Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into the Dawn 9/11

As I post this, the houseguests are asleep. Zach turned in early, but the others made an attempt to stay up until the ShoToo show ended. Daniele, once again, had her feet (bare feet this time) all over the kitchen table as she talked to Dick a few hours ago.

Dick made a tuna salad and Daniele told him it reeked. Daniele ate a cut-up apple with peanut butter on it. They actually got along well although she said she didn't want him to go to Europe with her.

Daniele told the Internet that if you buy the feeds, only buy for the first few months as it gets boring. Yes!

Lots of talk about the wrap party and such earlier. Something is being built in the yard, but that's about all that's been going on.

Monday, September 10, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Through Monday 9/10 So Far

Jameka is sitting in the HOH room with Zach watching the spy screen. She's developed Eric Eyes. What's up with that? She looks guilty and sneaky like she's shoplifting a poodle or something.

Zach, on the other hand, watches with somber determination, yet with a smidgen of defeat in his eyes.

In other news from that Big Brother House of Supercilious Sycophants:
  • Evel Dick and Daniele trashtalked Zach to each other in the early morning hours.
  • They say it's chilly in California. (It's hot and muggy here in the NYC area -- blech.)
  • Throughout the day, they all tried memorizing events, fellow houseguest facts, and such in case one of the parts of the HOH comp deals with them.
  • Heh. As I was typing this, Jameka was trying to do math about the houseguests helping Zach and all the BB voice said was, "Jameka, knock it off!" She jumped back. "That's illegal? It's illegal? I was only trying to use the tools you've provided us."
  • Zach told Jameka he's determined to go for the grand prize -- $500,000.
  • "Mmm. Mmm? Mmm." <-- insert Jameka canned response.
  • Daniele thinks it's odd that BB hasn't said anything about the POV Ceremony. (It's usually held around 5 PM their time on Mondays and the POV gets called to the DR beforehand.)
  • Daniele suggested it might be held tomorrow on the live show (so they've been told the show is live). Dick doesn't want it to be live because he has an Dick-Intimidation Speech all ready and won't be able to do it on live TV.
  • Dick thinks that BB changed the whole show schedule because the game's "all played out." (You would think a fan of the show like he and others are in the house would realize that the show NEVER ends the last week of September! Each year the HG think the show is a week longer than it is. It must be the date on the contract they sign or something.)
  • Daniele thinks they (Donatos) have had an advantage in the game because they've had each other in the house. Dick doesn't think they've had any disadvantage.
  • Zach is seriously studying dates, times, people, objects in the house ... with Jameka quizzing him and coming up with subject matter for more studying.
  • Will it help? Maybe.

TV Squad: Remembering Adam Finley

It's not on site as I post this, but the tribute to Adam Finley from TV Squad will be at this link when it is. If you read the posts, I think you'll see why Adam's sudden passing was such a shock and tragedy. Truly a great mind for writing and a very nice person, too.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Monday Morning 9/10

As I post this, Daniele is the only person up in the house and she's making her infamous cookies. It makes me wonder if that's all she makes at her own home! All had gone to bed earlier, but Daniele apparently can't sleep so it's cookie time.

When told that it was September 9, not the 11th, Jameka really doesn't believe it. They talked about previous houseguests, the mustarding (they think either Nick or Eric did it), the banner planes the one week. It's just been rehashing the past. While Jameka hung out with Daniele and Dick, Zach was more distant.

Still no brouhahas.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into the Night Sunday 9/09

There it is, the epitome of excitement in the house -- Jameka is reading the bible!

There's no drama for your mama tonight!
  • Daniele is sure the Donatos will win it all.
  • Dick did laundry. The machine is still not working properly, so he put in more soap thinking if the clothes don't get clean, at least they'll be soapy.
  • Daniele exercised.
  • They all ate together.
  • They still don't know of the planned Tuesday eviction.
  • There have been no brouhahas.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 9/09 Sunday Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Due to the U.S. Open, the show is starting late here in the NYC area. But, finally, it's starting!

As it airs, this post will be frequently updated with the latest happenings. Please forgive any typos or misspellings as I tend to pay more attention to the TV than to my keyboard or monitor. Let's hope I keep my fingers over the right keys or orirr3dda!

I'd like to thank Isabelle -- a fellow TV Squad writer -- for letting us know the start of the show from Canada (where they started it on time) in the comments of my previous post!

Also, sigh ... I had to turn word verification back on -- got hit by a porn spambot.

We're into the recap and now Eric's getting evicted all over again. Now Jessica's getting evicted all over again. Deja vu all over again in spades no less! Thanks to Isabelle I know that this recap stuff is going to take up much too long a portion of tonight's show. What's up with that?

Dick is offering Jameka the fake deal for her vote to get her to the final three. This is all out of time sequence, it took place before Jessica's eviction. We're into the HOH between Dick, Daniele, and Eric from Thursday night before Eric was evicted.

Now Dick is nominating Eric all over again. To the Niagara Balls veto ... again. (Why did I bother watching the show last Thursday?) Amazing ... Zach won it for the second time, the dude has his balls all in a row, eh? Eric goes out the door again.

Now Jameka thinks she's on her own in the game. Dick is smug and is sure he and Daniele will be in the final three. Zach is feeling himself to be an outsider in their group. Daniele thinks it's funny that if they betray Zach they will have betrayed everyone. Zach sort of tires his own intimidation tactic with them -- you better not send me packing!

The houseguests found the Memory Wall full of new pictures. They know they'll be tied into the HOH comp somehow, so they must be studied. Daniele wants to win and is surprised how much she wants to win for both herself and her father. The comp is Mushroom Madness and they have to answer questions on the pictures (which were based on comps).

Yipes, the questions are a bit tough! Yeah, we can get the answers because they're showing us the pics as Dick asks the questions. Zach is in the lead by one right now with Jameka and Daniele on his tail. Whoops, Jameka got one wrong.

