Friday, July 09, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - July 9


Whitney has aligned with a unicorn

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Newbie Narwhals:

  • As I mentioned in an update on my last report, Christian won the Wildcard Comp and has safety this week. He also chose Xavier to be safe for the week.
  • Heck, Xavier was safe anyway.
  • However, the fact that Christian is safe is probably throwing a wrench into the plans of Frenchie.
  • They actually got a liquor delivery last night. Of course, it wasn't enough to really get them all bombed or anything near it.
  • Despite the fact that Christian saved Xavier, Frenchie had a meeting with his "core five" -- Xavier, Derek F, Christian and Kyland. Hmm. I'm getting more confused by Frenchie as the time goes on.
  • While I haven't seen Frenchie swear to a final two with anyone, his alliances are all over the place.
  • Frenchie then went to the women with whom he had previously aligned and promised safety looking for a pawn to go up against Derek X?!?! 
  • So, now the women feel betrayed.
  • And what the heck about Travis?!?!
  • It looks like he's planning to nominate Sarah and Derek X. Possibly with Travis as a backdoor plan?
  • I dunno. Now it seems that the thought of Travis going is tossed out the window and getting Derek X out would be good for Travis.
  • Say what?
  • Sarah is called SarahBeth in the house. Why didn't they put the full name in all the promo stuff?
  • I'm so confused!

Tiffany, the "old" person, is fitting in well

Derek X is still up worrying at past 4:30AM their time!

I'm liking Kyland more than I thought I would from his bio

Travis? Ah, not so much!

Britini is shocked she won over Frenchie

I just could not deal with feet in my face!

Christian's hair looks better confined to braids

Thursday, July 08, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Thursday Evening - July 8


Those Dereks should get out of the nomination chairs!

Things are still a bit new and chaotic in the habitrail. So, what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Terrifying Teams? Here ya go:
  • None of them slept a heck of a lot last night. Chalk that up to excitement and nerves.
  • Xavier was the first to go to bed, albeit around four in the morning their time. He was also the first to get up about three or four hours later.
  • Most of them seem to still be used to East Coast time and they're early risers.
  • All the rooms except for the Have Not Room seem to have been very warm.The Have Not Room is still upstairs near the HOH and has an entrance hallway with a door. But at least it's normal sized this season.
  • Xavier made your basic slop with the recipe this morning. He says he wanted to see how it tastes before he thinks of things to add (like cinnamon and such).
  • Frenchie might be working too hard to set up allies and an alliance.
  • He already had a deal with Tiffany and Whitney.
  • Today he was working on Xavier and Kyland.
  • He keeps saying he doesn't like the huge alliance like Gr8ful.
  • Although he hasn't said it, I think he was planning on possibly targeting Brent -- he says he wants to go after the alpha males and showmancers. 
  • Those plans might be awry as he had a long talk with Brent and found out that Brent's father committed suicide and Brent is very family oriented.
  • Frenchie ended up making a deal to keep Brent safe this week if Brent keeps him safe if he gets HOH.
  • I just wish he'd put on a shirt.
  • I'm still thinking Frenchie will probably nominate Christian and Travis.
  • Travis would probably go over Christian as Christian has been mingling more.
  • Although Frenchie mentioned "Slaughterhouse" to both Kyland and Xavier, he did not mention it to Brent.
  • The Slaughterhouse alliance now has Frenchie, Whitney, Azah, Britini, Derek F, Tiffany, Kyland and possibly Xavier.
  • There is also a Cook Out Alliance that has Tiffany, Xavier, Derek F and Azah.
  • Already the alliances have kicked in despite the teams concept.
  • So much for that!
  • I personally would go for the word "Abattoir" which means slaughterhouse but sounds so much cooler.
  • But Frenchie didn't ask me.
  • As of now, all are still getting along very well.
  • There have been no brouhahas, not even a kerfuffle.
  • I'm a bit dismayed that Derek X wants to go for an alpha male team. He would do better mingling with the crowd more. Derek F thinks he's great.
  • I find it refreshing that (so far) this season I'm not seeing the jealousy bit and cattiness among the women. If they can stick together, they could be formidable!
  • Thankfully last night's LOUD HORRIBLE music loop with "turn it up" vocals has been replaced by the regular loud annoying theme loop. It's annoying but less so than the "turn it up" garbage.
  • The feeds were blocked with adoptable animals apparently in relation to the Wildcard Comp Julie mentioned last night. Long time blocked!
  • When they came back on, the backyard was open. Since they had been in quarantine then sequester, then house ... they ALL wanted outside time.
  • Frenchie now seems to think Derek X is up to something, possibly throwing Christian under the bus? I don't see why that would matter so much to him (Frenchie) as he isn't too keen on Christian himself. He wants to talk to Derek X.
  • Frenchie told Derek F and Tiffany that they need to decide on pawns. They decide Britini can indeed be trusted.
  • Christian tried to get some sort of nomination inkling from Frenchie. Travis is nervousing a bit. Frenchie just mentions pawns.
  • I guess they were told not to talk about the comp.
  • I expect nominations tomorrow night.
  • I predict but would not wager that it will be Travis and Christian.
  • I guess we'll see.
UPDATE: It sounds like Christian won the Wildcard Comp and he's safe, also made Xavier safe this week. There goes what I think was Frenchie's plan. He definitely should be putting Travis up, maybe with Derek X or Brent as a pawn? Hmm. He did promise Brent he would be safe this week but didn't say he wouldn't be a pawn.

