Friday, March 07, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Overnight Into Friday 3/07

Here are the happenings through the overnight from inside the Big Brother House:
  • Sheila told Chelsia that James adores her and she's sure that he'd take her off the block if he wins POV.
  • James told Chelsia he won't let her go home.
  • Ryan told Chelsia that there's a 99% chance she won't go home. He's sure it will be like the 6-0 which sent out Allison -- everyone will vote to send Sharon home. I don't think Sharon is the slam dunk Allison was, do you?
  • Natalie is ticked off at bad treatment by Matt. She said if she wins HOH she will put him on the block. (Give her a minute and I'm sure she'll be in love with him again.)
  • Joshuah suggested to Natalie that he could approach Ryan with a two weeks safety deal to backdoor Matt. Natalie told him Ryan and Matt are close and it wouldn't work.
  • They had a huge pool table for POV practice.
  • As they all practiced, it looked like Adam and Chelsia were best at the huge pool.
  • Shela and Joshuah think Adam had to be cast because he's crazy.
  • A large contingent has been saying how Matt needs to go because he plays everyone.
  • Sheila went to bed, barely practicing at all. She must love being alone in the Boat Room now.
  • But she couldn't resist and eventually practices.
  • Is Natalie that mad at Matt? Nope, she tells him everything everyone has been saying about him.
  • Matt thinks he's the new Evel Dick. @@
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Into the Evening, Thursday 3/06

James and Chelsia snuggle.

If you missed my really brief post in the middle of other things happening earlier -- Ryan nominated Chelsia and Sharon for eviction. He had earlier told Chelsia (without out saying who her fellow nom would be) that she was the pawn. That can be the kiss of death as we all know.

A bit off topic, but my Survivor review is up over on TV Squad.

Here are the happenings since the nominations went down in that Big Brother House of Vote Early, Vote Often:
  • Natalie told Joshuah she won't vote against Sharon. She said that Chelsia personally attacked her, so she'll vote to evict her.
  • She also told Joshuah that Sheila wants Chelsia out, too. (Actually I think Sheila wants Adam out, but she doesn't have a choice.)
  • Natalie and Joshuah think that Chelsia must be the target because "everyone likes Sharon."
  • Joshuah is worried that it might be a plot to backdoor him if the POV is used.
  • Adam wanted beer and the BB rules book from the storage room to figure out how many compete for POV, but the camera nodded "no" and he wasn't allowed in.
  • Don't you love it when cameras not only watch you, but they interact?
  • As Natalie and Joshuah were trashing Chelsia elsewhere, Chelsia worried -- "How do I know they're not out to get me?"
  • Chelsia asked James if he won the POV, would he save her. He told her no because she has the votes to stay.
  • Then he told her he would if she wanted him to use it on her.
  • James said it would really bite if they voted her out.
  • James and Chelsia snuggled. (See screen cap above.)
  • Adam thinks Joshuah will vote however Ryan wants him to. I'm not so sure about that. Joshuah has more of a connection with Sharon in the house than he does with Ryan.
  • James told Joshuah that Ryan wants Sharon gone. Joshuah is shocked.
That's where we stand in Hamster Land.

'Celebrity Apprentice' East Coast Updates 3/06 Show

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!

It should be interesting -- Piers and Omarosa are the project managers.

The task is selling artwork in art galleries.

Piers and his team brought off the biggest beating in history. They tromped Omarosa's team. Uh-oh! Poor Omarosa. Heehee!

Omarosa is GONE! $7,000 vs over $150,000 in sales, third loss as a PM. It's an overdue firing I say.

I loved the Piers kissing Trace. I didn't expect that.

The "Omarosa Free" blinking sign on the promo for next week is a hoot! I guess even Trump knows that no one wanted her back on the show.

BB9 - Nominations are in

I'm watching two other shows, but I've picked up that Sharon is on the block. I'll update when I find out the other.

Chelsia and Sharon are the two nominated for eviction.

American Idol Boots

Kady Malloy is gone.
Luke Menard is gone.
A'siah is gone.
Danny Noriega is gone.

'Survivor Micronesia' - East Coast Updates - 3/06 Show

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight,

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Tribes split schoolyard alternating. Ozzy and Natalie captains.

New Airai - Natalie, James, Alexis, Jonathan, Jason, Parvati, Kathy, Eliza
New Malakal - Ozzy, Joel, Amanda, Eric, Ami, Tracy, Cirie, Chet

Airai won reward -- BBQ dinner. No Exile Island so they can get to know each other. IMO -- Joel should be removed from the game. What he did to Chet in the challenge was horrible -- slamming him, dragging him.

Airai won Immunity.

Joel was blindsided. Good.

BB9 and Tonight's Blogging Plans

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. The nominations aren't in yet.

It's Thursday night again ... at 8 PM ET I'll put up an East Coast Updates post for Survivor and in that I'll cover major show events, but it's actually more for folks to comment on as they watch. Later tonight, my full review of the show will be posted at TV Squad and I'll be sure to link it for you.

While Survivor is on, I'll try to catch the boots from American Idol and always welcome folks to let me know as I'll have that show muted in the background. I will put up a separate AI East Coast boot post.

At 9 PM ET, I'll put up a Celebrity Apprentice East Coast Update post with the major events as they air ... again, discussion is very welcome on any of these! I'd write a full review, but I'll be in the midst of writing the Survivor review.

Once again, I'll be taping Lost. I hate to say this, but I haven't watched my last tape of the show! I'm definitely doing a two-hour Lost sit-in on Sunday! When I finally get them watched, I'll put up a post about both episodes. Perhaps a bit shorter than my usual Lost post, but ...!

BB9: Live Feeds Through the Night Into Thursday

Why, it's Adam with his hand down his pants again! What a shock!

Here's the skinny on last night in that Big Brother House of Single Again:
  • Chelsia said that Allison had tried to buy her vote with a dress.
  • James and Chelsia told each other they would have their backs even though they're not a "soulmate" couple any longer.
  • They smooched ... so maybe they are still a couple.
  • Sheila cried to Adam over Allison's leaving. She said she talked to her a lot and she thought it was a horrible and sad exit for her -- she was so thrilled then so let down.
  • Sheila thinks the people in the house are horrible, mean, and will do anything to win. (Hey, that's Big Brother!)
  • James told Joshuah he's a bisexual bicyclist.
  • They spoke about Sheial, how she tried too hard at the game, and her gambling past.
  • Ryan drank all four of his beers.
  • They're asleep as I get this posted.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds After the Live Eviction Show

Ryan checks out his Bone Thugs CD in his HOH room reveal.

So, how have the hamsters adjusted to being singletons? Here's what's happened since the show ended:
  • Matt, Ryan, and Adam decide it's going to be the Four Bros. (Why am I not surprised?) They think James is still in shock.
  • Matt kicked Natalie out of the room and called it a bachelor pad.
  • Matt and company think that Joshua and Sharon will be nominated this week.
  • Natalie is sure Matt will miss her. @@ (What is with her?)
  • Chelsia thinks that she, James, Sharon, and Joshuah have huge targets on their backs.
  • They now think no one is coming back due to the time frame and that no one has been sequestered at this point.
  • Chelsia told Joshuah that James shared many secrets with her and she's not happy being separated. (It's not like they're divorced, is it?)
  • They claim all "operations" are now over. Gardener successfully completed.
  • James thinks that Chelsia will become a social butterfly now, ignoring him now that they aren't a couple.
  • Chelsia thinks James is already ignoring her.
  • It dawned on them that the half-million prize won't have to be split. Smart hamsters.
  • Sheila complained about Adam's sleeping habits and Adam complained about Sheila complaining about him. He says he can finally play the game his way.
  • Ryan told Adam he has no idea who to nominate.
  • Matt told Natalie that maybe her soulmate is in the house, maybe it's ADAM! Heh.
  • Matt flirted with Chelsia. Hey, he's a free man now.
  • They toured the HOH room, saw pictures of Ryan's pit bull and others. Natalie asked for one of his beers and he told her no. Sheila and Sharon didn't ask, but made comments about how they'd share after they left the room.
  • Joshuah is worried.
  • Adam thinks the winner will make the interview circuit including Letterman. How wrong is he?
Speaking of Adam ... if I have to suffer, you do too. Here he is in the kitchen in between cooking some hot dogs, reaching in his pants way down deep in the middle of a room of people. EWWW.

