Sunday, July 16, 2006

'Big Brother 7 - All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Overnight Into 7/16

Like the Roman Empire, alliances are crumbling throughout the Big Brother house. Well, perhaps not crumbling, per se. Maybe changing would be a more apt description. Okay. Let me start over again. Like a perpetual motion machine, the alliances are... Oh, that's not working, either. One more try. Big Brother, who's on first? No, what's on second...!

Without further ado, here are the important, yet possibly confusing, events from the overnight in that House of Big Brotherly Love:
  • Remember, in my previous entry, I told of Kaysar's long and heartfelt talk with Nakomis. Her honesty and integrity seemed to impress him. Will it change his mind about the target this week? Or is a backdoor plan already in motion and she's not in the mix anyway? Like sand through the hourglass...
  • Will/Mike developed a new game trying to kick balls into Howie's family jewels. Boys will be boys.
  • Marcellas and Erika seem to have gravitated together.
  • Danielle told Erika that Nakomis keeps her word, but Diane doesn't. Erika thinks that if Diane (and the alleged Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance with Jase) stays, she'll target S6 Players and not them. Erika told Danielle that she worked hard to make sure she (Danielle) stayed in the house.
  • Mike was running by the pool, fell and hit his back and head. Flame/clouds for a while, but he's okay. [Editor's note: 2 weeks in and the injuries are racking up -- Alison's head bonk in the POV Comp, George's back in the first HOH Comp, Erika's ribs in the food comp and now Mike's back and head.]
  • James said nominating people is harder this year because everyone gets along pretty well and likes each other. [Editor's note: And, how many people has James nominated this year? Um, none?]
  • James, Janelle and Howie had a long strategy talk. James thinks that Kaysar is afraid of Will/Mike and won't make important moves this year. He thinks Kaysar compromised the group to look out for his own best interests. Janelle admitted that Kaysar made a deal -- if he didn't nominate a Chilltown, they wouldn't go after him. James is very upset that Kaysar didn't confide in him regarding the nominations and he feels he's on his own again. He also thinks Diane and Nakomis are more trustworthy than Will/Mike. He thinks Kaysar is more worried about how he's perceived than how he plays the game. They all think Jase has slipped right in with the new Chilltown.
  • Janelle told James that Kaysar's deal with Chilltown was meant to make them not trust one another. [Editor's note: Okay, I haven't a clue how that would be better than just ridding the house of one of them.]
  • Kaysar told Erika to leave the nominations be. James and Co. want her to save someone and change the game around.
  • Even Kaysar's strongest support, Janelle, is upset with the nominations and the deal with Chilltown.
  • James and Janelle confronted Kaysar. Now Kaysar wants to save Nakomis. [Editor's note: As he should! She would be a much more worthy ally than either Mike or Boogie, and thinks along the lines of Kaysar even if right now her target is S6 Players. That's basically because they're the strongest alliance in the house.]
  • Kaysar wants to try to make a deal with Nakomis that Diane will go home. Janelle thinks it would be better to veto and put up Mike, he goes. Janelle thinks that if Diane stays, she will work with Mike/Will. They all think that if Nakomis makes any sort of deal, she'll stick with it.
  • Kaysar still wants to send Diane home, keep friction going between Nakomis/Jase and Marcellas/Danielle to take the focus off of the S6 Players.
  • Janelle and James said that they would have to accept Nakomis as "one of us" if they save her. [Editor's note: Remember, Howie despises Nakomis and James ain't too thrilled with her, either.]
  • When BB told the HG to check the storage room, like a miracle... more alcohol. @@ - Must roll the eyes. Must.
  • Then most of the HG played charades. For a very long, long time.
  • James keeps on whining about Kaysar making bad decisions, claims Kay wants them to do his dirty work. He thinks they should put a plan in place to save Nakomis because she's the smarter player and will fit in well with the S6 alliance. He thinks Diane's off the deep end and will go for them.
  • Like I think, the S6 Players all seem to think that Nakomis is someone who'd stick to her word and Diane isn't.
  • The HG thinks the producers are upset because their personas have changed -- Will isn't such the Evil Doctor, etc. That got us flame/clouds... with bad music.
  • Will blatantly made a banana split in front of those who can only eat BB Slop supposedly in an effort to entice one to eat, thus getting a penalty nomination. It didn't work.
  • Marcellas thinks he could win on Survivor. [Editor's note: Another @@ needed. I can just see him with bugs and nasty stuff, right.]
  • Kaysar was the last one still up. He did his prayers and looks very troubled.

In other news, Happy Birthday Mike Boogie. There, I said it. Only to be nice, y'know. I don't want Chilltown coming after me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Since POV 7/15

<--- America's Got Talent

It's been an odd day for the live feeds. It seems there's someone manning a BB camera with a quick trigger finger for blocking. The slightest perhaps violation of maybe singing a song brings up the flame/clouds with or without trivia, but always with bad music. Plus, the cams have been all focusing on one person or one room instead of providing any variety. Heck, if I didn't know others existed, I'd think Diane, Nakomis and perhaps Marcellas were the only houseguests. With the exception of very brief showings of the others, that's who I've been seeing for the most part.

Here are some of the more interesting things going on in the House of Damsels in Distress:

  • Kaysar said something about Diane making the house uncomfortable in the nomination speech and that's upsetting Diane. She thinks it's a sign that they want them out.
  • Danielle talked at length about her various jobs and how things always work out for the best in the long run.
  • The HG are really experimenting and requesting things to spice up the BB Slop.
  • George deep-fried the BB Slop and that seemed popular.
  • Diane talked about being a stand-in on NCIS for a few months. [Editor's note: But she earlier claimed to never have gotten her SAG card? Huh?]
  • James is working Diane for some reason. I don't know if he's trying to get information for S6 or for his own odd agenda. He told her it was his idea to nominate Danielle. He also went on about S6 Players betraying him in that season. What's he up to? Anyone know?
  • Marcellas told Diane he's working the house to try to have her stay. He suggested she tell the S6 Players she won't target Janelle if she stays.
  • James told Kaysar that Mike/Will told him they're worried about one of them being a planned backdoor move this week. When he asked Kaysar how they were voting, Kaysar said, "Nakomis." [Editor's note: I'm beginning to think a backdoor might very well be in progress, but no one would ever tell James.]
  • Will told Diane that they're working for her to stay.
  • Danielle asked James who Kaysar wants out. He told her he didn't know, but he personally was voting Nakomis.
  • The BB contract says houseguests can be on food restrictions for up to four weeks in a row.
  • We watched Danielle sleep for a while... on all four feeds. The greens were nice, at least.
  • Small talk going on now, Nakomis and Kaysar. Not strategy talk, small talk.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Winner

No one seems to be wearing the POV necklace, but:
  • Howie told Erika she's good at golf
  • Neither Nakomis or Diane won it as they're complaining.
  • Diane said one of the "friends of HOH" won it and won't use it.
  • James is talking with them, so he didn't win it.
  • Either Nakomis or Diane said "she" won't use it.
  • The feeds have been only on Nakomis, Diane, Danielle and James since they came back.

Thus, right now I'm assuming Erika won POV. I will update confirmation when I have it.

Update: Confirmed, Erika won POV. I don't post things as confirmed until I have definite proof, not "she" or iffy things. The evidence was strong enough that I felt secure posting it, but I always feel much better with direct evidence and now, it's been actually said by name on the feeds.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Overnight And Into The Day 7/14-7/15

I so want the fishtank from last year back, I really do! It had a peaceful gurgle, no hyped-up new Big Brother television show theme song. The new music comes on so loud that it's jarring when it hits. And, of course, I can be watching a conversation on one feed cam and, unbeknownst to me, on another feed cam someone will sing or something -- then the music and block-out goes to all cams. Argh.

