Tuesday, February 26, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - Feb. 26

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm writing this a bit off the cuff. As always, I want your take on the show in comments! After all, that's where the fun is!

It's the black and white recap. I wonder who decided the older stuff should be balck and white. Oops! Color, it must be new now! ;-)

They're all hugging after the nominations ceremony. Alex thinks it's Amanda's fault he's on the block, So, it's still all old news. He's fussing about James going back on his word.

Matt and Natalie are talking. He's mad, but he's not blaming Natalie for being on the block. Alex is sulking and trying to avoid Amanda. He's being rough on Amanda, but he has a point.

Allison is relieved not to be on the block. So Sheila is pointing out how much she's changed to Mattalie. She claims her gut feels betrayed by Allison. Matt confronts James and he pretty much points out that they're playing Big Brother. Alex is out there, too. James tries to convince them it will be a great POV.

Sheila confronts Allison saying she's getting a weird vibe from her. (I've seen this ... I think it's mostly in Sheila's head, but she made it into a situation.)

Time to pick players for the POV comp -- one wild card couple -- Sharon and Joshuah. The host will be Adam. Matt and Alex went into the storage room -- one of them MUST win and they're still buddies despite being on the block against each other. James is a bit oblivious to them.

The POV is ready to start. They have their hardhats on and they're in the backyard with electrical stuff and radioactive barrels. They all have sweats yet they're shivering. They're supposed to restore communications. They have to go into bins of peanuts, hook up communication wires on poles which would allow them to reach the outside world ... or something to that effect. In pouring rain, Joshuah and Sharon won.

The news from the outside world was McCain leading, Barack Obama is leading Hillary, Britney Spears gossip ... then a fake story tying in with Jericho about the Hudson River Virus cutting off people from the outside world. (I think I caught that when I fell into the Hudson some years back!)

Amanda cheered both Republican and Democratic. Most of the houseguests mispronounced Barack as they read aloud from the ticker. They made it barrack as in army barracks. @@

Sheila's back to ranting about Allison. That drove me crazy on the feeds. She was on her rant too loudly, too long. She built it up in her mind and now Allison has reason to turn on her. Sharon eavesdropped and is now reporting to Allison, Ryan, Chelsia and James.

Allison has to go talk to her. I see no problem with that. She is being slimed by Sheila's oddness. Sheila reminds me of a boss I had decades ago who called me a smart-ass college kid (when I had graduated college a good decade before!).

Ryan and Adam come in and they're right. Allison was NOT backstabbing Sheila. Not friends any longer now!

Sharon is instigating a bit, but Sheila was out of line. All of a sudden, Allison had to go to the DR -- she's having some sort of allergic reaction. As she's talking to the nurs, Amanda and Natalie are in the kitchen. Amanda hasn't been eating her slop. Oops, she passes out! Hypoglycemic. She's into a convulsion and it does look real. The TV is more clear (and larger) than my feeds. And we even get to see the nurse!

James helped Amanda and that's impressed Adam. Joshuah feels bad about Amanda because he was so mean to her. Now they're all worried about their BB family. Now even Sheila feels bad.

Amanda's back! She just goes and tries to crawl into her bed, but they all check on her and drag her out. Alex not so receptive.

Amanda's happy to be with "these people" and touched. And now Allison is back.

Aw, a big hugfest and Sheila is normal once again! Well, she's crying to us from the DR. Amanda has a new resolve to win.

Joshuah and Sharon are readying for the veto meeting. Sheila is worried because of her own stupidity in fighting with Allison. Amanda and Alex speak first, kind of a do what you have to do. Matt and Natalie respect the decision. Natalie doesn't want to go back to the Beaver State. She always has to use the nickname, you know.

They didn't use the veto, nominations remain the same.

BB9 - Stuff!

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I couldn't resist putting this new graphic by Zoetawny up -- I think it's more funny than risque, don't you?

My latest feed report is up over on TV Squad. Just a note of explanation -- I link the actual article here, so you don't really see the jump. But if you're reading the main TVS site, I can't post any spoilers before the link to read on. So, I'm not entirely bonkers. But it dawned on me that you guys often don't see the jump link.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show in a new entry. Please stop back!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Night

Natalie, Matt, and Adam talk game in the wee hours. I do wish Adam would stop playing with his pants.

Here are the evening and late night happenings from that Big Brother House of People I Don't Want In My Life:
  • Allison told Chelsia that Matt has always been genuine with her. Chelsia told her he's said the same things to her -- he's playing everyone.
  • Chelsia thinks that Amanda/Alex and Adam/Sheila will be weak in the HOH comp due to being on slop.
  • James wants Joshuah to expose both deals that Allison made with both couples up for eviction.
  • Meanwhile, it looks like Allison is definitely in with Adam and Sheila and has turned pro-Matt and Natalie. Note I said Allison. She has to get Ryan to agree with her.
  • Joshuah told Amanda he thinks Allison will vote to evict her and Alex.
  • Allison asked Ryan to make a deal with Matt. She told him that Chelsia told her that she and James want to be in the final four with Joshuah and Sharon. Now, where would that leave Ryan and Allison? Not in the final four plans!
  • Ryan is reluctant because both couples they'd turn on had voted to keep them (Chelsia/James, Joshuah/Sharon).
  • Allison and Matt pinky-swore to be in the final four. (There. It's a done deal.)
  • Joshuah wants to win HOH so he can go off on Allison. He says he "hates" her.
  • Sheila says she can't sleep at night because she's always thinking about the game. Before, it was due to the snoring.
  • Matt is starting to get over-confident that he's staying. He might be his own worst enemy.
  • BB had supplied the HG with a huge supply of condoms. Joshuah and Sharon made water balloons out of them. Now, that I can get into!
  • BB yelled at them to stop.
  • Perhaps fitting, Natalie said she worked at Hooters for years.
  • Matt told Natalie to quiet her game down and lay low until Wednesday.
  • Now the three who were still up headed to bed.
  • And I need breakfast.

Monday, February 25, 2008

BB9, Dexter, Lost, and Schtuff

Bring me a glazed donut, please. Wait, I mean a chocolate donut! Better yet, bring me both! This dog was parked outside the donut shop on my way to work. Yes, I'm back to work although I still feel exhausted, drained, and I'm coughing a lot. Darn the flu!

My latest Big Brother 9 live feeds report is up over at TV Squad. I'll be posting another update here late tonight. Today has been on the quiet side in the house after last night's group gropes.

I watched Dexter last night. I've been wanting to see this series since it started, but without Showtime it's all new to me. I find the series as intriguing as I thought it would be from what I've read about it. But, think about it ... Dexter isn't your average serial killer. He's more about going after those folks who are the ills of society. What if ... what if ... we put him in the Big Brother house this season?

With the change to Thursday nights, I'm finding myself not watching Lost until Sunday as I have a deadline for my Survivor review on TVS. It will be worse when it goes to 10 PM, but I already have it delayed by days. That said, the last two episodes have been powerful and have me really into the show once again. What happened to Claire? You know she wouldn't leave Aaron behind or let him go with Kate without her? And Ben becomes even more mysterious!

I haven't seen Roofus lately. Well, I was out of work three days of my five last week and there's snow on the roof. Hopefully the cat is hanging out over at the old rental car place with friends and food.

Thanks for hanging in with me as I fought the flu. I won. I think I won.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn - Feb. 25

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I have a report put up last last night over on TV Squad. In it is a gallery of recent screen caps I took from the feeds.

