Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Survivor 38: Edge of Extinction Season Premiere Blog Party

Let's see how this extinction thing is going to work! It looks like a good cast this year and they're all huge fans of the show. Unfortunately, unlike seasons which have the Survivor premiere and the Big Brother finale on the same night, we don't get an hour and a half. I even recall some seasons with a two hour long premiere. Nope. It's an hour tonight.

Although I'm sure to have some trouble matching names and faces tonight, I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the party is in the comments area -- feel free to join in on the fun!

If you want cheat sheets with names and faces, I have the tribes in separate posts -- Manu and Kama. You can also see who your pool castaway is! 

Lifeguard Laurie has graciously offered to do the blog pool again this season. How great is she, I ask! Here's the breakdown from Laurie:

As per tradition, nobody goes home tonight. They get put with someone who only has 2 people. I do thank everyone for signing up on the Pool Sign up Page!

Manu Tribe
Chris Underwood - Glenn Allen, Laurie
Dan DaSilva "Wardog" - Jackie, Nana in the NW
David Wright * - Dr_Celine, PDX Granny, Renee Buck
Keith Sowell - Donna in Alabama, meb, Skyriverblue
Kelley Wentworth * - Donna in NY, Jenna G.
Lauren O'Connell - Brian, Krysta Gibson, Sharon N.
Reem Daly - David, Terry is a Texan, Sharon C.
Rick Devens - Auntie Leigh, Merrilee
Wendy Diaz - Janice, Jennasmom, tbz

Kama Tribe
Aubry Bracco * - Cheryl in NC, Margo, Petals
Aurora McCreary - Ed in Ohio, marthalight
Eric Hafemann - Bizaro22, Pinky, Shannon
Gavin Whitson - Brenda, KelseyNY
Joe Anglim * - Carol C., Kismet
Julia Carter - Donna in FL, Monty924, Jennifer
Julie Rosenberg - Delee, MikesGirl
Ron Clark - CherryPie, Judi Sweeney, Rochelle
Victoria Baamonde - Indiana Jane, Karen in VS, SueGee

Survivor fans ready? Let's get this show going!

Jeff introduces some of the castaways and tells us players will be faced with a decision upon being voted out -- go home or go to the edge of extinction with a chance to return to the game. He talks to the newbies and tells them there are four returning players. All of them now are together on a boat. Jeff goes over the track record of the returnees.

The boat is loaded with supplies -- each tribe has two minutes to get stuff on their respective boats. Newbie Keith can't swim. Why don't people make sure they can swim before coming on the show?

As they work building the shelter, Kelley works to bond with others to decrease the target on her back and build a good alliance. David is still insecure but is willing to try to help others so they can trust him. Interesting, a newbie (Wendy? Lauren?) has Tourettes with the tics and such. That wasn't mentioned in her bio.

Over on Kama, Joe doesn't want to show off but he does end up being asked questions and making fire. Whoa! One of the newbies picked up a secret advantage clue on the boat. Ron Clark (I think)  digs up an advantage menu. It's good through the third tribal. He has choices like immunity after the vote, etc.

Joe tells Aubry he's happy with the tribe -- everyone's working and seem like a good bunch. The firefighter and Gavin seem to be bonding. But there are already rumblings about getting Aubry out. 

Reem seems to be alienating people by trying to help them. She did things like put one guy's shirt on the beach to dry without telling him. Reem and Wendy teach Keith to swim. He really should have learned before. The others back at the camp are now suspicious of the three.

Immunity challenge time. Maneuver through obstacles, one person climb, rinse and repeat sort of, then a puzzle. Reward is fire in the form of a flint. 

KAMA wins Immunity! (And should give Joe a big thanks.)

Reem brings up that Kelley and Lauren need to be separated. Keith isn't too keen on that but just feels he doesn't want to be in their sights! Wendy's name is brought up. Wendy would like to have Reem stay -- Reem's targeted mainly due to the motherly aspect. With Wendy speaking up for Reem, all of a sudden Wendy is a target. Reem is ready to fight.

Tribal Council time! I'm ready for Jeff's Probsting questions! Did you realize Jeff is now 57 years old? He starts off asking about tribal unity or off in little groups. Reem is already on the defensive because her name was out there. She's calling age discrimination. I don't think she's helping her cause. Jeff asks her if she's confrontational at home. She's still defensive. Wardog gets just as defensive back at her. 