'Big Brother 9' - Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly be updating this entry. As it's written a bit off the cuff as I watch the show, please forgive any typos. I'm usually halfway decent as long as my fingers are on the right keys! ;-)

As always, I love to read your thoughts about the show in comments!

Ah, reacp is over and we have Julie in high black boots, short black skirt, big black turtleneck with bunches of silver bling. But first ... the siren thought has the HG on edge and we get more recap bits.

Sheila is not happy to be on the block but Allison is happy because she thinks Sheila was a sure vote to evict her. Oh, let's recap the siren bit once again. Nerves are on edge!

Ryan tells Allison he trusts Matt, but she doesn't trust him at all. Matt tells Ryan that he loves Adam, but he's been floating. Matt thinks he'll play people so they think the one vote was from him. He plays them all. Allison thinks that Matt and Natalie will vote to keep thme. She approaches James and Chelsia. He says they've made no proimises to anyone.

James tells Allison he thinks Matt may not vote for her, she refuses to believe it. So, Sheila apporaches James, too. He's not giving her any promises, but she tells him that Matt said he'd vote for her and Adam to stay. That concerns James.

James confronts Matt in front of both Ryan and Adam. Matt says it's called Big Brother. But now both Ryan and Adam know he's promised both of them his vote. Busted!

The pre-vote DR sessions we see with Matt/Natalie and James/Chelsia looked SO staged with both couples bring up reasons to vote out/keep different people. Hmmm...

Julie asks about James' theories and others offer a bunch of them. What's the most surprising thing has Sharon learned about Joshuah? Always fun, always smiling. She says she accidentally broke the pic of Jason from last night.

Okay, they're reshowing Matt and Natalie the POV win. The family and friends of Matt and Natalie chime in on their relationship. We go to the Beaver State. Natalie's looking for love, they say. They think she's falling for Matt and that's not a good thing. Over in Boston, his bro friends say they know he's going for the win.

Julie just said that when the evicted houseguests reach the door, the siren will go off and the game will change. And now we're into commercial.

We're back. Julie says the front door will be locked and they can't leave. The second the siren goes off, the game goes individual and only ONE of the evicted couple will leave. The votes are already done, not live, and Julie announces 2-0 Ryan and Allison are evicted.

Hugs, hugs, c'mon, go for the door! More hugs. The door is locked. SIREN! Allison and Ryan are thrilled. Joshuah looks crushed. Julie tells them she has an important announcement. Game about to change. No longer couples, cheers! Joshuah shocked. Sharon shocked. Partners up to each of you -- your partner is now your competition.

Allison and Ryan, only one of you will be leaving tonight. A live vote will determine which one goes.

Allison and Ryan have a chance to plead their cases. Ryan looks embarrassed, would like to stay to spend another week up on the block. Allison is sobbing, really wants to stay, but would be happy if Ryan stayed, too.

Adam votes first -- to evict Allison. Chelsia votes to evict Allison. Matt votes to evict Allison. Sheila votes to evict Allison. Natalie votes to evict Allison. James votes to evict Allison. It's unanimous. Allison is a goner.

She pretty much brushed past everyone. They're happy, she's with Julie. Now Joshuah is smiling. Dang, can't they control the language ... more bleeps than speech.

Allison says she's very surprised to be sitting there alone. She's not ahppy, says the lesbian lie was just a jokle and wasn't meant to stir anything up.

Goodbye messages, Matt and Nat nice. Joshuah still going off about the lesbian lies, Sheila cries and will miss her, wishes her the best. Allison says the best part, what she'll remember is going in without a plan, learning about herself and other people. HOH single comp is next.

The HOH comp is a booth Q&A set up called Time After Time, about the order of things which have happened in the house.

James and Natalie out. Only Adam and Ryan still in the running. A shot of the guinea pig made me giggle.

Ryan is the new HOH! From being evicted to being HOH, he ran the gamut tonight!

Julie says the surprises arent;' over yet. After commercial whe'll tell us how we can take control (?).

Evicted houseguests have all been sequestered, have no idea what's going on. We can vote for one to return. I'd like to see Alex come back!

BB9 Tonight

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad. I'll be posting a live-blogging post of tonight's live eviction show which has promised changes!

See you there!

'Big Brother 9' - Late Night and Into the Dawn Wednesday

It turns out that the Hudson River Virus may have infected the houseguests prior to us ever seeing them. The symptoms? Huge egos, bad manners, foul mouths, wanton sexual drive, and an increased and exorbitant level of the annoyance factor.

Well, maybe I made that all up. Here are the happenings from the overnight hours in that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • As some of the couples were getting called into the DR, Joshuah increasingly freaked out. "They never call couples the night before an eviction!" He's sure he won't be able to sleep a wink and kept pacing the HOH room.
  • Natalie went around writing numbers of things in nail polish on a napkin. She said she was creating art, but it was actually study tips for herself. When she was called solo into the Diary Room, Joshuah was thrilled because he was sure they'd take it away from her as it's against the rules.
  • The remote is missing for the HOH television and Joshuah can't use the TV to spy on others. Joshuah said BB took it.
  • Joshuah is super paranoid that Allison will somehow remain in the house.
  • Natalie begged fro more "Mattie time." @@ I'm just finding her infatuation a bit pathetic.
  • When she was after Matt, she still had her numbers "art."
  • Sharon accidentally broke the glass on the framed photo of her and Jacob. Accidentally? Yeah. She cried.
  • There was a flash of a BB staffer (stranger in the house!) in the storage room.
  • Joshuah was restless for most of the night so far, the others are sleeping.
  • No sirens, no real drama ... yet.

BB9 Schtuff!

There isn't all that much exciting going on in the house at the moment -- the boys are making dinner. No sirens have gone off. Joshuah still hates Allison.

I once again wrote an impromptu episode review of the show for TVS tonight. You can find that here.

I'll have a full report up in the morning!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged From the East Coast 3/04

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I've had a feeds update report sitting in pending over at TV Squad. When it goes live, I'll zap a link here.

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm writing this a bit off the cuff. As always, I want your take on the show in comments! After all, that's where the fun is!

Joshuah has told us how they had to change their vote to go along with Allison and Ryan last week. We see Allison and Joshuah fussing at each other again, as well as the Matt/Natalie ups and downs.

Joshuah tells us Allison is ugly on the inside and outside. His comments about her looks all the time are annoying me. I don't care much for her, but I don't think she's an unattractive woman.

Matt knows that he's not the target, but he's not happy to be on the block again. He tells Adam he's just getting carried and Adam gives us crazy eyes in the diary room. Sheila should be a bit quieter about not getting nominated. She thinks Allison should be quieter and that she's (Allison) helped her in the game.

