Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

Dan was embarrassed as Keesha, Michelle, and Memphis played Truth or Dare.

It's been a bit quiet fight-wise since Libra has basically conceded and expects to go home. I expect that will change once the new HOH comes to play. Here's what went down last night in the BB House of Boorah:
  • Yesterday was the only day until Sunday that they can eat, so they did. A lot. I wonder what's going to happen this week as the food comp usually happens on Friday. Perhaps none?
  • It was also the halfway point in the game -- BB gave them a cake to celebrate. But BB doesn't do birthday cakes this season.
  • Michelle talked with Dan, telling him how poor and simple living her family is.
  • Michelle doesn't think that she'd have Libra's vote at the end. Dan told her he thinks Libra would vote on gameplay, not personal reasons.
  • Meanwhile, Memphis was teasing Keesha and she tattletaled to Renny on him.
  • Then it started -- Ollie, Jerry, and April want to vote Keesha out this week if they can get Dan's vote. Ollie got the ball rolling ... just like he led the evict Steven movement.
  • Then there was Dan's Murder Mystery. In searching for her toy (hidden by Dan), Keesha found a condom in Ollie's drawer. He swore it wasn't his. (Yeah, right.)
  • Dan's first clue to Keesha was "It sleeps with the fish."
  • Not finding her toy Gizmo, Keesha took all of Dan's underwear. (That should be interesting if you know what I'm talking about!) She put them in the freezer.
  • Keesha, Memphis, and Michelle hung out a lot. Hopefully Michelle has seen the light -- April is definitely nastier than Keesha!
  • Keesha, Dan, Memphis, and Michelle hung out in the backyard playing an embarrassing game of Truth or Dare. Dan abstained and blushed a lot.
  • April and Ollie cuddled in bed and then Jerry sat watching them (see screen cap below). I was really creeped out even though they were just cuddling clothes on ... with Jerry parked there watching them.
  • Renny later joined the backyard crew.
  • The topic changed.
  • Renny thinks that "the Colonel" has gotten very tight with April.
  • The Renny, Keesha, Michelle, Memphis, and Dan bunch made a pact that they will NOT let April win the game. There goes the jury, eh?
  • Memphis thinks April must not have had sex in years because she's wound up so tight. Heh.
  • April said she was married two months, but it was annulled. Although Jerry's been married to his current wife since he was 20, he said the other day he was married for about a year before ... although they were only together about 12 days.
  • When Renny did her Lily Tomlin impersonation, Michelle had no clue who Lily Tomlin is. Maybe she should call Ernestine for information.
  • Dan and Michelle talked about Jerry's POV speech. Michelle really thinks that Jerry thought he could do the nomination if he saved someone from the block.
  • For all of his pre-season bio innocence when it comes to girls, Ollie told tales of women throwing themselves at him and his active sex life to April.
  • April actually seemed taken aback by his escapades tales.
  • All are asleep as I get this posted.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/12 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Welcome aboard! The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs -- please forgive typos. Everyone is welcome in the comments area, so join in on the discussion! My full show review/recap will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

We're doing the nomination recaps once again. They weren't that exciting the first time around. Day 32 goes to color. Keesha is sure April had influence on the nominations. Libra - "You know damn right I'm the target." Dan is relieved. Jerry is mad and says the only way Dan could justify what he did is if he's America's Player.

Dan is talking to Keesha. He tells her not to let Michelle see her cry. She's upset that April's key was the first one pulled. Libra wants them to whoop her ass if she goes.

Michelle and Keesha talk. Michelle tells Keesha that she doesn't want her out, she wants Libra gone. She thinks all of the evicted have been due to Libra.

Time to pick players for the POV comp. Dan doesn't want Jerry selected -- he's worried he'd use it. Libra is sure she's on her own. Michelle picks April. Keesha picks Memphis. Libra gets Jerry. The host is Ollie.

April, Ollie and Jerry are talking about how happy they are that Libra and Keesha are on the block. They want Libra out. Jerry thinks Dan is a more dangerous player than Libra. Jerry (stalking) follows Michelle into the HOH room. He brings up Dan -- thinking he's America's Player. Michelle agrees with him. She doesn't trust his religious talk or school talk. Jerry wants her to think about him. He tells us that he wants to win the veto comp and take Libra or Keesha off the block.

They're sleeping ... Dan and Memphis want to look like robbers with bandanas and all. They grab pillows and raid the women in the bedroom, attacking with fluff.

Time for the veto. Ollie has a chef's apron on. Thousands of onions and a big chopping block. "Cry Me a Veto." Libra isn't going to sing Cumbaya My Lord and give her the veto. They have to chop onions and place them in either the veto bin or mystery bin. They have 45 minutes. Memphis is playing to win the prize. He wants to avoid making the decision or going against Michelle. Knife, mallet or dicer can be used. April is splitting her onions between mystery and veto. Jerry developed a plan with the chopper which made him lose almost none of the chopped onion.

Keesha's a mess. They have a little bucket right under their chins which they have to transport the onions. Dan and Ollie talk about Jerry being prsonal and wanting to send Dan home.

It's over. Mystery boxes -- 33.8 for Memphis, April 24.7, Michelle 19.4, Keesha 17.6, Libra none, Jerry 17.2. April wins second place, Memphis first. Memphis chooses an envelope. He wers a custom made onion necklace for 24 hours. April wins a personal stylist to pick five outfits to wear in the house and take home. She's glad the other girls will be jealous.

Veto boxes - Memphis 25.8, April 27.4, Michelle 31.0, Keesha 29.8, Libra 32.0, Jerry 36.8. Jerry wins POV.

Libra tells us put a fork in me, I'm done ... it's a wrap.

Jerry tells a strange story about old bulls. Dan is worried.

Jerry is giving the other room a figure. He again calls Dan Judas. He wants to put him on the block. April and Ollie are laughing about all the Judas talk. Every dog has his day, says Jerry. Michelle and Jerry now. He tells her he did it for Jessie. He reminds her he's 75. He wants Dan to suffer. He wants to take Keesha off so she puts Dan up. She isn't up for it, wants Libra out then says I want you to do what you want to do.

Feast time starts. Keesha thinks they should all say something positive about each other. Memphis confused me. Renny gives accolades to the Colonel -- his age and 110%. He gives a tear, he's felt all alone. Renny tells the girls they're all unique and beautiful in their own way. Dan tells Jerry they had an issue, but all of his talks were genuine, he only had one granfather growing up ... tears. Jerry tells him he treated like a grandson, but now totally betrayed. Keesha hates that she and April have issues. Renny says it's because they put two blonds in.

Libra said the designer dress was why Keesha's being nice. Michelle was mad at that. Ollie says anyone can talk to him, so Libra goes to the SR about the scaliwag and ho comments. She cries. He hugs her. She tells him she wasn't the catalyst for Jessie's eviction and throws Keesha under the bus.