Time to vote.

The tally --
Reem, Kelley, Wendy, Lauren, Reem, Wendy, Reem, Wendy, Reem

Well, she is voted out … but, wait …!

She mumbles a lot walking away and comes into the Edge of Extinction fire/ sign. She takes the torch and gets on the boat. She won't give up! 

She finds that absolutely nothing is there where the boat leaves her. And then we end ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Survivor 38: Meet the Manu Tribe

But first … if you want in on the blog pool for the show, you need to sign up on THIS POST LINK. The deadline is Tuesday 12pm ET. Be there or be square!


The two returning castaways for this tribe are David Wright and Kelley Wentworth. She's 31 years old now, he's 44.

Here come the newbies …
Chris Underwood -- 
He's 25, originally from Myrtle Beach SC and currently living in Greenville SC. He's a district sales manager. He claims to be into anything outdoors, a good quality for the show. He seems to be a go-getter type in view of his work. Another point in his favor is he knows how to use a speargun and likes scuba diving. He believes he has some of the qualities of Ozzy, Malcolm, Rob and Spencer. Let's see if he can walk the walk.

Dan "The Wardog" DaSilva -- 
He's 38. He currently resides in Los Angeles, but is originally from Ossining NY -- the home of the infamous Sing Sing Prison! He's formerly military, apparently many years in it. Right now he's a law student. He claims he'll play like himself but mentioned admiring Yul, Parvati, Mike, Earl and even Tyson. Um, unless he was joking about have a sex appeal not seen in a good decade, he might just think he's too sexy for his shirt.
Keith Sowell --
At 19, he's the baby of the bunch. He's originally from Fayetteville NC and now lives in Durham NC. He's a pre-med student at Duke University. Oh my. This kid has it together. From a poor family growing up in a trailer, he became his class salutatorian. He seems to have very good values and strong religious beliefs. He admires Jeremy Collins as a previous player. Kid seems to have his head on right. Now let's see if he can endure the outdoors and backstabbing!

 Lauren O'Connell --
Age 21. She's originally from Bakersfield CA and now lives in Waco TX. Attending Baylor University with dreams of paying for dental school with her winnings. Like Keith above, she wishes she could bring her bible. She's a soccer athlete and has played team sports most of her life. Keep in mind, they didn't know the returning players when writing the bios -- she would like her game to be a mix of Parvati and Kelley Wentworth. This should be interesting!
Reem Daly --
Age 46, she's originally from Fairfax VA and now lives in Ashburn VA. She's in sales. Her CBS bio is one of the least wordy I've ever seen. She's been watching the show since its debut. Being on the show is part of her bucket list. She thinks she will play most like Stephenie LaGrossa (why are they all spelling her name with an "a"?) because she didn't give up and Rudy because he really didn't care. My jury's out on her.

Rick Devens -- 
Age 33, he hails from Blacksburg VA and now lives in Macon GA. He's a morning news anchor. Well, that's different! His choices for life inspiration are quite different -- his father (like many) but then he names Stephen Colbert and Stephen King. Like me, he's a big THE STAND fan. He thinks he'll play most like Cochran, not a bad thing. He's been watching the show since high school and was an Eagle Scout. 

Wendy Diaz --
She's 25, originally from Los Angeles, now living in Bell CA. I have no clue where that is. She's a small business owner, not shabby at 25! She thinks she'll play the game like Sandra and be the second Diaz to win. However, she also thinks she's like Tai, full of life and wonderment. She hates quitters. She thinks the show will be a good challenge for herself plus there's the money. She grew up poor and is content with her earnings now, but …! 

If you didn't see the post on the Kama Tribe, you can find it at this link.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Survivor 38: Meet the Kama Tribe

KAMA -- The returning castaways Joe Anglim and Aubry Bracco. He's 29 now; she's 32. Will the third time be a charm for either of them?

Aurora McCreary --
Age 32, from Pensacola FL, now residing in Orlando, FL. She's a divorce lawyer. From her CBS bio (linked in name), I see that she is indeed outdoorsy and athletic, plus it doesn't seem like she's had an easy life. She is a fan who would like to play with selected qualities from Tyson, Ciera and Michaela. Definitely could be a contender, methinks.