Matt doesn't want cuddles or massages from Matt. He tells us every since he kissed her, she's after him. He didn't mention the bed play he allowed and enjoyed, did he? She is sickening me going after him.

Allison is sure that Matt and Natalie owe her and Ryan for saving them last week. Allison is trying to convince Natalie that if Sheila and Adam go up on the block in place of either couple, vote them out. Natalie looks like she has been hit with a dumbstruck epiphany about the situation. Maybe she is just as dumb as Matt keeps saying! Since they're working a couples game, she shouldn't be letting Allison sway her without input from her partner.

Veto random draw time ... and (as we already know), it's Adam and Sheila! James hosts the comp. Joshuah wants Matt to win. James is dressed in a toga and ivy crown. Cupid is as Cupid Does is the name of the comp. There are wings and puffy clouds in the yard. They have to hoist the women while the guys grab puzzle pieces. The first team with the puzzle solved right wins. Sheila tells adam she's scared of heights.

Matt and Natalie did a good job. They won and Allison looks like she could kill. Chelsia tells us she wants Matt and Natalie out, so she's not happy they won.

Allison is once again going on about Joshuah hating her. She apologized to Ryan for losing the comp. Now it's dance time in the HOH for Matt. He tells us he has to get on everybody's good side. He plays to Joshuah's gay side and gives him a big kiss.

He tells us his approach to Ryan is different and he thinks of him as a friend. He tries to convince Ryan there's still a chance.He thinks he has to be Allison's shoulder to cry on. She tells him that she feels bad that she dragged Ryan into it. He tells her she has to get on Josh's gay side.

Sheila is complaining about Adam fighting with her and not trying the comp. She's the one who balked at heights! Now they're arguing. She said she might as well talk to the wall. James is on the other side of the wall and plays the part. Okay, that was cute.

Sharon is hiding out in the HOH room and doesn't feel well. Matt tells us he has to use his charm with her and make her think he cares about her. (He doesn't.) He tells Sharon that Natalie's dumb, he runs her, but she's not his type. He likes someone more conservative, no fake boobs, etc.

Then he kisses her, telling us that she's playing right into his trap. She tells us she know's what's up.

Natalie is on the hunt for Matt and Sharon, Matt, Matt and Joshuah are all hiding him out. She is creeping me out idolizing him when he keeps turning her down. Sharon, meanwhile, tells Joshuah about Matt's kiss play for her.

Matt is really having a problem with Natalie stalking him. He tries to sit her down. He admits they hooked up, he doesn't want to be mean to her. She thinks he's acting like she's way below him. He says he's never denied that he's been mean to her. He asks her if she's delusional. She thinks they might have been put there because they're supposed to meet. He wants to pinky-swear to be friends only. She tells us that they could be soulmates.

Joshuah is confronted by Allison again. Part of the situation with Allison (not specific to Joshuah) is that she has a way of interrogating rather than talking to people. Same old-same old with them.

An announcement with a siren ... River Virus! They would have to gather in the living room, could happen any time, expect the unexpected. Aha ... that's the siren they keep talking about on the feeds!

"I'm between a Josh and a hard place," says Allison.

[Ah, my feeds post from earlier is now up over on TVS -- I put the link above in beginning of this post.]

Joshuah wants to plan for the siren. They're worried that the mystery siren might change plans.

Ryan thinks the siren could only be good for him. He wants it to happen. The house is against them, he has nothing to lose. Allison too is happy-anticipatory.

Time for the veto meeting. Ryan tells them they deserve to use the power on themselves because they've worked hard to win it. Joshuah says in the best interest of the house that Sheila and Adam be nominated for eviction this week.

'Big Brother 9' - Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday 3/04

Joshuah is quiet, for a moment at least. But I'm sure he's scheming.

Here are the evening and overnight events from that Big Brother House of Exploding Egos:
  • Sheila thinks that she should be treated with more respect due to her age -- she left home at 14 and is old enough to be the mother of most of the houseguests. (Hey, they might be looking for a new parent ... I'm sure their own are embarrassed by now.)
  • Sharon feeds into Joshuah's rants by finding them funny. He rants, she giggles, rinse and repeat.
  • Sheila thinks that she and Adam have a better chance to win in the end than do Allison and Ryan. No one wants to give the money to either Allison or Jen (Ryan's girlfriend).
  • James called a meeting with everyone but Joshuah and Sharon. In it he called Matt out for playing both couples on the block, making each of them think they were going to be safe.
  • Matt defended his own actions by talking about the Operation Condor bit, but that's sidestepping the issue.
  • Matt also used the "That's Big Brother" defense.
  • Chelsia got all worked up because Matt acts like there's nothing wrong with making promises to both couples on the block.
  • James kept at him saying it's wrong to promise both couples his vote and he needs to stop.
  • Matt told James he wanted to make the vote 2-0, but didn't know how James/Chelsia were going to vote. James told him he wasn't going to tell him.
  • James told Matt because he burned him (Matt), he's going to burn everyone in the house.
  • Chelsia said she and James are playing the game straight up because they're not promising their vote to both couples.
  • Sheila thinks it's very stressful having no clue which way the vote will go.
  • Natalie thinks they're just doing it so Allison isn't at them constantly.
  • James told Matt he's a simple man who's gotten himself into a complex situation.
  • Matt claimed everyone played him last week. So, James said that he didn't like it then ... why do it to others this week?
  • They finally hugged and made nicey-nicey once again.
  • Matt and Sharon got into a kissing session. @@
  • Sharon told Joshuah not to make confetti to throw when Allison is evicted.
  • Matt and Ryan talked about how dumb Natalie is.
  • All are asleep as I get this posted -- James wandered through to get a snack, but then headed back to bed.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Latest BB9 Live Feeds Report ...

... is up over on TV Squad!

These houseguests don't seem to have any redeeming qualities. Oh. I guess a few have nice smiles.

BB9: Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn

Late last night Matt listened as Sheila told him she was worried. It takes a worried woman to sing a worried song, right?

Here are the events of the evening into the night from inside that Big Brother House of Loose Morals and Loose Lips (one of them sink ships):
  • James told Joshuah he didn't have to worry about their vote.
  • Allison is worried that Matt might not vote for them to stay even though he told them he would. Ryan trusts him.
  • James told Allison and Ryan that Matt had told the HOH that he's voting to evict them (Allison and Ryan).
  • In a Diary Room audio leak, James said the house might change and vote out Sheila and Adam.
  • Allison told Ryan that Matt told Sheila she was staying, so she's worried more.
  • Allison's convinced that James and Chelsia will vote the same way Matt does.
  • Natalie runs to the HOH to report everything Allison tells her to the point that Joshuah and Sharon are getting sick of seeing her.
  • Natalie's very upset that James and Chelsia are spending any time or attention on Allison.
  • Chelsia told Joshuah that they "mix up" the HOH blog they write just in case they're trying to send out any coded messages.
  • James told Sheila she should keep her eyes open.
  • Matt is worried that James will try to "break" Natalie. She's very paranoid and it wouldn't take much.
  • As Matt tried to be a bit intimidating, James encouraged him telling him if he hit him, he (James) would have a quarter million in his pocket.
  • Even Sheila tried to pep talk Natalie out of her paranoia. (Paranoia's the destroyah, you know.)
  • Chelsia told Joshuah and Sharon that she's worried the vote will be 1-1 and no one will know who voted to keep Allison.
  • Matt and Natalie talked about how James has flipped. He wants to make his life hell and make him cry. Natalie thinks Adam should stop giving James cigarettes and make him miserable.
  • Matt told her that she has to keep making Ryan and Allison think they're on their side.
  • Allison started going through the drawers to get shorts. Then it looks like she took a bottle of chocolate syrup from the refrigerator. I don't want to know.
  • They're in bed now as I post this, but Adam and Sheila keep talking. Natalie told them to be quiet.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

BB9 Stuff

Due to a tornado hitting near the BB9 TV Squad reviewer's home, I sort of impromptu wrote the TVS review of tonight's episode. The reviewer is fine, but the network went all weather reports on him and cut off the show in progress.

