Thursday, August 16, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live 8/16 Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Another great Zoetawny graphic for tonight! The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as it airs here. Please forgive any typos or misspellings as it's being typed while I'm paying attention to my television screen. Refresh your page to get the latest. Make yourself at home in the comments area and let's enjoy the show! This should be a good one! A brief recap and now Julie is gushing over what sacrifices Evel Dick has made. She mentioned Dustin "rubbing it" in Dick's face. But, first ... but ... is it too little too late (for Dick)? The Veto Meeting replayed. So far the editing seems to be favoring Dick as a nicer person. Now Eric is "sick" again. @@

Zach cooked dinner for Jessica on their "date." They think that Amber will vote Dick out. Zach likes being kept off the radar. Zach suggests she listen to what Dick can offer her. He points out that Jameka can't be HOH. He gave Jessica his word that he would vote Dick out unless she tells him differently.

America's Player -- Eric hopes to target Dick for eviction. He pulls out Dustin's name and said he was expecting it. So he goes to work on Jessica. Notice his hair is mysteriously short now.

Eric talks to Dick (which actually happened over a whole day later than his talk with Jessica. They talk about a D&D, Jessica and Eric alliance. Eric goes back and pleads his case with Jessica once again.

After the commercial, we'll see how Joe thinks Dustin is playing the game.

Julie is talking to the houseguests now. She asked Dick about using the veto to save Daniele. He said he had to do it. Daniele admits that she would like to say she would do the same, but isn't in that position. Jen was asked about getting the slop pass from Dick. The halfway mark is done.

Argh, Julie mentions Amber's daughter, so ... guess what?

Amber cries.

Now it's Joe -- he talks of the ddownward spiral, selfish, self-involved. I think Joe may have been the better of the two to stay in the house. Joe says he's been condescending and arrogant. Joe feels vindicated.

We're going into commercial soon -- the live vote is coming up and the "unusual houseguests" are a part of the HOH comp. They're wwighing the pre-vote to Dick going in the DR spots. But, I feel it will be otherwise.

Julie's talking to Julie in the HOH room segment. Jessica tells of Jen telling her Dustin was in a secret alliance with Dick. Jessica trusts Jameka and Eric the most. Romance with Eric? A great time, who knows? She's trying to stay focused on the game right now.

The evicted will be the first jury member. Julie lests Dustin talk, he says it's been very fun and tells them to vote to make it more fun. Dick was just smiley and regrets Carol won't be there to kiss him on the way out.

The votes:
Amber votes to evict Dick.
Eric votes to evict Dustin. He's now happy with our choice.
Jamkea votes to evict Dick.
Daniele votes to evict Dustin.
Commercial break.
Zach votes to evict Dustin.
Jen votes to evict Dustin.

Dustin is history.

His jaw literally dropped. It's all Dick can do to keep from smiling.

What's Amber doing?

He's wearing his nasty grey t-shirt, not his robe. Jameka and Amber are ticked off! Jameka glared at Dic and ran to the toilet stall. Dustin tells Julie he's stunned. He blames it on Eric being sheisty. He has the votes figured out. He regrets volunteering himself and felt regret this afternoon.

The goodbye messages -- Dick is smug, Jameka had his back, Jen tells him she's Jen, Eric thanks him for taking care of him he plays innocent, Daniele said she couldn't vote for him against her dad, Zach says his arrogance was the problem, Jessica was sweet, and Amber... (guess what).

How quickly Amber forgets that she loves Nick, right?

HOH comp - Expect the unexpected, the strange visotors hold the answers to tonight's competition. HA... the only showed him saying "Stitch" not "snitch" -- he screwed up in the house. He said snithc a half-dozen times and stitch twice. The barbershop quartet, the statue, the rabbits...

Jameka looks like she's been crying. The game is called Strange Visitors. They give true or false answers.

Jen is out on the first question.
Dick and Zach are out.
Eric is out.

Jen is blaming the machine to flip the answers for her getting the boot. Jameka and Amber look very worried and gave perfunctory hugs to Daniele.

America's Player -- Who do you want out of the house? Who should Eric try to get nominated.

AMBER, I say.

Julie makes Amber cry again. Bad ChenBot. Good, she cut her off!

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds TV Squad and STUFF

There is a new entry up over on TV Squad which covers the live feeds from this morning until the feeds block before the live show.

When the Big Brother 8 live show starts here on the East Coast, I'll open a live-blogging post for it and all comments are welcome!

Since the So You Think You Can Dance finale is two hours tonight, I have to tape the first hour due to BB8. At 9 PM ET, I'll open up an East Coast Updates post so you can converse in the comments area and I can post major updates. I will post the winner by 10 PM ET.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning 8/16

<--- The Jenius at rest. Again, houseguests are still up as I get this entry in. Eric, Jen, and Jessica are talking in the HOH room. Here's a quick take on the house happenings since the last update:
  • While Jessica was in the HOH room celebrating Dick's supposed demise (from the game, not real) with Dustin, Amber, and Jessica ... Eric was talking to Daniele.
  • In the Eric/Daniele conversation, they talked deal and going to the F4 together. That would be Daniele, Evel Dick, Jessica, and Eric.
  • Eric made it sound like he would convince Jessica because neither trusted Dustin.
  • Daniele told Eric that Jessica herself would have to talk to Zach because he told her he gave his word to vote Dick out.
  • Eric and Daniele know that Jen has lied about many things.
  • Dustin, although not AS cocky as originally, joked that he would walk out in his King's robe if evicted.
  • When Eric and Jessica got together, Eric continued to work Jessica over to the evict Dustin plan.
  • When Dick talked to Daniele about her talk with Eric, he told her that they shouldn't even think of taking Eric out next week if he does this for him this week.
  • Meanwhile, Jessica said Daniele and Dick should go on the block next week, but Eric reminded her of the deal and said the veto replacement would have to be voted out.
  • Jen and Eric started hiding items to make the others think there are more clues.
So, that's where things stand right now. It appears that the deal with Eric, Jessica, Dick, and Daniele is on (at the moment). If it lasts through to the show tonight, it will be Dustin leaving ... in his robe.

'Big Brother 8' - Through the Evening Wednesday 08/14

<-- Zach sits at his plate and talks to Amber about his career.

Amber didn't cry.

It's been some day in the house, but there have been no more visitors or unusual happenings. The houseguests' theories have run the gamut. Anything could be possible!

Here are the evening happenings from that Big Brother House of "We're All Mad Here" -- a quote from the Cheshire Cat in The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland:
  • Zach walked up to Daniele and said something about sharing their secrets. When she didn't respond, he said, "No response. Very interesting." Then he walked away.
  • Evel tried to reason his way into a deal with Eric (and Jessica). Eric seemed leery, but obviously taking it all in because he wants Dustin evicted this week.
  • Evel regrets giving the slop pass to Jen instead of Daniele.
  • Jameka and Amber think the numbers are shifting to a Dustin eviction.
  • If Dustin goes, they both think they'll be the next two targets.
  • Eric asked Zach if he saw the Sanskrit writing on Mini-Mad's shoes. Zach said he did, but can't read Sanskrit.
  • There was no writing, Sanskrit or otherwise, on Mini-Mad's shoes.
  • eric reported the conversation with Evel Dick to Jessica. She realized that some of what she said in confidence to Zach was repeated by Dick.
  • Eric and Jessica talked about it being a 4 to 2 vote for Dustin to go -- that way she wouldn't have to be the tiebreaking vote.
  • Zach reported his "date" conversation with Jessica to Dick -- he tried to campaign for Dick to stay.
  • Daniele talked to Jessica about an alliance with her father, her, and Eric. Jessica seemed receptive, but she tends to do that.
  • Jessica and Eric talked about the proposed deal with the Donato's. Jessica is leery, but Eric told her he would take all the heat if they do it.
  • Jessica is leaning more towards an evict Dick vote as time goes on.
  • Eric told Daniele they should form an alliance because they're both in vulnerable positions.
  • Jameka, Dustin, and Jessica are in the HOH trying to figure out the day's clues.
I'll leave you with a line from Mini-Mad which I didn't list earlier:
"For a lie is but the truth in masquerade." It's actually a Lord Byron quote from Don Juan.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - New TV Squad Post

Yep, I've done it again.