But, you didn't come here to hear me fuss about the music, right? You want to get the skinny on the late night, overnight and today so far. Here you go:
  • Marcellas is convinced that Will/Mike will go after Janelle in their Master Plan.
  • The HG were given an opportunity to practice for the POV Comp. They got to play with oversized golf clubs. Woohoo, thrilling. They think the actual comp will be more challenging than their practice. They don't know exactly what BB will do with the game.
  • Danielle said she heard the feeds were very addicting. She heard right. ;-)
  • Nakomis dyed her hair a reddish-orange. [Editor's note: I guess that's better than green. And, I wonder if Brittney from BB1 still has multi-colored hair. Will George dye his something other than his green and yellow?]
  • BB gave the houseguests beer and wine.
  • Will noticed that the medication prescribed for Erika is lidocaine and called the BB doctor a quack. [Editor's note: He's right. Lidocaine treats skin conditions and won't do much for a bruised or fractured rib. About all that will help her would be an actual pain med and/or taping.]
  • Janelle says she doesn't believe in the Mr. and Mrs. Smith Alliance (see previous entries - Jase, Diane and Alison), but she now thinks Jase is in cahoots (my words, not hers) with Will/Mike.
  • When Howie told Kaysar that everyone was talking about Mike making a deal with S6, Kaysar told him all was going as planned -- make Mike look like the bad guy. [Editor's note: Huh? Wha...? I'm not quite getting Kaysar's logic on this one.]
  • Will wondered if Nakomis and Diane were nominated because they were the two votes against Danielle.
  • Will also wonders if she's kept, Nakomis may ally to take out S6 Players. Jase pointed out to him that Nakomis plays the game (took him out) and Diane basically has no game plan.
  • Janelle and Howie prefer the PB&J, yet the BB Slop isn't making the dramatic debut the producers probably hoped.
  • Then there's James. He's trying to get close to Danielle and "sharing" thoughts casting shadows on Erika (hanging out with New Chilltown, can't be trusted) and Kaysar (different noms than he was told). [Editor's note: Unless I missed it, Kaysar told NO ONE his choices before the noms. Is James trying to be Danielle's new Jason? Will it work? She's being pretty close-mouthed with him, yet listening to every bit.]
  • Diane trashtalked Howie and Janelle. That will help her, huh?
  • Diane and Nakomis are sure that Janelle is the ringleader of the SG Players.
  • Janelle and Howie are convinced Jase is with New Chilltown.
  • This morning has mostly been flame/clouds trivia (with bad music) as the houseguests played for the Veto Comp.
  • Competing in the Veto will be the two noms (Diane and Nakomis), the HOH (Kaysar) and Will, Erika and James as the "random" players.
  • Erika is feeling a bit better - her side still hurts when she laughs.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feed Report - Into the Evening 7/14

Hmmm... a Big Brother house where the HOH feels bad about having to nominate people for eviction?

Has the show gone namby-pamby on us?

Here's what happened since the feeds returned after an extremely long block out due to the nomination ceremony:

  • As I mentioned, Diane was crying; she was super-crying. After all, James had just told her prior to the ceremony that from what he heard, she was safe. [Editor's note: He might want to have those ears checked, eh?]
  • Nakomis is being Diane's shoulder to cry on. Um, wake up, Diane... she's in the same boat! She's the other nomination and, probably more likely to be evicted.
  • Nakomis is taking it well. She's not happy, of course. But she's not freaking out.
  • Marcellas is Diane's other outlet. He's sympathetic.
  • Diane said she's glad she was nominated by someone nice and smart like Kaysar instead of Howie.
  • Kaysar feels bad and is upset. He doesn't like hurting people.
  • Janelle thinks the oatmealish-protein BB Slop is bland. They've taken to livening it up with honey, strawberry mix, etc.
  • Howie can't believe the Power Players are still in the game. He said the producers probably want Will to last a longer time for ratings. [Editor's note: Thanks a lot, Howie. You made us get flamecloud trivia. With bad music!]
  • Diane fussed about not having her SAG card and ruining her chance to change her life.
  • Danielle and Marcellas had a bonding moment. Will it last?
  • Even Will tender-talked the Crying Diane.
  • Kaysar got his hookah back as a HOH present.
  • Danielle said that if she wins POV, she'll save Diane. Both Diane and Nakomis agree that if either wins, it only makes sense to save yourself. Marcellas heartily agreed with that.
  • Rumors abound amongst the HG (okay... Diane, Marcellas, Nakomis) that Mike Boogie has a deal with the S6 Players.
  • While Jase is being relatively quiet, Howie keeps telling Janelle that he's in with the New Chilltown. She still doesn't believe it. Howie cautions her not to share ANY info with Jase. [Editor's note: For once, Howie might be thinking.]
  • Janelle told Howie that James still can't be trusted. [Editor's note: Duh. He's James. Of course he can't be trusted. Does Howie need to be told that?]
  • Janelle trusts Nakomis. Howie hates Nakomis. What an alliance!
  • Diane told Marcellas she's living out of her car and this was her one big chance and dream to change her life. [@@ - calls for an eyeroll!]
  • Marcellas also questioned Janelle about when they were taking Danielle out. He thought she was the next target. [Editor's note: Is Janelle HOH, Marcellas? You're dealing with The Alliance Which Couldn't Shoot Straight. Their strategy is all over the place.]
  • Will, the doctor, is shocked he's in a backyard smoking a hookah.

And there ya go.

Friday, July 14, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations

Diane and Nakomis have been nominated by Kaysar.

Diane is crying. "I'm not a cut-throat all star!"

More as things develop.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Friday 7/14

So far, the really big news was the food competition. I covered that here and here.

In other food comp news:

  • Erika is okay. She either bruised or possibly fractured a rib or two. She's back in the house after getting medical treatment (or lack thereof, as the houseguests claim).
  • The BB Slop is some sort of protein drink concoction. They actually seem to like it, possibly more than PB&J.

In other goings-on within The House of Odd Bedfellows and Snorers:

  • Editor's opinion: Will and Mike are right. Howie is getting too full of himself and cocky. Power seems to go to his head and bring out a very different Howie. He thinks if someone else like Kaysar wins, he can just up and win the next week, etc.
  • Like last year, BB announced how many laps in the pool it takes to swim a mile (440). Last year, it seemed like a clue. Who knows this year? Maybe it's a slow clue.
  • Marcellas thinks Danielle kept in touch with other BB houseguests thinking solely of a BB: All-Stars season down the road. [Editor's note: Dang, now he even sees ulterior motives in friendships! When it comes to Danielle, Marcellas thinks every move she makes is a scheme, and with him as a target.]
  • Will acted up again. This time he was spinning on the table like it was a lazy Susan. Nakomis was his partner in crime. He kept it up and shouted, "NO!" when BB told him to quit. "Stop that NOW!"
  • The houseguests fussed and moaned about the overalls for the food comp, but half of them have now added them to their wardrobes.
  • George cheated in the food comp - stuck his hand in.
  • Will feels horrible because he's the one who hurt Erika in the food comp.
  • Nominations are today. [Of course, I'll update!]
  • Mike's birthday is Sunday.
  • Mike and Will tried to convince Kaysar they want in with whatever nominations he makes. They think a "floater" should be evicted. They pointed out that they voted with the house on Alison, but then mentioned a lack of communication. Kaysar seemed to believe them. [Editor's note: Oh, no! Kaysar, don't let yourself get Jenned again!]
  • Janelle later questioned their motives in a talk with Kaysar.
  • James thinks George shouldn't be in the house. At all.
  • Kaysar hasn't even told the S6 Players who he's nominating. He said he hasn't decided.
  • James tried prying him for information, but no go.
  • James thinks that if Mike is evicted, Will would be isolated and no threat. [Editor's note: He thinks Mike's actually running the Evil Dr. Boogie Show.]
  • Kaysar thinks James wants Mike out because Mike's a threat to James. Heh.
  • They were singing and the cameras cut out and now flamecloud trivia (with bad music) has been going on for quite a while. Nomination ceremony? Hmmm... I doubt it, but maybe. It's too long for a singing block.