Maybe Zoetawny's graphic will get Sheila some more of that Tylenol PM she craves so much!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rampant Bad behaviors:

  • Natalie thanked Matt for being nice to her Sunday. She's still holding out hope for a relationship after the game, I think.
  • Amanda told Allison she wouldn't put her up on the block again.
  • BB gave them beer. Just what they needed!
  • What to do? Why, they can play strip tease! Sheila tried to get the guys to play, but it seems the girls are more willing. @@
  • Chelsia and Natalie kissed to the chanting of the crowd.
  • Keep in mind this started in time for BBAD!
  • There were cucumbers, whipped cream, and more.
  • They jumped in the pool. James is naked, but the rest of the guys have their underwear on.
  • Natalie and Chelsia are topless.
  • Natalie and Chelsia got all over Joshuah claiming they wanted a gay boyfriend.
  • There were mutual make-out sessions by odd couplings in the pool -- Sharon and James, Chelsia and Natalie, Sharon and Matt, Sharon and Alex, Chelsia and Matt. Even Joshuah got into the action with the girls.
  • Amanda, Allison, and Sheila watched from the kitchen. They're disgusted. They think Natalie probably saved herself because she's all over the guys.
  • Joshuah is thinking of evicting Amanda again because he had so much fun with Natalie.
  • Chelsia talked with Allison -- she still says it will be Natalie and Matt going home.
  • They're still up as I get this posted, but it's mainly small talk and speculation about winning HOH, etc.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - Feb. 24

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll be constantly updating this post. Comments are definitely welcome!

So far Jen and Parker just went home again. Ryan and Amanda are upset, Allison is happy and they're trying to make it sound like she plans moves on Ryan.
Matt wants to work people over so he can win the game.

Okay, it's to the HOH questions from the other day and Chelsia and James win HOH all over again. They're pleased with their shady qualities. Alex thinks it will be Amanda's fault if he goes on the block because of her attention-seeking ways. Natalie thinks she's safe. Allison thinks that Chelsia thinks she's a lesbian and is safe.

They decide they'll drink out of bowls since BB took their cups.

James gave Matt his word that he's safe.

Joshuah told Sharon that Sheila and Allison are lesbian lovers. She's shocked!

The HOH room was celebrated. I love the pic of Chelsia's cat! Once again James assured Matt and Natalie they were safe. Operation Condor is the move to eliminate all of the couples pictured on the top row of the Memory Wall. Alex and Amanda are the targets and they're looking for a pawn. Adam, Rayn and James are trying to figure the pawn.

Ah, BB is showing things out of time sequence. Before they didn't have drinking glasses and now in an apology segment between Amanda and Joshuah they have drinking glasses on the table. Amanda offers to ally with Josh.

Onto Natalie having butterflies in her tummy over Matt. She thinks it's a match made in heaven.She's topless in a bubblebath with visions of "Matty" in her head. He's oblivious to her. He tells her they can't have sex. So she decides he's mean to her.

Allison tells Sheila that they ought to confess about the lesbian lover lie to Joshuah. Sheila is worried that if they tell about the lie, they'll be targeted.

Food comp time! HOH couple can participate in the comp. Two teams SEAduction and DEVotion compete. There are boats and nets, but it all sticnks of dead fish floating in water around the boats. It's a bit like the Survivor challenge this week. Some hold the heavy net, others throw dead fish into the other side's net. When a team can't hold the net up anymore, they lose.

Ryan loves a dirty girl covered with fish guts and blood while Matt thinks it's disgusting. Adam, Sheila, Amanda, and Alex are on slop for the week. James and Chelsia are spared as they're HOH.

Bueno laughs as Amanda's key word is exposed.

James thinks he has feelings for Chelsia. The blurring of his tattoos on the show kind of messes up any scenes with him. Chelsia likes him but takes more of a "we;ll see" attitude ... until it comes to a kissfest, that is!

Allison and Sheila tell Chelsia about the lsebian lover lie. She tells them that she told James. Now they tell Josh. (And they're drinking from bowls again.) Joshuah is confused. He is uneasy.

Chelsia and Joshuah now think they're just liars. They bring James into it ... and now no one trusts them.

James is talking to Matt about being a pawn. Matt reminds him that he said he wouldn't put him up. James told him not to worry.

Nominations today, so we get the whole rules thing again. Amanda thinks that she and Alex are considered a threat. Natalie feels safe because James and Chelsia gave their word to not put them on the block. Adam and Sheila are worried. Alex is worried and blames it all on Amanda.

The key order is: Adam and Sheila, Joshuah and Sharon, and Ryan and Allison. Nominated for eviction are Matt/Natlaie (we need you to win POV, most strategic way to get a certain couple out) ... targets are Amanda and Alex. They say Amanda isn't trustful.

Matt says never to trust a guy with pink hair and, if he stays, he's gunning for them.

BB9 - Power of Veto

The power of veto wasn't used as we knew it wouldn't be. I'll be live-blogging tonight's show from here on the east coast.

Please stop back!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Evening - Feb. 23

Ai-yai-yai, I am the margarita bandito

Despite the fact that the hamsters thought the margarita party would be Monday, it was actually tonight.

Here's what went down in that Big Brother House of Sombrero-Heads since I last wrote:
  • Sheila claims she's been acting badly because she hasn't had enough sleep. Mind you, she takes (and begs for) Tylenol PM every night. I'm wondering if she's a person with sleeping problems supported by pills before moving into the house.
  • Alex has some honor on a wall at Surf Taco in NJ for eating a 3-foot taco in under 15 minutes. I've never been to Surf Taco. I do (did?) have my name as a high scorer in a Pac-Woman video game in a bus terminal Pittsfield, MA, though.
  • Alex can do nifty-keen cartoon voices.
  • When they started talking about BB8 Jen-sa Mamber having a web site selling her shirts before CBS knew it, we got the fireplace.
  • Margarita party!
  • Pinatas with little prizes -- rings, lipsticks, fake tattoos, etc.
  • Sombreros for all.
  • Then came the nudity (covering my eyes). First Natalie was practically bottomless wearing a thong.
  • They were told there's a time limit on the party. I find it interesting that the party had to end before the ShoToo BBAD show kicked in. I guess they don't want it to be on there. Hmmm.
  • James walked around nude with a pinata covering his 'bidness.
  • Natalie's boobs are so not real. And I don't think they need smiley face tattoos on them either.
  • By 8:15 PM their time, the party was shut down and all the HG had to go to the yard, still sombrero'd, yet clothed.
  • It hailed there. They found it exciting. I don't recall it ever hailing when I lived in Southern California.
  • Matt and Natalie argued. He's mad because she told others he didn't want to have sex with her. Matt told her that she's just not his type -- he doesn't care for the outgoing, naked in public type. She cried. He apologized.
  • Natalie later told Chelsia she was just mad, not crying. Sure.
  • The girls talked about how Matt is playing all of them. (And he thinks he's Mr. Slick, eh?)
  • Natalie confronted Matt about hitting on every girl in the house yet getting upset about her nudity. He told her he doesn't want the discussion in public. He said she's right about everything and he's sorry.
  • Matt is now sure he's going home.
Maybe James and Chelsia will now have to have a reverse EPIC and RUTHLESS move and go back to the original target to shake things up!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Schtuff

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yes, it's another Zoetawny graphic for our nominated couples!