A new update is up on TV Squad.

'Big Brother 8' - More Video from the Backyard

This isn't my video as it was going down as I was trying to get mine uploaded to YouTube, but it covers the backyard events.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Screen Caps and a Bit More 8/15

Right now the HG are in an outdoor lockdown. There are bunnies involved, each one with a card on its neck (they were left inside). Zach and Dustin are trying to figure out clues in what the Mini-Mad Hatter was saying, the songs sung by the barbershop quartet ("I'm Mad About Harry" and another), there was a living "statue" seeming to mock some HG. It's all so very odd.

They're all trying to figure things out. One theory is that three will go on the block, two will leave.

Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say...

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Wed. 8/15 So Far

Well, there's something a bit unusual going on in the house today.


After Jessica and Eric stayed up well into the morning their time, the house got a visitor. Well, we don't know exactly how he got there because the feeds were blocked. But there he was -- a mini-Mad Hatter with a melted clock around his neck running about the house with odd sayings:

"A snitch in time saves nine."
"Fish and visitors stink after three days."
"Three people can keep a secret. Two are dead."
"What a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive."
"There are no little enemies."
"It's not enough to succeed, for others will fail."

Very odd. He's running around the house and once everyone gathers in the backyard, we get blocked after just a glimpse of a pirate on stilts and a bit of a barbershop quartet singing "I'm Wild about Harry." ARGH.

I've been delayed in this report waiting for YouTube to get my video processed (grr), but I'm giving up for the moment to get this posted. Once YouTube gets their act together, I'll post the video. Scratch that, the second I said it, my video went live. Here it is:

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Evening/Overnight into Wed. 8/15

<--- Eric sporting his new 'do. His FauxHawk is gone and he looks normal again. Or, that is, as normal as he can look.

Once again there really wasn't much action in the house throughout the day, yet at this hour -- going on 4 AM for them, 7 for me -- most are still awake. Jen, Jessica, and Eric are sitting around the HOH room talking. Dick, Amber, Jameka, Dustin, and Daniele are in another group talking. Jameka is now talking to Dick about previous seasons of the show. Dick's telling her about Shannon using Hardy's toothbrush to clean the toilet. I believe Zach went to bed.

A thrill a minute, eh?

Here are the happenings in that Big Brother House of Mellow Moments:
  • After Amber commented to Dustin that it would be a good strategical move for "them" to take him out this week because she would be in rough shape for the HOH comp, Dustin got nervous. He went to Eric to ask if Dick was campaigning.
  • Dustin told Jessica and Eric not to talk game with Evel Dick.
  • There was a lot of talk about Eric's anatomy due to the accidental shower exposure and the on purpose streaking.
  • Daniele isn't feeling well. (I doubt she caught Eric's illness.)
  • Dustin was the hairdresser of the night -- BB gave them actual grooming stuff.
  • After Dustin told Amber earlier in the day to use Zach's interest in her (they've been exercising together) to her advantage, she told Jessica and Eric. "I'm no good at getting information out of people!"
  • Jessica and Zach had a "date" in the backyard.
  • During said date Jessica told him she had earlier doubts, but doesn't think that Dustin is working with D&D. Zach seems to think that Jen lied about them working together.
  • Jessica told Zach she doesn't talk game with anyone in the house. (Um ... Eric!)
  • Zach has told Dick he will vote out Dustin. He has told Jessica he'd vote out Evel. He mentioned to Jessica if there's an odd vote this time, it has to be coming from her side.
  • Dustin told Amber that America is probably sick of her crying.
  • Amber got defensive.
  • And Amber cried.
  • Okay, she didn't, but it fit so well in there!
  • Jameka prayed.
  • Really.
  • She wants God to send angels on her behalf. Um, okay.
  • Eric worked on Jessica to consider a Dustin eviction this week.
It is what it is.

I need excitement!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 8/14 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Yeah, we know which one will stay up for eviction, but let's pretend we don't! Yes, it's a Zoetawny graphic!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll constantly be updating this post. If you don't see any updates, give a moment, refresh and they'll be here!

First a subliminal message -- vote for Terry Fator for America's Got Talent...! Now, you didn't read that here, did you? The thought just came to your head, right?

As always, please forgive any typos or misspellings as I type this off the cuff as I watch the show. If you've ever typed with your wrists, you know how hard it can be!

The show has started here. Recapping, but of course. Dick once again tells us that he'll make the others hate him so he'll go home instead of Daniele. He gieves her advice about the others and feels she has a better chance of going forward than he will. Now a bit of schmaltzy father/daughter musings from Dick.

Jen makes herself at home in the HOH room and Jessica thinks she's trying to play both sides.

Dick works on getting "the five" to despise him. Rock music plays. He has a pan lid and spoon awakening Dustin and Amber. I believe Amber just became a true zombie. They toned it down a bit in editing and parts of it are actually funny on the show.

Veto player picking time -- Jessica picks Jameka, Dick praises the lord. Daniele chose Dustin. Dick chose Zach. Eric will be the host. (Praise the lord it isn't Amber!)

The players were separated, then called to the backyard one by one. Drinking concoctions and croquet. Wicked Wickets Forest. The number of stations completed are determined by the amount of shots drank. Jessica has problems with chunks. I don't think that's something I needed that much detail on. Dustin is really going for it. Zach is reminding me of Rudy going through the forest in Survivor -- "I don't know." Dick is a champ, drinking them all. Jessica's not doing too well.

I would be horrible at this contest! The shots taken listed and croquet playing.

Zach gets three strokes, 3 points. Jameka got four shots, 10 points. Jessica got five shots, 17 points. Daniele gets 7 shots, 20 points. Dustin gets 10 shots, 32 points. It's Dick with 10 shots. He gets 33 points! He wins!

Rock music plays.

Dick is gloating. The others run and hide once again. Jameka and Daniele have a run in. Daniele runs to the HOH room crying about how tired she is of being blamed for what her father does. "No one will look at me!" Everyone's there except Dick. Jameka screams that she never made an effort to know them.

It's a brouhaha, folks. It truly is.

Daniele admits to us it was strategy, although it is hwat she's feeling, too.

Dick and Daniele meet. Daniele doesn't want the others to know it's all a plan to keep her in. Now she's whining about how much she hates it there and it sucks all over again.

Before commercial she tells us that her father is the only one she doesn't want to see evicted and that's not how she felt coming into the game.

Now Jessica, Eric and Dustin are talking about Dustin going up as a pawn. Eric tells us he's thrilled that Dustin is going to do "America's dirty work." Dustin is cocky and sure he'll win by a landslide.

America's Player -- Eric has to give the silent treatment to Jessica. He decides the best way to accomplish it is to hide in bed. Jen tells Jessica that Dustin has a deal with Evel.

Eric failed the task.

Jessica thought more about the deal Jen said Dustin has, then worried that Eric was in on it because he wouldn't talk to her. (But he did briefly, thus the fail.) Oh, woe is me. What should I do?

Dick has a plan. He would give his life for his daughter. He's happy that it's his decision. His speech: he gives Daniele her chance to speak. "Whatever you decide is good." He says he decided not to use the veto ... on himself. Daniele comes off the block today.

She puts Dustin on the block.

Oh... with his DR session for us, Dustin has to go! Dick reminds us that often the pawn goes home. Jessica is whiny.

Amber didn't cry.

Jameka cries.

America's Player -- Which of the two nominees do you want Eric to get evicted? Dustin or Dick?

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Schtuff!

It's actually been a peaceful day in the house. Except for one incident.

Eric streaked.

Everyone is playing games and getting along for the most part. They're going to cut their hair, too. Well, some of them. I have a new post in the pending queue over on TV Squad.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show starting at 9 PM ET. Please stop by with your snacks! Um, not that your snacks are more important than your presence. Never! I'll also be updating with a live feeds report later tonight.

But it's BORING when these guys talk movies and play beer pong for hours!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Late Night/Overnight into Tuesday 8/14

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Shhh... sleeping hamsters!

