

Tonight is So You Think You Can Dance and Top Chef.  

Thursday the new season of Last Comic Standing starts, though I don't know if there are many fans of it on Jackie's blog.  We are subsisting on the Bachelorette and now The Mole, Netflicks, and filling in the gaps with eps of the favorite shows we missed last season online... Ugly Betty, Greys, etc... until Big Brother starts.

I heard Rescue Me is not going to be summer fare, as usual.  Instead they are filming now for a double long season to begin next February (24 eps). In it's place this summer, they are doing ten  5-10 minute shorts once a week on FX starting June 24th, to keep the audience and get them through... cable really can do whatever it wants can't it? It's the new Wild West.

But that doesn't help us right now. If there's something else you're watching tonight and tomorrow that I missed, don't hold out on us. Please let us know in the comment area.   

Monday, June 02, 2008

The Mole and other stchuff

Many thanks to Zoetawny for another of her custom made graphics for Jackie... You Rock Z.

The much anticipated return of The Mole is also on tap tonight, at 10/9 central time on ABC.

For those who never saw it, it's being brought back after a few years off the air. I believe it had two seasons with regular people, then two with celebrities and it tanked. A shame because it has the potential to be smart and adrenaline filled. We are hoping they hit it this time and we have a little sumpin sumpin to keep our TAR/Survivor cravings fed. Both fingers crossed.

The Premise: 12 people embark on an international mission but one person, whose identity is unknown to all, tries to sabotage it. There will be clues to follow but you can't believe anything you hear or see... The whole show is centered around one burning question: WHO IS THE MOLE????

In other news:

*Universal Studios had a huge fire yesterday, buring many of the famous movie sets and up to 50,000 of the studios videos and movie reels.
* Yves St. Laurent passed away today. Bo Diddly did as well. Rest in Peace.
* Senator Kennedy's brain cancer was operated on today and it's said to be a success
* Yesterday Hillary Clinton won Puerto Rico... but is rumored to really be wrapping up the campaign.
* Jackie is hopefully feeling better by the day.
* What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Put your comments here about the Mole, whatever else you may be watching tonight (Bachelorette has it's own, exclusive post just below) or whatever's on your mind.

The Bachelorette

Here is a place for your comments about the third installment of Deanna and her remaining men. She's down to 11 suitors and so far, we're still interested.

Tonight, Deanna visits the Ellen DeGeneres Show with the guys, who will find a new way to answer that age-old question: Boxers or Briefs?

And the father we all like (is it Jason?) will get what looked in the previews like a one-on-one dinner date with Deanna. Will he finally reveal that he has a little boy? And what will her reaction be? We think we know, but what we don't know is if one of the other guys will tell her about it first, which would throw quite a different light on the evening.

A few of us will be live blogging as well.... it's a party at Jackie's every Monday night.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Update on Jackie

Uh-oh. I'm referring to myself in the third-person. That can't be a good thing. I want to thank Sydney and all of the commenters for this week's posts and all the activity. Tremendous! But me? Argh, I've been so out of it that I didn't realize last night was the Lost finale and I missed it. Grrr.

I apologize for my absence This is a hard recovery and it's tough to get through. It's definitely a major surgery. It's hard to explain how every little thing I do tires me so even though I still can't sleep more than three or four hours at a time.

For example, my home health care physical therapy visits ended yesterday. So, today I had to arrange for my out-patient physical therapy, dealing with both my insurance company and the PT place. It wiped me out. I promptly fell asleep for three hours.

Yesterday I had my last PT at home visit, had to organize all of my leave of absence and short term disability papers to bring to the doctor's office for my early evening post-op appointment. My friend Barbara brought me to and from the appointment. I managed to sit in the front seat of the car, something I couldn't do when she picked me up from the hospital. We also stopped at a store so I could refresh the juice, beverage, and bread department in my kitchen. I was up and at 'em and on the go from 8:30 in the morning until I gt home around 8:30 at night. I collapsed and fell asleep before 9. I was awake again before Letterman ended.

The knee itself is coming along well even if my energy levels are depleted. The staples came out yesterday and the doctor took x-rays. Both the doctor and my in-home physical therapist are thrilled with my progress. Before the staples came out yesterday, I could bend the knee 75 degrees. Upon leaving the hospital last week, it was only up to 60. I'm more pleased with the strength aspect -- I can see that improving daily. I do exercises three times a day which work on both strength and range of motion. (Then I conk out.)

Good news is that I don't have to pay $20 co-pay for my doctor visits anymore as I'm post-op. I go back in three weeks. The bad news is I have to pay a $20 co-pay each time at the physical therapist and that's three times a week. I know I need it and they have equipment I need to improve, but that co-pay wasn't that much the last time I went through PT. Sigh. My first PT appointment is Monday.