Eric Hafemann --
Age 34, from Chicago but now living in Livermore, CA. Ooohhh … a firefighter. I wonder if he can make and tend fires without feeling the need to put them out? Heh. In reading his bio, I can't help but thing "what a nice guy." Then he says his game will be most like Tony Viachos. Perhaps not as sneaky, but on top of things. He has an autistic son. He's playing for the adventure and to set an example. Hmm.

Gavin Whitson --
Age 23. From and still in Erwin, TN. He's a YMCA program director. Compared to the previous two, he seems very young. He's into Xbox and Disneyworld. Recently engaged, he also considers himself sarcastic, hungry and a dreamer. He's hungry now? Wait a week on the island! He wants to prove to his mother that he won't be the first voted out. My prediction (just based on the bio) is third out.

Julia Carter --
Age 24, from Hazleton, PA now living in Bethesda. MD. She's a medical assistant. She likes to travel, shop and eat. Um, girl, you're going on Survivor. Yeah, you'll travel to there and back, but …! She's been a fan since childhood and has dreamed of making it on the show. She THINKS she'll play most like Jeremy. Oh my. We'll see about that!

Julie Rosenberg --
Age 46, originally from Baltimore now living in New York City. She's a toymaker -- which brings me to thoughts of the movie Big. Can she dance on a giant keyboard? Since she and Julia are both on the same tribe, I'm glad there's an age difference. Reading her bio, I like her. She's been a fan since the first episode. And, her "play like" is a bit more realistic -- a mix of Cirie, Dawn and Stephenie.

Ron Clark --
Age 46, from Chocowinity, NC now residing in Atlanta. He's a teacher at the Ron Clark Academy. Founder, as well. He has been a show fan since Borneo so he knows what he's getting himself into. Hmm … he sees himself as a sore loser and a "mean girl." Oy! He thinks his gameplay will be akin to Spencer Bledsoe. Reading his bio, it seems like he wants to come across as sincere, but I'm getting a bit of chip on the shoulder. We'll see.

Victoria Baamonde -- 
Age 23, from and still residing in The Bronx. She's a waitress who was the valedictorian on her college class. Um, okay. She's smart but obviously didn't major in waitressing. That's a lot of student loans for a job she could have had without it! She says she brings up the valedictorian bit as often as she can. How to win friends and influence people? One cute thing is that she named her guinea pig Peeve -- pet peeve! She thinks she can relate to Malcolm. Yeah, I see that … no.

All of the castaways are in the superfan or really big fan category. This should be interesting. What do you think of them? 

Just a reminder -- the blog pool sign up ENDS on Tuesday. To be in the pool, you need to submit your name in the comments of the sign up post

My post for the Manu Tribe is at this link.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Season Finale Blog Party

Well, here it is … the season finale! Due to them airing a clips filler show the last episode, much of tonight's live show will be taped. The HoH comp they'll be airing is almost a week old now! Grr. I'll be live blogging the major events as they air here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the party is in the comments … join in on the fun!

My personal favorites for the win aren't in the final five. I was a Kato/Tom fan. I also wish Jonathan had had a bit longer in the house. His Diary Room segments were entertaining. Most of all, I think I would have liked Anthony in the house. It's too bad he was out before the live feeds even got going!

Anyway, we're down to Dina, Tamar, Kandi, Lolo and Ricky for the start of the finale show. Here's the updated Lifeguard Glenn's blog pool standings:

Donna NY - Dina
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

Okay, let's get this show wrapped up and set aside -- Survivor is coming! By the way, if you want in on the blog pool for Survivor Edge of Extinction -- sign up at THIS LINK. Please don't sign up on this CBB post.

Previously on ends and we continue with the zipline flying puzzle HoH comp taped last week. Not surprisingly, Dina didn't understand that they have a 20 second time limit to push the buttons or the puzzle boards demagnetize. She got disqualified first. Kandi is struggling.

RICKY wins HoH! Tamar and Lolo are excited. Kandi and Dina not so much.

Right into the Nominations Ceremony -- Ricky nominates Dina, then Kandi. He says "everyone knew the deal." Um. Okay. He tells us it's because they don't speak with him. Ricky tells Tamar he wants to be with her in the final two. He tells her if Kandi or Dina win veto, Lolo would have to go up. Tamar is fine with that!