For once, they're actually all in bed by 3 AM their time!

That's the secret. You fill them with food and give them music and the world is a good place all over again.

Here are the late night happenings from that Big Brother House of Discrepancies:
  • Although Zach has made a promise with Jessica to vote out Evel Dick, that doesn't stop him from getting closer to Daniele. They talked about going to the final two together.
  • Jen thinks that Daniele will cling to Zach if her father goes home because "she has to have a guy."
  • Jameka said she got her birthday song.
  • There was more than one mention of a "Brian" who sang well.
  • When Dustin talked to Jen, she told him that she had already promised to vote for Evel Dick to go no matter who went up against him.
  • Eric's anatomy was seen by Jessica and Jameka in the shower. Apparently he's a victim of shrinkage.
  • Amber thinks that Dustin and Eric are jealous of her, Jameka, and Jessica.
  • Amber told Dustin and Jameka that if she wins HOH next week, she would nominate Zach and Jen because Zach was going after Jameka. (Say what?)
  • Amber has had lice in the past, no one else has.
  • All went to bed a bit early for them. Jessica is sleeping with the lights on in the HOH. For a while the camera operator seemed bored as he was zooming in and out on her face.

Monday, August 13, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Monday 8/13

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The Good Father graphic is courtesy of Zoetawny. He must have said some sweet things at that POV ceremony!

That post I was talking about is up over on TV Squad.

After a hectic evening, I'm here to let you know what I thought was interesting or important from that Big Brother House of Odd Folks:
  • Jessica didn't go to bed until past 8 in the morning (their time).
  • Big Brother woke them up not much more than an hour after Jessica went to bed promising the POV Ceremony would be in 90 minutes.
  • Dustin is mad because he thinks Dick is messing with and taking his things.
  • Jessica and Dustin discussed the scenarios -- if Daniele comes off the block, he'll go up against Dick. If Dick saves himself, it will be Jen against Daniele.
  • Jessica told Jen that she would go up if it's Daniele on the block. Jen was not a happy camper.
  • Jen told Dick and Daniele.
  • Amber and Jameka think the juices are tainted and that Dick did something to them.
  • Jessica got worried because Eric wouldn't talk to her. Is he in an alliance with Jen? (We know what happened there, America.)
  • Eric ended up feigning an illness, going to the DR about it and getting told to stay in bed away from everyone. (That's just shy of cheating!)
  • As she was alone in the HOH, Jessica mumbled to herself that "he" had deals with "both of them." Then Jessica cried.
  • Dick told them that he put something in the juice when they asked him, but he didn't.
  • Jen told Daniele and Dick that Dustin will go on the block if Daniele is saved.
  • Dick told Daniele that she should try for a possible deal with Eric. Daniele suggested she use Zach as a go-between on it.
  • Dick saved Daniele and then went around apologizing to everyone for his actions -- "I was making you hate me so you'd vote me out if the nominations remained the same. I did it for my daughter!"
  • Jessica told Eric she was having doubts about Dustin, but now Zach's vote is locked in with them.
  • Eric told Jessica he thinks she made the right choice in putting Dustin up in Daniele's place. (Of course, cha-ching, money in his pocket!)
  • Dustin told Zach he knew he was going up and did it for the group.
  • Daniele told Jen that she had been told that in week 7 there would be a twist introduced in the game.
  • She said she got it from someone not in the house. It sounds like it could be prior to entering, but I don't know. They went to trivia and music before she could say more.
  • Dick and Dustin had verbal fisticuffs. Evel was telling Dustin his aggression was for a reason (to save Daniele) and Dustin just wants his stuff back and for Dick to stop messing with it.
  • Dick said he won't get his shirt with the fake tattoo sleeves back until he leaves because he uses it to mock him.
  • He then went around un-hiding all of Dustin's things he's been taking.
  • When Evel tried to tell Eric why he acted before he did, Eric told him he was too worried about redeeming his own self to fight. He also said that if anyone other than Jessica had won HOH, he would have gone home this week. (Including his buddy Dustin, eh?)
  • Dick worked on turning Eric against Dustin (little does he know, but America may do that for him).
  • Dick told Eric about the one-week deal they had with Amber and Dustin.
  • Eric again denied being the vote for Nick to stay when the house vote was Kail to stay. He also told Dick it bothered him that Daniele and he were so quick to believe that one banner plane.
  • Dick predicted that Dustin will be the first evicted from the LNC Remainders.
  • There was a feeds block and when they came back, they were celebrating being at the halfway point of the game.
  • Jameka and Jen want to be on The Amazing Race.
  • Dick told Jessica that if the vote is 3-3 on Thursday, he'll have her back if she keeps him in the tiebreaker vote.
  • Daniele advised Dick not to trust Jen completely.
The feeds have been blocked for some time now. I'm not sure what's going on. I think they may have food coming in (Dustin mentioned food and he's on slop) and some sort of private party for the halfway point or something.

UPDATE -- The feeds have returned. They did have a feast, music, and not sure all what. They're full and happy now.

'Hell's Kitchen' -Season Finale - Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Hell's Kitchen
This is it! It's the season finale and one of the two who shouldn't be running a fine dining establishment will be. Woohoo! This post will be udated throughout the show so refresh your page for the most recent updates.

It's the guys and the girls once again. Or, as they say, the boys. Julia is still pouting some. She also thinks Rock deserves to win.

Rock seems to be leading his team a bit more. Bonnie doesn't seem to have a good plan and isn't familiar with what she's chosen for her menu.

Julia isn't reacting well to Bonnie's direction, giving her nasty looks and saying she didn't need to be treated like an idiot. In Bonnie's restaurant, they've run out of wallpaper.

Rock actually is paying attention to detail. His team seems more receptive to his direction. Ramsay doesn't like Bonnie's dessert -- I thought it looked good -- four chocolate truffles. He doesn't like Rock's dessert either.

Bonnie's restaurant is ready for Ramsay's inspection. He likes it. Clean, elegant. He doesn't care much for the hardwood floors due to noise.

Rock's is now ready. Elegant. No salt and pepper on the tables because it should be properly seasoned coming to the patrons.

Ramsay gives them some last minute advice -- you run the kitchen, don't let it run you. They each get new master chef jackets.

The kitchen(s) is/are open. The appetizers are getting ready. Ramsay is happy. The appetizers come out at the same time. Bonnie starts to have some communication woes with her not-wisely-chosen team. Julia is in her own world.

Rock is doing slightly better with Josh, but it's not an easy go.

Now Bonnie isn't listening to Julia.

Rock's team is falling behind on the appetizers. But Bonnie ran out of fettuccine for her signature dish and has to substitute spaghetti. Then Rock's team is falling apart mainly due to Josh. Rock finally moves Vinnie to fish because Josh kept burning the crab cakes. Rock is starting to get antsy.

Bonnie is running out of prawns and a dish is being sent back -- undercooked and cold. She didn't order right for this dinner!

Rock's team is doing better again as Bonnie's team is falling apart more. Julia gave her grief over wrapping something up and it became a verbal brouhaha.

Service is complete. Rock thinks that Josh might have ruined his chance of winning. Bonnie's team is all hunky-dory now that it's over. Yeah, right. Now that they don't need to communicate! Rock's family visits him briefly.

When questioned by Ramsay, Rock said he would have liked to have Jen because she's the best. Bonnie would have double-checked the stations and portions.

Ramsay thinks they both came out with great leadershop abilities. He has to study the customer comment cards before giving his decision.

Ramsay tells Bonnie she's surprised him the most and he tells Rock he's rock-solid. He says it was a tough decision. They're standing at the doors. The winner is the door which opens.

And, the spoilers from the beginning of the season were right ... Rock won. Rock cries. Julia cries. And Bonnie took it so welll ... she says she's happy for him!

'So You Think You Can Dance' - 8/13 Live Results Show East Coast Updates

Well, this feels odd ... posting the East Coast Updates on the live results show on a Monday! It was more odd last week when I went to watch it and football was in its place!