So, the review I wrote is here. Yeah, I stole a few lines from myself. ;-)

I'll have a new feeds report up in the early morning!

'Big Brother 9' Live Blogged from the East Coast - 3/02 Show

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm writing this a bit off the cuff. As always, I want your take on the show in comments! After all, that's where the fun is!

Joshuah is planning an attack. He's upset because Allison lied to him about being a lesbian and changed her vote. Now it's to a B&W winning of the HOH for Joshuah and Sharon once again. He's talking about the tear her heart out bit I previously reported, but nothing about a slit throat so far.

Did Adam blow his nose on the bottom of his t-shirt? Then Adam primped as Joshuah went on ranting at Allison. She, of course, is playing poor pitiful me. James tells us that he thinks Joshuah is unstable. Ryan tells us he has no respect for Joshuah any more.

She cries to us, Matt offers a hug which she refuses. Now she's crying to Ryan. Ryan knows it's just the reaction Joshuah wants. She thinks everyone is intimidated by her.

It's very easy to see that Joshuah stole a page from the Evel Dick School of Intimidation textbook.

Matt continues to play both sides while Adam picks at his butt. She tries to make Matt and Ryan feel guilty about not defending her.

Time for the HOH room. Allison goes to bed and avoids it all. My gosh, all of Sharon's siblings have the same nose! Her doggie is so cute! They gave her a pic of Jacob and herself. At least she didn't go Jen on us. Joshuah got a Princess of the Day tiara which was something from his office.

Joshuah isn't mad at Sheila about the lesbian lie but says Allison was constantly feeding the lie. He tells Ryan about the whole story with the adopted son and all. Then Chelsia tells Ryan, too. He's shocked at how stupid Allison is with the story.

When he confronts her, she blamed Sheila. She's being robotic about it as he tells her she's manipulative and no one likes or trusts her in the house. Now, this is the real relationship with these two -- not some phony love story BB was going to give us with the early promos for this episode!

Natalie is after Matt in bed. He doesn't want her to get emotionally attached to him. No guy has ever pushed her away before. Hmm... how many has she thrown herself on before?

It's food comp time. All of the girls are in green asparagus unitards. The guys have overall shorts on. Outside there is a set-up similar to a produce market. They have to pile up asparagus equal to the weight of their partners. Each team playes for a different food group. They must be within ten pounds of the weight. If no team wins anything, they get asparagus with their slop.

James and Chelsia won beverages and snacks for the week. Adam and Sheila won veggies and fruits for the week. Matt and Natalie didn't win carbs and a fest for the week. Ryan and Allison won meats and cheeses for the work. The whole house will have everything except for carbs and a feast.

Natalie is painting a picture of Joshuah in nail polish. I remember the days when they weren't allowed anything at all they could write with. She thinks it will shmooze him to favor her.

Allison went right after Joshuah. Of course, he has to pick on her looks. She criticizes his education and income, he goes after her looks. Sharon is just watching from the landing upstairs. Adam is ignoriring them, Sheila is looking uncomfortable.

Sharon thinks he should call a discreet meeting with everyone except Ryan and Allison. He tells them all she's trying to provooke him and he plans to ignore her. They all try to figure out who should go on the block with Allison and Ryan. Meanwhile, Ryan is with Allison upset at her.

Am I odd or does Allison look a bit Mary Tyler-Moore-like at times?

Ryan is not a happy guy even though Allison thinks she can work Joshuah and flip him back to her side.

She then goes up to the HOH with Sharon and Joshuah for the odd grilling apology I reported the other day. He tells her about the lie and the gay working together bit. She tells us she didn't think he'd be affected by the story. He took it all personally because he's gay. "You know how much I love you," she tells him. He doesn't believe her at all and tells us so.

Nominations today and we get the background spiel again. Allison, for some bizarre reason, is worried that she'll go on the block. Adam hopes not to go up although he knows Allison is the target. Matt tells us he and Natlaie are strong physically, but Natalie isn't too bright. @@ (Neither is he!)

The key order is Adam/Sheila and James/Chelsia. On the block we have Matt and Natalie and Ryan and Allison. They say it's because they're the two strongest couples in the game. Allison just looks possessed, Matt is ticked off. Ryan blames Allison.

BB9: Live Feeds Blurb

The POV meeting has been held. As expected, Matt and Natalie took themselves off the block and Adam/Sheila were put up in their place. It still looks like a 2-0 vote to evict Allison (and Ryan).

I'll be live blogging tonight's show as it airs here on the east coast. A bit later tonight, there should be a full feeds report up over at TV Squad.

BB9: Live Feed Report Saturday Into Dawn Sunday 3/02

Nah, they're all asleep as I get this posted. But I didn't think you wanted a screen cap of the night vision sleeping scenes, right?