Frenchie tells Kyland of the Slaughterhouse plan

Put a shirt on, bro

Britini seems in with Azah ... interesting duo

Now Frenchie is talking working with Xavier ... hmm

BB23: Live Feeds Report into Thursday Dawn - July 8


Talking cows in the HOH room

Aha! A fresh season with fresh hamsters in the habitrail! Here's the first live feeds report and the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Diversity Dormice:

  • The feeds began on time at about 12:35AM ET despite the countdown clock saying they would start at 12:45. Good.
  • The music for blocked feeds is absolutely loud and horrible. It's like a disco thing with vocals calling to "turn it up." I have to keep turning it down or muting it all together.
  • There is no fish cam, no FOTH ... just a blue screen with fake bubbles for the feed blocks.
  • It was pretty confusing with so many in the house, often all talking at once with the feeds jerking mid-conversations to new conversations. Sheesh. I think I'm dizzy!
  • As I noted in my show post, this new diversity on the show is a boon for me as I can actually tell them apart and have the names right! 
  • Now, so much was happening conversation-wise that this report will not necessarily be in order. Be warned!
  • I'm going to call the duo of Christian and Travis the Hair Boyz. Those two are definitely gravitating together with Brent on the peripheral.
  • Meanwhile, Frenchie is gravitating to the women and, in particular, to the moms. He told Tiffany she's good and he will not nominate a mom or a woman.
  • Oh my.
  • Tiffany, Whitney and Frenchie discussed getting out power players, alpha males.
  • Tiffany, Whitney, Alyssa and Claire discussed a womans alliance.
  • Meanwhile, Claire, Hannan and Azah have formed an alliance.
  • Derek X wants to go with an alpha male alliance. I don't think that's smart this season.
  • Some played chess. Gah.
  • The Have Nots have to make their own BB Slop. They have the recipe. Nothing like putting salt in the wound, eh?
  • The Have Not Room itself is more accepted than in previous years. Apparently the house is hot and that room is nice and cool. All the beds "move" (like the boat bed is tipsy) but one. They decided to see how they felt in each bed and switch if need be.
  • Frenchie seems well-liked by all.
  • About the only two who seem to not totally fit in with the crowd or off on their own by choice would be The Hair Boyz -- Christian and Travis. 
  • Travis was the last picked for a team and seems a bit not meshing on the whole.
  • The Double Derek problem was solved by them deciding to call Derek F "Big D."
  • Derek X laughed about them picking two Dereks.
  • Christian and Brent are a bit worried about what Frenchie is thinking.
  • They should be.
  • Derek F or Big D is fitting in nicely. But I don't think his health is as good as he said in the intro to the show. I worry about him. I don't mean it meanly. I just noticed he was sweating in the house just sitting while no one else was sweating. That's not good. 
  • Kyland is also mingling well.
  • I think Frenchie is going to nominate Travis pretty much for sure. Then it might be Christian, possibly Brent. He says he has a true backdoor plan in mind, so I'm not sure.
  • Tiffany cooked dinner along with a few others, then cleaned the kitchen. For the "old lady" she's certainly making herself useful! 
  • Frenchie wants to break the stereotype of the South. Except for his accent, he seems to be doing that.
  • Xavier and Alyssa seem to click together. While some of the guys seem to be worried Xavier says he'll talk to Frenchie tomorrow.
  • Which is today.
  • And they were almost all up almost all night.
  • Some are still up now.
  • But I'm ready to nap ...