Michelle tells Keesha that Libra was making snide remarks. Michelle gets April to back her up. Michelle wants to turn the friends (Libra and Keesha) against each other. "Bring the bitch in the room, if she wants to talk let her talk," says Michelle. Memphis lurks the doorway with his onion garland.

They bring up Libra. Libra claims she was joking and now the whole context is skewed. Memphis runs away. Now Keesha is upset. Let's go there then!" MEOW. Downstairs, Memphis mentions liquid courage.

April is looking all smug. Dan is happy because people will forget about me. Libra brings up that she talked to Ollie and Ollie told her that Keesha got the vote going against Jessie. Keesha says April told her things about Jessie. So now April, Keesha, and Libra are all under the bus.

Michelle and Keesha are screaming. Keesha is mad, but Michelle keeps at her telling her she wants to know what's going on. Keesha doesn't like April. While Libra won't admit what she does, April will blame it on everybody else. Food for thought for Michelle. Keesha tells her that April plays all of them, camera keeps cutting to April with an evil smile.

Time for the veto meeting. Jerry thinks it's his chance to get Dan out ... or he can honor Michelle. Expect the unexpected. What's with Dan's footbal paint stuff? OLSM?

Jerry's speech -- He has the pwoer to veto a nom. Keesha says she knows why she's here, evict Jessie, full and complete repsonsibility, doesn't expect the the veto. Libra -- same sentiments, doesn't expect him to use it.

Jerry talks a bit about how he feels and last week. He had no power last week. Dan, he's sorry he's not there. Walked around wearing the cross, told Jessie he'd give up his religion before breaking his word in the second week, Juda. He doesn't use it.

Meeting adjourned.

Dan doesn't think Jerry's speech accomplished anything. He'd rather be lucky than be good. Keesha wants to fight to stay. Libra has now turned on Keesha -- will let them know Keesha is the one who gathered the votes for Jessie.

BB10 Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up on TV Squad. I'll get a live-blogging post for tonight's show up here at 9 PM ET and later on I will have my full review/recap of tonight's episode posted on TVS.

BB10: Renny Imitating Jerry's POV Speech

I didn't record it. But since folks were asking for it, I found this on YouTube.

Basically OFF TOPIC: Some TV Ramblings and Life Stuff

Yep, that's me - a fly on the leaf of life ... or something to that effect. I know I'm akin to a fly on the wall of the Big Brother 10 house, but ...! While this post contains some TV stuff, it's mostly off topic, so read on at your own risk. (Yes, I took this photo a while ago.)

I've been watching a lot of television since I'm around home so much this summer. I was a bit irked at a show I saw on truTV during the wee hours a few nights ago. It was something about psychics solving cases. Wow, did they skew the case. It happens that I'm familiar with the case on the show -- a killer up in Albany when I was still living there. Lemuel Smith killed two people in a religious shop, then murdered a woman in her car at the Colonie Center mall. I happened to catch a shoplifter at my workplace just when they discovered the body and the shoplifter ended up going free due to it. Psychics did not solve the murders -- police work and a police dog did. They also didn't mention that Smith went on to murder a female guard at Green Haven prison after being incarcerated. By that time I was living in that area! What a crock the show is!

On another truTV show, I think it was one of the Cold Cases or Forensic Files ones, I noticed the initial screen with text had police department spelled as "police deptartment." Who does these things? Maybe it was American Justice. It was a show with actor Brian Denehy (sp?) hosting. Whatever. Very unprofessional. If they need a proofreader, I'm available! Although I'm lenient with online stuff, it really bothers me to see stupid mistakes on professional broadcasts from the local news to shows like this to commercials.

In other TV stuff -- I saw an episode of I Want to Work for Diddy. Yikes! It's like The Apprentice on meth or something! I don't want to work for Diddy. I don't have the energy and I wouldn't put that much effort into working for anyone other than myself.

In personal stuff -- my across the hall neighbor was cooking something the other night (at 3:30 in the morning, mind you). For some reason he decided to go to the supermarket at that hour. When he returned home, he opened his door and smoke poured out setting off the apartment building's fire alarm. I went to my door and smelled smoke, but my door wasn't hot, so I opened it. He was in the hallway gasping for air, but told me there was no fire -- just food in the oven and he put it in the sink. I stuck towels under my door and was thankful I didn't have to pack up the cat and go outside in the middle of the night. Then I peeped out my peephole at cute firemen who came and set up big fans. Dang, if I burn food, I will NOT open my door and set off the main alarm! But I've never seen such smoke -- I couldn't even see across his living room. I hope he never does that again.

In health stuff -- I heard back from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Sigh. Even if it's deemed medically necessary (as it is in my case), they will not pay for any more physical therapy than the calendar limit of 20 visits a year no matter the situation or even if there's more than one surgery, etc. I haven't told my PT yet. I have an appointment on Wednesday, will tell him then, and pay him for my two uncovered visits. I guess I'll have to quit the PT even though my new knee needs it. My next follow-up with the orthopedic surgeon is this Thursday and I'll let him know it was denied. I still have some strength and balance issues, along with pain now and then. They increased my dosage of Coumadin/Warfarin this past week. I'm increasingly tired once again this past week. It has to be related.

With the exception of one teeny thing, I've been enjoying my Thursday outing routine of late. You see, that's my blood draw day for my Coumadin dosage. (That's the teeny thing I don't like.) In the beginning, I was depending on Union County Paratransit to take me to the next town over. But I found they really aren't all too dependable. So, for the last several weeks, I've been walking to the train station to catch the train there. It's a bit shy of a half-mile walk.

On the way, I first stop at the Jamaican store I used to frequent a lot in my travels. The counter man is always happy to see me and hear how I'm doing. But, no ... I don't buy any chicken feet or curried goat. Then I stop in at the corner store near the station and visit with the Indian couple who run it -- they were kind enough to deliver when I was housebound. I then stop quickly at the Greek donut shop next door to them, usually getting just a bottle of water and checking in because I know I have calories planned ahead. It's always great to see these business owners and they're very pleased with my progress. I love the diversity of the bunch and they think of me as a friend more than just a customer. It's a good feeling.

Then I go to the train station, looking for Roofus the cat as I get there. So far no sightings, but I noticed they recently tarred his main travel roof. That and the heat of the day might be why I'm not seeing him. Then, as I travel on the train, I visit with my conductor friends on NJ Transit who, like the shopkeepers, seem to be very happy to see me and make me feel good about my progress.

Once in town near LabCorp (my vampires), I usually sit and finish my bottle of water in a teensy park with a huge clock and shade trees. I sit on a "Fanny Wood Day Committee" bench. Then it's off to my quarter-mile walk for the blood draw. I have a standing order there and once they even sneaked me in when they had to close for lunch.

Then it's calorie time on the way back to the train station. I stop in each week for my treat at Dunkin' Donuts -- a small coffee Coolata with no whipped cream and either a breakfast sandwich or donut. I sit, sip, and leisurely read the paper. I never had time for that in my life during work days! From there I take the train further east one stop to Westfield where I do any banking I might have to do and stop in at Trader Joe's and/or Stop and Shop. From there I take the bus home which stops right in front of my apartment building. (No, that bus doesn't stop near my vampires -- it's the Dunellen/Manhattan bus.)