Here are the happenings from Saturday in that Big Brother House of Bros and Hos (I didn't say that, did I? Oh, my. I feel Mike Malin-ish!):
  • Sharon is sure she'll be in the final three because "people feel comfortable around her."
  • Matt is still leading Ryan on that there's a chance he will stay. Ryan is eating it up, making plans for the next eviction and all.
  • Natalie, like Amber before her, had a vision she would win POV ... and then it came true.
  • Sharon thinks Matt is sucking up to her and wants to hide so she doesn't have to deal with him. She thinks he's an idiot. (Well, yeah!)
  • Allison, who the other day said Joshuah wasn't stable, today says Sheila isn't stable. Now, if you ask me, I don't think any of them are stable. I'm probably not too stable myself, but I'm not on the internet and television exposing myself to the world. Well, except in writings, that is.
  • James told Adam that he has to cover the Brawny tattoo with band-aids because it has the C word and motherbleeper.
  • Why would anyone want those words permanently dyed into their skin?
  • Allison cried because she talked to Sheila about why she was distancing herself from her (Sheila away from Allison) and she's just so darn hurt and misunderstood!
  • Natalie said that Allison told her Sheila couldn't be trusted but then told Sheila she's the only one she trusted.
  • Allison thinks James and Chelsia will go up on the block in place of Mattalie, but Sheila told her she's pretty sure it will be Adam and herself.
  • Allison thinks her parents and brother will be waiting to attack Joshuah for her.
  • Allison tried to make up with Sheila.
  • Allison told Ryan that if James and Chelsia go on the block against them, she can't campaign against them.
  • The womens' periods in the house seem to have clicked in to all start at the same time. Lucky guys, eh? ;-)
  • Chelsia said that Natalie asked her why she didn't volunteer to go on the block. Chelsia, thinking rather straight, thinks it would be crazy to volunteer to ever go on the block.
  • Allison offered James a carton of cigarettes and a week of her stipend to vote for her to stay. He shook on the deal. We'll see.
  • Allison wants to set up Sheila with her father. Yikes, to do that to your father...! And, it must make Sheila really feel part of the gang!
  • Allison thinks America has a lot to do with this season. She says there are three lifelines -- save a couple, bring a couple back, evict a couple. It's the first I've heard of this.
  • Ryan is not campaigning ... again.
  • Allison asked Adam if he was going to stick to their deal to not vote herself and Ryan out. He didn't give her a direct answer. He told her if he and Sheila go on the block, then Ryan and Allison will be voted out.
  • Allison kept trying to instigate Joshuah into another confrontation. She kept at him about why he was so angry with her ... on and on and on and on.
  • Allison tried to get Ryan to confront Joshuah, but he didn't.
  • Allison thinks she's had more TV air time than anyone in the house because she's been involved in every argument. I ask you ... would that be considered a good thing?
  • James suggested a "circle jerk" while Chelsia and Allison moan. Um, are these kids 14 or what?
  • Before BB yelled at her to stop, Sheila said that she signed a contract until the end of April, then received an email extending things to the end of May. So, they're not sure how long the season will last.
  • Matt is still acting like he's working with Ryan. He told Ryan that he has to control Allison's mouth. Oh, yeah. Like that can be done! After all, she's proud that she's been in every argument in the house!
  • James and Chelsia smooched. He told her he wishes he had more to offer her outside the house. Hmm ... maybe a sidecar for his bicycle?
  • Chelsia put make-up on Matt.
  • HOH room discussion had James and Sharon talking about how secure Ryan and Allison feel when they're the target.
  • Ryan tried to tell Allison that she needs to lay low this week -- he thinks he can get James' vote if he tells him he has Matt's.
  • Joshuah told Natalie and Sheila that he thinks Allison will be portrayed as the villain in the house.
  • James gave Chelsia a hickey on the neck. She's not too happy with that.
  • Allison sucked up to James telling him how level-headed he's been throughout the game and how hard it is for her to be with everyone.
  • Another smoochy show went on for Showtime.
  • Sheila is worried that Allison will convince people to change their votes.
  • Joshuah said that Allison is trying to sell her soul for votes.
  • Natalie and Joshuah made tinfoil hats, shades of Chicken George. Oh ... some normalcy in the house! ;-)
  • The boys (James and Matt) masturbated to the sound of Chelsia and Allison talking. @@
  • Mind you, this is in time for the ShoToo BBAD show. I guess they think it's good television.
  • Lots of sex talk, too.
  • And, gee ... it all ended when the BBAD show finished and they all went to bed where they are still asleep.

Off Topic: The Return of Roofus the Cat

It was a very brief, but very welcome sighting of Roofus the Cat yesterday. The photo quality is a bit off as I no sooner saw him and he was on the move. But Roofus the Cat is alive and well, getting some sun on the rooftop once again. I'll have a BB9 live feeds report for you soon!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Friday Night into Saturday - 3/01

Celebration in the HOH room last night after Matt and Natalie won POV. Actually, they were kind of fun to watch trying to jump quietly with glee.

Here's what's been happening in the House of Idiocy:
  • The POV comp was a mix of physical and puzzle-solving from what they've said. It also had something to do with art. One partner had to swing another one around as they did the puzzle. Adam and Sheila did horribly leaving the real competition between the other three couples.
  • Allison was claiming to have it done before anyone and the others think she will protest the Natalie/Matt win. She says the instructions weren't clear and she didn't know you could rearrange it. Natalie had dropped a piece, then fixed it which seems to be her bone of contention.
  • Allison thinks that Joshuah and Sharon will put up James and Chelsia in Mattalie's place on the block. She thinks that will happen because James/Chelsia are surely a vote for her to stay. @@
  • She also thinks Matt and Natalie will vote for her to stay.
  • Joshuah and Sharon told Adam that he's safe and they plan to put him and Sheila up. Sheila tried to convince Matt that putting James and Chelsia up would be better. She says Allison is sure Sheila will vote for her to stay.
  • Matt assured Sheila he had her back. She told him she'd never vote him out.
  • Matt then worked the other side by going to Ryan to convince him that he wants him to stay. Well, he might want Ryan, but the entire house is anti-Allison.
  • Allison told Adam that if the vote is 2-0 for them to leave, they've lost her vote in the jury.
  • Allison told Matt that there's no way Chelsia will vote her out because "she's my girl."
  • Allison really seems to think that she has a chance to stay, but the rest of the house is rejoicing an easy week with a sure eviction -- Operation Gardener in motion.
  • They had a nice sit-down dinner with wine.
  • Allison told Ryan that she has "tons of stuff on Sheila" she could use against her but she won't play that card. Um, okay.
  • Chelsia, Allison, and James got all kissy in the hot tub. Then Matt started kissing Sharon. Would it surprise you that the timing coincided with the start of the BBAD show on ShoToo? I really wish they would be told that was canceled so they don't just put a show on for it.
  • Matt said that Amanda started the rumors that Natalie had um, gone down, and it wasn't true.
  • The house majority laughed about how Allison was sure she's not going home this week.
  • James and Chelsia got all touchy-feely under the covers.
  • All are asleep as I get this posted.

Friday, February 29, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds - Power of Veto

I have a new feeds report over at TVS, but here's the big news:

Adam and Sheila were the random couple in the power of veto. Matt and Natalie won and intend to remove themselves from the block. Whoever goes up, it's Allison who's going home. And Ryan.

The plan is to put Sheila and Adam in Mattalie's place, target remains Allison.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn

I took this screen cap late last night (late here on the east coast), so don't get the idea that he's still up. However I took it after he donned a green unitard thingy which he said he was wearing the rest of the day. That didn't last long -- he said that BB told him he had to take it off.

Here are the happenings from that Big Brother House of I Don't Like Anyone Very Much:
  • Indeed, no one is on slop this week. It was one of the comps which they played for various foods or food groups.
  • Matt/Natalie and Allison/Ryan have been nominated for eviction.
  • Ryan and Allison are supposedly getting along okay ... for the moment.
  • Adam referred to "retards" once again. Little does he know that his mouth already cost him his job in real life.
  • Sheila promised to vote however Joshuah and Sharon want and to not use POV if she wins it.
  • Sharon is worried that Matt and Allison might be working together -- which would make no sense because they're both on the block and one or the other will go.
  • Sheila said she's going to distance herself from Allison, play her own game, and be strong. We'll see who she rants on next, I guess.
  • The HG think there may be a twist this week because they're down to half of the original house.
  • Sharon thinks she and Joshuah must win POV, but Joshuah is leery of winning three comps in a row. He thinks it will put too large a target on them. Of course, there already is a target, but hey.
  • Sheila told Adam they need to vote Allison out.
  • Allison is angry about being on the block so much. "It's ridiculous," she says. (Maybe it's a hint to her behavior in the house?)
  • Sheila doesn't feel well. She probably wants some Tylenol PM.
  • Joshuah trashed Allison's looks to Sharon in the HOH room.
  • Natalie told Adam that Allison and Ryan simply cannot win POV. Adam told her that if he and Sheila win it, they won't use it, but they will vote to evict Allison and Ryan.
  • All hamsters are asleep as I get this posted.
Power of Veto is later today. There have been no slit throats.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

BB9 - Live Feeds news Flash - Nominations

Allison and Ryan and Matt and Natalie have been nominated for eviction.

'Celebrity Apprentice' - East Coast Update Post - 2/28 Episode

The show has started here on the East Coast. While I won't be writing up an entire review, important doings will be updated here.

And, as always, the comments are open for show discussion!

Carol and Tito are the project managers.

Hydra -- Lennox, Carol, and Piers won.

Tito was fired, but Trump gave him $50,000 more for St. Judes.

'American Idol' East Coast Boot Update

Jason Yaeger (sp?) with the blond wisp in the front of his hair, is the first out.

