Showing posts with label Julie Chen-Moonves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julie Chen-Moonves. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2023

BB25: Live Eviction (or not) Show Blog Party - Aug. 10


Good evening! Will there be an eviction tonight? Well, no one (including me) really knows. With Luke getting expelled from the house for a racial slur, it may or may not happen. I have seen BB let the two nominees remain and I have seen the eviction go on when someone unexpectedly left. Even the professional outlets who do the exit interviews are basically on hold over this. The feeds have remained off since yesterday. I'm also unsure if the HOH comp will be on tonight's show. It should be, but who knows? We have a hot mess a'goin' here this week!

Anyway ...

I will be live blogging the show in East Coast time, constantly updating this page. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there.

But first ...

Here is the updated blog pool with the people who had Luke reassigned just in case you missed the post:

Cory - Sharon N, Nickelpeed, Indiana Jane, deaflady
Felicia - Dr Celine, Auntie Leigh, NoraM, T-Town Chick
Reilly - KelseyNY, Cherry Pie, TS14Fan, KathyB
America - Andi, Joanne Victoria, Willie J, Caela
Bowie Jane - Jasonuwp, Sally, Rachel C, Jessica U
Mecole - cctru, Lili, Marthalight, MikesGirl, quixoticelf
Cirie - Petals, Janice, Krysta, RJM in SC
Matt - Brenda, Helenann2k, Brent McKee, Chrob61
Hisam - jo C, SueGee, David, ThunderSunflower
Cameron- Cheryl in NC, JonMD 1267, CherylNY, Tilde
Red - DonnaNY , ChaCha, Donna in Florida ,YoDave
Jag - Barbara W, Jackie, Donna in Alabama, Mary C
Izzy - Michelle, Glenn Allen, Jennasmom, ChicMc
Blue - monty924, Judi Sweeney, Jennifer, Don
Jared - Bizaro22, TBone, PDX Granny, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Kirsten - Ayana, Pearl, Skyriverblue, Joyce Johnson

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie, dressed in red, opens like nothing happened this week and it's a normal eviction show. We're into the recap.

All seems "normal" still. For now.

Julie tells us it's Day 9, split house, alliances ... hmm. What does the BB Multiverse have in store for everyone this evening?

We are back to taped after veto happenings. Hisam tells us he didn't use the veto because he felt his ally Felicia was safe this week. Reilly tells us everyone wants to send Kirsten home. Felicia wants to be certain she will stay.

America seems to be having doubts and thinking Kirsten should stay and Felicia should go. But the older alliance is growing stronger. Hisam tells the others they need to rope Red into the alliance. Cirie is just as happy that Hisam seems to be taking the lead. They snag Red in the yard. He tells us he is happy to be in a stable older group. The call themselves The Professors.

Julie gives the first mention of one has left early leading into commercials.

Back to Julie. An emotional 24 hours as one broke the BB Code of Conduct and was removed from the game.

Back to taped Kirsten in the Diary Room. She talked to Luke, who she has never talked to before. He seems to try to console her about being on the block. Ah, to the room with Jared, Cory, Hisam and Luke when they play the replay of what was said leaving the offensive word out. Jared tells us he couldn't be aggressive. Luke says he was going to call him a narwhal. Jared handles it with maturity. The clip ends with Luke saying he's in trouble now.

Morning comes and Luke is called into the Diary Room.

Reilly comes out, calls everyone. She has a card in hand, reads that due to the racial slur, Luke has been removed, the game goes on and the eviction will go on as scheduled. Cory explains it. Hisam says he didn't hear it. Jared says he doesn't confuse ignorance with malice. He wishes Luke the best.

Back to taped content. Red wants to fish for information from Reilly. He tells her he isn't in any alliance. He names off her alliance one by one to her. Heh. Says it was just an observation. Reilly is stunned. She tells him they are just friends not an alliance.

Izzy talks to Reilly. She tells us she will target Reilly first chance she gets. She tells Reilly she won't beat around the bush and knows what's up, will look out for her. Yeah, right. Reilly is in tears. Reilly tells us she's worried people are thinking of her as the ringleader. Izzy goes to Cirie to tell her about the conversation. Cirie tells us she loves Izzy but Izzy needs to calm down. She wants to be careful because Izzy knows the mother and son secret.

Reilly meets us with most of her allies. Should they save and use Kirsten? We get Diary Room segments edited to make it seem like Kirsten would be safe. Up next, first eviction of the season and beware ... the BB Multiverse is just getting started.

To the living room and Julie talks to the nominees, tells them all it's time for the first live vote of the season.

Kirsten - Enjoy working with them, ability, trained to be here, best person will get ahead, you're all great people, here to play the game.

Felicia - Love to Kirsten, you guys have become my new family, way more game in me, I want to keep playing, love you all.

Time for the live voting to begin. The votes to evict are:

Hisam - Kirsten
Jag - Kirsten
Izzy - Kirsten
Cameron - Kirsten
Into commercial ...
Matt - Kirsten
Blue - Kirsten
America - Kirsten
Mecole - Kirsten
Cirie - Kirsten
Bowie Jane - Kirsten
Cory - Kirsten
Red - Kirsten
Jared - Kirsten

It's unanimous (as we knew it would be from the live feeds). Julie announces that a vote of 13 to zero, Kirsten is evicted. She handles it well and looks like she was actually expecting it. Hugs all around.

To the stage and Julie while everyone in the house hugs. Into commercials ...

Kirsten tells Julie she was really surprised. She says everyone told her she was good. She was told they all wanted it to be a unanimous vote. Most betrayed by Cirie due to private conversations. Julie tells secret relationship ... she is surprised! Ohh ... an hour ago Jared apparently told people his nickname and she knew it's Cirie's son. We get nice goodbye messages for her.