I'll be updating this post with the major events of the evening and everyone's welcome to jump in with their comments.

An interesting rather creepy dance is opening the show.

One guy and one girl will go home and the remaining four will go onto the finale performance show Wednesday night. Debbie Allen announced that Cedric is indeed attending her dance school in September.

A special guest dancer, Titus, performed. Now they're doing solos. It's Sabra up first. (She's my favorite of the girls left.) Lauren is next, then Lacey. Pasha is up first for the guys, a very nice dance indeed. I love his personality although I don't think he's the best male dancer. Next is Neil. I'm liking him more each week. Then it's Danny. I think that he's technically the best dancer of the guys, but I'm no dance expert.

Oh, this is nice. SYTYCD is working with inner city after school programs. Cool!

Into a Krumping exhibition.

First girl into the finale is Lacey. The first male into the finale is Danny.

They're sending the audience home as the show isn't live. It was filmed last Thursday. Bummer for them! They didn't want the infor to leak before today.

Okay, Sabra made it into the finale ... as should be! Lauren is going home.

Rats, Pasha is going home. Neil is in the finale.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds and Other Stuff

I have an article awaiting publishing at TV Squad. Hopefully that will pop up soon!

I'll be starting up an East Coast Updates post for the So You Think You Can Dance results show which will be starting soon here. After that, I'll be live-blogging the finale of Hell's Kitchen. Later later, I'll be posting a feeds report here.

I've uploaded a feeds clip to YouTube -- It's Jessica explaining to the ailing Eric (which is why he couldn't talk to her or anyone else) how she came about putting Dustin on the block in Daniele's place. Zach had told her he would vote for Dick to go. Both Dustin and Amber volunteered to go up against Dick, but said she should put Jen up against Daniele. Jen told her that Dustin wants Dick to stay in the house and has a deal with him. Oh, watch it for yourself! (And I had nothing to do with product placement in the clip!)

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony

Jessica did it. Dustin is on the block, but I haven't heard whether Dick used the Veto to save Daniele or himself yet. I'm sure he was planning to save Daniele and will correct this if he didn't.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Evening and Overnight Into Monday 8/13

Well, it's been a bit of a snoozefest coming from the Big Brother house since yesterday afternoon. Many of the houseguests slept well into the afternoon and, as a result, are still up and wide-awake now.

But they're boring.


Here's what has been happening in the Big Brother House of He Said She Said:
  • Jen ran from a moth in the backyard. While Dick said it was a small one, Jen said it was "the size of a bird."
  • Eric thinks this is the best looking BB cast so far. @@
  • At one point Dick started to ridicule Jameka and Daniele told him to "shut up." He did.
  • Zach isn't the only HG who hurt himself at the food comp -- Dick has a nasty cut on his wrist.
  • Zach told Amber that he had a long talk with Dick about calming down some because he's going to have to be in sequester with them.
  • Dick is certain he'll be going home and has calmed down some.
  • Zach and Amber exercised together. He's put himself on a very strict regimen as he lost a lot of weight prior to coming in the house and wants to keep it off.
  • Daniele thinks that if Dick leaves this week, it's only her and Amber who don't fit in with the house left. (I beg to differ. I so don't care for Amber, but she seems to be in with the crowd. I think it would still be Daniele, Zach, and Jen on the outer fringes.)
  • Dick is sure that Jen is going on the block in his place at the POV Ceremony (later today). He told Daniele to start "getting into her head" after she goes up in an effort to work herself in with her better.
  • Amber told Daniele it was "sweet" that Nick left her (Daniele) his bandana to wear for good luck in comps.
  • Jen told Eric that Dick will be using the veto to save himself. (She may be a JenBot, but she does like to stir things up!)
  • The LNC Remainders are already fractioning -- Amber told Jessica that Eric should know after last week that he'll be the first target in their group.
  • Dustin is peeved -- he thinks Dick stole his King robe, his fake tattoos and hid the olives, too!
  • Amber said she's willing to go on the block as a pawn if Dustin doesn't feel comfortable. (Oh, I'd love for her to go!)
  • Daniele doesn't know how much she can trust Jen. (Not much, I say. Although Jen has repeatedly said she's there for fun, she's got her game on and knows what she's doing.)
  • Dustin no longer wants to go on the block as a pawn. He says it's because he's been arrogant and thinks that's going to hurt him. (You don't say?) He said one of the things he wanted to work on this summer is his arrogance. (I guess recognizing it is a step.)
  • Dustin also thinks Eric might vote to evict him if he's on the block.
  • Amber seems irked with Dustin over this latest.
  • Amber also told Dustin to stop repeating things she says about Zach to him.
  • They played beer pong again.
  • Amber isn't thrilled that Eric has been talking to Jen.
  • Right now as I post this, the LNC Remainders are all abuzz because Eric has been in the DR "forever." Yesterday, neither Amber or Eric went to the DR and someone named Rebecca was the voice of BB in there.
  • Now Eric is having an interesting talk with Jessica about working to the final two -- who they can trust and who they can't.
Once again, I ask that folks PLEASE be respectful of others in the comments area. There is no reason for the comments area to be like the house. We're better than that! I don't care which houseguest is your favorite -- each of these folks this year have flaws and those flaws are likely to be dwelled upon by those who don't like them. No one need to constantly defend why they like so-and-so or insult others because they do or don't. It all boils down to ... this is a game. We don't know these houseguests and, in the end, they won't affect our personal lives.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 8/12 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show will be starting about ten minutes (or so) late here in the NYC area due to golf. @@

Once it starts, I'll be updating this post throughout the show as it airs. In doing so, I'm bound to commit a few typos or misspellings, so you've been warned!

Please feel free to jump in with your thoughts in the comments area -- they're always the highlight of the show blog entry! Right now Andy Rooney is on, so it will be just a few minutes more.

Recap, recap, period end of story. They're evicting Kail all over again. Now reliving the HOH comp. Finally, to the show's opening music.

Now it's to Dick confronting folks. Everyone is looking uncomfortable. Amber won't forget what Eric did and will watch him. To the HOH comp and Jessica's win... the LNC Remainders are gleeful to say the least. Daniele thinks she and Evel got played and the LNC knew what they were doing all along. Dick promises more damage before he leaves. It's hard to take Bunny People seriously in stand-offs.

Jameka's finger-waving at Dick reminds me of what's-her-name on Survivor that season -- the one who got mad at Kimmie over the chickens.

It's a brouhaha, folks! A veritable brouhaha!

"You're a hypocrite!"
"Yo mama!" (I bet they'll never show her calling his mother a bitch like she did.)

Zach tells us the peasants are revolting. Jameka chants "I love you God" over and over again. Dick tried to talk to Jameka later, but she wanted no part of it. The LNC Remainders were love-festing and fist-pumping over their victory.

Daniele cries to Dick about how much she hates everything. Evel tells her it's all because Dustin's a liar. She cries some more. Dick is being very good with her. He tells us that the most important thing to him is his relationship with his daughter.

Jessica tells Amber that although she's close to Eric, she's in it for herself. She tells us she's never been a target of Dick's.

Time for the HOH room, booyah! Dick and Daniele went and both acted decently despite their upset. Unlike Jen, Jessica liked her photos.

Back to Daniele's sobfest and Dick trying to console her. He promises her that if they both go up on the block, he'll make sure he's the one who goes home. He will create problems so they want him out.

In the kitchen with Jameka, he goes at Jameka again and then Amber jumps in. He's making the comments about her drug recovery and other. Oh, he knows how to push those buttons! And Amber's face is a dead giveaway when he gets to her!

Whoa! They aired the "your mother's a bitch" comment from Jameka! I'm shocked! Dustin peeked into the kitchen and backed away.

More church music as Amber prays and cries about what Dick said and regreets her drug days.

(Please, God... just make her go away!)

Dick is so mean, help me please! (That's Amber, not me. I don't think Dick would be mean to me.)

Daniele and Jen are talking. Daniele promises Jen that from here on out, she has her back. Jen is actually a good listening post. JenBot even seems to be happy to finally be getting along with Daniele. She thinks they could be a good team.