Alexandrea Lushington is the second boot.

Alaina is gone.

Robbie Carrico is gone.

'Survivor Micronesia' - East Coast Updates - Feb. 28

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full review is posted over on TV Squad.

You know ... comments are encouraged!

Favorites win reward - chickens, rooster. They send Kathy and Ozzy to Exile Island.

Ozzy found the hidden idol!

The Favorites win immunity!

Mikey B. was voted out in a blindside.

Latest BB9 Feeds and Tonight's Blogging

My latest Big Brother 9 live feeds report can be found over on TV Squad.

I'll be putting up an East Coast Update post for Survivor when it starts here. While my full review of the show will be on TV Squad, the post here will have the major news and discussion in the comments section.

My upstairs neighbors are playing doo-wop songs ... loudly.

I'll be taping Lost for viewing probably on Sunday. As I write up my Survivor review for TVS, I'll have an East Coast Updates post for Celebrity Apprentice and, of course, comments are welcome.

I'm going to try to catch the boot for American Idol (if you watch, tell me in comments on the Survivor post) and I'll try to get that news out to the masses, too.

BB9: Live Feeds Through the Night

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yes, Zoetawny got that one right -- it's a shame Alex couldn't have rid himself of Amanda.

With Julie's cryptic mention of changes next week, I can only assume that the couples will break up and they're not going to voted out two by two.

Alas, a week too late to save Alex.

Here are the happenings since the end of the live show last night:
  • Allison thinks that she's always getting [bleeped] over in the house. Now she means with Joshuah as one of the HOH couple.
  • Matt wants Joshuah to be civil to Allison for the sake of the house. Apparently there was some big blow-up between Allison and Joshuah yesterday during the blocked feeds.
  • Adam latched onto Joshuah.
  • Alex and Amanda left their bed area in a mess.
  • Allison thinks all the shadiness in the house is due to Matt and Natalie.
  • Allison told Ryan that Joshuah threatened to slit her throat and threw the HOH key at her.
  • Joshuah says he's never hit a woman and all he did was get in her face.
  • Allison was called into the DR, then Joshuah. Sharon got worried they'd expel him from the house.
  • While Joshuah was in the DR, there was an audio leak (I always find those a bit conveniently mysterious) with Joshuah telling them he understood that Allison felt physically intimidated.
  • After he came out of the DR, Joshuah said he had to stay five feet away from Allison.
  • Adam doesn't think Matt is smart enough to win a HOH comp.
  • Joshuah promised Adam and Sheila that they wouldn't be going this week.
  • Ryan is sure that he and Allison will go on the block. He asked Adam to use the POV on him if he wins it. Adam didn't commit.
  • Allison is sick of the house, the drama. After all, she has a real life on the outside.
  • Allison thinks Joshuah is unstable and "lots of people have killed when they're unstable."
  • Allison also confronted Sheila about what she said on the live show to Julie Chen about their fight. Sheila said she never said anything bad about Allison.
  • Allison claims she doesn't know what set Joshuah off on her.
  • She also reminded Matt that the only reason they're still in the house is because of her and Ryan. @@
  • Joshuah thinks Ryan is scared of him.
  • Adam and Joshuah told Matt not to worry because Operation Gardener is in effect -- get rid of Allison because she's always planting seeds.
  • Allison thinks Joshuah and Sharon will backdoor her so she won't even have a chance.
  • James worried about the Hudson River Virus thinking it might flood the house. That's the first mention I've heard of it on the feeds and I'm surprised that James doesn't remember the Hudson is in NY -- he was picked up for the show in Brooklyn!
  • Joshuah said he "took a page from Dick's book and it worked."
  • Allison is going all kinds of hyper -- confronting Sharon, Joshuah, and even Ryan!
  • She wants out of the house if BB isn't going to take threats seriously.
  • Chelsia talked with Ryan telling him Allison is just selfish if she leaves, everyone knows Joshuah isn't going to kill anybody.
  • Chelsia went into detail with Ryan about the lesbian lie. He thinks that Allison is strong, but breaking under the pressure.
  • Allison called Ryan names to Matt in the boat room. She thinks he's spineless for not defending her (Ryan, not Matt).
  • Ryan found out Allison's talking about him and wanted to use Adam as a mediator to find out what was said.
  • Adam didn't want to get involved.
  • Ryan told Allison no one in the house liked her, they like him.
  • He said they're in a bad place in the house because of the way she acts. (Memories of Alex and Amanda drift through my mind.)
  • Natalie told Matt he never talks to her.
  • Joshuah got called into the DR again and told Sharon he has a gag order and can't talk about it.
  • All are in bed as I post this.
Can you feel the love?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

It looks like we'll just get the show in under the wire here -- Blogger has a ten minute outage for maintenance expected at 9 PM ET. Yipes!

But the show has started here in the NYC area and this post will be updated constantly as it airs. Please share your thoughts in comments! Right now, they're recapping Operation Condor, etc. The girls went to the hospital and all have a new perspective. The veto was not used ... and now we're ready!

Oy, my. Julie Chen is wearing boots. She looks like a biker chick! But first ... she talks Operation Condor and the swinging pendulum.

It looks stupid for the girls to be wearing bikinis while the guys are dressed. BB should have made the guys wear bathing suits, too!

I wonder how many times they'll show Amanda collapsing. Her blood sugar is still low and the doc told her to eat five meals. Of course, she's supposed to be on slop, but...

It's raining again. Matt tries to buddy up with Adam. Adam has his back.

Sharon realizes that Matt and Natalie are the strongest team and this would be the perfect time to evict them. She campaigns. People listen... even Adam, but he says he will be voting for Matt to stay.

Matt coaches Natalie on what to say to Joshuah and Sharon to keep them safe not knowing that the tide has turned. She promises Joshuah that he'll never go up. Natalie thinks she has a special job with them, but it just ain't so.

Ryan wants Amanda and Alex out while Allison wants Matt and Natalie gone.

The vote will be live, but we get taped DR segments. Adam and Sheila are pro-Mattalie.

Julie is checking in with the HG, tells Amanda and Allison that she's glad they're okay. Amanda thinks everyone is closer. Sheila thinks her relationship with Allison is fine, but goes on about things being said behind her back ... has learned to keep things to herself. She was worried about Allison's health scare. James gets applause for helping out Amanda.

Alex aid it felt great when Amanda returned. (Yeah, right.)

Life without drinking cups and hot water was miserable according to Matt. Sheila says the slop diet is the best diet ever -- she's lost five pounds and it tastes nothing like oatmeal.

Jame and Chelsia kindred spirits coming up.

DR room segment with Joshuah and Sharon -- she wants Mattalie gone, Joshuah wants Amanda gone.

James and Chelsia's friends are going to tell us why they're a perfect fit. They think they're both caring and passionate people. I notice BB hasn't mentioned the gay porn. Heh.

Julie talks to the HOH couple -- she reminds James he promised they wouldn't nominate Mattalie, he explains both couples were the strongest up so one would go. Chelsia has no regrets. It will make it hard for others to trust them, but. James says most of the HG are materialistic and have no desire to find themselves. Chelsia admits to being a girly-girl, but has common ground (dive bars) with James.

DR with Ryan and Allison -- Ryan definitely wants Alex and Amanda out, but they don't seem to care for either couple.

Time to talk to the nominees. Alex and Amanda -- She, ups and downs, apologizes and asks for one more chance and pleads for Alex. He says it's family and he doesn't want to go home, loves everyone, keepin it real.