Then there's the Coumadin thing. That's for the blood clot and to prevent more from forming. Like Charlton Heston in Soylent Green yelling, "It's people! Soylent green is people!" -- I want to yell, "It's rat poison! They're making me take rat poison!" Until recent years, the drug (Warfarin) was indeed rat poison. It was the one which used to make the rats bleed internally and die. That's why I have to have blood drawn each week to test in case they need to modify mt dosage levels. I will be on the drug until mid-August.

So I can't get cut or bleed (or have to rush to the hospital) due to the Coumadin. I also have to let them know I'm on the drug. Possible side effects besides bleeding to death include gangrene and something called "purple toes syndrome." I don't dare have any infection or fever because the knee surgery can easily be infected. If that happens, they take out the knee, give you a spacer, then put another knee in within six months or so.

I've had an open scabbed sore on the back of my calf since the surgery. It was starting to look infected over the weekend. I thought of going to the ER, but instead bandaged it and put some Neosporin on it for a couple of days. While I know the Coumadin is slowing my healing, the therapists, visiting nurse, and doctor all thought it looked acceptable, so I guess I did the right thing.

My cat Scherzo (Skirts) has been a blessing through all of this. While she might not have liked being boarded, I couldn't have boarded my cat Teaser (who died in November). Teaser's health was too iffy and he stressed out too much. Skirts wasn't happy, but was physically fine upon returning home. Teaser also always was leaping on me and I don't think I could have handled that. Skirts has definitely grown closer to me since his death, but she still isn't a lap cat. She loves to curl up next to me, perhaps put her chin or her paw on my lap. That is comforting, but not painful.

Well, right now I know I've been in one position too long since my knee is screaming at me. I'm still on the walker although I can do crutches, too. I tried to use a cane in the apartment, but found it a bit unstable. I don't dare fall. But if I'm in one position too long, it definitely makes me get up and move. And ice it down.

I hope I caught all my typos in this and thank everyone once again! Below is my knee without its staples -- I gained a good half-inch of skin space!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Tonight is the night... though not for me because I got too Lost waaaay back. For everyone who has no clue what's going on, but still watches, putting their faith in that there IS indeed a greater scheme/meaning/plan/order to it all, I have one question for you: Will things get clearer or will you be left with even more confusion and loose ends?

The word in TV Land is that there are many revelations that will come this evening, so you'll have to let us know if indeed you fans get some satisfaction on that front. So get settled in with your popcorn or cookies and your favorite libation and feel free to live blog during the hopefully amazing two hours.

Maybe Jackie will be peeking in!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Morning After

After the Bachelorette that is...  I am just putting up a new post to chat about other TV shows and daily stuff for the next few days, so we can keep the Bachelorette comments on the last post. This will make it easier for Jackie to transfer all those comments to a sidebar link when the time comes. 

A big thank you to Delee who has started to list what's on in this interim period that seems kind of miscellaneous.  You can check back in the comments from last night to find her total listing.  

A few mentions: 
* Tonight is Hells Kitchen, Deadliest Catch and the Alsaka Experiment right after...
* Wed Oprah is rerunning her Dancing With The Stars Champion Show special. 
* Thursday is the 2 hour season finale of LOST!!!!  I'll put up a link for that when the time comes for you Losties.

Have a great day all!!! Short work week!

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Bachelotette

Howdy Folks -

Well, most of us thought we would not watch this round, but any who caught the first episode said they were hooked.  In the coming previews of this season they treated us to, it seemed like there is plenty of drama to look forward to over the next dozen weeks.  Until Jackie can set us up the normal Bachelorette Talk sidebar, I will post a place on Mondays for your comments!  

See you tonight!!!!!!

So You Think You Can Dance

Hi Jackie Fans-

Happy Memorial Day!  While many of you may be busy with BBQ's etc... Jackie knows the TV addicts among us would want a place to chat about the shows on tonight.  So this will be the place to talk about So You Think You Can Dance, on tonight at 8PMEST/7PM Central.  While Jackie may not be blogging this show once she recovers, in this short in-between period-- for her and TV -- she said I could go ahead and put up a place for y'all to talk about it.

Last year had probably the best group of talent (IMHO) thus far, and it really made it a pleasure (and sometimes a nail biter) to watch.  I hope they will be able to maintain those higher standards this season.  Here please tell what you thought of the audition process, if you have any favorites so far, and what you thought of tonight's two hour special.

(just heard from a commenter that tonight's show is a repeat of last week's auditions, and though I've looked on the website I can't tell... but just to give you a heads up).

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone is enjoying the first holiday weekend heading into the summer season! Despite my lack of posting, I am indeed alive. I am having some concentration issues due to pain and pain medication, so I'll probably be a bit quiet for a time. But I am okay. Thank you everyone for the notes and comments.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Idol Finale

I'm not feeling so hot, but thought you guys might like a place to make comments about the finale. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not for the Squeamish

Tiny Staples in my knee make them give me pills to make me happy ... to the tune of Tiny Bubbles.

Although I'm home shockingly early, I still have a rough road ahead. The knee replacement surgery is one of the most painful surgeries you can have done and has a hard rehab process as well. Between the constant pain and the pills, it's hard to hold onto a train of thought.