PoV Comp -- they have to steal four artifacts from the BB Museum ducking around laser beams. Veto Heist. Quickest (and right artifacts stolen) chamster wins. Dina is setting off the alarms left and right. Each time they trip an alarm (laser beam), they have to stop and run to the security desk to reset. Tamar just screams. 

Dina 17.34
Tamar 13.22
Kandi 9.53
Ricky 9.21
Lolo 9.08

LOLO wins the Power of Veto!

Lolo tells Ricky she doesn't want to leave Kandi in the game -- if she saves Dina, Tamar would go up and Kandi would go home. She also proposes it to Tamar. Of course, Tamar says no, not a good idea. Then Tamar tries to work it so that Dina is more of a threat than Kandi. Hmm. Ricky is just sitting there.

Veto Meeting -- Lolo does NOT use the veto. Dina and Kandi remain on the block.

With only Tamar and Lolo voting, Ricky knows he might have to be the tiebreaker.

Anthony "Mooch" is live on the show with a Julie interview. He gives her his take on each remaining chamster. He has something nice to say about all. Then she asked him Trump things. I don't do politics here, so … next! He will not be voting for the winner of the season but will stick around to greet everybody.

First live eviction time. To the living room --
Kandi - Been a pleasure, says nice things to and about all, says Dina would beat anyone because she's amazing, survived the block the most times.
Dina - Winggirl with Kandi. Like Kandi, says nice things to and about all. Admits she and Kandi were floaters.

The votes to evict:
Lolo - Kandi
Tamar - Dina

It's a tie. Ricky will have to decide! He evicts KANDI. He obviously knows she's a bigger threat for the win than Dina.

Time for the final HoH comp --
All compete. Judges for Celebrity Look-a-Like Junior. Show seven videos, junior will make three statements, Julie will ask which is false statement. A, B or C answers. Seven questions.

1. All right
2. Ricky and Tamar right.
3. Dina only one wrong
4. Dina only one wrong again.
5. Dina wrong again
6. Ricky only one right
7. Tie between Ricky and Tamar

To the tiebreaker … the kids are cute, BTW …
Tamar tried to vote real low for the win, but RICKY wins the final HoH!

He needs to decide who goes to the jury and who's in the final two with him.

Dina - Love you, learned so much from you. 
Tamar - One of my favorite people in the house, wish you the best of luck
Lolo - Thank, grateful to know you, would like to stay

Ricky chooses to evict Dina, then Lolo. (He did that right in my opinion.)

In the Julie interview, Lolo seems bitter, won't be friends with Ricky after. Dina, as always, is upbeat.

Jury questioning time …
Tom - Ricky - Biggest game move? Not freaking out when on the block. Tamar - gunning for the two Kato and Tom to go as biggest threats.

Natalie - Biggest regret, Ricky -- not winning Slaughterhouse, could have kept us together. Tamar - getting too emotional. (Y'think?) 

Ryan - Tamar, why you over Ricky? He is amazing, but I'm a huge fan of the show, limited amount of lying, played the best I could. Ricky - Played hard, tried to give good advice -- he's not answering the regret question at all, he's saying good stuff about himself.

Speeches --
Tamar -- Thanks, thanks to so many, it's turned into a spiritual journey, was meant to be, had lots of troubles but promised to never give up on herself and always be kind. Asking you all to be kind. 

Ricky -- I apologize for getting all upset. Wanted to go on the show to show who he really is not what people think he is. Keep it real, keep it moving, keep it alive. Being a role model, someone who can bounce back. 

Time to vote:
Jonathan first, voting for someone who had my back best they could
Ryan -- Good luck
Joey -- See what God has in store
Kato -- Congratulations
Natalie -- Difficult, love you both
Tom -- Tough choice for a lot of reasons, congratulations, the one who made me laugh the most
Kandi -- Glad one of us made it
Dina -- Love you both
Lolo -- Voting based on her heart

Julie talks to the jurors who watched the show. Tom loves the BB community online. Kato is glad not to be a sound bite. Ryan is glad to show himself, not the headline. Jonathan and Joey are grateful for new best buddies.