Since Julie told her the secret, it seems Kirsten is a SHE GONE situation not going into a Nether World to return.

What does the Multiverse have in store for the houseguests? Into commercial.

Julie returns tells us the HOH will be shown Sunday and the ScaryVerse sends another twist into the house. The live feeds will return later tonight (probably after the West Coast airing of this show).

Oh noes! The cameras go to spy on the houseguests and they're gone! Then it pans to a portal type thingee in the yard!

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

BB25: Season Premiere Blog Party!


Welcome one and all! Tonight is the season premiere of a milestone season! Who would have thought we'd be in the 25th season? I appreciate those who have been with me through the AOL Message Board and Chat days, the Weblogs.Inc, TVSquad and AOL TV days as well as the new folks who have joined in.

We have 90 minutes of show tonight, then the live feeds will start after the show airs on the West Coast. The live feeds will also be available on Pluto TV this year, but I don't know how that works. My first live feeds report won't be up until tomorrow. Oh ... and the season finale won't be until November! Eep.

CBS BB has announced a 17th mystery hamster will also be in the house. Whether a returning hamster, someone from another show, a D-List celeb, I don't know. They have been saying for more than a few months no returning players, all new cast. I'm thinking it might be Cirie from Survivor. She wanted to be on the show more than her son! We will see.

But first ... the blog pool is still open for the joining! We have no show tomorrow night, so no immediate eviction. The blog pool cut-off is Friday, so if you haven't joined in, there is still time! The sign-up post is at this link right here. Please sign up ONLY at that link!

I will be live blogging the events of tonight's show as best I can as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest updates. And, please bear with me as I try to get their names down. If you need photos/names, please check out the previous posts I made about the cast. As always, the real party is in the comments -- I hope to see you there.

Here's Julie, all dressed in summer garb and looking well! We get a few minutes of BB ins and outs, etc. To the new stuff, please.

Julie tells us it's a 100 day seasons. She says there could be "more" houseguests. Into the hamsters getting their keys now. I won't be commenting on all of it. Blue is single. We didn't know that. Onto Red. Obviously he wants to be a character. Jared now. He talks about being Cirie's son. He isn't going to tell the others about her. Mecole says she was 16 when she graduated from high school. Big deal. I was in college at 16 and I'm no genius!

I need a new paragraph! Matt, the Deafolympics guy is now. He talks very well for never hearing! He's single and willing to showmance. Izzy. Ohh, her flute degree is from Yale! Jag is up next, our Sikh Punjabi dude. He's proud of who he is ... as he should be. Reilly the bartender from Tennessee. She can talk with her mouth closed, sort of. She's single and might showmance.

Okay, those eight are with Julie near the door. They don't enter the house and are told to "sit tight" while they stand.

The next eight are introduced. Luke is first. Ah, his artwork is the link I posted in my intro post about him! Felicia, the 63 year old! I really want to like her -- the oldest woman ever in the house and only Jerry beat her in age. Hisam, speaking of older ... he's more interesting than I thought. A geriatric doctor/burlesque gay Muslim. Oh my! Cory the one with the brother who was on Survivor 44 is next. He's into public speaking. Bowie Jane is a lawyer and a DJ originally from Australia. Athletic.

New paragraph time again! America is a first generation American. Eight in her family, struggles, immersed in education at Brown University. Cameron, space cowboy, likes horses and things that go boom. He named his hair Bertha. His daughter is cute. Kirsten is up, very intelligent. Athletic. Wants a female final two. Hmm. 

Now all 16 are on stage with Julie. She tells them it's 100 days. Twist? A break-in and the BB universe they think they know has changed.

She tells them Expect the Unexpected and we get the clip of Frankie, Britney and Danielle with the time machine. Julie tells the new hamsters that the BB Multiverse has cracked open, changed the house and game. Four universes. BB Comic Verse, Humili verse, Scaryverse, Scrambleverse.

Groups of four move in, peek around, go to back yard. Felicia, Red, America and Matt first in. Once in yard, they each have to pick a pink spot at one of the four multiverses. Next - Cory, Blue, Jared and Izzy green mats. Next Kirsten, Luke, Bowie Jane and Jag, yellow mats. Last four - Hisam, Mecole, Cameron and Reilly, blue mats. It's Reilly's birthday today.

The Scramble-verse globe is lighting up red -- Julie says it's about ready to scramble things up. Hmm.

First comp. She tells them the Scramble-verse has changed the game. They are not competing for HOH. Instead, nomination comp. The loser of the four comps will be nominated for eviction.

Scramble-verse - Puzzling Headlines. They have to unscramble the layout on the BB "magazine" covers and put them back in the box they came from. It's basically a big puzzle with about 12 pieces. Last will be first nominated for eviction. America first has it. Next Bowie Jane. Mecole is next. Jared is the first nominated for eviction.

The Humili-Verse is next. Kicking Butt. The lever and kicking them with a big boot, kick yourself 100 times. The guys are doing better than the girls. Blue seems to be struggling. Yikes! Matt is first done, Hisam next. Kirsten is doing poorly. Blue next. Kirsten is now nominated for eviction with Jared.

BB Comics-Verse is up. Goo-copalypse. Goo bombs. Looks messy to me! They have to connect wires to the goo box, only one way to do it. If it explodes, they are safe and have saved humanity. Jag first done, the Izzy, then Cameron. Felicia last and nominated for eviction.

Scary-verse is next. Hold on Fright. They are laying down with a huge monster hand trying to drag them away. First dragged away will be the 4th nominee and disappear into the Nether Region. When will they return? Only the Scary-verse knows. Cory loses!

So, the nominees are Cory, Jared, Kirsten and Felicia.