I have the added issue of being on the Coumadin regimen -- visiting nurses will come one day a week to draw blood. That whole clotting ordeal is potentially life-threatening. Even the medication is life-threatening. An in-home physical therapist will come three times a week. My insurance company covers those visits in full for up to 40 visits.

Due to the Coumadin, I'm supposed to eat a balanced diet (but no big amounts of green leafy vegetables and absolutely NO cranberries or cranberry juice.) Guess what's in my stocked pantry? Thankfully, I have plenty of other juices and veggies available. This will go on through 8/15.

The problem is that I have little to no appetite.

The emails at the hospital were a big hit with me. Whenever I saw a volunteer standing at the door timidly saying my name while holding a sheath of paper, I smiled no matter the pain. I brought them all home but haven't tallied them yet.

Why did I come home so early? Well, the original hospital stay itself was supposed to be three days, then into rehab. Rehab itself started on the day of the surgery when they had me stand up with a walker and go sit in a chair. Rehab stopped the second day when they gave me the ultrasound test and found the blood clot in my surgery knee. The only reason I was slated to go to a rehab facility is because I live alone and they were worried about me being able to fend for myself. You actually only get an hour or so of rehab a day at those places. Meanwhile I developed a horrible case of diarrhea from the stool softeners they were giving me to combat the expected constipation from the pain meds. I also became violently sick to my stomach.

No buts about it, I wanted to be able to get up and go to the bathroom! I was sick of waiting for bedpans, the humiliation, waiting for them to come and remove bedpans and all. I wanted BATHROOM. The doctor told me I could, and that was that. I started using the walker Sunday night, getting in and out of the bed and chair unassisted. I sat in bed doing ankle pumps, quad sets, and leg lifts (sometimes less than a half inch, but it counts).

Part of the recovery issue with the knee replacement is that you lose your ACL tendon, your quad muscle is cut, and lots of other nerves and tendons are ruined and have to be rebuilt. As a result, you can't make that 500 pound leg do what you want in addition to pain issues. By Monday, I was scooching it along the bed using the other leg, sometimes using a sheet as a lasso to move it, and when sitting on the bed, I managed to be able to swing it up to the bed (then scooch it in place from there). I think that's what made my OS (orthopedic surgeon) offer me the option of going home. While my other knee surgeries were a walk in the park compared to this, a lot of the techniques and rehab are the same albeit more extreme.

When I met up with the actual rehab people before my discharge, they had me climbing stairs and stuff. They measured my ROM (Range of Motion). I have 0 degrees extension (it will lay flat, good) and 60 degrees bend. I know I didn't push the bend to the point of agony -- I think I may have another ten degrees in there. They were surprised how well I did without any formal PT sessions. But I'm not surprised. I don't think the doctor is all that surprised, either. Both he and his partner said I shouldn't have been mobile based on the condition of my knee pre-op. Yet I walked a mile a day and was on my feet sometimes 7 hours a day.

My personal goal for the ROM is 130 degrees, but that won't come for a while. The swelling and staples hinder it right now in addition to having to build it all back up. It's going to be rough -- the surgery takes a lot out of you in addition to decrepit knees. My sleeping pattern is shot. I've been typing this for about three hours stopping in between sentences.

I really want to thank Zoetawny and Sydney for working on the blog in my absence and for their calls to me. Between them, the emails and cards ... I felt very loved. (An oddly welcomed feeling!) My brother called daily and is planning to come down and visit for a day. My friend Barbara went above and beyond getting me to the hospital on time, visiting me, calling me, dropping by with DVDs, cookies, Coca-Cola, chips, and KFC in addition to picking me up, getting my prescriptions, my bread, milk, eggs, and cat.

Speaking of the cat ... when I called there they told me she was okay healthwise, but not a happy cat. Another call there garnered the information that everyone thinks she's such a beautiful cat but she only likes Debbie. Heh. Since getting home, she has explored the apartment apparently to make sure I didn't move in any other cats. If I'm in bed, she's curled up purring. If she's alone sometimes she just lets out a cry. I talk to her and she quiets down. She's a bit unsure about the walker.

More eventually.

Monday, May 19, 2008

A big thanks to Zoetawny for this adorable graphic.  Just wanted to get it up so Jackie sees it first thing when she turns the computer on, whenever that may be.  

Home Alive

I'm home and alive. Thank you everyone for the emails and letters.

Must collapse now. More soon

The Show WILL Go On!!!!

We interrupt this program for some breaking news. 

Sing along with me: "It's a beautiful daaaaay!" (U2).  

Are you sitting down? 

I have to tell you that Jackie is not going to rehab today after all.... 

SHE'S GOING HOME!!!  That's right. When she told me I thought she'd just hit her morphine pump and was delusional... then I realized, she doesn't have a morphine pump.  Her ride is coming in about 30 minutes and she's swinging by the store for milk, bread and eggs and then they pick up the cat.  By this evening, she will be settling in to her own couch, in her own PJ's, with the kitty curled up nearby.  No annoying roommates, hospital gowns, hideously bright lights or nurses waking her up in the middle of the night!