My latest feeds report is up over on TV Squad and I'll be posting more here late tonight.

BB9: Live Feeds Into the Dawn - Feb. 23

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Quick! Call the medics! Have the guys in the little white coats respond to the Big Brother house immediately!

Send therapists! Send psychiatrists! Send people with sharp needles and straight jackets!

Oh, wait. It seems they'll only come for medical emergencies, not psychiatric ones. If they came for the latter we'd be down to a houseguest or two ... maybe.

Here's what happened after all of the excitement last night:
  • Sharon told Matt and Natalie that they were the pawns. (Of course, the EPIC and RUTHLESS plan of James and Chelsia where they're going to vote them out includes leading Natalie and Matt on!)
  • Sheila once again wants Tylenol PM -- probably her head wants to explode from screaming and ranting so much. She claims it's from all the snoring and BB won't even give her ear plugs.
  • Joshuah and Ryan want Alex/Amanda and Adam/Sheila on the block next week (taking in the idea that Matt and Natalie go home this week).
  • There was a brief gathering of all the HG in the Diary Room with the producer's voice saying that Amanda and Allison would return and they have the flowers requested by the HG for them.
  • Natalie doesn't feel well. She has a horrible headache and no appetite.
  • Amanda came back into the house first -- at about 10 PM their time.
  • Amanda still isn't feeling well; Natalie feels sicker.
  • Amanda said that she and Allison were in different rooms for treatment.
  • Sheila continued to fuss and moan. She wants Joshuah to use the POV so she can be put on the block and go home.
  • Sheila cried because she left her son to be in the house. (Shouldn't she thought of that before now?)
  • Allison came back about 20 minutes after Amanda. It might not have been a peanut allergy -- she has to have more tests to see what caused the reaction although it was definitely an allergic reaction to something, not an illness.
  • Matt doesn't want to share the bed with Natalie in case she's contagious.
  • Sheila, Amanda, and Amanda all made up with each other. Sheila wants BB to change the slop back to PB&J -- she thinks it's why people are getting sick.
  • James thinks Sheila is bipolar.
  • Joshuah practiced his Veto speech -- "let the house decide."
  • Ryan thinks Sheila is too touchy to talk anything about the game.
  • James and Chelsia talked small talk getting to know each other even better.
  • He didn't tell her about the gay porn appearances.
  • James and Chelsia couldn't sleep for the longest time, but all are asleep as I get this posted.

Friday, February 22, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Bulletin

Amanda had what appears to have been a seizure and passed out. Joshuah pushed the panic button which summons the police. The feeds were blocked, when they came back Amanda isn't in the house. She's in the hospital. Allison might be, too. Alex said her face was full of hives and swollen so he hardly recognized her. She seems to be missing from the house, too.

Josh thinks Amanda was overreacting. Sheila wonders if Jen or Parker will return.

I thought Allison's symptoms sounded like an allergic reaction and someone said she had peanuts and she's allergic. Amanda said earlier she had hypoglycemia issues.

BB9 - Live Feeds Blurb

I'm awaiting an update post over on TV Squad to appear, but here's the main news:
  • Joshuah and Sharon won POV
  • Sheila is freaking out over and to Allison.
  • Joshuah and Sharon don't plan to use POV but aren't telling Sheila.
  • I've been uncontrollably sneezing all day.

BB9: Live Feeds Into the Dawn - Feb. 22

James curls up alone just a little while ago. Since I took the screen cap, he's gotten up, gone through a half-dozen tissues sneezing, snorting, and popping a pimple on his back. Finally he headed into the HOH room. Everyone else is asleep.

As I mentioned briefly last night, the nominations are in -- Alex/Amanda and Matt/Natalie.

In other happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Brazen Buffoons:
  • The food challenge had something to do with fish and basketball, apparently.
  • Allison had what she thinks is an asthma attack. She's not asthmatic.
  • Alex and Amanda are the target this week and Natalie had volunteered to go up as a pawn. Matt is of the "pawns don't work and get voted out" school.
  • Alex complained about the slop. (Jolt my memory -- wasn't it Alex on the promos a while back scoffing at people who whined about slop?)
  • Amanda gave a hint that during the nominations ceremony, they made it sound like it was due to her that she and Alex were put on the block.
  • Adam told Matt he has his back. Matt told him he told Parker the same thing.
  • Sheila thinks Allison has changed since she got off the block.
  • They joked about how "expect the unexpected" this season might mean getting HIV from another houseguest.
  • Matt claims that he was a pimp, bringing women to houses for sexual liaisons and that the statute of limitations is over for his crime.
  • Allison told Matt that he has her vote to stay because Alex and Amanda crossed her.
  • Sheila is still hungry and isn't as thrilled with the slop as she was earlier. She wants a Tylenol PM so she can sleep.
  • Alex told the others that Amanda is a virgin.
  • Amanda got into some sort of crying streak.
  • Chelsia and James talked about winning POV to make an "epic" move -- removing Alex and Amanda from the block and voting out Natalie and Matt. They would make a deal with Amanda and Alex and it's supposed to be some sort of huge game move plan. I dunno.
  • They're all asleep as I get this posted.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Update - Nominations Bulletin

Nominations are in: Alex and Amanda, Natalie and Matt.


'Celebrity Apprentice' - East Coast Updates - 2/21 Show

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!

Hydra lost -- Lennox, Piers, Marilu, and Carol.

Marilu Henner was fired.

'Survivor Micronesia' - East Coast Updates - Feb. 21

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full review of the episode will be posted on TV Squad later tonight.

Please feel free to comment on the show happenings ... you know I love to know what you're thinking!

Favorites win Reward -- shelter, lighting and survival kits. They send Kathy to Exile Island along with their own Ami.

Fans win immunity!

Yau-Man was voted off thanks to Cirie.

BB9: Live Feeds Into the afternoon 2/21

Hey, if I have to suffer watching him pop his pimples when I'm sick, so do you.

Here's the lowdown from inside the Big Brother House of Mean People:

  • After their big HOH, James and Chelsia got all snuggly. His gay porn days might have been just for the money, I guess.
  • Chelsia later got drunk.
  • There were more whispers about the lesbian lovers. Most have really bought into the story. Have you? ;-)
  • Ryan and Adam realize the lesbian lovers bit is a lie and don't seem upset.
  • Sharon thinks the Allison/Sheila alliance is strong and needs to be broken up.
  • Sharon is wary of "screwing over" everyone and then not winning in the end.
  • Sunday is the bikini day, Monday is the margarita party.
  • Joshauh doesn't want to go on the block, not as a pawn, not as anything.
  • James didn't go up to the HOH room until the wee hours after falling asleep downstairs.
  • The HG really overdid it with the alcohol and many have headaches. Amanda doesn't think they'll get any more alcohol for a few days.
  • Matt told James that they almost shaved off his mohawk while he was passed out.
  • They don't like the no hot water, Sheila seems especially irked.
  • Nominations are today, but haven't been made yet as I get this written up.
  • James thinks Adam, Sheila, and Allison are playing the game dirty, spreading rumors and stuff.
  • The feeds were blocked for a food comp which was apparently quite physical.
  • Adam, Sheila, Amanda, and Alex are on slop.
  • Sheila is fussing about her health.
  • Alex thinks the table got smaller, but no one else does.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Eviction East Coast Updates 2/20

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I've been asked to post my actual show review over on TV Squad tonight, but will post the big news as it airs here on the East Coast. Your comments are welcome!