"It's time to rock and roll" -- the food comp -- BB Benefit Cncert. BB Blues and BB Rockers, Zach wanted to be blue, but Dick grabbed the red bandanas out of his hand. 200 guitars and two stages in the backyard. Inside each guitar is a dollar sign or a slop sign. The first team to get to 20 $ wins food.

There's a one week slop pass inside one guitar. Smashing the guitars seems to get some of their frustrations out. Dick got the slop pass. Amber told us from the DR with tears in her eyes that God directed her to the guitars with the dollar signs.

The Blue Team won -- Zach, Jameka, Eric, and Amber will eat. Dick gave the slop pass to Jen and Daniele claimed it was her advice -- he wanted to give it to her, but she thought it better to give to Jen for strategic reasons.

Ah, Zach likes his bunny suit! We need something lighthearted. He's getting in touch with his inner bunny. Amber knocked it, but I think it's fun.

America's Player -- Eric is surprised and not pleased that America chose Dustin.

Dustin is calling Dick all kinds of white trash names after Dick left the backyard. He tells Jessica to put him up next to Dick because he's the honest one and Dick is the "scumbag." Eric's expression made me snicker. He's using it to further America's cause.

New America's Player -- To which HG should Eric give the silent treatment? Now, if you really want to mess him up, vote Jessica.

I'm evil.

Nominations Today -- Same old, same old descriptions and Jessica choosing keys. Dick tells us he'll make sure he goes and Daniele stays if they're both on the block.

They gather around the table. Dustin looks smug. Amber looks like she's been crying. Jessica said she made the decision following her heart:

Key order: Jameka, Jen, Eric, Amber, Zach, Dustin is last.

Jessica tells D&D that she's doing this to get back over Eric almost going, the person she's closest to in the house. Jessica tells us that she's really gunning for Daniele to leave, not Dick.

Dick vows to make them miserable until he leaves.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Sunday So Far 8/12

Zach and Evel Dick are presently sitting outside talking world issues as I post this report.

Not horribly exciting, eh? But it's Sunday, their traditional really quiet day in the house.

Here are today's big events from that Big Brother House of Future World Leaders:
  • The HG staggered to life anytime from around 11 AM (their time) until well into the afternoon. Which, of course, is just shy of evening for me! Some are still asleep!
  • Dick talked to the cameras, and thus us, saying he's wanted to do the show for three years, was a finalist for seasons 5 and 6, then they pulled "her" in as his secret partner, then they showed up bumping into each other at an open casting call and BB snagged 'em. So, this means that we almost saw Evel Dick and Daniele working as secret partners in season 6. Very interesting, eh?
  • Dick thinks that if Daniele wasn't in the house, he wouldn't have lasted even two weeks.
  • Zach and Jen talked about the need for one of them to win HOH -- if not, they know they're targets.
  • Dick messed with the kitchen faucet once again.
  • Dick told stories about Amsterdam, people he knows, and stuff.
  • Much of today is just small talk so far, but it seems Dick still plans to use the veto to save Daniele.
Later, at 8 PM ET, I'll be live-blogging the show as it airs here in the NYC area. Please drop on by and share your thoughts in the comments! And, as always, bring your own snacks, please!

My New YouTube 'Big Brother 8' Movie

I'm sorry. I just can't take any of this season's houseguests seriously. What to do? Set a mix of screen caps and Zoetawny graphics to the tune of "The Chicken Dance" and slap it up on YouTube.

I know. I'm bad...

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Through the Night Into Sunday 8/12

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Since it's an Evel POV, graphic arteest Zoetawny used her mad skillz to make us this image. Cool!

Ah, but I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

Forgive my Adventures of Alice in Wonderland moment as well as being a bit late with this report, please!

Here's the skinny from inside that Big Brother House of Despicable Despots and Monster Shouters:
  • Daniele cried and whined to anyone who would listen about how rough it's been for her to be blamed for all of her father's volatile actions and words.
  • Eric made another comment (not to Daniele or Evel Dick) about Daniele having Dick's baby. What the hell is wrong with him?
  • Jessica and Eric don't think Amber has any chance of winning any competitions because she hasn't done well on one yet.
  • With his LNC Minions about him, Dustin complained about Daniele's "pity party" and deemed her unhappiness all her own fault.
  • The LNC Remainders think that Zach threw the POV comp because it was things he should be good at -- croquet and drinking large amounts of disgusting liquids.
  • As they all plan to stay in the HOH room, Eric mentions that they're probably being compared to the Nerd Herd from Season 6. "No way!" says Amber. Ha, way!
  • Evel Dick wants to try to cause problems between Eric and Dustin.
  • Daniele and Dick talked about how Zach threw the comp and how funny it is that the others think he really tried. @@
  • Jameka removed the braids she put in Amber's ghetto-fabulous hair the other day.
  • Zach, Daniele, Eric, and Jessica played Beer Pong, a drinking game.
  • HG from both sides of the fence tried to figure out what kind of businesses Kail really owns.
  • Of course, they have no clue that she practically owns her town! ;-)
  • Dick told Jameka that she went too far when she made comments about his mother and daughter. That showed him what kind of person she is.
  • After basically just staring at Dick as he talked, she reported the conversation to King of Queens Dustin.
  • Then Dick started on Dustin again, not as bad as early in the morning.
  • Jameka told Amber she likes Dustin, doesn't quite trust Eric although she'd like him outside of the house, and thinks Zach is a phony.
  • Amber told Jameka that she hates Evel Dick. No kidding! I think the feeling's mutual there.
  • Dustin thinks Evel Dick is jealous of him because he's "got a group."
  • Amber wants to be an inspirational speaker. (No, I'm not making these things up!)
  • Dustin doesn't think Dick will use the veto to save Daniele. (I think he will. Even if he doesn't want to, I think he'll feel obligated to use it on her for father/daughter reasons.)
  • Dustin offered to go up as a pawn. (That would be an incredibly foolish move, but we'll see.)
They're all sleeping snug in their beds with visions of ax-murderers in their heads as I post this...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - TV Squad - Live Feeds Update

I have another post up over on TV Squad and I'll post more here in a few hours.

Are we having fun yet?

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Comp

The feeds have returned and it sounds like Dick won POV. Everyone else, including Zach and Daniele are talking with Daniele defending her position in the house. Since Amber said, "We can only hope HE uses it to save you." -- it has to be Dick. Eric, Dustin, and Zach -- the only other "he's" are in the room with her.

'Big Brother 8' - TV Squad

My latest TV Squad entry is up and out there, too!

Settle in with a cup of joe and a bowl of slop...!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Saturday 8/11

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Go, Jess! Go, Jess! Like, because you're the HOH! Whatever.

Zoetawny has her cheer down pat!

Since the initial shake-up in the house, things have been almost predictable. Now, I wanted the shake-up. I like watching when there are problems.

Alas, the problems have been keeping themselves apart. So, the action is down a bit.

Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Gossip-Mongering Gaddabouts:
  • Jessica had to explain drive-in movies to Eric. He's never seen one.
  • They all took turns practicing croquet.
  • Dick continued to rant on Jameka about her faith -- calling her a hemorrhoid on Christianity.
  • Jameka, for the past few days, has started saying "yippie skippy" on and off all the time in a high voice. Make her stop.
  • Dick told Daniele he'd like to punch Dustin. Daniele suggested he take his robe and crown instead.
  • Amber is worried that Eric and Dustin are in a secret alliance. She might have to cry about it.
  • Jessica and Amber agree that out of the two nominees, Daniele is the better player and should be evicted.
  • Dick threw one of Dustin's shirts (not a grey one, darn it) on the roof when Dustin wasn't looking. He also hid one of Jen's headbands behind the washing machine (because it didn't throw well).
  • Meanwhile, the LNC Remainders talked about not getting up to say goodbye on the Thursday live show.
  • Jameka and Jessica stayed up later talking and giggling a lot in the HOH bed.
  • They're asleep as I get this posted.
The POV comp should be held later today. I'll be posting the results of that tonight. It sounds like Jessica will replace a nominee with Jen if one is removed.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update Into Friday Late Night

My latest TV Squad entry is in the publishing queue, but I thought I'd bring you up to date here.