More when I know it!

Graphics by Zoetawny. Have I said she rocks lately? She does!

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Food Comp Info

Erika must have hurt herself. Will just advised someone that she'll need x-rays.

Make sure to check my previous entry for screen-caps and a bit of information on the food comp.

Here's more:

  • It was rats (fake, I'm sure) they were seeking in the slop trough.
  • They divided into two teams and partnered within the teams.
  • I don't think that was Janelle in my screen shot. Erika? The cameras were once again very jerky, like in HOH last last night.
  • The partners were tied together.
  • The first team to get all their rats eats for the week.
  • The losers get the slop. [Please, Sir? May I have more?]
  • The team with Janelle lost the comp (including Marcellas?). Right now I'm not positive on the teams.

Teams update:

Losing team members: Janelle, Marcelles, Howie, James, Nakomis, and Danielle

Winning team members: Will, Diane, Erika, Mike, Jase, and George

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Food Comp/Screen Caps

The food comp is in progress. It's called "Slop 'Til You Drop."

The backyard is done up in a farm motif and the HG have to stick their heads into a slop trough (like pigs use) in search of something. I'm not sure what they're seeking, but they can't use their hands.

I'm also not sure if it's the whole house or they're divided into teams. The feeds went on briefly -- Quad Cam above, then Janelle and Mike Boogie. I'm also not sure of the punishment food.

It went to flameclouds. And, as I typed this, the feeds returned for a moment -- the comp is over. Now flameclouds again. With bad music.

An update will be posted when I know more.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into 7/14

Ah, and so it begins. With the first eviction and then a second HOH win involving an S6 houseguest, the divide betwixt our hamsters is beginning to grow.

Here's what happened during the overnight hours:
  • Will and Mike must have said a half dozen times how much Howie changed with "power." "It's like he's a different person. He was funny and a clown, now he's nasty and gloating." Yep, that's Howie!
  • Kaysar, Janelle and Howie wonder why, if James is "with" them, he doesn't hang out with them. He claims he does. They don't really trust James, not at all.
  • The HOH bedroom was completely redone for Kaysar. I wanted to take a screen cap for you, but it was like the cameraman was drunk -- spinning around, focusing in and out on the HG, etc.
  • Mike Boogie quote: "The Nerd Herd is going to seem like Sesame Street."
  • Will and Mike worked on Erika to align her with the Non-S6 Alliance.
  • Howie is still pushing for a Nakomis nomination.
  • Howie said any information given to Jase goes right back to Will and Mike.
  • The core group of S6 players noticed the "floaters" weren't coming around the HOH room after the initial new room excitement.
  • Janelle wondered more about the rumored Mr. And Mrs. Smith alliance and Nakomis involvement with it. (A set-up alliance pre-show with Alison, Jase and Diane.)
  • Kaysar wants to make Jase feel safe, not necessarily be safe.
  • Kaysar thinks Nakomis thinks three or four moves ahead in her strategy.
  • Janelle wants to make a deal with Nakomis.
  • Off with The Others, Will is claiming that if they lose the food comp, he'll eat anyway just to get a penalty nomination since "I'm going to go home anyway."
  • Kaysar said the Marcellas needs to be public about his alliance with S6 Players if he's going to reap the benefits of it.
  • Kaysar pointed out that unless the Smith Alliance is real, if Nakomis goes home, Diane will be playing solo.
  • Janelle and Kaysar discussed the pros and cons of nominating Nakomis and Diane.
  • Kaysar told Erika he wasn't trying to win HOH, but did.
  • They think George is cooking and cleaning to stay in the house.
  • Kaysar's music for HOH is Norah Jones. They had to tell Howie who she is.
  • Jase thinks he was nervous and sounded dumb in his Julie Chen live show interview.
  • Nakomis told Janelle she threw Alison a sympathy vote and that she thought she would be the only one.
  • There's a new HOH bedroom rule this season that people can't sleep on the floor in there. Thanks, Maggie and Co.!
  • The S6 Players tried to come up with a new name for their alliance.
  • Howie thinks Jase is 100% in with the new Chilltown, but Janelle doesn't think so.
  • Marcellas thinks he'll be targeted before Janelle and that the Others actually want to keep the Big Players in the game.
  • Marcellas said the Internet audience will like them because they stay up late and give them something to write about. [Editor's note: Who? What? Writers on the Internet? What a novel idea!]
  • They're fussing that BB will make them get up early, but Marcellas and Co. are still up as I post this report. @@

More later today!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - After The Show 7/13

<---Janelle and Jase in the backyard a little while ago.

The feeds came back about ten minutes after the live show finished here on the East Coast. Someone asked in a comment earlier why Nakomis left such a surly goodbye message for Alison and I'll address that here. Nakomis voted for Alison to stay. When she made the deal with her, she warned her to keep quiet or she'd blow it. She didn't and she did. So, in Nakomis' mind, Alison's eviction is her own darn fault.

To the feeds:
  • Janelle thinks Alison called her "fat" on the show. She's upset. [Editor's note: Janelle herself has talked about how much weight she gained last season.]
  • Danielle said Alison called her last season when Janelle was voted off. She and Nakomis think Alison was jealous of Janelle.
  • Howie and Will think the show must have great coverage of them following each other around. Both like air time.
  • Howie told Kaysar that if he puts Will on the block, he should be up there with him because everyone obviously thinks Will is smarter than he is. And, if he isn't smarter than Will, he shouldn't be in the house. [Editor's note: @@ Just an eyeroll, Howie, just an eyeroll.]
  • Jase says the house isn't as exciting this time around.
  • Howie, Kaysar, James and Janelle were talking about the upcoming food comp. When Diane entered the room, they all went "Shh." [Editor's note: Will they be making Diane the new April?]
  • Howie warned Kaysar not to tell any "secrets" to Jase.
  • Janelle told Howie and Kaysar that Julie asked her if she trusted her alliance. I didn't see her mentioning that to James! ;-)
  • Nakomis and Diane think James is loyal to S6.
  • Howie went odd for a bit (well, more odd) and screamed "Will loves Howie!" for several minutes.
  • Jase told Janelle that Diane doesn't like her.
  • Diane said the voice in the DR was mean to her when refusing to give them alcohol tonight. "No alcohol on live show nights! No alcohol on Thursday nights!" Since the show is at 5 PM for them, the only thought is the food comp the next day.
  • Will's sure he will be nominated.
  • James wants Nakmis and George nominated while Howie wants Nakomis gone.
  • The houseguests aren't sure if the Sunday show (instead of Saturday) will change the day for nominations. They know the food comp is tomorrow (Friday), but wonder if the noms may be done on Saturday.