What a difference from yesterday!  She had not even really been on her feet as of early afternoon.  I guess the associate doc came in after we hung up, did the test for the clot and it had dissapated.  And then they let her get up using a walker and apparently she really impressed them with being able to put her full weight on the leg and get around a bit on her own.  They also measured the bend in the knee -- and this is without having ANY PT or even getting up to sit in a chair since Wednesday morning -- to be 60 degrees. My husband got back 90 degrees and they said that was amazing. Jackie has a goal of 130 degrees, of course, lol!  If anybody's going to do it, she will.

She's all set with food at home, made things in advance and arranged her computer and TV etc... so we can all rest easy.  I assume that she will be posting again in no time, and hopefully we'll get to see some pictures.  Thanks go to Jackie for allowing me to do a little bit in return for all the fun I've had over the last 3 years at this blog --and for all the wonderful people I've met. (But who do I hold responsible for the countless hours I've spent here as my to do list takes second place???).  I was just so relieved to know what was going on day to day, and was grateful to have a way to pass it on to others here who I know would have been feeling the same. Ms J, we'll all be waiting for that moment when we click on your blog and see your words again.

And now, the winner of the Guess Those Stitches Contest is...... LYNN1!!!!  I could not believe it when you guessed it exactly at 31.  Runners up are RBennie with 30 and Donna in AL with 32.  

Thanks everyone!  xxxox, Sydney

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Well, I had a nice long talk with Jackie just now. Glad it was a good time. You never know if you'll catch someone groggy or sleeping or in the middle of tests...

I wanted to know if her knee looked like Frankenstein's.  She said a little... and then she counted the staples (which would be double if there were actual stitches). 

I asked if the scar was straight on top, curved or on the side. She said "The scar is kind of off. Looking straight down on it, it goes a little to the left, then back to center again". The swelling has gone down today. It wasn't very swollen to begin with and the leg  isn't all black and blue, which amazes us both.  I think that's a very good sign.  She managed to take a few pictures of it too. Wonder if we'll see any once she gets back home and can post again.

A friend came by with DVD's, and like Zoetawny said she watched Juno. Only problem is, there is no apparent remote for the DVD, so when the nurses inevitably interrupted in the middle to do silly things like take blood and her temp, she could not pause it. @@   And when it was over, she had to call the nurses in to take it out and return her set to normal TV.  I was chomping on the bit to hang up and call the nurses station and ask them to bring one in from another room, or help her look for it, but Jackie insisted I didn't.  DANG I shouldn't have asked her and just done it!  But I of course want to respect what makes her feel comfortable, so I asked.  Frustrated!!! 

Said pal also brought her cookies, which is always a good thing, but even more now,  as after 4 days that hospital food is starting to pale. From the sound of things, it started out without poor marks. Even the ice cream isn't making up for it.  Haagendaas it's not.  Maybe it's like ice milk. I told her if she gets to go to the rehab place near her house, she could order in from her neighborhood faves.  

As of yesterday, the blood clot was apparently getting a little better.  When I hung up at 1:30 PM EST she was still waiting for her doctor's partner (who was in on the surgery) to come by. Bet they'll wait til her primary doc sees her Monday AM to determine if she's ready to make the move.  

It seems even better now that she's going to a rehab facility, since she hasn't been able to do anything in these first several days. It's so critical to move in the first 24-48 hours after an operation like this, but she can't due to the clot.  I just hope they will give her extra attention so she can catch up.  After going through all this, you do want to get that 90 degree bend back and that takes commitment.  

So now, our Jackie quiz question: Guess how many staples Jackie has on the outside of her knee. The incision is about 8 inches long.  The person(s) who gets it right will have their name posted on the next blog entry! Thrilling prize, I know, but for now, that's all I got, lol.

Many thanks to Zoetawny for today's graphic!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jackie Watch, Day Three

I've got news.  Is it good news or bad news,  you ask.  A little of both, and the bad news isn't horrible. I'm to make sure you all know that (so says Jackie). 

She may be delayed a day or two in moving on from the hospital because of a little blood clot they found.  The doctor said it's NOT the kind that can travel to dangerous places. He said it's not great but not the end of the world. They have her on blood thinners right now and the only consequence is that she could not go for PT today.  However, I was relieved to hear she had indeed stood up yesterday.  She said it was excruciating, even full of pain meds and the nerve block!  But, no surprise there when you think of what just happened to that poor leg of hers!

Apparently she does not have that little wheelie thing on the knee to keep it in motion (a CPM machine ). The doc said she could wiggle her feet and get up and down to sit. I asked if she was at least getting in a chair to eat but she said she is just in bed, and sits herself up by using the electric rise.  Hmmm...  I thought it was crucial to move in these first days, and that nurses would be in there helping her up, but maybe not til the clot clears. She gets the feeling from them it will clear in a day so let's rally our thoughts and prayers toward that being the case!