All in all, I look forward to my Thursday outings as of late. It's good exercise for my knee and, with the exception of the blood draw itself, I find it so pleasant and peaceful. Plus, I like coffee Coolatas!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into the Dawn - Tuesday 8/12

Renny doing her midget dance.

Heck, even Michelle called her a "keeper" for it (see video at bottom). I can only hope it's true. With the exception of her friendship with Keesha, Renny is one of the few I like in the house. I'd love to see Dan and Renny at the end. Here's the happenings from that Big Brother House of Silly Renny and Unstable Jerry:
  • Jerry's speech at the veto meeting continued to be a topic of conversation. Michelle and Keesha said Jerry had his facts screwed up. Ollie is still in shock that Jerry went as far as he did. No one in the house agrees with anything Jerry said, yet Jerry is still oh-so-proud that he "got it off his chest."
  • Memphis and Dan talked -- if Jerry ends up on the block, he's sure to go home (or, actually, sequester at this point).
  • Memphis, Renny, and Keesha mentioned that April and Ollie latch onto the HOH no matter who's there.
  • Ollie said that Jerry told him that he wanted to make people think he was taking Libra off the block with his speech. (Note: he did not use the veto.)
  • Michelle doesn't want to encourage Jerry's bad behavior and plans to say nothing if he asks what others think of his speech.
  • Ollie is afraid of crows, has been since he was a child. Some came into the backyard and he ran inside freaking out. (I wonder if he knows a flock of crows is called a "murder.")
  • Even April said that Jerry's speech was a personal attack on Dan and inappropriate.
  • Michelle, April, and Ollie think Jerry has lost it and is overly paranoid.
  • Memphis talked about squirrel hunting and Dan was reminded of Deliverance. Ah, so nice that some classic movies are still popular with the younger generation.
  • Renny heard the conversation and said she won't eat rodents.
  • Ollie thinks the winner of BB goes on Letterman. I think that hasn't happened in a few years, but maybe with the Ferguson bit the winner will probably go on there.
  • Memphis thinks Renny can be so entertaining that she might be offered her own show.
  • Ollie thinks that the audience will change their view of Jerry after seeing his POV speech. I think we changed it a week or two back.
  • When Renny did her midget dance, Jerry told her she would be boycotted.
  • Memphis likened being in the house as "taking acid and watching Groundhog Day over and over again." Keesha said it was like being locked in a mental institution and fighting to stay locked in there.
  • When Michelle again brought up America's Player to Dan, he said Libra started that rumor.
  • They counted the minutes until midnight when they could eat.
  • Holly, Michelle's stuffed dog, had a rough time last night ... visited the hot tub.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 11, 2008

BB10 - Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

I'm watching Intervention. Very weird.

BB10 Live Feeds Video Snippets

There was a rare Diary Room leak today and here are some snippets of it:

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin - Veto Ceremony

As expected, Jerry didn't use the veto.

Are you surprised?

BB10: Live Feeds Into Monday Morning

Renny and Dan on the patio last night.

My apologies for being a bit late with this report. I was up most of the night, then conked out around dawn without getting it written up. I think someone's feeding me rat poison or something. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of a Leeching Lecherous Old Guy:
  • Ollie told April she's mean. She thought he was joking. I think she definitely has a mean streak.
  • Memphis didn't have to wear the onion garland for a week like I thought he did. He got to take it off last night.
  • Libra told Dan that the only way that Ollie and April might make it to the end of the game is if they stage a fight -- the whole house knows they're a strong duo and need to be split up.
  • Libra's worried that the show will edit her in a way that it will affect her children. I don't really think so. I can see where I wouldn't want her as MY mother because she's a very controlling person, but even though I'd just as soon see her leave this week, I don't think she's a horrible person or anything -- just annoying and controlling.
  • As Libra talked a lot of small cordial talk with Dan, a bit of game talk now and then but nothing major, Renny and Keesha became suspicious because they were talking. Sheesh! Dan talks to everyone but Jerry!
  • The next thing you know, Renny and Keesha get Memphis in on the suspicion. Is Dan in league with Ollie? He used to be an ally of Jerry! Grr ... obviously they should see that alliance came to a screeching halt!
  • They still have America's Player suspicions with Dan, too. However, they'd have no idea it would just be a week. Renny said, "Perhaps America wanted Jessie out more than they wanted you out," to Memphis. Spot on, girl!
  • Keesha keeps pressing Dan about the vote this week. She thinks he might want her out instead of Libra.
  • When Michelle told Jerry she didn't want him brushing his teeth in the shower, he almost cried. Now, that's just weird ... both that he does it and that he teared up when asked not to do it.
  • Michelle told Renny that Jessie told her that Dan was looking in the mirror as he cried and they hugged -- something odd about that struck Jessie.
  • Renny is really thinking along the lines of Dan being AP.
  • Michelle thinks America hates Libra because all of the questions asked of her on the live show have been negative.
  • April told Ollie and Jerry that after Libra goes this week, it's Keesha next.
  • April thinks that Keesha doesn't like her because she's prettier than Keesha is. @@
  • Jerry called Memphis a "Judas goat" and said he leads the other goats to slaughter ... or something to that effect. Bizarre.
  • Michelle thinks there might be a Libra/Dan conspiracy. (No, there isn't.)
  • April thinks if Libra gets a vote to stay, it will be Dan.
  • Libra had a talk with Keesha in which she apologized. When they said that BB said they were the "fruitiest group of houseguests," the feeds got blocked. Yep, yep ... Froot Loops, they are!
  • Libra told Keesha she wants to ask BB if they can have her meet Barack Obama. Um, for some reason I think he probably has more important things to do than meeting Libra.
  • As I get this posted, Renny and Jerry are sort of up and about.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/10 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

I have a live feeds post yet to appear over on TVS and I'll be writing the full review/recap of tonight's show there, too. But in the meantime, the show has started here - finally after a golf delay. This post will be updates as it airs here on the East Coast -- please forgive any typos! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments, that's the best part of the live blog!

Recap City ... we have to see Jessie voted out again, of course. Wake up calls. Eww ... in the promo bit for the return of previous HG, Boogie needs anti-perspirant BAD.

Now Jessie is evicted once again. Michelle is angry in the DR and cries once again. We're in B&W. Keesha is proud of herself for pulling off the Jessie eviction. April is in shock. Dan thinks he's in an awkward position. Finally, Day 31 in color.

Libra is laughing, she's glad Jessie is gone. Jerry is looking angry. Dan is just looking uncomfortable. Jerry tells us Dan has disrespected him and nothing he can do will regain the respect. April's body language says it all -- arms crossed and pacing.

Now Michelle won HOH and they even captioned Jerry's "Screw you people." Michelle is triumphant and so is April. Dan tells us he never swore on his cross and took the cross off before the eviction. First time he's ever taken the chain off.