That's it for now. Kind of mellow, yet quietly strategic.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Show - 7/13

Tonight marked the season's first live show and its first eviction. Now, of course, since I'm into the feeds (as are most of the blog's readers), often the taped shows hold few surprises. Not that I don't watch them, mind you. I certainly want to see them even when I know what's going to happen.

The live eviction shows are a bit trickier. When the houseguests' votes are filmed the day before, BB tells them not to talk about them or the talkers could receive penalty nominations. This time, I didn't catch anyone directly talking about their vote, but Janelle was saying it would be 8-2 to vote Alison out.

After the show's inevitable recap, tonight's show began with Boogie talking of the "claws being out." Actually, though there is competition, there haven't really been any big brouhahas. Mike thinks that if Alison stays, she'll fight with Janelle because they're both blonde. @@ (Yes, I'm rolling those eyes!)

Alison approached James and it didn't fly. Danielle approached George and told him she'd never put him up or vote for him. A lie? Perhaps, but they made the deal. Alison was shown eavesdropping on James as he told Janelle of her approach, but I can't believe the show didn't show her hiding in the pot at all!

Marcellas likened the choices for eviction as "Which would you prefer? Gonorreah or the clap? How do you choose?"

Julie Chen, who seemed a bit off pace tonight, talked to the New and Improved Jase, who credits his changes to his new love in his life. He also said that with all the big personalities in the house, it's best just to be a bit laidback and observe, let the others sink themselves.

There was a segment with Alison's new boyfriend and Justin, her X from the X-Factor. Of course, they weren't together. Justin certainly knows Alison. He's looking good. The new boyfriend is a doctor, or perhaps just plays one on TV. He thinks she's just great and has matured. The show ended making a fool of him.

They only showed four votes as the show progressed, most likely to stretch it out a bit. Diane for Danielle (eviction), George for Alison, Kaysar for Alison, Nakomis for Danielle. Of course, it would be moot after that point, so Julie just announced it. With a bit of a scare to Danielle, that is. And I'm not sure that was on purpose, either. "By a vote of 8 to 2, Danielle, you are (long pause) safe."

I was more impressed with Alison's behavior in her exit interview with Julie than I've been with her in three reality shows. She actually handled herself quite well. Erika teared up in the goodbye video and Alison seemed genuinely touched. She took her eviction well, but was expecting it.

The HOH comp was called "Alison Rules." Alison was asked several true/false questions about the houseguests and the HG had to answer what they thought Alison would say. The first few questions were simple, but then one took down all but Nakomis and Kaysar. Two questions in and Nakomis had a wrong answer. Julie announced that Nakomis was the new HOH. Nakomis almost sputtered trying to point at Kaysar who just looked all confused. Julie apologized and then announced Kaysar the winner, said it was a mistake.

Off the pace, just a bit.

And, that was it, for the most part. The feeds returned not long after the show and I'm gathering some "schtuff" for a feeds entry.

'BB7: All-Stars' - 7/13 East Coast Update - HOH

One HOH this time and it's... what up KAYSAR.

'BB7: All-Stars' - East Coast Update 7/13 Eviction

By a vote of 8-2, Alison is evicted.

Nakomis and Diane are the two who voted to evict Danielle.

Tonight's (7/13) 'BB7: All-Stars' Live Show Blogging Schedule

As I watch the show here on the East Coast, I'll make quick East Coast Update entries as important events happen, especially for the West Coast show fans who don't like to wait.

To refresh this blog to find the most recent post, hitting JULY over there ---> (on right sidebar) might bring up something you're not seeing on the main page.

You can also see the latest feeds from this blog on the AOL Big Brother page.

Sometime much later on tonight, I'll post a recap/review of the live show events. I have a feeling the feeds won't come back up tonight until after the show has aired in West Coast time, but I'll let you know.

Are you ready, blogguests?

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Today Before Live Show

I was hoping to post a few last minute primping screen caps as the houseguests readied themselves for the live show. Alas, all went to trivia questions (simple ones) with a flameclouds background and... you got it... bad hyped-up music!

I have a few of the questions asked posted here so you can get the idea.

Here's what happened in the house today so far:
  • Danielle was the first houseguest up... even before 8:00 AM! Scary.
  • Nakomis was the first one up for good at about 8:15 AM.
  • They small-talked while eating breakfast.
  • The rest woke up as an indoor lockdown was in progress (which explains Nakomis and Danielle eating in the kitchen).
  • James claimed any man who shaves his legs is a "smuggler" unless he's a swimmer or runner. A smuggler? I haven't a clue.
  • James, Mike and Dani exercised in the gym.
  • Mike told Will all the others are studying house/game facts.
  • Mike hopes Nakomis doesn't win because he wouldn't like her music received for HOH. (This week it seems Dixie Chicks is the big music.)
  • Big Brother yelled specifically at Alison (at least twice) to get up around 11 AM.
  • Janelle told others that BB won't let anyone sleep on the two chaises in the HOH bedroom.
  • Since about 1 PM PT, it's been the trivia questions with a few glimpses of primping. They used to run the feeds pretty much right through up to a few minutes before the show. Sigh. I kept hoping it would change

'BB7: All-Star' - Live Feeds Update - Overnight Into 7/13

This morning, I'm just going to dive right into what those lovable (ahem) houseguests did in the house overnight:

  • They gave shoutouts to people they know. They didn't give me a shoutout.
  • Alison thinks she's going home. She could be very right.
  • They talked about whether or not they'd have catered food after the live show. Some seasons they did, some they didn't.
  • Kaysar thinks Will is more the Nutty Professor than the Evil Doctor.
  • Janelle still hates Maggie. [Editor's note: Hate is a bit strong, I think.]
  • Janelle told Howie he was fat and he said he's going to start wearing a shirt.
  • Lots of sex talk, especially with the guys.
  • Mike acted shocked that people were studying the house for future comps. He didn't know people were playing that "hardcore."
  • Nakomis explained how the six-finger plan worked to Mike.
  • They talked of the banner planes in early seasons.
  • Marcellas is suspicious of Will -- he doesn't believe his talk that he'll throw comps.
  • Marcellas, Howie, Janelle and Kaysar were the Up Half The Night Crew.
  • They ran through house study questions, exciting stuff. 20 ants on the wall, I tell you!
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Today, they'll houseclean and make themselves pretty for the live show.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds - Evening Report 7/12

I thought I'd give you a taste of what live feed watchers are all too familiar with even this early in the season. This is what I call the flame/clouds. They're constantly billowing accompanied by a hyped-up Big Brother theme music loop. I heard Erika say that the feeds focus on the fireplace loop in the living room when the show wants to block them. How she knows what it focuses on, I haven't a clue. She shouldn't know, I wouldn't think.

As for the music, I caught myself bopping my head to it earlier today. Eep. I think I have a problem. Is there a 12 Step Program for this? I'm also losing my mind (hush, those who say I lost it long ago!). In an earlier entry, I posted I didn't think the votes had actually taken place. D'oh. Thanks to a commenter, it all came back to me as if it were yesterday -- until the numbers come down, the votes are filmed the day before. I can't believe I forgot that. A mind is a terrible thing to lose, isn't it?