The good news is, it looks like Jackie may be able to go to a rehab facility that is literally a block from her apartment. Even if she has to stay there for 2 weeks at least psychologically she will feel like she is home, and will probably be able to order some favorite take out from her local haunts. I'm so hoping they can arrange that for her!

I told her you all were asking about her and writing in. She DID receive several e-mails, and you still have half a day to send one to her if you were thinking about it (see last post). 

We agreed she'd call me when she knows the rehab address, if she gets moved somehow before we talk again. It may not be until Monday. Until then, she's found her way to Animal Planet and was making the rounds on cable, trying to figure out which channel was what.  She brought along Step on a Crack by James Patterson to read. And she has made some notes in her journal, even though she was pretty drugged up.  I told her it will be funny to read back on it once she's free of meds and see what she's got.  

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sending an e-mail to Ms. J

The first morning with the new knee dawns!  Jackie may have been very sore this AM. Even colds seem to be worse in the morning and late at night.  But by now she's had to have had breakfast and maybe lunch, and I bet they've gotten her up to walk a few paces.  

If you'd like to send her an e-mail, as Zoetwany mentioned, they only deliver them to patients Monday-Friday. Since Jackie will most likely be leaving the hospital over the weekend --and she's not sure they have e-mail in rehab -- we have today and tomorrow if we'd like to send her an e-hello.  

The direct link to the e-mail page at Somerset is:

For some reason I had to hand copy that so if it doesn't work, Jackie listed the link to Somerset a few posts back.  Click on Patient Information in the center of the home page.  A menu will pop down. At the bottom you'll see "send gift or e-mail".  Click that and it will take you to the gift page... and on the right there's a link to "e-mail a patient".  Zoetawny said you don't need to know her room number, but you do need to put in her full name. If anyone doesn't know that, and doesn't want to look it up, just drop me a line at

I guess you can also send a gift from the hospital shop (cookies?  ice cream (she likes chocolate)? flowers? magazines?), and that can be done through the same link or via phone: 908-685-2200, ext. 3362. 

I may wait til tomorrow to check on her... today might be a tough one.  My husband had this done last summer and I was with him 24/7 (the 3 nights in the hospital, then attended to him in those first two weeks once we were home).  I'm trying to go off what he went through to imagine where Jackie is at physically and mentally. The good news is that today is half over. Once she gets past day 3 it's all uphill!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Let Them Know I Lived

Well, I got through to her room, but it rang and rang.  Do I keep holding on wondering if she is struggling to reach for it, or calling a nurse to help get it, or is she hearing it at a distance in a deep sleep, wishing it would go away (like a GNAT!)? Maybe she's justs up for the first time in the ladies room and my ring is  making her nervous (well, probably not if the drugs are good, lol)...  or is she not even in the room? They do make you walk a little in the hall the first day.

After a dozen rings I hung up and talked them into letting me speak to the nurses station on her floor.  That was the ticket.  Apparently Jackie was not able to reach the phone so the nurse moved it closer.  A shot of adrenaline went through me as I waited to be transferred, because that meant she was OK!  YAY!!!

Jackie sounded very quiet, and she said she was foggy.  She had her dinner there waiting and was a trouper taking time to talk to me when she had to have been hurting. She was waiting for pain meds to come. There was ice cream on the tray, so I suggested that as a fall back.  :-)

She said she did have a nerve block and it wasn't pretty. I asked if her leg was all bandaged up or in one of those mechanical rotation devices (it's like a little ferris wheel for your knee to keep it moving at all times).  I smiled to myself as she said, "Let's see, let me lift up the sheet here and take a look."  I pictured her doing this.  She said "Well, there's bandages, Ew.  More bandages... and more bandages...  Ew, Ew."  Mind you, this was not delivered in a girlish squeal, but in full-on deadpan mode. Apparently she remains funny under any circumstances. They may take her knee, but they cannot damage her spirit!  

She added "My leg doesn't look humungous.  That surprises me."  It surprised me too. On the other leg there is one of those blood pressure thingys... it wraps around the leg from ankle to knee and inflates every few minutes to keep everything flowing. With pride (and perhaps a smirk... if only they had TV phones!) she told me, "I still have perfect blood pressure."

I asked if she had a TV.  "Yes," she said, brightening. "42 inches!"  A flat screen I asked?  "Yes, though I couldn't see it before. It took 5 hours for the nurses to bring my bag, and my bag had my glasses in it, so I could not see it all this time."  Ug, I just wished one of us lived closer and could be there right now.  We would have created a brouhaha if that's what it took to get it!

She accidentally pushed a button while readjusting the covers and I could hear that a nurse immediately appeared. Jackie apologized, saying it was a mistake. We both chuckled after, wondering where that kind of service was during the previous 5 hours.

I knew she needed to go but I made sure to tell her that everyone had written in today and was waiting for the next report with bated breath.  That all send their love and good wishes. Zoetawny, I let her know that you had tried to call her earlier as well.  Her response to all that and her last words before we hung up was, "Let them know I lived!"