Well, BB TOLD us to gather!

The Have Not Room

Whitney is in good with Frenchie and Tiffany

The bathroom doesn't seat as many this season

Most hung out together for dinner

Settling in

No fish this season, just obnoxious music

Not all that in with the Hair Boyz

Feeds went live at 12:35 with 11 minutes left on the clock

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

BB23: Season Premiere Blog Party


A few things before we get started ...


--If you need refreshers on who is whom, you can find my meet the cast posts here and here.

--There are sixteen new hamsters and the commercials indicate that the prize money has increased. So ... are we up to a million now? I don't know, but it could be. We'll find out tonight.

--Tonight's show is a live move-in. That means they are meeting each other on live TV as we watch. It's a 90-minute show. From previously released information, they will be split into teams of four with team captains choosing their teams; only the team captains will compete for HOH if my understanding is correct. The HOH winner will get some kind of "offer they can't refuse" from Julie.

--The live feeds go live tonight after the West Coast live show ends. So, we're talking 12:30AM (or later) here on the East Coast. While I won't get a live feeds report up right then and there, I will be watching and compiling intel for an early morning (or late late late evening) report.

--Even though I have seen all the photos, it's still hard in the beginning of the season to get the names right. Please bear with me and forgive my name glitches and typos!

I'll be live blogging the show and constantly updating this post with the major happenings and some minor happenings, as well. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments! No face masks or even vaccinations needed for the party!


Let the show begin! Julie, in a simple yet stylish red dress, welcomes us to the BB Beach Club. The narrator promises big risks, big rewards and the biggest prize ever. Julie tells us we'll find out how much the winner gets later.

Now we're into the hamsters finding their keys ... four men first. Travis, Derek F, Frenchie, Xavier. They are on stage with Julie. She promises great things. They go in and are directed to the backyard to compete in their first competition. They dawdle admiring their new digs.

The backyard has a casino set-up with The Kick-Off Comp. Whoever wins can immediately change the course of the game. The winner will be eligible to win HoH. They have to arrange travel posters to match a set travel poster. It's the Have Not Pool Poster. Five pieces of plexiglass to the puzzle. FRENCHIE WINS!

Next it's the first four women. Azah, Britini, Alyssa, Whitney (blog cheering please as one of us knows her). None them admit to being a gambler when Julie asks. She tells them that's important this season. They go in and head to the backyard. Slowly, just like the guys. Same comp, different puzzle. The four guys already in are watching from above. WHITNEY WINS!

Julie's back. Next group of four men. Kyland, Christian, Derek X, Brent. They are told to immediately head to the backyard. They don't dawdle AS MUCH. Same comp, different puzzle -- Blindside Beach. The previous eight hamsters above watching. CHRISTIAN WINS! Julie keeps promising the first twist of the season after the last group of four is in.

The final four women ... Sarah, Hannah, Claire, Tiffany. Tiffany is the only one really emphatic about being a risk-taker. They enter the house. They hug and ooh and ahh. They dawdle. They notice the No Risk No Reward decoration. Same comp, different puzzle -- Betray Showmance. CLAIRE WINS!

So, it's Frenchie, Whitney, Christian and Claire. Julie tells us that the hamsters don't know but they'll be playing in teams of four. They will be drafting the teams after commercial.

Those winners of the comps are now team captains. It's the BB Open Casino. They're all in the backyard. Julie tells them teams of four. The "losers" are on the balcony watching while the team captains are down on the lawn. They hit the button to start the slot machine. They get a bit of info about two hamsters and choose between them. Each team has two men/two women.

Names predetermined by BB -- Frenchie has the Jokers -- his choice is Hannah or Azah. He chooses Azah. Round two -- between Sarah Beth and Britini, chooses Britini. Travis or Derek F, Derek F.

Whitney has the Aces -- she chooses between Brent and Travis, chooses Brent. Round two -- between Derek X and Derek F, chooses Derek X. Hannah or Sarah Beth, Hannah.

Christian has the Kings -- he chooses between Alyssa and Tiffany, chooses Alyssa. second round -- Xavier or Derek F, chooses Xavier. Sarah Beth goes to the Kings as the last female.

Claire has the Queens -- chooses between Kyland and Xavier (who lies saying he's a bartender), chooses Kyland. Second round -- Sarah Beth or Tiffany, goes with Tiffany. Travis goes to the Queens as the last male.