Zach and Daniele are tied. It's into a tiebreaker between Zach and Daniele. Daniele looks panicky, Zach subdued. Zach is the new HOH, Daniele hugs him. Dick thinks they're still safe because they've been working together with Zach.

Yeah, right.

Dick tells Daniele how proud he is of her. Daniele sulks, fusses, and is being petulant. Dick thinks that they're safe. He's only worried that Jameka might win POV, but not all that worried at all. Now you see why I summed up Daniele's post-HOH comp behavior in my feeds post with "This sucks." and "It sucks." The show made it more bearable, but that went on FOREVER.

Zach's HOH room party was a bit lackluster, but he's happy with his letter from home and the photos.

Evel Dick went to Zach pleading Daniele's case in the case of a Jameka POV win. Dick pushes for a Jameka nomination and voting her out. Zach tells him that he wants to be with him in the final two. Dick knows one Donato has to go on the block, but he doesn't want both of them up there.

Zach decides it's time to work with Jameka. He tells her he wants to put both of the Donatos on the block, she needs to play "her ass off" in the POV and then vote Daniele out.

Dniele still looks all mopey as she visits Zach in the HOH room. She asks him if he's going to put both her and her father up. She defends her father's gameplay. She tells him that they saved him in the game. (Why do I get the feeling that she's defending her father so much so Zach will save her, not him in the nominations?)

Zach doesn't tell her what he'll do but mumbles after she leaves ... "Nobody can beat your dad? Your dad's an idiot!"

She runs back to her father. Dick thinks he's stupid and decides he has to talk to him. He reminds Zach of the deal to the final three. (What about Dick's deal with Eric and Jessica?) Dick starts to get abrupt and intimidating.

It all hinges on the POV and it looks certain that Zach will nominate Daniele and Dick as he told Jameka. Dick and Daniele seem to feel he'll do that, too. And, of course, we know he will ... but it's time for a commercial!

Time for the nominations. It's a typical drawn-out long speech by Zach. On the feeds he said the DR told him to make it that way. He points out that Jameka restored his faith in God, which is huge to him. He pulls out Jameka's key. Dick tells him that it didn';t work for the first two HOHs and it won't work for them. Zach says he doesn't like Dick's tactics, but they work for him. He talks about Daniele's power in comps. "I'm the muscle and I'm going to muscle you out."

Jameka is sitting there looking dumbfounded and confused. Daniele is jumpy, Dick is getting into gear.

Dick is confident -- "If we win the POV, we win the game."

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update Sunday So Far

The show tonight here on the East Coast is going to start nearly a half-hour behind schedule due to the US Open. When it starts, I'll start a live-blogging post. Since I got hit by a porn spambot, I had to turn on word verification once again -- I apologize.

In house news, there's not too much going on since they slept away most of the day so far, but here's the skinny:
  • Dick is giving Zach the cold shoulder, but not the nasty.
  • Zach can't stop telling Jameka how much he hates Dick. He told her that if he wins HOH, he's taking Daniele to the final two.
  • Jameka exercised and keeps working on her crafts plate she started with the kit from the other night.
  • Daniele is being congenial to both Zach and Jameka. Dick is being congenial to Jameka.
  • Jameka and Zach are certain that today is 9/11.
  • Jameka and Zach don't know that the eviction of Jameka will take place Tuesday -- they're still thinking Thursday.

'Survivor 15: China' - My First Impressions on the Cast - Part Three

This is my third installment on the new castaways for Survivor 15: China. I know I'm rather slowly muddling through this, but I swear I'll have my cast thoughts up before the season premiere! Previous castaway thoughts can be found here. And here.

Let's get it started!

Oh, my. Erik has one of the longest bio sections I think I've ever seen for a contestant on the show. He's been a pauper, a prince, and a king! Er, okay. I made that up or stole it from an old song.

After reading his 1000 word (or more) bio, I come away with he's a rock musician, has done modeling, is a Christian, and was sidelined from his track star status due to a broken leg.

He thinks he's "genuine, honest, sensitive, competitive, a problem solver, athletic and sometimes, a perfectionist." Well, he does, does he? In his video on the CBS site, he adds another quality -- he's good-looking!

I don't know. I usually end up getting turned off when folks go on about how handsome or attractive they think they are. Yeah, when they do that, they often are attractive, but narcissistic ways are often a hint at other behaviors which annoy me.

So, let me move on to his favorites list. Maybe he can redeem himself with me and be something more than eye candy. He likes outdoor activities, always a good thing for Survivor, but he doesn't list the show itself. He enjoys The Beatles and Led Zepplin -- odd tastes for his age bracket. Hmm. For his cereal, he likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That shows he's young at heart, but thinking a bit beyond Froot Loops.

His chances? He's a puzzler to me. I think on the physical level, he'll do fine. But something just isn't sitting right with me about him. In his video he said he didn't want to come across as arrogant. Y'know, I think that just may be it. I think he might have an alpha male thing a'goin' on. I predict out before mid-pack targeted as a threat by the others. Of course, I could be wrong!

Next I'm taking a closer look at the youngest Survivor contestant ever, Frosti. I don't think you can understand how hard it is for me not to make Frosty the Snowman references. Dang, almost impossible.

First off, although he sounds good and seems very capable ... how did he get on the show? I thought the minimum age was 21 and he's only 20. Since his estranged father isn't on the show (keyword: Donato), I'm not sure how he's there, not at all.

Getting past his age and his name, I checked out his bio page on the CBS website. He does seem to have quite a background for the mere child he is. Oops, I didn't want to mention his age again. He's smart, athletic, well-traveled, and more. That Parkour stuff (read at the bio link) might be a big plus for him in the game.