Matt and Natalie -- Thankful and blessed, BB did great job pikcing cast, doesn't want to go back to the BEAVER State (once again), Matt -- hard decision, nervous, I love you.

If a couple doesn't agree on the vote, they're immdeiately evicted.

Votes are to evict
Sheila and Adam -- Amanda and Alex
Joshuah and Sharon -- Alex and Amanda, reluctantly
Ryan and Allison -- Amanda and Alex

Amanda and Alex are unanimously evicted.

Hugs, tears. They didn't look too shocked at all. Amanda isn't going to hold up too well with Julie.

Julie asks Alex about taking more of the blame for the eviction because he didn't campaign to save himself. He now says it's 50/50 blame. Amanda campaigned. She thought it would help them. Alex stayed true to his word. Alex still thinks Amanda is a beautiful woman.

Goodbye messages: Allison said they ignored her, Ryan said they had it out for him, Joshuah apologized for the comments he made to Amanda, Natalie loves them, Matt says Alex was his boy in the house. Nothing from Adam or Sheila.

HOH comp time. There's a nautical theme and it's called Words of Love. The questions are about the lvoe quotes all over the house. If they buzz in and are right, they eliminate another HG. Women first

Sharon eliminates Allison. Sharon eliminates Sheila. Sharon wins the ladies round.

Guys up. Ryan was wrong, eliminates himself. Joshuah eliminates Matt.

Joshuah and Sharon are the new HOH couple. Julie congratulates them and Sharon said they studied. They both want pictures from home. Matt says nice things about Alex.

Supposedly the evicted couple next week will get a surprise no one will expect and the season will begin a new chapter. I would guess it's the breaking up of the couples play. They have to do it to have a full-length season. But I wonder why the COUPLE will receive a surprise. A reprieve? Only one goes?

Quickie Live Feeds Update

I apologize for being amongst the missing today. It was my day off and I slept practically all day. I blame the now ex-flu. It was the best sleep I've had in weeks!

I'll be live blogging the show tonight in a separate entry, but here's a quick rundown on some of the happenings since last night:
  • Allison and Sheila are friends again, although probably not lesbian lovers ever again.
  • Allison tried to reassure Amanda that she could be staying, but then told her not to bother trying to get Sheila's vote.
  • Amanda fussed about Alex not being nice to her.
  • Joshuah said Allison is like wallpaper, forgettable.
  • Both couples packed.
  • They got their drinking cups back.
  • They seem to think the vote will be 3-0 tonight for Alex and Amanda to be evicted.
  • The feeds have been blocked most of the afternoon. It sounds like we'll have a live vote (unless something has gone on during the last long feed block).

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - Feb. 26

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm writing this a bit off the cuff. As always, I want your take on the show in comments! After all, that's where the fun is!

It's the black and white recap. I wonder who decided the older stuff should be balck and white. Oops! Color, it must be new now! ;-)

They're all hugging after the nominations ceremony. Alex thinks it's Amanda's fault he's on the block, So, it's still all old news. He's fussing about James going back on his word.

Matt and Natalie are talking. He's mad, but he's not blaming Natalie for being on the block. Alex is sulking and trying to avoid Amanda. He's being rough on Amanda, but he has a point.

Allison is relieved not to be on the block. So Sheila is pointing out how much she's changed to Mattalie. She claims her gut feels betrayed by Allison. Matt confronts James and he pretty much points out that they're playing Big Brother. Alex is out there, too. James tries to convince them it will be a great POV.

Sheila confronts Allison saying she's getting a weird vibe from her. (I've seen this ... I think it's mostly in Sheila's head, but she made it into a situation.)

Time to pick players for the POV comp -- one wild card couple -- Sharon and Joshuah. The host will be Adam. Matt and Alex went into the storage room -- one of them MUST win and they're still buddies despite being on the block against each other. James is a bit oblivious to them.

The POV is ready to start. They have their hardhats on and they're in the backyard with electrical stuff and radioactive barrels. They all have sweats yet they're shivering. They're supposed to restore communications. They have to go into bins of peanuts, hook up communication wires on poles which would allow them to reach the outside world ... or something to that effect. In pouring rain, Joshuah and Sharon won.

The news from the outside world was McCain leading, Barack Obama is leading Hillary, Britney Spears gossip ... then a fake story tying in with Jericho about the Hudson River Virus cutting off people from the outside world. (I think I caught that when I fell into the Hudson some years back!)

Amanda cheered both Republican and Democratic. Most of the houseguests mispronounced Barack as they read aloud from the ticker. They made it barrack as in army barracks. @@

Sheila's back to ranting about Allison. That drove me crazy on the feeds. She was on her rant too loudly, too long. She built it up in her mind and now Allison has reason to turn on her. Sharon eavesdropped and is now reporting to Allison, Ryan, Chelsia and James.

Allison has to go talk to her. I see no problem with that. She is being slimed by Sheila's oddness. Sheila reminds me of a boss I had decades ago who called me a smart-ass college kid (when I had graduated college a good decade before!).

Ryan and Adam come in and they're right. Allison was NOT backstabbing Sheila. Not friends any longer now!

Sharon is instigating a bit, but Sheila was out of line. All of a sudden, Allison had to go to the DR -- she's having some sort of allergic reaction. As she's talking to the nurs, Amanda and Natalie are in the kitchen. Amanda hasn't been eating her slop. Oops, she passes out! Hypoglycemic. She's into a convulsion and it does look real. The TV is more clear (and larger) than my feeds. And we even get to see the nurse!

James helped Amanda and that's impressed Adam. Joshuah feels bad about Amanda because he was so mean to her. Now they're all worried about their BB family. Now even Sheila feels bad.

Amanda's back! She just goes and tries to crawl into her bed, but they all check on her and drag her out. Alex not so receptive.

Amanda's happy to be with "these people" and touched. And now Allison is back.

Aw, a big hugfest and Sheila is normal once again! Well, she's crying to us from the DR. Amanda has a new resolve to win.

Joshuah and Sharon are readying for the veto meeting. Sheila is worried because of her own stupidity in fighting with Allison. Amanda and Alex speak first, kind of a do what you have to do. Matt and Natalie respect the decision. Natalie doesn't want to go back to the Beaver State. She always has to use the nickname, you know.

They didn't use the veto, nominations remain the same.

BB9 - Stuff!

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I couldn't resist putting this new graphic by Zoetawny up -- I think it's more funny than risque, don't you?

My latest feed report is up over on TV Squad. Just a note of explanation -- I link the actual article here, so you don't really see the jump. But if you're reading the main TVS site, I can't post any spoilers before the link to read on. So, I'm not entirely bonkers. But it dawned on me that you guys often don't see the jump link.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show in a new entry. Please stop back!

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Night

Natalie, Matt, and Adam talk game in the wee hours. I do wish Adam would stop playing with his pants.