I will call her again tomorrow.


Hello All - Sydney here, cub reporter on all things Jackie.

For anyone who might not know, today is the long awaited day of Jackie's knee surgery. I know just how many of you care and have her on your mind, as I do, and want details. Jackie's own post is just below this so please be sure to read it. I was hesitant to write so quickly as I didn't want to crunch it, but I also know how many of you are like me, wondering what's going on with her RIGHT NOW, this minute.

Jackie was due to arrive at the hospital by 6 AM today... She told me that she was going to do a final post before she left and all last night I kept checking. I looked one last time before I went to bed --1AM EST-- and still saw nothing so I was hoping she was asleep. If she was going to BE at the hospital by 6 she probably had to get up by around 4:00 or 4:30AM, depending on how long it takes to get ready and how far it is to get there.... and she ended up posting at 3:30AM! More evidence that she is indeed superwoman (soon to be the bionic woman). I have to admit, I'm not sure I'd be able to sleep much either.

Her surgery was scheduled for 7:30 AM so she'd be in there for about an hour. Let's all send her extra big love as she finishes up and comes out of anesthesia.

I will call her early this evening to see how she is, and post that here, so please check back. 

Off, Off, and Away!

I want to thank everyone for their well wishes, donations, and cards. In a about two hours I'm leaving for the hospital to have my life ripped apart ... er, my knee removed. Ack. I'm going for an operation.

I'll be at the Somerset Medical Center until Friday or Saturday, then off to a rehab hospital currently unknown. Sydney will be keeping touch with me and I've given her the ability to post updates.

Thanks again for everything and wish me a speedy come home!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Survivor Micronesia: Season Finale East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor
The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

So far we're still in the season recap phase.

Amanda just won Immunity!

Natalie was voted out, not a huge surprise.

They're shocked that there will be another immunity challenge and final two, not the final three they had planned. The rites of passage come first.

Parvati is out of the final immunity challenge. Cirie drops hers and Amanda wins the final immunity challenge!

Amanda voted out Cirie. The final two are Amanda and Parvati.

Parvati won. Blech, not a good end of the season for me!

Sprint $100,000 winner is James. The other two highest votes were Amanda and Ozzy.

Survivor is going to Gabon, Africa.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Survivor Micronesia: 5/08 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor
My apologies for my absence as of late -- I've been a bit overwhelmed with work, getting my apartment ready for a long, long stay, and medical doings leading up to next week's surgery.

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Erik won reward, chose Amanda to go with him for helicopter ride, massage, meal and overnight hotel stay. He sent Parvati to Exile Island.

Erik won immunity. We don't know if Parvati even looked for the idol on Exile Island.

STUPID Erik. He fell for Cirie's scheme and gave immunity to Natalie. It's unanimous except for his vote for Parvati -- he's out.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Off Topic: Roofus and the Price of Gas

I didn't really have much time to watch television last night, not to mention that there wasn't much on I wanted to see! But I did see Roofus the Cat yesterday morning on my way into work despite the fact it was a bit damp and drizzling. He is the master of his domain and the city street below.

And then there's the price of gas. NJ tends to have the lowest gas prices in this area and it's all full serve. It's against the law to pump your own gas here. We recently went through some sort of major increase with taxes and this was the current price in Plainfield, NJ on Friday morning. How are you all faring with the gas prices in your area?

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Survivor Micronesia 5/01 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

Someone commented that Natalie (not BB9 Natalie!) looks like the Grinch. So, you know Zoetawny picked up on it!

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Reward is a trip to Jellyfish Lake (non-stinging). It was the loved ones appearance. Alexis won over Amanda as per Cirie making the final rope chop. Alexis chose Cirie and Natalie (and loved ones) to accompany her. Amanda was sent to Exile Island where there's yet another idol hidden.

James is out of the game -- his finger is infected,

Amanda found the hidden idol clue which tells her the idol is hidden under the flag back at camp.

Erik won immunity, forcing the women to feed off each other.

James showed up at tribal with an IV and makes the jury.

Woohoo! Amanda backsided blindsided them and pulled out the immunity idol to save herself! Alexis was booted.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some TV Doings, Mostly OFF TOPIC

Although I didn't post yesterday, I did get some television watching time in. I watched American Idol. I think the John Travolta with dreadlocks looking Jason Castro is way out of his league. The judges and public don't seem to be too enthralled with Syesha Mercado, but I personally prefer her singing to Brooke White's. Then, I think the two vying for the big win are the Davids. David Cook's hairstyle annoys me to no end, but he is good. Archuleta? Aw, almost makes me want to have a teenage singing prodigy!

As BB has ended, I was able to watch Hell's Kitchen. I've been catching that online at the FOX site, but forgot to watch last week's show. Right now I'm not super impressed with any of the wannabes. I do think they have some less slobby folks this season. I keep thinking of the guy last season from NJ who kept hiking up his pants and worked at a hot dog stand or something.