Julie tells them to prepare for anything. The Scramble-verse globe is still flashing red. Julie tells us the biggest surprise of the night is ahead.

Sunday is the HOH crowning show. What happened to Cory, Thursday is the eviction. No show tomorrow.

Julie tells them they had a wonderful premiere night and is that CIRIE from Survivor pouring champagne? Yes, it is! I was right!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Final Four to Final Three - Sept. 22


Tonight, Monte has all the power as Veto holder and sole vote. Taylor, as HOH, cannot vote. Turner and Brittany are on the block. One thing we do know about Monte is that he will do what he thinks is best for his own game. Will that be keeping Turner ... or Brittany? Who would bring him to the final two if he's third in the three-round final HOH comp? Production kept the veto meeting for tonight's show just to make us and them suffer!

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool: 

Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Also in blog pool stuff -- Since we are skipping the first boots, the Survivor and The Amazing Race blog pools are both still open for sign-up until Friday -- TOMORROW. But don't wait! The Survivor blog pool sign-up is this here linkThe Amazing Race blog pool sign-up is this link.

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

I don't know ... Julie's dress has too many abrupt angles for me! We're into Previously On and we know all that!

But first ... is the honeymoon over for BB's latest power couple? Once again Monte reminds us that it's his decision who to take to the final three. Turner knows Monte is sleeping upstairs with Taylor. He thinks Monte will take him to the final three, but they would take each other (Monte/Taylor) to the final two.

Monte is a bit ticked about something Taylor said about him not seeing his goddaughter. Taylor wants Brittany to feel comfortable coming by the HOH room. They are buddy-buddy. Turner wants to know if he is still final two with Monte or not. Monte admits he was physically intimate with Taylor to him. Monte thinks that Taylor is on a power trip. That's good for Turner.

Monte talks to Taylor while she's in the bath. He tells her that she was condescending to him and then, by taking off the headphones he had on, was rude. She apologizes. He tells her that she was rude and cold. He says he has a low tolerance for disrespect.

So, they're over. Really? Hmm.

Jury house segment. Terrance arrives. He tells them it's a double and Michael arrives. They are shocked. Terrance gives Monte the credit for getting Michael out. Then Alyssa arrives. The jury seems most impressed with Monte. Alyssa told them Taylor was sleeping in Monte's HOH room. Joseph looked crushed at that news.

A taped segment has them gathering in the living room. They each get videos from loved ones. Taylor's mother and grandmother. Monte's father. Turner's mother and girlfriend Megan. Brittany's husband.

Brittany is trying her mojo on Monte. She tries to make him think that she would be better for his game than Turner. She thinks that she and Turner are about the same (good) at mental comps, but he is better physically than she is. Monte's DR bit makes it sound like he's seriously thinking of taking Brittany ... so he probably isn't!

To the living room for the veto meeting. 

Brittany - Love to shout-outs. Opportunity to make game changing move by evicting Turner. 

Turner - Shout-outs. I would be bamboozled if you think Brittany is better for your game.

Monte votes to evict ... Brittany.

She handles it well. She tells Julie she would have crushed it against Monte at the end. (Yeah, right.) Julie asks how she feels about Michael as she will be seeing him in jury. She says she would love to be friends but has a lot of questions for him.

Julie has the three gather together in the living room. Julie tells them the live season finale is Sunday, three days away.

The talk with the Cookout alliance from last year is next.

And, there they are. Julie mentions their loyalty to each other and ask them about the alliances they saw this year. They seem to want to see a Taylor/Turner final two.

The Favorite Houseguest will get $50,000 this year and there's more. Winner also receives a cruise for two (promo for The Real Love Boat series). Go to to vote.

Friday at 8PM ET/PT, special show. Finale two-hours on Sunday night.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 15

First, I would like to thank everyone who has given me birthday greetings both here on the blog and on Facebook! 

Tonight's show should be entertaining, I'd say. As we head into it, Taylor and Alyssa are on the block. Only Turner and Brittany can vote. If there is a tie, Monte has to cast the tiebreaker vote. You can see the drama now! 

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool --

Alyssa         - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

Julie looks very casual, sporting pigtails and wearing black slacks and a lavender short jacket. Into the Previously On which I will ignore.

Julie tells us a budding showmance could have game-altering consequences. Brittany tells us she will vote to keep Taylor. Alyssa is sure that she will have Turner's vote to stay. Brittany talks to Taylor about sticking together. Brittany needs someone to have her back.

Turner and Alyssa talk. She gives him her pitch. Taylor, if HOH, will take him off, she has everybody's vote, on and on. Turner is reluctant to force Monte to show his cards by breaking a tie.

Brittany is not happy the other four hangout together and have slumber parties without her. Eep. Monte is flirting with Taylor and she is flirting back. Now they are in bed together. Eep. Cuddling. Eep. Kissing! Yikes!

Brittany and Alyssa are talking. Alyssa tells Brittany that Monte, Taylor and Turner were up until 8AM. Brittany thinks Taylor was using her before and now has turned her back on her.

Julie tells us that a sympathy vote could make the difference between staying or leaving and then the cameras head to Taylor and Monte. Brittany is in tears to us because Taylor was laughing about the way Michael left. So, then Brittany is in tears to Alyssa about it. 

Brittany thinks Monte wants Taylor to stay and she can't help because Monte would do the tiebreaker. She tells Alyssa that Turner will vote what Monte wants. So, Alyssa runs to Turner (who has promised to keep her) and, with tears, asks him for a sympathy vote. Turner tries to tell her she has to separate friendships from game. She tells him it would cost him her jury vote if he votes her out. 

To the living room --

Taylor - Won't drag anyone, whole lot of fight left in game. I'm good for your game.