I checked his video and, except for him mentioning his age so much (oops), I thought he came across as eager and personable. In his bio he says he's creative, dynamic, and determined.

In his favorites, he doesn't mention Survivor as a TV show, but does mention Jack Kerouac as an author. Hmmm. He enjoys his Frosted Flakes, but I sort of suspected a cereal with a sugar punch for him.

I don't know. I kind of like this kid. He has spirit in his video and could have what it takes. A helpful hint for him -- don't go around talking about how you're the youngest castaway ever. I think he could last a long, long time.

Next is Jaime. Not to be catty, but I don't think I'll like her much on the show. When I watch an introductory video and the person goes on about how catty other girls are when it comes to her -- it sets off red flags in my mind. It comes across as an "I'm better and prettier than you could ever dream to be" state of mind. Perhaps she'll get together with Erik.

In her bio page, she looks better than in the video. She's a college senior on an academic scholarship (has the brights!) who works part-time as a waitress throughout the school year (has a work ethic). She thinks she's friendly, energetic, and candid. In the video she mentions that she tends to bottle up the frustration until she "goes redneck" on folks.

A look at her favorites reveal that she's a fan of both Survivor and David Letterman. I might have to change my opinion of her! A Letterman fan? Cool. Uh-oh. She lists multiple cereals -- Rice Krispies Treats, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She's fickle! Ack! Plus, they're all cereals geared to the child within.

Y'know, I'd love to say for the Letterman nod, I'll like her in the game. But I just can't do it. I think she may last a while, but I think that there will be issues with playing well with others or attitude.

Finally - Life in the 'Big Brother 8' House - Current Screen Cap

Here it is going for nearly 4:30 PM here on the East Coast -- Jameka and Daniele just got up. Zach and Evel Dick are still in bed. Not together, of course!

Now, THAT is something they should do something about next season!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Buzz 9/09

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

G'morning! I just wanted to get a post up here addressing some of the conspiracy controversies, grassy knolls, and mistaken ideas about the final HOH comp for the season.

First, let's address the HOH comp -- it's the last one of the season. Zach will be playing even though he's the most current Head of House. If they do it like previous years, it will be in three rounds. But, in this final one, the current HOH does indeed get to compete.

Now to the grassy knolls and conspiracy theories ...

The letter Dick received from his son Vincent as part of his HOH package was pre-screened by the production staff. I watched as Dick talked to Daniele about the "secret code" he thought was in the letter. The key "code" was Vincent saying "I'm a suckster now." That is NOT code, although Dick and Daniele clearly think it is! I understood it right away. What Vincent meant by that is that he's frequenting/addicted to the survivorsucks.com site. They're a great site for both Survivor and Big Brother. Despite the "sucks" name, it's kind of like jokersupdates.com -- it's a good site for show fans.

And, frequenters of the site often just refer to it as "sucks" and when Vincent says he's a suckster, that's all it means. It's not referring to anyone in the house like Dick thinks it is.

On another note unrelated to the show ...

I want to make mention of a great loss to the TV Squad family. On Thursday talented writer Adam Finley was killed in a bicycle accident in Minneapolis. He was only 30 years old. Adam welcomed me when I came aboard as a writer there and his writing and choice of subject matters was intelligent, clever, and witty. He will be missed. My condolences go out to his family and friends.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into Saturday Evening 9/08

What a difference a day makes, en? Last night Zach had it all planned out and today his plans have all gone awry with the Donato Duo overturning the game once again.

Here are the events of the day from inside that Big Brother House Crushed Dreams and Ultimate Teams:
  • Once again, Evel Dick went for the "hate" move. While this isn't a strategy I like and I'm really not sure how it even works for him, he goes back to that when he thinks he can intimidate folks, shake up their concentration or game, or wants to be the one chosen to evict over Daniele. He planned to do his thing to Zach this time. Zach isn't all that easily intimidated and can control his temper. Not the best target for Dick's ire attack.
  • Apparently the Diary Room person wanted him to tone down his Dick Attack -- one word couldn't be used, there could be consequences for his actions. He thinks they panic too easily.
  • Zach continued to get closer to Jameka, something aided when he told her he had been a theology student.
  • Zach pep-talked himself a lot. He told himself he always chokes in comps and he can't do that today.
  • Dick had gotten up around six, but found a lockdown was in effect in prep for the POV comp -- so he couldn't smoke. Uh-oh. The way to make an antsy adrenaline-filled dude even more antsy and adrenaline-filled!
  • Jameka prayed.
  • Zach prayed.
  • They prayed together.
  • Dick and Daniele did not pray.
  • Dick (apparently forgetting his hate-fest for Zach for a moment) borrowed Zach's HOH CD player to play his own short-reign CD which he hadn't listened to as of yet. Air guitar and dancing. This guy needs Guitar Hero!
  • Daniele, on the other hand, was very nervous almost to the point of looking ill.
  • The comp started late, as is the usual for the house -- doesn't matter what season, I don't think I've ever seen a comp start at the pre-announced time!
  • It finally started about 2:30 their time and the feeds were blocked for almost two hours.
  • Then the news came in shortly after the feeds returned. Daniele had won the Power of Veto once again.
  • Dick is beside himself with glee ... once again.
  • Jameka apologized to her family via the live feed cams.
  • Jameka's fate is sealed. She's the only one to put on the block to replace a Donato as Zach is the current HOH. The sole vote will be cast by a Donato.
  • It sounds like Dick may have come in second.
  • Zach told Jameka he hates Dick -- hopes he wins the money and kills himself. Oh, my!
  • Zach told Dick that Daniele carried him (Dick) through the game.
  • Dick keeps saying that Zach is racist because he once said "that's very white of you." Now, I never personally heard Zach say it, but others (looking at Dick and whistling while thinking of Amber) have said worse.
  • Jameka is using her time left before going to sequester to talk to everyone -- Daniele, Dick, and Zach. She wants to know their strategies, what happened during certain incidents, alliances, etc. She thinks she will bring the knowledge to the rest of the jury -- but it's possible this year the jury might not all be sequestered together and, if they are, game talk is forbidden and handlers are there to enforce that. At least, that's the way it's worked in past seasons.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - POV Comp 9/08

Daniele won PoV, goodbye to Zach's plans.