First, thanks to all who took part in the naming one good thing about each houseguest bit in my previous entry! It was a lot of fun to watch the struggle! ;-)

As expected, Jessica nominated Dick and Daniele. The POV comp is apparently going to be croquet and both camps have been practicing, although Daniele and Dick seemed a bit more serious about it.

Eric's been suggesting Dustin goes up as a replacement nominee if the veto is used. Jen and Zach are successfully mingling with both groups. The POV comp will be held on Saturday as usual.

Friday, August 10, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Friday So Far 8/10

<--- And Amber cried.

There. That says it all!

Or not.

Someone in comments asked for a refresher on how a double eviction week works. If memory serves, the new HOH immediately nominates two for eviction. Then on Friday POV is played, Saturday is POV Meeting, Sunday is live eviction and new HOH. Then it all goes as normal once again.

Here are today's events from the Big Brother House of Hugs and Kisses:
  • Now Daniele and Evel think the odd votes could have been a mix of Dustin, Amber, and Eric. Most of the mind change there is because Julie cast doubt on the Eric theory when talking to Daniele in HOH.
  • Dick plans to mock religion in the POV comp to bug Jameka.
  • They've been having a huge ant problem in the kitchen. This has been going on for a few days now.
  • The food comp was held today. Dick got a slop pass which he gave to Jen. They seemed to have to swing at something (pinatas?) and smash 'em. Zach cut his hand during the comp but enjoyed it although he said it wasn't a good outcome. I think Dustin is on slop, perhaps Zach.
  • Amber told Jameka that she knows that she'll win HOH for the final three and have to break her promise to take Dustin to the final two with her. @@ Delusional much?
  • Jameka thinks that Amber can see the future. (I don't even have a witty remark for that one. Anyone?)
  • Jen's ear is still bothering her.
  • Amber kept talking about getting all the money signs -- I'm thinking it was something to do with winning money in the food comp. She's not on slop, so maybe that's all the money signs bought her.
  • The LNC Remainders have been talking about nominations -- it seems that Dick and Daniele will be going on the block, surprise surprise!
  • Amber thinks she cries too much. Gee, I hadn't noticed.
  • She can't control it. (Well, learn!)
That's about it. I thought with all the controversy in comments (although for the most part they're really great -- about the houseguests, not the fellow commenters, thank you) -- I think we should all say one nice thing about each houseguest. You game? I'll even go first!

Amber: One of the best criers I've ever seen! Kudos!
Eric: One really good eyebrow!
Daniele: Very pretty smile!
Jessica: Can sleep through anything, a quality envied by many!
Dustin: Nice eyes!
Jen: Calm and collected!
Zach: Interesting comic book knowledge!
Dick: Has accomplished the feat of blowing smoke rings to the level of professional.
Jameka: Despite her worries, she fits in fine with a house of crazy white people!

Your turn!

'Big Brother 8' - Through the Overnight Into Friday 8/10

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Uh-oh. Whose eye is that? Zoetawny made me a new logo tag for posts!

After a very explosive show, whatever could those hamsters be up to while running in their wheels in that Big Brother House of Societal Misfit Toys?

Here's the skinny for you:
  • BB held the HG in an indoor lockdown while they did something in the backyard.
  • Jessica told Eric that she had told Zach she wouldn't put him on the block.
  • Zach told Dick that "they" would be voting him (Dick) out no matter what. He suggested a smear campaign making up things about Dustin. (C'mon, Zach ... don't stick your own neck out when you're safe for the moment!)
  • Imitating the BB recorded voice which says things like, "Houseguests, you are not allowed to talk about your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests," Dick said, "Amber, please cry like a little #&%@&"
  • Jameka plopped herself down with Evel Dick and Daniele prompting him to make a few choice remarks about religion and calling her a hypocrite.
  • Jameka reacted in almost a Dick-like manner. So much for all of the religion being a true driving force. Scary!
  • I won't use the language used by either Dick or Jameka here.
  • Dustin called Dick a "white trash washed-up deadbeat dad." Amber told Dick he should commit suicide. (I actually think that's closer to her mind than Dick's -- she seems to be the one with the real instability problems more than him despite his tactics.)
  • Jen said the DR seemed to want her to vote for Eric to stay. (Obviously she did what she wanted to do as she voted to evict him.)
  • Dick says that if he's leaving, he's going to go out with a bang.
  • Daniele said that the DR told her to expect another twist this week. (We really should be about ready for a double eviction, but what else could happen?)
  • Eric made more incest remarks about Daniele and Dick, this time with Amber chiming in.
  • Zach thinks he's almost invisible in the game -- Julie has only asked him one question ever and that was about the streaking incident.
  • Dick, Daniele, and Zach think they need to swing Jessica to their side but she's taken in by Eric.
  • Dustin told Zach that "they" are going to the sequester house one by one each week.
  • Eric told Jessica she should put Dustin on the block. They both laughed, but I can't help but think that was America's Player's choice this week -- Dustin.
  • Dick is sure he's going home this week.
I'm sure that there will be some interesting blow-ups this week!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Since the Live Show 8/09

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

<--- Zoetawny did some quick work on a new graphic for us! (She rocks, y'know!) I've never seen anything like this before on Big Brother. It's truly unprecedented. Since the end of the live show, the houseguests have all found Jesus and, as I type this, they're all holding hands and singing "Kumbaya." I'm sitting here at a loss for words. The love! The smiling on your brother!

Er... okay, I've been watching the show too much. I lied.

Here's the real lowdown from that Big Brother House of Evel Ne'er-do-wells:
  • Eric is happy. Dick and Daniele are not.
  • Jameka prayed. Daniele cried. Jameka prayed and cried at the same time, asking for forgiveness and offering apologies.
  • Amber smiled.
  • Yes, you heard me.
  • Dick yelled at Dustin about lying to him about the vote. Dustin told him he wanted Kail out since the first week and he got it.
  • In an Amber/Evel argument, she called him out on trying to stare down people. (Yes, he does do that. Just staring back is usually the best reaction.)
  • Dick told Amber he can't wait for Eric to use her personal issues against her. (I don't think anyone needs any ammo to use against Amber. She's her own worst enemy. I just wish they'd all realize that.)
  • Dick told Eric he's a liar.
  • Jen said, "We're a couple of sad bunnies."
  • Jen told Daniele the best thing she could have done is put her father up on the block.
  • Amber screamed at Dick.
  • Dick screamed at Amber.
  • Daniele cried, whined, fussed about everyone hating her and how she hates everyone.
  • Dick hates them all, too.
  • See. The show is working. Daniele and her father have reached a common ground.
  • Eric and Dustin happy-danced. Make them stop.
  • Amber claimed today was the first time she's lied in the house -- to Dick abut the vote. (Ahem.)
  • Dick wants to throw the food comp so everyone's on slop. He really doesn't seem to mind being on slop that much.
  • Daniele told Evel Dick that almost every question Julie asked was about him. When he asked her if they were about what a jerk he was, she said one question was.
  • The HG sans D&D all laughed about the Dustin grey shirt question.
  • Zach thought there should have been some Bunny questions.
  • Dick told Daniele that everyone hates him, not her.
  • Then he went on an Amber rant calling her names I won't type here!
  • Dick told Daniele that she has to try to get Dustin out of the house.
  • When Daniele asked Jen who she would have put on the block had she won HOH, Jen told her Dustin and her father.
  • Jen told Daniele and Dick that Jameka told her that she would play that POV for her (use it to save her if she won) instead of her (Jen) asking her to use it if she won.
  • Jessica got her HOH room and the LNC Remainders loved it all.
My feeds have been really funky since the show -- cutting in and out, odd audio like they're robots, and such. I wanted to snag some video, but they're much too rough for that.

But it is what it is. And, so far, there have been no fisticuffs.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast - 8/09

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show is starting here in the NYC area. I'll be posting events as they air here and updating this post on a regular basis. Please either return or refesh the page to catch the latest! And, as I'm typing this off the cuff here, there may be typos or misspellings. Oop!