Alyssa - Shoutouts to all. Taylor, you're my girl and a good competitor.

The votes to evict:

Brittany - Taylor
Turner - Alyssa

It's a tie! Monte will have to show his cards! Heh. Monte votes to evict Alyssa. She does the hugging and holding the door a long time so they can peek out thing. She does not pull a Michael.

She is cordial. She thinks it was probably Turner voting her out. Julie can't tell her who voted for her. In the goodbye messages, Taylor tells her Turner and Monte had a gentlemen's agreement to keep her (Taylor), but she will fight to make sure two women as Final Two. 

We're actually having an HOH comp on the live show! They are in booths. Monte, of course, has to sit it out. Fashion Fest. All about Julie's outfits. They will see videos of her. One point for each correct answer, seven questions.

1. Brittany and Turner each get a point.
2. Taylor and Turner both get a point.
3. All get a point.
4. Taylor and Brittany right. (Three-way tie)
5. Taylor and Brittany right.
6. All right.
7. All right.

Taylor and Brittany are tied and have to go to a tiebreaker question.
In seconds, how long was the Snoozefest from start until Brittany won?


Thursday, September 01, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 POV Meeting, Live Eviction Show Blog Party - September 1

Tonight's show should be good. Maybe we will have a brouhaha! Or, at the very least, a kerfuffle! Julie promised us the house meeting last night. Now, I believe that was before the Veto Meeting, but since neither aired on the live feeds, I can't say for sure. We should also be getting the live eviction tonight. 

I doubt we will have the HOH shown until Sunday night. For some odd reason, like the Slip and Slide is usually an HOH comp and was veto this season, Julie announced today that ZingBot, usually a veto comp will be the HOH comp. Eh. I am not a ZingBot fan anyway. 

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there! By the way, Blogger is throwing some comments into its spam folder. I don't know how to stop it. I'm going in during commercials and restating the comments. So, if you notice that some innocuous comment you made has gone missing, please don't double post -- it will be back!

Julie has a bright yellow top with black slacks tonight. She sounds almost ominous as she says that things will happen that will affect the show and cause people to look into themselves. Then it went to Previously On. The narrator mentions the house meeting.

Day 58, Julie tells us allies have become adversaries. But first ... Kyle discovered his theories got out and are about to change everything. Kyle goes to Brittany. He's actually denying he said what he said. He insists he's not a racist. Brittany says it transcends the game. She tells him she doesn't think he's a racist, that it's very complex. But he said some things he might not realize how they came across.

Kyle goes to Terrance and Monte, telling them that he thought Taylor, Joseph and Monte would work together. Monte points out that at that time, he would never work with her. Terrance is shaky-voiced because he got Joseph out when Joseph was actually telling the truth. 

Monte and Terrance are questioning why Michael and Brittany kept this to themselves for so long. They tell Turner that and he suggests a house meeting.

Ohh ... Julie promises us a live HOH comp? Will they even have time?

Kyle starts off the meeting apologizing because some things he did affect the games of others. He asks Michael to start off. He interrupts Michael and takes over. He claims to be naive and sheltered. Brittany tells him they were indeed not on board. Terrance wonders why Michael and Brittany waited so long to tell. Monte says the waiting was hurtful to him. Taylor says she won't hate him as a person or call him a racist.

Monte tells the group they can grow together with the discussion. Taylor says the only consequence she wants is that he gets evicted. He's handling it well, expecting worse.

Veto meeting time. Michael takes Brittany off the block. Turner puts up Kyle as the renom. Kyle tells the group he would like to continue to have talks with them during the week. Alyssa tells him that she thinks they need to not be in a relationship.

Kyle talks to Monte and the tears come out. Kyle is outright crying as he tells Monte he did nothing wrong. Monte tears up as well. He cries and tells of how he went to an all white prestigious high school and felt like an outsider due to race. He then found comfort in hanging out with people who looked like himself. He told Kyle he loves him.

Monte is still questioning the timing of the telling to Taylor. He thinks that if they can take a shot at Michael, they should. He definitely has a point. All race issues and such aside, Michael will win it all if he gets to the end. If you or I were in the house, we'd have to be looking to get him out, too!

To the living room for the eviction.

Kyle - Loves all, says nice things about each and every one. 
Taylor - I choose strength. Strength means love. Loves Kyle and will keep in touch.

The votes to evict:
Michael - Kyle
Alyssa - Kyle
Terrance - Kyle
Brittany - Kyle
Monte - Kyle 

Unanimous and expected.

The talk with Julie: He tells her that he is grateful for the experience and loves the compassion from the people. He says it didn't click in his mind that his talk about Cookout 2 was so bad. Now he knows. Did he think Joseph was in a secret POC alliance? He thought Joseph was close to Monte and Taylor and he himself was bottom of the Leftovers (which is why he spilled about it).

Now it's 9:55PM here and Julie says the HOH comp "kicks off live." So, it won't be shown until Sunday. I will have the results in my live feeds reports before then.

Julie tells us Zingbot returns. Double eviction two hour show on Thursday. 

HOH comp -- Burning Bot. ZingBot Festival. Transfer puzzle pieces one at a time, two sides of puzzle, front must face a certain direction. And the show ends. I doubt they will air it on the live feeds. But if they do, I will make a post to cover it.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 2-Hour Eviction, HOH Show Blog Party - August 18


Good evening! Tonight is the big two-hour, divide the house into two teams of five playing the game independently from each other twist and, lest I forget -- last night's show didn't show the veto meeting. So, after the previously on, they should be starting off with that.

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events the best I can as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there.

Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we currently stand going into tonight's show --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Hamster watchers ready?

First live audience since COVID! Julie is dressed in a cute pants and short-sleeve sweater, light and summery. Then we have the narrator with the overly intensive Previously On ...