Then I went to bed early and didn't sleep. Well, didn't sleep well, I guess. Today was the day of the pre-op testing and my autologous blood donation. I've been living in fear that they'd find something wrong which could be a bad thing, but could also result in the cancellation or postponing of my knee surgery.

It turns out that I panicked and lost sleep for apparently no reason. My blood pressure is "excellent." My EKG was good, temperature normal, chest x-ray looked good, hemocrit and hemogobin (whatever) were good. Of course, I feel like I've been visited by Dracula due to the blood donation for transfusion purposes and all of the vials I gave up for various tests. It gave me a good excuse to eat Milano cookies and quaff pineapple juice, though! After a good more than half a day at the hospital, I'm just tired now.

I'll leave you with some photos of where my surgery will be in exactly two weeks, Somerset Medical Center. It's safe now that New Jersey's most prolific serial killer is no longer employed by the hospital!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds ... er, NOT

I think I'm still breathing my long sigh of relief that Big Brother 9 is done and over with. Yes, I still enjoy the show, but they really have to get more diversity in the cast for BB10. A mind or two might be nice! I wrote a brief article for TV Squad with links to the Julie Chen Adam/Ryan interview.

I also went back to work today after having last week off. While I was gone, the poison ivy came to life. I know it's evil, but I still think it's a cool plant!

I also found a flower in the rain.

I should be getting back to Newsy Bits and such soon, but I figure I will be mellow for a few days. Thank you everyone for such a great BB9 season here on the blog. The show was iffy, but you guys (gals) were fantastic!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big Brother 9: Season Finale Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast ... on time for a change! As it airs, I'll be constantly updating this post and I'll be posting a full real review of the show later tonight over on TV Squad. Please forgive any typos as this is being posted as I watch my television, not my keyboard or monitor!

Doesn't Zoetawny's winner graphic rock your socks? :-)

The audience cheers after Julie intros the show. What that is she's wearing, don't ask me! It's a white with black print shell and a charcoal sweater with matching cuffs and collar. We see a brief rundown of the season. Yawn.

Bros to the end. We get to see James in his panties screaming again. We see crying, Sheila floured. And we're still on the recap.

Adam and Ryan are on the plasma screen. We can vote for our favorite juror on the CBS website -- The winner gets 25 grand.

Natalie likes Ryan. Joshuah thinks Ryan had a backbone. Joshuah says Sheila couldn't win -- she can't get herself out of a wet paper bag. Then Sheila walks in. Sheila tells the jurors that Adam threw the third part so Ryan would do Adam's dirty work for him in voting her out. She claims that she has a moral dilemma with both of them. Matt thinks Ryan won comps, but Adam played a smart game.

Natalie still has the glazed dazed look. She thinks Ryn was strong and smart. She doesn't think anyone ever found out that Ryan had all of the alliances. Sheila is very upset at Adam. Sharon thinks Ryan is where he is because Adam brought him there. Matt thinks Ryan made deals with everyone and is a better player.

Lots of ex-HG there in the crowd.

Final jury questions:
Matt -- For Adam, what are you going to do with the money? $100 grand afterschool programs, start a business, car, help children, change lives.
Ryan -- Help my Mom out (Sheila smiles), do something nice for Jen (Chelsia gasps), something for charity. (Josh says worst anser)

Sharon -- Ryan -- She calls out Ryan on getting her evicted. He lies, says it was a last second thing. LIAR. He puts it on Adam.

Chelsia -- Jen was a hatred person. Heh. Ryan defends her. (Wrong answer.)

Joshuah -- Adam, thrown comps and had Ryan do dirty work. Adam says physical, mental and emotional. Adam says he didn't throw the comp. Don't scream.

James -- Adam, better competitor and why in F2 over Sheila -- Turned negativeity to positvity, straight shooter, minimized risks.

Natalie -- It's Chatty! Baller - Why didn't you take me to final three? She thinks he's telling the truth. Ryan -- You voted me out -- why didn't you keep your word? Ry -- it was one of the hardest decisions.

Sheila -- Adam -> why you lied to my face and said you would take me to the end of the game? Adam said he had to do certain things to keep her in the final three. You had a fair shot. He gets upset. She thinks he didn't carry her, she played a smart game, too.

Ryan thinks he did some things he wouldn't do outside the game, thinks he played a stand up game, won't say bad things against Adam.

Adam -- Decision based on personal feelings, gameplay and plans for the money. Joshuah kleeps sneering. Sheila looks disgusted.

Joshuah and Sheila think Adam is all cocky. They seem to be skewing things for a Ryan win, so we might see the opposite. Adam thinks Sheila and Joshuah were psychopaths.

The jury comes to the stage. We're back. Julie checks in with the final two. Adam, one word after the jury. Rough. Nervewracking says Ryan.

Time to cast the votes. One at a time insert key of the person you want to win, may make a statement.