The votes --
Jonathan -- Tamar
Ryan -- Tamar
Joey -- Tamar
Kato -- Tamar
Natalie -- Tamar


Into commercial, will then reveal last four votes and winner of AFP.

Tom, Kandi, Dina and Lolo all voted for Tamar -- it was unanimous. 

America's Favorite is … TOM GREEN!

I feel this all went down as it should. Congratulations blog pool winners Monty924, Janice and Alicia in Tx -- bragging rights handed out!

Survivor 38 Edge of Extinction Blog Pool OPENS!

It's coming! The season premiere of Survivor is next Wednesday, February 20. Between now and the premiere, I will be getting some cast posts up and running.

The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie has once again graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show. She, but of course, rocks!

I want in! What do I do?
If you want in to the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?
Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a pool pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?
Lifeguard Laurie makes random picks for the castaways and the blog folks. You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get their torch snuffed along the way.

When is the cut-off for entering?
All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by Tuesday,February 19, 3pm ET. Be there or be square. 

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds Into the Last Sleep - Feb. 13

Workin' it

Here's the latest from inside that Celeb BB House of The Last Sleep:
  • Well, not the last sleep like they're going to die or anything like that!
  • It's their last sleep in the house.
  • And, they're all itching to get out. They'd never last the three months of normal seasons.
  • As expected, Lolo did not use the veto and nominations remain Dina and Kandi.
  • Lolo thinks she has a super-tight alliance with Tamar and, had she saved one with the veto, Tamar would be the only possible replacement.
  • On the other hand, Tamar is working to convince Lolo that DINA (of all people) is a big threat to win it all and must go.
  • Ha. Really now. 
  • I think it's more that Tamar is trying for that final two with Kandi despite their ups and downs.
  • While Dina is liked by all … she's a nice enough person … she's not likely to win at all. It's a wonder she made it this far. She's just kind of ditzy and seems to often reside detached from the world as it is.
  • Meanwhile, while Kandi hasn't won anything (maybe I'm forgetting something), she has been talking game. She has spent a lot of the short season on the block. She's definitely more into it all than is Dina.
  • I still doubt Kandi would win against either Tamar or Lolo.
  • Ricky is a bit of a wild card. I doubt he'd win against either of them either.
  • I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens tonight.
  • It sounds like a good half of the "live" finale will be taped as they decided to show the clips episode instead of at least the HoH comp the other night.
  • If Lolo makes the final two, it's almost certain she'll win. She's repeatedly played the "I desperately need the money" card. She also seems to be a lonely type person seeking friends in this world. It's kind of sad.
  • But I don't think it's criteria for a win!
  • Maybe that's just me ...

Has he a chance against the women?

Block buddies

A threat to win? Bwahahaha!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, PoV Winner - Feb. 12

You gotta know when to hold, know when to fold

Am I still ticked that last night was a filler clips show? I mean, we're talking the penultimate show here and it was clips! There are only 13 episodes to the whole season and they wasted the one before the finale on that stuff?


Well, the live feeds were blocked for hours once again as the chamsters played out the veto comp. Lolo won, so it's all a bit too predictable now. I'm sure Dina and Kandi will remain on the block. The only two voting will be Tamar and Lolo. Tamar should push for Kandi to stay, but she herself can be a bit unpredictable. Ricky would be the tiebreaker if there is one needed. If it comes to that, I think he'd probably keep Kandi because he has more connection with her than he has with Dina.

I think we all realize who the final three will be.

'nuff said.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Clips Show Blog Party - Feb. 11

This is what happens when they only have 13 episodes on television. Tonight they're jamming in the last HoH, Nominations, apparently a live Veto and Eviction. 

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please stop in and join the fun!

Here are Lifeguard Glenn's latest blog pool standings --

Donna NY - Dina
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

Buckle in … turbulence ahead!

Well, after the Previously On segment, that is.

Tamar is an excited gal. Who woulda thunk that? Lolo is lamenting the loss of Natalie, but says now she's playing for the both of them. Kandi is just thrilled to still be in the house. She kind of trusts Dina and Tamar, but will depend on herself.

They have a champagne breakfast when the doorbell rings. It's Mark McGrath from CBB1. Lots of small talk, talk of the Mooch and flashbacks. More small talk. (Have we got time for this?) More flashbacks.