'Big Brother 8' - Current Live Feeds Screencap and STUFF

Well, I didn't say it would be exciting, did I? Above is the current scene from the quad can view of the house as all of the houseguests sleep. Nothing of note really happened after their bout with the arts and crafts last night. BB had issued a curfew -- bedtime, no talking or fooling around, sleep -- last night in anticipation of the Power of Veto comp today. Tentatively, it's scheduled for 9 AM their time, but BB notoriously is late with these things.

Whatever and whenever it happens, I most likely won't be able to post about it until evening (ET). So, if you see or read news, feel free to comment about it. (If you see folks posting WRONG news, please correct 'em!)

In other blog-related stuff -- graphic artist Zoetawny's computer decided it was a good time to go seriously ill, perhaps die. I received word that there are problems with her computer, she's fine. But she might be absent for a bit.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update - Finally...!

Big Brother gave them something to do -- too little too late. Dick went into the storage room and found two boxes of arts/crafts stuff for age 8 and up. Jameka, Dick, and Daniele are going to make candles and STUFF! Woohoo! Zach is taking a shower in the HOH bathroom and plans to go to bed. He doesn't know about the crafts.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into Friday Night 9/07

When no one talks, it's hard to write about the hamsters. So, much of this will be screen caps I took this evening. I have a post awaiting publishing over on TV Squad, not sure when it will go live. But I didn't want to neglect you folks!

After the nominations ceremony, it became more of a house divided. Daniele and Dick trashtalked about Zach and Jameka to each other while Jameka and Zach more kindly and gently trashtalked about Daniele and Dick.

Nothing definitive is going to happen until the Power of Veto comp tomorrow.

Daniele exposes her knees to the world! One thing I must mention, although her behavior is often not showing it at all -- when she and her father were talking, she said, "No matter what happens, we're going to be friends forever again." At least she seems to deep-down realize that her father wants to be in her life.

Above is the view from Zach's spy cam as he watched Jameka, Dick, and Daniele in the kitchen post the feeds return after nominations.

Alas, this Dick picture I edited down for size for my TV Squad article and didn't save the original size. But I think it's a nice shot of him. He's not down at all about the nominations although he's ticked off at Zach. Right now, Dick is in BB Euphoria -- he's excited to be this far in the game.

Zach is watching the spy cam. No, he's not nude.

Jameka is chanting prayers in the hot tub. She and Zach exercised together earlier and talked a lot. It's odd that now they're new best friends, isn't it?

But, since they've all separated for some time now, no one is even talking.

Tomorrow will be the big excitement!

Friday, September 07, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Noms Confirmed

The feeds came back on about ten minutes ago and we have confirmation.

Daniele and Evel Dick are on the block.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Friday So Far 9/07

The nominations aren't in yet, but they may as well be. Zach is intent on putting Dick and Daniele on the block. He wants Jameka or himself to win POV so the noms remain the same. Then it's bye-bye Daniele, and hello to a final three of Dick, Jameka, and Zach. That's his plan, anyway.

Here are today's events from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
  • Jameka and Daniele talked long into the dawn, but I doubt Jameka thinks of Daniele as a friend in the game.
  • Dick asked/told Zach not to put both him and Daniele on the block. Zach told him it wouldn't matter. Dick said it would because of the POV.
  • Daniele asked Zach if he was going to put her and her dad on the block because one would probably go home. Zach told her it's a possibility.
  • Daniele told Zach that if he was in the final two with Jameka, he wouldn't win. (Since he's gone over that a good 20 times with Jameka since last night, he knows it.)
  • Daniele got mad at Zach and told Dick she hates him (Zach).
  • Daniele fussed once again about losing the HOH comp.
  • Daniele then fussed to Jameka about Zach. (Mmm, mmm? Mmm. <-- Jameka canned response.)
  • Dick once again talked to Zach. Zach doesn't seem to be wavering at all. He didn't tell Dick for sure that he was going on the block with Daniele, but he promised nothing.
  • Zach told Jameka that his biggest gamble in the game was not taking Eric off the block yesterday with the POV. He could have sent Daniele home then.
  • Zach gave Jameka a big speech about how he isn't as he appears, she will be surprised, etc. That's causing the Internet to go wild with rumors. Me? I think that because he's been called Shrek and an ogre and folks have implied that he's not so bright -- he wants to prove he had a game plan all along. That's my opinion, anyway. He's a business owner (DolphinCrash) and he is smart, has studied the game.
  • Jameka and Zach went over past comps through the seasons.
  • Although Dick didn't get the room, he got his HOH basket today -- snacks, chocolate syrup, cigarettes (although the short ones, not the 100s). He also got a letter from his son Vincent who is now a feeds addict. Dick thinks there's code in the letter. But, sheesh, Dick ... take it from someone who's done online BB stuff since season one ... when Vincent says he's a suckster, that isn't code. It means he's hanging out on the BB section of the survivorsucks site. @@
  • Right now the nominations ceremony must be going down. When I hear, you'll hear. But I think we could bet our bippies that it will be a Double Donato nomination.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Friday Pre-Dawn

I could almost sum up what Daniele has said in a few phrases:
"This sucks."
"That sucks."

There. Her reaction to losing the second HOH comp to Zach by a wee bit is out of the way.