8:35 PM ET Update -- Still no eviction. They've laid it out like could be a tie with Adam and Sheila still up in the air. It's not going to go down that way, I'm sure.

The votes were not live and they didn't reveal how each couple voted. It was 3-1 for Jen and Parker to go.

Chelsia and James are the new HOH couple.

BB9 - Live Feeds Happenings ... and Stuff

Yep, the cams are all trivia now, have been for a while, and I expect things to remain pretty much blocked into the live eviction show.

I'm still feeling way under the weather here, but was asked to review tonight's episode for TV Squad as the regular reviewer can't do it. I said I would. So, I'll just have an east coast update post here once the show starts and I'll definitely get the boot and new HOH news posted on this blog.

In other live feeds news from that Big Brother House of Wayward Whackos:
  • Sheila said being Pet of the Year (Penthouse) only paid $5,000.
  • Amanda tried to get an alliance going -- her, Alex, Joshuah, and Sharon. Joshuah didn't seem too receptive.
  • Matt talked about when he was on Fear Factor.
  • James thinks there's only five weeks left. He's not considering that the couples may be split up long before then.
  • Joshuah and Sharon know that if they vote to save Parker and Jen they would be targeted.
  • The fact that Allison has said she didn't really need the money is indeed coming back to haunt her as I said it would. She told them the other day she earns over 100 grand a year.
  • The girls are talking yeast infections from the hot tub. Ewww.
  • BB made an announcement that everyone with tattoos must cover the inappropriate ones while the ShoToo BBAD is on. Geez!
  • Natalie is still way more into Matt than Matt will ever be into her. Wake up, girl!
  • Parker still hopes the vote is a tie (but I don't think it will be).
  • Jen and Ryan went at it ... again. At least it was in bed, not the bathroom stall.
  • Much of today has been cleaning, primping and blocked feeds.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - Feb. 19

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Another great graphic from Zoetawny!

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as it airs. Please be warned that I'm somewhat under the weather -- my typing speed and accuracy (in typing) might be a bit off tonight.

Of course, you're welcome to comment. I swear I won't pass on the flu to you!

Recap city. It's too bad they didn't show Joshuah running again to tell Neil the lesbian secret. That was the best part of that!

Jen's all weepy and it's her own darn fault. Had they kept a secret it would be diffrent. Parker and Allison are both blaming thir partners for being on the block ... as they should at this point.

Amanda ... bueno is NOT a greeting.

There. I got that out of my system.

Parker and Amanda have a thing for each other, but we already knew that. Joshuah explains how he chose Sharon to replace Neil. And all they said was "family emergency." When Sharon found out that Jen lied (basically) on the first day when she said (or omitted) that she knew no one in the house.

Amanda thinks Alex is mean to her. Alex thinks she "flaunts her stuff." So Parker massages her. Alex thinks she's letting her emotions interfere with her game.

Lovebirds ... Jen and Ryan. Jen tells us how cuddly and touchy-feely her relationship with Ryan is. "We are human. We have needs." Oh, great. We're going to get the sex in the bathroom stall bit.

Sheila and Allison are back on thir lesbian lovers story. Chelsia tells James. He falls for it and thinks that's why Sheila has been mean to Adam and there could be other couples.

When James voices his suspicions to Alex, Alex thinks Amandar (as he says it) and Parker have a previous relationship. Amanda freaks out at Alex because she put her hand on the Bible!

Parker gets bent out of shape and confronts James ... and it was never James who even said Parker and Amanda! Preschool! Amanda thinks Alex created the whole drama-fest out of jealousy. @@

My God. These people all deserve each other.

Alex tells Amanda that it bothers him that she walks around like a slut. She gets upset. I'm not sure why he has feelings for her. What is wrong with the cast? These are not love matches! Sheesh.

It's onto picking players for the veto comp. Joshuah will host, and Matt and Natalie were randomly selected to participate. Matt told Parker he'd use it to save him, but told us he won't.

The yard is all hearts. One is on a heart and the partner will spin while the spinning person holds a panic button. I'm getting sick watching them spin. Allison's finger came off the button. Amanda deliberately let go of her button. Alex is ticked off at her. Matt and Natalie won. Jen blames the loss on Parker.

Matt is still playing Parker in that he'll use the veto to save him. Silly Parker.

Amanda walks out on Alex because he told her he doesn't want to cuddle and wants to concentrate on his game. He's definitely not keen on her relationship with Parker ... and I know from watching the feeds, she's all over Parker!

It's time for the POV ceremony. It bothers Matt that Parker is paired with Jen. He'd save Parker by himself in a moment. With the couples thing, if the winning POV holders can't agree, it's not used. They don't use it claiming Alex and Amanda put them up in the best interest of the house. Parker tells us whatever. Jen is ready to fight.

Parker just looks so dejected.

Bloggy Stuff, Big Brother 9, Etc.

Blech. I don't believe it's a cold which hit me so quickly and hard. I think I have the flu. I feel horrible, didn't go into work today because I can barely hold my head up (except to cough).

At least the houseguests are cooperating. Nothing much has gone down in the past 24 hours. I have a new report up on TV Squad.

I plan to live blog tonight's show (unless I conk out beforehand), so please stop back during the show!

Oh ... I did love Dexter the other night and plan to watch it each week. However, I won't be blogging about it on a regular basis because it's on late at night and Monday mornings can be a bear at work.

Monday, February 18, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Evening - Feb. 18

Argh. I woke up today with the world's worst cold. Right now I'm pumped up with Dayquil, but blech. So it this seems a bit short and sweet, it's me not them. Well, it could be them. Yeah, I'll blame them.

Here's the real basics of what happened in the Big Brother House of Those Who Can't Make it With Real Jobs:
  • Ryan said he doesn't believe in interracial relationships (yet Jen is partnered with Parker).
  • Parker says he will refuse to talk in the DR or at media appearances. He says the contract says he has to show up, but doesn't address actual talking.
  • Joshuah and Sheila tried to figure out who's more hateful -- Amanda or Jen.
  • Alex told Matt that BB was begging Parker to go to the DR and he refused.
  • Jen seems irked that the cameras are watching her. Well, duh.
  • Parker is still mad that he was coupled with Jen.
  • Amanda said she cried all night and had planned to stay in the HOH room all day.
  • Amanda told Natalie they can't trust Jen and she's probably going home.
  • Someone poured water on Allison/Ryan's bed last night and they have all kinds of theories.
  • Jen has a rashon the back of her legs and asked that the BB doctor check it out.
  • BB gave them a scale so they can weigh themselves. Joy, joy.
  • Amanda is still upset at Josh and went on about she had never even kissed Parker yet.
  • Lots of small talk and that's about it. No fireworks today ... yet.

My Latest Feeds Report ...