More and more flashbacks. I might be wrong on all they SHOULD cover tonight. I guess it's a Whatever Show. I really prefer more organization in these things.

Kato trying to make Ricky laugh, Tamar and Lolo arguing over sea bass. Flashback after flashback.

Ack. My apologies … but I just can't live blog a clips show. I should have looked more into what was supposed to be on tonight. Now they'll really have to cram everything in two hours on the Wednesday night finale.

Finally to the start of the HoH comp which was days ago. Marissa is there and it's set up in a theater theme. It's her musical. Horn sounds hit button to operate music box, fly to get puzzle pieces, all timed. They're dressed as bats.

And, we just get the start of the comp.

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds Into Monday, Feb. 11

Kandi needs to stay!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Why Are They Celebrities?:
  • Still no Power of Veto Comp -- it should be today.
  • Kandi and Dina are now referring to themselves as Frick and Frack, a term previously used for Tom and Kato.
  • The biggest news was that they (and we) watched really brief videos from their loved ones.
  • Er, well … Lolo's was actually from her training partner.
  • She said her mother is camera shy. Now, if it's true, I can actually believe that. Apparently a smart woman, she's avoiding the BB publicity at any cost as Lolo's mom!
  • Tamar's little boy is indeed adorable and certainly wasn't camera shy.
  • He came across as a lot more mellow than his Mom!
  • They have no clue what the comps ahead will be so they're studying days, items in the house and more.
  • Although it's Kandi and Dina on the block and one could immediately leave, the others all realize they're down to two days left.
  • They're already talking like the house is a past memory!
  • They're all in a state of packing it up.
  • Not much game talk at all went on.
  • Everything game hinges on the veto. 
  • Unless she pulls off a miracle and wins veto, I'm thinking it will be Dina going home.
  • However, I also think the big threat to win would be Kandi.
  • I wouldn't mind seeing her win it at all!

Often mellow, always devious

Impressive attire? Um. No.

If they don't get her out ...

Watching the loved ones videos

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Let's Talk Survivor 38 ... Edge of Extinction

Celebrity Big Brother will have its season finale this Wednesday, February 13. The next Wednesday, the 20th, will be the latest incarnation of Survivor premiering! There will be four returning players and fourteen newbies. While the premise sounds a bit like Exile Island, apparently it's not. After CBB ends, I'll be delving into the new castaways. Lifeguard Laurie has volunteered to run the blog pool once again -- expect a sign-up post for that on Wednesday -- do NOT ask on this here post!

To give us a taste, I'm posting some of the Jeff Probst and premiere tease videos. Survivor fans ready?

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, Nominations into Sunday Feb. 10

Boring much there?

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity Big Brother House of Predictability:
  • The snoozefest yesterday and into last night was only shattered by the occasional blocked live feeds.
  • So … the alliance of Ricky, Lolo and (somewhat but they don't really know that) Tamar rule the roost with Dina and Kandi as the likely targets of Ricky, the HoH.
  • Yup.
  • He nominated Kandi and Dina for eviction.
  • Now, if I were in the house (and playing better than I actually would in real life), I'd want to sit next to Dina in the Final Two for a sure win.
  • The heck with taking a strong player to the end! If I did that, I would probably lose to the strong player!
  • Tamar told Ricky she'd vote the way he wishes.
  • Ricky and Tamar also discussed their precious ally Lolo. Tamar thinks they need to get her out or she will win the show. Ricky told her that if Dina or Kandi came off the block, he'd put Lolo up. Prior to their talk, Ricky mentioned that if one of the nominees wins the veto, he'd have no choice but to put one of them up. Well, duh. It's down to five!
  • Hmm.
  • Blocked to the live feeds, Mark McGrath made a visit. Hosting a comp? It doesn't really seem so. But he was there. That's the word on the street. Er, in the house.
  • Dina is sure that she will be the one going home unless a miracle occurs and she wins the veto. 
  • She thinks none of the others like her.
  • Oh my. I doubt it's dislike. As a person, she's certainly pleasant and likable. As a chamster, she's a fish out of water, though.
  • So, there's where we stand.
  • It's quite likely that, unless the nominees change with the veto, Dina will be the next chamster out.
  • I think Lolo and Tamar will both honor Ricky's decision which one will go.
  • I also believe Ricky has a bit of a soft spot for Kandi and he definitely spends more time with her than with Dina.
  • And that's that.