Zoetawny made us a graphic! Yay, Zoetawny! They've recapped the evnts -- pretty quickly even, so let's get started!

The Bunny People are in the house.

Now it's time for an explosion according to Jule. They're reshowing the POV meeting. Eric tells us his fate is in the hands of Dustin, Jameka, Jessica, and Amber. Dick is campaigning Jen and Kail by her side although she can't vote.

Evel mentions to us that he has something on Eric. Uh-oh -- he told Amber that Eric had the personal info that's been such a brouhahah. Dick doesn't know what it is, but tells her Eric will use it against him. Oh, sure... now the secret (right) is on national television. Dick is surely using it to flip Amber's vote.

Amber runs to Dustin and tells him all about it. Dustin waffles.

Evel Dick and Dnaiele are editied so it looks like a perfect tag team. Dick told Amber that she and Dustin would have a free week if they work with him. Amber brought up the promise on her daughter's life and Dick questioned if God is good he'd understand.

Dustin told Amber that he wants Dick and Daniele out and calls Amber a psycho. He advises her to think with her head. Dustin told her he'd vote Eric out, she needn't go back on her word.

Oh... the explosion! It's starting --- the confrontation between Amber and Eric. Everyone's staring. "How dare you!! Devil in disguise!" Eric's just sitting there staring at her. They cut that down short!

That over, Julie tells us they'll be talking to Evel Dick's friends about what he's like outside the house.

Julie's checking in with the houseguests and House Bunnies. She's asking about the stress yesterday in the house. Jameka told her everything's fine now. When asked, Jameka said she has some regrets about giving up 5 HOH. Jen sticks with everything she did.

Questions from viewers! Dustin's stupid grey shirt! YAY! He says it's consistentency and he has three.

It's to Dick's buddies... Axl Rose, Alice Cooper's band members, and more do really know him. One says he's a "sap and a sweetheart of a guy."

Julie asks Daniele about how the relationship between her and her father has changed. She says it's a slow process and better than it was. She tells Julie that people take out frustration over her father on her. When asked, Daniele said the votes may not be Eric's, but he's the biggest threat in the house.

Kail's husband is up next and what he thinks of Evel Dick.

Ah, he's much different than I thought he would be. They go on about owning all the businesses now. The hubby isn't worried about Dick yelling at her as a game strategy. She misses her husband (she may see him tonight). Hubby says she's downplaying her religion with Jameka. Hubby thinks they could be in big trouble if she doesn't leave.

Back to the living room...
Kail: 3rd time in a row, never gets easier, thank you and another week please.
Eric: Thirteen strangers standing in his way of winning, once he met them changed mind, waants to stay and repair bonds.

The voting is about to begin:
Dick votes to evict that weasel Eric.
Jen votes to evict Eric.
Jessica votes to evict Kail.
Commercial break.
Zach votes to evict Eric.
Jameka votes to evict Kail.
Dustin votes to evict Kail.
Amber votes to evict Kail.

(Did I call that one or what?)

Kail is evicted by a vote of 4 to 3.

Dick and Daniele both look very nervous. Dick's mumbling something but didn't freak out. Hugs.

A very subdued house. Kail actually looks like a happy Cloris Leachman. Dick confronts Dustin, Dustin lies and said he voted Eric out. The Mystery vote, Dick thinks.

Kail is doing well. Goodbye messages -- Dick is nice, Dustin a bit nasty, Jen said if she's seeing it Eric's a good talker and they must go shopping, Jameka is nice, Daniele is pleasant to her, apologizes for not sticking to her word (the safe promise).

They showed the backyard set for the HOH comp before the commercial. It's the BB Bar with a rabbit head instead of a deer head. Hmmm...

The comp is called "Let's Make a Duel" - questions about what evicted HG said in the DR -- no spoilers for them.

Eric won the first round against Dustin.
Dick won the second round against Zach.
JULIE SCREWED UP! -- Told the answer by calling Eric Nick.
Eric lost the round to Jessica with a second question.
Dick is eliminated against Jen.
Amber is eliminated.

It's between Jessica and Jen for HOH.
JESSICA is the new HOH!

Dick looks very worried.

It is NOT a double eviction week!

America's Player -- Who should Eric get nominated for eviction?

Ah, to the HG -- Dick and Jameka are at it. Dustin tells Dick not to ever tell him what to do again. Oh, Jameka is still going up against Dick. The feeds will be interesting tonight!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday So Far 8/09

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Today, being the live eviction show day, hasn't been all that eventful in the house.

Although graphic artist Zoetawny made us a cool new Eric Public Enemy # 1 image, I think he's just perhaps Tarnished Acquaintance We Can Use #1.

The vote seems to be remaining the same from the last time I posted -- Dustin, Amber, Jameka, and Jessica voting to evict Kail. If that holds true, that would be all he needs to remain.

So tonight might be a hoot to watch the house go divided in public although it's been divided in private for a while now. Eric convinced his two iffy votes -- Dustin and Jessica -- that it's more beneficial to them to keep him rather than Kail. He's actually right with that. Plus, he'll target Dick (and Daniele) if he stays. That could only help their little group.

Jen has an inking that the tides have turned, but I'm not sure how she knows it. Right now it seems they've actually kept a secret (is this a BB8 first?) in the house. If the vote goes down their way, it will be a shocker for Dick. I'm anticipating some live show cussin'!

In other house news, Jen's earache is really bothering her. The medical treatment they've provided doesn't seem to be helping much. It might throw her off her best game for tonight's HOH.

And, we can probably expect the new HOH to have to name two nominees immediately for the second eviction on Sunday.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show when it starts here at 8 PM. Please come by, bring your snacks!

'Big Brother 8' - Late Night Into Thursday Live Feeds

I took this screen cap yesterday as the houseguests played with the HOH camera. Eric was noticeably absent. I wrote an article about Amber's anti-Semitic remarks hitting the newswires -- that should be up on TV Squad later this morning.

Although Eric talked to most of his ex-group yesterday and he took it as promising, I don't think it will count as a done deal until it's done.

Jameka will vote to evict Kail because she promised him and won't go back on her word. Amber will vote for Kail to leave because she swore she would on her daughter's life.

Jessica told him she would vote to keep him, but has also told Dick's group otherwise. But then she tried to convince Amber that Eric is indeed on their side and it would be a smart move to keep him.

Dustin told him he'd vote to keep him, but told Dick's group and Kail otherwise. He also made a comment to Kail that if there's an odd unaccounted vote to keep Eric, they'll know it's Dick. It's possible he's setting the scene for an Eric stay and blame it on Dick, but it's hard to tell.

Jen says she's with Dick, but she's attempted to talk with Eric. I personally think she might be a wild card. She's been voting the house vote each week, but this week it's a house divided vote. In another note, she's really in a lot of pain with her earaches.

Jen and Kail discussed how unhappy with Amber they are -- her moods and actions are getting to them.

Dustin thinks the Dick and Daniele really, really need to go on the block next week. He and Jessica jumped up and down in glee celebrating the fact that they have enough votes to keep Eric this week. He's so sure a Donato will go next week (Dick) that he feels it's worth breaking his promise to them.

So, I dunno. Now it looks like it's swung back around to Eric staying, but I wouldn't bet any big bucks on it. I'll update again before tonight's live show.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Daytime 8/08

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Y'see, I meant to post earlier, but Evel Dick took all of my free will away. (Thanks go to Zoetawny for the graphic!)

Actually, for the first time this season, I've actually been hooked on the feeds and find it hard to stop watching.

I posted the change of minds here and on TV Squad as well as the video of Amber screaming at Eric. But what happened after that has been even more intriguing.