The teams will be vying against each other for HOH and the team captain of the winning team will be HOH. 

Time for the HOH Comp. Captain is HOH, entire team is safe for the week. House of Cards. Each captain must build house of cards on platform while teammates hold the platform steady. Giant cards will fall down on them to mess them up. Last place team become Have Nots. 

FRENCHIE AND THE JOKERS WIN! The others keep playing to determine last team. The Queens, number two. Aces are in third. Kings and Christian are Have Nots.

Julie will announce the prize increase and offer Frenchie an offer which might be too good to refuse after commercial.

Julie addresses the hamsters, still in the backyard. Julie tells them the winner will get three-quarters of a million instead of a half-million. Another big reward could be handed out tonight. Offers Frenchie a double or nothing offer. Two weeks of safety, land the two oversize dice on the table. If he fails, he loses HOH. Claire would become the new HOH. Goes to commercial while Frenchie considers the risk to give his team two weeks of safety instead of one or keep the one for sure.

Frenchie decides NOT to do it. Julie has him do it for kicks. He just made it with like a second to spare. For fun, though.

Julie promises a new comp ahead -- the Wild Card Comp.

There is no show tomorrow night. Sunday is the next episode. 

An added plus for the diversity of this season -- I CAN TELL THE HAMSTERS APART AND I'M EVEN BETTER WITH THEIR NAMES! WOOT!

BB23: What Goes On With This Here Blog



While the BB motto is "Expect the Unexpected," this blog runs pretty much as expected each season. Here's what you can expect"

  • Bullet points. Expect them. A lot.
  • Blog parties during aired shows East Coast Time. During those posts, I live blog the show, constantly updating the entry with major happenings. In the comments area, there's a party going on -- sometimes discussing the show, sometimes discussing snacks. I only ask that long, heated debates (politics, for example) are not discussed. 
  • I ask that spoilers are not posted on the show posts as some people who follow them do not follow the live feeds.
  • Expect spoilers in every post that is not show post.
  • I post at least one, often more live feeds reports each day. Since the live feeds are live not taped like most of the shows, expect spoilers.
  • I'm only one person, so I don't post every breath they take in the house.
  • I post things which catch my interest, news about comp wins and more in the live feed reports. Often blog readers may also chime in with something they saw.
  • Each live feed report will have some screen caps from the live feeds.
  • Since there aren't dozens (hundreds?) of people updating this blog, wins and such can be taken as fact. I don't post rumors and if I see false information in a comment, that comment gets removed.
  • Although I hang a bit in Twitter, I don't post much content there. I do immediately post all blog entry links on both my Twitter and my Big Brother related Facebook page which are both under STUFF in the right sidebar.
 What I expect from YOU:
  • You can like or dislike any hamster this season, but please don't treat the fellow commenters poorly.
  • A post about a hamster is much different than a post about fans of said hamster.
  • Please use actual names or widely-accepted names for the hamsters in comments so people (like me) know to whom you're referring. For example, calling someone Vincent because you think he's a cool cat would just confuse everybody. So, no off the cuff nicknames, please.
  • While mocking behavior of the hamsters is one thing -- after all, they agreed to be in the public eye -- I ask that posts about things they can't control like weight, height, etc. that are out of their control not be made. Such comments might be deleted.
  • Any hate speech is deleted.
  • Do NOT respond to trolls. During shows, I might not get to read comments until commercials or the end of the show. When a troll comes in and posts mocking us all, it's more work to delete a gazillion protests from blog defenders. I appreciate the support, but …! Trust me, I catch the troll posts and any identity cloning people and delete the posts.
  • I ask that comments be kept to a PG level. Just because the hamsters have potty-mouths, we don't need to do so. I have this blog set with Google for all ages and not adult content. I want to keep that setting.
Last, but not least …

For those of you who have asked, my health still is an issue. I never did return to work at my fulltime job after my back surgery.

That said, I do appreciate any donations you can make to the blog if you enjoy the coverage and community provided here. Unlike many sites who receive money from CBS Paramount+ subscriptions and such, I only get a smidgen from advertising revenue. I do put a lot of effort into the blog and it gives me warm fuzzies to see donations! (Plus it helps with the bills!) Now that I've hit you up for that -- if you do not have CBS Paramount+ and want to sign up for it, go to my ol' buddy Dingo at and get them through her. 