Boomf! He died of boredom

Count on Tamar to wake him up!

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Saturday, HoH - Feb. 9

Product placement?

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity Big Brother House of It's Almost Over:
  • Once again they had the HoH comp blocked to the live feeds after the live (double) eviction show.
  • Between the blow-ups in the house and the odd timing of comps, I think we must be at a record for the percentage of the time we endured blocked live feeds.
  • Grr.
  • When the dust settled and the feeds returned, Ricky had won his first HoH of the season.
  • Well, that seems to make things very predictable.
  • Lolo is his sole true member of the bedroom alliance. So, she's probably safe.
  • Tamar is his good but not as tight as Lolo alliance member. So, she's probably safe.
  • That only leaves Dina and Kandi to be nominated.
  • Dina is already talking about packing her bag.
  • One interesting factoid would be … if Dina goes, three of the final four chamsters will be black. I believe that's a first for BB. Heck, they usually run with just two tokens in the house to begin with! 
  • We got the typical HoH reveal and Ricky read a letter from his wife. She actually seems to be enjoying depending on herself for a bit. However, she's looking forward to his "victorious" return home.
  • They were all tired and bored yet had to stay awake for his room reveal.
  • I was tired and bored. So I went to bed.
  • They were told that they had something to do early in the morning -- the memories of chamsters who passed the halls maybe. Sure enough, the feeds are blocked once again as I type this up.
  • Not really live feeds, but personal thoughts -- After what Tom said in his Julie interview, I fear if Lolo makes the final two, she'll win because she HAS played the "pity me, I need the money" card. I personally don't think any of the people going on BB or Survivor or any of them should win because they "need the money more." I'm a best gameplay kind of supporter.
  • In my opinion, best gameplay of those left? I'd say Tamar although she'd certainly drive me crazy if I lived with her. Then would be either Ricky or Kandi. Ricky has played more lowkey, but he has been playing the game. Kandi has struggled to stay afloat in the game more than anyone else. I'd prefer either Lolo/Dina NOT win this thing. I already mentioned why with Lolo and Dina seems like a nice person, but she hasn't really played the game at all.

Lolo ain't gonna gogo anytime soon

I totally understand the feeling, Dina

Ricky finally wins an HoH

Solitaire in more ways than cards

Friday, February 08, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party

We're getting down to the final days of Celebrity Big Brother 2. Tonight is a two hour whirlwind live show with a double eviction. Unlike previous seasons of regular BB, this might catch the chamsters off guard a bit. What a shame!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live-blogging and updating this entry with the events. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

But first … let's get the updated Lifeguard Glenn's blog pool --

Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
SueGee - Natalie Eva Marie
Donna NY - Dina
Jennasmom - Tom
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Marthalight - Tom
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
Brian - Tom
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Judi Sweeney - Tom
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky
Jenna G - Natalie Eva Marie

Chamster watchers ready?

Seven left in the house, five days left in the game … and that brings us to Previously On. Another Celebrity Breaking News twist will be announced. Have we even go time for that?

Julie tells us it's Day 24 and the men have been dropping like flies now with Tom nominating the only other man beside himself. She says they do not know the double eviction is looming ahead.

We get some of the fallout of his Ricky/Natalie nominations. Not so much from Ricky, but Natalie and Lolo are saying he lied to them. The Bedroom Bunch is hoping for Lolo to win the veto, save one of them and Tom would have to put someone else up. 

Tom gets Kandi worried that she might go on the block if the veto is used/

Veto player pick time --
Tamar, Kandi and Dina. Tom is thrilled because he didn't want Lolo to play and win. She will host the comp. She is NOT happy.

It's to the living room. She tells them it's double eviction. Tamar is loud about it in reaction. What a shock!

POV comp time! Old silent movies theme in black and white with them all in costume. They have to turn black and white film to color. It's the exploding color comp. Color Blast. Tom really wants Ricky out while Kandi would prefer Natalie to go. Tamar wants to throw the veto to keep in good with others. 

Ricky out in the first round.
Second round - Kandi out and Tamar out.
Third round - Natalie and Dina out.