Here's the skinny on what I felt were important or interesting happenings in the house this evening:
  • Jase said very nice things about Cowboy. [Editor's note: He may be a nice person, but I'm still glad he's not in the house this season.]
  • Will claims that if he wins HOH, he'll disagree with the other HOH over the nominations so he'll go up on the block and go home. Jase thinks he's just playing a strategy and wants to play the game.
  • People (Janelle, Jase and others) keep talking about nominating Chicken George, mainly because he doesn't fit in. But, most agree that he can be fun. [Editor's note: See, we don't need Cowboy - George took his place.]
  • Will made Howie promise that if wins HOH, he'll put him (Will) up on the block. If they win (Will and Howie), both end up on the block.
  • They talked about movies. Yawn.
  • They talked bars, foreign Big Brother shows, foreign cities. Yawn, yawn, yawn.
  • Danielle told Mike and Will about the Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance (Diane, Jase, and Alison). See my previous entry for more details on that rumored alliance.
  • Mike doesn't understand Janelle's popularity with the show fans. He likens her to Tonya.
  • Will wants to go home before sequester -- says he has to get back to work. Or, at least that's what he's telling folks. Act or not? I say ACT.
  • Diane and Nakomis talked about the vote being 8-2 and wondering if people will know it was them voting to keep Alison. [Editor's note: I think Diane voted for Alison to stay, but I'm not so sure about Nakomis.]

That's the goods for now. Usually, when the votes have already been cast (d'oh...still can't believe I forgot they're taped this early in the season), it's peaceful in the house. I'll post an entry in the morning about the late night and overnight hours, but the day itself should be on the quiet side. The live show day is usually full of housecleaning and primping like they're going to be on national TV or something. Well, this crew is a bunch of slobs, so the house really needs a lot of work. They don't seem to care how many of us are looking at the mess every day. Sheesh!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Afternoon 7/12

As the hours to eviction dwindle down, have there been fisticuffs? Spats? Houseguests in thorny snits?

Well, no. This group isn't anywhere near the anomosity we've seen other seasons, particularly last season. No throwing down of chairs (except for whatever act Will's playing), no clenched fists accompanied by glares that could kill on their own.

Here's the lowdown of the happenings from the live feeds this afternoon:
  • Some of the houseguests are talking as if the voting is already done. True, they've all been being called one by one to the DR (Diary Room), but they also tape good-bye messages. The votes should be live tomorrow night unless BB changed things around.
  • Mike Boogie claims that Marcellas told him that both he and George voted to evict Alison. He thinks that Danielle is working with the S6 alliance to send him and Will home.
  • Danielle imitated Jase walking around saying, "Alliance! I need an alliance! Any twins available for an alliance?"
  • James thinks Erika is backstabbing the S6 crew.
  • Janelle said that it should be a unanimous vote for Alison to go.
  • George's snoring kept Kaysar awake last night. Staying up so late with his buddies sure didn't help any.
  • Jase went around memorizing things in the house -- the number of ants on the wall (now minus two - one Howie broke and one Jase took), the sayings on the walls, etc.
  • The houseguests got the HOH camera and had tons o' fun with it, like a barrel o' monkeys.
  • Ali posed for a shot hiding in the pot where she actually hid eavesdropping last night.
  • They're referring to her escapade as PotGate.
  • Diane said the Internet fans must be bored. (I thank her for her concern. It's actually getting more interesting day by day, much as I thought it would.)
  • They had an outdoors lockdown.
  • Lots of websites talk, again not mentioning me. (Sniffle.)
  • They still don't know what will replace PB&J and speculation is running amok.
  • Diane doesn't know the meaning of "lethargic." Jase and Howie told her. (@@ -- rollin' them eyes at Diane!)
  • James and Janelle had a long, long talk about last season. She said that she and Michael were so wrong for each other, but she didn't realize that when she was in the house. He likes to go out; she likes to stay home and watch movies. Just two totally different types of people.
  • Janelle told Jase that people want to put George up for eviction. He likes the idea.

That's the height of today's excitement. A thrill a minute, I tell ya! But, honestly, they are getting more interesting to watch.

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feed Report and Screen Caps Today (7/12) So Far

What up, Kaysar and Company?
<--- George and Marcellas exercised together this morning. Now, where else but in the Big Brother house can you watch a middle-aged white guy who dresses funny exercise with a black gay guy who likes fluffy white bathrobes?

I dunno. If George's outfit wasn't shorts, I'd say he mimicked a Catholic school girl's uniform. Scary, ain't it?

Today, in Da House:

  • Big Brother actually woke up the houseguests fairly early -- before 8:30 AM their time (PT) by blasting Sheryl Crowe music. Not that we live feeders get to hear it, of course. We get flame/clouds and bad music and then depend on the houseguests to spill the beans later.
  • Diane told Erika she'd be glad with the outcome no matter which of the nominations gets evicted.
  • Nakomis talked to Diane about working with Will and Mike Boogie, but told her to tell no one.
  • The houseguests are all talking about Alison hiding in the pot with the pillow on her head eavesdropping for two hours last night. Antics like that aren't going to help her in the vote tomorrow.
  • Danielle, however, cooked everyone pancakes for breakfast. A much better strategy indeed.
  • Erika told Mike he needs to chill. He's playing the game too hard and will appear on the radar if he doesn't back off a bit.
  • From Erika and Mike's conversation, now it looks like the vote is swinging almost unanimous that Alison will be evicted. Of course, that could change in the next moment.
  • Erika thinks the two HOH will continue throughout the game.
  • James wonders if the HOH rules are made up as the show goes week three HOH, the week after...
  • James warned Howie that "Erika's not totally with us" as he saw her discussing the vote with Mike.
  • Marcellas thought he was going to be a big TV actor after his season. He learned the harsh reality of being on reality television.

The cameramen were apparently bored as the houseguests were being rather... um, boring... in the backyard. They took turns focusing on sunglasses. Here are Diane's Coco Chanel peepers.

James always looks like he's scheming, doesn't he? He's listening to a plane fly overhead.

Right now the talk has evolved somehow into Boston Rob.

No! No! Stop it!

It's bad enough Alison is haunting me.

More later!

Easy Feeds Access to This Blog and Thank You, AOL!

Folks, if you're having trouble figuring out the feeds for this blog, there is a solution. As many of you know, I'm indeed a longtime AOL Member. AOL has been kind enough to put this blog's feeds on their Big Brother television feature page. This is accessible to anyone on the Internet, not just AOL Members.

Whenever you visit that page, my most recent blog entry should be listed. A tip of the hat to AOL and a huge thank you!

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Evening/Overnight 7/11 into 7/12

I don't think BB was quite prepared for all the reminiscing betwixt seasons that we're seeing. In a way, it's kind of interesting and gives us a bit of an "insider" point of view on the show. But, the extent of the "insider" talk tends to drone on and on. And on and on. Heck, I like the scheming! So, let's go for it -- the most interesting bits on the feeds from last night and through to this morning.