1. Matt -- Misses both, great job, one of you two taking me to Vegas.

2. Natalie -- I miss you love you even though you sucker voted me out. Gow with gut instinct.

3. Joshuah -- Vote for the person who played hard every comp and has a back bone.

4. Sharon -- Most loyal in the game.

5. Sheila -- Very easy decision. Know it's a game but hopes honesty, loyalty and trust had something to do with it.

6. James -- Hope you party away this money.

7. Chelsia -- Hope you hold the deal, what you said at the round table is what you do.

The first six evicted HG are back. Natalie -- were you playing all sides? Both she says. She would have protected the boys.. Matt -- do you want to tell Natalie anything? He apologizes for everything she's about to see.

To Jen -- Ryan paired off with another woman. Her thoughts on Allison (doesn't care for her) haven't changed. Allison, better match? She has no hard feelings towards Jen and thinks Ryan and Jen are a good match. Jen looks like she wants to punch Allison.

Julie shows Adam telling Natalie he voted to keep her. They knew. Now it's Joshuah crying over the pizza and Adam consoling him. Adam is shocked -- he bought the act.

Julie tells the jury about the 25 grand prize going to one of them at the end of the show. Voting is now closed for juror.

Votes revealed:
1. Matt -Adam
2. Natalie - Adam
3. Joshuah - Ryan
4. Sharon - Adam
5. Sheila - Adam


They didn't show James and Chelsia's votes as they weren't needed for the win, but she just showed they voted for Adam. Adam promises money for autistic children.

Sheila came in second place, James got first place for the 25 grand. Now Sheila will have more reason to cry.

And Neil is there in the crowd at the end. He just wasn't sitting with the evicted.

Just a Note

I've been running errands, doing deep-cleaning of the apartment as it might go a bit astray, and doing a million things. But I'm still here! (Well, after napping a bit, I am.) I go back to work tomorrow and have two more weeks of work. I want to thank Laurie for setting something up for during my expected absence. I'm not sure what I'll be doing here -- I was thinking a generic post the day before I go into the hospital so people could comment.

I'll figure out between now and then. I won't be going for surgery until May 14. (I'm hoping the Survivor finale is May 11 ... please!) I personally don't plan being in rehab any longer than I have to. I'm not a hospital, strangers prodding me kind of person. I know it's important for recovery and know that I will do fine. But I'd rather do fine at home!

In a little while, I'll take off comment moderation and open up the BB9 finale live blog post. Wait until you see Zoetawny's graphic for it!

Friday, April 25, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds and Stuff

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. It might be the only interesting news until Sunday!

Although I've had tons to do this week prepping my apartment, running to the DMV and such, they said it was too early for my medical clearance pre-op tests. So, I'll be doing those tests and the autologous blood donation on Wednesday. On the 5th I have my next orthopedic surgeon appointment, the 6th a knee replacement class at the hospital, then the 14th will be the big day. I cannot catch a cold or they'll cancel it. Argh.

Here are some photos I took yesterday while out and about --

This cat lives on the street around the corner from me. I've seen him around for a few years. I worry about him out on city streets, but he has a collar and hangs around a house where I know a bunch of kids live. He thinks I can't see him hiding behind the bush.

The NJ Transit tunnel at the Somerville Train Station is kind of cool. Most just have gang graffiti.

Look up! It's SPRING!

Look over there! It's SPRING!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Survivor Micronesia 4/24 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

In the Survivor auction, Jason is off to Exile Island again -- there is a new idol hidden there.

Sure enough, Jason found the new idol. But the women have a plan to blindside him.

Erik won immunity.

The blindside plan worked. Jason didn't use the idol and was voted out.

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning

So, it's the bromance alone in the house. Now, if it were a true bromance, not just two immature dudes full of themselves, it might be more interesting. Here are the highlights of last night's happenings after the end of the live show:
  • They sat around and walked around stunned.
  • They had champagne.
  • Ryan repeated his "never trust a stripper, let alone a Penthouse Pet" line like he thought it should be trademarked to him.
  • Ryan mimicked Sheila's plea to stay in the house. Adam joined in mocking Sheila.
  • Adam thanked BB while looking in the camera. The camera nodded.
  • Ryan told Adam that he couldn't figure him out the whole game.
  • Adam told Ryan he wanted him around to be a smoking buddy. Then he said keeping Ryan was due to Sheila.
  • They congratulated themselves for playing so well.
  • They talked about how Sheila was campaigning all the time but had no gameplay in her.
  • Then they got into trashing Sheila hardcore.
  • Ryan thinks Julie Chen has a crush on him. @@
  • Adam is mad that Sharon threw the Glass Houses comp.
  • There was a Diary Room audio leak in which Ryan angrily just about demanded the show give them cigarettes.
  • They continued bashing the others from the house.
Oh, this is gonna be such fun until Sunday!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol 4/23 Results Show East Coast Update

David Archuleta is safe.
David Cook is safe.
Brooke White is SAFE? How could that be?
Syesha Mercado is bottom two. How could that be?
Jason Castro is safe.
Carly Smithson is bottom two. (She was good last night, too!)

Carly Smithson is going home tonight.