May the best hamster win!

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

BB23: House Tour

I think the only thing I like at all is the shark kitchen. I just could never live with the "loudness" they have going on in the design of the BB house! How about you? 

Monday, July 05, 2021

BB23: So, Why is Christie Gone Already? And who is this Claire?


What did I list in a post yesterday as the number one reason she might be out? Yep, you got it. She failed Covid testing. She's asymptomatic and has no idea where she picked it up, but she tested positive. And, they are positively sure about it 

CBS released this statement from Christie Valdiserri: 

“Hey guys, I don’t want to be sharing this news, but I tested positive for COVID and I have no idea how I got it. I have the vaccine and I have been following all the guidelines up to this point. I have absolutely no symptoms and I feel perfectly fine. So I’m really grateful for that, but it’s really frustrating because I won’t be playing in Big Brother this summer.”

So, who is this Claire person replacing her?

Claire Rehfuss is 25. an AI (Artificial Intelligence, I assume) Engineer living in NYC but originally hailing from Chagrin Falls, Ohio. We now have our definitely alpha-WOMAN in the house. She's an ubersuperfan with an online presence, her own popular Survivor online game, creates crosswords and might just be the first one to make a women's alliance actually work. She "wants to target the alpha males and team up with her fellow “black widows” to clear a path to finale night." 

In the article I read at the Big Brother Network, she shows extensive BB knowledge even dating as far back as BB2. Why the heck didn't she make first cut? Sheesh! 

By the way -- if you go to the BBN site I linked above, they have extensive bios on each hamster. Alas, that information was not available when I wrote my post!

Sunday, July 04, 2021

BB23: Somebody Out Already Update


Christie Valdiserri is the hamster gone before she even got in. Supposedly BB will explain tomorrow. I wouldn't hold my breath. Christie herself has had to sign all kinds of NDA forms and I believe she might stand to lose the stipend for her quarantine and sequester time (my guess, not official info on that), so she won't be able to say anything if they don't want her to.

She was on my Meet the Cast Part 1 of 2 post. I've crossed her out (as above) but know so little about her replacement that I haven't updated the post otherwise yet.

Her replacement will be someone named Claire Rehfuss. I guess. 

This is Claire ...

BB23: Eep! Someone Out Already??


Oh noes! They aren't even in the house yet! Really ... this season they will enter the house on premiere night live, not taped.

Yep, someone already got the boot either from production or due to personal matters. Right now we don't know who. We expect notification sometime later today. Now, I believe it was Christian who was already a replacement (alternate in sequester) for one of the people (Garret) in the original leaked BB cast photo. Hopefully they have had a second alternate waiting in sequester.

How did this happen? Well, it could be one of many reasons --

  • Failed Covid testing
  • Broke NDA 
  • Ill
  • Family emergency
  • Too close ties with previous hamsters (many seem to have interacted online prior to selection)
  • Self-evicted pre-show
  • Came to their senses screaming "What the hell am I doing to my life?!?! Get me out of here!!!"
I guess we might never really know why. But we should know who before long. I'll update you when I know.

Friday, July 02, 2021

BB23: The Blog Pool OPENS!


It's that time of year once again -- time for our summer obsession. BB23 starts next Wednesday evening. This season we get to see them enter the house live instead of already being in there for a week or so. Plus, the live feeds start after the West Coast show ends. Since they announced the cast so late (yesterday) and they won't even have nominations made in the premiere, I'm extending this sign up a bit.


What's it all about?

Our esteemed and accomplished Lifeguard SueGee (AKA SqueeGee) will randomly match up pool entrants with the hamsters in the habitrail. Once matched up with a hamster, you need to cheer that one on until they're evicted or win it all. Yeah, even if they're obnoxious. Deal with it!

What will I win?

Well, IF you win, you'll be pleased to know there is NO CASH PRIZE! Nuh-uh. No way. That would cheapen the whole thing, don't ya think? Instead of paltry prizes, you get BRAGGING RIGHTS. Yep! From now through all eternity YOU will be a blog pool winner here. Feel free (and I encourage it) to put your win in your sign-off signature so that everyone can oooh and ahhh. Can't you hear the crowd now?

How do I get in on this wild action?!?!

You just need to sign up in the comments of THIS POST ONLY. If you put your name in on another post or Facebook or Twitter, it might be missed. If you come here as anonymous, you must come up with some sort of name in your comment. Otherwise, we can't tell the anonymous folks apart. Well, except for the unruly ones, maybe.