... will be up at TV Squad later this morning!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Upate - Into the Evening 2/17

I've already told you the biggest news -- the nominations are remaining the same. Here's more from that Big Brother House of Dastardly Dawgs and the Bimbos Who Fall For Them:
  • Matt and Parker would like to see James go. Of course, Parker might be gone long before James is even on the block.
  • Ryan admitted he likes Allison and could see hanging with her, but Jen thinks she's a goody-two-shoes.
  • Parker spent most of the day moping around.
  • Parker and Amanda talked. He told her it's unattractive to keep being reminded of his faults. He also told her that he didn't go into the hot tub last night because James was in there with his "nasty ass."
  • Amanda and Parker kissed.
  • Natalie thinks that Amanda has backstabbed her (by telling Matt that she's interested in him after the game?) and let Joshuah, Sharon, and Ryan know that she's only pretended to be her friend since the first day.
  • Allison told Amanda that she asked Ryan who the biggest threat in the house is and he told her Parker (not surprising since he's up on the block against Parker, eh?). He then said the second biggest threat is Amanda/Alex. Mind you, she's telling Amanda this.
  • Sharon thinks Jen is a backstabber.
  • Both Sheila and Sharon talked about how stupid it was for Jen and Ryan to tell anyone they're a couple. Duh.
  • They're mad that Parker said the women in the house are only a 6.
  • Parker thinks that the only attractive woman in the house is Amanda.
  • Jackie thinks Parker has bad taste.
  • Sheila thought Alex was attractive until he said how much he wanted Amanda (?) but said she wouldn't "do" any of the guys in the house.
  • Parker thinks that Sheila might have been an 8 in her Penthouse days.
  • A big brouhaha broke out over Parker and his 6 call. @@
  • Jen told Allison that she hopes America realizes that she's on the block because she wouldn't vote out her boyfriend ... she's just that loyal to him! Yeah, right.
  • Jen also indicated that she's sure to win and she was so sorry Allison would have to go.
  • The HG think that the $750 a week stipend isn't enough. I think the viewers should all be paid $750 a week to watch!
  • Matt talked to Alex and Adam about his sexual opinion of the girls. I pity any woman in his life. He's a dawg pig!
  • He claimed to the camera for his ex-girlfriend that he wouldn't and didn't "sex" anyone. Um. Lost cause boy here. There, not here. Thankfully.
  • Adam told Matt and Alex he would keep his word to vote out Allison and Ryan, but he wasn't sure of Sheila.
  • Jen told Parker and Sharon that Sheila told Allison she'd vote her out.
  • Meanwhile, Allison and Sheila are all kinds of chummy with the exception of lesbian lover chummy.
  • Matt told Parker he's playing Allison.
  • Amanda and Natalie are in the hot tub as I get this posted. They think James and Matt are fighting, but Alex said they weren't when they asked.
  • Apparently there is something going on -- Sharon just confirmed it. Natalie ran off saying she had to talk to "Matty." @@
These people are whacked.

'Big Brother 9 ' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - 2/17

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this post. Please forgive any typos. And, of course, please feel free to jump in with your comments!

Oh, it's a memory wall. Matt's full of himself and how good-looking he is. Parker and James talk about how big Jen's mouth is about how great looking she is. Why aren't James and Parker going off about Matt? Of course, Matt told us, not them. Jen said because she was first on the wall, it means she will win.

Allison is SO not happy about Ryan having his girlfriend Jen in the house. She confides in Parker. Allison is threatening to reveal the "secret" that Jen and Ryan are boyfriend/girlfriend. Allison wants to convince Ryan to go against Jen. Ryan promised Jen he would choose to ally with her over Jen.

Amanda tells all that her father committed suicide. Although it's all probably true, I think she's putting the rest of the house through a bit of a guilt trip. She tells them that that's why she is always happy and smiling.

Even Chelsia thinks more of Amanda now.

HOH room reveal. There's a nautical theme and a photo of Amanda and Alex. Alex also has a cross he made from the WTC where his father died on 9/11. AHA! I just thought of who Amanda reminds me of -- Jason Bateman!

Allison is having real difficulties dealing with the couple situation paired with Ryan. She says she's done. Everyone (Parker and Jen) want her to just shut up and deal with it.

James tells Jen that Adam's name is the Hooded Warrior. Adam tells them he's uncircumsized. He shows them all. This is just too weird.

Allison seeks out Sheila for emotional support. Parker and Ryan discuss putting everyone onto Jen and Ryan beofre Allison spills the beans. He tells Alex and Matt. Alex is concerned that he waited before telling them. Now they mistrust Parker to an extent. Then it's off to tell Natalie and Amanda. Amanda is ticked that Jen kept a secret from her.

Allison tells Matt that they told her not to tell and she's mad that they did say something. Matt told her that they only told a few people. Matt tries to get Allison on his side.

Jen is way smug when confronted by Allison and freaks a bit. Allison just looks shocked at her reaction. Argue, argue, fuss, fuss. Now Sheila knows. Allison is pushing that she didn't tell anyone (she didn't come out and tell Shelia earlier), but Jen did.

Allison is crying to Joshuah and Neil about it all. Now the house wonders what other secrets might be out there. (Maybe they'll find out Neil is Sharon!) They all swear on the Bible that they know no one in the house.

Alex and Matt immediately click and promise to partner to the end. A new alliance is born -- Alex/Amanda and Matt/Natalie. They decide to put up Ryan and Jen and Parker and Allison ... not necessarily in that order!

Sheila and Allison grow closer. As a matter of fact, they decided they'll be lesbian lovers. They're having fun, but then tell Joshuah they're in a relationship. They ask him not to tell anyone. He's shocked. He's in disbelief.

Josh runs to tell Neil after he promised secrecy. Neil cracked up. Then they tell Chelsia they're partners and adopted a son.

Sheila talks to Parker about her issues with Adam. "Nothing he can say or do can redeem himself." Alex thinks Sheila is mean to Adam. Now Alex and Matt are defending Adam and Parker's just giggling.

Adam confronts Sheila, she runs off screaming expletives. The others think it puts a target on Sheila and Adam and Shiela is crumpled crying on her bed as the commercial starts.

Nominations today. Allison is worried and thinks that the Ryan/Jen coupling will get her nominated. Adam thinks if he and Sheila get nominated, it will be Sheila's fault for making him look bad.

I just can't stand Allison's voice.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Key order is: Sheila and Adam, James and Chelsia. Matt and Natalie, Neil and Joshuah.

They say that the reason is because of the previous relationship between Jena and Ryan. Allison thinks Jen made her own bed. Jen is crying and then acts stupid and smug in the DR. Parker is nowhere near smug. Alex thinks they should suffer.

Latest BB9 Feeds Schtuff

My most recent feeds report is over on TV Squad.

Although that was written hours ago and since then the hamsters have all arisen, there really isn't a heck of a lot of new news.

The PoV ceremony was supposed to go down at 12 noon their time, but may or may not have happened. The feeds have been blocked for a few intervals, but there's been no concrete confirmation that the event has occurred. The current indications seem to be that the nominations will probably not be changed.

Natalie is upset that Amanda called her a whore. Um, well, too bad, so sad. Not that Amanda's all that much better, but you make your bed, you lie in it, Natalie. Open your eyes ... Matt cares nothing about you no matter what you do under the covers!

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show from here on the east coast and will post another feeds report here later this evening.

UPDATE: PoV was NOT used, noms remain Parker/Jen and Ryan/Allison.

TV Newsy Bits - Sunday, February 17, 2008

Now, what the heck is that, you ask? Is it a phone? Is it a Supertramp album? Neither. It's a bin which holds bags of salt at the Bound Brook NJ Transit Train Station. The Supertramp graffiti stencil caught my eye. Unless there's a new movement for the band, I'd imagine it's been there for well over a decade, perhaps two.