  • Mike keeps acting as the mouthpiece for Will -- the other HG think of Mike/Will as one and the same. He tried to get Kaysar to ally with him, but Kaysar saw through the doubletalk and pointed out that he wasn't even telling him anything -- not even the eviction vote choice.
  • Danielle told James she wouldn't target the S6 next week.
  • James wants to target Chicken George. [Editor's note: I'm wondering why some think of George as such a threat. He could easily be removed at any time in the game. He's not good at comps and isn't a part of any huge alliance. If I were in the house, I'd consider him as fluff I could blow away at any time. I'd go to break up the power players.]
  • Marcellas and Janelle had a really long talk. He SO wants Danielle out, but it's like Janelle has magical powers over him -- he will vote Alison out for her. I think he's in love. Or something. She's got him infatuated and wrapped around her pinkie. Speaking of which, I have seen Nakomis make no pinkie swears yet this season. Cool beans.
  • Howie, for a change, talked about sex. Heh.
  • Jase seems to be instigating Howie's picking on Nakomis bit. As I said, Howie should be careful. Nakomis isn't April.
  • Erika told Janelle that Jase is running around campaigning to save Alison. (He is.)
  • Janelle and Erika claim they trust each other. I would trust no one.
  • Alison once again worked on George. Whether he believes all her lies or not, I don't know. He's the show wildcard -- it's hard to tell how much he actually understands all the devious plays, that wasn't around in his season.
  • George shook hands with Danielle to keep her. Maybe he's devious himself. I guess we'll see.
  • Before the show started, someone who lived with Diane informed Janelle (possibly the whole cast) that there would be a Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance -- Diane studied all the past seasons, was hanging out with Alison and Jase, their alliance was the "Smiths." They supposedly contacted Will and Mike, told them to throw the first HOH so "Smiths" could win, Kaysar and Janelle would go up, Janelle evicted. This is all according to Janelle.
  • Alison hid and eavesdropped on the other houseguests.
  • Howie seems to have a regularly scheduled Rant Against Nakomis bit this season. I feel he's making a huge mistake.
  • Nakomis and Diane seem to have formed an alliance. And, at this time, they're both upset that Alison is talking about different things they said in confidence.
  • Alison tried to work on Erika, telling her she wouldn't be the target if she stays.
  • Janelle told Marcellas she'd choose him over Howie, Kaysar and James if it came to that. Could it be love? Or is it just strategy?
  • Marcellas, perhaps successfully, worked on Nakomis to vote out Alison.
  • James is upset that Janelle talks to Jase too much and tells too much.
  • James talked to Diane about George's probable vote flip-flop. No one is sure where George stands.
  • Howie admitted that Nakomis is a good and smart player. (Of course, that won't stop him from picking on her!)
  • Kaysar told Janelle not to let Marcellas think he has too much power in the house.
  • Once again, some of the HG stayed up for most of the night. They're all asleep as I post this.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Tue. 7/11 Day

Another edge-of-your-seat day of excitement in the BB7 House today!

Well, um... okay, they're still a bit on the boring side, but that's always the case this early in the season.

Here's some of the highlights (and lowlights, and some in between stuff) from today's live feeds up until the time I post this:
  • As the pattern has been going so far, Danielle and Nakomis were the early risers. We're talking early at past 9:30 AM, though. Not early like Jack was.
  • Danielle tried to convince Nakomis to be her partner until the end (sort of like her alliance with Jason). Nakomis wouldn't commit -- said she got involved too early in her own season and got burnt.
  • Most of the rest of the houseguests straggled through by noon their time. [Editor's note: @@ I must give an eyeroll to that. C'mon, BB...set a curfew on these guys! The only good thing about them sleeping in is that I'm home from work not long after they awaken. Sheesh.]
  • BB kept reminding sleeping HG that all lights in the house must remain on during the day.
  • James told Alison he wished he were gay as gay men in the house are never targets. [Editor's note: I think he may be right! None have won, but the past gay guys in the house were never immediate targets. Kind of moot in this season, though. Here, they all know each other's past season strategies.]
  • Nakomis and James seem to be getting along well. They jokingly (or not) made a final two agreement.
  • They still think BB will make them eat bugs instead of PB&J. No bugs eaten yet, no food comps yet.
  • Lots of talks of websites, some exercise, some singing -- flame/clouds!
  • Will told the HG that if they want over-the-counter drugs, they have to ask BB for them now because he can no longer give them out. BB announcement: "Do NOT discuss Diary Room sessions!" Will's reply: "You TOLD me to tell them!"
  • Will said lots of nasties about Internet fans. I'm hurt. I really am.
  • Will also thinks the show (producers) plays favorites. The HG concensus was they do.
  • Erika told Mike that Diane and Nakomis would target him and Will if the S6 players didn't. She told him Diane and Nakomis are lying to him.
  • Mike pried Howie for strategy info...again. He's also saying that James can't be trusted and trying to make the S6 players doubt his status in their alliance. [Editor's note: Duh. They already don't trust James. And, he is working a bit with Danielle. Duh.]
  • Kaysar still wants Alison to be the one evicted this week.
  • Danielle told James that if she stays, she won't target S6 players.
  • Alison tried to get in with George. Now, that shows she's desperate.
  • Nakomis told Marcellas that Alison is sloppy in her lies and that Mike/Will are trying to bully her. She thinks Alison is just a liar, but Danielle is sneaky.

And that's that for now. More later!

Graphic by Zoetawny.

Quick 'Big Brother' East Coast Update - 7/11 Show

A feeds update is in the works, but since the show just finished here in the East, here's the update:
  • As we know, the POV Comp had to do with garbage
  • No, we didn't see Alison get bonked in the head, but I noticed the cage she was talking about as the culprit.
  • Janelle won POV
  • Janelle didn't use POV
  • Danielle and Alison still on the block.

A feeds update and show commentary will be posted later tonight!

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Overnight Into 7/11

Ah, finally... we'll have a new show to watch tonight! And, an eviction on Thursday. I'm still hoping Alison goes, but watching the feeds tells me nothing is certain.

Here's what's been happening since I last posted:
  • Janelle thinks it would be dangerous to keep Alison.
  • Marcellas wanted Janelle to use the veto, put James up with Danielle.
  • Marcellas had a bouncing on the bed pounding it with his fists tantrum because he wants Danielle to go.
  • When asked by Janelle, Kaysar said he was voting for Alison to leave.
  • Will said he likes to make fun of show fans and live feeds watchers.
  • Marcellas and Erika think Janelle needs to cut loose at least one of her alliance members. (Howie?)
  • They've decided that BB will have them eating bugs instead of PB&J this season.
  • Marcellas said that Mike and Will don't need the money, he does.
  • They invented a game called Hopper, hopping on the furniture. BB Voice: "Houseguests, please don't jump on the furniture. We're serious. Thank you."
  • Howie and James think Nakomis is "after them."
  • BB gave them more alcohol.
  • The hot tub is unusable as it's dirty. (Well, clean it! Sheesh!)
  • The other HG felt bad for George because they thought he was sleeping outside (they complained about his snoring).
  • Will told scary stories like kids at a campfire.
  • Alison wants to work on George and Erika to keep the vote from being a tie.
  • All are finally asleep.

And I'm awake.

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'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into The Evening 7/10

At least the house is a bit more interesting now that there's a bit more scheming. I think they've talked every minute, every relationship, of every season since the show's inception. Every time I think they can't come up with more to say about past seasons, they do. But, there's some scheming going on in between the reminiscing. Phew!

Here's the important scheming and a few odd (rubber) ducks thrown in since I last updated:
  • Mike and Will pried Howie for information as to who he's voting to evict and general information. Will says he has a target on his back and knows he won't last long, but will Howie look out for Mike? @@ - I have to start with an eyeroll.
  • Howie told them he trusts James as much as he trusts Will. Heh.
  • Diane told Marcellas that she thinks everyone is voting out Danielle. (Which would thrill Marcellas to no end, but he knows that may not be the case.)
  • She told him that Alison said if she gets HOH, her target is Janelle.
  • Janelle and Howie won't "talk game" with Diane. [Editor's note: I don't blame them!]
  • Diane said Jase won't "talk game" with her, either. [Editor's note: Want to buy a clue, Diane?]
  • Janelle noticed that Nakomis studies the house, but Janelle and Howie have had extended "study" periods for possible comps. Who's she to complain?
  • Will thinks the Olsen twins look like hot troll dolls. Okay...
  • Alison sucked up to Erika more.
  • Alison keeps asking about what Danielle's saying and the point of annoyance.
  • Kaysar told Erika he's not ready to play the game yet. (What's he waiting for? By Christmas, it'll be too late!)
  • Erika told Kaysar she wants to keep Alison.
  • Marcellas wants to break up the S6 group, but Janelle must remain. He likes her.
  • There was an outdoor lockdown - more kickball with the beachball and footraces. Boring!
  • Howie, egged on by James, kissed Will for "camera time."
  • Erika told Mike he's alone in voting to evict Alison.
  • Now even Marcellas is confused who he's voting for. Janelle told him that if Alison stays, her and Nakomis will take over.
  • Marcellas is terrified of Danielle. Janelle points out that Danielle never wins comps -- it's Alison who's the immediate threat.