When is the deadline for joining the pool?

The deadline for signing up is Friday, July 9, at NOON Pacific Time (that's 3pm ET). Don't put it off! Sign up TODAY! No stragglers!

Thursday, July 01, 2021

BB23: Meet the Cast - Part 2 of 2

 If you missed the first part of my cast photos/info, you can find it right at this link here. Without further ado, I present the remaining eight hamsters --

Derek Xiao

Say what? Another Derek? Two spelled the same way and not like previous BB winner Derrick? This Derek is 24. His hometown is Baltimore, MD and he's currently living in NYC. He's a start-up founder. Azah in my Part 1 is also from Baltimore, but six years older. Again, like Philadelphia, a big city and they probably do not know each other. He sounds kind of interesting. He started a company that ships meal kits from food influencers, rented and crashed a citi-bike to compete in a triathlon in college, took hip-hop dance lessons and was 1 of 2 Asian kids in his high school graduating class. Sounds all kinds of new wavy, right? 

Hannah Chaddha

Hannah is a very young'un -- nope, no diversity in ages, for sure. She's 21. She's from Chicago, IL and still lives there. She's a graduate student. Oh ... she's a competitive hip-hop dancer! She can give Derek X lessons! She says (without going on and on about it, Britini) that she graduated university at 19. The way that's phrased sounds like not in the US. Her parents are from South Africa and India, so possibly abroad. She can hold her breath for 90 seconds and used to be a personal stylist. It sounds like she might be good at both mental and physical comps.

Kyland Young

Ohh ... one of the older ones. Kyland is 29 but will turn 30 on the 13th. He's an account executive (?) originally from San Bernardino now living in Venice Beach, both CA. He's read all the Twilight books (so impressive), has four sisters, has seen every Best Picture Oscar film for the last 20 years (again, achievement!), sneaks into Comic Con with a fake police badge in costume because it can be done, went to sky-diving school, thinks he's a Jedi (no, he's NOT Howie of BB6!), works for an app company that helps students find finances for their schooling. Well, he might be one of the "older" hamsters but most mature? Probably not!

Sarah Steagall

Sarah is 27, will be 28 on August 9. She's originally from Boiling Springs, SC and currently resides in Ft. Myers, Fl. She's a forensic scientist. Born with a speech impediment, she couldn't communicate clearly until she was seven. Although a chemist, she's a horrible cook and cannot follow a recipe. She has moth/butterfly phobia. She's into cosplay and apparently is very creative with styling, props and sewing. I'm not seeing anything physical listed. She may or may not be good at comps. I hope she realizes that she will need to clean since she can't cook and, if you do nothing around the house, you become very expendable.

Tiffany Mitchell

Here's the "old" hamster! Yes, indeed. She's, get this, 40. She will be 41 on August 5. I hope she packed her Geritol. She's a phlebotomist from Detroit MI and still in Detroit. She loves cats, especially her own two cats. That's really how it should be. She's obsessed with horoscopes, does voice impersonations of friends and family and her favorite color is Tiffany Blue. Hmm. I like blue and I like cats. But none of this gives me any kind of hint how she will do in the house.

Travis Long

Travis is 22, originally from Austin TX now living in Honolulu HA. He's a tech sales consultant (and I bet surfer). He's an author who has published books available on Amazon. I'll have to check him out. He's almost fluent in Spanish due to soccer and growing up in Costa Rica. He says he's started up many businesses since high school and has been sued by "massive titans of industry." Hmm. Sketchy stuff? He's into pranks and spearing fish for dinner multiple times per week. Oh, gee, sounds like quite the free spirit, doesn't he?

Whitney Williams

Whitney is 30, a make-up artist hailing from Portland OR and still residing there. Now, we will be having a blog pool but we need to band together for her success this season. She's a friend of one of our original blog community people! For all I know, she might have even been a regular reader here. If the person who knows her speaks up, fine. Otherwise, we just all root for her! She was named after Whitney Houston, but cannot sing. Her company won a Best in Oregon award only three years after she started it. She can wiggle her nose like a bunny. Now, if she were older she would say like Samantha! She developed her own Tillamook ice cream flavor -- white chocolate raspberry -- and it's available in stores that carry that brand. Remember ... blog wide cheering but you will still be assigned a random hamster if you join the pool.