Keesha and Libra know they need to win POV. Jerry is following Michelle. Dan thinks he might be able to buy a week by acting like he's in shame. Now Renny and Michelle are yelling at each other over something entirely stupid. Michelle yells at Libra and Keesha that they're hiding. April and Libra are screaming. Jerry just keeps piping up with stupidity and namecalling like he's 12 years old.

Now they bring up Dan who's hiding with a pillow over his head. They knock his religion and Michelle even doubts he's a teacher. Dan overhears it from the bedroom. Memphis pretty much tells us they've gone too far.

Focus on DOOM on the wall as Dan hides with Memphis approaching. Memphis wants Dan to be safe this week. Dan promises he won't blow up. Memphis thinks Dan has earned his trust by voting for him to stay last week. So Memphis talks to Michelle. Memphis wants to play his old alliance and save Dan, too.

Michelle is still wearing her unitard. She goes to Dan and asks him if he's a schoolteacher. Dan gives her weak excuses for his vote. Michelle told him that you have to lie, cheat, and steal in the game but not for people like that. He told her he was told he'd be on the block. I love his smiles to the camera after people leave.

Libra and Michelle are talking about how it's just a game. Libra says Michelle's family is probably proud of her. HOH room -- all come up. Memphis thinks April is being fake with praise. Letter from home -- her brother is proud of her. Everyone looks touched. Renny congratulates her, then leaves in tears. Libra and Keesha hug her, then leave. Renny cries and honks. She was thinking of her own family. Dan came in to console her.

Dan leaves and Keesha comes in. But back in the HOH room, Jerry says he'll never talk to Dan again. Jerry vows to make the sign of the cross at him. Ollie just looks dazed as Michelle, April, and Jerry trashtalk Dan, then Libra.

Time for the food comp! Game show setting. "In the News -- Big Brother Houseguests return" Brian is the host. They have to decide if outside news is right or not, then since his first alliances didn't work out a new one -- George, Bunky, Amy, Jun, Jase, Janelle (Ollie stood), Boogie, Jen, Mattie. PlaYING FOR FOOD, RETURNING hg PLAY FOR CASH.

mONDAY - Dan -- Chooses Boogie - Brett Farve story about being a Jet -- Dan doesn't think so. No food for Monday. HG shocked. Boogie got $1,000

Tuesday - Renny - Picks Jen - Economy - National average gas over $6.00, Jen says no. Renny trusts her. They get food for Tuesday.

Wednesday - Jerry picks Janelle - Health - Jessie offered the cover of Muscle and Fitness -- Hehe - Janelle says false no offer and he's not that cute. Jerry disagrees with her, no food. Janelle gets $1,000

Playing for a grill - Memphis picks Amy - World News - Chinese officals banned bald and smelly cab drivers, Amy makes up an obviously fake story It's in the news, no grill.

Thursday - Ollie picks up Matt - Science - Prevent rainfall. Matt tells of a laser made in China -- Ollie disagrees. It's in the news, no food.

Friday -- Libra chooses Bunky -- Cheech and Chong tour -- they are and she's wrong. No food.

Feast - Michelle picks Jase - Fake earthquake - It's not in the news, they get feast.

April goes for George -- Spears a country album -- Not in news. (Saturday)

Keesha chooses Jun - Paris urges people not to vote for Bush -- Keesha got it right for Sunday.

Slop five out of seven days.

Memphis talks to Michelle. He's concerned about the alliance she has with Ollie, April, and Jerry. He tells her that he has no alliance. He's not with Keesha, Libra, or Rennie. Memphis tells her he doesn't think Dan has an alliance. She's still mad at Dan. Memphis tells her he's sure she'll do the right thing.

Memphis talks to Keesha and Libra. He's anti-April and they think he should try to put it in Michelle's head that April put Jessie on the block. Meanwhile, Rennie goes to the HOH room. She tries to bring up April putting Jessie up on the block. Renny says that April shouldn't have put Jessie up, then didn't protect him.

Nominations today - Memphis is trying to be there for Michelle and isn't worried. Rennie wants April up. Dan is pretty sure he'll go on the block. Libra knows she's the biggest target. Michelle tells us the people she's nominating need to be out of the house, been there too long and showed their cards. She's going to blow up their game plan.

Ceremony - Key order - April, Memphis, Ollie, Jerry, Renny, Dan. So it's Keesha and Libra. Michelle says she nominated them and they're not surprised -- not personal, just strategy, they're threats.

Dan is thrilled. Jerry is mad at Dan -- he will always be known as Judas in his house. @@

Libra was expecting a much better speech.

BB10 - Delayed by Golf

Tonight's BB10 here will be delayed by golf. Right now, 60 Minutes is on. As soon as the show starts, I'll have a post for it started.

BB10: Live Feeds Last Night and Into Sunday

Libra is up early this morning cleaning up after the big feast.

I think I forgot to mention that I had a feeds report posted at TVS which updated until the POV comp yesterday. Oops. Not to fear -- there was plenty of action during the evening hours after the comp! Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Horrors:
  • As I mentioned before -- Jerry won the POV and Memphis has to wear a garland of onions. Now, if it was garlic that would keep the vampires away! Or is that werewolves?
  • The comp had something to do with cutting or slicing onions. It was called "Cry Me a Veto." In the comp it seems the girls won some sort of expensive shopping spree.
  • As Libra and Keesha were talking about Jerry not using the veto, Jerry was at Michelle's side telling her he's always been on her side. @@
  • Jerry doesn't want Michelle telling Keesha she's safe, but he wants to tell her and no one else can know. Um, duh, Jerry. Everyone knows that too many want Libra out. Whether the veto is used or not, Keesha is bound to be safe.
  • After swearing to keep the "Keesha safe" bit a huge secret, Jerry told April. @@ She asked if he was going to use the veto and he said no -- the vote will be for Libra to leave.
  • Jerry is still mad at Dan. He told Renny the only time he broke his word was with Brian and because everyone forced him. He thinks his wife will be proud of him. I hope she doesn't have the live feeds!
  • April and Ollie think Michelle likes Keesha and just don't understand.
  • They were all one big happy friendly cordial family as they awaited their feast from BB.
  • That wouldn't last.
  • As the crowd had such a good time, first Libra started crying and left, then Dan. All the niceness must have been too much.
  • As they each said something nice about each other, Jerry said he thinks Dan is America's Player and that's why he betrayed him. Jerry said if he wins HOH, he'll put Dan up for eviction.
  • Libra ended up crying to Ollie about the hurtful things he's said about her being a mother. He apologized to her.
  • She told him that voting out Jessie wasn't her idea -- she was approached with it.
  • BB gave them all too much alcohol, methinks. Jerry got drunk and Michelle was floored with all of the honesty in the house.
  • Libra continued to trash Keesha to Ollie while April and Keesha trashed Libra in another room.
  • Keesha in an almost parallel universe to Libra, cried to April.
  • Libra caught wind over some of what Keesha was saying to April -- she found it interesting that Keesha only talked to April because she's drunk.
  • The April/Keesha discussion turned into a catfight with them both shouting accusations at each other MEOW.
  • But then they hugged and April said it will be Libra going home. PURR.
  • But then, as Keesha and Michelle were in the HOH room, Libra barged in. Apparently changing her mind, she left after making a lame excuse.
  • But then ... as several sat around bashing Libra, they decided Libra should be in on it like some sort of intervention.
  • Catfight! MEOW
  • After the catfight cleared, Keesha told Michelle that most of what's been blamed on Libra is actually April's doing.
  • It's all too much for Michelle -- she ended up burying herself in pillows on the backyard couch and sobbing.
  • All of a sudden she tosses the pillows and starts screaming "[BLEEP] you! [BLEEP] you and you! All of you!"
  • Meltdown complete.
  • Soon everyone was screaming or crying again. Except for Dan and Memphis. I think they went in hiding. (Perhaps the Witless Protection Program?)
  • As Keesha cried how much she liked Angie and put her on the block for them, Jerry and Memphis assured her she's staying this week.
  • April and Keesha made up, then started screaming again.
  • Libra vowed no more alcohol for houseguests.
  • Michelle thinks all of the evictions so far go back to Libra.
  • Libra denies it -- says if she goes this week, she'll see there are a lot more serious players than she is left in the house.
  • Ollie finds it all funny that the girls are going at it.
  • Dan just hides.
  • April continued to fuss about the car Memphis won.
  • Michelle is more determined than ever that Keesha will stay and Libra will go this week.
  • An awful lot of brouhaha just to go full circle back to that, eh?
  • All finally headed to bed. Libra is up early cleaning the huge mess left behind.
  • But no one can clean the mess of hurt feelings and alcohol-driven stupidity.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