Ah, the action picks up. Michael tells Kyle that Taylor wants Alyssa up. He thinks keeping her is best for his own game as a showmance will be a bigger target than a big comp winner. Kyle is upset that he wasn't told by Taylor. Joseph seemed to be good with the idea of Alyssa up when he talked to Kyle. Same with Monte. Kyle thinks that Joseph, Monte and Taylor are conspiring (well, he said raising red flags) against him.

Joseph tells Taylor about Kyle's reaction. Then Michael enters. He wants to rile both of them up about Kyle so he will be sitting pretty out of the drama.

We get to see Indy's punkitard punishment she has for a week. She has to do performances when told to do so. Turner drums for her. Jasmine takes a turn drumming. The "songs" are loud and horrible.

Kyle doesn't want to use the veto and thinks he can convince the Leftovers. Turner wouldn't mind Alyssa staying as he has a better relationship with her than he has with Indy. But he's not saying anything because Kyle is making such a big deal over it for the both of them. Of course, the others are sure Kyle is just protecting his showmance.

Veto meeting time! Indy has to do a performance before ... Kyle does NOT use the veto, nominations remain Indy and Terrance. Taylor play yells at him to make the others think she's surprised because she had told Indy she would take her off the block.

Now Terrance is talking to Taylor. Hmm. Isn't this a whole lot of veto stuff when we have a whole bunch of actual action ahead? Kyle tries to turn Michael and Brittany against the others in the Leftovers. Michael seems to buy that he and Brittany are at the bottom of the alliance and he feels he must get the others to turn on each other.

Ah, they are getting to Kyle thinking the Black/POC are going to turn on whites this season. About time. That was discussed on the live feeds a few weeks ago. Michael and Brittany do not want a white alliance.

Now onto Terrance's tattoo INK 182 punishment -- 182 stick on tattoos. He gets a BUT FIRST tattoo on his lower back kind of like a tramp stamp. Onto more filler, chess now. Joseph is playing dumb. Okay. More filler -- Kyle/Alyssa showmance or split up for the game. I'm tired of both of them. He wants to slow things down so they can concentrate on the game. Too late for that, I say. He goes to Turner and Joseph and tells them that he told her less time together, but didn't tell them that now they're closer.

Taylor chooses Joseph to be tethered to her for 48 hours as Skid and Fancy. A take-off on Sid Vicious and Nancy, the girlfriend he murdered and then he died of an overdose before his trial. They were both addicts. She has to do a bad NY accent, him a bad UK accent. 

Finally ... to the living room. Julie talks to them. She congratulates them for making past the halfway point. She asks what they miss the most. She also talks to the costumes. Still no eviction at 9:57PM EDT ... ARGH!

10:01PM EDT - more filler, Terrance's tattoos. Jasmine's 30th birthday party. She asks Turner and the others the top two things he loves about her. What is up with that? I'm glad they are showing this as Turner cam was a hoot on the feeds. Skid/Fancy filler now. Michael tells the Leftovers that he doesn't want Indy to go out on a unanimous vote. (Of course, for jury it is better for him.) Taylor doesn't want to have to break a tie. Taylor wants a unanimous vote.

Really finally at 10:14PM EDT -- 

Indy - Loves family, Latina in this country, would like to have your vote, loving and happy days.

Terrance - Family shout-outs. 182 reasons to be here, consistency, vote for your boy.

The votes to evict:

Monty - Indy
Michael - Terrance
Joseph - Indy
To commercial ...
Jasmine - Indy
Alyssa - Indy
Brittany - Indy
Turner - Indy
Kyle - Indy

Indy looked like she knew it the second Julie said 7 to 1. She takes off the punkitard wig and hugs everybody. She tells them that she had their backs and they will regret it when they look back on it. But she loves them all and wishes them the best. To another commercial the moment she settles in on stage with Julie.

Well. in her Julie talk she did indeed believe Monte was the target. She thinks Kyle didn't use the veto to save Monte. In the goodbye messages, Michael tells all the members of the Leftovers, said he didn't want this to happen and will send home those responsible.

Julie calls them into the living room. Tells them the game will completely change. Split House Twist. Two games of BB played simultaneously and separately.  Five will live in Big Broachella, House. The second group will be living in the backyard, Dyre Fest. No contact between the two groups.

HOH comp begins ... two HOH crowned. To the backyard. Do You See the VIP? is the comp. Some attend their own festival. Image of three different festival crowds. Former HG holding VIP signs. Quickly identify former houseguest section. Done in rounds, win the comp wins the HOH in house, second place HOH in yard. Face offs with the questions.

Random draw for Brittany and Terrance. Brittany eliminated. Terrance chooses Joseph and Jasmine to face off next. Joseph eliminated. Jasmine chooses Monte and Turner to face off next. Monte eliminated. Turner picks Terrance and Alyssa. Alyssa eliminated. Terrance chooses Michael and Kyle to face off. Kyle eliminated. Michael chooses Terrance and Jasmine to face off. Jasmine eliminated. Just Turner and Michael left to face off. Turner eliminated. Down to Michael and Terrance. 

MICHAEL is HOH in the house. Terrance is HOH in the yard.

How the split up works -- schoolyard pick.

Michael will pick first. They are not showing the picks on the show. I will find out once the live feeds are unblocked and report on it.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction, HOH Comp Start Show Blog Party - August 11


Good evening! Tonight should hold no real surprises, but you know you never really know. I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there.

Rumors have it and it is about time for a wall endurance HOH comp. If they do have an endurance comp and it plays out on the live feeds, I will have a separate post with updates on it. If not on the feeds, I just can't help out! 

Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we currently stand going into tonight's show --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie has a melon shade summer dress tonight. She just better not twirl in that skirt! Previously on tells us all we already know. Tonight is the last evictee pre-jury.

Julie tells us it's Day 37 and that the Festie Bestie twist ends tonight. She says it's been a house divided and one side has been in the dark ... until now.

Kyle tells Daniel he won't throw him under the bus. Daniel tells us that he and Alyssa have figured out that there's an alliance he calls The Sorry Six. Now he believes that Kyle is in the alliance, so he will campaign against him.

Now Indy is hiding some of Michael's hard cider. Indy and Alyssa are tipsy. Kyle tells us he's back to riding with the Leftovers as Alyssa went all crazy about Monte going. He won't be able to protect her and try to get her into the Leftovers. Daniel thinks that Alyssa and Joseph are just afraid to really play the game.

Daniel is willing to sabotage the Kyle/Alyssa showmance by throwing him under the bus. He thinks he has these votes: Jasmine, Joseph, Terrance and Indy ... needs one more. Of course, he doesn't realize how tied to the Leftovers Joseph really is. He knows Joseph is in that alliance but thinks they're tight and he will "listen to logic." He's trying to convince Alyssa to vote out Kyle now.

To the living room for the vote --

Daniel - Please vote to evict me to be with Nicole, this is a circus and you're a bunch of clowns. Michael has won five comps! Keep me and I'll do your dirty work. There's an alliance! It will be boring without me.

Kyle - Shout outs, can benefit everybody's game, love ya.

The votes to evict:
Monte - Daniel
Brittany - Daniel
Turner - Daniel
To commercial ...
Alyssa - Daniel
Taylor - Daniel
Indy - Daniel
Jasmine - Daniel
Joseph - Daniel
Terrance - Kyle

Daniel knew the second Julie said eight to one. The only person he hugged was Terrance. He practically ran out. He thinks no one except Michael know the game.

Julie calls them to the living room again. She tells them the Festie Bestie twist is over. All have now, at least, made it to jury. She tells them another BB Classic Comp awaits them and tells them to go to the yard.

It is indeed the wall -- look for my next post if you want to follow it after the show ends. They are on a flat earth and the comp is called Conspiracy Fest.

Julie tells us she will let us in on a big secret twist that will "launch two simultaneous games at once." Okaaay.

Two hours next Thursday, house will split into two groups without interaction. There will be a double eviction the next week.

All still up as the show ends. OOPS. Spoke too soon. Jasmine fell down. What a shocker! Tune into my next post for updates on the comp.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - August 4


Good evening! I hope everybody is weathering the weather these days. I so do not like the heat! Bring on autumn!

Tonight we will see the live eviction show and perhaps the start of the HoH comp. They seem to like to put that off and sometimes show it on the Sunday show. So, I can't promise HoH!

Before we get going, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here we stand:

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

I'm not sure I really like Julie's pink summery one-piece pants thing she's wearing tonight. I think it makes her look heavier. Oh, well. Let's sit through Previously On.

It's Day 30. Julie recaps the recap for us. Daniel tells us that he hasn't trusted Monte since the Ameerah vote and, because Monte wanted to keep the noms the same, he had to use the veto. So, he put his only real ally on the block. He honestly thinks they have the votes to send Taylor packing and not Nicole.

Alyssa thinks it was Kyle who saved her off the block. She doesn't realize it was really Daniel. Taylor is really upset because she was told she wouldn't be going on the block this week even though she would be safe.

Daniel talks to Alyssa/Indy saying how he saved them because he loves them and they need to save Nicole. Nicole is certain she has the votes to stay. She seems to think by telling Indy, Alyssa and Jasmine that she was a cop for ten years they will be sure to keep her.

Daniel tells us that people make the mistake of getting too comfortable in the game ... as he and Nicole are calling the others clowns and are sure she will stay.

The obligatory showmance segment ... Kyle and Alyssa. She's "in love." 

Since the Leftovers are worried about a tie vote, they need to keep their alliance under cover.

Nicole talks to Monte. She lies and tells Monte what he wants to hear as she no longer trusts him. Monte tells us he doesn't trust Nicole and will go to Jasmine, Alyssa and Indy that she (Nicole) will target them. He tells Jasmine. She runs to the other two after telling us in the DR that she didn't want to be "on the other side of the house" again. Indy speaks up against Taylor and how she was supposed to leave the first week.

To the living room for the live vote --

Nicole - Loves her mother, loyalty and integrity, I will play with humility and grace and the right person will win the game

Taylor - Shoutouts. Points out her closest ally put Nicole in the game. Loves all.

The votes to evict:

Joseph - Nicole
Terrance - Nicole
Michael - Nicole
Indy - Nicole
Commercial break.
Jasmine - Nicole
Daniel - Taylor
Turner - Nicole
Kyle - Nicole
Alyssa - Nicole
Brittany - Nicole
Michael is the only one who didn't do shout-outs!

Nicole looked like she knew she was gone the second Julie said nine to one. Heh. A bitter Daniel tells them all that they all can't split the check and they need to play for themselves.

Nicole says Taylor's speech was amazing and comical. Nicole claimed that she (Nicole) was playing her alliance's game. She handles the interview well.

Gather in the living room -- time for Taylor to choose a Festie Bestie duo or trio to join. She chooses Indy and Alyssa. Hmm.

No HOH start. It will probably play out tonight with the feeds blocked.

In the live feeds end of show peek, Daniel is alone pacing, saying he should pack his bags and how much he doesn't want to live with these people.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 28


Get your snacks and beverages ready! We should be in for a wild ride with this episode tonight!