Xavier Prather

Xavier is 27, an attorney originally from Kalamazoo MI now residing in Milwaukee WI. Oh my gosh. He has ten siblings. His poor parents! He was born with a severe clubfoot and learned to walk in a cast. He did a cross-cultural study in Scotland and England. That sounds great! I think I'm jealous! He does not like coffee. He gives us nothing on physical stuff but in the photo looks very fit. He also must be smart to have made it through law school and pass the bar. Plus he's attractive. He can stay around ... unless he's obnoxious, that is.

BB23: Meet the Cast - Part 1 of 2 UPDATED

 Now we can get a bit excited. BB23 cast information and photos were revealed today. It's really coming! Since there are 16 of them, I'm breaking it into two parts and it's still lengthy. You might want to go get a tasty beverage and settle in! Part Two will be up in a few hours.

Alyssa Lopez
Alyssa is 24, will be 25 on July 17. She's from and still resides in Sarasota, FL. She's a swimwear designer who has plans to release a swimwear line. She might do well in physical comps -- she did gymnastics for ten years. Her Bachelor's degree is in Broadcast Production and she has her drone aircraft license -- neither of which will probably help her in the hamster house.

Azah Awasum

Azah is from and currently residing in Baltimore, MD. She's 30. She's a Director of Sales Operations, company not mentioned. Her name means "able to make friends." We'll be the judge of that! Oh my -- her grandfather was a polygamist with six wives and 47 children. Yikes! She attended a Messianic Jewish primary school and loved to travel before COVID. Don't think any of that will help her this summer. I do love the old school 'fro!

Brandon "Frenchie" French

Frenchie-Brandon is 34, originally from Camden, TN and currently residing in Clarksville, TN. He's a farmer with a two-time grand national champion bull. He was very athletic at 13, winning a national NFL punt, kick and pass competition. He's prior military. The only thing he's scared of is his rooster! (I understand!) But, what's most interesting in this increased diversity cast -- he's a proud card-carrying member of the NAACP. Hmm. He just might be a contender. It will depend on personality and threat level.

Brent Champagne

Brent is a flight attendant, age 28. He's from and still resides in Cranston, RI. He's a former D1AA Collegiate Athlete although I'm not quite sure what that is. He's also formerly the Yolanda Vega of Rhode Island! Er, sorry, she's the New York one. I mean to say that he formerly was the Live Lottery Television host for Rhode Island. He won his first car, a 2008 Honda Civic in a video making contest. He has his own fishing website. I'm not sure how much any of that will help him win, maybe the athletics.

Britini D'Angelo

Britini, who I rhyme in my head with bikini so I spell it right, is a kindergarten teacher raised in Niagara Falls, NY and still there. She's 24 and apparently very smart. She won both the Niagara Medal (voted on by the members of the senior class as the individual who represents Niagara University the best) and the Senior Medal (Valedictorian – Perfect 4.0 GPA across 2 Degrees) at Niagara University. Oh my, the first to win both in 162 years. She has her Master's and all kinds of certificates, as well as a black belt and she dances and and and ... Dang, I hope she doesn't talk as much as she writes about her accomplishments. She just went on and on about how smart and great she is. Hmm

Christian Birkenberger

Christian is 23 and currently residing in Harwinton, CT. I don't know where he's originally from. Maybe raised by wolves with that hairstyle. He's a general contractor assistant. He can ride a unicycle, his pupils are two different sizes, he likes chicken and waffles, he has had only one girlfriend and he can do multiple flips. I already like him better than I do Britini. 

Christie Valdiserri

Christie is 27, originally from Philadelphia, PA, currently living in North Hollywood, CA. She's a professional dancer. She's been a vegan for 3.5 years and a pescatarian for ten. Instead of bragging that she was graduated from Penn State early she gave a "lol" when mentioning it. Hear that, Britini? When she was 15 she started a dance company called Diva Dance in her parents' basement. She has11 piercings, five done by herself. I think I might like her.


Claire Rehfuss

Claire Rehfuss is 25. an AI (Artificial Intelligence, I assume) Engineer living in NYC but originally hailing from Chagrin Falls, Ohio. We now have our definitely alpha-WOMAN in the house. She's an ubersuperfan with an online presence, her own popular Survivor online game, creates crosswords and might just be the first one to make a women's alliance actually work. She "wants to target the alpha males and team up with her fellow “black widows” to clear a path to finale night." 