Here's what happened since the live show from within that Big Brother House of "We All Float Down Here, Georgie" (a nod to Stephen King):
  • As I mentioned in my last post, after the feeds returned around midnight ET, the second HOH comp had been completed and Zach won.
  • Dick, who couldn't compete due to his very short HOH reign, told Zach that Daniele is very upset because she was so close.
  • Dick has spent most of the time since the feeds returned consoling Daniele who is moping, kicking herself, whining, and going into all but catatonic states.
  • Dick did take the time to hit the storage room with Jameka, see it had been freshly stocked, and offered to make them sandwiches as BB didn't feed them after the comp (their usual practice).
  • At times, Daniele got mad at Dick for trying to console her. (She probably would be mad if he didn't try, too.)
  • Zach got a crown, but he's not acting as insufferable as Dustin did.
  • Daniele fussed to Dick that she didn't want to see Zach's "stupid HOH room."
  • Daniele worked out and repeatedly refused to put on her microphone. No penalties happened.
  • Dick mentioned that he's the oldest person to make it into the final four of the game.
  • Daniele fussed that she's already getting the nominee treatment. @@
  • Jameka packed up Eric's things.
  • When BB called Daniele to the Diary Room she said she didn't want to go. Then she said if she went, she refuses to answer any questions.
  • Jameka is still upset about the blue ball in her tube at the POV comp despite the fact it wouldn't have changed the results.
  • Zach had a long talk with Jameka. He told her that her key will be in the box.
  • He also told her that, despite the fact that she's his friend, Daniele has to go home. He wants the final three to be himself, Dick, and Jameka.
  • He swears he will have her (Jameka's) back.
  • There ya have it. Nominations will be later today and Zach will put Daniele and Dick on the block.
  • In tomorrow's POV, Dick could remove Daniele or himself or vice versa. But if Jameka wins, she can't use it.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - HOH Done

The feeds just returned after being blocked about three hours. Zach seems to have won the HOH comp. Daniele is not happy and is fussing to her father. They also found out that there's two weeks left, not three.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 9/06 Live Double Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show is starting here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll be updating this entry. Please refresh to see the latest and, as always, your comments are welcome!

As I type this on the fly while I watch, misspellings and typos are a probability. Oops

Are you ready?

Recap about the Little Julie Chen Alliance doubting each other, the HOH, the Zach/Daniele/Dick deal, the Jessica and Jameka noms, and the veto comp.

Julie says it Day 69, Big Brother Fast Foward. Eric will do a cell phone vote live for the America's Player tonight.

Jameka doesn't want to campaign against Jessica. Jessica hopes that Dick and Daniele stick to the final four deal. Daniele and Dick try to think ahead. Dick thinks Jameka is too confident. He will string her along telling her she will go home, then offer her a deal shortly before the live show.

Jamkea cried. She's playing for her whole family. She ran and told Jessica.

Jessica tells Eric. Eric thinks that if D&D wanted one of them out, they would have both on the block. Eric is sure that Dick and Daniele will honor their deal and keep Jessica safe.

America's Player -- He got the word that Jameka is "America's" target this week. Verry happy.

Eric approaches Daniele asking her if Jessica was staying. Daniele lies and tells him she is.

Julie is going to tell them about the Fast Forward.

Jameka speaks her bit to us, gave word, guarantee, etc. Strategic first conversation later, hope to still be here. Jessica mentions HS rival and says sitting next to Jameka is harder, may the best person win.

The voting:
Eric -- evict Jameka as per "us." Julie tells him code -- the HG who she tells to lead the others back into the house, that's the target.
Dick -- evict Jessica
Daniele -- Jessica

2-1, as I predicted, Jessica is voted out.

And Eric cries. And Jameka cries.

Eric says he's not surprised, he understands to Dick. Eric said that Daniele should have warned him so he had two days.

Jessica tells Julie campaigning wouldn't have helped. Future with Eric? I love him, feelings real, maybe outside? Goodbye messages -- Dick is so sorry, strategically had to do it. Zach - no hard feelings. Daniele apologizes. Jameka loves her. Eric cries.

HOH comp is coming up. They're off to the backyard.
AP target? -- 1 Daniele 2 for Dick 3 Jameka 4 Zach Text 81818

HOH comp is "Before or After" It's one where they're on stairs, step forward for after (?), backward for before. All right first two rounds. These are events in the house. Daniel just took the lead. Now all tied up again. Daniele and Eric tied for lead. Eric leading by one question now. All tied again now.

DICK won, he's the new HOH.

America is targeting Daniele. I don't think that will work for Eric with Dick as HOH.

Nominations are next. Commercial break!

Eric knows he will be nominated. Dick nominates Jameka and Eric, as we could have guessed. He had a deal with Zach to not put him on the block this week and you know he can't put Daniele on the block. Eric made a half-hearted effort to mention that he should nominate Zach and Daniele, but I don't think it will count as a completed task.

Time for the POV comp! Out in the yard, they have little helmets on. It's called Niagara Falls, 5000 rubber balls, collect only green ones and put in tube, first with 8 in the tube win.

Jameka leading so far with 3, Dick has one, Daniele has one, Eric two. Zach and Jameka leading with three. Zach up to four. Jameka disqualified -- blue ball in tube. Zach needs one more.

Zach has won the Power of Veto!

Time for the veto meeting -- Zach is thinking. Jameka tells Zach she's not ready to go home, teary. Eric says he has no expectations, give me a fair chance.

Zach isn't go to use it, he made an oath to his group. Another live vote and eviction next -- either Jameka or Eric will go.

Last chance for Eric and Jameka to plead their cases. Jameka first -- on the block so much not fun, strategic, kept word, etc., blah blah. Eric says he's disappointed and surprised. I've been good to the three of you, kept my word, didn't elminate you, I've been good to you, be good to me.

The voting:
Zach votes to evict Eric.
Daniele votes to evict Eric.