Julie tells us that Tom wants to send Ricky home. Well, duh. Tom tells Kandi he wants to use the veto because he wants Natalie to stay and Ricky to go. Kandi doesn't like his idea of him taking Natalie down and putting Tamar up. She gets mad, saying it's threatening. She says it's a democracy not a dictatorship. She runs to Tamar and tells her. 

While Tamar took it calmly with Kandi, she goes and tells Natalie and Ricky., Then it becomes dramatic. Then she confronts Tom and yells that he's threatening her and is a bully. BTW - he's not bullying at all. Now he thinks Kandi is no longer with him. He tells us to expect the unexpected.

Time for the veto meeting. Tom talks to the cameras and tells us most of the house is against him. He's going to surprise some people. He's not telling any of the others. 

He actually lets the nominees talk.
Natalie loves the game and could be a great ally.
Ricky knows he's the main target and won't waste his breath.

Tom uses the veto to save the legendary Ricky Williams -- as he proudly put it. He puts Lolo in Ricky's place on the block. He tells Lolo he thinks she should be safe. He wishes both good luck.

Kandi and Tamar are shocked. Kandi, in particular, is thrilled Natalie remains on the block. Natalie and Lolo were ride or die peeps. Natalie tells Lolo she could walk out tomorrow and be pleased with her game. Tamar asks Natalie why she's dying on the sword. She tells Natalie she should ask Ricky if she has his vote. So, now, despite both saying they wouldn't campaign against each other Tamar has Natalie going. 

Time for the first eviction, to the living room --
Lolo - Trying to find the goodness of all and lists each 
Natalie - Thanks God and CBS, Tears. What an experience. Talks about her room, will remember it forever. On and on.

The votes to evict --
Kandi - Natalie
Tamar - Natalie
Ricky - Natalie
Dina - Natalie

Another unanimous vote and Natalie is out. She was expecting it and was halfway out of her chair as Julie announced the results. She hugged all, shunning Tom.

Breaking News alert before Julie can talk to her. Double eviction, new opportunity to keep yourself safe in the double eviction tonight. One will be safe, ALL compete in a safety comp, winner will be safe but will have to sit out of HoH comp.

Back to the Natalie interview …

Safety comp …
Living Art. In the house there are people dressed as living art. Lower part of the house. 90 seconds to look and count. They all go at once. 

Ricky, Lolo and Kandi locked in answers. All in with 34 seconds to spare.
22 is the correct answer. TAMAR wins safety!

HoH comp time. Tom is NOT eligible to compete, nor is Tamar.

Living Art again. Some is disappearing from the house. They have 90 seconds to determine how many are missing. 

LOLO wins HoH. (Gah!)

Lolo nominates Tom because he wins everything, just gameplay. She says she can't decide and Julie tells her she will lose the HoH if she doesn't make a decision. She decided Kandi. Live veto comp next.

There is an America's Favorite Houseguest vote online at the CBS website.

Time for the veto comp. All play for it. They're in a line of booths. Cousins is the name. New BB sitcom with past Celeb BB, seven questions, most right wins.

Ross Mathews and Meta World Peace are the stars. 
True or False
1. All right.
2. All right
3. All right
4. Ricky and Lolo got right
5. Lolo and Dina wrong. Ricky in lead.
6. Kandi and Tamar right. Three way tie - Kandi, Ricky and Tamar
7. Lolo and Kandi wrong.

Ricky and Tamar tie, to a tiebreaker. How many seconds in the sitcom Ross appearance.

TAMAR wins the PoV!

Veto meeting time. WHOA! She leaves the nominations the same! I did not expect that!

Second live eviction time --
Tom - Wow, lot of fun, loves the show, strange, exciting, etc. People are taking it so seriously, Ricky remember I took you off the block, says nice things to all.
Kandi - On the block more than anyone else, thanks, Tom is a good competitor.

The votes to evict --
Dina - Tom
Ricky - Tom
Tamar - Tom

Sigh. He's the best player in the house, in my opinion. He's gracious. Tamar dances a gloating dance. He holds the door open for a long time. He tells Julie he's rooting for Lolo when she asks. 

Julie tells them all but Lolo will compete for HoH. All battle it out for PoV. At finale one will be evicted. On live finale, final HoH and HOH eliminates two.