We have the veto meeting tonight before the live eviction. The veto meeting is not live. Before we go any further ... Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here is the latest:

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Ameerah    - Jennifer S, Joanne Victoria, Jackie
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Julie is dressed all summery and tells us an unlikely group has gathered together and we might be in for an epic blindside. Oh, but then it went to "Previously on ..." Then Julie gives us the history of the Leftovers.

Time for the (taped) veto meeting. As expected, Michael/Brittany save themselves. Turner names Terrance/Ameerah as the renoms. He says they don't talk game. The one target the house had would not be best for my game and I'm not going to join the dogpile. I've heard people talk.

Turner tells us that the bullying of Taylor stops today. Ameerah is surprised she's on the block and wonder who Turner might have on his side to give him the nerve to do that. Nicole thinks Turner tried to turn the house upside-down. Indy cries and she's not even on the block.

Terrance tells his buddies he wants Ameerah to stay over him. Michael tells us that they're keeping him here, whether he likes it or not. Monte is acting like he's surprised to Ameerah.

Julie tells us that the Leftovers need to keep up on their acting skills if they want to blindside Ameerah. Nicole buys into it and is crying to Terrance because he won't be there anymore. Heh. Turner tells Terrance he will be there and not to tell anyone.

To the living room live --

Ameerah - Shout outs, time of her life, enjoy playing game, ally, keep me.

Terrance - Shout outs, HG you know I love you, Turner respect the move. What if?

The votes to evict:
Alyssa - Terrance
Indy - Terrance
Monte - Ameerah
Nicole - Terrance
Commercial break ...
Jasmine - Terrance
Brittany - Ameerah
Taylor - Ameerah
Kyle - Ameerah
Michael - Ameerah
Daniel - Ameerah (sympathy vote)
Joseph - Ameerah

By a vote of 7 to 4 Ameerah, you are evicted. Nicole and Alyssa with dropped open jaws. Ameerah a bit teary says, "You guys got me." Turner is trying to stifle a giggle as Nicole hangs on him. Ameerah tells Julie that she got voted out because she was such a threat. Julie tells Ameerah about the Leftovers. She looks confused and says she's shocked.

Julie has to tell Terrance what is going to happen now that his Bestie is gone. He can have more than one Bestie. He can choose which set of Besties he wants to join. He decides to join Monty/Joseph. Three will play veto, three can also be nominated but only one goes home.

The HOH comp is based on the upcoming movie, The Invitation. We get a clip. If you want to compete, you need to find an invitation -- 1500 envelopes will rain down, first eight to find a red invitation will compete, four will not.

The comp prequel to comp starts and then the show ends. I'll catch you up with what happens on the feeds. If it plays out on the live feeds, I'll make a post covering it.

Jasmine has an invitation. Terrance, Brittany ... then it cuts away.  

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Not Live Eviction, HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - July 24

 Good evening! I hope everyone is holding up okay with this ridiculous heat across the country. Now, in real life the Power of Veto comp is done and over with. However, due to the schedule change, we will see the taped live eviction, the HOH comp, the Besties twist and the nominations all in a two-hour show.

Please don't post any spoilers in the comments area before they air on the show. I hate to remove comments. It's bad enough that Blogger keeps sending some comments to its spam folder and I have to retrieve them during commercials!

I will be live-blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there! Bring icy cold beer, please!

Previously On ... and all that. Will Pooch face his demise in the game tonight?

Julie tells us that Pooch and Taylor both think they are pawns, only one is. Pooch says it's the petty girls who want Taylor out and he doesn't know why.

Kyle and Alyssa are flirting on the edge of a showmance. You can tell from this segment that they want to push the showmance factor -- they think it brings up the ratings.

The guys notice all the girls (or most of them) are up in the HOH room. Joseph tells Monte and Kyle that he thinks they are going to vote out Pooch. Joseph doesn't know about the plan, but Monte and Kyle do.

Alyssa tells Kyle about the all girls alliance that Paloma started on the first day.

Julie tells us a blindside seems certain for tonight, but who will be blindsided with the house dividing along gender lines? Ameerah tells Monte that Taylor is trying to backdoor him. She tells him that Pooch is more dangerous to her own game. But Monte isn't sure that's best for his game. Ameerah gets Nicole to confront Monte saying Pooch will go after both of the girls.  

Nicole thinks the females this season are the strongest ever cast on the show. Um, well.

To the living room (as if it's live) --

Pooch - Grateful to be here. I'm already winning. Loyal. Love all y'all. (He rambles and isn't taking it seriously.)

Taylor - Love y'all. If you choose to keep me, I can be an asset to your game.

The votes to evict:

Turner - Pooch
Alyssa - Pooch
Ameerah - Pooch
Joseph - Pooch
To commercial break ...
Daniel - Pooch
Nicole - Pooch
Kyle - Pooch
Monte - Pooch
Michael - Pooch
Brittany - Pooch
Indy - Pooch
Terrance - Pooch

It's unanimous -- Pooch gets the doggy door out! Fake hugs all around.

Julie reminds him he volunteered and pawns often go home. He's shocked that it was 12 to 0. Julie tells him the five-woman alliance siezed the opportunity to vote him out when they could.

Julie calls all to the living room to unveil the new twist. The only way to enjoy a festival with a friend -- you will be playing with a Festie Bestie. By the time the HOH is over, you will have one. If you win HOH, your Bestie is safe, too. Nomination will be one set of Besties. PoV is played with Besties, too. On eviction night, only one bestie is evicted. She will tell what happens to the other best on eviction night.

HOH comp time. Get Lit is the comp. Rounds, hold down button on giant lighter, sit down when music stops. When eliminated, strategic or personal decision. First person eliminated can join Jasmine or have someone else choose. There are giant lighters suspended for them to hang onto. The lighters are moving back and forth. It's a bit like a twisted game of musical chairs although they each have their own chair.