In the article I read at the Big Brother Network, she shows extensive BB knowledge even dating as far back as BB2. Why the heck didn't she make first cut? Sheesh! 

Derek Frazier

Oh, cool. Derek is "Smokin" Joe Frazier's (the boxer) son. He's 29 from Philadelphia and still living there. He's a safety officer. Now, Christie above is also from Philly and only two years younger. Do they know each other? Probably not. Philly is a big city with many schools. Scratch the thought of high school -- he went to a military boarding school. We'll find out. He can fall asleep sitting up or standing. Hey, my cat can do that! He must be quite strong as he goes on about bench presses and such. That isn't always a plus in the comps in BB. He LOOKS like a safety officer, doesn't he?

Part 2 with the remaining hamsters can be found here at this link.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

BB23: No Cast Information Release Today

 ... now they are saying tomorrow. CBS put up a tweet saying so. 

So it must be true.

Remember last season ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

BB23: Some More Information ...


Oh, we're getting close now. A week from tomorrow is the live Big Brother 23 season premiere! The cast reveal is set for tomorrow. Yes, of course I will be posting on that! Unfortunately (at least, in my opinion), Allison Grodner is still the executive producer. While CBS is pretty much demanding diversity in the form of around 50% people of color on reality shows, there is nothing said about age diversity -- something this show is woefully lacking. With her at the helm, I expect more hamsters will look great in bikinis than not.

I found an interesting interview with Grodner at this link. Here are some tidbits gleaned from it:
  • The theme for the season is actually BB Beach Club. It's to be set up like a Vegas boutique hotel. Yeah, you know all those beaches in Vegas, right?
  • Apparently gambling of some sort or other will be a thing this season. Hmm. That's not really my favorite thing.
  • No, absolutely none, returning players! She said a few superfans, some fans and some who don't really know the show at all.
  • In the live 90-minute season premiere, the hamsters will be split into teams, vying for team captain AND there will be an HoH comp.
  • The team captains supposedly get a "snapshot" of the hamsters and decide who they want on their team. I'm not sure if they have to split it male/female, but I hope so. We don't need a pure alpha-male team of four!
  • Yes, I said teams. There will be four teams of four (16 hamsters this season). At least that should reduce house votes! Grodner also points out that it will cut down the large alliances ruling the game. True dat.
  • An excerpt from Allison Grodner in the linked article: This season, our theme is full of risk-versus-reward dilemmas. We're dialing up the risk, hoping and anticipating the houseguests are faced with decisions they've never really had to make in the Big Brother house before.  -- Okaaayy ...
  • Julie Chen-Moonves will be making a "double or nothing offer" that cannot be refused (but surely will be by most) at the end of the live episode. I'm thinking it might be a bribe to quit. We don't expect an eviction the first night.
  • Hmm ...

Monday, June 21, 2021

Long Time, No Blog -- BB23 Starts Soon!


So ... how have you been?

Before we get really into things BB23 -- I received notification that Feedburner will be eliminating email notifications to anyone subscribed in July. Oh noes! Offhand I don't really know of another service. I will have to research that. What I can suggest is using my social media notifications on either Facebook or Twitter. I always link my posts to those platforms as soon as they're published. Here's the info -- My Twitter and my Facebook Big Brother Page. (Click on the links.) You can always sign up for my personal FB page but I only post show night links there, not the live feeds and other links.

What's the latest news about the show?!?!

Unfortunately, the latest news is that there isn't much news. Hmm ... let's see ...

  • Julie Chen-Moonves will be hosting as she has done every season.
  • No house images have been released yet.
  • CBS has new criteria for diversity on their reality shows. But I bet we still won't see a lot of diversity in ages! (Grr.)
  • According to various sources, the casting has been finished and the new hamsters and alternates have started their pre-season sequesters which include a two-week quarantine due to Covid precautions and a third week of regular sequester. They will once again be tested for Covid prior to entering the house.
  • The season premiere is set for Wednesday, July 7 at 8pm ET/PT and will be 90 minutes.
  • The regular weekly shows are to be an hour and are scheduled for: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursdays all at 8pm ET/PT, followed by Love Island (gag).
  • CBS All Access has changed to Paramount Plus. Same feeds venue, different name.
  • RUMORS: All new cast, theme for the show and the house is BB Rebirth or New Beginnings. No one goes home the first night and an HOH will occur in the premier. These rumors I can't really verify other than they're coming from a fairly often reliable spoilers source.
More news as I get the news ...