I've noticed that since I found out exactly how bad my knee is, it seems to hurt more. Ow. It's back to work tomorrow after a week off. Wah. But I have a lot to do to prepare before the surgery -- quad-strengthening exercises, save money towards insurance deductibles, stockpile canned goods and other necessities for a long confinement, etc. I already know the supermarkets in the area who deliver, plus the good folks at the local corner store have volunteered to bring over anything I might need. Then I'll have to get my apartment totally set up for the maximum use with minimum movement.

I'll take another vacation week (I have five) before going under the knife (or saw ...eek!) mainly to get the apartment set up. I don't want to spend time in a rehab facility but understand it's going to be very rough for at least the first few weeks. But it will all be worth it. If I take a vacation next year at this time, I'll be able to photo-stomp Chinatown for the Lunar New Year, something I had hoped to feel up to this year but couldn't.

In the Lost news department -- I screwed up recording the show and somehow recorded the wrong channel. Ack. I tried to watch it online at ABC, but something is screwy with their video versus my computer. I get the audio fine, but only a white box in lieu of the video. I'll have to rerecord it this week when it repeats on Thursday. Grr.

I'll be posting a feeds update a bit later over on TV Squad. I'm having some trouble not making it all sound like porn.

Enough of this ... it's onto today's TV newsy bits:
  • We all know by now, the WGA strike is OVER! Yay, the writers got a decent package! TV Squad has about all the strike news you need to know right here. That includes articles on when shows we love (or hate) can be expected back.
  • An extremely odd note -- I'm not finding an interviews with Mary, Survivor's boot from last week. The sites which usually have exclusive interviews with the castaways have nada with her. Very odd.
  • American Idol will feature songs of the '60s next week, like that's never been done before. Now, I have to admit that I enjoy that era but I always wonder what the teens who are so hung up on the show think about it. Aren't there good songs from the new generation out there?
  • Speaking of American Idol, there's a brouhaha brewing over Carly Smithson who had a professional record deal under a different last name a few years back. Should she be allowed to compete? Of course, I just like to use the phrase "brouhaha brewing" and don't have any real stake in things whether she's in it or not.
  • According to The Hollywood Reporter, the recent episode of Lost had its worst ratings of the season. I feel it's my fault. I'm sorry. I swear I'll watch the repeat next week!
  • So You Think You Can Dance (about the only dancing show I get into) will return on May 22. Fine, I'll be out of commission for a few weeks around that time, but I'll surely manage to watch the show ... even in the hospital room.
Today's musical non-sequitur:
Could we have kippers for breakfast
Mummy dear, Mummy dear
They got to have 'em in Texas
'Cuz everyone's a millionaire
--"Breakfast in America" by Supertramp

Saturday, February 16, 2008

BB9 - Through the Day - Saturday, Feb. 16

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yes, graphic artist Zoetawny nailed it with this one, didn't she?

Remember ... we wanted this season. It's all our own darn fault for getting so hyped up for an out of the ordinary winter season.

The couples just aren't working for me (nor for most whose comments I've read). I guess if you're a teenager yourself or into quasi-porn, maybe it's fine with you. But most adults are getting turned off, at least from the feeds. It's possible they'll show just enough to up the ratings for the aired shows, I guess.

Anyhow, here are the events from inside that Big Brother House of Low Morals Embarrass Yo' Mama Nincompoops since I last reported:
  • I'm under the firm impression that the HG should be told that BBAD (ShoToo live feeds coverage) is canceled. They act like bigger jerks during that time because they think it makes for "good TV."
  • Parker, Amanda, and Matt joked about Matt "doing" Allison, then she goes home and he'll "do" the next one, then eviction.
  • Allison didn't fall for it. Good.
  • Natalie is still all agog over Matt and he couldn't care less about her.
  • Jen and Parker think that Matt will convince Natalie to use the veto to save them.
  • Alex and Amanda aren't happy together, but we knew that. And, I'm sure it's not going to improve any.
  • Parker is worried about Alex campaigning to get him and Jen gone.
  • He really wants Matt to use the veto. Of course, Matt AND Natalie have to agree on that and it would mean that the couple (non-coupling on the show) Jen and Ryan would both remain. I think everyone in the house wants to split them up no matter whose side they're on. The actual couple is too strong of a basic alliance to keep together in the house.
  • Amanda and Chelsia talked about Sheila growing on them and Allison causing issues.
  • Matt is worried that if he uses the veto it'll put a target on his back.
  • Sheila was up first again, must be an older generation thing, eh?
  • Matt thinks the difference between him and Natalie vs. Alex and Amanda is that his partner likes him and he can "puppetmaster" her. Alas, he's probably right. Natalie's a bimbo. I can see why she's a bikini barista.
  • Parker thinks that Big Brother is racist and complained that he hasn't received anything he's requested.
  • Sheila, the ex-Penthouse Pet (whatever), told the others she would never have sex on television. My respect for her has increased although I don't particularly care for her.
  • Amanda told Matt that Alex was touching her as he thought she was sleeping. True? I personally doubt it unless he's just some kind of sex fiend. He doesn't like her.
  • She asked Matt to tell her if Alex says anything mean about her. Oh, my God ... it's gone from 5th grade down to 3rd.
  • Joshuah and Sharon also know of her "touching" story and think if Alex knew she was saying it, he'd go crazy.
  • Matt thinks the ratings for the show will be in the top ten. Yeah, right. I don't think so!
  • Amanda and Alex are not talking to each other, very pointedly. @@
  • Nataie's all upset that Allison told Matt that she (Nat) could see herself dating after the show. "She wasn't supposed to tell!" Oh, geez.
  • It's finally dawned on them that eviction isn't Sunday, it's Wednesday.
  • Natalie told James and Adam that she doesn't want to use the veto -- one of them (Jen or Ryan) has to go. (But will her personal puppetmaster try to change her mind? Or is he just telling Parker he may use it and doesn't plan to do so at all?)
  • When Natalie went crying to Matt about Allison, he told her not to worry -- he doesn't believe anything anyone says about her unless it comes from her. She was relieved. He turned to the camera, winked, and smiled.
  • Amanda now wants to go home because of Alex. She, of course, ran to Parker with her woes.
  • Allison is sure she'll stay if the nominations remain the same. She and Sheila agree that Alex is running the show (of Amanda and Alex).
  • Josh and Sharon think it will be fun to watch the reactions when Jen and Parker are sent packing. Then they talked about dropping a hints they might go so Amanda doesn't freak out about losing her Parker.
  • They both think Amanda is a whacko.
  • In an Alex/Amanda discussion, Amanda told him that she thinks they have the votes for Ryan and Allison to be evicted. She said although Parker is getting her mad (huh?), Allison hates her so she wants her gone.
  • Amanda says that she and Alex are the only two in the house who have never done any drugs. (Obviously, drug use or not doesn't matter when you're WHACKO!)
And that's all she wrote.

Feeds Update and ...

My latest Big Brother 9 feeds update is up over on TV Squad.

I also have another post there with a sexy Survivor calendar! :-)

Friday, February 15, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Day - Feb. 15

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yes, it is indeed another Zoetawny graphic! She's one busy little bee these days, isn't she?

I probably won't be getting to my Lost review until tomorrow as I haven't watched the episode yet. My apologies to those who are waiting.

But you're not here at this post just to get Lost, right? Nope!