Eric has been evicted. Dick says he had the best time of all with Eric while in the house.

Julie greets America's Player. Jameka cries.

Eric tells Julie he's at peace right now. He mentioned that the America's Player changed his game. The ones who voted out would be gone if he had played his own game. He says Jessica wasn't a showmance. He won $40,000.

Tuesday will be another eviction followed by another eviction on Thursday where it will be down to the final two. On Sunday, they'll show the HOH. That show won't be live, so I can only think it will take place perhaps tomorrow or Saturday.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Thursday So Far

Although I'm zooming in here late tonight, I will be live-blogging the live double eviction show when it starts here in the NYC area. I think chances are that the second HOH comp will be an endurance one. Dependent on what it is, I'll try to hang in with it!

In comments, someone asked about Dick and Daniele's proposed deal to Jameka. Since the feeds block for a few hours before the live show (and remain blocked through the live show), I don't know if they actually did it. They plan to vote out Jessica and thought they'd make it seem like Jameka was the target, then save her last minute using her for not voting for them to go (or something along those lines).

In house news for today, there really wasn't too much going on besides a huge make-out session in the early morning hours between Evel Dick and Eric.

Whoops! Make that between Eric and Jessica. My mind must have slipped!

They cleaned a lot, complained about ants. It seems the Jessica vote-out will probably be 2-1 tonight. They have no clue about the double eviction planned and still think there's another week to the season past the finale date (9/18, I believe).

Their trivia questions they play instead of the blue liquid vortex need an editor.
@@ CreateD, thank you!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Through the Overnight Into Thursday Pre-Dawn

As I write this up, all are in bed. But here's a profile screen cap I took of Jessica as she talked with Eric last night.

Here's the skinny on the house happenings last night:
  • Dick and Eric had another installment of their ongoing argument about the amount of dishes Eric washes. Eric thinks he's washed 6000 dishes this summer, Evel Dick scoffs at that amount.
  • Daniele would just as soon Eric not wash dishes because she doesn't think he gets them really clean.
  • Daniele thinks there will be a fan question on the show tomorrow and thinks there should be plenty of time for one. Heh. No time with a double eviction!
  • Zach talked about Jen not showering for a week.
  • Zach packed his bags to move out of the HOH Thursday. This is unlike Jessica who stayed sleeping in the room and didn't pack until well past the deadline to get out.
  • Daniele and Dick talked more about Jen.
  • Eric told Jameka he will definitely be voting for Jessica to stay. (America's Player?)
  • Jameka told him that she hopes that Jessica stays just so she can win HOH and get "them" out.
  • Eric and Jessica talked more about their wedding.
  • While in an indoor lockdown, something was set up in the yard. HOH?
  • Dick and Daniele went over various comps and house happenings in preparation for a memory-based comp. (Although they don't know if it will be such.)
  • Eric trashtalked Jameka to Daniele and Dick. (Personal maybe, but this does seem to be America's Player when added to what he told Jameka earlier.)
  • As the evening went on it became three separate groups -- Dick and Daniele, then Jameka, Eric, Jessica and mainly by himself and to bed early, Zach.
  • It ended up being an early night for them, all in bed by 3 AM their time.
  • No one knows what tonight will bring!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Video - Janelle on Evel Dick

Well, talking about him ... not ON him. Sheesh!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Janelle Chat

While I watched and recorded the whole thing, I found the editing to manageable sizes and uploading is a bit daunting, so I'll give you a taste with a clip here. I'm sure someone with a lot more time than I have (and a faster system) will upload the whole thing. I'm a bit leery about copyright issues in uploading the whole hour myself, too.

The things she said which caught my interest:
  • She's a fan of Dick and Daniele, doesn't like Eric.
  • She's still friends with Will Kirby and has even made up with Rachel and, more recently, James.
  • She doesn't think she said anything during the POV comp which gives the HG any indications about how they're doing. She said she was less conversational with Eric and Jessica because they didn't talk to her.
  • She enjoyed flirting with Dick and thinks he has a charisma or charm about him when he's being nice.
  • She's not thrilled with the America's Player idea.
  • She heard a rumor when she was at CBS that Jen was packing her bags, but hadn't left sequester. She said they might all be in separate sequester apartments.
  • She thinks Jessica will leave tomorrow.
  • She says she's retired from Big Brother, but would love to do The Amazing Race.
  • She had dinner with Nick in Minnesota and thinks he's very nice.
Here's the clip I uploaded to YouTube. If you see the whole thing posted elsewhere or have questions, let me know!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - The HOH and Janelle

Eric and Dick pose for the HOH camera. I don't think this shot will make the CBS site.
Right now the Janelle chat is running on Feed 4. I'm recording and will upload it later!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Screen Caps and the Day So Far - 9/05

Once again the houseguests have slept most of the day away. Right now they're in an indoor lockdown and something's going on in the backyard. They're hoping it's not an elaborate construction for tomorrow night's Head of House comp. I think it's either that (although it's way early) or they might be setting up the Janelle chat for tonight out there since CBS and RealNetworks are involved. I guess we'll see. In the meantime, I'll share some of the screen caps I've taken today.

Eric just mentioned the spit on the grass. Dick thinks it dries in the heat. @@

Daniele complained to her father about Zach, Jameka, Eric, Jessica, and her Dad. Move along, nothing to see here.

Jessica got out of bed long enough to do her hair. I find this frightening, but I couldn't tell you why. She's reminding me of the Bride of Frankenstein or someone of that ilk.

Dick got up. Dick went back to bed. Dick complained about others not cleaning to his standards.

Yet he thinks spit dries in the heat and isn't disgusting.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Webcam Chat with Janelle on Feeds Tonight

If you have the live feeds, check it out tonight -- Janelle will be having a live webcam chat broadcast over the feeds for us. I have confirmed this via the SuperPass main page.