BB10: POV Completed

After blocked feeds for nearly three hours, we're back. Jerry won the Power of Veto and Memphis, for some reason, has to wear onions for a week.

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Into Saturday Dawn

Yeah, Ollie is sitting pretty through the nominations. Even if Keesha or Libra are saved by the veto, his name isn't in the mix. It would most likely be Dan going up as a replacement. Here's what's happened since my last update:

  • Amongst other things, they did win a feast during their food comp.
  • Michelle is getting tired of being popular just because she's HOH, but thinks she would be on the block had she not won it.
  • Michelle is still ticked off about the "two-headed snake" remark regarding her and Jessie.
  • Everyone is on slop until their Saturday feast.
  • Dan's key was the last drawn from the box during nominations.
  • Michelle told him she did it for a reason. He has never won a comp, acts suspiciously, Jerry thinks he's America's Player, and he betrayed them by voting Jessie out.
  • Dan tried to defend his actions by saying he was told that April and company wanted to go after floaters next and he thought he was in danger of being nominated.
  • Apparently April's key was the first one pulled. Keesha thinks it odd that the person who put Jessie on the block was safe first.
  • Keesha told Dan that Memphis promised to save her with the veto if he wins it, but she's not sure if that promise is still good.
  • Dan said in the "celeb" food comp, Brian gave him hints by being overly fake to April and saluting Jerry.
  • Jerry told Ollie and April that Jen and Ryan had sex in the house. Oh, no ... he doesn't realize that Ollie and April are at it! @@
  • April, Ollie, and Jerry think the vote will be unanimous to evict Libra.
  • Renny is angry that she's considered a floater with Dan. She thinks a lot of people will go home from the house to find their actions have been looked upon as bad even though it is all a game.
  • Everyone ... well, Ollie, April, Libra, Keesha ... have all said that if the POV comp is a luxury one, they'll take the prizes over the POV. I doubt it will be a luxury one as they just had one last week. But it's interesting that the two on the block are saying it, eh?
  • Renny complained to Dan about Jerry's bad behavior -- grabbing boobs, bad manners, the way he plays the game so obviously playing up to the power each week, and acting all so high and mighty.
  • Michelle said she didn't put April on the block because her goal is to get Libra out. Too many people might vote for an April eviction over Libra -- it's more sure that out of Libra and Keesha, Libra would be voted out.
  • Keesha told Michelle that she's never been her target -- she wants others out of the house before Michelle.
  • Renny got ticked because when Dan said goodnight to Jerry, Jerry didn't even answer. She thinks Jerry is beyond rude.
  • Jerry is acting like Dan is a leper or something.
  • April told Ollie she wants Keesha and Libra to apologize to her. He told her not to bother -- they won't apologize because they have no morals. @@ -- like he's one to talk!
  • Michelle told Dan that if she had put up Jerry and Libra on the block, Jerry would go. She really, really wants Libra gone.
  • Dan says he wants the feed watchers to create a website -- Heh. Actually, I don't think he has any reason to worry about his job.
  • Dan once again said goodnight to Jerry upon going to bed. After a long pause, Jerry said goodnight to him.
  • Is all well in hamster land? I think not.

Friday, August 08, 2008

BB10 Bulletin - Nominations

My apologies for being late with this -- Libra and Keesha are nominated with Libra being the target.

Oops, I had taken a nap.

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

There are times that I find Memphis reminding me a bit of Wally Cleaver -- in looks only, of course. My latest live feeds report is up over at TV Squad.

Big Brother 10: Jessie on The Early Show, Live Feeds Into Friday Dawn

All of the loving happy houseguests gather in Michelle's HOH room. If you didn't know the history behind the hamsters, you would actually think they liked and were happy for Michelle.

After seeing Michelle's pictures from home and hearing her read her letter, Renny abruptly left the HOH room in tears. Maybe it's because she's missing her own family? Maybe it's man's inhumanity to man brought to light in the fact that Michelle has loved ones, too. I just don't know.