Here are the evening and late night happenings from that Big Brother House of People I Don't Want In My Life:
  • Allison told Chelsia that Matt has always been genuine with her. Chelsia told her he's said the same things to her -- he's playing everyone.
  • Chelsia thinks that Amanda/Alex and Adam/Sheila will be weak in the HOH comp due to being on slop.
  • James wants Joshuah to expose both deals that Allison made with both couples up for eviction.
  • Meanwhile, it looks like Allison is definitely in with Adam and Sheila and has turned pro-Matt and Natalie. Note I said Allison. She has to get Ryan to agree with her.
  • Joshuah told Amanda he thinks Allison will vote to evict her and Alex.
  • Allison asked Ryan to make a deal with Matt. She told him that Chelsia told her that she and James want to be in the final four with Joshuah and Sharon. Now, where would that leave Ryan and Allison? Not in the final four plans!
  • Ryan is reluctant because both couples they'd turn on had voted to keep them (Chelsia/James, Joshuah/Sharon).
  • Allison and Matt pinky-swore to be in the final four. (There. It's a done deal.)
  • Joshuah wants to win HOH so he can go off on Allison. He says he "hates" her.
  • Sheila says she can't sleep at night because she's always thinking about the game. Before, it was due to the snoring.
  • Matt is starting to get over-confident that he's staying. He might be his own worst enemy.
  • BB had supplied the HG with a huge supply of condoms. Joshuah and Sharon made water balloons out of them. Now, that I can get into!
  • BB yelled at them to stop.
  • Perhaps fitting, Natalie said she worked at Hooters for years.
  • Matt told Natalie to quiet her game down and lay low until Wednesday.
  • Now the three who were still up headed to bed.
  • And I need breakfast.

Monday, February 25, 2008

BB9, Dexter, Lost, and Schtuff

Bring me a glazed donut, please. Wait, I mean a chocolate donut! Better yet, bring me both! This dog was parked outside the donut shop on my way to work. Yes, I'm back to work although I still feel exhausted, drained, and I'm coughing a lot. Darn the flu!

My latest Big Brother 9 live feeds report is up over at TV Squad. I'll be posting another update here late tonight. Today has been on the quiet side in the house after last night's group gropes.

I watched Dexter last night. I've been wanting to see this series since it started, but without Showtime it's all new to me. I find the series as intriguing as I thought it would be from what I've read about it. But, think about it ... Dexter isn't your average serial killer. He's more about going after those folks who are the ills of society. What if ... what if ... we put him in the Big Brother house this season?

With the change to Thursday nights, I'm finding myself not watching Lost until Sunday as I have a deadline for my Survivor review on TVS. It will be worse when it goes to 10 PM, but I already have it delayed by days. That said, the last two episodes have been powerful and have me really into the show once again. What happened to Claire? You know she wouldn't leave Aaron behind or let him go with Kate without her? And Ben becomes even more mysterious!

I haven't seen Roofus lately. Well, I was out of work three days of my five last week and there's snow on the roof. Hopefully the cat is hanging out over at the old rental car place with friends and food.

Thanks for hanging in with me as I fought the flu. I won. I think I won.

BB9 - Live Feeds Into the Dawn - Feb. 25

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I have a report put up last last night over on TV Squad. In it is a gallery of recent screen caps I took from the feeds.

Maybe Zoetawny's graphic will get Sheila some more of that Tylenol PM she craves so much!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rampant Bad behaviors:

  • Natalie thanked Matt for being nice to her Sunday. She's still holding out hope for a relationship after the game, I think.
  • Amanda told Allison she wouldn't put her up on the block again.
  • BB gave them beer. Just what they needed!
  • What to do? Why, they can play strip tease! Sheila tried to get the guys to play, but it seems the girls are more willing. @@
  • Chelsia and Natalie kissed to the chanting of the crowd.
  • Keep in mind this started in time for BBAD!
  • There were cucumbers, whipped cream, and more.
  • They jumped in the pool. James is naked, but the rest of the guys have their underwear on.
  • Natalie and Chelsia are topless.
  • Natalie and Chelsia got all over Joshuah claiming they wanted a gay boyfriend.
  • There were mutual make-out sessions by odd couplings in the pool -- Sharon and James, Chelsia and Natalie, Sharon and Matt, Sharon and Alex, Chelsia and Matt. Even Joshuah got into the action with the girls.
  • Amanda, Allison, and Sheila watched from the kitchen. They're disgusted. They think Natalie probably saved herself because she's all over the guys.
  • Joshuah is thinking of evicting Amanda again because he had so much fun with Natalie.
  • Chelsia talked with Allison -- she still says it will be Natalie and Matt going home.
  • They're still up as I get this posted, but it's mainly small talk and speculation about winning HOH, etc.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - Feb. 24

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll be constantly updating this post. Comments are definitely welcome!

So far Jen and Parker just went home again. Ryan and Amanda are upset, Allison is happy and they're trying to make it sound like she plans moves on Ryan.
Matt wants to work people over so he can win the game.

Okay, it's to the HOH questions from the other day and Chelsia and James win HOH all over again. They're pleased with their shady qualities. Alex thinks it will be Amanda's fault if he goes on the block because of her attention-seeking ways. Natalie thinks she's safe. Allison thinks that Chelsia thinks she's a lesbian and is safe.

They decide they'll drink out of bowls since BB took their cups.

James gave Matt his word that he's safe.

Joshuah told Sharon that Sheila and Allison are lesbian lovers. She's shocked!

The HOH room was celebrated. I love the pic of Chelsia's cat! Once again James assured Matt and Natalie they were safe. Operation Condor is the move to eliminate all of the couples pictured on the top row of the Memory Wall. Alex and Amanda are the targets and they're looking for a pawn. Adam, Rayn and James are trying to figure the pawn.

Ah, BB is showing things out of time sequence. Before they didn't have drinking glasses and now in an apology segment between Amanda and Joshuah they have drinking glasses on the table. Amanda offers to ally with Josh.

Onto Natalie having butterflies in her tummy over Matt. She thinks it's a match made in heaven.She's topless in a bubblebath with visions of "Matty" in her head. He's oblivious to her. He tells her they can't have sex. So she decides he's mean to her.

Allison tells Sheila that they ought to confess about the lesbian lover lie to Joshuah. Sheila is worried that if they tell about the lie, they'll be targeted.

Food comp time! HOH couple can participate in the comp. Two teams SEAduction and DEVotion compete. There are boats and nets, but it all sticnks of dead fish floating in water around the boats. It's a bit like the Survivor challenge this week. Some hold the heavy net, others throw dead fish into the other side's net. When a team can't hold the net up anymore, they lose.

Ryan loves a dirty girl covered with fish guts and blood while Matt thinks it's disgusting. Adam, Sheila, Amanda, and Alex are on slop for the week. James and Chelsia are spared as they're HOH.

Bueno laughs as Amanda's key word is exposed.

James thinks he has feelings for Chelsia. The blurring of his tattoos on the show kind of messes up any scenes with him. Chelsia likes him but takes more of a "we;ll see" attitude ... until it comes to a kissfest, that is!

Allison and Sheila tell Chelsia about the lsebian lover lie. She tells them that she told James. Now they tell Josh. (And they're drinking from bowls again.) Joshuah is confused. He is uneasy.

Chelsia and Joshuah now think they're just liars. They bring James into it ... and now no one trusts them.

James is talking to Matt about being a pawn. Matt reminds him that he said he wouldn't put him up. James told him not to worry.

Nominations today, so we get the whole rules thing again. Amanda thinks that she and Alex are considered a threat. Natalie feels safe because James and Chelsia gave their word to not put them on the block. Adam and Sheila are worried. Alex is worried and blames it all on Amanda.

The key order is: Adam and Sheila, Joshuah and Sharon, and Ryan and Allison. Nominated for eviction are Matt/Natlaie (we need you to win POV, most strategic way to get a certain couple out) ... targets are Amanda and Alex. They say Amanda isn't trustful.

Matt says never to trust a guy with pink hair and, if he stays, he's gunning for them.

BB9 - Power of Veto

The power of veto wasn't used as we knew it wouldn't be. I'll be live-blogging tonight's show from here on the east coast.

Please stop back!