Here's the lowdown from the Big Brother House of Pavlov's Many Dogs:
  • While the others played with the HOH camera and had a grand old time, Eric was in the Diary Room.
  • The others feared that Eric would explode or else just leave the game.
  • Amber says she still has to vote for him because of the fact she swore her daughter's life on it. Jameka also promised him and gave her word.
  • Eric emerged from the DR very subdued, but asked to talk to Daniele.
  • In a long, long calm and rational talk with her, he seemed to have her feeling sorry for the wrongs committed against him.
  • Daniele told him she'd ask her father to stop yelling at him.
  • Eric's big plea seemed to be the legacy he would leave.
  • As I type this, he's talking to Jessica.
  • He said she was the only one he'd want to be in the final two with because he'd lose to everyone anyway and wants a person he likes to win.
  • Jessica said to him that he has her vote to stay although she's singing a different tune to the others.
  • Jameka's in there talking to him now.
  • Dustin wants to talk to him, too.
  • Three hours ago, not one of them wanted to even look him in the eye.
  • I said earlier that Evel Dick may be the biggest manipulator ever. I'm not quite sure how they're reacting away from him, but Eric is working it the best he can.
  • Eric is making some good points -- ones I brought up before his speeches. For example, I said Dick was using the Amber personal stuff as a weapon against Eric as much (more than) Eric ever would have with it.
  • If he beats Dick in this game of manipulative skills, I might have to eat my hat.
  • I don't think I have a hat. I'd have to go buy one.
In another note, folks ... once again, please be respectful to others in the comments area. The houseguests are pretty much free game, but not your fellow commenters. I don't agree with every commenters' favorites in the game, but that's okay. It would be boring if we all had the same favorites, wouldn't it?

'Big Brother 8' - Video Update

I caught the reactions of Dick, Bunny Zach and Daniele as Amber screamed at Eric. Do you think she may have blown the "let's keep Eric going home a secret" bit?

Really nasty language warning in effect!

'Big Brother 8' - New Post on TV Squad

Yes, I've done it yet again.

There's another new Big Brother 8 live feeds update of mine over on TV Squad.

Stop me before I post again! Bwahahaha!

Um, er ...

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Through the Overnight Into Wed. 8/08

I didn't post a report late last night.


Because there really wasn't all that much to report! It was small talk, Donatos feeling all alone, Eric being devious, Zach and Jen being absent.

Ah, but in the past few hours there have been many changes.

Right now it looks like the tides have changed once again. Here's what's gone down recently in that Big Brother House of "There is no sides" (credit: Daniele Donato):
  • After having a tiff with Dustin last night when she tried to tell him if Eric goes this week she'll go the next, Amber finally got through to him.
  • Even Jameka thinks a good way for Dustin to take the Donato spotlight off of him as a target is to send Eric home.
  • Earlier, Jessica was told by Dustin that Jen has been telling Amber things about Eric.
  • Jen told Daniele and Evel that Zach is uneasy because neither Eric or Kail have even tried to talk to him about the vote. (He must feel he doesn't have any friends even amongst his enemies.)
  • Evel Dick kept working on Amber, telling her a mix of lies, half-truths and some truths. He works her into a tizzy, an anti-Eric tizzy.
  • Both Daniele and Dick keep at her, tag-teaming her as they bring her over to their Dark Side.
  • Amber is an easy subject, but will Dustin be as easy?
  • Amber went to Dustin ... on and on ... there is a bit of video below for you.
  • Now Dustin is all peachy-keen with the Donatos once again.
  • Eric is now the target with Jameka and Jessica the only two possible votes for him.
  • As a watcher, I can only shake my head in wonder at how easily these houseguests are manipulated.
  • Dustin, Amber, Daniele, and Evel Dick are now sitting around laughing about Zach and talking who they want to target next -- Zach or Jen.
Here's the video --

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 8/07 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show has started here on the East Coast.As it airs, this post will be updated every few minutes. Please forgive any typos or misspellings as I'm looking at my TV and not either my monitor or keyboard! ;-)

They're recapping th nominations. Dick is egging on Jen again, no surprise. Jessica warned Eric that if the POV is used, he'll go on the block. Jessica spills all she knows to the group. The LNC minus Dick and Daniele suggest Jessica plays along with Daniele and Dick.

Eric confides in Jameka about it (she wasn't in the room before). Amber and Jameka are in the hammock discussing Eric's possible situation. "We have the votes period," says Jameka.

Zach is in the HOH with Daniele telling her he'd rather not talk game but has no friends in the house. They both think Nick got shafted. Daniele said this POV is for Nick. Once again, Zach says he has no friends and would like to work with Daniele down the road in the game. Daniele tells us it's the "Nick bond."

Eric's looking nervous. Dustin thinks that D&D have made the biggest mistake ever.

Ohhh... picking POV players. Eric needs it, but...! Zach was chosen by Dnaiele, Jen chose Dustin's ball, Kail got HG choice and chose Jameka. Amber will be the host.

The HG head to the backyard where things are covered up and they have little podiums. OMG - Amber's announcing is horrible. Thankfully Jen repeated the game's title -- Numbers Don't Lie. The lowest bid actually loses.

How many hours are you willing to wear a bunny suit? Dustin bid 100 hours and was eliminated. Kail, Jen, Daniele, Zach all have to be Bunny People for five days.

Dump the funk, how many times funky mixture dumped over your head? It smells like manure. All offered to do it for 24 hours.

$10,000 cash is up next. Highest number from zero to 10,000 will be eliminated. All wrote zero.

Sloppy summer is the next one... how many hours are you willing to eat nothing but slop. Daniele is nervouse -- she does poorly on slop. Kail and Jen say 720, Daniele 710, Jameka 480 and Zach is out for answering 250.

Power shortage -- Next 5 HOH comps, how many are you willing to not participate in? Jameka and KaIL said 5, Daniele was out with 3, Jen in the middle. Jameka and Kail can't try for HOH for the next five weeks.

Money walks -- How much of the prize money for the show up to $250,000 would you give up to win POV? Jameka bid 10 grand. Kail bid ALMOST half. Jen bid half and she has won POV. She once again tells us she's not there for the money.

Dick is happy.

The Bunny People have arrived. Jameka is crying about not being able to see pictures from home in an HOH goodie basket. Amber tells her God did it for a reason. @@ She prays and cries and prays some more. Taste God? Um, I dunno 'bout that!

Daniele consoles her then asks if she's mad at her. Thankfully, Jameka sees through it.

Jen thinks she and Daniele will work well together. She told Daniele that she plans to save herself. Daniele made her promise to vote to keep Kail and tells her all about the plan to vote out Eric.

Now Evel Disck is making his move on Jen. He promises to behave, stop picking on her, and says he's sorry ... truce time! Jen agrees. I'm sure she must see through him.

Jen tells us she doesn't know if she's morally ready to work with Dick and Daniele even though it might be smart strategically.

They're dumping the muck on here head.

Dick is lying to Jessica, claiming that Jen told him Eric was the one who was playing both sides.

Jessica went to Jen. Jen admits Eric is a good manipulator. Jessica seems to believe her. Jen is very convincing. Jessica runs to Dustin who doesn't buy it. Then she runs to Jameka who also doesn't buy it.

Local news promo -- A monkey got loose at LaGuardia. Heh.

Eric's America's Player -- To take to the final two, we finally got one right ... Jessica! He talks to Jessica and completes the task. She told him he's acting all weird.

The buzzers are going to the slop bucket dumpers. Jen said it doesn't smeel that bad -- just like manure. Well, maybe that's bad.

Dick is now accusing Eric of ill deeds while Eric is in the hot tub. Dick says Eric has deals with both Kail and Jen. He's way off base. Everybody's sitting there staring like zombies at Dick.

Everyone else thinks Daniele should send her father home. Dustin points out that Dick is running her HOH reign. He's right.

They made Jen wear her paws to do the POV meeting. She asks Kail for her speech. Kail says she wouldn't ask her to sacrifice her safety. Jen then talks to herself and saves herself. Daniele talked about enemies and when you know them, then chose Eric. Big shocker! Are you all okay?

Kail is discouraged because she doesn't think Daniele can keep her promise that she's safe. Dick is on some kind of odd (and probably mistaken) adrenalin high.

America's Player: What should Eric do? Which HG should Eric flatter incessantly in order to stay in the house?

It would be funny if he kept complimenting Dick as Dick screams at him. Heehee!

"You ^*&@#!" "You've got the most beautiful eyes, Dick!" "You #%$#&@*!"