Here's what happened before the hamsters crashed for the night:
  • Jerry told Libra her own alliance doesn't like her.
  • Michelle, in a way, extended an olive branch to Libra. She told her that she would welcome her to visit the HOH room and, indeed, would be offended if she didn't come talk to her. She said she wanted to know more about her, where she comes from, etc.
  • April is still steaming about Libra. Ollie continues to instigate issues consoling his dear April while trashing Libra.
  • Michelle asked Dan why he voted the way he did. She thinks the girls are manipulating him. He tried to pass it all off as "I'm not any good at this game."
  • Memphis has fallen right back in with his former ally Michelle. When Jerry asked her if Memphis has been sweet-talking and charming her, she denied it.
  • Everyone in the house knows that Jerry will suck up to whoever holds the power. Right now he's tolerated for a vote, but that's not always going to be the case.
  • April told Ollie that she knows Keesha and Libra never liked her. She feels stupid and like they just used her.
  • April, moving on to trash Memphis to Ollie, said Jerry was right in calling him a womanizer.
  • Michelle's CD in her HOH basket was DoggyStyle by Snoop. That's fitting in light of her own comment in the "Living on the Edge" endurance HOH comp. (Bent over and saying, "It's been a while since I've been in this position!"
  • Dan consoled Renny, then it was Keesha by her side.
  • Although he's now in with Michelle, Memphis is still in the Keesha Kamp -- he told Keesha and Libra that he is going to try to get Michelle to put April on the block and he knows she'd have the votes to be evicted.
  • Michelle remains adamant that she wants Libra out.
  • Memphis tried the wisdom of splitting up the Ollie/April block by sending April packing, but Michelle is more on a Libra must go streak.
  • Jerry told Keesha that Dan had had a deal with him, Ollie, and April to vote out Memphis.
  • Jerry is sure that Memphis will target him and work to get him out of the house. Keesha told him that's not the case.
  • Keesha told Libra and then Renny that Jerry told her Dan had an alliance with Jerry, Ollie, and April.
  • April, Ollie, Jerry, and Michelle think that Libra is the puppetmaster and that Keesha would be nothing without her.
  • Michelle thinks Dan might be America's Player.
  • The HOH group -- April, Ollie, Jerry, and Michelle -- plan to not have anything to do with Dan.
  • Memphis told Dan that, of the little group, Libra is not really tight with Renny and Keesha.
  • April thinks Libra is the Omarosa of the house. (Now, that is a good one!)
  • Keesha had a long talk with Michelle. She told her that voting out Jessie wasn't a strike at her (Michelle), but a way to get back at April.
  • Keesha told Michelle that she expects to be put on the block this week, but thinks that Libra, Ollie, or April would be better targets.
  • Michelle told Dan that he was the only other person in the house that Jessie had trusted.
  • Libra and Michelle talked, too. Yes, talked, not screamed. Libra told Michelle that she was sure that Jessie was targeting her. She admitted if she had won HOH she would have put Jessie and Michelle on the block because they were after her in the game. She said she thought Michelle was in an alliance with Ollie.
  • Libra said that she (Libra) seems to get the blame for everything but Michelle told her she knows it's not all her doing.
  • Renny also worked on getting April nominated by pointing out that if April really didn't want Jessie to go home, she wouldn't have put him on the block. Then she added how April won't eat anything she cooks.
  • Renny also mentioned how April complained about Michelle always hanging out with the guys.
  • Again Keesh brought up how Michelle should take the BB gold bars as bribes not to put April and Libra up, then put them up anyway.
  • They are all asleep as I post this.
In other news, I caught the Jessie segment on The Early Show. Sheesh, these segments are getting skimpier and skimpier. The second Julie mentioned America's Player, Jessie guessed Dan and looked disgusted. He claims he's going to be happier at home than stuck in sequester or in a house where America wants him out. He thinks he should have been kept because he's "funnier" than Memphis. I think he thinks America has disrespected the Almighty Jessie.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Big Brother 10 Live Feeds Since Jessie Got the Boot

"This is for you, Jessie!"

Welp, the game has changed up once again. I think that Michelle's going to make herself a nervous wreck over her big win. Here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Sweet Vengeance and Deviants:
  • When the feeds went back on after the show, there was so much screaming that I wasn't sure who was screaming at whom. Jerry really shouldn't scream. He's going to blow out a vocal chord or something.
  • Jerry screamed at Libra that he should have shoved her cake up her ass.
  • Libra screamed because Michelle called her a bitch.
  • Michelle screamed at almost everyone.
  • Libra screamed that she knows she's going home this week.
  • April screamed about others being liars.
  • They screamed about who has the jury votes or not.
  • Jerry screamed that Libra is a "dumb bitch." She screamed back that she graduated magna cum laude ... but didn't deny the latter part. ;-)
  • Jerry was instantly Michelle's best buddy as we all could have predicted. He trash talked Dan to her saying Dan is "the worst of the worst."
  • Libra talked to Dan telling him he shouldn't worry -- she knows she'll be the target this week.
  • Once alone, Michelle did a happy dance which seemed to go on forever.
  • April apparently threw out both of the birthday cakes for spite.
  • Michelle said she knew Jessie was going when they changed the order of the voting.
  • Ollie and April don't think they need worry about Dan, but both want Libra gone. They think she's the mastermind of the Disrespect April's HOH Reign.
  • Oh ... they also think she's a rotten mother.
  • They think Keesha's too dumb to be a mastermind.
  • Michelle thinks Dan is a plant (maybe even a mole).
  • Jerry went on and on about Dan breaking his word. Technically, Dan didn't really commit to Jerry when pressured about the vote earlier in the day. He kind of nodded a bit and mumbled.
  • Memphis is very upset about how Ollie, April, Michelle, and Jerry are ruthlessly bashing Libra, Keesha, and Dan. He thinks $500,000 isn't enough to make people act that way. (It is.)
  • Michelle hopes Dan loses his job. (Um, why? We know why he voted the way he did, but even if it were his own vote ... it's BIG BROTHER -- the game is full of backstabbing and deceit.)
  • Michelle's upset that she didn't really get a chance to say goodbye to Jessie.
  • Memphis pointed out to Michelle how Jerry's kissing up to her and swaggering now.
  • April keeps going on about the vote being a slap in her face. Well, in the beginning, the others told her they wanted Jessie out. Until this season, the HOH never totally ruled the vote.
  • Michelle had a fairly peaceful (no screaming) talk with Dan. She kept repeating how she doesn't know how he could vote like that. He just smiled at the camera after she left him alone.
  • Memphis told Keesha he thinks he can get Michelle to put up April and Libra. Libra is a given, but I don't know if she'd put up April now.
  • Michelle cried. And the cheese stands alone.
  • Memphis told Michelle that when Jessie left he told him "You and Michelle take this ..."
  • Memphis told Michelle that she should take April's BB gold bars to not put her on the block, then put her up anyway.
  • As I post this, the screaming has subsided. They should all be hoarse by now.

Big Brother 10: 8/07 Live Eviction Show

Unfortunately, I'm not watching the show at its normal time tonight. Here in the NYC area, it won't air until 2:15 AM (ET). So, this is where YOU come in! If you're watching the show at a non-vampire time of the evening, please tell everyone what's happening in the comments section. Spelling and grammar aren't important nor should you worry about someone else reporting on the same segments -- each person's take tends to be unique and they're fun to read! Remember to refresh the comments page for the latest.

Graphic arteest Zoetawny made us a rather um ... rude Michelle image which is indeed what I suspect we'll see from her if Jessie goes tonight!

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

Hamster watchers ready? Let the show begin!

BB10 Live Feeds and Tonight's Show Post

My latest live feeds report is up over at TV Squad. I'd appreciate it if you'd take a gander at it. Just don't goose it! (Not that that made any sense!)

Tonight's show won't be aired here until 2:15 AM. So, I won't personally be live-blogging it. However, I will be putting up a show post and ask that folks who are watching the show at a normal human time keep everyone updated in the comments section. So, if it's airing at that time where you are, please let us know what's happening!

See y'all in a bit!

BB10 Houseguests on Late Late Show Last Night

Here's the video of the latest Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson appearance -

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds, Screen Caps, Ferguson, and Tomorrow

First, let's check out the happy crowd on Libra's birthday ...