Julie leaves as the hamsters compete. Terrance out first. He doesn't want to be Jasmine's Bestie. He gets his own table. Round two - Brittany out, also takes an empty table. Round three - Joseph out, chooses an empty table. Michael throws it so he can sit with Brittany in Round Four. Round Five - Taylor out, chooses an empty table.

It's up to Round Six. Monte out, chooses to be Festie Bestie with Joseph. Round Seven -- Nicole out, chooses Taylor as her Festie Bestie -- tells us she knows that if they go on the block, she would be safe. Round Eight starts. Indy out, chooses empty table. Round Nine -- Daniel throws it to take the last empty table. Round Ten -- Kyle out, chooses Daniel.

Round Eleven -- Alyssa out, chooses Indy. Round Twelve -- It's Ameerah versus Turner.


Ameerah picks Terrance. So, Turner gets (stuck with) Jasmine. Turner tells us he would love to have Ameerah or Nicole on the block. Brittany doesn't want to lose Michael. Turner thinks being Festie Bestie with Jasmine might give him an in with the girls that he doesn't now have. Nicole SAYS she wants to work with Taylor plus if they go on the block, Taylor is a bigger target.

Who wants to see my HOH room? Nobody, I say! Okay, they all go and he cries through a letter from his girlfriend.

Everybody has to go to the living room for the Have Not choosing. Only one Festie Bestie couple has to be Have Nots. Turner turns the task over to Jasmine. Indy and Alyssa are chosen -- they are the only couple that neither has been a Have Not yet.

Indy is rubbing people wrong, notably Terrance. Heck, just let her sulk for a bit about Have Not. 

Nicole says they should put up Michael and Brittany and backdoor Taylor. She thinks an advantage will come her way if she remains after Bestie Taylor is backdoored.

Turner has decided either Nicole/Taylor or Michael/Brittany. He talks to the women. Hmm. Nicole is acting like Taylor is her actual best friend! But he is more concerned talking to Brittany, she doesn't let on anything actual about gameplay. He tells Michael he trusts him more than Brittany. Michael is worried that they will go on the block.

Nomination Ceremony time. Turner nominates Festie Besties Michael and Brittany, because they don't talk a lot of game with him.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Show Blog Party - July 14


Good evening! Tonight it might not be your typical live eviction night. We already had the mystery of what's going on with the Backstage Pass hamsters. It appears there have been other developments as well. If nothing else, it should be an interesting show.

I will live-blog the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

But first ... a blog pool reminder from Lifeguard SueGee:

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Ameerah    - Jennifer S, Joanne Victoria, Jackie
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Nicole    - Donna in FL, Dr Celine, Skyriverblue
Paloma    - AprilW, Chacha, Petals
Pooch (Joe)  - David, Joyce Johnson, Quixotic Elf, PDX Granny
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Here we go!

Julie has a summery dress on, reminds us of "expect the unexpected" and tells us that's even more so tonight. Then we go into "previously on" and here we are.

The narrator tells us emotions are high and a shocking announcement rocks the game.

Julie tells us the Backstage twist has been changed due to events and apparently won't culminate tonight. Taylor cries. She doesn't like to feel unwelcome. Paloma tells us she feels sorry for Taylor. Yeah, right. Then she plays up to Taylor in tears herself. @@

Taylor picks up that Paloma may not be 100% on her side. She is determined to see who she offended and rubbed the wrong way. She tries to straighten things out with Monte. He tells us he's still with Paloma, though. Huh? Paloma tells Taylor that she would rather go to bed than to hear her explain herself.

Going into commercial, Julie confirms one houseguest unexpectedly exited.

Girls, Girls is expanding to Girls, Guys ... Kyle, Monte, Pooch along with Paloma, Alyssa and Ameerah. Then Paloma decides to recruit Michael. He is leery but agrees.

Brittany is still concerned about Backstage. She wants to get in good with Pooch in case he has the power to save one of them. Pooch runs to Joseph and Ameerah telling them that Brittany said that Ameerah wants to put him on the block. Ameerah and Jasmine confront Brittany. She knows Pooch ratted her out.

An emotional series of events leads into an unexpected departure and an unprecedented announcement to the houseguests. Another pre-commercial teaser.

Back -- BB House can be difficult. Paloma isn't sleeping more than a few hours a night. She locks herself in the bathroom stall crying. Her anxiety is running amok. Alyssa tells Joseph that Paloma told her to vote her out today. They are all getting worried about her. Paloma goes to the Diary Room.

Daniel calls everyone to the living room. "Due to a personal matter, Paloma will no longer be in the Big Brother game." She loves you and wishes you the best. Oh, geez. They're all in tears.

Julie tells us that America voted to keep Brittany safe. With Paloma gone, this is affecting tonight's eviction and the Backstage twist. There would have been a battle between Backstage and a hamster. The loser goes home immediately. Since Paloma was in Backstage, so this changes. Brittany and Alyssa are now safe. Both nominees are safe.

They have to head out to the backyard for the HOH comp.

Backyard is full of giant size instruments. Only seven can play, seven head-to-head race. "Bye Bye Backstage" Race across obstacle course to stage, hit button.

Pooch and Michael first - random draw - Michael wins.

Taylor and Alyssa - Taylor wins.

Indy and Joseph - Joseph wins.

Brittany and Ameerah - Ameerah wins.

Jasmine and Terrance - Jasmine. I thought she touched her foot at one point, then she fell after winning. May be hurt. They confirmed she did not touch.

Kyle and Turner - Kyle wins.

Monte and Nicole - Monte wins.

The winners advance to the HOH comp which is not going to be shown on the show until Sunday. It will probably play out sometime tonight blocked to the live feeds.