You want the latest scuttlebutt from that Big Brother House of Maliciously Mingling Malcontents!

So let's get to the events of the day --

  • Horrors. BB woke them up shortly before 9 AM their time and made them all go upstairs.
  • Matt told Parker that even if he (Parker and Jen) win PoV, Ryan will probably stay. It seems like the intended PoV replacement remains Adam and Sheila. They would have fewer on their side than Ryan and Allison.
  • Matt told Parker he wants Allison out of the house. He's previously said how much he supports Parker and doesn't like Ryan.
  • After all the whining about the cold, they're delighted that it's warm there today.
  • Matt and Natalie were the couple pulled from the hat to compete for PoV with the HoH couple (Alex and Amanda) and the two nominated couples -- Ryan/Allison and Jen/Parker.
  • After extensive small talk sessions and a period of blocked feeds, the PoV was finished. I request they don't do trivia but give us the Guinea Pig Cam instead for extended blocks.
  • As I mentioned earlier, Matt and Natalie won PoV.
  • Amanda told Chelsia that they won't use it because Ryan and Jen must be split up.
  • Joshuah hosted the comp and it had something to do with stamina.
  • Sheila trusts no one.
  • She also thinks they won't air a lot of her tantrum about Adam because she cussed too much. (That never stopped the show before!)
  • Allison told Sharon that during the HOH comp (already televised with Eric and whats-her-name), Jen was giving her the answers as they apply to Ryan. But Jen was giving her the wrong answers!
  • Chelsia said that Natalie told James, Josh, and Sharon that she and Matt would not use the veto.
  • Matt told Parker about getting his Monica Lewinsky on last night. Stupid, stupid Natalie!
  • More small talk and I'm outta here for now!

May Adam watch over us all in his gentle gaze ...

* Screen cap taken by me for use in this blog and is © CBS/RealNetworks

BB9 Live Feeds Update Flash - POV

Matthew and Natalie have won the Power of Veto. Matt has already said Parker's the only one he trusts in the game. Will he and Natalie take Jen and Parker off the block?

A full update will be posted later!

New BB9 Live Feeds Report

My latest live feeds report can be found over on TV Squad. For those looking for hot hook up action ... it happened even though they don't like each other.


BB9 - Live Feeds Update - Into the Evening 2/14

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yeah, Ryan is worried. He's worried about Jen being near another man and he's worried that he'll be evicted.

What a heavy burden to bear!

(Thanks to Zoetawny for the graphic!)

Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother house of Dubious Duos since I last reported:

  • Once again I'm amazed about the lack of personal responsibility expected from the houseguests. BB had an outdoor lockdown so that they could clean the guinea pig cage. I know 7-year-olds who do that. Perhaps it's best that the HG don't handle the guinea pigs. They might corrupt them.

  • Allison and Sheila think Alex is aligning with the wrong women in the house. Sheila told Allison that Parker talked about suicide. (Now, I didn't catch him actually doing that ... it's possible that Sheila is embellishing things a bit.)
  • Sheila thinks Jen is the boss in the Jen/Ryan relationship.
  • Sheila also thinks that Jen threw her own boyfriend under the bus and thinks that Jen and Parker are master manipulators. (Puppetmasters? No way!)
  • If Allison leaves, Sheila plans to ally with Sharon.
  • Sharon's picture is now on the Memory Wall.
  • Parker thinks it's the most unfair season ever.
  • Allison complained to Parker that Ryan isn't even talking to her. (Too involved having sex in the stall with Jen, I guess.)
  • Parker and James think that eviction might be on Sunday.
  • There's still no hint of any upcoming food comps.
  • Amanda is tiring of Alex. She told Parker that Alex thinks he's smarter than her and wants to do all the talking, make all the decisions.
  • Alex is suspicious that Amanda knew Parker before the house. She denies it.
  • Alex and Amanda screamed at each other in the yard. He doesn't want her talking to James and Chelsia or Sheila and Adam.

    • Alex is really on an anti-James rant.
    • Amanda is even madder at Alex.
    • This bunch gets into huge blow-ups over the most stupid things -- down to the point of yelling about who swore at whom first.
    • James and Adam both want to vote out Jen and Parker. The only problem? James and Adam aren't partners!
    • They all dressed up for a romantic Valentine's Day dinner in the House of Hate.
    • They said grace and each said what the day meant to them. BLECH. If they actually liked each other, that would be different.
    • Parker and James shook hands and said they will handle things better without going off at each other.
    • Matt said he only trusts Parker.
    • Amanda thinks it's a woman's job to clean up after her man. @@
    • Amanda and Alex went at it again. No, not sex ... arguing!
    • Alex is still on the You Hang Out With Parker Too Much rag. It's as if he thinks Amanda is his real girlfriend.
    • BB gave them more alcohol, just what they need!
    • Amanda and Alex, after Amanda visited the Diary Room, read the PoV instructions to everyone.
    • Still no Power of Veto comp yet, though.
    • Chelsia is upset because others are saying that James is her brother.
    • James put more fuel in the fire by walking away from the accusations.
    • James and Chelsia think Matt started the rumor.
    • Tears, drama, and more ensue. Such stupidity.
    * Screen caps featured were taken by me for exclusive use on this site. All screen caps are © CBS/RealNetworks

    Thursday, February 14, 2008

    'Celebrity Aprentice' - 2/14 Episode - East Coast Update

    Although I won't be blogging the entire episode, I will post the main events and the firing here. Everyone is invited to share their thoughts in comments.

    Trump is splitting up the teams in kind of boy/girl fashion.

    Omarosa and Piers are on the same team. Well, physically on the same team. I don't think there's a real meeting of the minds going on there.

    Trace, Tito, Marilu, and Stephen on one side. Omarosa, Lennox, Carol, and Piers on the other.

    The team with Piers and Omarosa won. Omarosa gets sent to the other team because Piers refuses to work with her again. After the firing, that is.

    For the first time ever, Trump fired NO ONE. He just couldn't do it because the team members are so good.

    'Survivor Micronesia' - East Coast Updates - 2/14

    jackie's tv blog, survivor

    Yes, it's a new graphic by Zoetawny!

    The show has started here on the East Coast. While my full episode review is posted on TV Squad, important updates (immunity, the boot) will be posted here and you'll have a real time comments area to hang out in.

    Reward (fishing gear and bamboo boat) and Immunity won by the Favorites. They choose to send Kathy to Exile Island (picking up on her being an outsider on her tribe because others volunteered her to sit out of the challenge). New twist has them choosing one of their own to accompany her -- they chose Cirie. Two people, one immunity idol.

    Mary voted out, Mikey B in shock.

    Happy Valentine's Day ... and Tonight's Blogging Plan

    Jackie's TV Blog, holidays

    Yes, Zoetawny was kind enough to make a Valentine's Day graphic for the blog. Doesn't she rock, guys?

    Again I'm faced with the Thursday blogging dilemma.

    At around 8 PM ET I'll put up a Survivor 16: Micronesia East Coast Updates post. I'll do live updates as it airs here with the most important things -- immunity, the boot, and such. Later on in the evening my full episode review of the show will be posted on TV Squad. However, everyone is invited to comment here on the updates post as they watch the show.

    Then at 9 PM ET, I'll put up a Celebrity Apprentice updates post. Most likely I won't add much other than the fired, but folks will be welcome to discuss the show in comments.