Reminder -- The houseguests and Julie Chen are once again on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight!

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'm kind of irked at my feeds tonight. I'm not sure what's happening, but they keep freezing and "communicating." Grr.

And, then there's tomorrow's "live" show. Unfortunately, it won't start here until past two in the morning due to football. Kristin over at TVS and I swapped -- she'll post tomorrow's TVS show review and I'll do her Sunday review. (I usually do Tuesday and Thursday.) Now, I won't be live-blogging the show at past 2 AM although I'll probably stay up to watch it. If it's on at a normal ET anywhere where you are, I can set up a post so you can talk about it. So, please check the schedules in your area and let me know.

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Dawn

Sure, they're all asleep now with their little hamster dreams in their little hamster heads. But here's what happened before they went for the sleep of the innocent. Okay, not so innocent:
  • Jerry, April, and Ollie think there will be a war if the One Mind Alliance doesn't vote April's way this week.
  • In a moment alone with a camera, Dan looked up and asked if America has ever been the swing vote on the show. He's assuming since he had to target Jessie for nominations, the next move by America would be to vote Jessie out.
  • In the camera talk, Dan vowed to Steven that he will get Libra out of the house -- she's running wild.
  • Memphis thinks that (if he stays), Dan will team up with him and Keesha. Memphis wants either Ollie or April out, but prefers April out first.
  • April told Ollie that if Dan votes Jessie out, she will get in his face and tell him he shouldn't be a teacher since he went back on his word.
  • Whoa, son of a preacher man! Ollie, while talking to April, used a derogatory term for homosexuals to describe Dan.
  • April is worried about the votes this week. She thinks she's on Jessie's alliance now.
  • Dan continued to work with Michelle -- pronouncing her "r's" that is.
  • They sang Happy Birthday to Libra. Despite threats to vandalize her cake by Michelle, that didn't happen.
  • iLibra got all weepy about her kids and cried.
  • Ollie and April had sex again. @@

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/05 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area.

Can you say recap? I knew you could. The HOH is on again, Memphis and Keesha have a friendship. Cat fights ahead. Now we have the nominations again. It should go to color momentarily. Day 25 color. Memphis isn't surprised, but doesn't like that he's nominated with Jessie as Jessie is his ally. Jessie is the pawn, but Michelle thinks the pawn usually goes home. April doesn't care that some of her alliance wants Jessie out. She promised to keep him safe.

Jessie is a bit worried as he talks to April and Ollie.

Dan's America's Player -- he has to hug Jessie for ten seconds. He's cracking up over it. He plans on telling Jessie a sob story about his girlfriend Monica. He says Jessie's actually a softy. He cries and wonders if she'll still be there for him. Jessie is actually being very nice. The hug clocked at 17 seconds. Task completed.

Time to pick players for PoV -- April gets Michelle. Jessie is happy about that. Jessie got Libra. Memphis got Jerry. Renny is the host. April is a bit worried about Jerry and Libra. HOH room meeting -- all aboard. April is worried that Memphis will get PoV. If Jerry gets a pick your nose comp, he'd do well -- April re: Jerry. Libra is getting upset because people seem to be doubting her. She's upset and leaves. She says it hurts.

April said to Ollie that Libra has an excuse for every comp she's lost. Now Keesha is upset about people telling her who she can talk to or not in the house. Jessie runs to April and Ollie about Keesha saying people are talking about her. Jessie is so proud of his stirring the pot. "It'll get ugly. Out comes the temper now," says April.

Ollie gives April some encouragement as she heads back out of HOH. Libra is saying her feelings are hurt. April claims she didn't yell at her or raise her voice. Libra said she didn't say anyone yelled at her, she just didn't deserve to be spoken to that way. Keesha is mad when April mentioned Steven. Keesha asks Michelle if she said anything to April about Mempphis.

Keesha is steaming in the kitchen. It's her birthday. Keesha can't stand April's [bleepin] guts. She confronts April. Cat fight. MEOW! April does look ganged up upon. MEOW! Libra realizes that someone (Jessie) listened through the wall and reported. April admits it was Jessie who told her. Now they're mad at Jessie.

Jerry arrives. Memphis is making fun of it and Jerry tells the girls that. Now Renny is snapping at Jerry. She doesn't like the Colonel's finger in her face. She tells Memphis that Jerry ratted him out for making fun of the cat fight.

Birthday cake. Tears, crying for the birthday girl. They try to make Keesha feel good about it. Libra is still with April. Uh-oh. Jessie realizes that they know he can hear them through the wall.

Now Libra is confronting Jessie. Conversation endeed -- you don't run me, you don't own me -- Libra to Jessie. Jessie can't get a word in. His cheeks turn red when he gets flustered. As they scream at each other, the focus to the cake and Keesha's teary face is priceless. April is just sitting there. Some birthday. They all gather in the kitchen. It's the most pathetic singing of Happy Borthday I've ever heard. They all look like they want to kill.

Libra apologizes. Jessie apologizes for "being honest." Michelle doesn't think they know what the fight is about. Keesha throws Jessie under the bus for reporting to them. The fight starts all over again. Blurred gestures galore. Arrogant and a troublemaker. He claims he was "woke up." Libra just claps. "Hey, Memphis ... every day is a new day!" Libra says. Jessie ain't sitting too pretty with the house on the whole.

PoV comp time -- They have sports jerseys and hockey sticks. Jessie is sure he'll win. The Slapshot Comp is about to begin. Shoot for center section of net. Person eliminated at the end of each round wins a prize, one is a veto. The eliminated person can keep the prize or exchange it. Player triumphant after five rounds has choice of any of the prizes including veto.

Michelle is three away from Veto. Libra two away. April 2 away. Jessie four away. Jerry three away. (Veto is in center.) Memphis didn't even hit the net. He's eliminated. He wins the PoV ... but someone will take it.

Round two -- Libra five, April one, Jessie four, Jerry three, Michelle misses the net. She gets a Hawiian holiday. She's thrilled. She keeps the vacation for herself thinking Jessie could get PoV.

April one way, Jerry three away, Jessie eight away. Libra seven away. Jessie is eliminated. He gets a Slop Surprise. He takes the veto from Memphis.

Round four -- Jerry and Libra both two away, April with seven away out. She gets $10,000 in BB gold bars -- she can transfer money to others or keep it. It's real money upon eviction. She decides to keep it. Final round -- Libra perfect score. Jerry three away. He's out. He gets a letter from home. They're going to split the ten grand three ways and takes the PoV from Jessie. Jessie gets the letter from home and looks unhappy. Libra is the slapshot champion and wins the red unitard -- used. She trades it and takes Michelle's Hawaii trip and Michelle gets the unitard. Michelle glares and cries and swears in the DR. Onto Memphis slop surprise -- he gets a one week slop pass redeemable at any time, but must choose one person to eat slop for the week. He chose Jerry for the slop. Jerry isn't surprised.