That's pretty much how we stand. It went from looking at Alison being surely evicted to a "who knows?" situation.

Graphic by Zoetawny.
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Monday, July 10, 2006

'Hell's Kitchen' - Episode 5 -or- "Cooking Like Donkeys!"

Hell's Kitchen
I interrupt your regularly scheduled Big Brother Live Feeds Updates to bring you up to date on the latest Hell's Kitchen. Hey, I've been talking about it each week so far this season; I can't let a bunch of odd people in a house in California stop me now! (I will be posting feeds updates later tonight and early, early in the morning, then again tomorrow evening...I'm talking east coast time here.)

As the show opened, we had seven wannabe chefs, although not suited for fry cooks, contestants remaining out of the original twelve. Thankfully, Tom went the last episode. He should have never been there in the first place! Now I want Sara out of there just because she's an obnoxious, sneaky, so-and-so.

Chef Ramsay treated all of the contestants to what they thought was real fancy-shmancy food. Instead, the caviar came from catfish; the pate was crushed hot dogs; the fondue was Cheez Wiz, and there was a TV dinner in there posing as something as well. All of the contestants went on about how great the food was with Garrett only stumbling for a moment. After being told what they were eating, Keith said, "Hot dogs are slammin'!" No wonder he liked the pate!

The "meal" was a prelude to a taste-test contest between the teams. Blindfolded with headphones, each team member was pitted against another in identifying a spoonful of something. (No one got a spoonful of sugar, although it may have helped the medicine go down.) The women, with one sitting out to even the teams, won. Woohoo, they did a photo shoot for TV Guide.

And, that brings up the creepy Sara again! Argh! She was fondling Ramsay's leg and being blatant about gas during the shoot. What the hell is wrong with that woman? Get her gone!

As the women drank champagne, got all dolled up, and posed pretty, the men had to clean the mess left in the kitchen from the night before. Well, the men and Heather, as Ramsay put her on that team to even numbers. (Back to -- suppose a reality show put on a gender war and nobody came?)

The dinner service as the usual frantic mess as Ramsay yelled, "Where's the lamb sauce?" I don't know. I think if I were there, I could tell him where to put his lamb sauce. There were burnt ducks, well-done Beef Wellington, burnt quail, and even a hair on an entree. Horrors! Ramsay freaked that the teams weren't communicating, yet he certainly doesn't create an atmosphere of open communication. It tends to be like: "Chef, the lamb will be ten minutes!" "Off with your head and serve that on a (#&^%#@ platter!"

Ramsey showed odd familiarity with two of the contestants tonight. First, he took Rachel aside as she was screwing up right and left and gave her a pep talk. Then, it was even more weird with Keith, something about "nobody's ever told you that you could do well." I expected Keith to reply, "Mommy never loved me." Blech.

They actually got the entrees served when Ramsay did his final blow-up "shut down the kitchen" bit. But, both teams had their woes. He decided the Red Team did the worst and that Virginia was the best of the worst. It was up to her to name two nominees to get booted.

Rachel told Heather to win it and go after Sara if she got the boot. And, after a long rambling nomination, Virginia nominated both Rachel and Maribel. Ramsay booted Rachel.

Go get Sara, Heather! You can do it.

Now, the more I watch these characters, the less I'm liking Heather. She was my favorite from the start. She's crumbling, though. I hope the promise to Rachel boosts her back up. I don't like Keith. It looks like Ramsay is liking him more each week, but his whole demeanor oozes burger-flipper, not a top chef. Garrett? Eh, better than Sara or Maribel. Chef Ramsay ought to kick them all out of the kitchen and get in a new cast.

'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - 7/10 Morning/Afternoon

Half the house stayed up more than half the night last night, as I mentioned in my first post today. If they don't watch it, BB will call a "lights out" time as they did in past seasons.

Without further ado, here's the important a-doin's from today:
  • Will and Jase wanted to move George's bed to the backyard as he snores so loud.
  • Janelle, Kaysar and Howie fixed and ate waffles at after 4 AM their time.
  • Howie wants a threatening alliance stance while Kaysar doesn't want a mob approach.
  • Howie and Janelle tried to tell Kaysar that integrity won't get him far.
  • They (H, J, K) think James is working with Danielle. [Editor's note: He is, but who knows how loyal he'll be as his own needs change in the house. He doesn't like Alison and wants Danielle to stay this week.]
  • Janelle told Kaysar and Howie that Marcellas wants in with their alliance.
  • The 'up all night' crew went to bed after 5 AM their time; Danielle was the first 'up for the day' crew person at a bit after 9 AM, then Mike.
  • Mike told Danielle that James is voting to keep her. [Editor's note: Duh. She knew that.]
  • Mike starts working the thought of the S6 alliance being too strong and they must lose some members.
  • BB did Beastie Boys wake-up music at about 10:15 AM their time. BB then told them, "Houseguests, you must clean the bathroom today." -- that's the first I've heard that announcement, but they need it.
  • George tried to form an alliance with Danielle and Nakomis. He's still Odd Man Out. He told them he's suspicious of S6.
  • Will wanted a house meeting to discuss the snorers - George, Howie and James.
  • There was an outdoor lockdown.
  • James and Kaysar had a long strategy talk about S6 being targeted and Danielle being an ally... or not.
  • Will and Mike tried to figure out where Marcellas' loyalty is.
  • Mike wants a tie to louse everything up this eviction.
  • Mike told Howie he wants him in the new "Chilltown" with himself and Will. @@ Have to roll my eyes at the thought of it all!
  • Lots of sleeping in the afternoon. Gee, I wonder why?
  • Mike tried to swing Jase and Marcellas to his alliance.
  • Marcellas called Janelle the "new Amy" and doesn't know if he can trust her to have his back through the game.
  • James found change in his pocket, lied to Janelle and said he found it under the couch cushion. BB took the money away.
  • James is still campaigning to keep Danielle. Marcellas still wants Danielle to be evicted.
  • Nakomis had a long, long talk with George and may have him in her pocket. [Editor's note: Smart move -- everyone's ignoring him, for the most part.]
  • Alison campaigned for herself to Erika, not sure if Erika was really caring or listening, maybe just soaking it all in. No promises made.

And, that's where we stand.

Graphic by Zoetawny.
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'BB7: All- Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Overnight 7/09-7/10

Once again, I'll first whine that this crew needs to get more exciting.

Here's some of what happened since I last posted or just stuff of interest (to me, at least):

  • James is campaigning for Danielle to stay more than Danielle is campaigning for Danielle to stay.
  • Erika cried about lost loves to Kaysar.
  • Mike conspired with Diane, the object to get HOH power next week
  • The uncertainty of Ali going this week grows and right now the house seems divided on the vote for eviction.
  • Diane is allying with Ali...or is she?
  • Janelle feels bad having an alliance with Kaysar, but telling Marcellas he's in it until the end -- same with Kaysar and Erika.
  • Lots of past season talk.
  • As I write this, some houseguests are still up making waffles. They should crash soon and probably conk out for most of the East Coast day. BB should institute a bedtime/lights out for them again.