If you don't have the feeds and you're a Janelle fan, it could be time for you to look into the free two week offers online. They would cover the end of the season, too. But, make sure you cancel them or they will charge you.

I'll be watching/recording the chat tonight and will get out the word to y'all.

'Big Brother 8' - No Sequester House Footage?

I've written an article over on TV Squad regarding the lack of sequester house footage this season. Odd move indeed, eh?

In current house happenings, they were all asleep and BB just blocked the feeds -- probably the wake-up song of the day. Gee, before noon their time. Feh.

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

I'm having bandwith issues, but wanted to get this Zoetawny graphic out there while I can!

'Big Brother 8' - Into the Night Tuesday

Above, Daniele complains to her father that "they" never clean. Yes, she's cleaning. But it's usually Evel Dick doing the majority of the cleaning in the house.

Here are the happenings into the late-night hours of Tuesday from that Big Brother House of Mean Girls and Oddfellows:
  • Daniele once again assured Eric that Jessica is safe this week. (She lies.)
  • Eric and Daniele talked about how some people go on about how much they NEED the money and that shouldn't be a reason to win. They all want the money or they wouldn't be there and no one really can say that a life-changing amount of money is more worthy for one than another.
  • Eric thinks Jameka is upset with him because he will vote to save Jessica, not her.
  • Daniele reported her conversation with Eric to Dick. She said that Eric wanted to know so if Jessica is leaving, he can spend some good times with her. Daniele said she feels bad, but Dick told her not to -- they can say it was a last minute change of mind.
  • Dick thinks they can work out a deal with Eric after Jessica goes, Daniele disagrees.
  • Daniele and Dick argued about ice cream. @@
  • Daniele thinks Eric is the biggest complainer in the house. Dick told her that she is. Heh.
  • Daniele thinks the show must be boring people. Others pointed out that the feeds-watchers must really be bored. BINGO, we have a winner!
  • Daniele and Dick argued about where he should smoke.
  • Jameka asked Eric what he would do with $50,000 (second place) if he won it. He told her pay off bills, get ahead on his rent, probably take his family on a vacation.
  • Daniele wants Zach to write something about her and Nick's trip to the Serengeti in his HOH blog entry.
  • Daniele thinks that Nick probably mustarded Jen's shirt because he denied it so much.
  • Daniele told Dick that Jameka hates her, then told Zach that "they" hate her. (It's only fair -- half the time she's going on about how much she hates them all.)
  • Jameka thinks Dick is hated by his family. (The contrary seems to be true. It sounds like his mother and son really adore him and, in reading Daniele's LiveJournal, Dick was her idol until a few years ago. But he dated Jerri Manthey from Survivor and Daniele liked her. So, you can't always go by Daniele!)
  • Eric thinks that Daniele is different from Janelle because Janelle was a bitch to those she didn't like. (Umm...!)
  • Dick said Eric is the sloppiest person in the house -- spilling things, making messes and never cleaning up properly after himself.
  • Jameka thinks Dick looks after Daniele, but Daniele doesn't reciprocate.
  • They're bored.
  • So am I.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 9/04 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

The show is starting here on the East Coast. This entry will be updated throughout the hour, so please refresh your page to see the latest. As always, feel free to jump in with your comments! The more, the merrier, I say!

And, if you brought snacks, share them!

Please excuse any typos or misspellings as I type the live blog a bit on the fly.

Recap ... Amber leaves once again. Into the HOH comp and Zach's winning efforts, their reactions. And, golly gee, it's Jessica and Jameka on the block after Dick/Daniele and Zach make a deal which will keep Zach safe next week.

Zach tells us he's the dreamcrusher. Jameka thinks Zach is in a deal with Evel Dick and Daniele. Jessica regrets not pushing for Zach to go instead of Amber. Eric feels it's all his fault.

Jameka and Jessica really want Eric to win the veto. Will it happen?

Daniele visits Zach in the HOH room and says how "pissed" jessica is about it. Zach thinks she should have defended herself. Daniele imitated Eric's shifty eyes.

Eric tells Jameka he feels responsible for Jessica being on the block. He's teary, his voice is shaking. Jameka is sitting there nodding at him. He told her he cares about Jessica a lot. He cries to us in a DR session.

Cut to funny stories at the dinner table. Jessica says she once said she wanted to be President or ... a waitress. Daniele and Evel Dick snipe at each other. Daniele thinks she's happy with being a waitress. Dick told her he was only making a joke while she ignores him. "I can't say anything without getting attitude." On and on ... again. I hear enough of this on the feeds!

Eric and Jessica whisper strategy. They don't want Jameka to win POV because Eric will go on the block and one of them will go home for sure. She's still saying how she had wanted Amber to stay. (Then she should have made different noms, eh?)

Janelle is sneaking into the backyard in the wee hours. (Just after they went to bed, around midnight for once.) Pink, roases, a chair, Eric thinks it could be their wedding. Janelle on the morph screen. Eric said something about Miss Piggy. Jessica loves her, Janelle compliments Daniele's bandanna. Daniele loves Janelle.

Brains, balance, will to win. Spin in the chair for 60 seconds, follow the trail to the screen, two morphed faces, figure it out, go on to the next. Janello-vision!

Daniele up first, seemed to do very well. Next up is Jameka. She's not doing so well. Evel Dick takes the throne. Janelle told him he's so hott. I'm sure it's a two t hot. He's doing better than Jameka but not as good as Daniele.

Eric seems to be exaggerating the spinning/drunk effect, but tells us how much he needs to win the veto. Not doing so hot (with one t). Zach thinks he has an advantage because he's a graphic designer. He's doing pretty good, but not quite as fast as Daniele. Jessica is trying hard.