Michelle goes to Jessie ... "I'm done, I'm done." She's really uspet. "What kind of mother doesn't take the letter from home." "Her kids should be taken away, Whore, slut skank" She's been nothing but made a fool out of ... DR gets her back from now on. Jessie even tells her he'll buy her a trip to Hawaii. He is being sweet to her.

April is a bit concerned even though the deal was that Jerry won't use the POV. Time for the meeting -- Jessie: I know why I'm here and respect what you do (roughly). Memphis -- I don't expect you to take me off. We've had problems from day one. Whatever you do best for your game. Jerry doesn't use the POV. Man, Michelle looks sullen.

Memphis isn't surprised that Jerry didn't use it -- he has time to secure votes. Jessie is sure he won't be voted out. April wants Memphis out even though her alliance wants Jessie out. After all, she's there to win the money, not her alliance win it.

Next AP assignment -- Dan vote to evict.

Latest BB10 Live Feeds

I like the BB10 toaster! My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. Please stop back later for tonight's show live-blogging!

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn

Here are the latest doings from that Big Brother House of Society's Ills:
  • When Dan was coaching the Swim Club (Ollie and Renny), Michelle got irked that they made a secret of it when she asked about it.
  • Memphis agreed he wouldn't put up Keesha and Libra if he stays and wins HOH.
  • Ollie told April she wears too much make-up. Heh.
  • Ollie and April were laughing because they've been having sex and no one knows it. Yeah, right. The silly hamsters might not know, but we do. And, their parents know, too!
  • Libra, April, and Ollie once again talked about Dan. They thinks he's odd and possibly something like America's Player.
  • They know he's throwing comps. And he asks too many questions.
  • So they confronted him. He hemmed and hawed, got nervous, talked about his mother raising him, never having met a gay person before, and ended up going to the Diary Room.
  • Libra thinks that they made him very nervous asking him about himself. April and Ollie think he won't ask as many questions as he has been.
  • Olie told April he didn't want to be in the house with loud annoying people. April translated that into Libra. April knows that Libra wants Memphis to stay and is playing mind games with them about it.
  • April and Ollie had sex again. But, shhh ... no one knows.
  • It seems likely that Keesha, Libra, Dan, and Renny will vote for Jessie to leave this week.
  • Jessie doesn't know that.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 04, 2008

BB10: Latest Live Feeds Report

My latest live feeds report is now live over on TV Squad. I can't promise real excitement. They're dolts, y'know!

BB10 Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV Meeting Over

It sounds like Jerry let the nominations stand as expected. Libra still wants Jessie out and it looks like the One Mind Alliance might break this week.

OFF TOPIC: The Park, the Ducks, the Health

If you're looking for Big Brother content, please check back later. Right now as I post this, the HG are all still asleep. This post is off topic as far as BB or television goes. Read on at your own risk. ;-)

I can always tell when a delivery truck from Brooklyn is in the Jersey 'hood.

Last week when I went for my weekly blood draw (see below), I went for a visit to Mindowaskin Park in Westfield. It was only a few blocks out of my way to my planned Trader Joe's visit. I had a bottle of water with me, but alas ... no food for the water fowl. It turned out the lack of food didn't matter.

Fake Dog Island

This is apparently an effort to keep the geese off one of the islands in the pond. There are fake dog cut-outs and chicken wire. Um, okay. I'm not sure why it's so bad the geese gather there -- no people can get on the island anyway. They don't allow swimming or boating although I see traces of fishermen.

Look! Ducks! I sat long enough on a park bench that they thought it was safe to emerge from under the bushes. Of course, they thought I might have food for them. But little did they know I just intended on shooting them ... with my Canon PowerShot A560, that is.

This sparrow wants to be a duck when he grows up.

Silhouetted by the water's edge.

Please give me food.

Ducks don't sit down gracefully. They sort of thunk to the ground. It reminds me a bit of fainting goats, but they don't fall over.

Are you happy to see me or is that a duck on your foot?

Yes, this is my operative leg. And, yeah. Ducks kept sitting on my foot. Thunk.

Are you sure you have no food? I'm so adorable, you know.

This is the photo of the day which I think came out best. I know ... I already posted it on a BB entry.

Uh-oh. They're following me!

As the guy on the bench laughs at the ducks following me, I just wonder how my cat would react to a half dozen ducks hanging out in my apartment.

The Health Report
My knee is coming along. The bend is very good -- up to 125 with 0 degrees extension (that means I can straighten it entirely). There remain some pain, instability, strength, and balance issues. Alas, my Blue Cross Blue Shield only covers for 20 physical therapy visits per calendar year no matter if it's a major surgery needing lots of PT to rehab or a minor one or more than one surgery per year. The doctor and PT have sent in medical documentation and information on my case attempting to appeal for more PT. My PT has offered to give me sessions at cost, but I can't afford more than one per week even at that low rate. Hopefully the appeal will result in more visits covered by insurance and a co-payment from me.

My other knee (originally my bad knee, operated on in 1998) has been causing issues. As soon as my orthopedic surgeon thinks the left knee is strong enough, he's going to try to help with the right. No, not another knee replacement -- hopefully something a bit more conservative! However, surgery isn't totally off the list.

I fixed up my old exercise bike and my goal is to do five miles a day on it. I don't do it every day, but I usually get 2 or 3 miles in on off days. I've been trying to do without any pain meds, but fear I'm going to break down and ask the doctor for more. There are other issues besides the new knee itself. For example, I managed to drop a 2 liter bottle of Diet Ginger Ale (it's not any less heavy due to it being diet!) and the cap part struck my ankle as it landed. Due to the Coumadin/Warfarin, I bruise easily and tend to bleed under the skin. As a result, now my ankle is swollen, bruised, and tender. Tylenol doesn't touch the pain. So, it's probably best I get more meds. I hadn't been using them except for PT and occasionally at night.

Although I'm walking with less pain than pre-surgery, I still can't sit or stand for extended periods without going stiff and painful. That's been a problem live-blogging the BB reports and writing the two long show reviews for TVS each week. My knee also gets real hot when it gets mad. I guess it's a bit like its owner, eh? My other big problem is that I've somehow taken to sleeping on my side with my knee bent. When I awaken, I have to slowly and painfully extend my leg before I can get out of bed. With that experience, I know a trip to the movies or long car ride or air flight aren't a good idea.

As for the Coumadin, actually Warfarin as I'm using the generic, bleh. The other week my INR levels were out of whack and my health certainly suffered. They lowered the dosage and I'm feeling a lot better. It still seems to make me tired (although that could be a residual from the surgery, too) and food doesn't seem to taste as good as it should. I've lost 15 pounds, which is good. I'll be happy to get off of this in December. My arms now have track marks and bruises all the time. I'm awaiting the police to stop me thinking I'm a chunky junkie.

On the other hand, sometimes I can just enjoy a walk in the park again. Although I can't recommend knee replacement surgery and a DVT as a way to escape the office ... those times are nice indeed. My stress levels are SO much better!