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Sunday, July 09, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Feeds Update (Or Something Like That)

I cannot belive this crew, I just can't. They've all been having fun in the backyard playing with a big ball...for a few HOURS now. Un-freakin'-believable! No scheming, no fighting. They're playing for hours and hours! Argh.

So, here's a Zoetawny graphic inspired by Erika's infatuation with Kaysar (which seems to be cooling a bit).

The biggest news on the news front is that Howie is going all Hurricane, perhaps it's more of a tropical storm right now, on Nakomis. Janelle doesn't approve and Howie's going to find out that Nakomis isn't going to be a whimpering April if he lets loose on her. Supposedly, it dates to her aiming the meteor at him in the HOH comp. He said she made it personal. Whatever. I think this one is all in his mind.

The nominations weren't changed and it seems up in the air who's voting for whom. While it seemed Alison was a sure eviction, it's getting a bit iffy now. Neither Alison nor Danielle are campaigning. On the other hand, Marcellas really wants Danielle out -- "I'm not safe as long as she's in the game."

Waaay too much talk about past seasons. Whenever they try to talk about something relating to this season which interests me (such as their sequester, etc.), we get flame/clouds and bad music. So, they play in the backyard. No, the screaming while playing doesn't get flame/clouds; it'll just get my neighbors to call the cops if I don't keep the volume way low.

In blog stuff: The poll I posted earlier seems to be dropping off Jack votes when you look at the results. He is the discrepancy between total votes and the sum of the others. The last time I looked, it seemed he had 6 or 7 votes. If you haven't voted for the houseguest not in the house who should be there, the poll is here. Go for it! Ivette is leading with Amy on her tail!

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'BB7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Screen Cap - 07/09

<--- Yep, it's a thrill a minute in the Big Brother 7 House, as you can tell from this recent screencap of Jase and Janelle in the HOH room.

Apparently, the POV Ceremony is over as we had extended flame/clouds with bad music. As I start to write from my notes, I haven't heard a word about whether the POV was used. I guess it wasn't as Janelle had previously said she wanted the nominations to stand. I also think BB kept the feeds blocked a long time after the ceremony ended just so live-feeders wouldn't catch the immediate talk and now it's out of their systems. Someone will spill the beans, though. Someone always does.

In their talk (pictured), Janelle was wondering about what to write when they do the HOH Blog on the CBS site. "Nothing's happening. It's boring." Wise woman, that Janelle, very wise. Now they're talking about Danielle being more likable than Alison although Marcellas thinks Danielle is dangerous.

Not a heck of a lot has happened today -- too much talk of the previous seasons and not enough gameplay for this season! Will is creating problems by acting up and singing. Remember, if they sing, the feeds will cut out as it's considered a copyright issue when they air songs over the Internet. Both Janelle and Jase's mothers watch the feeds. (No, I am not the mother of either of them!)

I switched feeds. It seems like the nominations have remained the same. Marcellas, Nakomis and Danielle are talking about DR sessions. Nakomis said Karen wanted to leave. Blah-blah-past season-blah.

In more interesting news, Ivette is really leading in the poll I posted a while ago. Eep! Who woulda thunk it?


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While Awaiting the POV Ceremony...

While awaiting the POV Ceremony to both start and conclude before the next real update, I figured I'd see if a poll would work here.

Who isn't in the house, but should be?

Eddie McGee
Josh Souza

View Results

Make your own poll

Just a note: For some reason, the Jack results aren't showing on the
on the results page. His are the difference between what you see and the total. I also think it may be thinking some of the AOL respondents have already voted. It may go by IP number. That's what I get for using a free poll.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Mini-Report, Screen Cap

About five minutes ago:

"Good morning, Houseguests. The Veto Ceremony will begin in two hours."

So far this morning, most HG are still asleep. Danielle and Nakomis have been talking about family, childhood, children, decorating, and more.

The most worthy quote I can come up with is from Nakomis. "I was an odd child."

Big Brother just told them to get up for the day. He should tell them to be INTERESTING for the day!

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'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Overnight 7/08-7/09

Good morning, good morning! Houseguests, it's time to get up! I'm up, so you should be up!

Er...okay, I'm East Coast and the hamsters are West Coast. I guess they can sleep in a bit longer. But I better see some action today -- a Jedi Warrior uprising, a catfight,...something!

Here's the latest "important doings" from the house since my last entry:

  • Janelle got into a bit of a tiff with Howie because he kept quoting lines from last season. She said it was annoying. [Janie! Blonde bombshell! Oh, Janie!]
  • Will broke one of the dining room chairs while they had it out in the backyard. [Okay, that's one wall bug and one chair dead. I'm going to keep the damages score here.]
  • No banner plane, but... a skywriting plane! Woohoo! Then quick flame/clouds and annoying music. The HG were put in indoor lockdown and apparently (from what Will said) told the "show would be canceled if they stayed outdoors." [Yeah, right. BB just doesn't want "messages" from the outside world!]
  • Once the feeds came back, every time the plane was mentioned, we got the flame/clouds again.
  • Will started talking about the BB psychiatrist, so more flame/clouds. Argh. It's bad enough they start singing to get feeds blocked. He says he wants to talk to him because he has "anger issues." [@@ I have to roll my eyes at that one, have to!]
  • Nakomis wants James out soon -- she doesn't want him to have a grip on the win at all. Both she and Mike think he'll turn on his group soon.
  • Mike says the BB6 folks are "The Evil Empire."
  • George claims he didn't watch the other seasons, yet the others think he knows too much about them.
  • Kaysar thinks they're bored too early this season. [Editor's note: So am I. Action! I want action!]
  • Janelle said George reminds her of a hedgehog.
  • Marcellas got into a bit of a tiff with Danielle about the happenings of their own season. Meow.
  • Will said he's only staying because of Mike and he gives it another week. [Editor's note: Huh, maybe he does want to be nominated!]
  • The HG have reprised the game of "duckball" from Season 3.
  • Will whined that BB won't let him say anything and won't let him see the BB shrink.
  • Janelle and Howie think Erika is going to throw HOH(?) -- at least I think they were talking HOH, not the game itself! ;-)
  • Howie wants Nakomis gone now. He really ranted and ranted about her.
  • Marcellas ranted on about Danielle not deserving anything in BB3.
  • Kaysar said he's enjoying this season more so far -- it's more peaceful. He told Erika and Danielle he has no alliances. [Yeah, right.]
  • Kaysar thinks Will is deliberately causing disruptions and not having "anger issues."
  • Marcellas thinks Howie talks too much and tries to impress people too much. [Editor's note: Pot. Kettle. Black.]
  • Janelle, Kaysar and Marcellas want Monica in the house.
  • Marcellas now likes Nakomis and wants Will gone, fickle soul that Marcellas.
  • Marcellas blames Will for being suckered into the argument with Danielle about their season.
  • Janelle and Kaysar are worried about a tie for eviction this week. They believe the house has several tiny alliances and numbers are uncertain.
  • While Howie has turned Hurricane on Nakomis, both Kaysar and Janelle like her. Their BB6 "alliance" is all over the place and they all want different people gone. Oy!
  • Janelle suggest Erika should be voted out. Howie discouraged it.
  • All are still sleeping at this hour.

Wake up, hamsters! Get runnin' in those wheels!

Graphic by Zoetawny.

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