Dick 4/Zach 6/Eric 3/Jameka 2/Daniele 7/Jessica 4 -- Daniele is the winner of the Power of Veto.

Time to say goodbye to Janelle. She a Dick flirt a bit, woohoo! ;-)

Jameka and Jessica don't look too happy and Daniele has to point that out to Dick. Then she dances in the HOH room. Zach tells her that Dick and Daniele only have to compete against Eric to send Jameka home next week -- target Jessica this week.

Eric tries to console Jessica, but she's not having much of him. She does the cover her head and hide from the world thing she does so well.

Dick is still going on about Janelle. He's beaming. Daniele looks disgusted about the whole idea. It made her throw up in her mouth a little.

Eric is trying to convince Dick that Jameka has to go. Dick is humoring Eric by playing along. Eric believes that Dick and Daniele are still in with them on the alliance. Eric looks squirmy.

Eric tries to console Jessica again. Of course, he really believes Dick. They kiss. Gag me, please!

America's Player -- the mimic task -- Evel Dick. He's happy wiith our choice. Mimic three separate occasions before the veto ceremony. He smokes and mimics. Second time. Dick is laughing. Eric spits. They're like kids flinging milk at the breakfast table from their cereal bowls. Task completed.

Dick is up early trying to figure out the evictions scenarios. He's joined by Daniele who has the same thing on her mind. They have the power to eliminate any of the three -- Eric, Jessica or Jameka. Daniele thinks Eric has been sneaky. Daniele wants them (D&) to do whatever it takes to take them farther in the game. Dick is having a harder time thinking about betraying someone he's promised a deal.

Time for Daniele to make her decision. She wants what's best for her and her Dad. Jessica would rather Eric on the block than herself. Jameka thinks Daniele should use the veto and Zach put up Evel Dick. Eric thinks Jameka needs to go, Daniele should keep the noms the same.

Veto Meeting -- Jameka says she's excited and grateful to still be there, respect her decision. Jessica says difficult situation, first time on the block, will understand if she doesn't save her. Daniele mentions backdooring and Eric squirms. She decides not to use the power of veto. Jameka and Jessica still on the block.

Jameka cries to us. Jessica doesn't trust Dick and Daniele. Once again, Daniele says she needs to do the best for Dick and herself. (Love how she always includes him in this, but treats him like dirt otherwise.)

America's Player -- Who do we want Eric to vote to evict? Jameka or Jessica?

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Tuesday 9/04 So Far

Zach leans on the counter in the kitchen thinking about tacos.

Here's the skinny on the Hoppin' Happenin' Big Brother House of Fools:
  • Dick was up early -- eating, burping, spitting, smoking, and cleaning house.
  • He eventually headed back to bed, then it was Daniele's turn to get up. He heard her and joined her in the kitchen. She told him she couldn't sleep and was freezing. (Outside it's been extremely hot, so she's talking the air conditioning inside.)
  • Daniele told Dick that he should tell Jameka that there's a possibility she might be staying this week. Daniele thinks she might not "go for it" because "people in here are weird."
  • Dick said that Zach is going to say hi to Vincent (son) and Janelle for him when he writes his HOH blog.
  • While the rest slept away, Daniele exercised.
  • Then Zach and Daniele tanned. (I'm not getting this laying about outside during the temps they've been having there as of late!)
  • The BB voice informed the HG that there are 116 windows in the house.
  • Daniele told Zach that she had an awkward moment when Jameka came to her about what Dick had said. She couldn't think of any response and told her she'd talk to her later this week.
  • Jessica packed some more and painted a bikini on her rat (from the POV comp last week).
  • Daniele complained to her father that "they" (Jessica and Jameka) ignore her like she's been the bad guy in all of this.
  • They had an outdoor lockdown and they hoped BB sprayed for the ants in the kitchen.
  • They think there are 23 days left. They're wrong!
  • Jessica complained of cramps. (Of course, that gives her an excuse to lay down and be away from people!)
  • Lots of small talk. They're bored out of their minds. Well, what minds they possess, that is.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Overnight Into Tuesday 9/04

Wow, the inmates, er... houseguests actually called it an early night despite napping all day yesterday.

Here are the events from inside the Big Brother Asylum:
  • Dick, Daniele, and Zach complained about Jameka's behavior. They said she was slamming around things packing, waking others up as she did so, moping, and not mingling with anyone.
  • Dick fussed that everyone wanted Jameka to go home.
  • BB gave them more beer and wine.
  • They played Quarters (including Jameka).
  • After the game was over Dick was saying once again he'd like to see Jameka leave this week.
  • Eric and Jessica had another smooch-fest.
  • As it went on, Jessica got more talking about the game than into the kissing. She's worried that she will be evicted.
  • As far as I know, despite Dick's complaints about Jameka, the plan is still to evict Jessica this week.
  • All is quiet on the western front.

Monday, September 03, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 9/03 Live Feeds - A Screen Cap Speaks 1000 Words

It's been basically a very quiet day in the Big Brother house as most nap it away. Daniele decided to make cookies. That seems to be her specialty in the kitchen.

Is that an ant in the pan? I do believe it is! Yuch!

Dick sleeps on his round bed, stirring now and then.

Okay, now I'm not a huge neat freak or anything, far from it. But what's with the feet and crossed legs sitting on the table as she prepares the cookie batter? What's up with that? I guess an ant in the batter won't matter.

Zach joined her and HIS feet are up on the table, too! Dirty socks and all! That's it! They cannot come visit me! So there!

As far as game talk, there's been very little. It's almost uncomfortable watching (eavesdropping) as Daniele and Zach talk. He seems to think she actually enjoys his company, yet I know she's using him and doesn't have any interest in him as even an acquaintance. She talks about him behind his back and doesn't respect him at all. They talked a bit about Dick telling Jameka she's going home. Daniele feigned confusion over that.