    While I'm writing up the Survivor review for TV Squad and having Celebrity Apprentice on for the update, I'll be recording tonight's Lost for later review here. It could be worse ... at least there's no Big Brother tonight!

    Today's musical non-sequitur:
    Yummy, Yummy, Yummy.
    I got love in my tummy,
    And I feel like a-lovin you:
    Love, you're such a sweet thing,
    Good enough to eat thing
    And that's just a-what I'm gonna do.
    -- "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy" by The 1910 Fruitgum Company

    BB9 - Live Feeds Report Into the Day, Feb. 14


    Well, well, well ... it's Valentine's Day in the Big Brother 9 House. Will there be fisticuffs? Will there be love? Will there be hot jungle sex? (Oh, wait. That last one is tonight's Survivor episode!)



    Here's the latest skinny from inside that Big Brother House of Are You As Immature as a Fifth Grader:
    • Sharon might be wearing out her welcome back. She talks too much!
    • Jen and Ryan apparently had sex in the bathroom stall in the wee hours. No, it wasn't shown to the feeds ... just the closed door with the occupied sign up, some heavy breathing noises, and Jen talking about sex so soon in the season. @@!!
    • Sheila was once again the first one up followed by James (who's not so crazy at all after all).
    • As they talked, she told him that she and Adam had mended fences. Adam had cried when telling her how special his work is (despite the "retard" comment). All is forgiven and they've decided to get along as a couple in the house. Ain't that precious? She said they just got off on the wrong foot. She said she has learned not to judge on first impressions.
    • James and Sheila prepared special breakfasts for their beloved soulmates.
    • James told Sheila he refuses to accept any money (but apparently will live off of or barter for shelter and food) on his bike adventure. He seems to like bars and was in a bar in Brooklyn when he heard about Big Brother.
    • Chelsia hates coffee and Sheila is shocked that anyone could hate coffee. Odd.
    • Odd about Sheila being so shocked, that is.
    • James confirmed the weekly stipend is still $750 for the time they are in the house or in sequester. It's a sweet deal for him.
    • Adam was thrilled with the breakfast from Sheila. All is lovey-dovey, hunky-dory and more between them.
    • Meanwhile, Chelsia told James it was sweet, but she doesn't eat breakfast.
    • Matt made Natalie a Valentine's Day card with nail polish used to create it.
    • They're complaining it's very cold this morning.
    • Parker is sure that he and Jen will be evicted. He told Jen he has no faith in her and BB doomed his chances.
    • The Guinea Pig Cam has been intermittent -- good. I prefer them to flames or trivia or sometimes even the houseguests!
    • Someone threw a newspaper clipping in the yard. Adam said it was mens basketball standings and we got guinea pigs.
    More later!

    Please be aware that the screen caps here were taken by me for exclusive use on this site. They are © CBS/RealNetworks

    Big Brother 9 - Odd Changes - Live Feed Flash

    Well, this is just bizarre. Sharon (of the evicted Sharon and Jacob) is back and Neil is gone. Yes, you heard me. They're saying something about Neil having to leave for an emergency, so they brought her back. She's partnered with Joshuah.

    There will be more on it in a feeds report over on TV Squad in a bit.

    Curiouser and curiouser. Oh, wait. Alice was last year!

    EXPANDING ON THIS ... as I await the TVS article to be posted...

    I just find this all too strange and can't help but to think the Sharon return was all staged, don't you? Neil and Joshuah were getting along the best of all of the enforced couplings. Sharon and Jacob were evicted Saturday night, sequestered, and the world wasn't told until Wednesday night. It was Jacob's actions which ruined Sharon's chances in the house -- when one partner sinks, he drowns the other.

    What do you think?

    UPDATE - The TV Squad post is now up at this link.

    Wednesday, February 13, 2008

    'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast 2/13

    jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

    The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs, so please forgive any typoos. Your comments are indeed welcome!

    It's the recap with Jen and Ryan deciding to keep their relationship a secret ... yeah, right. Jen thinks she'll keep her big secret. Sharon thinks she's safe and Parker likes her so much. Adam is sure that he'll be going home. He calls the autistic kids he works with "retards." So, Shelia gets teary about that. I'm not teary, but that makes Adam go down more in my book.

    Sheila is basically campaigning for people to vote her and Adam out. She's still on the "retard" kick.

    Ryan is a bad actor with Allison. He's looking all over the place and she thinks he's deep! Yikes!

    Jen whines. Ryan sneaks a talk with her and it's obvious that he's very possessive of her. Hmm ...

    Alex reminds us that he's overly thrilled with Amanda's looks, personality, and more. I don't know. I thought I would like Alex. Jacob wants to "turn the chicken up" in the house. That's a new one on me -- he's talking stir it up. He's on an anti-Parker bit. Parker is gutless, heartless, etc. Of course, that worries Jen that people think Parker's a snake. Ryan knows she'll go tell Parker, her partner.

    She does. Parker decides to confront Jacob. Interesting ... Jacob is the ex-Marine and he won't even look Parker in the eye. This must have been what led up to the brouhaha (great word) atmosphere in the house.

    "Call him out!," they cahnt at Jacob for not telling who called Parker a snake. He won't speak up. No one is admitting to calling him a snake and Jacob isn't telling. No one seems to be guilty. Sharon is ticked at Jacob, but Jen is happy with how Parker handled it. In the bed they must share, Jacob told Sharon it just slipped out.

    Sharon told Parker that she promised not to say who said it. She goes as far as to tell him the boys were talking. He guesses Ryan and she nods. Parker thought he was okay with Ryan, but now wants him out if he doesn't admit it.

    Yes, welcome to the third grade, folks!

    Aha, this is why she tells Parker ... because he's determined to challenge Ryan and wants him out. She tells Parker that she'll stick with him and if Ryan must go, he must go. She then tells Ryan with Parker still there. He's not happy Jen told Parker, sbut feels he has to tell Allison their secret because Parker knows.

    She's shocked. Remember, she thought he was deep. She now mistrusts him thinking he'll tell Jen everything they plan. Neither Jen or Allison trust each other -- Allison thinks she'd be a better girlfriend for Ryan than Jen is. Parker and Ryan don't trust each other. Have another cup of controversy, my friends!

    Sigh ... Sheila is now going on about Adam's snoring. He apologizes and I have to admit that's out of his control. Complaining about the snoring just gets the others more irked at her.

    EVICTIONS TODAY reads the plasma scene.

    Parker is having problems with the eviction. Both Jen and Parker look nervous ... Jen cries over it. Jacob and Sharon are history. Parker and Jen were the most forlorn announcers of eviction I've ever seen. Both of them.

    Jen is crying all over. The eviction was due to Jacob and Sharon was just the collateral damage. Adam and Sheila were the easy targets and both know they're lucky to still be there.

    HOH Comp time! The Power Couple gets to play. The backyard is all set up with a Tunnel of Love and all. Oh, my. The hosts for the game (because they fell in love in the house) are Jessica and Eric from BB8 -- they're still in love. Gag me with a spoon.

    It's a Q&A session about their feelings about their soulmate in the house. This is reminding me of the old Newlywed Game. It was a bit naughty at times, but cute. Amanda and Alex won and became the new DuoHOH. Whatever.


    Finally, the feeds have returned. It seems that it is indeed Jen/Parker and Ryan/Allison are on the block. In a few minutes, I'll get the live blog show post up and running.